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Tempest ND15 Web
Geopolymer cements
Geopolymer cements are formed by dissolving aluminosilicate material in a strong alkaline solution. The
resulting paste can be mixed with aggregates and cured
to form concrete with strength and elastic characteristics
similar to those of portland cement concrete. Often the
aluminosilicate material of choice is fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion. Because geopolymer cement
concrete curing does not rely on hydration reactions, it is
particularly attractive for prestressed concrete construction for its rapid strength development and reduced tendency for shrinkage and creep compared with portland
cement concrete.
Because of its use of recycled materials and its independence from the CO2 emissions associated with portland
cement manufacture, geopolymer cement concrete promises to become an environmentally favorable material for
construction. Most advocates of geopolymers in construction have focused on the avoidance of CO2 emissions due
to combustion and to limestone calcination in portland
cement manufacture. Critical carbon footprint analyses
of geopolymer and portland cements have estimated the
reduction in CO2 associated with geopolymer cement to
range from as high as 80%2 to as low as 9%.3 The significant energy inputs that are unique to geopolymer cement
are due to elevated-temperature curing and the production of activating chemicals that are necessary to develop
its cementitious properties. However, unlike portland
cement concrete, geopolymer cement concrete presents
the possibility of reducing CO2 emissions using current
technology, for example by using waste heat for curing
or manufacturing activating chemicals with energy from
renewable or CO2-neutral sources.
When fly ash is introduced to concrete that contains
portland cement, the mixture develops strength through
a series of hydration reactions through which calcium
silicate hydrate forms. Contact between portland cement
grains and water initiates the reactions. Unlike portland cement hydration, geopolymerization may be described as a
three-phase process that is initiated by contact between an
aluminosilicate material (such as fly ash) and an activating
solution with high pH. These phases include dissolution,
reorientation, and hardening.
The aluminosilicate material is mixed with an alkaline
activating solution that releases silica and alumina monomers. The degree to which the aluminosilicate material
dissolves is related to the reactivity of the material, the
strength of the activating solution, and time.14,15 Activating
solutions are typically a combination of an alkaline soda,
such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, and a
soluble silica, such as sodium silicate. The proportions of
these solutions vary and are rarely reported due to their
proprietary nature. However, the concentration of effective
solutions typically ranges from approximately 1.7 to 3.3lb
(5 to 10N) sodium hydroxide per gallon of solution.
The alumina and silica monomers begin to reorganize and
condense into larger groups. As the groups form, water
molecules are released. The dissolution phase and the
alkalinity of the activating solution greatly affect the rate of
The reorientation phase results in a continuous polymeric
network of three-dimensional aluminosilicate structures.
The mass may harden slightly on its own depending on the
makeup of the source materials and the ambient conditions.
However, to gain significant strength, the material must be
cured with heat. A variety of temperatures has been investigated with a trend of increasing temperatures (up to 212F
[100C]) that lead to accelerated hardening and strength
gain.16 Temperatures below 140F (60C) have generally
been found to result in unsuitably slow reactions when
unmodified source materials are used.17
The dissolution and reorientation phases overlap to some
degree. Initiation of hardening tends to preclude further
transport of geopolymer precursors and causes an end to
these phases. Hardening may be initiated autogenously
through a drop in pH,18 or availability of nucleation sites
caused by the presence of calcium or iron in the mixture.19
The external application of heat also triggers hardening.
Dissolution and reorientation periods of more than 48hours
seem to provide few improvements in material performance.20 On completion of hardening, the material typically
exhibits at least 80% of its ultimate compressive strength.
Mixture proportioning development
The concrete mixture was developed prior to forwarding the architectural design to the structural engineer. At
present, there is not a standard methodology for geopolymer cement concrete mixture proportioning. Each fly ash
has its own reactivity that must be evaluated to ensure
the performance of the resulting concrete mixture. The
provisions of ASTM C61821 for Class F fly ash give a
good indication of potential reactivity and are frequently
used to screen potential ash sources. Because the intended
concrete mixture did not have a long track record of performance, 15 individual batches were produced (Table1).
In the early stages of mixture design development, several
4 in.
6 in.
6 in.
in. polypropylene
capillary tube mat
in. cross-linked
polyethylene tubing
6 in. on center
No. 6 x continuous
6 in. beadboard
in. diameter x
4 in. PVC
Interior reveal
No. 4 x continuous
Exterior reveal
in. diameter x
4 in. PVC
Reinforcing bar
splice sleeve with
no. 5 bar
1 ft.
No. 4 x continuous
1 ft. in.
3 in.
Figure 2. Typical cross section of the precast concrete structural insulated panel. Note: PVC = polyvinyl chloride; WWF = welded-wire fabric, which is also known as
welded-wire reinforcement. No. 4 = 13M; no. 6 = 19M; 1 in. = 25.4 mm; 1 ft = 0.305 m.,
Weight, lb/yd3
Production process
Due to the conditions (such as elevated-temperature curing) that are necessary for formation of geopolymers,
accommodations must be made in production. The predominant considerations discovered while producing the
concrete panels included heating methods suitable for large
concrete castings and finishing techniques that work for
geopolymer cement concrete. These and other considerations are described in the following sections.
Requirement for heating
Geopolymer cement concrete requires heat to gain strength.
Within a precasting facility, heat is sometimes used to
accelerate curing in portland cement concrete. However,
because portland cement hydration is exothermic and does
not require much heat, the output of these systems may be
insufficient to reach target temperatures for curing geopolymer cement concrete. Geopolymer concrete cement is
often cured within the range of 140 to170F (60to 77C).
Insulating the formwork and top face of the concrete slab
and using the hydronic tubes embedded in the wall panels
to circulate heated water enabled the concrete to reach the
desired temperatures. Most heated formwork is made of
steel, which reacts with the fresh geopolymer unless the
release agent is able to isolate the two materials.
The hydronic tubes consisted of 12in. (13mm) inside
diameter polyethylene attached to a mat of welded-wire
reinforcement (Fig. 3). The mat was selected so that the
spacing of the tubes could be maintained at 6 in. (150mm)
on center for even distribution of heat throughout the
concrete. A tank boiler with an electronic thermostat and
pump system heated water passed through tubes (Fig. 4).
A network of temperature sensors was embedded in the
concrete to monitor temperatures during curing. The sensors were distributed at locations that represented several
depths, proximity to edges, and proximity to heating
tubes. Figure 5 presents the logged results of several of
these sensors. The curing requirements determined during
mixture proportioning indicated that 24 hours at the target
temperature was sufficient to develop the design strength.
The 12 kW boiler heated the panels containing 11.8yd3
(9.03m3) of geopolymer cement concrete from 76 to 170F
(24 to 77C) in approximately 35 hours. The boiler maintained the target temperature for a total of 35 hours before
the system was shut down and the concrete began cooling.
The extra time beyond 24 hours was added as a precaution to ensure that all areas reached the target temperature.
Because the sensors continue to function after curing, they
have been incorporated into the building monitoring and
control system.
Consistency of color
Source materials
Figure 4. Heating equipment for curing includes two boiler units connected
to a circulator pump and manifold for equalizing flow rates through multiple
concrete volumes.
The geopolymer cement concrete was mixed in a 10yd3
(8m3) rotary drum truck. The aggregate, fly ash, and water
were measured and added to the truck at a batch plant
(Fig. 6). Immediately before mixing, activator solution was
added directly to the truck through the charge hopper. Trial
and error had shown that 150 revolutions of the drum at
high speed were sufficient to mix a truckful.
Formwork and finish
The team experimented with many form-making materials
that would be durable through several uses and nonreactive
with the geopolymer while providing a suitable surface texture for the panels. Steel formwork was used initially but
required thick form-release agents to prevent interaction
with the geopolymer cement concrete. Lighter form oils saponified on contact with the alkalis in the geopolymer cement concrete. Because iron can provide nucleation points
for the formation of the geopolymer, excessive bonding
between the geopolymer cement concrete and the formwork occurred during curing. Large spalls often resulted
when the forms were stripped. Polyethylene formliners
worked well, were durable, and imparted a smooth finish
to the geopolymer cement concrete. To produce the surface
pattern selected, plywood painted with a thick wood sealer
was used. This coating was resistant to the alkalinity in the
geopolymer cement concrete.
Although the concrete cast against the formwork picks up
fine detail and reflects the smoothness of the surface, the
float-finished side does not maintain an acceptable finish.
At the plant, these sides were finished with a bull float.
However, after construction, they were finished with a
vinyl-based joint compound specifically manufactured for
skim coating concrete.
The precast geopolymer cement concrete structure was
completed in approximately two weeks and was assembled
into three pods that were shipped from North Carolina to
the competition site in California.
Compressive strength of panels
As was found with the trial batches prepared before casting the panels, the compressive strength results varied
significantly from batch to batch. The full set of panels
was prepared from five batches of truck-mixed concrete.
Table 3. Cost of constituent materials in geopolymer cement concrete and portland cement concrete
Geopolymer cement
concrete, lb
Portland cement
concrete, lb
Sodium silicate
Sodium hydroxide
Fly ash
Fine aggregate
Coarse aggregate
Portland cement
Competition performance
The 20 teams that competed in the 2013 U.S. Department
of Energys Solar Decathlon were evaluated in a series
of five juried (architecture, market appeal, engineering,
communications, and affordability) and five measured
(comfort, appliances, home life, commuting, and energy
balance) criteria. The concrete house described in this
paper finished thirteenth overall. The precast concrete wall
system contributed to a tie for third place in engineering.
The concrete house also received first place in the Peoples
Choice award, which is based on the publics votes for its
favorite entry.
This case study describes the first example of total architectural precast geopolymer cement concrete construction
of a habitable building. The building succeeded in the
areas of energy performance, architecture, innovation, and
public opinion. A significant outcome of this experience
was the ability to identify areas of future research and
development that will be necessary to enable more mainstream applications of geopolymers in construction.
The factory environment of precasting facilities is
uniquely suited for the production of geopolymers due
to the availability of heating devices for curing and tight
process control. Geopolymers could provide a niche for
precasters to offer concrete with significantly reduced
CO2 emissions. The broad similarity in characteristics of
geopolymer cement concrete and portland cement concrete
for mixing, placing, component design, appearance, and
long-term performance suggests that the gradual adoption
of the material would seem more familiar than disruptive.
Currently, the significant impediment to expanding use
of geopolymer binders in concrete is the availability of a
uniform fly ash source material as well as specifications
similar to ASTM C61821 that can be used to characterize
The authors would like to thank the PCI Foundation, Georgia/Carolinas PCI, Metromont Corp., Duke Energy, and the
U.S. Department of Energy for their generous support of
this project.
1. U.S. Department of Energy. U.S. Department of
Energy Solar Decathlon. Accessed on September 14,
2014. http://www.solardecathlon.gov/.
2. Duxson, P., J. L. Provis, G. C. Lukey, and J. S. J.
Deventer. 2007. The Role of Inorganic Polymer
Technology in the Development of Green Concrete.
Cement and Concrete Research 37 (12): 15901597.
3. Turner, L. K., and F. G. Collins. 2013. Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2-e) Emissions: A Comparison
Between Geopolymer and OPC Cement Concrete.
Construction and Building Materials 43: 125130.
16. Alonso, S. and A. Palomo. 2001. Alkaline Activation of Metakaolin and Calcium Hydroxide Mixtures:
Influence of Temperature, Activator Concentration and
Solids Ratio. Materials Letters 47 (1): 5562.
17. Swanepoel, J. C., and C. A. Strydom. 2002. Utilisation of Fly Ash in a Geopolymeric Material. Applied
Geochemistry 17 (8): 11431148.
7. Cross, D., J. Stephens, and J. Vollmer. 2005. Structural Applications of 100 Percent Fly Ash Concrete.
Paper presented at the 2005 World of Coal Ash Conference, Lexington, KY, April 2005.
8. Sumajouw, M. D. J., and B. V. Rangan. 2006. LowCalcium Fly AshBased Geopolymer Concrete: Reinforced Beams and Columns. Research report GC 3.
Perth, Australia: Curtin University of Technology.
Geopolymer cement is an alternative binder that is
capable of forming concrete with competent mechanical performance and attractive environmental
benefits. Carbon dioxide emissions from geopolymer
cement concrete are low compared with portland
cement concrete, and the binder incorporates high
volumes of the recycled material fly ash. The typical
strength of the resulting materials ranges from 4000
to 10,000 psi (28 to 69 MPa) depending on mixture
proportions, aggregates, and curing. Additional
beneficial features to precast concrete production
include rapid strength gain and low requirements
for plant infrastructure beyond typical concreting equipment. This paper presents a case study of
the manufacture of full-scale geopolymer cement
concrete components. Mechanical characteristics of
geopolymer cement concrete produced at the plant,
quality of form finishes, and strategies for curing are
described. Challenges to full-scale production, as
identified by plant personnel and the research team,
are also presented.
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This paper was reviewed in accordance with the
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institutes peer-review