Customer Reactions To Green Hotels
Customer Reactions To Green Hotels
Customer Reactions To Green Hotels
Consumers perceived that green hotel practices were just window dressing or just excuses
for higher price. Moreover, undesirable reactions occur when consumers who support
environment practices but unfortunately had to compromise the quality of service such as
poor cleanliness and low comfort level in green hotels. According to Rahman, Christina, &
Chi (2015), green hotel initiatives that require consumers involvement and sacrifice of
comfort, without incorporating green practices holistically throughout might make consumers
unconvinced more easily. This may create the tendency to switch availability of cheaper
alternatives which are the conventional hotels. Supported that some consumers may prefer to
be environmentally responsible but still prefer to maintain their existing life-style. They may
unlikely to sacrifice convenience, availability, price, quality and performance levels of green
hotels (Manaktola & Jauhari, 2007).
Besides that, consumers welcomed environmental publicity in green hotels. However,
consumers often revealed negative attitudes and purchase intentions toward greenwashed
advertisements which were deceptive. Consumer reactions to greenwashing advertisements
negatively affected their green trust and also led to consumers confusion and scepticism.
Hence, sceptical consumers were unlikely to partake in the green practice and to revisit the
hotel in the future (Rahman, Christina, & Chi, 2015). Apparently, this is a threat to
environmental concern and the pathway of making credible green marketing advertisements
and claims are full of challenges for green hotels (Punitha, Aziz, & Rahman, 2016).