Characterisation of Quenched and Tempered Steels by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise Method

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ECNDT 2006 - Poster 108

Characterisation of Quenched and Tempered

Steels by Magnetic Barkhausen Noise
Kemal DAVUT, C. Hakan GR, Middle East Technical Univ., Metallurgical and Materials
Eng. Dept., Ankara, Turkey
Xavier KLEBER Gr. dEtudes de Metall. Phys. des Materiaux- Gr. Mtaux et Alliages,
INSA Lyon, France
Abstract. The aim of this work is to characterise the microstructures of quenched
and tempered steels non-destructively by the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise method.
Disk shaped specimens were prepared from SAE 4140 steel bars. All specimens
were austenitised at 860C/30 min. and water-quenched identically. The quenched
specimens were then tempered at various temperatures between 200C and 600C.
Formation of the desired microstructures was demonstrated by metallographic
examinations and hardness measurements. In all specimens the position, shape and
amplitude of the Barkhausen signals were evaluated using a commercial system. The
results show that as tempering temperature increases, the magneto-elastic parameter
peak increases due to the enhancement of domain wall displacement with softening
of the martensite.
Keywords: Steel, quenching, tempering, microstructure, Barkhausen Noise

1. Introduction
Steels are widely utilised in different industries, usually in the form of quenched and
tempered components. Tempering in the range of 200oC to 700oC relieves residual stresses
and improves toughness and ductility by modifying the microstructure of the quenched
steel. For consistency and less dependence on time, quenched steel components generally
tempered for 1 to 2 hours. If the principal desired property is hardness or wear resistance,
the part is tempered at about 200oC; if the primary requirement is toughness, the part is then
tempered above 400oC. Residual stresses are relieved almost completely when the
tempering temperature reaches 500oC [1].
In order to provide longer service life with higher performance of steel components,
quality control is essential. There is a growing need for non-destructive characterisation of
steel components. Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) measurement provides a good
alternative to the traditional methods in terms of fastness and accuracy.
Ferromagnetic materials below their Curie temperature retain a large spontaneous
magnetic moment due to the cooperative alignment of unpaired electron spins along a
common direction. Oppositely magnetized domains divided by domain (Bloch) walls form
to minimize the magnetic energy. The change in magnetisation, caused by the application
of external magnetic field, takes place by movement of the boundaries between domains in
weak fields or by rotation of the direction of magnetisation in strong fields. On removing
the field, the magnetisation again declines to zero if there is no hindrance to Bloch wall
motion [2-4].

When a variable external field influences a ferromagnetic material, irreversible

jumps of domain walls cause the formation of Barkhausen noise. High resolution
examination of hysteresis cycles of ferromagnetic materials reveals discontinuous flux
changes due to discontinuous domain wall motion as magnetic field strength is increased.
Microstructural features such as dislocations, inclusions and grain boundaries pin the
domain walls. When the strength of externally applied magnetic field reaches the critical
level, motion of the domain wall continues by Barkhausen jumps. These jumps can be
detected as the voltage pulses induced in a pick-up coil positioned close to the surface.
These signals are amplified, filtered and then processed using a software to establish the
graph of the MBN signal versus magnetic field strength (MBN fingerprint). Microstructures
can be characterised by analyzing the parameters such as peak value and peak position of
MBN signal, the root mean square value of the Barkhausen signal (r.m.s.).
Changes in microstructure and/or residual stresses effects the Barkhausen signals.
Various studies have been published on characterisation of steel microstructures by MBN
method. MBN in low carbon was found to be strongly dependent on the grain size. The
maximum amplitude of the MBN voltage decreases with grain size due to reduced domain
density and preferred nucleation sites [5]. Grain boundary misorientation effects MBN as
well [6]. Important changes have been observed in the MBN response during martensite
decomposition due to tempering of steels [7-9]. The effect of tempering was also studied
for case carburized steel, and a correlation between hardness depth profile and MBN was
found [10].
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of tempering on MBN. The samples
consisting of as-quenched martensite and tempered martensite were obtained by various
heat treatments. By applying the same austenitisation and quenching procedure prior to the
tempering treatments, other microstructural effects such as austenitic grain size and
deformation texture were eliminated.

2. Experimental
The specimens of 7 mm-thick and 22 mm diameter were prepared from the hot rolled
SAE 4140 bar. Table 1 gives the chemical composition of the steel used. All the cutting and
grinding operations were done prior to the heat treatments in order to avoid surface
machining residual stresses. Austenitisation was done under controlled atmosphere to avoid
oxidation and decarburisation. All specimens were quenched in water after austenitisation
at 860oC for 30 minutes. Then, specimens were separately tempered at 200oC, 300oC,
400oC, 500oC and 600oC for 90 minutes. One specimen was left as-quenched.
Table 1. Chemical Composition of the SAE 4140 Steel (wt%)














Before metallographic investigation, the samples were finely ground, polished with
diamond paste and etched with 2% Nital. The through-thickness sections of the specimens
were examined using optical microscope. For each specimen an average hardness value was
determined by measuring Vickers hardness at different locations.
MBN measurements were performed using a commercial system (Rollscan, scan
500-2). The sensor S1-138-13-01 was used for the MBN measurements. A sinusoidal cyclic

magnetic field with an excitation frequency of 125 Hz was induced in a small volume of the
specimen via a ferrite core C-coil. The Barkhausen signals were filtered with a wide bandpass filter (0.1-1000 kHz), amplified, and then, analyzed using the Rollscan-software. The
peak magnetizing voltage was 10V.

3. Results and Discussions

3.1 Microstructure and Hardness
Representative micrographs (Figure 1) and hardness values (Table 2) of the samples show
that typical martensitic structure (Fig.1 a), and tempered structures (Fig.1 b-f) were
successfully obtained.
Martensite has a tetragonal lattice with interstitial carbon in solid solution and high
dislocation density formed by shear, that makes it the hardest of all specimens. A transition
carbide (-carbide) and low-C martensite occur during tempering up to 250oC. At higher
tempering temperatures up to 400oC cementite precipitates start to nucleate, and the
dislocation density reduces. In addition, martensite loses its tetragonality, and low-C
martensite becomes b.c.c. ferrite. At the tempering temperatures above 400oC, carbide
precipitates coarsen and spheroidise, and ferrite starts to recrystallise [11]. In addition,
residual stresses decrease during tempering.
When cooling rate shows significant variations as going from surface to interior, the
phase content and the residual stress state along the thickness of the specimen may differ.
In such cases, the hardness and the microstructure of the surface may not represent the
whole structure.
Microstructural investigations showed that the thickness of the samples used in this
study allowed the formation of desired microstructure uniformly along a penetration depth
of the MBN activity, which usually varies between 0.01 and 1.5 mm depending on the
analyzing frequency. The higher the analyzing frequency, the lower would be the
penetration depth.
Any texture due to variations in grain shape and rolling bands does not exist. To
eliminate the effect of variations in the prior austenite grain size, all specimens have been
austenitised and quenched identically.

3.2 Barkhausen Noise

The results show that magnetic Barkhausen noise is influenced by the tempering which, as
a function of the temperature, causes changes in dislocation density, lattice straining (i.e.,
micro residual stresses) and the morphology and size of cementite, and corresponding
variations in hardness. The results are in agreement with those of the previous studies [7, 9,
Under the effect of an alternating magnetic field, a representative magnetic
hysteresis loop was induced in the small volume measured due to the energy loss with the
irreversible process of magnetisation. This irreversible process is strongly related to the
dynamic behaviour of domains, i.e., nucleation, annihilation and growth of domains.
Grain/lathe boundaries, dislocations and precipitates affect this dynamic behaviour.
Consequently, the number of domain walls moving at a given instant and the mean free
path of the domain wall displacement decide the MBN peak height.

Table 2 Hardness Values and MBN Parameters of the Specimens





Peak position
(% max. magnetic field)






b Tempered at 200oC

a As-quenched

c Tempered at 300oC

d Tempered at 400oC

e Tempered at 500oC
f Tempered at 600oC
Figure 1. Representative Micrographs of the Samples

As Q

MBN (mV)


T 200


T 300


T 400
T 500


T 600










Magnetic Field Strength (% of max.)

Figure 2. MBN Fingerprints of the Samples

Figure 2 shows the graph for MBN signal versus applied field strength (MBN
fingerprints). The as-quenched sample has the weakest MBN peak positioned at the highest
field linked with the high coercivity of martensite. Tempering up to 400oC slightly
increases the peak height whereas tempering at 500oC and 600oC increases peak height
drastically. Moreover, the peak position of the signal shifts to the lower values of magnetic
field due to tempering. As the tempering temperature increases, the low amplitude broad
peak of as-quenched martensite transforms into a high amplitude peak situated at low
magnetic field. The average peak position of the as-quenched martensite is about 43%, and
it shifts to 10% for the one tempered at 600oC.
In the as-quenched specimen, the body-centered tetragonal structure of martensite
determines the domain structure. Since the magnetic structure consists of very small
domains due to small needles, relative volume occupied by a domain wall is larger.
Besides, high dislocation density in the martensite laths acts as a barrier to the movement of
domain walls. A strong field is required for the reversal of magnetisation because of low
domain wall displacements and difficulty in nucleating domain walls. Presence of micro
residual stresses in the martensite needles has an additional effect on reduction of the MBN
Tempering at 200oC changes the microstructure very slightly. Although -carbides
form, the microstructure is still needle shaped. Therefore, the height and position of the
MBN peak do not change significantly. During tempering at 300oC and 400oC, cementite
replaces -carbides, the crystal structure of martensite loses its tetragonality, and dislocation
density reduces further. Corresponding magnetisation orientation is no longer favoured and
reverse domain nucleation and subsequent domain wall motions take place at lower
magnetic fields. All these factors make the domain wall motion easier, and therefore, the
amplitude of the MBN peak increases.
In tempering at 500oC and 600oC, carbides start spheroidising and recrystallisation
of ferrite begins. In parallel to the progressive coarsening of the microstructure, the average
size of the domain walls increases. These morphological changes and almost complete
relaxation of residual stresses result in a drastic increase in the MBN peak and a clear shift
to lower external magnetic field in the peak position by reducing the resistance to the
nucleation and movement of domains.

In the tempered steels, the major barriers to domain wall motion are magnetic free
poles at the interfaces between ferrite matrix and carbide precipitate and at the grain
boundaries. Therefore, the magnetisation involves irreversible movement of domain walls
in two stages that occur over a range of critical field strengths: (i) overcoming the resistance
of grain boundary free poles and small obstacles such as dislocations; and (ii) overcoming
the stronger obstacles such as carbide precipitates at higher field. MBN measurements give
a single peak when the ranges of critical field strength for these stages overlap, and their
mean values are close to each other [11]. In low temperature tempering, due to incomplete
dissolution of martensite and fine -carbides, needle like cementite may cause such
overlapping. However, the samples tempered at 500oC and 600oC show two-peak
behaviour indicating separation of mean values of critical field strengths. Recrystallisation
of ferrite at higher temperatures reduces the grain boundary energy, and increases the mean
free path of domain wall displacement; hence the field required for unpinning of domain
wall from the grain boundary reduces. Cementite precipitates increase free pole density at
the matrix-carbide interface, and require higher field for domain wall movement. Therefore,
the first peak at lower field strength is due to the irreversible movement of the domain walls
existing at the ferrite grain boundaries; and irreversible motion of the domain walls
overcoming carbide particles results in the second peak at higher field.

3.3 Hardness Correlation

MBN - r.m.s. (mV)

The raw data consists of a series of voltage pulses and associated magnetic field values.
The response of r.m.s. of the noise signals over several field cycles to the changes in
microstructure is similar to that of MBN peak height. It is seen in Fig.1 that the asquenched specimen (the hardest one) has the lowest r.m.s. value. As tempering temperature
increases, in contrast to the decrease in hardness, r.m.s. value increases. Pinned domain
walls due to high dislocation density and small martensite needles cause lower r.m.s.
values. As tempering temperature increases dislocation density decreases, micro residual
stresses diminish and the magnetic structure comes close to those of a ferrite. Thus, r.m.s.
value increases due to the enhancement of domain wall displacement with softening of
martensite. Figure 3 shows the correlation graph between the r.m.s. values of the MBN
signal with the hardness of specimens. The regression analysis shows an excellent
correlation between the r.m.s. values with hardness.

r.m.s. = -0,0354 HV + 23,351

R2 = 0,9667








Hardness (HV)
Figure 3. Correlation of MBN-r.m.s. Values with Hardness



4. Conclusions
Microstructures of the quenched and tempered SAE 4140 specimens were characterised by
Magnetic Barkhausen Noise measurements. Application of identical austenitisation and
quenching procedures eliminated the influence of other effects on the magnetic properties.
MBN method is a powerful tool for evaluating different stages of tempering. In the
as-quenched sample, pinned domain walls due to high dislocation density and small
martensite needles cause low MBN activity; and MBN peak is at higher magnetic fields due
to small domain wall displacements and difficulty in domain nucleation. As tempering
temperature increases dislocation density decreases, micro residual stresses diminish and
the magnetic structure comes close to those of a ferrite. Thus, MBN activity gets higher due
to the enhancement of domain wall displacement with softening of martensite. An excellent
correlation exists between the r.m.s. values and hardness. Via establishing the quantitative
relationships between MBN parameters the microstructural parameters, this method can be
utilised efficiently and effectively for evaluating the hardness and the microstructure of the
steel components.

Acknowledgements: Authors are thankful to Mr. Ali Kckyilmaz for his help for the heat
treatments, and to Dr. Ibrahim Cam and METU-Central Laboratory for the MBN
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