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Articles About Education

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Articles About Education (Kumpulan Artikel

Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan)

hi pals! in this season i will share some articles about education. ive got this when i search in
many website on internet and i got some good information to you. exactly, i search thoose
because my assignment of writing subject and i will share this articles on my website, so please
Why Findlands Schools Are So Successfull
For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which
compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not
only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and
South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different
from others in the western world.
First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which
comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in
school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home. When
teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum
and new projects. They teach in teams if it helps them reach their goals. That is why dropout
rates are low compared to other countries.
In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its
teachers very carefully. Only talented students go on to a university and receive a masters
degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.
Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. More than in any other country
teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their
school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the
pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or
through specially trained educators.
South Korea Switches to Digital Textbooks in the Classroom
South Korea is planning change from paper to digital textbooks in the next few years. All content
of South Koreas school subjects will be available on PCs, iPads and mobile phones by 2015.
The education department has announced that South Korea is preparing for a new digital
revolution that will change schools of the future.
The project was started last summer. Classrooms throughout the Asian country will be equipped
with wireless LANs so that students can access learning materials whenever and wherever they
want. Pupils wont have to carry heavy schoolbags and satchels any more.

South Korea is a model nation when it comes to using modern technology. The OECD found out
that youngsters in South Korea lead the world when it comes to getting information from the
internet and working with computers. The country focuses on teaching children the basics of
technology at a very early age.
Compared to South Korea, western nations lag behind. American president Barack Obama has
announced that United States is installing a national learning centre which is to improve teaching
standards and develop new teaching methods.

Shanghai is Number One in World Education Rankings

A global educational study called PISA (Program for International Assessment ) tests over
500,000 pupils in over 70 countries every three years. The 2010 results showed that pupils in
Shanghai are the worlds best in reading mathematics and science . PISA studies 15 year olds
and their abilities in the three fields. The study did not rank China as a whole but Shanghai,
Hong Kong and Macao as separate countries.
South Korea, Singapore Taiwan and Japan were other Asian nations that ranked well. In many
western countries the reading score was down. In Europe, Finland still stays in the number one
spot although it is ranking third overall. Americans are, at best, average , ranking 17th in
reading, 23rd in science and 31st in mathematics.
Why have Asian countries overtaken Europe and America in the tests? First, they put more
focus on education. Children, parents and teachers know that a good education is the key to
being successful. They are not tolerant when pupils fail . Asians believe that if you do hard
and succeed in school you will be successful in your job as well.
Starting at a very early age China teaches its children that you can only succeed if you are better
than the others. They are tested as soon as they come to school. Only the best can go to college
and then get a good job. Examinations are held very often and lists of students rankings are
posted on the walls of a school. Shanghai students study much harder than western pupils do
and they spend less time on extracurricular activities or sport. Teachers are also respected ,
paid well and highly motivated .
Virtual Worlds are Useful for Children
A research report says that virtual worlds can be important places where children practice what
they will do in real life. They are also a powerful and attractive alternative to more passive
adventures like watching TV. The research was done with children using the BBCs Adventure
Rock virtual world, aimed at those aged 6-12. It surveyed and interviewed children who were the
first to test the game.

The online world is a theme island built for the BBCs children channel by Belgian game maker
Larian. Children explore the world alone but they use message boards to share what they find
and what they do in the different creative studios they find around the virtual space.
At times children were explorers and at others they were social climbers eager to connect with
other players. Some were power users looking for more information about how the virtual space
really worked. The children could try all kinds of things without having to be afraid of the
consequences that would follow if they tried them in the real world. They learned many useful
social skills and played around with their identity in ways that would be much more difficult in
real life. According to the study what children liked about virtual worlds was the chance to create
content such as music, cartoons and videos.
The publishers of the report say that virtual worlds can be a powerful, engaging and real
interactive alternative to more passive media. They urged creators of virtual spaces for children
to get young people involved very early on because they really do have good ideas to add and
they are very good critical friends.
Why do Students Drop Out of School?
Some American high schools have a dropout rate of up to 50%. There are many reasons for
students leaving school, which are for two thirds of the dropouts motivation is the problem. They
cant just work hard enough, almost half of them said that they had missed so many classes that
they could not catch up any more, many said that they were not prepared well enough in their
earlier school and for a third of them getting a job was more important than finishing school.
High school dropouts have more problems in society and in their future lives. They are more
likely to be unemployed or live in poverty. There is also a big difference in income if you
compare high school dropouts with graduates. According to data by the US Census
bureau Americans with a bachelors degree earn about $ 50,000 , those with a high school
diploma about $28,000 and dropouts only about $ 20,000.
Many pupils do not understand the implications of dropping out of school. They often demand
better teachers, more lessons to catch up in subjects and more help with learning problems. Some
schools have adopted to this situation. They offer evening classes or allow students to come back
at a later age.
Benefits of Education from an Online High School
Whether you are an adult who never completed your primary education or the parent of a child in
need of special attention and flexibility, getting a diploma from an online high school may be the
right choice for you. With this option, you will have a number of benefits. You will be able to
take control of your education. You can learn everything you would be taught in a classroom in
the comfort of your own home. You can take charge of the decisions that you make and the path
that you will take during your education.

An online high school can offer an array of advantages. Mostly, you will have complete control
over your education. You will have the ability to study your own assignments at your own pace.
You can focus on the assignments that may take you a bit longer to complete, while easily and
quickly going through assignments that are easier for you. The flexibility on education on the
Internet is unmatched. Most programs allow you attend your virtual class at any time of the day,
so you can work around your busy schedule. Many people that take classes on the Internet have
busy schedules and often full time jobs. This form of education will allow you to work on your
own terms and on your own time.
Traditional education for many people means more than just learning. When getting your
diploma on the Internet, you can avoid the distractions that come along with the traditional
classroom. You wont have to deal with the cliques and other distracting students while you work
on your own time. You can study when you want and where you want. Plus, many times a
teacher in a traditional classroom just cannot spend extra time during class time helping each
individual student with his or her own specific problems. When working within the online high
school, if you do not understand a particular topic, you can take your time and pace yourself to
gain a better understanding of the subject.
Whether you are an adult with a full-time job, and you want to move up in the world, or you
think that your child would benefit from the pacing and attention involved in an online high
school, this educational choice may be the one for you. There are a variety of options out there,
so do some research and find out which one will work best for your circumstances.
Turkey allows schools to teach Kurdish
Turkeys government is letting some schools teach Kurdish. Only two decades ago speaking
Kurdish in public was a crime, but now the government is easing its restriction on the language
of the Kurds. The Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has stated that this is a historic step for
Turkeys largest minority group. The Kurds form about 20% of the countrys population, mainly
in the southeastern part of the country. But many have gone to Istanbul and other cities in search
of jobs and a better life.
Kurds have been fighting for more rights and a certain amount of autonomy in Turkey. In the last
decades thousands of people have been killed in fighting between the Turkish government and
the Kurdish rebel group PKK.
For a long time Turkey has banned Kurdish because government officials are afraid that it would
separate the country and make the PKK too strong. In the latest statement Erdogan said that if a
school has enough students who want to take Kurdish as an elective subject a school is allowed
to offer lessons. The Turkish government has found out that it cannot solve the Kurdish problem
through violence alone. Kurdish language and culture is spreading increasingly in Turkey, Iraq
and Syria.
For Kurdish activists the action does not go far enough. They demand the right to educate
students in Kurdish in all subjects. The European Union has repeatedly put pressure on Turkey to

pass better laws for Kurdish citizens. It says that if Turkey wants to become a full member of the
EU minority rights must be granted.
Summary International Journal The English Scanning Skills of Bilingual and
Monolingual Indonesian Students

Hi pals! lama ngak ngepost yah, hhe. Okay kali ini saya bakalan post tugas saya untuk membuat
summary salah satu jurnal international berbahasa inggris. Sebenarnya nggak cuman ngebuat
summary sih tapi di buat PPTnya juga, jadi serasa lagi seminar international gitu hahaha. Tapi
yang saya post summary nya saja, PPtnya ya buat saya sendiri LOL
The English Scanning Skills of Bilingual and Monolingual Indonesian Students
Indonesia is one of the most unique country to do a research especially for language researchers
because Indonesia provides a vast array of data due its diverse linguistic background. English is
probably the most popular foreign language learned in Indonesia (Bake 2001,PP. 111-112) and
Indonesian speakers positive attitude towards English (Heaney 2005;Siregar 2010). Hence
Indonesia belongs to the expanding circle (Kachu 2011,P.155).
Most families in Indonesia use Indonesian or one or several local languages at home, but
nowadays the families especially those living in big cities are now learning English and using it
and very common for youngsters. Hence, this preliminary reaserch is aimed at finding out the
access of Indonesian learners to English and the comparison of the Indonesian bilingual and
monolingual students performance of the English reading skills, particularly the scanning skills.
Speaking about bilingual, there are so many ideas by many scholars to define this phenomenon.
This study adopts the term bilingual as proposed by Groshjean (2010,PP.4,22) that bilinguals are
those who use two or more languages (or dialects) in their everyday lives. As a matter of
fact, scanning is one of the basic reading skills that can help a reader to choose which text he or
she would like to read and searching a specific information in a text.
In this study, the researcher used language attitude research method (Sprechverhalten, language
attitude) and used direct method which is questionnaire to research behaviour of the the language
of the object. The study took place at school X, a private national school in East Jakarta on
October 2 and 9, 2012. In that school, Indonesian is used as the language of instruction where
subjects of the research were 43 students of grade 6 with 8 diverse etchnic groups and most of
them are in age 11 and 49% were monolingual. There are two parts of the test to know the
reading comprehention of the objects. The first part is about short histories of five peoples job
and the second part contained a text about the description of Saudi Arabia. All in all, the test

required participants to find specific information concerning peoples jobs, and a general
description of a country.
The survey reveals the variety of languages used by the subjects within their surroundings. The
monolinguals (49%) use only Betawi-Malay (Betawinese-Indonesian) in daily communication
with people around them: their nuclear and extended families, friends, and teachers. The
bilinguals (51%) comprise speakers of other ethnic languages in addition to the Betawi-Malay.
Of the bilinguals 50% speak Batak, 25% Javanese, 10% Mandarin, 5% Nias, Sulawesi and
Dutch, respectively with parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives at home or
during family gatherings. Another 5 % speak more than two languages: Batak and Sundanese,
and Javanese and Manado. It is interesting to note that although the monolinguals stated that they
use Indonesian daily, 52% of the pupils use English between 11 to 15 hours a week, 48%
between 1 to 5 hours, 19% from 6 to 10 hours, and another 19% for more than 15 hours a week.
On the other hand, the bilinguals appeared to have more contact with English compared to their
monolingual classmates. On a weekly basis 32% of them used English between 1 to 5 hours,
13% from 6-10 hours, 23% from 11 to 15 hours, and 32% over 15 hours. In general the
monolinguals had more frequent contact with English. According to the first test, many of the
participants, be they bilinguals or monolonguals made typical mistakes when completing the
second and the third colomns, fewer monolinguals (48%) compared to their bilinguals
counterparts (59%). In the second part most students made mistakes in finding specific
information about climate. The result 78% of the bilinguals and 73% of the monolinguals. The
test of scanning skills showed that the monolinguals outperformed the bilinguals. The average
score of the monolinguals were 74, while the bilinguals 66. However, the monolinguals
outperformed the bilinguals in only the first part of the test. Using Indonesian as the only
language spoken both at school and at home supports the monolinguals scanning skill
Indonesian young learners in general are more exposed to English through increasing contact
with foreigners from the English speaking countries that the occurrences of code mixing and
switching and the desires of learning English at schools and courses are now higher than that in
the past. Another crucial factor that should be taken into account in a learning process is the
reading habit or culture, which is not highly appreciated in Indonesia. It is in such circumstance
was interested to find out whether the increasing access to English has produced important effect
for the learning of English reading skills. In this study conducted showed that the monolingual
Indonesians had better scores compared to their bilingual counterparts. The test of scanning skills
showed that the monolinguals outperformed the bilinguals which indicated that monolingual
were better than bilinguals.

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