Report Mid Term
Report Mid Term
Report Mid Term
Meeting in progress
The Spicycles Team met at June 11, 2007 at the occasion of the 2007 Velo-City
conference in Munich to hold its Mid Term Seminar.
In this Newsletter Spicycles reports the results of the Mid Term Seminar as well as
the progress the team made on:
Communication and Awareness Raising
Planning for Cycling
Building Local Partnerships
The Benchmarking
SPICYCLES Mid-term seminar, Munich 11 June 2007
The Mid Term seminar was opened by two host speakers.
Bernd Decker of the ‘Executive Agency for competitiveness and innovation’
Hans van Vliet, Shimano’s Corporate Communication Officer
Bernd Decker spoke on what is new in the IEE program, which is the Community’s
instrument to overcome the non-technological barriers to energy efficiency and
greater use of new and renewable energy sources in Europe.
He outlined that in spring 2006 the European Council called for new European
energy policy: Integrated energy and climate change package based on the energy
efficiency Action Plan. The targets were supported by Member States at the Spring
2007 European Council
Hans van Vliet, Shimano’s Corporate Communication Officer addressed the seminar
from the point of view of the industry. He memorized how he got introduced in the
world of cycling advocacy only some years ago through Velo Mondial and how he
found his path to the world of cycling projects and conferences. Shimano sponsored
Velo.Info and is now active in promoting Velo-City. He showed himself as an ardent
promoter of cycling for many purposes and he works hard to get the rest of the
industry involved as well. He recognizes cities and their representatives as major
players and pursues working with them.
Bike Sharing
Public Bicycles / Bike Sharing now exists in more than 10 European countries, in
more than 30 European cities, with several technological systems. More cities
recognize the advantages of a bike sharing system. It gives easy and fast access
(24/7), has an automated system for renting and returning the bike, allows for one
way cycling only, and the bikes have a distinctive design.
But it has more benefits: It is highly flexible, allows for inter-modal travelling and
does not incur expenditures for maintenance.
There are some aspects one should take care of. The technology for pick-up and
drop-off at the location should be flexible and be based on racks. The technique for
access should be organized with smart card, mobile phone or deposit and there is a
choice between with or without identification (personalised vs. anonymous). The
payment can be free of charge or “pay as you go” and the financing of the operating
service can be public or private.
Bike Sharing Bike Sharing
Further needs for bike sharing are to address all possible target groups, to create a
frame for competition and entrepreneurship, to develop options for the Integration
into PT (e.g. access via same medium, combined pricing strategies etc.).
Communication and Awareness Raising
The Communication and Awareness Raising activities of Spicycles aim at
encouraging people to use bicycles for their trip by improving information about
cycling, communicating through different marketing campaigns, targeting an
audience as broad as possible. The public will be taken through stages of behavioural
change: Awareness raising ÆInfluencing attitudes Æ Change in behaviour. This will
be done through defining and & implementing communications strategies and
awareness raising methods. Following you will find some backgrounds, strategies
and implementation s in the various Spicycles cities on Communication and
Communication and Awareness Raising
Communication and Awareness Raising Communication and Awareness Raising
Planning for Cycling
Cities starting level differences with differences in topography, cycling culture, urban
structure, mobility, modal share, financial possibilities. Common in the approach
was that in all cities the objectives are to plan for linear infrastructures, for parking
infrastructures and for policies with public transport.
Studies are done on ‘Cycling lane network in correlation with PT corridors’,
Transport on board, Safety conditions, Questionnaire for bike user needs, Manuals
about planning, Workshops with local authorities and stakeholders, Measuring
methods of trips by bike.
Some temporary results have been reached on ‘Second level planning of cycling
network’, on ‘Bicycle parking infrastructures planning’, ‘Public integration transport
and bike sharing policies’ and on ‘Awareness about ensure appropriate financing’.
Planning for cycling Planning for cycling
Building Local Partnerships
The Objective of this activity is to involve local actors in the cycling plans of local
Management Group
Develops projects in order to provide
more bicycle services to citizens (ex:bike
Building local partnerships Building local partnerships
Overview partnership in Berlin Overview partnership in Bucharest
To solve this need of partnership and The collaboration with local actors
consultation, the Senate Department of involved in cycling continues and the
Urban Development (SenStadt) convened a media sector has initiated a strong
FahrRat (Cycling Council), which is campaign in favour of cycling. A
composed of officials from various city session of debates was initiated and
government units concerned with biking organized with representatives of the
(Department of Urban Development, Municipality, discussing some
Department of Education, Youth and important political actions regarding
Sport, the police, traffic authorities, the implementation of the bicycle as a
borough street and road construction transport mode. Political and
departments), environmental and administrative support from the
transportation interest groups such as Municipality is gained and increased
Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club interest of local authorities for cycling
(General German Bicycle Club, ADFC), projects was induced. Bucharest
Verkehrsclub Deutschland (Traffic Club of Municipality started the auction
Germany, VCD) and Bund für Umwelt process for bicycles routes.
und Naturschutz Deutschland (Friends of Municipality of the 3rd Bucharest
the Earth Germany, BUND), metropolitan district initiated the first bicycle lanes
transit companies (BVG, S-Bahn Berlin near one of the most important green
GmbH), external experts (including areas.
academics), a representative of the bicycle
trade and the Senate cycling coordinator.
Building local partnerships Building local partnerships
The objective of the benchmarking activity is to evaluate whether bicycle planning
will be anchored in the partner cities’ organisations, as a result of Spicycles. Do
results stick in the log run? And, how can progress be compared with other European
cities and show what can be achieved.
Project measurement will happen at the begin and the end of the project. The Political,
organisational involvement with bicycle planning is done with the Velo.Info tool and
gets its overall value expressed in bronze, silver, gold or platinum. The benchmarks
are gathered on Preparation of the policy, Planning, Implementation and on
Monitoring & Evaluation. The progress between start and end of Spicycles indicates
the difference. This measure will also be done for other, non-partner cities.
Initial results show that front runner cities are: Barcelona, Goteborg, Berlin; an
Intermediate position is for Rome and most room for improvement is for Bucharest
and Ploiesti. In general a high performance on Preparation and Planning is easier than
on Implementation and Monitoring.
Some examples of reports from the Online Questionnaire: Data for Data
Progress score (bronze, silver, gold) 5%
3 3%
1 2%
M 0%
Accidents cyclists
6 The online questionnaire will be made available on
4 the website.
My city All silver cities Silver cities > 100.000
Results of the Mid Term Seminar
The attendants of then mid term seminar were asked tot discuss the five presented
issues in smaller groups. We would like to extend our special thanks to special Tom
Godefrooij, Mario Gualdi, Cristina Pou and Hermann Bluemel, who took care of the
The results of the Mid Term Seminar will be studies and integrated in future
Bike Sharing
Position ‘bike sharing’ as ‘public transport’ (as opposed to private bicycles).
Public transport can be provided by various transport techniques, like busses,
trains, trams, and also: bicycles. Public bicycles provide ‘individual public
And as a consequence: look for strong connections with other parts of the
public transport system thus enabling individuals to make smooth door-to-
door trips.
Analyse the contribution of public bicycles to (individual) quality of life as a
tool to decide on a proper formulation of performance requirements of the
public bicycles system.
When dealing with bike-sharing, it is essential to ensure inter-operability at
least in systems working in the same country.
Make sure access technology is as simple as possible and linked to other
public transport systems
Make it accessible to residents, business and tourists therefore, clear, simple
and easy access.
Is the involvement of commercial businesses linked with advertising with
highly aggressive marketing tied to long term contract 10-20 years, a good
thing or a bad thing?
Advantages: cheap for user
Bad and cheap design will prove to be problematic; if vehicles are not up to
scratch they will be a bad experience for riders or prove not to be serviceable
Be aware of monopolisation by commuters who will use up all vehicles that
will all go to end stations which then will lack space.
Need to think about links between fixed stations and flexible hire processes.
Keep looking abroad for interesting cycling concepts, as cities are increasingly
developing new and original ways to organizing cycling services and creating
new jobs. Take bike-sharing, which is particularly apt at tackling the home-
work commute bottleneck by placing public bikes at PT transport nodes and
stewards directing commuters to the bike stations. This Japanese experience
is a successful example of how to close the “last mile” commute.
Planning for cycling
• If one cycling challenge had to be singled out has the most prominent, it
has to be the actual convincing people to leave their cars and mopeds
behind and take a bike. Let’s be frank: people are bad weather-conscious,
are generally lazy, cannot stand helmets, hate to get to work in a sweat
and feel insecure when riding a bike. Planning and regulation can take
care only of some of these idiosyncrasies (e.g. helmets, safety), but for the
rest a cultural shift is required, and cities must be credible in sending
across the message that cycling is fun. Thus, start early on and teach
• When planning for cycling, one should not necessarily strive to reach an
ideal cycling environment, for this is possible only in certain contexts.
There are ancient and convoluted urban frames that are not suitable for
state-of-art cycling lanes, still cycling can be made possible if cyclists are
granted the conditions to ride in co-share with motorized modes. The
need for motorists’ education is great. They have to learn how to
“respect” cyclists.
• Need for re-education of planning and infrastructure implementers
• Access to own bicycle at home is biggest bottleneck = home accessibility.
Particularly with apartments
• Campaign target for building companies: cycle garaging standards,
public buildings as well
• Don’t be afraid to give advantages to cyclists to give cycling a stronger
competitive position towards other modes.
• Contextualise cycling within a bigger picture
• Quality of cyclists experience important - not size of facility
• Benchmarking more than data gathering. Complexity of metrics is a
subject for further analysis – not just an increase in cycling but who, what,
where: gender, ethnicity, socio-economic-status
• Plus analysis what for – trip purpose (with multiple purposes allowable)
• Finally, if one thing is expected out of SPICYCLES 1,5 year from now, it is
that cycling share has increased in the six cities and safety improved.
• Don’t allow overall ‘no room for improvement’ score. (There is always
room for improvement!)
• Organise in depth peer to peer benchmarking to enlarge the learning
experience of partner cities.
Participating Supporting
Cities Agencies
DB Rent GmbH,
Dipartimento X, Politiche
Ambientali ed Agricole
Senate Department for Goudappel Coffeng
Urban Development BV,
(SenStadt), The Netherlands