Advanced Reading List2

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reading list
and The psychology of human misjudgement,
these speeches are jam packed with wisdom.
There are many useful ideas in this book, best
summed up by the Munger quote: I think its a
huge mistake not to absorb elementary worldly
wisdom if youre capable of doing it because it
makes you better able to serve others, it makes
you better able to serve yourself and it makes
life more fun.
If you enjoy this book, we also recommend
Seeking WisdomFrom Darwin to Munger by
Peter Bevelin. It covers similar ground, albeit from
a different angle. Its probably the equal of Poor
Charlies Almanack, but we didnt have room for
two colour photographs.
2. More than you knowFinding financial
wisdom in unconventional places
By Michael Mauboussin

Munger likes to give the

crowd an idea and then let
individuals figure it out for
themselves. Mauboussin, chief
investment strategist at Legg
Mason, has dived into a bunch of subjects and
done exactly that.
For a sample of his work, head to his
research papers at
knowledge/mauboussin/mauboussin.asp If you
like what you find, buy this book.
3. Only the Paranoid Survive
By Andrew Grove

1. Poor Charlies Almanack

By Peter Kaufman

This book begins with a description of Charlie

Mungers approach to life and finishes with ten of his
speeches at various universities and functions over
the years.
With titles such as Practical thought about
practical thought, A lesson on elementary, worldly wisdom

Warren Buffett often talks about the concept

of a business moat. For some lucky businesses,
such as the Australian Stock E xchange or
Coca-Cola, this is an inherent thing. Andy Grove
shows what it took to turn a company without
big natural advantages into a winner by reliving his time
at Intel. Paranoia played a big part in keeping it there. His concept
of strategic inflection points alone more than justifies this short and
satisfying read.

Intelligent Investor

called this the best science book of the 21st century so far, and you
dont need to be a scientist to understand it.

4. Moneyball
By Michael Lewis

Weve reviewed this book in our cover story of 5 Oct

07, The Superinvestors of Oakland Athletics. In short,
its about a management team who brought contrarian,
statistical-based thinking to the world of baseball, and
greatly improved its teams fortunes as a result.
5. The Tipping PointHow little things can make a big difference
By Malcolm Gladwell

In the last few years, the term tipping point has become
almost as overused as perfect storm. But the concept
has great merit and this is the book most responsible for
putting it in the lexicon. Effort and results rarely have a linear
relationship, and this book explains whymaking it very
useful for those wanting to understand how businesses tick.
6. Fortunes FormulaThe untold story of the scientific
betting system that beat the casinos and Wall Street
By William Poundstone

This book starts with advances in information

theory and applied mathematics in the 1950s, and
then travels to nascent Reno and Las Vegas, where
the lessons were applied to successfully clean up on
the blackjack table. The key concept in this book is the
Kelly criterion, a formula to help guide your decision on how much
to bet when you have an edge over the house.
7. Guns, Germs and Steel
By Jared Diamond

Diamond conclusively answers one of humanitys

more controversial puzzles: why did the people of
Eurasia, a backwater for most of history, go on to
colonise other nations and peoples so completely.
Unsatisfied with mostly inaccurate, often racist,
theories before it, Diamond used multidisciplinary thinking to prove
that its an accident of geography, demography and ecology and
nothing to do with genetics.
The lessons on offer, and Diamonds deduction process, are great
examples of what Munger terms a lollapalooza effectseveral strong
influences coming together in the same direction. We also enjoyed
Diamonds Collapse, which focuses on failed societies throughout
history. No offence, but we hope he wont be around to write a postmortem on the next failed society.

9. Critical MassHow one thing leads to another

By Philip Ball

One of the key points from Mauboussins More than

you know is the inherent advantages the crowd has over
the individual. As value investors, we need to think apart
from the crowd. But its not right to think that well succeed
just by getting an edge over the average investor. The
group, for a variety of reasons, behaves more intelligently than almost
all of individual participants offering input, and certainly wiser than the
average punter. Critical mass explores this concept.
10. The Black SwanThe impact of the highly improbable
By Nassim Taleb

Talebs second book follows on from Fooled by

randomness, which we reviewed in the cover story of
13 Sep 06. The second book is even better. Talebs
writing style can be a little annoying but the black
swan concept is tremendously useful, especially for
those of us who learn more convincingly through analogy. We plan
for the expected and get done in by the unexpected. This book will
change your thoughts on risk management.
11. Einstein: His life and Universe
By Walter Issacson

Like Charles Darwin, it was as much his sense of

discovery and application as his brainpower that allowed
Albert Einstein to achieve so much. Self-criticism, and
paying special attention to results that conflict with your
first conclusion, are also trademarks of the greatest
investors. This is a fascinating book covering a lot of ground.
12. The Selfish Gene
By Richard Dawkins

Our managing director claims this book changed his

thinking on many aspects of human nature. Dawkins
suggests its a misconception to think of evolution
acting on the individual. Evolution acts at the gene
level, and that has some important consequences. An
Amazon review we read, which quotes Dawkins, hits the nail on the
head: If we are puppets, at least we can try to understand our strings.
13. Sam WaltonMade in America

8. A Short History of Nearly Everything

By Bill Bryson

Science is a vitally important part of any

multidisciplinary arsenal. But rather than dive head first
into physics textbooks, we recommend this wonderful
book that covers the great discoveries of science and
the people involved. A recent Financial Times article

By Sam Walton and John Huey

OK, so we couldnt resist squeezing in one more

business book. Sam Walton, in the second half of one
normal lifetime, built the most successful retailer ever
Wal-Mart. This book shows that building a business isnt
just about numbers. Waltons empathy with his staff,
and his willingness to do things differently, were at least as important.

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