13 Liver Cleanse
13 Liver Cleanse
13 Liver Cleanse
The liver is the second largest single organ (after skin) in the body,
weighing nearly two kgs in an adult. Since adult humans can be of
different sizes, so can be the liver.
The Liver is situated in the upper Liver
abdomen on the right side, beneath
(and loosely attached) the diaphragm.
It is approximately 21-22 cms across
at its widest point, 15-17 cms at its
greatest vertical height and 10-12
cms across front and back. The liver is
composed of soft, red brown tissues,
divided into lobes and enclosed by a
tough fibrous capsule.
Liver with other Organs
The liver has an intricate and
complex system of blood vessels. If we were to build a factory to
perform all chemical functions that a mans liver could perform, it
would spread over a few acres. The circulatory system of the liver
is unlike that of any other organ. It receives 25% blood supply from
the hepatic artery. The major portion 75% is received from the portal
vein. This blood contains the final products of digestion.
All of the venous blood, returning from the pancreas, stomach, small
intestine and spleen, converges into the portal vein. One consequence
is that the liver gets first pickings of everything absorbed in the small
intestine, where all nutrients are re-absorbed. So, it is the livers job
to process all the food that your intestines absorb. Apart from the
above, the liver also performs the following important functions:
The liver is the main organ in the human body whose function
is to process foreign substances in our body and make them
friendly. Its primary secretion, the bile, is poured in to the
gallbladder and then the duodenum (the first part of the small
Cure Yourself
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Cure Yourself
Gallbladder Stones
Cure Yourself
Gallbladder Stones
Cure Yourself
since the bile can no longer be stored, it is released into the intestine.
This may result in indigestion of fat. Bile is designed to remove
toxins, fat and sludge from the liver and flush out stones of fatty and
calcified deposits called gallstones. The longer the bile remains in
the gallbladder, the thicker this bitter, greenish liquid becomes and
the greater the likelihood of stone formation. These stones are also
formed when too little bile is produced. They in turn decreases the
ability of the liver to make bile and as a result, less cholesterol and
toxins are removed from the body.
How is bile made?
Our body is a wonderful system. It even uses worn out blood
cells.The spleen breaks down haemoglobin in the worn out red blood
cells into bile salts and other substances. Bile salts are safe for the
body in normal amounts. The liver removes excess bile salts and
wastes, and sends them to the gallbladder for storage, from where
they are released into the small intestine for digestion.
Functions of bile
When bile is released into the intestine, it performs the following
When you eat a meal with fats, the gallbladder releases a large
amount of bile to digest them. Bile is essential in the digestion of
fats. The concept of emulsifying fats is similar to that of washing
greasy dishes. Without adding soap, it is almost impossible to
clean the grease. The same way, the gallbladder stores bile
that emulsifies the fat, so that it can be properly transported
by the intestines into the bloodstream.
It neutralises the acid from the stomach.
It is a natural laxative for the colon.
What are Gallstones?
Stones can form anywhere in the body where there is a liquid
containing mineral salts that can be crystallised and where the fluid
is held for a while in a hollow organ, such as the gallbladder. The
stones may be large or small and may grow together causing extra
Cure Yourself
large stones. Small stones are often excreted along with the bile
and eliminated with no problem. Larger ones, however, can become
lodged in the ducts, causing gallstone colic, one of the most painful
illnesses. At other times, gallstones may be silent, and may not
cause any pain or symptoms. In autopsies, examiners often find
gallbladders full of gallstones.
Often, a gallstone is not a true
stone. They are rather rubbery and
soft. Most gallstones float. Only a
few sink. They are mostly green.
The size varies from that of rice
grains to golf balls. Even large
gallstones slip out easily through
the anus. Pathological analysis of a
stone sample after a Liver Cleanse
Composition of Gallstone
was found to be 91% cholesterol and 9% bile salts, water and inert
In many people, including children, the biliary tubing is choked
with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives, but others exhibit
no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed, nothing
is seen. Typically, the gallstones are not only in the gallbladder, but
are also in the bile duct and liver. More ever, most are too small and
not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility in an X-ray.
Even after surgical removal of the gallbladder, a little pocket
remains where stones can accumulate. The Liver Cleanse will flush
out the area and expel gallstones that may have formed post surgery.
Symptoms of Gallstones Problem may include:
Cramping and gas in the stomach or intestine
Abdominal pain, which could be transmitted to the right
If a gallstone remains lodged in the bile duct for a long time,
there will be a build-up of bile behind it. This can result in
obstructive jaundice
Cholecystitis, an inflammation and possible infection in the
gall bladder due to high levels of cholesterol
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Liver Cleanse
(Master Cleanse)
Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion,
which is the basis of your complete health. You can expect your
allergies to be reduced by up to 40%, immediately after the first
cleanse. The benefits increase with each subsequent cleanse,
wherein you will notice a reduction in the frequency and intensity of
the allergy.
A Liver Cleanse also ensures a heart attack free life for at least
six months following the cleanse, by removing cholesterol and fat
deposited in the arteries and blood (see page 88).
Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm and upper back
pain, along with many other ailments. You will have more energy and
an increased sense of well-being.
I suggest everyone to do a Liver Cleanse as soon as possible.
Within 18 hours of this painless process, anyone can confirm that
this Cleansing Therapy is very powerful.
1. Due to eating cooked food and environmental pollutants toxins
accumulate in the capillaries of the liver. To visualise this
condition, imagine your garden hose with marbles in it; very
little water would flow, in turn decreasing the ability of the hose
to flush out the marbles. With gallstones, very little cholesterol
is able to leave the body and its levels rise. If you remove the
marbles from the garden hose, water will flow freely. Similarly,
once you do a Liver Cleanse, your cholesterol levels come
down and the performance of the liver is improved.
2. Cleansing reduces clogging of blood capillaries inside the liver
and gallbladder.
3. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of
which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black,
red, white, green or tan coloured. The green ones get their
colour from a coating of bile. Notice in the picture on page 74
the number of embedded unidentified objects. You can observe
Cure Yourself
Cure Yourself
fruit diet, you can pass out the maximum number of stones.
The reason is simple. Fruits do not need bile for digestion
and the bile remains stored, resulting in more pressure that
releases more stones are passed.
If you are doing any of the other cleanses, such as Kidney
Cleanse, Acidity Cleanse or Parasite Cleanse,
stop these cleanses by 2 pm, i.e., four hours
before the scheduled Liver Cleanse. If you are
taking regular medication for blood pressure or
diabetes, you can continue to take it as usual.
1. Extra virginolive oil (250 ml) for a person of 70
kgs or more, 175 ml for people weighing less
than 70 kgs and 150 ml for people less than 55
kg (remember that only Extra Virgin Olive oil is
needed, not any olive oil or virgin olive oil).
2. Fresh juice of orange (mebleje), sweet lime (ceewmebyeer),
tangerine (keer v et) or pineapple
(Deveeveeme) approximately in the
same quantity as the oil. Tetra
pack juices can also be used.
3. Epsom salt or magnesium
sulphate (MgSO4.7H2O) - four
sachets of 20 gms each per
person per Liver Cleanse, for a Ingredients for Liver Cleanse
person weighing 70 kgs and above. People who suffer from
hypertension or weigh any less should take 15 gms. If they are
on regular medication to control hypertension, they should take
the regular dose of 20 gms. People suffering from hypotension
should take a reduced dose of 15 gms, since Epsom salt
sometimes tends to lower BP marginally.
4. Water (800 ml); to dissolve Epsom salt. You can substitute
water with orange/sweet lime, pineapple or apple juice, to
avoid the unpleasant taste of Epsom salt. However, for best
results, have magnesium sulphate with water and observe
better cleansing, by way of increased number of stones in stool.
Cure Yourself
Keep your Epsom salt ready. Mix 80 gms (20 gms X 4
2:00 pm sachets = 80 gms) of Epsom salt (individual needs may
Start the
vary) in 800 ml of water. This makes four servings of
200 ml each. Keep the jar in a refrigerator to cool the
liquid (this is only for convenience and taste).
Drink one glass of the mixture of Epsom salt. If you did
6:00 pm not prepare this ahead of time, mix a single sachet (20
Dose 1 gms) of Epsom salt in one glass water. You may also
drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards.
8:00 pm
Dose 2
9:45 pm Pour 175 ml extra virgin olive oil into a glass. Prepare
Prepare juice of orange or sweet lime, or get a tetra pack juice.
medicine You should have 175 ml of juice. Add this to the extra
virgin olive oil. Mix the contents in a mixer/whipper for
10 seconds. The medicine is now ready.
Drink the medicine (mixture of oil + juice). Lie down
10:00 pm
quickly on your right side for 30 minutes, with your
Dose 3
head up high on the pillow. The liver is on the right
side. This way, more pressure is created on the bile
ducts to push out stones. You may feel a train of
stones travelling along the bile ducts, like marbles.
There is no pain because Epsom salt has dilated the
bile duct valves. After 30 minutes, you may sleep on
any side that suits you.
6:00 am
Dose 4
8:00 am
Dose 5
Cure Yourself
Approximate Quantity
Epsom Salt
Per Dose
> 70 kg
250 ml
175 ml
75 ml
80 gms
20 gms
70 - 55 kg
175 ml
125 ml
50 ml
60 gms
15 gms
< 55 kg
150 ml
100 ml
50 ml
Cure Yourself
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Cure Yourself
l Blood
sugar imbalance
l Low Libido
density loss
l Low thyroid symptoms
l Breast tenderness
l Menopausal problems
l Depression
l Memory loss
l Dry skin
l Panic/weeping
l Facial hair
l Foggy thinking
l Fatigue
l Sciatica
l Feeling of being crazy
l Spondylitis/arthritis
l Fibrocystic breast
l Swollen ankle/feet
l Hair loss
l Uterine fibroids
l Headaches/migraines
l Vaginal problems
l Hot/cold flashes
l Water retention
These are termed as normal and we are advised to live with
them. Will doing a Liver Cleanse be helpful to us?
Yes. Even if you do just one Liver Cleanse, then your opinion
on the efficacy of this cleanse, either to reduce or even cure your
problems will change. With each subsequent cleanse your condition
will further improve.
2. We are a group of 10 gents with some of the following
problems. Can you help?
l Acne
l Inability to lose weight
l Age and liver spots
l Leg/muscle cramps
l Allergies
l Insomnia
l Anger/irritability
l Lack of sex drive
l Burning sensation during l Loss of memory
l Low blood sugar
l Depression
l Thyroid problem
l Diabetes
l Lower back pain
l Dry skin
l Panic/weeping
l Enlarged prostate
l Hair loss
l Erectile dysfunction
l Reduced muscular
l Fatigue strength
l Feeling of being crazy
l Sciatica
l Foggy thinking/memory
l Spondylitis
l Headaches
l Swollen ankle/feet
l Migraines
l Water retention
l Bone
Cure Yourself
Cure Yourself
one of them. This is also effective but it takes a lot more time to
achieve the same effect as compared to our Liver Cleanse. Just ask
her to compare the results of her procedure with our method and
notice the difference over a period of just two days.
10. Can the Liver Cleanse avert bypass/heart attack?
Definitely yes. Once the LDL (Low Density Lipoprotien) leaves
your body, the chances of cardiac arrest/bypass are minimised.
Visualise a part of the LDL cholesterol accumulated in your liver
cleared by the Liver Cleanse. It is an inherent property of the
blood to balance all its ingredients uniformly in the body. It picks
up accumulated cholesterol from comparatively high concentration
Liver Cleanse - The Master Cleanse
Before the cleanse
Artery free
of LDL
A Liver Cleanse protects you from heart attack atleast for six months
after the cleanse by way of reducing cholesterol levels in arteries.
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Cure Yourself
Cure Yourself
Cure Yourself
with you to change your health. I believe that everybody has a right
to better health. Hence, I persuade everyone to do a Liver Cleanse
at the earliest and not delay it for any frivolous reason.
27. What is the difference between Epsom salt, Sendha Namak,
Lahori Namak, Iodised salt and Sea salt?
Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4.7H2O), whereas
the others are different forms of Sodium Chloride (NaCl). Only
Epsom salt is used for Liver Cleanse.
28. Where can I get original Epsom salt?
All ingredients suggested never come in duplicate, because they
are inexpensive. Epsom salt is available for Rs. 7-10 per 20 gms.
Epsom salt of non-food grade may be available for Rs 20/- for 175
gms. For you, they both serve the same purpose, except that in a
175 gms box you need to take doses of approximately 20 gms
each. Dont worry if it is 18 or 19 or 20 gms of the advised doses.
29. I did a Liver Cleanse, but my stones are still in the same
place and they are of the same size.
Take a print out from my website www.drpiyushsaxena.com of:
1. How dependable are pathological reports, and, 2. Original
reports. As a precautionary measure, get an ultra sound done in a
different hospital without mentioning the previous report to confirm
its correctness. However, if you still find some stones, do a Kidney
Cleanse, Acidity Cleanse and most importantly, Parasite Cleanse
with zapper and pulser followed by a Liver Cleanse once again.
Then rest assured, any laboratory will confirm that you dont have
any stones in your gall bladder.
30. Can anybody do this Liver Cleanse?
You can suggest this therapy to anybody, but only after you have
tested it on yourself. Remember, in Cleansing Therapy, you are your
own doctor, so be prepared to help your patients by setting your
own example. However, if you have any of the following ailments
with major discomfort then you should preferably do a Liver Cleanse
under supervision of a person who has already done it :
diabetes (with five years or more on medication)
cirrhosis of the liver
Cure Yourself
Cure Yourself
Cure Yourself
patterns, but the serial order of the dosage must remain the same.
The time interval between the dosage can also be adjusted by up to
one hour.
44. I slept on left side instead of right side, what can I do now?
It makes some difference, but it will not greatly affect the overall
efficacy of the cleanse. However, be careful next time. If you realised
this during the initial minutes of taking a dose, turn and sleep on
your right side for at least 30 minutes.
45. For my morning 8 am dosage, I took Epsom salt instead of
extra virgin olive oil. Should I continue the process by taking
extra virgin olive oil?
The cleansing process ends with this dose of Epsom salt. You
need not take extra virgin olive oil. Try to make a chart of the dosage,
mark it when done, to avoid any lapse in future.
46. I am a healthy person with a normal weight. Can I do a Liver
Cleanse with half the dosage of Epsom salt and extra virgin
olive oil?
The recommended dosage for the Liver Cleanse gives assured
results for all. For a healthy person, even half dosage may give
good results. Go ahead with half the dosage. However, follow the
serial order as instructed.
47. I have a fatty liver. Should I do a Liver Cleanse?
Fatty liver is a term that describes the build-up of fat in the liver.
Its normal to have some fat in your liver. If it is more than 5 to 10%
of your liver weight, only then can it termed as a fatty liver. Dont
worry about it and start with your Liver Cleanse right away.
48. I have recently suffered from jaundice. Should I do a Liver
Jaundice is the medical term for a disease affecting the liver, with
symptoms such as yellowing of the skin and eyes. If you continue
to experience acute symptoms of jaundice, then avoid doing a Liver
Cleanse till the symptoms subside.
49. My kidneys have failed. I am on dialysis. I have been advised
not to do a Kidney Cleanse. Can I do a Liver Cleanse?
Yes, but under supervision of a relative who has already done
this cleanse. You may contact me for more information. You will
Cure Yourself
improve a lot.
50. I have diabetes. How can I do a Liver Cleanse?
If you are suffering from diabetes for a long time, ten years or
more, then dont do a Liver Cleanse. Due to continuous dosage of
insulin the internal organs of the body are weak. However, if you
havent been on medicines for a long time and your general health
is in good condition, then you should do a Liver Cleanse.
You have another option. Do a Liver Cleanse with reduced
dosage, upto 50% of the normal dosage. In addition, you may have
some fresh fruits, such as apple, orange, sweet lime and grapes
(but, not mango or litchi), between the process, along with your
regular medication.
51. I have hyperacidity. Can a Liver Cleanse will help ?
You should do a Liver Cleanse, followed by an Acidity Cleanse
for maximum benefits.
52. I weigh around 120 kgs. How much Epsom salt should I
Epsom salt dosage of 20 grams x 4 is the maximum permitted
dosage. It must not be increased, in any case.
53. I am grossly underweight. My weight is 40 kgs, height 54
and I am 32 years old. Can I do a Liver Cleanse?
You can safely do a Liver Cleanse with half of the recommended
dosage of Epsom salt. After a Liver Cleanse, you may gain weight,
as your digestion as well as absorption of food will improve.
54. I am overweight by 22 kgs. How will a Liver Cleanse help?
During a Liver Cleanse, patients lose a lot of LDL cholesterol.
The body retains a significant amount of water and other undesirable
substances to keep the LDL in a diluted form, if it is beyond the
desired limits. Once LDL cholesterol reduces, the undesirable
substances and water also leave the body, resulting in a weight loss
of up to 1 to 2 kgs on a permanent basis.
55. I have liver cirrhosis. Should I do Liver Cleanse?
You are advised not to do a Liver Cleanse, if the symptoms are
serious. Otherwise, do it with reduced doses under supervision of
some one who has already done a Liver Cleanse.
Cure Yourself
56. I had some bleeding from anus after the Liver cleanse.
It is an extremely rare phenomenon. It may be due to an already
existing ulcer in the stomach or intestine. You may take Gelusil, as
advised in question no. 14 on page 89. For relief from bleeding or
pain, you can wipe it dry with any cloth and apply any cream. You
will be fine in an hour or two.
57. I am from a remote village. I cannot get extra virgin olive oil
in nearby areas. Can I try any other oil for Liver Cleanse?
Try once again to get extra virgin olive oil as only this oil provides
the best results. Currently, it is available in the food section of
shopping malls of all major towns, which may be a few hundred
kms from the remote interior place where you may be residing.
However, as a last alternative, I suggest using pure virgin olive oil,
virgin olive oil and olive oil, in that order. You will get some good
result. In any case, start a Liver Cleanse at the earliest with whatever
oil that you can get. Show the photographs on page no.72/73 to the
shop keeper.
58. I did a Liver Cleanse. Afterwards I developed infection and
The ingredients used for Liver Cleanse do not contain any
bacteria or fungus to cause you infection. You may already have
some infection. Normally any type of infection takes 3-4 days to
exhibit symptoms. Perhaps, you did a Liver Cleanse during this
period. Though you benefited from the cleanse, the fever occurred
when the bacteria developed. It is just a coincidence. If you feel that
it is caused by Liver Cleanse, then you are completely wrong. Take
a proper antibiotic or any other medicine to fight the infection as
recommended by your doctor.
59. With so many inconveniences attached to the liver cleanse,
how can you recommend it?
I have never faced any inconvenience and neither do most
people. I have listed many problems, so that you need not run to the
doctor a panic whenever any minor discomfort arises.
Cure Yourself
Liver Cleanse
Opinions, allegations and clarifications
Time and again, many opinions of allopathic practitioners and
other doomsayers have indicated that gallbladder stones cannot be
cured by a Liver Cleanse. They say that it is a sick joke and an
experiment by a quack. People experience cramping, diarrhoea,
sweating, nausea or general sickness, and exclaim after they
complete the Liver Cleanse; they feel so much better after getting
rid of 100 to 200 gallstones (sometimes even more) from their
gallbladder. The opponents of Liver Cleanse say that we, the doers
of Liver Cleanse, without any proof of having gallstones in the first
place, shout out that we have gotten rid of those stones. They say
that what we see in the toilet is actually just saponified oil (oil
coagulated with apple juice), because the body cannot digest too
much of oil at one time, and to get rid of it, saponification takes
They cite the gall bladders example. The gallbladder is a very
tiny structure and does not have room to hold bile, 100s of gallstones
and the common bile duct in an increasingly small tube! The number
of stones observed in the stool would require a gallbladder the size
of a football to hold them! They give numerous reasons not do a
Liver Cleanse.
In view of above allegations, I would like them to just search on
Google for 'Liver Cleanse'. More than 1,00,00,000 or 10 million
sites appear. None of these sites are promoted by a professional
medical practitioner, who charges, directly or indirectly, a hefty fee
from patients. These opponents of Liver Cleanse, in the first place,
have never done a Liver Cleanse. Instead, all of these sites are
promoted by common people, like me, who have done a Liver
Cleanse on themselves and their family members. Most of us do
not charge any fees and we are propagating it as a greater social
I accept that bile duct is too thin to pass a stone, but Epsom salt
dilates it for a short while and, as a result, gallbladder passes stones
smoothly. Also, we the practitioners of Liver Cleanse, have always
Cure Yourself
maintained that gall bladder stones are not only in the gall bladder,
but are scattered in the liver and bile ducts. Most of them are not the
actual stones, but are soft cholesterol chaffs.
The claim that gallstones in diarrhea are not supported by
ultrasound and pathological reports is a blatant lie. In fact whenever
a test is done after a proper Liver Cleanse, the ultrasound reports
confirm reduction in number of stones.
The theory of saponified oil, i.e., oil coagulated with fruit juice, is
again a negative approach toward Liver Cleanse. Olive oil solidifies
at refrigerator temperatures, around 3 degrees centigrade. Water is
a pure substance, so it freezes at an exact temperature. On the
other hand, olive oil is a complex mixture of oils and waxes. The
temperature of our body is 37 degree C, thus, freezing of oil is ruled
out. The LDL Cholesterol in the gall bladder stones melts at around
55 degree C. The stones in the Liver Cleanse diarrhea melt at the
same temperature when exposed to the Sun. No chemical technique
can create solid soft stones by coagulating oil with apple or citrus
Above all, we have done it, felt it and propagating it for the benefit
of human kind without any monetary benefit.
Do you need any more evidence to justify Liver Cleanse?