The Balanced Scorecard: A Foundation For The Strategic Management of Information Systems
The Balanced Scorecard: A Foundation For The Strategic Management of Information Systems
The Balanced Scorecard: A Foundation For The Strategic Management of Information Systems
, Dennis Tse
Department of Management, City Uniersity of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Aenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Department of Information Systems, City Uniersity of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Aenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Information Systems and Serices, China Light and Power Company, Hong Kong, China
The balanced scorecard BSC. has emerged as a decision support tool at the strategic management level. Many business
leaders now evaluate corporate performance by supplementing financial accounting data with goal-related measures from the
following perspectives: customer, internal business process, and learning and growth. It is argued that the BSC concept can
be adapted to assist those managing business functions, organizational units and individual projects. This article develops a
balanced scorecard for information systems IS. that measures and evaluates IS activities from the following perspectives:
business value, user orientation, internal process, and future readiness. Case study evidence suggests that a balanced IS
scorecard can be the foundation for a strategic IS management system provided that certain development guidelines are
followed, appropriate metrics are identified, and key implementation obstacles are overcome. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.
All rights reserved.
Keywords: Balanced scorecard; Performance measurement and evaluation; Strategic decision-making; Information systems success;
Multidimensional metrics; Case studies; Performance management
1. Introduction
Growing amounts of intellectual and financial
capital are being invested to collect, process, store,
and disseminate information. As the resource commitments to information systems IS. continue to
escalate, the following types of questions are being
asked more frequently than ever before: Is that investment in IS or information technology IT. really
worthwhile? Is that IT application we implemented a
success? Is our IS department or function. productive and effective? Should we use outsourcing?
Recent surveys indicate that issues such as measuring the value of IT and evaluating IS performance are of great importance to managers in places
like Hong Kong w8x, the United States w4x and the
United Kingdom w16x. Given the increasing role of
IT in achieving business goals, the extensive interest
of managers in measuring and evaluating both IS
processes and outcomes is not surprising. The recent
0167-9236r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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airplane cockpit: both have a need to monitor multiple aspects of their working environment.
Many companies are adopting the balanced scorecard BSC. as the foundation for their strategic
management system. Some managers have used it as
they align their businesses to new strategies, moving
away from cost reduction and towards growth opportunities based on more customized, value-adding
products and services. The BSC has even been coded
into a software program that enables business performance indices to be created by extracting data from
computer-based IS w33x.
Martinsons w27x has suggested that the BSC may
also help managers evaluate IT investments, as well
as the performance of an IS organization, in a holistic manner. This paper builds upon that suggestion
by elaborating a framework for evaluating IT and IS
based on the BSC concept. We detail how the BSC
can serve as a decision support tool for IS managers.
It may be applied not only to assess the contribution
of a specific information system or IS project, but
also to evaluate the performance and guide the activities of an IS department or functional area.
Management attention to such a broad set of performance measures should not only help to ensure good
short-term financial results, but also to guide a business as it seeks to achieve its strategic goals.
During the evolution of their BSC concept in the
1990s, Kaplan and Norton have demonstrated an
increasing awareness of the assumptions and theories
that underlie business process re-engineering BPR..
Many advocates of BPR contend that traditional
industrial age competition is being supplanted by a
new form of information age competition see Refs.
w12,18x.. Business success in the past was largely
based on the efficient allocation of financial and
physical capital in order to achieve economies of
scale and scope w10x. However, the ability to mobilize and exploit softer and less tangible intellectual
assets is becoming more important see Table 1..
As a result, information age companies must focus on specific market segments or use technologyimproved processes in order to efficiently produce
and deliver their products and services. For example,
Martinsons and Revenaugh w31x, p. 81. point out
that rather than driving down employee numbers . . .
and cutting costs., it is ultimately necessary for
organizations to deliver superior value. They must
improve the numerator in the productivity equation.
BPR stresses the role of quantitative goals and measures to guide the development and implementation
of a new business model.
Kaplan and Norton appear to have taken the
prescriptive re-engineering literature to heart by progressively enlarging the range of potential benefits
Table 1
Competitive advantage in the information age
Intangible assets enable a business to . . .
develop and maintain customer relationships
develop and maintain supplier relationships
develop and maintain strategic alliances
identify the products and services desired by different market
develop innovative products and services for designated market
produce highly-customized products and services that can be
offered at attractive prices
deliver highly-customized products and services to designated
market segments
continuously improve core business processes
Table 2
The four perspectives in a balanced scorecard
Customer perspective value-adding view.
Fig. 1. Relationships between the four perspectives in the balanced scorecard based on Ref. w21x..
The following four perspectives have been suggested for a balanced IS scorecard: user orientation,
business value, internal processes, and future readiness w27x. Other modifications to the framework
include the reanalysis of the internal businessrprocess perspective such that it focuses on efficiency.
Operational effectiveness more naturally belongs to
the user orientation perspective, i.e., are we doing
the right things and thereby satisfying customer
needs. A framework based on these four new perspectives is shown in Table 3 and the relationships
between them are illustrated in Fig. 2. The remainder
of this article considers the development and implementation of a balanced IS scorecard.
The value or contribution of IS to the business as
a whole must be considered from top managements
point of view. This evaluation is comparable to the
general management evaluation suggested by Dickson and Wetherbe w14x. They discuss the key success
factors of the IS function and indicate that measures
such as system availability and downtime may be
appropriate to evaluate these factors. However, the
approach presented here goes further, in that a traditional IS focus on internal processes and business
value is augmented with the user orientation and
future readiness perspectives. Each of the four perspectives should be translated into corresponding
metrics and measures that reflect strategic goals and
objectives. The perspectives should be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary.
Potential IS measures are considered in the sections that follow. These measures are generic in
nature, because each corporate mission and the
strategic goals related to it will require a unique set
of measures w3,24,25x. The proposed metrics are
extracted from the mainstream IS management literature as well as the emerging literatures on information economics w38,39x and IS success w2,13,43x.
The balanced IS scorecard does not only integrate
these different approaches; it also extends them in
two important ways: 1. by adding a future readiness
perspective that incorporates concepts such as innovation and learning; and 2. by proposing that the
monitoring and control of all the key measures be
undertaken on an on-going basis. In fact, the measures included in a given BSC should be tracked and
traced over time, and integrated explicitly into the
strategic IS management process. This will let man-
Table 3
The four perspectives in a balanced IS scorecard
Business value perspective managements view.
Establish and maintain a good image and reputation with end-users
Exploit IT opportunities
Establish good relationships with the user community
Satisfy end-user requirements
Be perceived as the preferred supplier of IS products and services
Establish and maintain a good image and reputation with management
Ensure that IS projects provide business value
Control IS costs
Sell appropriate IS products and services to third parties
Anticipate and influence requests from end-users and management
Be efficient in planning and developing IT applications
Be efficient in operating and maintaining IT applications
Be efficient in acquiring and testing new hardware and software
Provide cost-effective training that satisfies end-users
Effectively manage IS-related problems that arise
Anticipate and prepare for IS-related problems that could arise
Continuously upgrade IS skills through training and development
Regularly upgrade IT applications portfolio
Regularly upgrade hardware and software
Conduct cost-effective research into emerging technologies and their
suitability for the business
Fig. 2. Relationships between the four perspectives in the balanced IS scorecard based on Ref. w27x..
agers know what is happening and why it is happening, enabling them to base their decisions and actions
on solid information rather than intuition.
Table 4
Measures for the business value perspective
Cost control
Percentage overrunder overall IS budget
Allocation to different budget items
IS budget as a percentage of revenue
IS expenses per employee
Sales to third parties
Revenue from IT-related products and services
Business alue of an IT project
Financial evaluation based on traditional measures
e.g., ROI, payback period.
Business evaluation based on information economics
- Value linking
- Value acceleration
- Value restructuring
- Technological innovation
Strategic match with business contribution to:
- Product or service quality
- Customer responsiveness
- Management information
- Process flexibility
- Business strategy risk
Unsuccessful business strategy
- IS strategy risk
Unsuccessful IS strategy
- Definitional uncertainty
Low degree of project specification
- Technological risk
Bleeding edge hardware and software
- Developmental risk
Inability to put the pieces together
- Operational risk
Resistance to change
Humanrcomputer interface difficulties
- IS service delivery risk
Business alue of the IT departmentr functional area
Percentage of resources devoted to strategic projects
Percentage of time spent by IS manager in meetings with
corporate executives
Perceived relationship between IS management and top
query, and generate a modest amount of direct benefits. However, the real value of such a database will
be reflected in marketing and sales performance.
Salespeople would be expected to integrate the
database into their activities, thereby improving the
the corporate domain, while IT specialists score ITrelated categories. This way, the business contribution of the project can be assessed jointly, and a
consensus reached on the evaluation of a specific
project. Most value and risk categories associated
with information economics are quite unambiguous.
However, for a few of them, a short explanation may
be appropriate see also Ref. w39x..
Value linking incorporates the benefits and costs
in other functional. areas. A typical example of
alue acceleration is the interest savings that can be
achieved by repaying an outstanding loan with the
accelerated recovery of accounts receivable. Meanwhile, alue restructuring refers to the efficiency
and effectiveness of employees: Does the new system free up more time for employees to execute their
own jobs? Strategic IS architecture assesses the degree to which the project fits into the IS plan.
Business strategic risk and IS strategic risk refer
to the degree of risk in terms of how well the
company and the IS department, respectively, succeed in achieving their strategic objectives. Definitional uncertainty indicates the degree of risk in
terms of how clearly the functional requirements and
specifications have been agreed upon. Technical uncertainty relates to the risk associated with dependence on immature, bleeding edge technologies.
Operational risk or business organization risk. and
IS serice deliery risk reflect the degree of risk in
terms of how well the company and the IS department, respectively, will be able to adapt to the
changes invoked by the project.
The principles of information economics are
clearly useful in determining the business value of an
IS project or the IS function as a whole. However,
they fail to account for other perspectives that are
also important to IS measurement and evaluation.
Measuring and evaluating IS from multiple perspectives cf. Ref. w3x. and in assorted ways is helpful to
assess its efficiency, effectiveness and transformative
potential, both at present and in the future. Our
balanced IS scorecard includes three additional perspectives that are detailed in the sections that follow.
5. Measuring and evaluating user orientation
The end-user of an IS may be an internal customer or in another company that is utilizing an
Table 5
Measures for the internal process perspective
Percentage of resources devoted to planning and review of
IS activities
Percentage of resources devoted to applications development
Time required to develop a standard-sized new application
Percentage of applications programming with re-used code
Time spent to repair bugs and fine-tune new applications
Number of end-user queries handled
Average time required to address an end-user problem
have proved to be useful in overcoming these difficulties and enabling the evaluation of software programming productivity w49,51x.
The lines of code metric has several variations,
such as counting only executable lines or logical
lines. Differences in counting methods can make it
difficult to precisely define the number of lines of
code. Perhaps more importantly, this metric is subject to misinterpretation, because more lines of code
may reflect programming inefficiency rather than
additional functionality or programming features. In
the same way, the different levels of expressiveness
inherent in different languages will also affect the
number of lines of code that are typically generated
for a given program. Given these provisos, however,
it is a relatively simple and straightforward operational measure.
Function points measure software size based on a
structured evaluation of user requirements w47x. They
are independent of the development methodology,
tools or language used to build the software. Function point analysis is used widely to measure the
number of inputs, outputs, inquiries, and files used in
an application. Such an analysis enables a calculation
of the function points that a given programmer has
completed in a specific unit of time. Despite its
popularity for benchmarking the productivity of programmers, it must be recognized that the effort
associated with the development of a given IT application will also be based on factors such as the
language, tools, and methods employed, and the
skills of the project team.
cesses and the economic environment is incompletely known, while there is a considerable degree
of ambiguity relating to future events. Such a system
would automatically build and execute task-specific
models in response to user requests employing AI
techniques see also Ref. w19x..
Clearly, the ability of IS to deliver quality services and to lead new technology assimilation efforts
in the future will depend on the preparations that are
made today and tomorrow. IS managers must assess
future trends and anticipate them. Unanticipated circumstances can probably be dealt with through extensive external often high-priced. support. However, the preferred course of action is to train and
develop internal people so that when specific expertise is needed, it can be found in-house.
Table 6 reflects the need to 1. continually enhance the skills of IS specialists; 2. periodically
upgrade the applications portfolio in order to take
advantage of technological advances; and 3. gain a
thorough understanding of emerging technologies as
well as their specific suitability to the companys IS
architecture. Meanwhile, Fig. 3 illustrates how innovation and learning efforts can raise competence
levels that in turn will improve business performance
Table 6
Measures for the future readiness perspective
IS specialist capabilities
IS training and development budget as a percentage of the
overall IS budget
Expertise with specific existing technologies
Expertise with specific emerging technologies
Age distribution of IS staff
Perceived satisfaction of IS employees
Turnoverrretention of IS employees
Productivity of IS employees
Applications portfolio
Age distribution
Platform distribution
Technical performance of applications portfolio
User satisfaction with applications portfolio
Research into emerging technologies
IS research budget as a percentage of the overall IS budget
Perceived satisfaction of top management with the reporting
on how specific emerging technologies may or may not be
applicable to the company
in the future. Perhaps paradoxically, the current indicators of competence. may be more difficult to
measure than either the leading innovation. or lagging performance. indicators.
8. Building a balanced IS scorecard
In building a company-specific balanced IS scorecard, the following steps are recommended:
1. create an awareness for the concept of the balanced IS scorecard among top management and
IS management;
8.1. Cause-and-effect
A strategy is a set of assumptions about causeand-effect. If cause-and-effect relationships are not
adequately reflected in the balanced scorecard, it will
not translate and communicate the companys vision
and strategy. These cause-and-effect relationships can
involve several or all four of the perspectives in the
tems management. The authors have recently observed the implementation of balanced IS scorecards
in three large companies in Hong Kong. The evidence from these cases suggests that several common errors must be avoided when implementing this
concept. Three of these errors are discussed below:
1. failure to include specific long-term objectives;
2. failure to relate key measures to performance
drivers by means of cause-and-effect relationships; and
3. failure to communicate the contents of, and rationale for the balanced IS scorecard.
A balanced IS scorecard can easily become part
of the operational-level management system rather
than serving as the foundation for a strategic management system. In two of the three observed cases,
this was due largely to the absence of specific longterm objectives, particularly related to the future
readiness perspective. With a continuing emphasis
on short-term goals, the performance objectives are
unlikely to represent much of a change from business as usual see Ref. w15x..
The strategic performance objectives in the organizations we observed were sub-optimal and rather
modest, or else peripheral to improvements in systems performance. As a result, we believe that the
effectiveness of a BSC for IS will be enhanced by
including stretch goals that require significant improvements in key areas.
Each of the observed companies was only able to
identify a few cause-and-effect relationships and performance drivers during their development of a balanced IS scorecard. In one case, system availability,
responsiveness to user requests, and timely delivery
of new IT applications were agreed to be performance drivers for user satisfaction. However, the
management team neglected to specify how the performance in these three areas would be improved.
We would suggest that such improvements are
possible through different mechanisms, including the
development of employee skills, the adoption of new
development tools, andror the employment of better
project management methods. As a result, we propose that explicit cause-and-effect relationships be
identified before a balanced IS scorecard is implemented. It is critical not only to relate performance
drivers to the performance measures in each key
area, but also to consider how each of the perfor-
An earlier version of this paper was presented at
the 1996 International Association of Management
conference. The authors are grateful for the comments provided by delegates to that conference, Master of Arts in Information Systems Management.
students of the City University of Hong Kong, and
the anonymous reviewers of our journal submissions.
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