Precipitation Rubrics

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Rubric for Precipitation Inquiry

_______All three parts are labeled correctly on the drawing- 3
_______Two parts are labeled correctly on the drawing- 2
_______One part is labeled correctly on the drawing - 1
_______No parts are labeled correctly on the drawing- 0
Independent Inquiry Idea:
_______Student wrote way to change/ experiment with the inquiry- 1
_______Student did not write a way to change/ experiment with the inquiry- 0
_______ Student participated in the activity the entire time and completed the entire
inquiry sheet- 3
_______Student participated in the activity the entire time but did not complete the
entire inquiry sheet- 2
_______Student did not fully participate in the entire activity and did not complete the
entire inquiry sheet- 1
_______Student did not participate in the activity at all and did not complete the inquiry
sheet- 0

Rubric for Precipitation Matching
_______All four definitions were matched to the correct type of precipitation- 4
_______ Three definitions were matched to the correct type of precipitation- 3
_______ Two definitions were matched to the correct type of precipitation- 2
_______ One definition was matched to the correct type of precipitation- 1
_______ No definition was matched to the correct type of precipitation- 0
_______ All four pictures were matched to the correct type of precipitation- 4
_______ Three pictures were matched to the correct type of precipitation- 3
_______ Two pictures were matched to the correct type of precipitation- 2
________ One picture was matched to the correct type of precipitation- 1
________ No pictures were matched to the correct type of precipitation- 0

Rubric for Runoff/Groundwater/Saturation Activity
_______ All three attributes of runoff are in the correct circle- 3
_______ Two attributes of runoff are in the correct circle- 2
_______ One attribute of runoff is in the correct circle- 1
_______ No attributes of runoff are in the correct circle- 0
_______ All three attributes of groundwater are in the correct circle- 3
_______ Two attributes of groundwater are in the correct circle- 2
_______ One attribute of groundwater is in the correct circle- 1
_______ No attributes of groundwater are in the correct circle- 0
_______ All three attributes of saturation are in the correct circle- 3
_______ Two attributes of saturation are in the correct circle- 2
_______ One attribute of saturation is in the correct circle- 1
_______ No attributes of saturation are in the correct circle- 0
_______ Attribute of all three is in the correct circle- 1
_______ No attributes of all three are in the correct circle- 0

Name: _______________________
Ticket out the Door Rubric
_______All four definitions were matched to the correct type of precipitation- 4
_______ Three definitions were matched to the correct type of precipitation- 3
_______ Two definitions were matched to the correct type of precipitation- 2
_______ One definition was matched to the correct type of precipitation- 1
_______ No definition was matched to the correct type of precipitation- 0
_______ All three are labeled correctly- 3
_______ Two are labeled correctly- 2
_______ One is labeled correctly- 1
_______ None are labeled correctly- 0

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