Informatica Vs Odi

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The main difference between ETL and ELT is that ETL performs transformations between extract and load while ELT performs transformations after loading the data.

In ETL, data is extracted, transformed, and then loaded into the target system. In ELT, data is extracted, loaded into a staging area in the target system, and then transformed in the target system database.

In Informatica, pre and post processing tasks like index management can be defined at the session level. In ODI, procedures can be defined for pre and post processing tasks and embedded in the load plan.


1.It is built on ETL in architecture

2.Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) is a
process that involves extracting data from
outside sources, transforming it to fit
operational needs (sometimes using staging
tables), then loading it into the end target
database or data warehouse
3.It can achieve ELT functionality up to 30%
through the concept of "push down
4. It extract the data from database servers
into ETL server engine
5. Maintenance cost for the high end server is
very high when compared to ELT tools.


1.It is built on ELT in architecture
2.Extract, Load, and Transform (ELT) is a
process where data is extracted for the source,
then loaded into a staging table in the
database, transforming it where it sits in the
database and then loading it into the target
database or data warehouse.
3.It can achieve 100% ELT functionality

4.It cannot pull the data to the out of data base

server ODI engine
5. Where as in ODI No additional server is
required for processing the data, why because
data bases are meant for data processing and
maintenance only.
6. It converts data types of source to its
6. It need not to convert the data types of
Native data types" while extracting data
source to its engine corresponded data
from source to load into the target ,through types, why because heterogeneous data bases
the use of "source qualifier transformation" can communicate through the use of ANCI
SQL Code .
7.Unable utilize the relational database
7. Able to work with different relational
management system capabilities and file
Database management systems and file
structures without any issue.
structures without any issue.
8. Due to its Conventional Extract Transform 8. ODI offers unique, next-generation Extract
and Load (ETL) tool cannot offer the
Load and Transform (ELT) technology that
performance and reduces data integration costsimproves performance and reduces data
even across the homogeneous Systems.
integration costs, even across heterogeneous
9.Development time for the project is more, 9. Declarative Design (Only need to define
due to the absence of Declarative Design
business rules and use a Knowledge Module
(reusable template of code) for the
implementation) reduces the development
10. Informatica repository can be installed on 10.The ODI modular repositories (Master +
its own database other than source and target and one of multiple Work repositories) can be
data bases.
installed on any database engine that can be
either source or target that supports ANSI ISO
89 syntax such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL
Server, Sybase AS Enterprise, IBM DB2 UDB,
IBM DB2/40.
11. Code customization is very difficult here. 11. In case of ODI, It is very easy to customize
the code by the core component is called

Knowledge module (KM).

Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) vs Extract-Load-Transform (ELT)

What does ETL or ELT do? Both ETL and ELT extract the data from one or many source
systems (majorly transactional systems), then load it to a target system (majorly data warehouse
systems). There will be data transformations performed on the source data to fit the target
requirements. These transformations are done between the extract and load process or after the
load process based on the environment.
In order to keep the source and target system highly available, the data is extracted as fast as
possible from the source with minimum to no impact on the source and loaded into the target
with minimal impact on the target to maintain system availability. As target database systems
have been evolving, they have become more efficient in processing data transformations. This
has also evolved into the option to have transformations performed after loading the data into the

ETL stands for extract, transform and load. ETL is typically performed by an external tool such
as Informatica, DataStage or by PLSQL procedures. When tools like Informatica are used, most
of the data transformation is done on the ETL server, which made the ETL server to be well built
to support the data transformation process. The advantage of this was less impact on the source
and target systems.

ELT stands for extract, load, and transform. The majority of the data transformation is done after
the data is loaded into the target database. This will reduce the load on the ETL server and in turn
the cost of the server. Since most of the transformation is done on the database, it is also faster,
which in turn increases the performance and decreases the duration of the data movement
window. This utilizes the capabilities of the target database to increase the performance.

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As both Informatica and ODI are tools used to move data from source-to-target with
transformations, there are some similarities. I am listing some of those below.

Key Features
Restart Ability from the Point of Failure
Restart from the point of failure is a key feature in any data movement process. This reduces the
reprocessing of the same data, which in turn reduces the overall load window. Both Informatica
and ODI have restart ability (ODI from onwards). Both offer different levels of restart
In a workflow/load plan, we can configure the restart from the exact point of failure or restart
from the beginning of a group based on the failure (earlier versions of ODI did not have load
plan and therefore no restart from point of failure was not possible).
Load Dependency
Making sure that the different data sets are loaded in a proper sequence depending on logical
dependency is important to the success of any data warehouse implementation. For example, if
we have 10 dimensions and 3 facts, the dimensions used in the facts should be completed before
the facts are loaded. This can be set by a single level dependency, let all the 10 dimensions

complete first and then loaded the 3 facts as shown below in image 1.

This satisfies the dependencies. If fact1 is only dependent on dimensions 1,2,3 and 4... fact2 is
dependent only on dimensions 3,4,5 and 6... and fact3 is dependent only on dimensions 7,8, 9
and 10, the setup in image 1 still satisfies the dependencies, but it has additional dependencies
which are not needed. Fact1 is waiting on dimensions 5 to 10 to complete which is not a
requirement. This is a bit inefficient and can be refined by adjusting the dependencies as shown
in image 2 below.

By following the dependencies in the image 2, a better result will be achieved.

Since ODI only recently started to provide the load plan, it is still not fully refined enough to
setup the dependencies as shown in the image 2. This can be still achieved in ODI through a
package, but that will compromise the restarts ability.
Pre & Post Step Tasks
In any data warehouse load process, there will numerous steps performed before and after a table
is loade (e.g. index management steps). Some of the index needs to be dropped before the table
is loaded and then recreated after the table is loaded. This is possible in both ODI and
Informatica through different approaches as explained below.
In Informatica at a session level, pre and post session tasks can be defined to perform the
additional tasks. These can be as simple as drop and create index commands to complex PLSQL
commands specific to the database.

In ODI, procedures can be defined by the pre and post session tasks. These tasks can be
embedded in the load plan to run before and after the table load step is executed as required.
Truncate Target
Truncating the target table (can be a stage or dimension and fact table) through the automated
process is most in any ETL/ELT tool. Both ODI and Informatica have this option available to be
configured. ODI has it at the interface level and Informatica has it at the session level.
Unit Testing
Unit testing the independent block of code is required in any data warehouse ETL/ELT
implementations. Informatica only allows it at the workflow level as that is the executable
(separate workflow has to be built to test each mapping), but ODI allows it at the
interface/procedure level as a scenario can be generated at both levels. This saves some time, in
the build phase of the implementation.
Reusability of Mapping/Interface in Multiple Session/Scenario
Reusability of a mapping /interface is an important benefit in defining full and incremental loads.
This will eliminate the need to maintain two separate mappings/interfaces for full and
incremental loads. Informatica provides the ability to define two different sessions on the same
mapping with different options like truncate table. This is a built in feature. ODI does not have a
built in feature to define the truncate option at the scenario level as this is set at the interface
level through the knowledge module. A custom knowledge can be developed to make the
truncate option dynamic with the help of some external tables (this has to be developed and
tested in house).
Partitioning Option
When the data volumes are high, target tables are partitioned to improve both the ETL/ELT load
performance and also the data retrieving performance (reporting performance). Informatica has
additional capability to utilize the partitioning in the load process of the table to improve the load
time. ODI currently does not have an option but in the process of building a new knowledge
module to utilize the partitioning.

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