Timesaver 40 Combined Skills Lessons

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a Tce \ V7 Sl : aeons BU US). ¢ eS Lessons for the Common Se Peel UL pe ¥ CONTENTS Introduction 3 @ 1 1ove ar inst siGHT Describing people 4 ‘2 LET'S PARTY Making invitations 6 3 LOST: ONE BIG, FAT SPIDER Describing pets 8 4 MY CLUB. Describing activities 10 5 GOT THE TSHIRT ‘Asking and answering questions 12 Gecanyou...2 Expressing ability 14 Ea) 7 FAB PHONES Making suggestions 16 8 IT'S MAGIC Giving instructions 18 9 ATICKET TO RIDE Giving directions 20 10 THE satuRDay sHOW Expressing likes and dislikes 2 CO) 11 WHAT ARE YOU WEARING Making suggestions 24 (12 MY MUM HATES MY... Giving advice 26 CY 13 SANDWICH BAR Expressing choices 28 Oy 14 sunpay FETE ‘king for carfication 30 () 15 FUN RALLY Expressing obligation 32 (16 You MUST SEE .. Making recommendations 34 (17 BUY ME! BUY MEL Describing products 36 (CY 18 'M ALL EARS! Understanding and giving messages 38 C19 HOW BRAVE ARE YOU? ‘Speculating 40 CO) 20 WHAT DID HE SAY? Understanding announcements a2 (G21 on-ine save Understanding adverts 44 22 CARDS, CARDS, CARDS Greeting people 46 23 LOOKING DIFFERENT Giving advice 48 (@ 24 Teen mac Making suggestions 50 25 GIVE YOUR ROOM A MAKEOVER Describing past habits and comparing 52 (@) 26 Ghost WALK ‘Asking for and giving information 54 @ 27 cance Describing an experience 56 © 28 aronosies.com ‘Apologising 58 (29 wear am I THINKING? Giving instructions 60 30 SUMMER LOVE Expressing broken promises 62 (CO) 31 WHERE ARE YOU? Giving directions 64 CO) 32 BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU! Giving personal information 66 (33 TRUE COLOURS Agreeing and disagreeing 68 O34 paize-civine Saying ‘thank you" 70 (C35 WE'RE LISTENING TO YOU! ‘Making arrangements R CY 36 THE STORY OF HORACE HUMP Telling a story 4 [TIMESAVER 40 Skils Lessons for CEF J =) (/) 37 WORKOUT WITH WENDY Giving instructions 16 4) 38 CELEBRITY PHONE-IN ‘Asking for personal information 78 39 KIDS RULE Talking about free time activities 80 CY 40 COOKING FOR KIDS ing instructions 82 Teacher's notes and transcripts 84 INTRODUCTION 1 What is the Common European Framework? The Common European Framework (CEF) seeks to standardise the description and assessment of levels achieved in different languages across Europe. ‘A1: This is the first level described by the CEF and it refers to students in their first year or two of studying Eng This can otherwise be referred to as Elementary. ‘A2; This is the second level which is usually reached by students who have been studying English for up to three years. This can otherwise be referred to as Pre-Intermediate “Can-do' checklist The Can-do checklist at the end of each unit tells the teacher and students what particular aspects of language the unit, has practised. They are called ‘can-do statements’, as they concentrate on the language learners can successfully use in English, and are directly linked to the CEF descriptors for these levels. The contents page of this book summarises the functional language practised. 2 Why should | use this book? as as It is a rich resource of lively, photocopiable materials for use with secondary-school students who have been studying English for one to three years. This book is perfect for teachers looking for interesting skills work to complement a course book. * The topics are fun and engaging for teenagers. ‘+ Each unit is carefully staged to be both entertaining and achievable. ‘+ Each unit presents and practises a wide range of new vocabulary. ‘+ Each unit provides REAL language practice, linked to the CEF descriptors. ‘Each unit provides practice in writing and speaking, and reading or listening. ‘+ Each unit takes between 45-60 minutes of class time. This shows that the unit is reading based. 2) This shows that the unit is listening based. This example indicates that the listening is the second in unit 12. The book is divided into two sections. Units 1-20 are suitable for students at A1 level and units 21-40 are for students at ‘A2 level. The first ten units in each section have a reading input and the second ten have a listening input. Within the sections, the units gradually become more difficult. (The grading of the units is a guide.) You may wish to use the more difficult units to stretch your students or easier units for less advanced classes. The Teachers’ Notes, at the end of the book, give ideas on how to stage the lessons. There are also some suggestions for extra activities, keys to the exercises and transcripts for the listening items. Select activities to give extra practice for language presented in your course book or simply for fun! Choose the appropriate units for your class from the contents page where you can find information about level, topic and language items practised. ‘Writing activities can be used for homework, or done in class, at your discretion. EET OAEGA Describing people 1 LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT 11) Read this poem, Do you like it? ‘UIs for your Lips ‘O's for Only you ‘V'is for Very special “eis for Everyday | think of you. 2) There is a new website called Findlove.com. Read about these people and match them to the pictures. » im Rachel. 'm thirteen years old and I'm blonde with blue eyes. lve in London. I'm not very tall but I'm quite slim. I'm a student and | study English. I want to be an English teacher. | love Italian food and films. My favourite actor is Johnny Depp! | don't like boy bands. (Je Bonjourt My name's Jacques and I'm French. m sixteen and | play the guitar in a band with my friends. 1 go to Arles Music Academy! | have long dark hair and green eyes. I'm into music and dancing and of course | love fashion! | really don’t like football. B) choose A, B, Cor D. 11 Who has dark hair? Who has green eyes? .. Who likes music a lot? .. Who likes Johnny Depp? nm Who likes languages? wawn @) Which people do you think make good pairs? and and. BB I'm Mandy. I'm sixteen and a half and | have red hair and green eyes. | live with my parents in Birmingham. | work in a clothes shop on Saturdays. In the evening I like going dancing. | really love music. | have a lot of CDs and sometimes | sing with my friends! | hate going to the gym! My name's Mike. I'm fourteen and I'm in third year at secondary school. | have dark hair and blue eyes. | live very near Dublin. 'm tall and slim. | like skateboarding and the cinema. I'm learning French and Italian. | don't like other sports very much. This sit is fictional 6 Who is the oldest? .. 7 Who is the youngest? 8 Who doesn't like the gym? 9 Who wants to be a teacher’... 10 Who isn't English? .. EEA Describing people 5) Unjumble these words from the text. Then match them with their meanings. 1 He's tequi slim. quite. ee 2 - b) not very fat tm not toni it 3. I ayreal love it. : I don't like it 4 Music dacayem F - 4) | like a lot. 6) What are you into? Write three sentences. What are you not into? Write three sentences. Z) Speaking. Look at this information about two more people. You and your partner are Jenny and Mark, Ask your partner questions. Jenny Age: 18 sree ‘seweb s2indwog :sextsig Home: London ureavo 20) ‘weUpoag pINed ‘IIeq}O04 SOHN Hair: Brown ‘Autepeay suods “saIpnig Eyes: Brown us ‘wou. :edeys Apog Body shape: Plump, short enig. :s0f3 Studies: Second year secondary PuoIg IE Likes: Spor, reading, horror stories, Jeyseyoueyy :owoH {riendly people, dogs Dislikes: Television 8) Writing. Work with a partner and write a 9) Silent dictation: Now, choose a website entry website entry for a new person: funny or from exercise 1 and dictate it to your partner serious! BUT you must not speak! Your partner Then read out your entries to the class. must not look at the exercise! You can only Who makes the best pairs? use your lips! oR Can you d y Write an entry for someone in your class. Don’t put the name on it. The class must guess who it Can-do checklist I can understand simple information. I can understand simple descriptions of people. & If I can ask and answer questions about myself and other people. I can write simple phrases about myself and other people. EES HART GATOR RAGAN WORT STEN ED CEEAEIEEA Making invitations 2 LET'S PARTY! 4) Talk about these questions. 2) Here are invitations to three different parties. Read and match them to the pictures. 1. Do you like parties? 2 What sort of parties do you like? 3 When do your friends have parties? for. From: Sue ‘ ns again and circle the correct answers. The English party is at schoo! / at Mandy's house. ‘Tom's mother / father is cooking. ‘Tom's party will be inside / outside. Helen’s parents will be in / out. Helen's party is for her birthday / her sister's birthday. 6 They will / won’t speak English at Sue and Mary's party. wewne CEAGATETAGEIEOEGA Making invitations AT 4) Where will you see these things? Put a tick (7), a cross (x) or write ‘probably’ in the boxes. [pany vanys | pany © player Lo probably x video player T su umbrella T ‘sausages and beef burgers «coke and crisps | fish and chips I ‘mart clothes ‘casval clothes ‘a British flag ‘Ask your partner about each party. 11 What food will they eat at Tom’s / Sue's / Helen’s party? 2 What clothes will they wear? 3 What things will they do? Complete these sentences with words from 6 the invitations. TEM vronsnmnnn @ PANY none Wednesday. 2. It will be... 9 O'COCK uuu my house. 3 vm you like to come? Please nn. me know ASAP. 5. Phone me ....... 0972 561324, Can-do checklist J can understand dates, numbers and times. 1 can make bas invit I can accept and/or refuse invitat I can write simple invi J) Speaking. Look at these answers: a) Thanks. I'd love to come. bb) Sorry, I can’t make it. Invite your partner to the parties below. Use the expressions in exercise 6. Your partner can accept or refuse. How quickly you can do ALL the invitations - correctly? Now change over! 8) w 1g. Work with a partner and think of your own special party. Write the invitation and decorate it. 3 46th June, 6.00 pm. Carey's hotel. Tel: 0366 765923 TIMESAVER 40 [Al Describing pets 3 LOST: ONE BIG, FAT SPIDER Le ee 4) How many animals can you find? (2) Read the notice. Whose pet is lost? oteT tt I FIA w RfAlelel it ae UftfelAl sa rosr Mfofolr[H[N A big, fat spider called “Mitsy’ F[M|o[ul[s|e , i * = [ofetctule Mitsy is a female tarantula and she is very dangerous. She is brown arc hairy and is 12 coy long. She 1s months old and likes eating small mice aid sleeping ia beds. She is very friendly, We last saw Mitsy sunbathing in the garden on Tuesd 1. Do you like animals? 18 you find ber, Blase contact Nick on 1560 33546 2. Do you have any pets? 3) Unjumble these words from the text. Then match them to the pictures. 1 elamef 2 lindfery 3 riyah 4 snaghinbut 5 reganosud Read the notice again and complete the information. 1 Animal's name: 5. Colour: 9 Own 2 Type of animal: 7 6 Food: 10 Phone number: 3 Age: 7 Likes: 4 Length: . 8 last saw it. 5) Complete the questions on ONE card only, A or B. Then ask about your partner's lost pet and complete the form. What's the anima’... (eft) Anima’s name . type Of .nsssen i8 #? (Snake - python) ‘Type of animal. isit? (1 year) Age 2 (metres) Length . - : i? (Black and biue) Colour. What kind of food .. 2 (Mice) Food . does itlike? (People) Likes . Where did yOu ....-. Itlast? (In a tree last Monday) Saw itlast .. ow i ts owner's an? (Kate) Owner What is your. ne! (20792 445638) Phone number. is How (GA Describing pets What's the animal's 2 (Terry) Animat's name . type Of is it? (Tortoise) ‘Type of animal... is it? (80 years ol6) 7 (280m) is it? (Black and brown) 2 (Cabbage and flowers) How... How What kind of food . does it ike? (Sleeping) Where did you _ it last? (In a box in the kitchen) Saw itlast seers 8 tS OWnE'S (ack) Owner. ‘What is your .. (20792 900978) Phone number ers J) Write adjectives from exercise 6 with these animals. soon Parrot no Cat w ¢hicken iguana -~ fabbit son @lephant se HOTS dog 'B) These words from this unit are not spelled correctly. Can you correct them? DON'T look back! hairi Tiusday tortose dangerus queit parot frendly Can-do checklist I can understand short, simple descriptions. (-] 1 can ask and answer questions about other people. I can write personal detai I can write simple notes and complete forms. oC I 9 TIMESAVER 40 EURIOKGA Describing activities 4 MY CLUB 11) Talk about these questions. 1 Are there any clubs at your school? What are they? 2. Are you a member? 2) Look at these pictures and think of names for these clubs. aes sl GR 3) Here is the name of a new club, The Lord of the Rings Club. Tick the things you think they do in this club. ) Read the notice. Were you right in exercise 37 ) The Lord of the Rings Club spores a new ek aor ecoot on Mondays n Room 10. Wo do! 7 Feo to boa member? Thare are ten mambers ard we a1 }ve TO lab you can tak about the Lord ofthe Rings books and M088 T cond of the Rings games and learn Lard of the Rings ode aan a Ri ‘pizzes and compeions and eat Lord ofthe Rings fo0dl1/° i. vrnmant abe a member of ou cbs please sgn your name Caw The club secretary: Kathy Barnes a es st aoa GIRTON URINE RINT OF OOS) TERIA OEE Describing activities 5) Read the notice again and answer these 4 What can you do in the club? questions. 41 When is the club? . 5 How can you be a member? 2 Where is the club?. = 3. How many members are there? 6 Who is the club secretary? ‘G) Are these words positive or negative? Write P or N. b) boring ©) brilliant d) cool e) rubbish f) exciting of the clubs in exercise 2 would you like to go to? Tell your partner why. % wi Id like to go to the Magic Club. | think it sounds brilliant. ‘B) m pairs, invent a club. Complete the information in column 1. Name of dub Secretary's name When Where How many members Activities” Opinion 9) Speaking. Change pairs, ask about your partner's lub. Write down the information in column 2. Begin like this: What is the name of your club? Writing. Write a notice for the club you like best. Use the ideas in exercise 8. Can-do checklist I can understand notices. can ask for and give information. Oo IM 10 on TUESDAYS\ At uD BRING AERIEND! 1 can give a short description of something. (Go I can write a simple notice. “ThaGSAVER® Sis mons or CO MARY GUSGOW MAGAZINES, AN MPRWT OF HOLA. QE Asking and answering questions 5 GOT THE T-SHIRT! How often do you wear T-shirts? a) very often b) sometimes How many T-shirts do you have? a) alot b) afew Do you like plain T-shirts? a) yes b)it depends Do you prefer T-shirts with adwords — b) pictures D0 you lke designer T-shirts? a) yes bit depends Do you lke your T-shirts a)baggy Bb) tight What's your favourite colour for T-shirts? What's your favourite T-shirt? BVNOMAWNHO 3) Ask a partner and complete 5) Read this website advert and answer true or false. the questionnaire. Find , ee ty nariiver afl Sitemeen 1. You can’t buy T-shirts on the internet. TF es oo 2 Tshirts are not popular today. TIF i - 3. Some people put words on their T-shirts. TIF D What Is a stogan’? 4 There are not many slogans. TIF a) something you eat 5 You can have words in different languages. TIF b) a special message or words 6 Sometimes it takes a long time to get your Tshirt. T/F a picture or logo 7 Alot of people buy plain Tshirts. TF >MOG mE Do you want to be different from your friends? Are you looking for a special ‘T-shirt? Thousands of people visit our website every day. You can choose a T-shirt just for you! ‘You can have any slogan or picture you want. It can be funny, pretty, unusual or fancy! ‘You can have words on the front or the back or both. They can be in another language too. It’s easy! Choose your design, size and colour. Make your order and your special T-shirt will arrive in just 3 days! What do you want on yours? GE i a ca owe ON CIN NTR OUSTEME) Tis ste i Fone, CUEIEZTETIACETAIDEGA Asking and answering questions ) Here are some Tshirts you can buy on ‘gottheT-shirt.com’. Match the slogans to the pictures. 1 I'mcute! d-b 2 love Harry Potter. z a 3 'man angel. © 4 Red lorry, yellow lorry ae, 5. Bad Hair Day! 6 I'ma little devil! Which one is difficult to repeat quickly? CJ By c] y) Do you know more slogans to put on a Tshirt? Write them here: 7) Here are some slogans for fronts and backs of Tshirts. Match the fronts with the backs. Fronts Backs 1 Hi Handsome! a) Sleep in the kitchen! 2 I love cars. b) Versace. 3 Ifyou can read this, © Perfect! 4 I'm only 99% d) Not you, creep! 5. You want breakfast in bed? @) Brrrrummm! 6 My other shirt is a 4) You're too close! ing. Write about your favourite T-shi Describe it and say why you like it. 9) Speaking. Design a Tshirt for someon class. In groups, present your design. Can your friends guess who it is for? Can-do checklist I can ask and answer questions about myself and others. [1 tcan understand simple information. I can write simple messages. CRAG resing ability 6 CAN YOU Le Se EE SSD Some people can do strange things with 2) In there are seven verbs and in B there are 10 parts of the body. Complete them with the letters. A PWwTtSMR ‘Move _ut _rite _ead _tand _ouch B. BTW TtMETNEH _ongue _ead _oes _outh _umb _tist ose ars _ands _yebrows (B) Match these questions to the pictures. Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Can you move one eyebrow? sn. an you touch your wrist with your thumb? Can you put your toe in your mouth? Can you touch your toes? Can you move your ears? Can you stand on your head? Can you write with both hands? .... wearvanuaune Can you read upside down? ... Now ask your partner to show you. CEG Expressing ability @) Read this short article. What can Martina do really well? The Usly Competition very year, in Marston village, there is an important: competition. Today is the day of ‘The Ugly Competition’ People come from all over the world and try to make the ugliest face. The winner last year was Martina Bates and she made a really horrible facel Martina says that she practises a lot. Sometimes people think she’s rude but she's only practisingl Martina learned to make faces when she was five years old. She wanted to frighten her sister! In England they say, 'f the wind changes and you are making a face, your face will stay the same for ever’ | hope it’s not windy this afternoonl 5) Now correct the underlined words. ‘The competi nis in a different place each year. so People make beautiful faces. 2 3 Martina learned to make faces when she was ten. .. 4 Martina doesn’t practise much. 5. If the wind stops, your face will stay the same. ) Find words in the text that mean: 4 asmall town 4 0 SCALE vans 2 not beautiful 5. kind of weather when the air moves a lot 3 not polite... 7) Can you make ugly faces? Have a ‘Ugly Competition’ in your class. 8) Writing. Here is another strange competition: ‘Can you eat six burgers in two minutes?’ With a partner, think of 4 more ‘Can you’ competitions! 9) Speaking. Here are some more ‘Can You' questions. Ask your partner. 1 Can you say ‘Hello’ in four languages? 4 Can you touch your nose with your foot? 2. Can you make the noise of a police car? 5 Can you name three famous English footballers? 3. Can you sing a song in English? 6 Can you say English words for one minute? Can-do checklist lean ask and answer questions about ability. J can understand a short, simple article. I know the parts of the body. CORTESE Making suggestions At) (8) 7 FAB PHONES A) How many words can you make from the letters in ‘MOBILE PHONES’? 2) Match these words to the pictures. mail photos games ringtones video alarm ) @ Hi Ben! I've got a brilliant new mobile! I got it for my birthday from Mum and Dad. It’s wicked! It’s the new Nokia and I can take photos and videos with it. I's got quick texting so I can text you really fast now. It’s also got a lot of Lucky you! My phone is really old. It hasn’t got video, photos or quick texting, It takes so long to send messages. My ringtone is boring too. I'd love a new Nokia, Why don’t you get a ringtone from the net? You ‘games and I can e-mail from it oo, I wanta funky can get pop, R&B, classics, etc. and you can change your ringtone. Any suggestions? ringtone every day! How about a photo of me on your screen?! You can take a photo with your phone this Love Penny xxx evening! CULSR. Ben. 3) Read these e-mails and circle the right answer. 1 Penny asks Ben about a) videos, b) alarms. © ringtones. 2 Ben tells Penny to get aringtone from ——_a) a friend, b)amagazine. _¢) the internet. 3 Penny got the phone from a) her sister. b) her parents. ¢) a friend. CTIA Making suggestions aa) > 4) in th 1 wonderful ..... 2 lots of BOO) cron 5) Talk about these questions with your partner. (G) Look at the e-mails ag What is your favourite game? aun Which is most useful for you? What is your favourite colour for a phone? mails, find words which mean: 4 abo... 5. See you later 6 I'dlike... and complete. What is your favourite ringtone? Penny asks Ben for suggestions. She says: Ben gives suggestions Ii a) quick texting b) video c) photos d) e-mail Why cvrnnnen YOUn-? HOW. .~@ photo...? Z) Your Mum wants to buy a new mobile. Use the ideas in boxes A and B to complete the sentences. A silver a new Ne a contract ‘the new Eminem song B. It’s a cool colour. It’s funky. It’s a wicked phone. It’s much cheaper. 1 I'm going to buy a new mobile. Any suggestions? How about 2 I don’t know which colour to have. Any suggestions? Why don’t you... 3 Shall I get a contract or a card? Any suggestions? Why don't you 4 I don’t know which ringtone to get. Any suggestions? How about 'B) Writing. Write an e-mail about your mum's new mobile. This is the information. itney Spears No e-mail No quick texting No video 9) Speaking. Tell a friend about your mum's new mobile but change some details. Can-do check! I can write a simple e-mai I can make simple suggestions. can give short, simple descriptions. I know vocabulary for mobile phones. (Coa a 66 HAY CLOW REAR, RTT OT ONOOTTENE ED CEIEEEIEIIOEGA Giving instructions 8 IT’S MAGIC! 1) Talk about these questions. 1. Do you like Harry Potter? Whyinot? 2 What do you know about Harry Potter? 3 Do you know the names of ..? a) The first book b) His old enemy...... ©) His school .. ) The headmaster ) His two friends ) The writer of the Harry Potter books ...... g) His giant friend ... sone A) His owl 2) Read about Harry Potter and check your answers to exercise 1. TAR Most Famous Be) inthe Ward i Harty Palteris perhops the mos fanevs boyin the word, We can read about hislainbooks or watch his adventures in fms. Millons of people saw the third film "Harty Potter and the Prisoner of Askhaban" and there willbe more fms in the next years. The witer, J K Rowling fist wrote Ck about Harty in the book, "HaMty Patter andthe Philosopher's Stone". Hay is a wigard and he shudies f aspecia schocl called Hogwars with his two (Mend, Hertnione and Ron. He can do magic and has alot af fights with his enemy, Voldemort. Tha headmaster of the school, Dumbledore, is apowertul, old wigard and a good friend to Harty. He also has another good fiend, c Hagrid whois a giant. When Harty wants fo send amessage he vses his owl Hedwig rr Harty is getting alder now. Whet do you think he is going fo do next? f 2 ~ “ e ‘4 . 2 3B) Here is a magic trick for you to do. First, label these things in the pictures. vinegar tieaknot chicken bone bowl 3 hours. 24 hours CrMESAVER 40 Skils Lessons for é* Re at) (@) the instructions are jumbled. Match them to the pictures in exercise 3 to find the correct order. Trick 1 ‘You need: a chicken bone, some vinegar, a bow! Instructions: a) Leave for 24 hours. 'b) Put some vinegar in a bowl. c) Take the chicken bone out. Now it is soft. 4) Leave it for 3 hours. Now itis hard. ) Puta chicken bone in the vinegar. f) Tie a knot in the bone. Hey presto! You have a chicken bone with a knot in it! Magic! You can try this at home! s Pe you know these words? Read the example sentences. 1 multiply I can multiply big numbers. (300 x 12 = 360) 2 add He has 2 cards. fhe adds 3, he'll have 5.(2+3.=5) 3 face up When cards are face up, you can see the numbers. 4 face down — When cards are face down, you can't see the numbers. 5 ace An ace is the highest, or the lowest card. 6 joker A joker is a card, but it doesn’t have a number. It is useful. ©) Speaking. in pairs, Student A reads trick 2. Student B reads trick 3. Try to learn the instructions for the trick and do it with your partner. Tick 2 ya) 24a wiouy You need: an envelope and a piece of paper piv quones aya sano wana shemy 7181905 Instructions: pifeyy rorow oy opse9 jo sequin aya 6) 1 Firet you multiply the year by two, (2005 x 2 = 2010) ys “pue9 oue sovo wana pu punas ws 2 Write this on a plece of paper ya] 07 240 way 3 Fut the paper in the envelope ‘8p1@9 owos ono, "Puls sn 02 Kes & 4 Say £0 your frend: 7704 snk wary Z Write dow your date of birth. (1995) Leeamrayzey Write down your age. (12) G 9 vepuO siya ui unop 20H Sp2e9 ays and | White down the year ofan Important event. (1929) ‘suoraonsacuy Write down how many years It is after this event. (6) ‘Add up the numbers, (1998 + 12 + 1999 + 6 = 2010) oee 5 Now open the envelope ard chow him the number. Magil 99492 298 | uoyOl | epi :poeU NOL 27H Writing. Do you know a magic trick? If you do, write down the instructions for your partner. If you don't, try to remember one of these tricks and write it down. Don’t look at this page! Can-do checklist can get an idea of the content of a short, simple article. 1 can understand simple instructions. 1 can give simple instructions. I can write simple instructions. Baa a nr SANT CATON HACE RTO ROTC NE QE) Gwving directions 9 ATICKET TO RIDE Key to map a, Loveboat g. Vampire Run b. Restaurant bh, Thunder River . Restaurant i. Gift Shop 4. Ghost Train j. Dragon Mountain e.Pet'sComer ——_k. Mini Railway 1. Spaceship |. Toilets Mini Railway times: Half past every hour fl Opening times: Mon-Fri: 11 a.m,~ 6 p.m. Weekends: 10 a.m 8 p.m. Prices: Under 14: £8 14 & over: £12 M4 O zs Ib xOG oH MEG: Hil Can you come to the Medway Theme Park with us on Saturday? SUE: Yeah. Mum says it's OK. I’ve got the map. It looks wicked! MEG: Do you like fast rides? SUE: I love them. Which is the best? MEG: like (1). 5 SUE: I can’t find that on the map. MEG: Start at the entrance and tum right at the gift shop. It’s next to that. SUE: _I:see it. What’s (2)... Its by the lake. MEG: It’s ride through water. It’s awesome! You get very wet! SUE: OK. We can start with those two. Then we ‘can have lunch. MEG: SUE: ‘MEG: SUE: MEG: SUE: MEG: MEG: There’s a 3)... «by the park. Turn left at the lake and it’s on the right. Got it! Oh ~there’s a (4)... the lake too. Yes, you and Jim can go on that! Kiss, kiss! And you and Jenny can g0 0M (5)......--es« You like scary things! Dracula and friends!! If you want to go round the park there’s a (er ‘There's a train every 10 minutes. No, sorry, (7)... How much is a ticket for the park? WS (B)esseseesssseee for under 145. Tell your mum you'll be home about 9. It closes at O)erservere T'll meet you at the entrance on Seturday morning. It opens at (10). Brilliant, See you then, (CIEZIRTIAEZIAIEEGA Giving directions 3) Answer the questions using these words. 11 Which two words mean fantastic? uncer a wh i. . spaceship uy presents? ere can you buy present —— 3 Which word means frightening? soon awesome 4 Which word means a large area of water? wicked 5 Which word means the spirit of a dead person? lake 6 Which word means a type of transport to other planets? ai host 7 Which word means a large, imaginary animal? .. 7 dragon 8 Which word means a loud noise in the sky?. @) Answer these questions. 1 Does Sue like fast rides? 6 Is Jim Sue's boyfriend or Meg's? |s Vampire Run near the gift Shop? ..e.cursnan 7 Who likes scary things? 8 What goes round the park every 30 minutes? (On which ride do you get wet? 2 3. What is by the lake? 4 5 Will they go on Dragon Mountain before or 9 When will they get home? after lunch? .. 5) Speaking. Meg and Sue used these words to give directions. Choose places on the map and give your partner directions using the words. Then change over. Start at... Tum right at ... It’s next to ... It’s by... It’s on the left. Turn left at .. 6) Writing. Meg and Sue talked about their plans like this. We can start with ... Then we can... After that we can Get a piece of paper and write a ‘chat’ with your partner about your next visit to the theme park. Plan your day together: include a time and to meet, rides to go on, where to eat and time to go home. Do NOT speak. Can-do checklist I can understand simple directions. (_] ean find information about times and prices. J can give simple directions, I can write simple messages. EEG Expressing likes and dislikes 10 THE SATURDAY SHOW (@) These pictures show different types of programmes. Match the words to the pictures. interviews cookery @O¢ (2) Read the TV guide and answer the questions. 11 What time can you listen to music? .. What time can you watch some games?...... x What time can you learn about new clothes? ... What time can you listen to a famous person? 2 3 4. What time can you hear about cooking? 5 6 What time can you learn about important things in the world? 7 What time can you get some advice on problems? 8 What 1¢ can you see something about football? .. 1 3 6 0 The Witches of Lots of suggestions Want to look good? —_| All your favourite Blackwood. Emma and | from our creative chefs, music. Hannah are two normal 7 girls. Or are they? This | 4 Got a problem? Phone drama continues every | Jane Markham reads a | us. We've got the ” week. different story each answers. ‘What's happening? week. ‘Andrew Parker tells us. 2 8 Does Dan really love | 5 Fun for all with games | 12 Nadia? Or Sarah or What's your sport? and competitions. Donald, Mickey and all Megan or Pat or...? | Everything is here! your favourites. Find out in Monkton 9 High, Celebrities tell al EE a a as 6 Ua GASTON INCAENE, AI OH TOATIERE) CIRIETIAEETAIGEGA Expressing likes and dislikes At) a) | @) Read again and find: 5) Are these sentences true or false? 1 The names of the two girls in the teen drama 1 The drama story continues next week. T/F 2 Dan only likes one girl. TIF 2 The name of the person who reads the story. Soames torte progres about your problems. TF 4 The chefs have some good ideas. = T/F 3 The name of the school in Teen Soap. 5 The celebrities play the games. Te 4 The name of the news reader... on 6 You can watch sports all morning. T/F ‘G) complete these phrases with your opinion of TV programmes. Tell a partner. He/she must respond. Reponses | ©©@ iow... ® 1 dont te ee Me too GO] A really tke eesti @O® I really don't ike os esse Me neither. | © tauite tke — @O@O i hate | prefer l = 7) Speaking. Play the ‘How well do you know your friend?’ game. First answer these questions about your friend/partner. 1 Who is his/her favourite celebrity? What is his/her favourite sport? What is his/her favourite film? What is his/her favourite food? What is histher favourite TV programme? What are his/her favourite clothes? 2] 3 4 5 What is his/her favourite band? 6 7 8 What is hisiher favourite cartoon? 9 Does he/she prefer horror or romantic films? 10 Does he/she have a favourite hobby? Now check with your friendipartner and respond using expressions from exercise 6. Your favourite celebrity is Brad Pitt. Yes, you're right. | really like him. / No, you're wrong. | don't like him much. | prefer... Can-do checklist 8) Writing. Write a short paragraph about your partner/friend. I can talk about likes and dislikes and express time. Start with: I can give a basic opinion, agree and disagree. ‘My friend really likes... but she/he hates...’ I can write a simple message. I can talk about television programmes. 23 TREEAAEGE Making suggestions 11 WHAT ARE YOU WEARING? CRESS ae Res aa nee ee ES @) class quiz. Name these clothes. Write as many words as you can. 11 You wear these in bed. ‘You wear this around your waist. 2 3 Things you wear on your feet. 4 Things men usually wear to the office. 5. Things girls often wear in summer. 6 Types of jewellery. 2) Talk about these questions. 11 Do you go to many parties? 2 What do you like to wear to parties? 3) & You are going to hear two people talking about a clothes crisis! Who is having the crisis, Jane or Frank? Listen and tick the clothes you hear. silver shirt 6 red top pink top 7 white skirt black trousers 8 blue dress pink dress 9 white trousers green skirt 10 black top wane |. Write ‘J! for Jane and ‘F* for Frank. ‘@) Listen agai Who ...? 1 is not thin . has black trousers .... has a dog... has white trousers... has a sister .. has a blue dress Nawawn has silver shirt 5) Can you remember? Complete the sentences. Jane sat on a... Frank thinks Jane's dress is ‘to wear the blue dress. 1 2 3 Jane thinks she's 00 smn 4 Emma painted a... on the black trousers. 5 They will go shopping for stead. TIETITTIETA Making suggestions ay 'G) In the conversation, they made suggestions like this. Responses I don't like itvthem. Suggestions It’s too old. Why don't you wear your new white trousers? I'm too fat! How about the black top? ‘That's a good idea! Why don’t you wear the silver shirt? 0K. Why don't we f arty? No way! Let's do that! In pairs, practise reading these suggestions and responses. J) Jackie wants to go to a party but she has some problems! Can you help her? (Use the ideas in the pictures.) 1 [have a big spot on my nose! Why don’t you 2. I missed the bus. 3 I changed the colour of my hair and I look like a carrot! 4 ate too much dinner and I'm very fat today. 5 My brother used all my hair gel. 8) Speaking. How many suggestions and responses "ing. Write a message to your can you make about clothes in five minutes? friend to say you can't go toa ‘Change the underlined words in exercise 6. Party with him/her and give some reasons. They can be real or not! Can-do checklist [1] I can understand a simple conversation. I can make and respond to simple suggestions. (J! can talk about problems and make excuses. (_) | can write simple phrases and sentences. CEREAL Giving acvice aa 12 MY MUM HATES MY 11) Talk about these questions and write a list. 1 What things do Mums usually hate? 2 What does your Mum or Dad hate? 2 & Listen to Debbie speaking to Bev. Do they talk about any of the things on your list? 3) Listen again and write down why Bev's mother hates the different things. Her clothes: they're . Her music: it’s Her boyfriend: he's .. 2 3 4 Her friends: they don't 5 Her make-up: it's @) what do you think Bev’s mother says to her? Complete the advice. 1 Her clothes: wear/different colours You should wear different, coloure Her musi : listen to / quieter Her boyfriend: find / younger Her make-up: not wear / school Her friends: go out with / different oun Her computer: not play / games 5) ¢2) usten and check your answers. Then listen again and repeat. 6) £2) Ron, Bev's boyfriend, gives her some advice. Listen and match his advice, A to E, to the things Bev's mother hates. 1 Her boyfriend 2 Her black clothes... 3 Her friends 4 Her mobile phone... 5 Her make-up 26 a) CERIN Giving advice ar (y ‘Z) what do your parents think about your ...? Write ideas in the box then ask and answer in pairs. What do your parents think about your music? They don’t really like it. They're OK about it/them. They don't really like itithem, friends phone My mum loves my ... but my dad hates .. music hobbies clothes boylgirlfriend 8) Here are some things Debbie hates about her parents. Match them with the pictures. My dad wears old-fashioned clothes. My dad snores when we are watching TV. My dad tells jokes to my friends. My mum makes food | don’t like and | have to eat it! My mum is often late. My mum always sings in the car ~ badly! auaune ©) Speaking. Give Debbie some advice about her mum and dad. You should tell your mum / dad to .. You should tell your mum / dad not to .. Writing. Look at the list you wrote in exercise 1. Write a dialogue with your mother or father about one or two things they don’t like. Can-do checklist J can understand a conversation about clothes. I can talk about likes and dislikes. can give simple advice. I can write a simple dialogue. ir Ln or CI WARY CSCO HAGAN, a RT OF SOROS CIRIEATEA expressing choices ary Cy 1) Play the ‘Alphabet Sandwich’ game. In two teams, say something with each letter of the alphabet. (It can be crazy or serious.) Start like tt | ate an APPLE sandwich. | ate a BLUE sandwich. late ac. The team who finishes the alphabet first is the winner. 2) Label the pictures with these words. brown bread filling baguette roll lettuce mayonnaise 3) PV there is a new sandwich bar at your school. Your friend has the menu and he is reading it to you. Listen. What kind of sandwich would you like? Tell your partner. ) Here is the menu. Listen again and complete the information. SANDWICH BAR MENU , ings and salad. ich from oun selection of bread, filings [ eheose your own sanchvich Bread: White oF 1) om (CEGRTETIAIGETIEYGA Expressing choices (At 5) Unjumble these words from the menu, 1 nermali tawer You can drink this. 2 matoot as It’s red and round, 3 tagebetu It’s long, soft bread, 4 gillinf .. Ws inside a sandwich. 5 lor! It’s soft, round bread. is or salads or both? Write F, S or B. Can you think of any more? G) Are these fi roast beef... salami blue cheese tuna egg mayonnaise 7) Speaking. Which sandwich would you like? In small groups, ask and answer. Use these expressions. ‘What are you going to ask for? Vd like ... What will you have? think Il get What about you? Vil have ... 8) Put these instructions for making a chicken-mayonnaise sandwich in the correct order. a) Put some chicken on top of this. b) Butter them. ©) Put some lettuce on the first slice. d) Eat it! ) Take two slices of bread. 1 ) Finally, add the mayonnaise. 9) Cut it in half. ‘h) Put the second slice on top. 2) Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. 9) wn Write the instructionsfor mal 19. With a partner, think of a strange sandwich (e.g. banana and egg!). g it. Change partners and dictate the instructions to him/her. Can-do checklist I can understand numbers and prices. information. [J 1 ean listen for speci I can order from a menu. I can write simple instructions. CEIIERIIOZGA Asking for clarification ayy 14 SUNDAY FETE 1) Read the definition and answer the questions. = A fete is similar to a street party You have it outside. You have a fete to get money for a good cause: you sell things, play games and have fun. 1. Why do people have fetes? 2 Where do you have a fete? 3 What can you do at a fete? (2) Here are some things you can find at a fete. Find the words in the ‘snake’. eat tr HSicandstottcandgamesand*oo8en ere S 1. This person can tell you what you are going to do in the future. You can hear this at a fete. You can buy things here. awn You can play these and win things. ‘You buy this when you are hungry. ‘You must run fast to win these. (3) &> tisten to this announcement at a school fete and choose the correct answers. 1 The weather is a) rainy b) cold ) lovely. 2. They want to get a) £100 b) £1,000 ¢) £10,000. 3. The races are at a) 1 o'dock b) 2 o'clock 3 o'clock. 4 The competition is for a) singing b) fashion ) dancing. 5 The students can throw water at the a) teachers b) parents ©) headteacher. 6 Youcan buy 2) chips b) cakes 6) biscuits. 7 The fortune teller is called Madame a) Zena b) Zeta ©) Zepa @) when we don’t understand clearly, we can ask for repet We have a fortune teller called Madame Zeta. Sorry, did you say Madame Zar No, I said, Madame ZETA, Z-E-T-A. Practise reading the logue in pairs. Remember, intonation is important! 30) CENERTIAEEIEEGA Asking for clarification at ({) 5) Now do the same with this information. ‘Student A e981 (p “00°23 81809 | 4 We sell burgers. a) DVDs? uusBuey (0 0.0 Ze S| uoHaduioD ou E 2 You can buy books. b) Saint Vanns? esyoog (qSuuy UES paleo Sjooyss aul zZ 3 The teacher's name is Mr. Granger. _c) 12 o'clock? csiobueg (2 '8a0 Ang ueo nO4 5 4 The price is 50p. ) £70.00 aiwopms ) Here are some fun races, Match the pictures with the names of the races. 1 Find the duck. 2 Egg and spoon, 3. Sack race. 4 Three-legged race. 0 O .&, \O & Listen to these instructions. Which races are they descr 2 Ban 'B) Can you do this crossword? The words are from this unit. Across: 3 She can tell the future. (first word) 4 You eat this for breakfast. 7 To move faster than ‘walk’! 8 You run fast in this competition. 9 A place you can buy things in a fete. Down: 1 You buy this at MacDonald's. 2 She can tell the future. (second word) 3. A fun day to get money. 4 You use this for eating soup. 6 Fun competitions. 9) writing. with a partner, design a leaflet to advertise a fete. 9%) speaking. Tell another Include information about the date and time, the place, person about your fete. the activities and the reason for the fete. Can-do checklist Ican ask for clarification. Jean understand familiar words, names, numbers and times. I can understand simple instructions. I can communicate simple information in writing. (Cae ia TSAR SN un RINT ORSON EY CERT Expressing obligation aa) ¥> 15 FUN RALLY 4) Complete this puzzle and find the secret word. The opposite of slow. ‘Somewhere you can buy and drink alcohol in the UK. The capital of the UK. Someone you work with in class. Someone who is not honest in a game or an exam is a... . Somewhere kings lived a long time ago. Something really fantastic Two times ten. - evauawns 2) Talk about these questions. Do you like cars? ‘What is your favourite car? Do you like going fast? What is a rally? a) a car race b)a daytrip c) a computer game about cars RUNS 3B 2) Listen to Nick and Jenna's phone conversation and answer the questions. 11 When is the rally? a) Saturday ) Sunday ©) Monday. 2 How many cars are going? a) 20 b) 12 ©) 200. 3 Where does the rally finish? a) in Manchester, __b) in Liverpool.) in London. 4 The people in the cars have to a) answer questions. b) take photos. _¢) eat different things. 5. Nick is going to a) take a long time. b) govery slowly. ¢) cheat. ) Listen again and tick the photos they have to take. jeooN poocooNEER © PoodDoNDR; a jon000e8 3 A Oder 5H00 et SA foot 4 Arestaurant 2 Apub Breen car | Feunoes jagsassssags, 2080960000n, paoooNNouT | 7 Acar park oagaganaana: 5) Match these collocations. EGA Expressing obligation 6) Do this quiz about your town in a group of three. The fastest group wins! Name ... 1 aplace where you can buy baked beans. 5 a place you can see boats. 2. the nearest football stadium. 6 the nearest beach. 3. an unusual place name. 7 something with your name on. 4 the nearest castle. D FY senna and Nick talked about the rules of the competition. Listen and repeat. Get the rhythm right. ‘We have to take photos. What do we have to do? Where do we have to go? We have to go to London. What do we have to buy? B) Speaking. First, look at your card and prepare your questions about the rally. Use ‘have to’. Now ask and answer. Student A asks first. A: What do we have todo? —-B: We have to take photos of different things. Student A ‘Answers = Questions - Cas) 1 How fer rave? — 2 What / buy? Cert) ‘wiowen & yo ojoud © oye EU > ‘yes oy see o} hed yoru MoH & 23 What/take with us? = Hen no 6 4 What take a photo of? C0) eae) CD einen 2 ‘suonsenp 9) writing. Write down more ideas for the rally. Then write the rules. Photos Buy Find sina Can-do checklist I can understand rules. I can write rules. [1]! can talk about obligation. I can ask and answer questions about rules. TERETE Making recommendations At) ( }_ 16 YOU MUST SEE . 4) Talk about these questions. 1. Do you like going to the cinema? 2 What are your favourite films? 3° What do you know about James Bond films? 2) Try to answer these questions with your partner. 1 What is James Bond's job? What do we call a film that is funny? What is James Bond's number? What do we call a machine that is like a person? What do we call James Bond's girlfriends? ourwn What do we call something that is useful and clever? Now look at with the words in the box. —————————ES 007 Bond girls acomedy aspy arobot a gadget Listen to Max, on the local radio, talking about a new James Bond film. Would you like to see it? @ ‘) Listen again and complete the information. 1 Itstarts on 2 is James Bond. 3 Oprah Winfrey is the 4 is the Bond Boy. 5. There is a plan to kill the 6 Fredisa 7 James Bond's car is a. 8 You can see the film at von ANG 5) impairs. oneor \OOQOUOO00000000 ooo000000000000 you looks at A 1 the new . 1 the famous and the/cther, 2 the exciting . 2 the beautiful looks at B. 3 an incredible 8 alotof new. Listen again. Write the nouns 4 a pretty that go with 5 afunny 5 the excellent these adjectives. | HOOUOUOUOU00000/ \o00000000000000 4 a special. Making recommendations Ss Ask your partner about his/her words and complete the other column. very funny film. Don’t miss it’ ® Max said, ‘this i: If you like a film, you can say: If you don’t like it, you can say: You must see it. les biliant, Don't see it Its really bad! Don't miss it It's really exciting! You won't fk it It’s so boring, You fove it Its very funny! Don't go. Its tert. €2) Listen to the expressions (column 1) and match them with the reasons (column 2). Listen and repeat. 8) speaking. Think of three films. Tell your partner about them. Are they good or not? Why? Im and complete the notes ing. Combine two films from exercise 8 to invent a ‘new’ with a partner. Use your imagination! What is the name of the film? Who are the actors? What's the story about? Is it good or not? : Se = ~ How many adjectives from exercise 3 can you use? Now write a review of your film. 10) Read your review to the class. Which films would you go to see? Can-do checklist can understand familiar words and phrases. 1 can understand simple information. | [)1 can make recommendations. Ican write a simple review. TV Lvs or C6 WARY GSEOW NAGNE, AUNT OF SOROUS 1) class quiz. How many words can you make from the letters in RADIO ADVERTS? 2) Complete these sentences with the correct words from the box. 2) Compl on-line bored herbs wizard present trick activities laugh 1. There's nothing to do. I'm 5 1g0 . to e-mail my friends. 2 Mike to do lots of at the weekend. 6 When he tells a joke, people 3 We sometimes use... «in cooking. 7 I need water for this magic 4 He bought me 2 ssn for my birthday. 8 Aman who does magic is a 3) (> Listen to these radio adverts. What are they for? Write the number beside the words. tea aCDu presents... shoes... abook.... car @) Listen again and complete the information in the pictures. 5) Complete the answers. Why should you buy ... 1. This holiday? Because you can stay at... 2. Presents from this website? Because they can help you ..... 3. This book? Because you can make your friends 4 This tea? Because it will make your boy/git friend .. ~ back. CQUEIERTTIAIGRIIOEGA Describing products ) Adverts often have questions to make people listen. Reorder these words and write the quest 1 different like you of would car kind a? 2. friends you make your do want to happy? 3 dad for are birthday you a present looking your for? Can you change one word in each question to make a different question? ind the answers in the wordsearch. 1. Something English to drink. WIClPJA|H[1 [110 2 Something you get on your birthday, HIETeIBISINiwin 3 Something you say to make people laugh. 4 Something to do to make people laugh. O(DIE;JJOjKEle 5 You ‘go’ here to write e-mails u[tis|ololelefi 6 You can find information on the Net here. TIRIE|TIETALSIN 7 Something you do: a task, a game, an exercise. pli init chet le 8 When you're not at school or working, you are on os 9 Something you see at the cinema. ste (LIL Av | ita 10 Something aromatic you use in cooking, YIKJF LITEM] Ee IM ‘B) Speaking. In pairs, dictate these adverts. Don't look at your partner's text! ‘Student A Do you like to make your fiends laugh? The Best Joke Book Evert isin your bookshops now. I's £11.50 and itis full of jokes and tricks. Buy it now and have FUN! {eH 840] MOK aBueYD WED BAA “WoOReIAeU 1 @up-Uo 1 {nq UeO Nok pue x0q B O13 $1500 vat sus €8n07, pyoeq 80D Im KeYY pe aI QIBY MatL NO Ang ZNO ‘yu Bue pusuyi6 3n0K 5} {N04 ano} pusuysog sno j.use0oq, @wepmg 9) writing. write a radio advert for ONE of these Ph < the ideas and write the advert, a ‘A good name: ‘A good question: How much is it2: ‘Where can you buy it?: Why is it good?: Slogan: ‘Buy because it's jht intonation to make people listen. 10) Read out or record your advert. Remember to use the ri Can-do checklist I can understand numbers, prices and names. (1 can write a simple advert. (_] 1 can fink simple sentences with because. I can use intonation correctly in questions and exclamations. Eg CUETEZIRAETIOKGA Understanding and giving messages iat ( y- 18 I'M ALL EARS! Sa as eS @) Phone questionnaire. Ask five people these questions. 17,2) a) 4]s5 1 How long do you talk on the phone every day? 2 Which do you ike best a) talking on the phone or b) talking face to face? 8 Do you prefer to a) leave a message or b) phone back later? 4 Do you have a mobile? a) yest) no '5 How much do you spend a month on your mobile? a) less than 5 euros. b) less than 10 euros. c) more than 10 euros. Did you discover anything surprising? Tell your class. zy» 2) Listen to these phone messages. Who is speaking? Write the number next to the person. achild your friend your teacher .. your grandparents... a mechanical voice (B) Look at the text for number 1. Listen again and repeat. It's Jane. How are you doing? Sorry you can’t get through. Leave your name and your number And I'll get back to you! Complete the phone expressions with these words. amessage the star button your name the phone your number Leave Answer... Press 1 2 3 4 Hang up 5) Complete these messages with words from exercise 4. 1 Hello, this is Sophie. I'm not in. Please leave a... .. after the tone. 2 Micro Mouse Computers. Please umn the star. oo and .. your name and number. 3B SOFT, eaN"t nnn vowmee the phone. I'm not at home. Leave your... and ... and I'll get back to you. 4 Please don't . the phone! 1 a message. Bye! Read the messages to your partner a CAO HERE CUEIEZIETIEE TIDES Understanding and giving messages Aly 6) () Listen to another recorded message. Do you think this is a real message? Whylwhy not? (2) Read these questions. Then listen again and choose the correct answer. 1. Who is the caller phoning? a) the phone company ) the electric company _¢) an icecream shop 2 How many times does he press 2? a) 1 b)2 03 3 How many times does he press 37a) 1 b)2 03 4 Who is the caller? a)a teacher b) a house owner ¢) a child 5S What can the caller choose? a) Coca-Cola or icecream b) toffee or Coca-Cola_¢) chocolate or icecream 6 What type of icecream does the caller want? a) vanilla b) chocolate _¢) toffee 7 Does he get one? ayes b) no don't know ‘S) Here are two more recorded messages. Which is serious? Which is funny? A B Hil This is Bil, 'm not in - I'm out - having fun. Don't leave Sorry | can't answer the phone now. Please leave your name your number because I'm on holiday for a week. And if you'te |__| and your number and I'l get back to you as soon as possible. ‘a robber ~ | havent got any money so don't come! 9) Writing. With a partner write a message for the answerphon Use some expressions from this unit. It can be serious or funny. 90) Speaking. Choose one option and think about what to say. Then work with a partner. Student A: ‘phone’ Student B. Student B: read your message (exercise 9). Student A: leave a message. @ ©: O You want to invite B to your You want to ask B about You want to tell 8 something birthday party. (day, time, some homework. (what page? | | interesting you saw at the bus place, etc) when for? et) stop! (who, what, when, etc.) I can understand simple messages. 1can leave a simple message. I can use some phone expressions. CEASA speculating at) (¥- 19 HOW BRAVE ARE YOU? 11) Match these words to the explanations. * Bre a) something that can kil you 2 cpenaif ©) ma dad not cooked 3 aAngerous ©) a place with @ lot of trees and animals 4a alive 4) notin a house or building, outside inn @) not scared 2) Ask three people in your class these questions. Answer 'Yes', 'Maybe' or ‘No’. Yes © Maybe No 1 Would you sleep in the open air at night alone? oO 2. Would you put your head in a box with spiders? 3 Would you drink water from a river? oO 4 Would you put ants inside your clothes? 5 Would you eat something alive, like a worm? 3) (F) mere is a programme on TV about people who lived in the jungle for two weeks. Which things were difficult for them? Listen and circle. a sleep outside b the weather noises at night d food —e_ animals. @) what did Peter and nd do in the jungle? Listen again and tick the correct pictures. TEREATETA speculating Bele LPB SF veh =) 5) Unjumble these letters to find the animals Peter talks about. 1 driepss .. 2 SHEE eennanennennnene 3 Sant 5 kenas. a 6 droloccosie.... 4 smowr .. in the jungle? Can you name some more ani 6) Listen again and complete these sentences. put put slept ate caught walked did) D He von in the open ait 2 They son Shakes and small animals to cook. some difficult tests 3 They 4 He his head in a box. 5 Julie. ..some horrible things. 6 He soonest a river, 7 They a lot of insects inside his clothes. 7) Writing. With a partner, write four tests for the people in the jungle. You must ... 8) Speaking. Work in groups of four. Ask about your tests like this: Would you ... ? How many ‘yes’ answers do you have? Who is the bravest? Can-do checklist I can understand a simple description of an experience. aginary situation. Ican talk about a simp! I can write simple instructions. ar a C6 Ma EEO NCATE NT OFT ED CRTETICEIAAGE Understanding announcements 20 WHAT DID HE SAY? 4) Play hangman with your teacher. Can you guess the letters to make this word? This words means something you hear, for example, in a shop or a train station. 2 4) Listen to this announcement. Which place is it in? Listen again and guess what kind of information is missing, (time, place, names, numbers) WW event caer r2| 4 5 2 B nnn Br @) Solve these anagrams. 1 He flies a plane. LOTIP .. A boat with passengers and cars. REFYR We cook food, like rice, in it. SUPANACE We put our clothes in it when we go on holiday. CESSUAIT What we wear under our clothes. WERANDURE Desk in a hotel where we get information. TIRECNOPE When something is late. LEAYD 2 3 4 5 6 A journey ona plane. FITLGH 7 8 9 To say sorry. GIAPSELO .. ©) 43> uisten to five announcements. Match them to the places. Se a) airport b) ferry port nnn. lift ae A) HOLE sane {P) oslore 2.) IEEE OR IOEGA Understanding announcements and complete these sentences. are now closing. ... down, 2 We apologise for the of flight 702 3. Some rats fell into a sou Of rice 4 Mrs. Parker, .. _. come to airport reception. 5 Can the owner of a two metre. won please come to quickly? J) speaking. tn the first announcement it was difficult to understand some words. No, she said POOLE. Did she say ‘school’? Work in pairs, A and B, and ask and answer as in the example. Use good intonation! ‘A: Did she say...? 3: No, she said... | |] 415 315 the plane the train six hours three hours flight 11.02, flight 702 some cats some rats purple underwear pink underwear acake a snake 19. Choose a place from exercise 5 {) Read your announcement to the class. and write an announcement. Use Read some words badly and see if the ns and words from this unit. class can guess them! We are very sorry but... or We apologise for... Can-do checklist can understand simple announcements. Icanw a simple apology. tan ask for clarification. I can understand familiar words, names and numbers. ee 43 CORIGEIEUAIEEIAIEGA Understanding adverts 21 ON-LINE SALE WD) Complete this crossword about famous people to find the hidden word. A Prince - he’s British A film star married to Jennifer - he’s attractive. ‘A.white rapper ~ he's controversial. A famous footballer - he’s married to Victoria. 2 female singer with one name - she's blonde. 3 4 He sings at the piano and loves glasses — he's quite old. 5| A singer, famous for her quick marriages = Nousuns What else do you know about these people? 7( 2) Complete these expressions with a prepo: n. 1. We are trying to get some money... charity. = 2 I'm going to give some money charity, for 3. He sold his car charity, = What do cha 1s do? 3) Famous people sometimes sell their things to get money for charity, Read the adverts and match them to the pictures. ‘A. A special mobile phone is for sale, No, its not the latest Nokia or Ericsson. i's Brad Pitts old gold phone. Last year it had all his private phone numbers on it. He's seling it for charity now but he tels us i's completely empty. Who knows!? Buy it and you can see! B. It you have a lot of money you can buy a small plece of ar. In this sale you can buy a pair of Elton John’s sunglasses. ‘They are black and shiny with stars and very big! Buy these ‘and you will never be alone on the beach again! C. Would you like to have something that was once very close to David Beckham? Buy his toothbrush! A designer, biue and white toothbrush that has touched those famous teeth! D. Be a prince or princess for an afternoon. Prince Charles is soling an hour and a half of his time to have tea and cakes et his home. You can also take home the china teacup you dink from. See how he lives and what colour his sofa ist E. Do you know what colour lipstick Britney Spears uses? Buy fone of her old ones in this sale and you wil Know. Al your ‘ends wit want ane too. CE ai wer on Gao RN TERT TOUTE) (CEEIIEEIIOAGA Understanding adverts @) Do you know these words? If not, look for them in the adverts. 1 Famous people. 2 Made by a famous person or company, e.g. clothes. w It makes your lips pretty. . Not public. When something reflects light. Read again and answer these questions. Which thing(s) did a celebrity use 1 NEAR isIher face? 2. ON histher mouth? 3 IN hisher mouth? 4 ON his sher face ® I think... Perhaps... don’t think TRIELICSEBE GISDENER SIPKICTL TRAPVIE NYSIH Which thing is... 5 gold red black blue and white earva made of china With a partner talk about these questions. Use these expressions. 1. Which item do you think will be most popular in the sale? 2 How much do you think people will pay for the different items? 3. Would you like to buy ... ? Yes, | would, because ... 1. A special phone is 2 Buy one of her old ones 3 Prince Charles is _ sale. — this sale. — an hour and a half of 4 Would you 5 these and you will never be alone again! Wri ing. Think of some things a celebrity can sell e @ Which item would get most money for charity? Can-do checklist 1 can find information in an advert. 1 can use prepositions. I can write a simple advert. [J] 1 can make simple speculations. Can you complete the missing words from the adverts? to have something that was once...? Speaking. Read your advert and ‘sell’ the things to the class. J No, | wouldn't, because ... his time. in this on-line sale. Write an advert. ev a 2 p) es 2a 45 CEE 1 ecting peop 22 CARDS, CARDS, CARDS 2) Talk about these questions. 11 Doyou often send cards? 2 When do you send cards? ‘What sort of cards to you like to send and receive? Funny / romantic / serious / artistic? B) Look at these greetings and match them to the cards. @) Good Luck! b) Sorry! ©) Happy Valentine's Day! d) Get well soon! ©) Happy Birthday! f) Congratulations! Marlene F ease frgve 5 forget gor parts ERAGE Greeting people \d expressions in the cards that mean: 4 Someone who likes you 2 Happy Birthday ... 3 | remember things for only a short time. 4 Not feeling well 5 I'm sory 6 Good-looking = G) Cover the cards. Can you remember the words to fill these gaps? 1 Well ! 2 Sorry to you're ill 3 Please me. 4 You can it 5 Iilbe of you. 6 Will you... me? 8) speaking. Think of situations to complete the table. Practise the situations with your partner and give a response. A: lim eorry to hear you are ill. B: Yeo, but I feel better now you are here. >) J) Match these responses with the expressions in exercise 67 a) That's OK. Don't worry about it... b) [ hope I can. ©) No way! d) It's great, isn’t it! e) Thanks, | feel better already. f) That's good to know. Practise these expressions and responses with a partner. A: | forgot your party. Forgive mel B: That's OK. Don't worry about it. I say ‘Sorry’ when | say 'Good Luck’ when | say ‘Congratulations’ when someone is ill Can do checklist I can understand written messages. I can write greetings. 9) writing. Choose a card type and design the front. Then write a message inside. I can apologise, congratulate and wish good luck. oo CEA civing advice a2) Rot > 23 LOOKING DIFFERENT ‘D) Some people like to look different. Label the pictures. make-up painted nails dyed hair henna tattoo jewellery '2) Read this leaflet from a henna tattoo artist ) Read the leaflet again and find th quickly to answer these questions. words to complete these expressions. Who can finish the fastest? Vv brushes 1 How long does a tribal design take? un 2 satisfied 2. How much is a large dragon? 3. When will the artist visit? ee 4 When can you have a henna tattoo? ses. 4 list 5 What's the phone number? su 5 time 6 your appointment ) what design would you lke and where would you have it? HENNA TATTOOS ANYTHING! ANYWHERE! Choose your design and our expert artist will give you a henna tattoo you will love. We use the best brushes and many different henna colours. Don't worry, we're the best! Why not have a henna tattoo while you're waiting at the hairdresser's? We are in your area in October and we can do your tattoo between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Here are just some of the people who have been fully satisfied with their tattoos from us. : CHER MADONNA KYLIE MRS GEORGE BUSH DAVID BECKHAM, HIS WIFE AND TWO CHILDREN! Be bold! Have henna! Example design and price list Design place price approximate time 3 ‘Tribal design am £10 20 minutes : Large dragon back $401 hour : Flowers neck £1530 minutes Traditional feet £20 50 minutes Name anywhere £8 10 minutes Make your appointment on Tel: 5634 781124 CEEAUTAIEIIEEGA Giving advice (a2) '5) Kate and Robert are having a conversation about real tattoos. Put Kate’s responses in the correct order in this conversation. Do you agree with Robert or Kate? Why? a) Iwon't! —_b) Yes. And | want ‘Mark’ in a heart on my neck forever. ¢) Yes. The answer's ‘No! ¢) But | really want one! @) Not you as well! | want one NOW! Robert 1 So, did you ask them? 3 L agree with your parents. I don’t think it’s a good idea. 51 think you should wait. 7 Why don’t you think about it? You might change your mind 9 A tattoo is forever. You’ve only known him two weeks! What happens when you change boyfriends? Do you cross out Mark and write the next one?! 6) Practise reading the conversation with your partner until you can read Kate's part without looking. Don't forget good intonation helps! 7) Robert gives Kate some advice. Complete the ®) We can use these adjectives to talk about expressions. henna tattoos. Which are positive words +1 cote (P), negative words (N) or both (8)? 2 I think you . wait, A prety, 3 6 romanti . 3 Why you think about it? oo) eee UCTS ie ae 3 colourful 8 strong 5 What. _ when you change aa pe a 5 clear 10 cool 9) Writing. Choose one of these situations. Write three reasons for doing it or not doing it. 1 Dye your hair bright red. 2 Get your nails painted your national colours. 3 Get a henna tattoo on your forehead. 10) Speaking. Role-play. A: Tell your partner what you are (not) going to do and your reasons. B: Give your partner some advice. Use words and expressions from exercises 7 and 8. Can-do checklist I can locate information in a leaflet. 1 can give and respond to simple advice. [_] 1 can write and give reasons for my actions. I can express my preferences. ZZ Making suggestions 24 TEEN MAG 41) Do this questionnaire with two classmates. 1 What kind of magaeines do you read? Fashion / film / teen / car / exercise / other 2 How often do you buy magazines? Once a week / a fortnight / a month / never 3 Which part do you like best? [tides / horoscopes / stories / letters / interviews / pictures or posters / other 4 Are any teen magacines popular both with boys AND give? Which? (2) Read the competition and e-mail quickly. Would Karen prefer a magazine for boys or girls or both? - Competition Can you help us plan & new magazine for teenagers? We're lotang for new ideas. We want | Theresa great competion on myookpub.comesnmag, Lock at it ‘a magazine that is right for YOU with things that | uick! EVERYONE wants ood. Shall we have fashion | Why dont we enter? The prize I fantastic! Mes ofthe mags loday articles, horoscopes, interviews with celebriies? | ae rubbish and Im sure we have better ideas. | think they should IFYOU have some good ideas fil in his fom and | ave things that both boys end gis want to read, Ike joke pages and ‘sendit tus at mylookpub.com by 1st November, | _P9SterS and personality quizzes ~ everybody kes those. Perhaps we ‘The winners wil get 8 hours fre shopping! ‘could have some interviews with football stars and a free git or someting to col ke tickers ffi eviews, ‘There could also be competitions and the winners can meet celebrities. | know, let's suggest the winner spends a day wth Brad PitorAngeina Jot Tis ste is Sonal Can you imagine? Ive gts of dees end im sure you heve ico, ‘What do you think? Shall we give it a try? Keren B) read the texts again and answer these questions. 1 The competition is to get ideas for a) a magazine article b) a magazine cover ¢) a new magazine, 2 You have to enter a) before 1st November b) on Ist Novernber ¢) after 1st November. 3. The winner will get a) 8 hours shopping b) 8 free magazines <) three hours in 8 shops. 4 Karen thinks that a lot of magazines today are a) fantastic b) interesting ) terrible. 5 Karen wants a) to collect stickers b) to spend a day with Brad Pitt ©) to enter the competition, Making suggestions _ (@) Fina words in the texts to complete the crossword. 4 I T 4. A famous person is 2. 2f | 2. You read about your future here. 3] 3. We can say ‘mag’ for short. a 4 You win this. 5 5. These make you laugh. . 6 A taxt in a magazine oF newspaper. 7 7 This is something you get for free. eal 8 People write these to magazines. > 9 A game with wordsis a .. ' 410 The clothes everyone is wearing now. LLL ~ 44 When you speak to an important or famous person. a Can you find the hidden vertical word? (S) can you remember what Karen wrote? Here are some responses. 1 Why _.we enter? 2 think they have things tke. (‘avs cool.) 3 Perhaps we... have some 4 There also be ... No, that’s boring, That's a terrible idea! 5 Lets. the winner, 6 What do you ma With a partner, practise the suggestions and responses. © speaking. with a partner, plan a new teen magazine, Decide on these things. Try to use the expressions in exercise 5. 1 Name 5 interesting articles on 2 Picture on the front .. 6 Competitions and quizzes 3 Free gifts) 4 Once a week / a fortnight / a month 7 Other ————————— @) Design the front cover. Include lots of information from exercise 6. Writing. Write an e-mail to Karen telling her your ideas for the competition. Can-do checklist lean make and respond to suggestions. 1) ! can write an e-mail with suggestions. Ican ask and answer questions to obtain information. (D1 can understand the portant information in a text. RT CR COTA, TT ROTM Ee [EETEIREGA Describing past habits and comparing 25 GIVE YOUR ROOM A MAKEOVER TES a ee ea MeL REO TAT 4) Talk with a partner about these questions. 1 Do you like your bedroom? 2. What de you like/nat like about it? 3 A ‘makeover’ is when a designer changes everything. There are some TV programmes about this. Would you like a designer to change your bedroom? 2) Read the first paragraph about a TV competition and answer the questions. 1. Who are the designers? 2 What's the name of the TV programme? 3 What can people win? Werke aas Would you like to change your room? is ittoo light or too dark? Is it too pretty or too young? {the furniture old and bering? Designers Karen and Matt Tipley from gg, the TV programme ‘Makeover Magic’ ‘can makeover YOUR room! * ‘Just fil inthis entry form ontine and the best ‘entry will win a makeover for their bedroom. ‘So don't wait! Fil it in now! Entry Form Name: Jane Markham Age: IY ‘Address: 16, Blackthorn Road, Dorchester. Fs a small room with one bed, a table and a wardrobe. There are long curtains and a carpet. There are two lamps and a ceiling ight. _ Why does your room need a makeover?: My porents decorated my room When I was younger ond I liked Disney cartoons. There are cartoons on the wallpaper and the Bedcover! The curtains are pink! The carpet 3 yellow and is a bit dirty now ond the lamps have roses on them ~ because my mum likes flowers it's a LL childish room and I like to change everything. Can you help me? Td love a more grown-up bedroom! a — 3) Now read the Entry Form and tick the things Jane would like to change in her bedroom. chair table shelves rug carpet. bed ~—_bedcover curtains wallpaper lamps light _—mirror_ pictures @) Read the text again. Then cover it and see how many adjectives you can remember. Look again and check. Add any that you forgot. past habits and comparing [ TIMESAVER 40 Skils Lessons for CEF [OTE (5) Read this e-mail from Jane two weeks later. Does she like her new bedroom? I've got some terrible news! | won @ competition for a bedroom makeover and they did it yesterday ‘end today. | went out so that | couldn't see what they were doing. When I came back I nearly cried Itlooks awtull They painted the walls bright orange and changed the curtains. Now they're dark. green! It makes me feel sick! The carpet is a miserable grey and the bedcover is baby blue. The lamps are turquoise with orange spots. There are some stupid pictures of old film stars on the wall and the furniture is all white. hate it. | prefer my old Disney cartoons! Do you like painting? HELP Jane G) Compare her new room with her old one. Make as many sentences as you can The walls used to be/have but now they are/have 7) Writing. Look at these ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of a makeover. Write an e-mail telling a friend what they did to this room. ‘B) Speaking. imagine the room in exercise 7 was yours. Tell a friend about your ‘new’ bedroom. Can-do checklist can compare things now and in the past. Ican scan a text to find important information. J can describe a room. RR a TT EER RTT NTRS CETERIETIAIENIAIEEGA Asking for and giving information 26 GHOST WALK ) Ask a partner the questions on this questionnaire. 1 Have you seen or heard a ghost? ap MK 2 Do you know someone who has seen or heard a ghost? 3 Have you ever stayed in a haunted place? y} ON 4 Ae there any haunted places in your area? 5 Do you know a true ghost story? 6 Would you like to stay in a cemetery at night? 7 Would you like to see a ghost? (2) Do you know these words? Unjumble the letters. 1 Asmall town. VAGILLE —_V.. 2 You buy these for friends. sTIFG G. 3 Something terrible is a .. STRIDESA _... 4 When you get married you have a... DWINGED — Weeeeovnnnm 5. Someone who is in prison SPONREIR P... 6 When there is too much water. DOOLF 7 We have these inside us. SNEBO i (3) What do you think the ‘Ghost Walk of Bartonby’ is? a)afilm b)abook

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