Yogyakarta-Bali Trip Report: Xi Akuntansi 3 SMKN 1 Wonosobo 2013
Yogyakarta-Bali Trip Report: Xi Akuntansi 3 SMKN 1 Wonosobo 2013
Yogyakarta-Bali Trip Report: Xi Akuntansi 3 SMKN 1 Wonosobo 2013
Dyta Isnaeen
Praise to God who has given guidance so that we all can still move as usual as well as the
author so i can finish an english assigment was with the best.
Author say thanks to eveyone who help me so that this English assigment can be
completed with the best. Constuctive criticism and suggestions are very authors expect to
perfection by this author. Previous authors apologize to all those readers primarily because there
are still many mistakes in this trip report, Please critique and suggestions.
Tanah Jawa, February 12, 2016
SMK Nusanatara Tanah Jawa held an study tour (Practice) visits in Tuktuk Siadong.
Study Tour of students selected to add to the experience and practice our English with
Forigner. Students required to actively collected skills and information about the english.
Interrelated with our tour, we were given the task to create a trip report in form of papers
about the trip and the destinations that we have visited in Tuktuk Siadong, In preparing the
report, we need accurate data.
The purpose of the Study tour(Practice) to Tuktuk Siadong for students and readers as
follows :
Increase students knowledge in English.
Provide Skill and information about the English.
For additional insight into the information and increase knowledge.
The author would like to introduce profile sights that are on the Samosir Island to the
The benefits
As Addition of material outside the school.
Train students to be able to make trip report.
Students can be know some of the tourist attractions in Tuktuk Siadong
C. Traveling in Bali
After we had breakfast at RM SOKA INDAH Denpasar Gilimanuk KM 45 Soka, we went to
our fist destination, that is Tanah Lot. We arrived there at 11.00 WITA.
- Tanah lot is one of the most popular places of interest in Bali. In our opinion, this place was
very wonderful and exelent, so it made us took many photos there. We also enjoyed fresh
wind there. Tanah Lot was located on the coast of west Bali, at the village of Beraban in the
Tabanan Regency.
On this beach, there were two temple which were located on a large rock, one of which
was right on the boulder. And the other, in the north of pura Tanah Lot, there was a temple
which was located on a clif jutting into the sea, similiar to Uluwatu Temple.
Standing over a solid rock which could gave us a memorable time there. There are many
shops selling authentic Balinese stuff as souvenir but dont forget to always bargain 50%
from the price offered.
After that, the second destination was Bedugul. We went to Bedugul at 12.24 WITA. There
were raining and cold atmosphere surround it, so we just had lunch there, took a photo, saw
the Beratan lake and enjoying fresh air, it was very exiting. It is an ideal place for relaxation
while enoyed the beautyful panorama of lake.
- Bedugul was an area of great natural beauty. It was the name used to cover a large area of
central highlands of Bali arround the villages of Bedugul itself, Candikunind, Pancasari,
Pacung And Wanagiri. This was very interesting place to refresh our mind. The focus point of
the area centres on the three crater lakes of Bratan ( Beratan) , Buyan and Tamblingan, and
the nearby Botanical Gardens.
Lake beratan has serenity and moutainous natural scenery with wonderfu panoramas
and the simplicity of its inhabitans. If we come here with the couple will definetely Bali
travel experience that wont be forgotten.
At lake Beratan, we could rent a boat or speedboat to surround the lake and enjoy the
scenery surrounding the lake was mesmerizing, if we like fishing, locals also rented out
fishing rods for us, but unfortunately it was raining when we were there, so we just having
lunch there.
Bedugul lake with Ulun Danu Temple at Bali island, enjoyed wonderful natural view
fresh mountain air, beautyful wide lake encircled by the cool temperature and blanketed by
fog especially in the evening. The water was clean. It was located beside of the main of road
from Denpasar to Singaraja.
We had a lunch at wonderful restaurant in Bedugul at 13.45 WITA. The first impression
when entering the building was that it served delicious Indonesian food, we found ourselves
very quicly absorbed in the fantastic surroundings and happily settled in to enjoy a delicious
lunch, thinking, Wow what a lovely place, we must come here again. Having lunch while
while enjoying the Beratan lake was very awesome. Overall, this place was highly
At 15.30 WITA, we arrived at Joger. This store was famous because they made a funny word
to print at their T-shirt, sandals, bags, mugs, etc. Joger also sold other things such as unique
ashtray, tablecloth, keythain, etc.
- Joger only open until 06.00 a.m WITA. What the good about Joger was they already have
a fixed price, we didnt have to bargain. And their product were cheap. The store design was
funnny, better if we bring a dictionary or tour guide, so we could understand what the
meaning of words surounded this store. Their slogan is Joger Jelek, Bali Bagus.
When we would get into Joger. We given a stricker that reads VIP Very iseng person.
At the front, there were souvenirs of Bali, Shirts and bags were at the back, sandals on the
second floor. Here were a variety of writing, i couldnt remember with all this writings
bacause there was a writing Dont taking photos so ididnt remember. I just remember that
word, it was Dont Pickpocket. Here, we bought some shirts and sandals to our brother, our
cousins, our nephews and surely for ourselves. We were confusing in choosing the clothes
unique words, because everything was unique.
We just one hour in Joger, So we continued our trip to watch barong dance. This place was
the last destination in that day.
- Barong was probably the most well known dance in Bali. Barong was a character in the
mythology of bali. He is a king of the spirit, leader of the hosts of good, and enemy if Ragda
in the mythologycal traditions of bali. He has a read head and his body is covered in white
hair. His head was adorned with jewels and pieces or mirror providing sprakle. Despite his
innate goodness the arong mask could still look a bit frightening. In our opinion, barong was
so frightening, but he also funny and cute so that we luagted togather when we watched his
performance. The performance was accompanied by balinese traditional music called Gong.
The Barong dance performnace that i saw was very interesting. The dance music was
performed by a live orchestra that sat to the left of the stage. It was noisy, its a fantastic
introduction to Balis exotic culture.
After that, we went to restaurant to have a dinner, and than, we went to Hotel to yake a rest.
We stay there for two nights. I fell really lucky with the Hotel that we booked. Griya Taman
Sari Hotel located on Cargo Permai (Jl Gargo Permai), Ubung, Denpasar.
After we had breakfast at hotel, we went to Tanjung benoa. We arrived there at 10.48 WITA.
- Tanjung Benoa beach is one of famous tourist beach on the Bali island. It was beautiful
landscape. There, we saw blue sea water and white sand. The main attractions of Tanjung
benoa was its variety of water sport. Bali Tanjung benoa beach has more complete water
sports compared to the ather beach. We could play jet ski, diving, snorkeling, flying fish,
banana boat, parasailing, and so forth. But, this beach less suiable for surfing because the
calm waves. There are so many instructions who qualified to ensure you safety.
The most popular water sport was banana boat, but it is expensive, we didnt have enough
money to pay it. So we just went to Turtle island because its price just Rp. 40.000,00. It only
took 15 minutes to go to the island. When we arrrived, saw turtles from baby to the old and
old one and other animals such birds, hedgehogs, snakes, and bats. We took some photos with
the animals. It took 15-20 minutes and after that we were going back to Tanjung Benoa.
Overall, it was a great attraction for us. But it doesnt worth with the price.
After that, we had lunch at restaurant at around Tanjung benoa beach at 12.53 WITA. And
than, we continued our trip. We stopped at the Puja Mandala to do midday prayers at 13.53.
Than, we went to next attractions,
- Garuda Wisnu kencana (GWK), There were two statues which were si big. They were
Dewa Wisnu and his bird, called garuda We were instead in its relief on the rock but actually,
we did not know the story on it. This very beautiful complex of statues were placed in
southern Denpasar near Dayana University. The pace was have beautiful panoramic view.
We reach there at about 02.32pm WITA and the wheater was extreamly hot. Initially,
were very exited to see the beautiful landscape. Despite the hot sizzling weather, there was
actually quite winding on the top of the cliff.
At 15.28 WITA, we arrived at Kuta beach. It was our most funniest momment that day.
- Kuta Beach was more than just a beach, it was an experience for all the senses. It was lively
but too crowded. Is was nice scenery . Because of the waves got pretty big and weve heard
the current gets very strong, so we didnt risk swimming there. We just took a walk, and took
some pictures with tourist there. Weve heard that the sunset was very beautiful, but we were
regret because we couldnt saw it.
After that, we went to Krisna. It was located at Nusa Indah No.77 Denpasar. The shop was
similiar with Joger, but there we could find a large parking lot. And the building was also
larger than joger. We found lot of beautiful painting with cheap price there. We Bought many
painting there.
Then, we going back to the Hotel, we arrived there at 20.30 WITA.
After we had breakfast at the Hotel, we went to Sukowati Market. We arrived there at 08.45.
- Sukowati Art Market sells various Balinese handicrafts, outfit, bags, clothes, and others. In
Sukawati markwt we could get the exact same stuff at a very low price. It was a great place to
buy souvenirs or Balinese presents for friends and family. We done all our shoping on the
third day of our Bali trip At Sukawati Market as we heard that there was the cheapest.
At 11.17 WITA, We arrived at Alas Kedaton. It was the last destination of our trip in Bali.
- Alas Kedaton was ne of the famous tourist destinations in Tabanan Regency located in
Kedaton countryside north part of Tabanan town. Alas Kedaton Holy Monkey forest, where
hundreds of tame and very mischievous monkeys lived in the forest
sGAMBARurrounding the temple. It was not big forest, but there was many monkeys and big
bats. We were so frightening when we near the monkey, but actually they were cute. We took
a picture with the monkeys and the big bats.
After that, we went to RM Soka Indah at 12.53 WITA. And then, we were going to
Gilimanuk Harbor. We were left Bali island at 15.40 WITA. At 16.19, we arrived at Ketapang
Harbor. Then, we were had dinner at RM Utama Karya, Situbondo. At 20.07 we continued to
go home.
Before we were going to Wonosobo, we took a ret in Masjid Raya Klaten. After that, we had
breakfast at RM Sandi. Than, we returned to the bus and continued driving home to
Finally, we arrived at SMK N 1 Wonosobo on Friday, 15th February, 2013.
Based on the discussion in the previous section can be made the following conclusion:
1. Attractions on the island of Bali has characteristics / attraction for domestic and foreign
tourists. This makes the island of Bali used as a vacation spot as a place to visit and study
2. The charm of nature and culture in the island of Bali make insightful Study Tour
participants grow in culture archipelago.
3. The uniqueness and distinctive characteristics of the Indonesian island of Bali made more
famous in the outside world as well as generating foreign exchange for Indonesia.
4. In Study Tour participants will be able to better understand and respect the cultures that are
still strong in Indonesia and to develop a sense of national unity without distinction of class,
race, culture, and religion.
The island of Bali is one of islands in Indonesia, which has a lot of natural beauty and unique
culture in particular cultural dance and sculpture. Therefore, many domestic and foreign
travelers who want to visit the island. Their goal came to visit one of them is to look closely
at how the actual figure of Bali and learn about the culture - the culture of Bali in particular
the art of dance and sculpture.
In addition to cultural and natural scenery mentioned above there is also a culture that is not
less interesting, namely traditional ceremony performed by most of the population who are
predominantly Hindu Bali. Most of the implementation are presented Ceremony dances dances typical of the island of Bali.
1) For school
1. Schools are expected to hold a Study Tour after repeated public or far-away days before the
exam grade increment / UAS, so as not to burden the students in working papers.
2. Schools are expected to encourage the agency to prepare an itinerary carefully, so that
participants can attend Study Tour Study Tour regularly.
3. Schools should be able to provide fee waivers for students who are less able or difficult to
follow Study Tour fee so there are no students who can not follow the Study Tour due to cost
4. Schools are expected to provide more time for students to work on writing.
3) For students
1. Students are expected not only to utilize the Study Tour as a means of recreation, but also
as a learning tool to add insight.
2. Students are expected to be orderly and disciplined Study Tour trip run smoothly.
3. Students are expected to behave themselves during the Study Tour, and with regard to all
orders or rules of agency tour, tutor and tour guide for personal security.
4. Students are expected to keep valuables and a private individual, not to overload the
guidance counselor.
5. Students are expected to maintain the cleanliness and preservation of sights visited.
6. Students are advised not to travel alone in the sights and the free time to anticipate things
that are not desirable.
7. During the study tour students are expected to be very clever bidding on an item before
buying, because prices of goods are relatively expensive in Bali. Price of goods sold is
pegged to foreign tourists.