Sp9907-A - Chiller Statup Procedures
Sp9907-A - Chiller Statup Procedures
Sp9907-A - Chiller Statup Procedures
SP Number:SP-9907-A
Originator: RDH
Supersedes: NONE
Date: 12/03/99
Desired leaving fluid
Settings below 44F may require the addition of a glycol solution,
depending on control band, shutdown T, system load, and other
Setting should be high enough to prevent excessive staging due to
load variations or reaction to compressor capacity steps. For example:
(Screw, Scroll, or Recip unit) The control band setting should be set in
excess of the largest capacity step of the unit, at nominal water flow.
This will vary from 2.0- 5.0 F. Any decrease in flow rates will require a
higher control band setting, proportional to the flow reduction. The
full load operating T across the evaporator should never exceed 16F.
Flow or load variations should be limited to a maximum of 10% of full
load rating within a one-minute period.
Setting should be as high as possible for the application. For example:
In a comfort cooling application, the machine should rarely cycle
during periods of high ambient and during periods of lower ambient.
Higher swings in supply water temperature are not as critical so a
setting of 5-10 F would be practical.
Setting will depend on the leaving chill water setpoint and control
band setting. For example: (The LWT setpoint is 44 F and the control
band is 4 F) The Shutdown T would be set at 1-2 F maximum to
prevent low-pressure safety trip. Higher Shutdown T setpoint is
practical with lower loads, higher LWT setpoint, and lower control
band setting.
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Hot Gas
Start to
Ice Mode
Setting will depend on the system water volume, startup heat load, and
type of operation. A setting of 0.5 F or less is normally more than
adequate for comfort cooling due to high loop water temperatures and
moderate building loads. Settings should be low to prevent peak
demand charges and to prevent excessive staging. Setting should also
prevent compressor cycling or safety trips due to rapid pull down
rates. Settings of 1.0 F or greater should only be used in cases of
critical process systems, or large water volume/high load applications.
Control points should be verified to provide required
cooling/dehumidification and confirm that remote reset signals are
Chill water T should not be less than 1F with hot gas operating and
minimum loading.
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Before beginning work: Is a confirmation of job site conditions that may prevent or
delay start-up completion and should be verified first. This section is generally
completed prior to scheduled start-up. It may require a Purchase Order or authorization
for additional services. Typically, this requires a visual review of installation, literature,
and drawings.
____ Must have Chiller Passport and completed Request for Start-up form for Category one products.
____ Verify items signed off on the Request for Start-up form.
____ Inspect the chiller for damage and appearance.
____ Inspect for moisture damage in the control panels.
____ Minimum clearances for air flow and services, per IM.
____ Equipment level and properly supported per IM.
____ ALS unit with remote evaporator, piping has been approved by TRC and meets SB 37-9951 specs.
____ Pumps, piping and direction of flow are correct per specifications and properly supported.
____ Vent, gauge, and drain connections provided per IM.
____ Verify water systems have been flushed, cleaned, and strainers provided for new systems.
____ Per code requirements, relief valves should be vented to outdoors, properly supported, & terminations
protected from weather and insects.
____ All power wiring is copper gauge and insulation rating per NEC.
____ Over current protection per specifications.
____ Load available for adequate testing under stable conditions.
____ Paddle type flow switch (or approved DP) in leaving water piping per specifications.
____ Spring isolators require flex connections in all piping and conduit (36 min. flex conduit). Unit
should have springs installed. The weight load should be carried by shims or blocks at free height until all
piping, water, and refrigerant charging is complete.
Check first: Items may require services which may delay unit start-up.
____ Control power on, compressor oil temperature at recommended range.
____ Leak test unit (insure all required valves are open and pressure adequate).
____ Check water boxes for construction debris and piping stress.
____ Verify pump and flow (calibrate flow / p switch to trip at 50% rated flow) interlocks are per specs.
____ Customer interlocks only as indicated on wiring diagrams (shielded cable as required).
____ Customer has Site License for open protocol, if used.
____ Glycol solutions correct type and % mixture.
____ Water treatment services have been performed and auto feed equipment has flow interlocks.
____ Primary/secondary pump interlocks operate properly (sequence to confirm).
____ Condenser and chill water controls provide stable water supply.
____ BAS operational for chiller support (tower fans, pumps, etc.)
____ Check all setpoints per McQuay specs and job requirements.
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____ Controller displays correct readings. Verified by mechanical gauges. Calibrate as necessary.
____ Oil level and temperature correct.
____ Drives have proper alignment, tension, and rotation. Mounting bolts and setscrews torqued.
____ Tubing, capillary tubing, wiring, and conduit properly routed and secured.