Outcomes For The Early Learning Framework
Outcomes For The Early Learning Framework
Outcomes For The Early Learning Framework
Children feel safe, secure, and supported build secure attachments with one and
more familiar educators
Use effective routines to help make predicted transitions smoothly
Sense and respond to a feeling of belonging
Communicate their needs for comfort and assistance
Establish and maintain respectful, trusting relationships with other children and educators
Openly express their feelings and ideas in their interactions with others
Respond to ideas and suggestions from others
Initiate interactions and conversations with trusted educators
Confidently explore and engage with social and physical environments through
relationships and play
1.1.9 Initiate and join in play
1.1.10Explore aspects of identity through role play
Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and
sense of agency
1.2.1 Demonstrate increasing awareness of the needs and rights of others
1.2.2 Be open to new challenges and discoveries
1.2.3 Increasingly co-operate and work collaboratively with others
1.2.4 Take considered risk in their decision-making and cope with the unexpected
1.2.5 Recognise their individual achievements and the achievements of others
1.2.6 Demonstrate an increasing capacity for self-regulation
1.2.7 Approach new safe situations with confidence
1.2.8 Begin to initiate negotiating and sharing behaviours
1.2.9 Persist when faced with challenges and when first attempts are not successful
Children learn to interact in relation to others with care, empathy and respect
Show interest in other children and being part of a group
Engage in and contribute to shared play experiences
Express a wide range of emotions, thoughts and views constructively
Empathise with and express concern for others
Display awareness of and respect for others perspectives
Reflect on their actions and consider consequences for others
Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place,
technologies and natural and processed materials
Engage in learning relationships
Use their senses to explore natural and built environments
Experience the benefits and pleasures of shared learning exploration
Explore the purpose and function of a range of tools, media, sounds and graphics
Manipulate resources to investigate, take apart, assemble, invent and construct
Experiment with different technologies
Use information and communication technologies (ICT) to investigate and problem solve
Explore ideas and theories using imagination, creativity and play
4.4.9 Use feedback from themselves and others to revise and build on an idea
Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work
5.4.1 Use symbols in play to represent and make meaning
5.4.2 Begin to make connections between and see patterns in their feelings, ideas, words and
actions and those of others
5.4.3 Notice and predict the patterns of regular routines and the passing of time
5.4.4 Develop an understanding that symbols are a powerful means of communication and that
ideas, thoughts and concepts can be represented through them
5.4.5 Begin to be aware of the relationships between oral, written and visual representations
5.4.6 Begin to recognise patterns and relationships and the connections between them
5.4.7 Begin to sort, categorise, order and compare collections and events and attributes of
objects and materials, in their social and natural worlds
5.4.8 Listen and respond to sounds and patterns in speech, stories and rhyme
5.4.9 Draw on memory of a sequence to complete a task
5.4.10Draw on their experiences in constructing meaning using symbols