Scientific Method

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IMultiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. How is a hypothesis tested?

a. by using the hypothesis to make predictions about a system.
b. by comparing observations in nature with predictions
c. by doing a series of experiment and looking for results
d. All of the above
_____2. Which of the following statements would be true of the scientific method?
a. People structure their lives on the principle of scientific method.
b. The scientific method is a continuous process by which people learn about his world.
c. Scientists report the experimental results, but not the experimental designs.
d. When the results of the experiment do not fit the hypothesis, a scientist may discard the results
and stop the experiment.
_____3. Suppose your mother sent you to the market to buy fruits and vegetables. How would you choose
good quality fruits and vegetables?
a. Ask the vendor to choose it for you.
b. Examine the fruit if it is free from insect bites and the smell of insecticide
c. Just get any kind and pay right away.
d. Tell your mother that you do not know how to buy good quality fruits and vegetables.
_____4. When scientists wish to communicate the results of their research, they are most likely to do which
of the following?
a. immediately repeat the research
b. call a press conference
c. write a concise report with complete results and proofs to the experiments performed and
formulate conclusions
d. sell their findings to other researchers
_____5. During an experiment about a coin and feather that were dropped at the same time, it was found
that the coin reached the ground first. One student said: Maybe, the coin is heavier than the feather.
What do you call this kind of statement?
a. a problem
b. a hypothesis
c. an interpretation
d. a conclusion
For numbers 6-9: Write the letter that corresponds to the step in the scientific method of solving
a. Observation
b. Formulation of Problem
c. Formulation of Hypothesis
d. Planning and conducting hypothesis
e. Gathering data
f. Formulating conclusion
_____6. A group of students noticed that the leaves of a plant have many holes. Thay asked
themselves what could have been the cause.
_____7. The researchers first selected the seeds, then prepared the seedbed carefully. They planted
the seeds and watered them every day. They put varying amounts of fertilizers until the seeds
developed into plants.
_____8. A group of first year students observed water being heated. They recorded the temperature
every 10 minutes until the water boiled.
_____9. Encouraged by the success of their experiment, a group of researchers repeated their
experiment years later. They got the same results. This is:
_____10. The following statement are quantitative observation except
a. The metals increased in length
b. The temperature of water increased
c. The distance traveled during the first second is 5 cm.
d. Water boils
II- Modified True or False: Read each statement. If it is true, write a T and if it is false, write an F in the
blank before the statement. Write in the blank following the statement how would you change the
underlined word or phrase to make the statement True.
_____ 1. Observation is the act of gathering information using the five senses.____________
_____ 2. The number of seeds that germinated in a given period of time is a qualitative data. ____________
_____ 3. In every start of the scientific method, one needs to conduct observation and then formulate a
_____ 4. Inferring means looking for what objects have in common or looking for their differences.
_____5. The statement It must be the Principal is an observation.________________
_____ 6. During experiment, one tries to form a theory as quickly as possible. This process is called
hypothesizing. ______________
_____ 7. Repeating and performing similar experiments can verify a solution to a problem._________________
_____ 8. A scientist would most likely test the hypothesis to a problem by research._____________________
_____ 9. A qualitative data is numerical in nature. _______________
_____10. Little by little you uncover several patterns of results during an experiment. This process is called
data gathering. ________
III- Identification: Read each statement carefully. Identify the concept/idea referred in each test stem.
______________________1. This is a sequence of steps followed by scientists in differentiating the truth from
lies and superstitions.
______________________2. A tentative statement that has to be proven by an experiment.
______________________3. It is the variable that is manipulated or changed.

______________________4. It is the variable that is measured to determine its response from the variable that
is manipulated.
______________________5. Is a belief or practice irrationally maintained due to ignorance of natural laws; the
fear of the unknown.
_____________________6. It is the system of measurement that uses the units like inch, foot, yard, and mile.
_____________________7. It is the system proposed by the French scientists and later known as the
International System of Units.
_____________________8. It is the process of getting an idea from an observation and creating a logical
judgment out of it.
_____________________9. It is a way of obtaining knowledge about nature; an organized and systematized
body of knowledge.
_____________________10. Is applied science.

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