Identifying Duplicate Values in An Excel List
Identifying Duplicate Values in An Excel List
Identifying Duplicate Values in An Excel List
rom time to time, you may need to identify duplicate values with a list in
Excel. Modern versions, including Excel 2007 and later, provide this
Figure 1: Excel's Conditional Formatting feature makes it easy to identify
duplicate values in a list.
Figure 2: Excel 2007 and later oer the ability to lter cells based on color.
Figure 3: You can easily clear conditional formatting from a worksheet in Excel
2007 and later.
If you're using Excel 2003, you don't have the ability to lter by color, but you
can isolate duplicate values by way of the COUNTIF worksheet function. COUNTIF
has two arguments:
Range: This is a range of two or more cells that you wish to test.
Criteria: The value that you're seeking within the range.
Building on the example shown in Figure 1, you can add the following formula to
cell C2:
Once you've entered the formula, double-click on the Fill Handle in cell C2 to
copy the formula down the column. The Fill Handle is the little notch that most
users drag down a column when copying formulas.
You can then lter the list for any values greater than 1:
About the author:
David H. Ringstrom, CPA heads up Accounting Advisors, Inc., an Atlanta-based software
and database consulting rm providing training and consulting services nationwide.
Contact David ( ). David also presents
monthlyExcel webcasts (
i=73&s=f38j2xd)for AccountingWEB partner CPE Link.
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