Suction Pile in Clay
Suction Pile in Clay
Suction Pile in Clay
Suction Anchors
The best of all moorings!
Possible forces:
Total resistance of suction pile (Rd)
Vertical load force (Td)
(Submerged) Self weight caisson (W)
Effective overburden pressure (P0)
Penetration resistance (Qtot)
Side shear along the side wall (Qside)
The bearing capacity at the skirt tip (Qtip)
Necessary underpressure (un)
Suction Anchors
The best of all moorings!
2. Soil conditions
For the calculation of the holding capacity or resistance R the most important variable is
the DSS (Direct Simple Shear test) cyclic shear strength Df,cy . With this the shear strength
between the pile and the soil can be determined.
The cyclic shear strength is associated by the characteristic storm and the equivalent
number of cycles it produces Neq. This can be done using an empirically determined
With the graph the value of
f ,cy
Su , D
consisting of the average shear stress a divided by the static undrained shear stress Su.
S dz
a =
When having determined
f ,cy
z pile
Suction Anchors
The best of all moorings!
In short, for the suction pile calculation in offshore clay the following variables are
needed with their ranges:
Cyclic DSS strength of the intact clay, Df,cy
Plasticity index, Ip
Static undrained shear stress, Su
Soil sensitivity, St
Effective unit weight of soil,
Average shear stress, a
0 100 kPa
20% - 100%
5 100 kPa
10-5 10-3
9 11 kN/m3
3. Design
Limit state design
For the general design criterion is the following,
Where R is the design value of the resistance of the pile and T is the tension in the
mooring line, both at the depth of the pad-eye; the connection point between the suction
pile and the mooring line.
The tension will be determined as follows:
In the following figure the case is described that, with horizontal loading, the tension in at
the pad-eye TD(zD) differs from the tension at the dip-down point TD(zP).
Suction Anchors
The best of all moorings!
Figure 4 - Change of tension and uplift angle between dip-down point and padeye depth.
The limit state design is a general requirement for calculating the eventual required
resistance. As the process will be done by iteration, it is recommended to start with the
preliminary design by means of rules of thumb.
Preliminary design
For the preliminary design, there are two rules of thumb for determining the dimensions
suction pile in clay:
L/d = 3 to 6
d/t = 100 to 250
Where L is the total length of the pile, d the diameter and t the wall thickness.
The first rule of thumb is determined by the behavior of the suction piles with general soil
properties of clay and the second by the elasticity and buckling ranges of the caisson.
After assuming the variables, the bearing capacity can be calculated, knowing the soil
conditions, and be compared to the maximum load on the suction piles. This is a process
of iteration to achieve the desired results.
Suction Anchors
The best of all moorings!
Set-up factor
The ratio between the shear strength at the interface between clay and outside skirt wall
and the original shear strength is referred to as the shear strength factor or set-up factor:
With this factor, the determining shear strength for the bearing capacity calculation of the
suction pile can be calculated. The set-up factor depends on the type of installation, as in
penetration by self weight or by underpressure.
For self weight penetration, the factor is determined as follows:
The set-up factor in this case can be calculated by the following formulae, with a
plasticity index of the clay of Ip>20%:
effective overburden pressure
static undrained shear stress
The effective overburden pressure is the overburden pressure (=gz) minus the pore
pressure at the depth.
P0 ' = grain , wet gz water gz pile = grain , dry gz pile
The self weight penetration depth will be determined later.
For penetration by underpressure, the set-up factor will be calculated as follows:
Here, the set-up factor needs to be determined by an empirically determined table,
depending on the plasticity index Ip and the soil sensitivity St of the clay:
Suction Anchors
The best of all moorings!
The surface of the skirt is on the outside of the skirt over the self weight penetration
depth. The set up factor that is used is the one calculated earlier for the self weight
The surface of the skirt Askirt is on the outside of the skirt over the penetration depth.
4. Installation
For installation there are two types or phases; self weight penetration and installation by
underpressure. In general, a suction pile will be installed with two methods combined.
The pile will penetrate first into the soil by its own submerged weight where after the
pumping installation will penetrate. In this case the bearing capacity will be calculated by
the method of the underpressure.
Suction Anchors
The best of all moorings!
Awall skirt wall area (sum of inside and outside)
skirt tip area
shear strength factor or set-up factor (normally assumed equal to the inverse of
the sensitivity; if the skirt wall is painted or treated in other ways, this must be
taken into account in the -factor)
Su , D average DSS shear strength over penetration depth
The bearing capacity factor Nc varies from 6.2 to 9, calculated by the following formula:
The average DSS shear strength over penetration depth Suav, D and the average undrained
shear strength at skirt tip level can be calculated using:
f , cy
u ,tip
Installation by underpressure
For installation by underpressure, the most important variable is the required
underpressure. The necessary underpressure un, needed for the finalization of the
installation or penetration, depends on the self weight penetration depth and the total
resistance for the penetration Qtot:
submerged weight during installation
plan view inside area of the pile where underpressure is applied