for Mariyamman is a ten-day festival, organized by temple authorities during the second week in April. Some
continue to use an old village customs of worship by offering chickens and goats to the deity, but the animals are
no longer sacriced but sold after being oered. But the
main worshipping of the goddess occurs on the road a
mile or two from the temple. A hurried walk and dance
carries hundreds of thousands of worshippers along the
road to the temple. Countless people in the crowd have
fasted, shaved their heads, and wear bright yellow clothes,
which are sacred to the goddess. Many women and children carry a pot on their heads decorated with the goddesss favourite leaves of the margosa tree. Young men
and women carry similar pots but are followed by drummers and dance more wildly. Larger men and women
carry pots of charcoal re. Some put themselves through
a special tribulation of having one of the sacred weapons,
dagger, trident, or a spear, inserted through their cheeks
or tongues.[9] Through this worship each individual realizes themselves and others through samsara and moksha.
In this self-realization he or she is bonded with the goddess, which is the underlining reason of the worship.
she is portrayed with many armsrepresenting her many Some temples have also attained enough popularity that
powersbut in most representations she has only two or Brahmins ociate at them. For example, the Samayapufour.
ram temple near the shore of river Cauvery in the northMri is generally portrayed in the sitting or standing po- ern outskirts of Trichy, maintains a rich agamic tradition
sition, often holding a trident (trisula) in one hand and a and all rituals are performed by Gurukkal of Brahmins.
bowl (kapala) in the other. One of her hands may display a mudra, usually the abhaya mudra, to ward o fear.
She may be represented with two demeanoursone displaying her pleasant nature, and the other her terrifying
aspect, with fangs and a wild mane of hair.
Salem Kottai Sri Periya Mariamman temple which is located in heart of the city, The Aadi festival celebrated
for 22 days.
Goddess of medicine
Fertility goddess
S.Ramachandran pillai is the founder of Ramamirthamman Temple. This amman kovil thiruvilla was very famous; many people celebrate this amman kovil year festival.
It is believed by the devotees that the Goddess has enormous powers over curing illnesses[1] and hence, it is a
ritual to buy small metallic replicas, made with silver or
steel, of various body parts that need to be cured, and
these are deposited in the donation box. Devotees also
oer mavilakku (Tamil: ), a sweet dish made
of jaggery, rice our and ghee. [2] Oerings of raw salt
is also made to the Goddess by the rural devotees. The
temple attracts thousands of devotees on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays, the holy days for Ramamirthamman.
8 Hindu tradition
In Hindu tradition, Mariamman is the sister of Lord
Vishnu (Sriranganathar) and called Mahamaya.
most of the parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In
Mysore region she is worshipped as both Chowdeshwari
Devi and as well as Mariamman. There are many instances where Mariamman has appeared to people in
form an old woman wearing red sari with green bangles
and three mangalsutras. She is also regarded as the
Gramdevata of certain villages, thus reducing the incidence of contagious disease in these villages. Another
version depicts her as Pattalamma, goddesses of truthfulness and punctuality. She is said to punish any villager
failing to practice these virtues.
[4] The truthful Kali who guarded the homesteads sat with
her, The Kali sat together with Durga continuously with
her _Mariamman Lullaby
[5] Thiruchandran, Selvy (1997). Ideology, caste, class, and
gender. Vikas Pub. House.
[6] Manickam, Valliappa Subramaniam (1968). A glimpse of
Tamilology. Academy of Tamil Scholars of Tamil Nadu.
p. 75.
[7] Lal, Mohan (2006). The Encyclopaedia Of Indian Literature (Volume Five (Sasay To Zorgot), Volume 5. Sahitya
Akademi. p. 4396. ISBN 8126012218.
In reference to Sanskrit stotras, it is suggested Mariamman is not sister of Lord Visnu rather feminine as- [8] M.K.V.Narayan, Exploring the Hindu Mind: Cultural Repect of Lord. The Lord incarnates in this form during
ection and Symbolism, Readworthy, 2009, pp 93
Kali yuga, when knowledge is almost void or ignorance
at peak. Even few refer or map to other female goddess [9] Younger, Paul. Journal of the American Academy of Religion. A Temple Festival of Mriyamman (1980): 493like Renuka devi, none of them have been proved or val513. ATLA Religion Database. Web. 28 Sept. 2014.
idated. The Mariamman represents core aspects of Lord
in form of curative aspect to signify direction and awak- [10] Samayapuram Mariamman Song by Harini
ening of knowledge. She is referred as MahaLakshmi,
Mahasaraswati and MahaKali. Varamahalakshi is dedi- [11] Temples : Sri Maha Mari Amman Temple, Germany.
Dinamalar. 2007-12-28. Retrieved 2011-10-29.
cated to Mariamman. It also represents nite aspect of
innite qualities.
The Nanalthidal Mariamman,Kattucherry near Porayar,Tamil Nadu
Mariamman temple in a village in Tamil Nadu
Main shrine to Mariamman in the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
See also
11 References
^ Kolenda, Pauline Pox and the terror of Childlessness: Images and Ideas of the Smallpox Goddess in
a North Indian Village in P. Kolenda Caste, Cult
and Hierarchy: Essays on the Culture of India (New
Delhi: Folklore Institute, 1983) 198221
^ Rigopoulos, Antonio The life and teachings of Sai
Baba of Shirdi State University of New York press,
Albany, (1993) ISBN 0-7914-1268-7 pages 78, 80,
160, 224, 226, 250
Madurai Veeran
12 Further reading
The Village Gods of South India (London, 1921) by
H. Whitehead
13 External links
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