Ellison Et Al PloS ONE 2012
Ellison Et Al PloS ONE 2012
Ellison Et Al PloS ONE 2012
Family Sarraceniaceae
Aaron M. Ellison1*, Elena D. Butler2, Emily Jean Hicks3,4, Robert F. C. Naczi5, Patrick J. Calie3,
Charles D. Bell6, Charles C. Davis2*
1 Harvard Forest, Harvard University, Petersham, Massachusetts, United States of America, 2 Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Massachusetts,
United States of America, 3 Biological Sciences, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, United States of America, 4 Regulatory Services, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, United States of America, 5 The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York, United States of America, 6 University of New Orleans, New Orleans,
Louisiana, United States of America
The carnivorous plant family Sarraceniaceae comprises three genera of wetland-inhabiting pitcher plants: Darlingtonia in
the northwestern United States, Sarracenia in eastern North America, and Heliamphora in northern South America.
Hypotheses concerning the biogeographic history leading to this unusual disjunct distribution are controversial, in part
because genus- and species-level phylogenies have not been clearly resolved. Here, we present a robust, species-rich
phylogeny of Sarraceniaceae based on seven mitochondrial, nuclear, and plastid loci, which we use to illuminate this
familys phylogenetic and biogeographic history. The family and genera are monophyletic: Darlingtonia is sister to a clade
consisting of Heliamphora+Sarracenia. Within Sarracenia, two clades were strongly supported: one consisting of S. purpurea,
its subspecies, and S. rosea; the other consisting of nine species endemic to the southeastern United States. Divergence time
estimates revealed that stem group Sarraceniaceae likely originated in South America 4453 million years ago (Mya)
(highest posterior density [HPD] estimate = 47 Mya). By 2544 (HPD = 35) Mya, crown-group Sarraceniaceae appears to have
been widespread across North and South America, and Darlingtonia (western North America) had diverged from
Heliamphora+Sarracenia (eastern North America+South America). This disjunction and apparent range contraction is
consistent with late Eocene cooling and aridification, which may have severed the continuity of Sarraceniaceae across much
of North America. Sarracenia and Heliamphora subsequently diverged in the late Oligocene, 1432 (HPD = 23) Mya, perhaps
when direct overland continuity between North and South America became reduced. Initial diversification of South
American Heliamphora began at least 8 Mya, but diversification of Sarracenia was more recent (27, HPD = 4 Mya); the bulk
of southeastern United States Sarracenia originated co-incident with Pleistocene glaciation, ,3 Mya. Overall, these results
suggest climatic change at different temporal and spatial scales in part shaped the distribution and diversity of this
carnivorous plant clade.
Citation: Ellison AM, Butler ED, Hicks EJ, Naczi RFC, Calie PJ, et al. (2012) Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Carnivorous Plant Family Sarraceniaceae. PLoS
ONE 7(6): e39291. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039291
Editor: Sebastien Lavergne, CNRS/Universite Joseph-Fourier, France
Received February 9, 2012; Accepted May 22, 2012; Published June 13, 2012
Copyright: 2012 Ellison et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: Grant-in-Aid of Undergraduate Research from the Harvard University Herbaria; the Harvard College Research Program; NSF grants EF 04-31242 and DEB
05-41680 http://www.nsf.gov/; NSF-Kentucky EPSCoR Program, NIH/NCRR grant P20 RR16481 http://www.nih.gov/; and the L. R. Hesler Award from the University
of Tennessee Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: aellison@fas.harvard.edu (AME); cdavis@oeb.harvard.edu (CCD)
Carnivory has evolved at least six times within the flowering
plants [1,2] and is thought to be an adaption to increase the uptake
of nitrogen and phosphorous in the nutrient-poor, aquatic and
wetland environments where these plants grow [3,4]. The
biogeographic distribution of carnivorous plants presents as
intriguing a puzzle as the evolution of carnivory itself, but far
more attention has been directed at understanding the evolution of
carnivorous plants [2,3,5] than has been directed at understanding
their biogeography. Here, we present the most fully-resolved
phylogeny of the American pitcher-plant family Sarraceniaceae to
date. We use these data to estimate molecular divergence times of
the group and to address a long-standing debate on the
biogeographic origin and the disjunct distribution of these three
via two dispersal events: one into northwest North America and
the other into northern South America [30].
The fifth hypothesis emphasizes vicariance associated with
climatic change [18]. Renner hypothesized that species in this
family were once widely distributed across present-day North and
South America, but she did not specify the time or location for the
origin of the family. She then concluded that the present disjunct
distribution of Sarraceniaceae arose as a result of fragmentation of
this once more widespread range due to climatic changes that
sharply reduced the areal extent of their acidic, boggy habitats
(although these habitats themselves were likely patchily distributed
across the Americas [22]). Such climatic changes are thought to
have occurred during end-Eocene/Oligocene cooling (,3550
Mya [32]) and again during the Pleistocene glaciation and
interglacials (,2.6 Mya 11.5 kya; [3234]).
A better understanding of the phylogenetic relationships within
Sarraceniaceae can help distinguish among these competing
biogeographic hypotheses. Previous studies using plastid (cp) rbcL
[1,22] and nuclear (nu) ribosomal ITS and 26S rRNA sequence
data [22,28] supported similar phylogenetic relationships for the
clade. All three genera were resolved as monophyletic, and
Darlingtonia is placed as sister to the Sarracenia+Heliamphora clade.
Not all of these studies, however, sampled broadly within the
species-rich genera Sarracenia and Heliamphora. Furthermore, those
that sampled multiple species achieved relatively little phylogenetic
resolution within these genera [22,28].
Here, we used cp, nu, and mitochondrial (mt) sequence data to
resolve the phylogeny of Sarraceniaceae. Ours is the first study to
include not only representatives from all three genera of
Sarraceniaceae, but also complete species-level sampling for
Sarracenia, including multiple accessions of the S. purpurea and S.
rubra complexes, which have been described at different times as
distinct species, subspecies, or varieties [14]. We then use these
data to estimate molecular divergence times and ancestral ranges
to infer the biogeographic history of this enigmatic plant clade.
Results from our study also may help to explain the biogeography
of other similarly distributed groups, such as Clintonia (Liliaceae),
Trillium (Trilliaceae), and other forest herbs that exhibit high
diversity in southeastern North America, low diversity in
northeastern North America, and also occasional disjuncts in
western North America [34,35].
Figure 1. Geographic distribution of Sarraceniaceae. Darlingtonia (A) is restricted to western North America, Sarracenia (B) is
widespread in Eastern North America, and Heliamphora (C) occurs in
northern South America [17,27]. Photographs by the authors.
Phylogenetic analyses
Our aligned nu [ITS, 26S, PHYC], cp [matK, psbA-trnH, trnStrnG], and mt [matR, rps3] datasets included 4463, 2317, and 2846
nucleotide base pairs, respectively. All analyses (Figs. 2, 3)
supported the monophyly of Sarraceniaceae and each of the
three genera in the family, Darlingtonia, Sarracenia, and Heliamphora,
with very high support (100 percent bootstrap support [BS]; 1.0
Bayesian posterior probability [PP]). Within Sarraceniaceae,
Heliamphora always emerged as sister to Sarracenia (Figs. 2, 3).
Different samples identified as the same taxon (Table S1) based on
morphology were consistently identified as the same taxon using
sequence data.
The cp and nu phylogenies (Figs. 2A, B, respectively) were
largely congruent with one conspicuous exception: the cp
phylogeny did not place S. purpurea ssp. venosa var. montana D.E.
Schnell & Determann with other members of the S. purpurea
complex; instead, in the cp phylogeny this variety was wellsupported (97 BS; 1.0 PP) as sister to S. oreophila Wherry. This
possible instance of chloroplast capture involving S. purpurea ssp.
venosa var. montana merits additional investigation. In the cp
Figure 2. Maximum likelihood phylogenies of Sarraceniaceae. Phylogenies are based on (A) plastid (matK, psbA-trnH, trnS-trnG); (B) nuclear
(ITS, 26S, PHYC); and (C) mitochondrial (C, matR, rps3) sequence data. ML bootstrap percentages .65 and Bayesian posterior probabilities .0.85 are
indicated at the nodes, respectively. Scale bar shows nucleotide substitutions per site.
Figure 3. Maximum likelihood phylogeny of Sarraceniaceae based on plastid, nuclear, and mitochondrial data combined. Sarracenia
purpurea var. montana was excluded from this analysis (see text). ML bootstrap percentages .65 and Bayesian posterior probabilities .0.85 are
indicated at the nodes, respectively. Scale bar shows nucleotide substitutions per site.
was well-supported (.85 BS, .0.85 PP, except for the southeastern U.S. Sarracenia subclade; Fig. 3) and consistent with relationships inferred from our individual gene trees (Fig. 2). Wellsupported (.85 BS; .0.95 PP) relationships were largely
consistent with the nu phylogeny, but the overall support was
less in the combined tree than in the nu tree alone. The one
exception was within Sarracenia: S. alata+S. minor, which were
weakly supported as a clade in the nu tree, received high BS
support (92 BS, but ,0.85 PP) in the combined analysis.
Additionally, S. oreophila was identified as a moderately supported
(77 BS; ,0.85 PP) sister to S. alabamensis ssp. alabamensis, mirroring
the cp analysis.
Topological tests
All alternative tree constrained topologies reflecting rival
biogeographic explanations of Sarraceniaceae were determined
to be significantly worse (P,0.005) explanations of the data than
the unconstrained ML tree (Fig. 3) based on the approximately
unbiased (AU) test.
Figure 4. BEAST chronogram for the combined data and hypothesized biogeographic history of Sarraceniaceae. (A) Mean divergence
times estimates are shown at the nodes of the cladogram. 95% posterior probability distribution shown with thick blue lines. Ancestral areas
reconstructions from LAGRANGE [70,71] shown in boxes near nodes. SA = South America; ENA = Eastern North America; WNA = Western North
America; SAf = South Africa; and As = Asia. (B) We hypothesize that Sarraceniaceae originated in the Middle Eocene, perhaps in South America, and
achieved its widespread distribution in North and South America by the Late Eocene. An early migration of Sarraceniaceae out of South America
during the Eocene may have been facilitated via land connections in the proto-Caribbean. This connection would likely have been unavailable for
direct overland migration by the mid-Oligocene, which is consistent with the early Oligocene disjunction of northern (Sarracenia, Darlingtonia) and
southern (Heliamphora) members of Sarraceniacace. An East (Sarracenia+Heliamphora)/West (Darlingtonia) disjunction occurred in the very latest
Oligocene, and may have been attributable to broad scale cooling and aridification during the late Oligocene.
Biogeography of Sarraceniaceae
We hypothesize that during the Eocene (,3456 Mya),
Sarraceniaceae became widespread in the Americas perhaps by
migrating from South to North America via a discontinuous
landmass in the Antilles region that appears to have begun in the
middle Eocene, ,50 Mya [41] (Fig. 4B). Toward the end of the
Eocene, land connections between South and North America are
thought to have been fairly direct and appear to have facilitated
Phylogenetic analyses
Nucleotide sequences were first aligned automatically using
MAFFT [66] and then manually refined by eye using Se-Al
v2.0a11 Carbon [67]. Maximum likelihood (ML) was implemen7
Topological tests
To evaluate the rival biogeographic hypotheses that have been
proposed for Sarraceniaceae, we constructed several constraint
topologies and searched for optimal trees under these constraints
using maximum likelihood. To test Hypothesis 1, that the
distribution of Sarraceniaceae in eastern and western North
America arose from two independent dispersal events from South
American ancestors [6,31], we constrained the exclusively South
American Heliamphora clade to be non-monophyletic. To test
Hypothesis 2, that dispersal of Sarraceniaceae occurred first
via the Antillean Arc to southeastern North America and second
from southeastern North America to the Pacific Northwest (H. A.
Gleason pers. comm. 1969 to B. Maguire, fide [24]), we constrained
the eastern North American Sarracenia and the northwestern
North American Darlingtonia to be monophyletic. To test
Hypothesis 3, that Sarraceniaceae achieved its present
distribution in northwestern North America and South America
via two dispersal events: one to the northwest and the other to
the southeast [30], we constrained the eastern North American
Sarracenia to be non-monophyletic. The hypothesis by Renner
[18] was consistent with our biogeographic results, and therefore
was not tested here.
All constrained searches were performed with PAUP* [71] with
100 replicates of random stepwise addition using TBR branch
swapping. In the cases of Hypotheses 1 and 3 the converse
option was selected in PAUP* so that trees that did not meet the
constraint were evaluated and retained. For example, for
Hypothesis 1 only trees in which Heliamphora was not monophyletic were evaluated. Optimal trees from each constraint search
were then evaluated using the approximately unbiased test (AU) as
implemented in CONSEL version 0.20 [72,73].
Supporting Information
Table S1 Taxa of Sarraceniaceae (Darlingtonia, Heliamphora, and Sarracenia species) and outgroups
(Actinidia, Clethra, Cyrilla, and Roridula species) used
in the phylogenetic analysis and ancestral area reconstruction of the family. All sequences have been deposited
in GenBank and vouchers are accessed as noted (CONN
University of Connecticut Herbarium; GH Gray Herbarium,
Harvard University). A sequence for which the voucher is
a GenBank number is a previously published sequence that is
also used in the analyses presented in this paper. Abbreviations for
modern-day distributions are: EA East Asia; ENA Eastern
North America; SAm South America; SAf South Africa; WNA
Western North America.
Peter DAmato, Steve Boddy, Cliff Dodd, Charles Powell, and the late
Frederick W. Case, Jr. shared pitchers from their collections of cultivated
Sarracenia and Heliamphora plants that we used for DNA extraction. Brad
Ruhfel, Cathy Rushworth, Hanno Schaefer, and Zhenxiang Xi provided
essential lab and technical support at Harvard University; Joe May
(University of Tennessee Molecular Biology Resource Facility) provided
DNA sequencing support; Jeffrey D. Palmer provided laboratory space and
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: AME EDB RFCN PC CCD.
Performed the experiments: EDB EJH RFCN. Analyzed the data: EDB
EJH PC CDB CCD. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: PC
CCD. Wrote the paper: AME EDB RFCN CDB CCD.
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