ST Lessonplan 4

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Roby Althaus

Lesson Plan 4
Subject/Lesson Title/Group:
RTI (Reading)
Title: Phonemic Segmentation
Small Group

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

Start Time: 8:10
End Time: 8:40

Phonological Awareness Standards
1.RF.2- Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and
sounds (phonemes)
Learning Goal(s):
Students will be able to break
apart words.
Students will be able to blend
CVC words.

Lesson guidelines (adapted from
Rubber band
Sound box cards
CVC dots
Individualized words on flash
cards (separated in baggies)
Phoneme word list

Key vocabulary:
Phoneme (sound is typically
the word used with the
Anticipatory Set:
In order to begin this lesson, I will have the students start by counting all the
sounds in a word. I will first ask them to count the sounds in the word kick.
Once they have determined the amount of sounds, I will then ask them how
many sounds are in the word football. To introduce the next portion of the
lesson, I will ask students what they noticed about the words.

Rubber Band: I will familiarize my group how we will now use the strategy
we just discussed in order to stretch out words with our rubber band. I will
model the first word, truly emphasizing each sound. For example:
/mmmmmmmm-/aaaaaaaaaa-/nnnnnnnnn. After stretching out the word, I
will then model how to bring the rubber band back to the original length and
say the word faster: /man/. Before giving the students their own rubber band
to practice with, I will acknowledge the fact that the rubber bands are a
learning tool, not a slingshot or a toy.
Sound Boxes: Once students have finished their rubber band stretch I will
present a sound box and how I will use it to show how I first stretch out my
word, by saying the sounds, and then sliding the sounds (colored CVC dots)
closer together to blend the word. The group is familiar with this technique
so I will only model with one word. I will again remind them that the dots are

Roby Althaus
Lesson Plan 4
a tool and once they receive their dots, they must place them on their sound
cards in home position before beginning.
Rubber Band: I will continue to work with the students as a group by giving
them all the same words to stretch out simultaneously. These words will
include sat, had, wag, and can. During this time, I will also ask students how
does the word change if I replace the vowel sounds with another vowel. For
example, How would the word sat change if I had a short i in the middle,
rather than a short a? I will ask for hands only to share their ideas, due to the
fact that I know a few in the group will try to shout the answer.
Sound Cards: I will first present a few words for the students to work on
together in order to gain practice with the skill again. Once the given words
are completed, I will provide students with their personalized baggies, which
contain words that are specific for each student. Due to the fact that I have
been working with this group specifically on these skills, I have been able to
determine which areas they need to practice more. One of my students, VR,
has trouble breaking apart words that end in an or am. After giving a phonics
screener, I also know that he has trouble producing the short I sound
correctly. For VR, I will be giving him words focusing on these sounds. My
next student, BH, is working on producing her L and R sounds in speech. I
feel that giving her words that include these letters will be beneficial to the
development of these sounds. The final student in this group, GM, is
progressing and moves quite quickly so I am planning to provide more words
in his baggie so that he is able to continue working for the entirety of this
portion of the lesson.
Jumping Sounds: Once students have finished the blending the words in the
baggies, I will bring them into the hall in order to break apart their words
again, but while jumping each sound. The students are familiar with this
process so no teacher model is needed. I will express that this is not a race
though and encourage them to take their time with each sound. Again, the
words selected will be carefully determined based upon where that student is
consistently performing.
Closure: After students have finished jumping their sounds, I will have them
join back at the table for closure. Here I will ask them, what did we work on
today? I will acknowledge/discuss their responses and ask any follow up
questions if needed. We will then leave by holding our invisible rubber band
and break apart the word goodbye. Occasionally for active participation, I will
give the students a sticker and if I feel they accomplished this task, I will do
just that.
Differentiation for Student Needs:
Like mentioned earlier, there will be individualized differentiation in multiple
aspects of this lesson based on students needs. This skill and a similar lesson

Roby Althaus
Lesson Plan 4
is one that the students have been working with me on two times a week for
the past 3 weeks. Due to the frequency and group size, I have been able to
work one on one with each student and see the areas where they may need
some support. While the students are using their sound cards and CVC dots, I
will provide them with a personalized baggie with words that will be beneficial
to the skill they are working towards perfecting. In addition to this, I will also
vocalize similar words to the students when they are jumping their sounds.
What did you noticed?
How are the words similar?
How does it change if?

Integration Areas:

Formative Assessment:
In this lesson, I will continuously informally assess the students to see where
they have progressed in their skill and where they may need some additional
support. The students will be completing a variety of activities and during
this time, I will be taking note of how the child is doing and how I would like to
adjust the next lesson for them. The assessment will mostly be focusing on
how this child is completing the task and what skills they need to develop

Example Sound Box card with CVC dots:

Roby Althaus
Lesson Plan 4

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