Optical Power Debugging in DWDM System Having Fixed Gain Amplifiers

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308


Tripti Saxena1, Harsh Saxena2

Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Physics, RKDF University Bhopal, M.P., India
Ph.D Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, RKDF University Bhopal, M.P., India

This article covers optical power measurement of light signal in DWDM network and debugging of optical power as per the
specifications of DWDM system with fix gain amplifier. The measurement and calculations of each component of DWDM system
is discussed individually. Optical power of individual optical channel, aggregate optical power of multiplexed signals, relation
with amplifier gain, insertion loss and attenuation on signal are the key factors involved in design and operation of DWDM
system. From transmitter to receiver, the working performance of the DWDM system depends on the optical strength of input light
signal should be as per specifications of its components. A description of input and output optical power of light signal of each
DWDM component and its relationship is discussed. If there is any deviation as per specifications is observed, process to
calculate deviation and debug is given with working example in this article.

Keywords: Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM), Optical MUX/DEMUX, Optical transmitters/receivers,
Optical amplifiers, Optical Fiber, Optical power, Attenuation, Optical Power Debugging
--------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION
DWDM stands for Dense Wavelength Division
Multiplexing. DWDM is an extension over traditional
optical network with idea of WDM. DWDM is a technology
to transmit multiple light signals through a single optical
fiber cable simultaneously. This idea is based on the
property of light which says that light rays with different
wavelength can travel with each other without distorting
each other. In DWDM system, multiple light signals (which
may have same wavelength) from traditional optical
networking devices comes to DWDM system at input. Here
they are tuned with the help of transponder to specific
wavelengths as per requirement of DWDM system i.e. on CBand. For this tuning input optical signal is first convert to
electrical and then again regenerated to optical signal with
tuned . As this optical signal is regenerated in transponder
hence optical strength of output of light signal of each
transponder is expected to be same or nearby. These light
signals with tuned wavelength will then multiplexed with
the help of Optical Multiplex Unit (MUX). This MUX is a
passive device and only has capability to multiplex multiple
light signals and not to strengthen it. There is always a big
insertion loss of optical strength of light signal during this
multiplexing. As light signal has to travel over long distance
and should have enough strength, hence this multiplexed
signal with low strength pass through an amplifier (normally
refer as booster amplifier or output amplifier at transmit
end). We are considering amplifiers with fixed gain in our
article. After gaining strength in amplifier, signal will be
transmitted over line fiber where it will travel to destination.
Vice-versa will happen at receiver end. Receive signal is
amplified by amplifier (refer as pre amplifier or input
amplifier) and de-multiplexing is done by Optical Demux

Unit (DEMUX). During this operation of DWDM system,

multiple times it happens when the components of DWDM
get the input signal which does not match their defined
specifications and hence unable to give desired output. For
efficient and proper working of these components and also
DWDM system it is highly required that the input light
signal of each component should match the defined
specification and if not so we have to debug them to desired






Optical power debugging is a very important task for
smooth functioning of DWDM network. It will ensure that
all components of DWDM system will function as per
requirement and specification.
There are three basic purpose of optical power debugging:
Each optical channel would have same optical power
during the transmission.
During DWDM transmission, multiplexed optical
signal or channel lose their strength during travelling
long distance and need to amplify multiple times
using optical amplifier. We need to ensure that they
should have same optical strength at the receiver end
or should have minimum difference. We need to
control the difference between any two waves to less
than 3 dB.

Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

There are 3 basic formulas we will use for our calculations.

3.1 Formula-1

PN = P1+P2+P3++PN (mW)
PN = P1+P1+P1++P1 (mW)

as P1=P2==PN = P1

Fig -1: Effect of non uniform strength of signals

PN = NP1 (mW)

Optical Amplifier should work in saturated state.

10lgPN = 10 lg (NP1)
As mentioned above, optical channels need to
amplify multiple times using optical amplifier during
transmission. These optical amplifiers should work in
saturated state. If not so, they will cause amplification
discrepancy and will give different amplification to
different channels or will not able to work as per
requirement of network.
There are 3 working states of Optical amplifier
Oversaturated state - will amplify more than the
requirement of network. This can damage
hardware at receiver end.
b. Saturated state will amplify as per
requirement. This is the best working state.
Under saturated state will amplify less than
the requirement of network. In this case signal
at receiver end is either destroyed or have
errors. It will affect the traffic.

Fig -2: Malfunctioning of optical amplifier

10lgPN =10 lg N+10lgP1


= 10 lg N+P1 (dBm)

PN = 10 lg N + P1 (dBm)

3.2 Formula-2


= Pin/IL (mw)

Here red wave will cause hardware failure of Rx port and

green wave not detect at Rx and cause signal failure. It is not
a good working of optical amplifier.

10lgPout =10lgPin-10lgIL


Pout=Pin-IL (dBm)

Make OTU-Rx in best working state.

since 10lgP (mW) = P (dBm)


since 10lgP (mw) = P (dBm)

= Pin-IL (dBm)

If there is discrepancy in the increment of optical

power between the light channels during
amplification then some of the light channel will have
more optical power and some will have less optical
power than specifications. It will either cause
hardware fault of OUT or signal outage.

Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

10lgPout = 10lgPin+10lgG

3.3 Formula-3

since 10lgP(mw) = P (dBm)

Pout = Pin + G (dBm)

Pout = Pin + G (dBm)

Pout = PinG (mw)


Fig -3: Working model of DWDM system having fixed gain amplifiers

Diagram shown above is DWDM system. In this we have a

DWDM system having capacity to support up to 32
channels. Presently only five optical channels are used for
this system. Each optical channel is coming from Tx side
transponder with optical power of 3 dBm. Now they will
undergo DWDM multiplexing under MUX, where insertion
loss of each channel is 7dB. Now aggregate output of this
MUX module will be amplify at output amplifier having
fixed gain of 16 dB and maximum output of 20 dBm, when
all 32 channel are in use and then send to line side fiber
where it will carry out to receiver end. During this there will
be fiber line loss of 20 dB on each channel. At receiver end
there is input amplifier having fixed gain of 14 dB and
maximum output of 12 dBm. Amplified signal from input
amplifier will go to DEMUX for de-multiplexing, where
each channel will be separated. During this there will be
insertion loss of 7 dB. Now these separated light signals will
be received by transponder. During optical power debugging
we have to calculate the power level at each input and
output point. Also we have to found out when and what
attenuation should be added in the system to function in
optimum way.






In our working model each components has its optical
specifications. On the basis of these specifications we can
calculate ideal input optical power. Every component will
work in its best state when it will get ideal value as input.
Also we can calculate output optical power of each
component that can be identified as actual input optical
power for next component. Output optical power of
transponder will be actual input for MUX. Output optical
power of MUX will be actual input for booster amplifier.
Similarly output of line fiber will be actual input for pre
amplifier and output of pre amplifier will be actual input of
DEMUX. So we can calculate ideal and actual values of
input optical power and debug the deviation.
Output power of MUX (Actual input for Booster
P1out =P1in-IL
(Formula 2)
P1out =-3-7 = -10(dBm)

Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology


Output power of Booster AMP

P32out =P1out+10lg32
(Formula 1)
P1out =P32out-10lg32
P1out =20-15 = 5(dBm)


Ideal input power of Booster AMP

P1out = P1in+G
(Formula 3)
P1in = P1out-G
P1in = 5-16 = -11(dBm)


Output optical power of Line fiber (Actual input

for Pre AMP)
PAfter Line=P1outOBA-Line Loss
PAfter Line =5-20 = -15(dBm)


Output power of Pre AMP (Actual input of

(Formula 1)
P1out=P32out-10lg32 =12-15 = -3(dBm)


Ideal input power of Pre AMP

(Formula 3)
P1in=P1out-G = -3-14 = -17(dBm)


eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

(Formula 2)
P1in=P1out+IL = -14+7 = -7(dBm)

In our article, we have calculated ideal and actual optical
power of light signal at input of DWDM components. In
case of MUX there is no ideal value so debugging is not
applicable. For Booster Amplifier input at transmitter ideal
optical power is -11 dBm while actual optical power is -10
dBm. There is a difference of 1 dB between ideal and actual
value. To make Booster amplifier to work in saturated state,
it is require adding 1 dB attenuation at input of Booster
Amplifier. For Pre Amplifier at receiver ideal value is -17
dBm while actual value is -15 dBm. It is required to add 2
dB of attenuation to make pre amplifier to work in saturated
state. Similarly ideal input power at DEMUX input is -7
dBm while actual value is -3 dBm. Here 4 dB of attenuation
is need to add to make DEMUX work as per network


Table -1: Results with required attenuation


MUX Input
Booster Amp Input
Pre Amp Input

-11 dBm
-17 dBm

-3 dBm
-10 dBm
-15 dBm

1 dB
2 dB


-7 dBm

-3 dBm

4 dB

Ideal input power of DEMUX

Below figure shows DWDM system after debugging.

Fig -4: Working model of DWDM system after optical power debugging

Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

Optical Power debugging plays an important role for smooth
and efficient functioning of DWDM system. In this paper,
we have studied relationship and calculations between
different parameters related optical strength of light signal.
Then we evaluated ideal and actual optical power of light
signal at input points of DWDM components. Experimental
results show that at many points actual value of optical
power of light signal differs from ideal value, which is
causing failure of network design and may lead to traffic
outage and hardware fault of DWDM components. We have
also described to debug this difference between ideal and
actual value with the help of attenuation. Therefore we can
conclude the importance of optical power debugging for
better performance of DWDM system having fixed gain

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Harsh Saxena received the B.E. degree

in Computer Science and Engineering
from Rajiv Gandhi Technical University,
Bhopal in 2005 and the M.Tech degree
in System Management from Devi
Ahilya University, Indore in 2009. From
2009 to 2011, he worked with ZTE Telecom as an SDH
Engineer and since 2009 to 2015 he worked with Tellabs
India as an Optical Network Engineer. Presently he is
engaged as a Ph.D Research Scholar with Dept of Computer
Science and Engineering at RKDF University Bhopal.

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[6]. Melin, B., Laguna, M., and Moreno, J.A., "Capacity
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Tripti Saxena received the M.Sc degree in
Physics and Electronics from Devi Ahilya
University, Indore in 2006 and the
M.Tech degree in FSP(SpecializationOptical Networks) from Devi Ahilya
University, Indore in 2009. From 2009 to
2015, she was engage with different engineering institute as
Asst. Professor where she holds responsibility to teach
Electronics, Optical communications and Applied Physics.
Presently she is engaged as a Ph.D Research Scholar with
Dept of Physics at RKDF University Bhopal.

Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Feb-2015, Available @ http://www.ijret.org


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