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facts and fictions
Although sometimes romanticized in popular culture, prostitution is more often portrayed as intrinsically oppressive and
harmful. How accurate is this image?

hen I mentioned the topic of prostitution to a

friend recently, he said, How disgusting! How
could anybody sell themselves? A few weeks
later an acquaintance told me she thought prostitution
was a womans choice, and can be empowering. These
opposing views reflect larger cultural perceptions of prostitution, as well as much academic writing on the topic.
A growing number of scholars regard prostitution,
pornography, and stripping as sex work and study it as
an occupation. Exploring all dimensions of the work, in
different contexts, these studies document substantial
variation in the way prostitution is organized and experienced by workers, clients, and managers. These studies
undermine some deep-rooted myths about prostitution
and challenge writers and activists who depict prostitution monolithically.
The most popular monolithic perspective is that prostitution is an unqualified evil. According to this oppression model, exploitation, abuse, and misery are intrinsic
to the sex trade. In this view, most prostitutes were physically or sexually abused as children, which helps to
explain their entry into prostitution; most enter the trade
as adolescents, around 1314 years of age; most are
tricked or forced into the trade by pimps or sex traffickers; drug addiction is rampant; customer violence against
workers is routine and pervasive; working conditions are
abysmal; and legalization would only worsen the situation.
Some writers go further, characterizing the essential nature of prostitution. Because prostitution is
defined as an institution of extreme male domination
over women, these writers say that violence and exploitation are inherent and omnipresenttranscending historical time period, national context, and type of prostitution. As Sheila Jeffreys writes, Prostitution constitutes
sexual violence against women in and of itself; and
according to Melissa Farley, prostitution is a vicious institution that is intrinsically traumatizing to the person
being prostituted. Many writers who subscribe to the

oppression model use dramatic language (sexual slavery, paid rape, survivors, and so on) and describe
only the most disturbing cases, which they present as typicalrhetorical tricks designed to fuel public indignation.
The oppression models images of victimhood erase
workers autonomy and agency, and preclude any possibility of organizing sex work in order to minimize harm
and empower workers. This model holds that prostitution
should be eradicated, not ameliorated. But much research
challenges the oppression model as well as some other
popular fictions.

the street vs. indoors

Street prostitution differs sharply from indoor prostitution. Many of the problems associated with prostitution are actually concentrated in street prostitution and
much less evident in the indoor sector.
Certainly many street prostitutes work under abysmal
conditions and are involved in survival sex, selling sex
out of dire necessity or to support a drug habit. Some are
runaway youths with no other options. Many use addictive drugs; risk contracting and transmitting sexual diseases; are exploited and abused by pimps; are vulnerable
to being assaulted, robbed, raped, or killed; and are
socially isolated and disconnected from support services.
This is the population best characterized by the oppression model.
Other street prostitutes are in less desperate straits.
Some work independently, without pimps (a Miami study
found that only 7 percent had pimps, but the percentage
varies greatly by city). Regarding age of entry, the oppression models claim of 1314 years is clearly not the norm.
A recent British study by Marianne Hester and Nicole
Westmarland found that 20 percent of their sample had
begun to sell sex before age 16 while almost half (48 percent) had begun after age 19. Childhood abuse (neglect,
violence, incest) is indeed part of the biography of some
prostitutes, but studies that compare matched samples of

Contexts, Vol. 6, Number 4, pp 28-33. ISSN 1536-5042, electronic ISSN 1537-6052. 2007 by the American Sociological Association. All rights reserved. Please
direct all requests for permission to photocopy or reproduce article content through the University of California Presss Rights and Permissions website,
http://www.ucpressjournals.com/reprintInfo.asp. DOI: 10.1525/ctx.2007.6.4.32

28 contexts fall 2007

Photo by Ronald Weitzer

street prostitutes and nonprostitutes show mixed results;

some find a statistically significant difference in experience of family abuse, while others find no difference. HIV
infection rates are highest among street prostitutes who
inject drugs and less common among others.
Different writers report very different rates of victimization. Scholar-activists and some survivor organizations (Breaking Free, Standing Against Global
Exploitation, Council for Prostitution Alternatives) cite
high levels of violence against prostitutes (70100 percent). Samples drawn from the clients of social service

Amsterdams Prostitution Information Center

agencies or from antiprostitution survivor groups yield a
much higher level of victimization (their clients were desperate enough to seek help) than samples drawn from
the wider population of street workers. A study by
Stephanie Church and colleagues found that 27 percent
of a sample of street prostitutes had been assaulted, 37
percent robbed, and 22 percent raped. Criminologists
John Lowman and Laura Fraser reported similar results:
39 percent assaulted, 37 percent robbed, and 37 percent
sexually assaulted. Since random sampling of this population is impossible, we must approach all victimization figures cautiously, but victimization is apparently not nearly
as prevalent, even among street prostitutes, as the
oppression model asserts.
Unfortunately, much popular discourse and some academic writing extrapolate from (a caricature of) street
Ronald Weitzer teaches at George Washington University. His current
research is on legal prostitution systems.

prostitution to prostitution in general. What gets less

attention is the hidden world of indoor prostitution in
venues such as bars, brothels, massage parlors, tanning
salons, or in services provided by escort agencies or independent call girls. An estimated 20 percent of all prostitutes work on the streets in the United States. Although
this number is hard to substantiate at the national level,
some city-level studies support it. Regardless of the exact
numbers, indoor sex work clearly accounts for a large
share of the market.
Less research has been conducted on indoor prostitution, but available studies indicate that, compared to
streetwalkers, indoor workers have lower rates of childhood abuse, enter prostitution at an older age, and have
more education. They are less drug-dependent and more
likely to use softer drugs (marijuana instead of crack or
heroin). Moreover, they use drugs for different reasons.
Street workers consume drugs or alcohol to help them
cope with the adversities of the job, whereas indoor
workers use them both for coping and as part of their
socializing with customers. Sexually transmitted diseases
are fairly rare among call girls, escorts, and women who
work in brothels where condom use is mandatory. Indoor
workers tend to earn more money, are at lower risk of
arrest, and are safer at work. They are in a better position
to screen out dangerous customers (through a referral
system for call girls and vetting by gatekeepers in brothels and massage parlors), and they have a higher proportion of low-risk, regular clients.
Studies conducted in a variety of countries have found
that indoor sex workers are less likely to experience violence from customers than those who work on the
streets. For example, Church found that few call girls and
sauna workers had experienced violence (only 1 percent
had ever been beaten, 2 percent raped, and 10 percent
robbed). This and other studies support Lilly Plumridge
and Gillian Abels conclusion that street workers are significantly more at risk of more violence and more serious
violence than indoor workers. (Obviously, this does not
apply to persons recruited by force or fraud and trafficked
into brothels, who are at high risk for subsequent
exploitation and abuse.)
Research finds that many indoor workers made conscious decisions to enter the trade; they do not see themselves as oppressed victims and do not feel that their
work is degrading. Consequently, they express greater job
satisfaction than their street-level counterparts. And they
may differ little from nonprostitutes: A study by psychologist Sarah Romans and colleagues comparing indoor
workers and an age-matched sample of nonprostitute

fall 2007 contexts 29

work quite draining.

women found no differences between the two groups in
Many customers are looking for more than sex from
physical health, self-esteem, mental health, or the quality
indoor workers. Reviews of several websites where cusof their social networks.
tomers discuss their preferences and experiences indicate
Some prostitutes feel validated and empowered by
that many seek women who are friendly, conversational,
their work. In some studies, a large percentage of indoor
generous with time, and who engage in cuddling and
workers report an increase in self-esteem after they began
foreplay. This has come to be known as a girlfriend expeworking in prostitution, state that they are very satisfied
rience (GFE), with elements of romance and intimacy in
with their work, or feel that their lives improved after
addition to sex. One client writing in the popular
entering prostitution. Escorts interviewed by sociologist
Punternet websites said that he had a gentle GFE that
Tanice Foltz took pride in their work and viewed themwas more lovemaking than sex, and another stated,
selves as morally superior to others: They consider
There was intimacy and sweat and grinding and laughter,
women who are not in the life to be throwing away
and those moments that are sexy and funny and warm and
womans major source of power and control, while they as
leave you with a grin on your face the next day. Girlfriend
prostitutes are using it to their own advantage as well as
sex. Escorts and call girls also contribute to these webfor the benefit of society. A study by the Australian govsites, and their comments make it clear that many do not
ernment reported that half of the 82 call girls and 101
believe the oppression model applies to them.
brothel workers interviewed felt their work was a major
In sum, prostitution takes diverse forms and exists
source of satisfaction in their lives; two-thirds of the
under varying conditions, a combrothel workers and seven out of
plexity that contradicts popular
ten call girls said they would defProstitution takes diverse
myths and sweeping generalizainitely choose this work if they
tions. Plenty of evidence chalhad it to do over again; and 86
forms and exists under
lenges the notion that prostitutes,
percent in the brothels and 79 pervarying conditions, a comacross the board, are coerced into
cent of call girls said that my daily
plexity that contradicts
the sex trade, lead lives of misery,
work is always varied and interestexperience high levels of victiming. Ann Lucass interviews with
popular myths and
ization, and want to be rescued.
escorts and call girls revealed that
These patterns characterize one
these women had the financial,
segment of the sex trade, but they
social, and emotional wherewithal
are not the defining features of
to structure their work largely in
prostitution. Sex workers differ markedly in their autonoways that suited them and provided ... the ability to mainmy, work experiences, job satisfaction, and self-esteem.
tain healthy self-images. Other studies indicate that such
Its time to replace the oppression model with a polymorcontrol over working conditions greatly enhances overall
phous modela perspective that recognizes multiple
job satisfaction among these workers.
structural and experiential realities.
Indoor and street prostitutes also differ in whether
they engage in emotion work (providing intimacy,
emotional support) in addition to sexual services. Emotion
work is rare among streetwalkers, whose encounters are
limited to quick, mechanical sex. But call girls and escorts
According to the oppression model, legalization
(and, to a lesser degree, brothel and massage parlor
would only institutionalize exploitation and abuse.
workers) are often expected to support and counsel
Antiprostitution groups insist that legalization is a recipe
clients, and their encounters may resemble dating experifor misery and has a corrosive effect on society as a
ences, including conversation, gifts, hugging, massage,
whole, according to the Coalition Against Trafficking in
and kissing. Janet Lever and Deanne Dolnicks comparaWomen. It is difficult to measure something as vague as
tive study of a large number of street and indoor workers
a corrosive effect, but it is possible to evaluate some
in Los Angeles found striking differences between the
other dimensions of legalization, including the effects on
two groups in the quantity and quality of their sexual and
workers themselves. To address this question, we need to
emotional interactions with clients. Emotion work is not
examine cases where prostitution is legal and regulated
necessarily easy; workers who feign intimacy or emotionby the government. Brothels are legal in a number of
al support over an extended period of time may find the
places, including Nevada, the Netherlands, Australia, and

30 contexts fall 2007

Photo by Jacco J. van Giessen

New Zealand. Statutory regulations vary by country, but a

common objective is harm reduction. New Zealands 2003
law, for instance, gives workers a litany of rights, provides
for the licensing and taxing of brothels, and empowers
local governments to determine where they can operate,
limit their size, vet the owners, ban offensive signage,
and impose safe-sex and other health requirements.
Research suggests that, under the right conditions,
legal prostitution can be organized in a way that increases workers health, safety, and job satisfaction.
Mandatory condom use and other safe-sex practices are
typical in legal brothels, and the workers face much lower
risk of abuse from customers. According to a 2004 report
by the Ministry of Justice in the Netherlands, the vast
majority of workers in Dutch brothels and window units
report that they often or always feel safe. Nevadas
legal brothels offer the safest environment available for
women to sell consensual sex acts for money, according
to a recent study by sociologists Barbara Brents and
Kathryn Hausbeck. And a major evaluation of legal brothels in Queensland, Australia, by the governments Crime
and Misconduct Commission concluded, There is no
doubt that licensed brothels provide the safest working
environment for sex workers in Queensland. ... Legal
brothels now operating in Queensland provide a sustainable model for a healthy, crime-free, and safe legal

licensed brothel industry. In each of these systems, elaborate safety measures (surveillance, panic buttons, listening devices) allow managers to respond to unruly customers quickly and effectively. These studies suggest that
legal prostitution, while no panacea, is not inherently
dangerous and can be structured to minimize risks and
empower workers.
The question of whether legalization is preferable to
criminalizationin terms of harm reductionis one
thing. The question of its feasibility in the United States is
another. Today, it is legal only in Nevada, where about 30
brothels exist in rural counties; it is prohibited in Las
Vegas and Reno. According to a 2002 poll, 31 percent of
Nevadans are opposed to the states legal brothels while
52 percent support them. And a 2004 ballot measure to
ban brothels in one of Nevadas rural counties was
defeated: 63 percent voted to retain legal prostitution in
Churchill county. Rural support comes largely from the tax
revenues that counties derive from the brothels.
And the rest of the country? Although many
Americans consider prostitution immoral or distasteful, a
large minority disagrees. In the 1996 General Social
Survey, 47 percent (52 percent of men, 43 percent of
women) agreed that, There is nothing inherently wrong
with prostitution, so long as the health risks can be minimized. If consenting adults agree to exchange money for
sex, that is their business. Moreover, a sizeable number
favor alternatives to criminalization. A 1991 Gallup poll
found that 40 percent of the public thought that prostitution should be legal and regulated by the government. Unfortunately, no American poll has specified the
meaning of legalization, which could involve licensing,
mandatory health exams, brothels, a designated zone of
street prostitution, or other regulations.
A fair number of men have bought sex. According to
the 2000 General Social Survey, 17 percent of American
men have paid for sex at some time in their lives, and 3
percent have done so in the past year. Recent surveys
indicate that 9 percent of British men and 16 percent of
Australian men report paying for sex. The actual numbers
are likely higher, given the stigma involved.
Despite the significant support for legalization and
sizeable customer base, there has been almost no serious
debate among American policymakers on alternatives to
prohibition. As a 1999 task force in Buffalo, New York,
reasoned, Since it is unlikely that city or state officials
could ever be convinced to decriminalize or legalize prostitution in Buffalo, there is nothing to be gained by debating the merits of either. This logic seems to put the cart
before the horse, but on those rare occasions when poli-

fall 2007 contexts 31

inherently harmful and dehumanizing, and in a 2003

speech at the United Nations he declared, The victims of
the sex trade see little of life before they see the very
worst of lifean underground of brutality and lonely
fear. ... Those who patronize this industry debase themselves and deepen the misery of others.
The Bush administration has funneled more than $350
million into international and domestic organizations fighting prostitution, many of which are right-wing, faith-based,
or abolitionist feminist in orientation. These groups have
received funds to conduct research, operate rescue
missions, and engage in other interventions. Organizations
that provide services to sex workers but do not formally condemn prostitution have been denied funding.
Criminalization of other sectors of the sex industry
also appears to be on the American agenda. Activists
have been pressing the government to criminalize the
commercial sex trade as a whole, contending that the
oppression model applies to all forms of sex work. For
example, in a 2005 report funded by the State
Department, scholar-activist Donna Hughes condemned

cy alternatives have been floated in other cities, they have

met with the same status-quo outcome. When a San
Francisco task force boldly recommended decriminalization in 1996, the citys political leaders promptly rejected
the idea. And in 2004 a Berkeley, California, ballot measure that called on police to refrain from enforcing prostitution laws was defeated: 64 percent voted against it.
Opposition was likely due to the measures laissez-faire
approach; people are more inclined to support some kind
of regulation, just as they are with regard to some other
vices. Still, despite the substantial minority of Americans
who support legalization in principle, outside of Nevada
the idea has attracted little public attention.

Although the issue of legalization is dormant in the

contemporary United States, prostitution policy has
recently become a hot issue. An antiprostitution coalition
has gathered steam, composed of the religious right and
abolitionist feminists. Judging by their publications and
pronouncements, the coalition not only accepts the
myths I have described but actively perpetuates them.
During the Bush administration, this coalition has
played a major role in redefining the issue and influencing public policy. Coalition views have been incorporated
in key legislation and in the official policies of several federal agencies. What began (in the 1990s) as a campaign
focused on international trafficking has morphed into a
frontal assault on the domestic sex industry in America.
In 2001, the State Department created a new unit, the
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. This
office has endorsed the same extraordinary claims that
are made by the antiprostitution coalition. One example
is the State Departments remarkable website, The Link
Between Prostitution and Sex Trafficking, which contains
these nuggets: Prostitution is inherently harmful. Few
activities are as brutal and damaging to people as prostitution; it leaves women and children physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually devastated; and
Prostitution is not the oldest profession, but the oldest
form of oppression.
Similar claims appear in the websites and publications
of some other government agenciesthe Justice
Department, Health and Human Services, United States
Agency for International Developmentand have been
recapitulated by some members of Congress and by the
president. In 2002, President Bush signed a Presidential
Directive on trafficking that defines prostitution as

32 contexts fall 2007


increasing criminalization

both stripping and pornography. She claimed that

women and girls are trafficked to perform at strip clubs
(though she found only six cases of this in the United
States during 19982005) and that the producers of
pornography often rely on trafficked victims, a charge
made with no supporting evidence. Some government
officials have echoed these claims.
In 2005, the Justice Department launched a new
crackdown on adult pornography and obscenity. (Under
the Clinton administration, child pornography was the
main target.) The stated objective of the 2005 End
Demand for Sex Trafficking bill was to combat commer-

cial sexual activities in general. The rationale for this

sweeping approach, according to the bill, is that commercial sexual activities have a devastating impact on
society. The sex trade has a dehumanizing effect on all
involved. Commercial sex is defined remarkably broadly
as any sex act on account of which anything of value is
given to, or received by, any person. The overall trend is
clear: the Bush administration has embraced the oppression model as a rationale for its expanding, multifaceted
crackdown on the sex industry.
Although the oppression framework dominates today,
there is a diametrically opposed cultural representation
that romanticizes prostitution. We see this in some rock
and hip-hop songs, films like Pretty Woman and The Best
Little Whorehouse in Texas, novels like Tracy Quans Diary
of a Married Call Girl, television shows like HBOs
Cathouse, and a handful of academic writings. Such representations portray prostitution as enjoyable, empowering, and lucrative work. In my view, this celebratory model
is just as one-dimensional and empirically limited as the
oppression model. The alternative, superior perspective
recognizes that prostitution varies enormously across
time, place, and sectorwith important consequences for
workers health, safety, and job satisfaction.

Chicago Press, 2007). Tracks trends in commercialized sex,

focusing on the growing marketing of intimacy coupled
with sexual services.
Wendy Chapkis. Power and Control in the Commercial Sex
Trade. In Sex for Sale: Prostitution, Pornography, and the
Sex Industry, ed. Ronald Weitzer (Routledge, 2000).
Identifies variables that shape worker experiences in different sectors of the sex industry.
Martin Monto. Female Prostitution, Customers, and
Violence. Violence Against Women 10 (2004): 16068.
Exposes several myths regarding prostitutes clients.
Ine Vanwesenbeeck. Another Decade of Social Scientific
Work on Prostitution. Annual Review of Sex Research 12
(2001): 24289. A comprehensive literature review, providing support for the polymorphous model.







Prostitution. Crime, Law, and Social Change 43 (2005):

21135. Analysis of deficiencies in the research literature
and some promising studies that help to address them.
Ronald Weitzer. The Social Construction of Sex Trafficking:

recommended resources

Ideology and Institutionalization of a Moral Crusade.

Politics & Society 35 (2007): 447-75. Critical evaluation of






Authenticity, and the Commerce of Sex (University of

the claims of antitrafficking forces and their increasing

endorsement in U.S. government policy.

out of context:
are a majority of women spouseless?
joel best
Earlier this year, the New York Times ran a front-page
story, 51% of Women Are Now Living Without Spouse. A
few weeks later, the papers readers representative issued
a clarification. The original story drew upon the Census
Bureaus 2005 American Community Survey, which grouped
females 15 and older. Not surprisingly, a substantial proportion of 15-year-olds are living with their parents; in fact, in
many states it is illegal for them to marry. If 15-year-olds had
been excluded, a majority of women would have counted as
living with a spouse. (Married women whose spouses were
awaysuch as imprisoned or serving in the militarywere
also categorized as not living with a spouse.)

The two Times stories led to considerable commentary in

other media and on the Web, much of it focused on what
most women were doing. No one denied a clear trend:
young women are marrying later, and older women are surviving longer (thereby increasing the numbers of widows),
so that the percentage of women living without a spouse
has grown in recent decades. But trends may not attract
media coverage until someone declares that some symbolic
milestonesuch as 51%has been reached. In this case,
the larger social pattern and its significance got lost in the
debate over the validity of the measurement used to denote
the milestone.

fall 2007 contexts 33

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