Clarinet Pral PDF

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‘ : ‘A 7 a+ 7 IMMER KLEINER Regt? Always Smaller NkSott somencr Phy larinet Soto omet 1° A HUMOROUS FANTASY As transorthed by George 8. Howard, Col. USAF (ret) Note; Detach the various parts of the clarinet as indicated,quite conspicuously,and continue to play with those parts remaining, Andante 3. SSeS Sree Play the melody line while continuing to trill, (This is accomplished by fingering the melody in rhythuh, but adjusting the length of each tone to the speed of the tril 3 o~ sa = SSS alia pola SBs-144 S-4A68 International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved: Printed in the U.S.A. © Copyright MEMLXX by Ludwig Music Publishing Co. ,Cleveland, Ohio bb Clarinet Solo = =a pitard—— p = ne ter oe Oe wah ge icekt SSS SSeS — > DyD6 ——— f Remove the lowet section Zo (order to maintain good intonation and also'support the upper section of the Slarinet, t 1s necessary to partially close the end of the top section by placing the first joint of the middle finger of the ight hand half way over the opening.) Allegretig, 2 aie _ Ze IE 2 é ieee £ ed ® 7? pas io tie ete boot a > Remove the upper section of the clarinet, (Hold the barrel with the left hand. The tone Row produced will be Ab concert. in order to produce barrel half way with the first finger of the righ Derata be = "GG", cover the opening of the id.) (Part written at actual piteh,) webeses be FS Tee ee be eb SBS-144 F S-4A88

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