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Aims and Scope

Warren S. Goldstein, Center for Critical Research on Religion, USA
Jonathan Boyarin, Cornell University, USA

Book Review Editor

Rebekka King, Middle Tennessee State University

Editorial Board
Robert M. Bosco, Centre College, USA
Christopher Craig Brittain, University of Aberdeen, UK
Kenpa Chin, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Nestor Da Costa, Latin American Center for Human Economy,
Matthew Del Nevo, Alphacrucis College, Australia
George Gonzalez, Monmouth University, USA
Darlene Juschka, University of Regina, Canada
Sergey Kozin, Russian Christian Academy of the Humanities, Russia
Lauren Langman, Loyola University, Chicago, USA
Vincent W. Lloyd, Syracuse University, USA
Kenneth G. MacKendrick, University of Manitoba, Canada
Andrew M. McKinnon, University of Aberdeen, UK
Seyed Javad Miri, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Iran
Jorunn kland, University of Oslo, Norway
Christina Petterson, Humboldt University, Germany
Sarah M. Pike, California State University, Chico, USA
Michael Puett, Harvard University, USA
Tatiana Senyushkina, Taurida National University, Ukraine
Matthew Sharpe, Deacon University, Australia
Paul-Francois Tremlett, Open University, UK
Shuangli Zhang, Fudan University, China

Editorial Advisory Board

Janet Afary, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Kevin B. Anderson, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
William Arnal, University of Regina, Canada
Roland Boer, University of Newcastle, Australia
David Chidester, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Francis Schussler Fiorenza, Harvard University, USA
Jay Geller, Vanderbilt University, USA
Peter E. Gordon, Harvard University, USA
Marsha Hewitt, University of Toronto, Canada
Amy Hollywood, Harvard University, USA
Yang Huilin, Renmin University, China
Milena Kirova, University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Terence J. Lovat, University of Newcastle, Australia
Michael Lowy, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France
Eduardo Mendieta, Penn State University, USA
Mansoor Moaddel, University of Maryland, USA
Adi Ophir, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Carsten Pallesen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, Harvard University, USA
Rudolf J. Siebert, Western Michigan University, USA
Randall G. Styers, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Kenneth Surin, Duke University, USA
Stefanie von Schnurbein, Humboldt University, Germany
Rhys H. Williams, Loyola University of Chicago, USA
Lambert Zuidervaart, Institute for Christian Studies, Canada

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Critical Research on Religion, ISSN: 2050-3032 (Print); ISSN:

2050-3040 (Online) is published three times a year, in April, August
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Critical Research on Religion is a peer-reviewed, international journal focusing on the development of a critical theoretical framework and its
application to research on religion. It provides a common venue for those engaging in critical analysis in theology and religious studies, as
well as for those who critically study religion in the other social sciences and humanities such as philosophy, sociology, anthropology,
psychology, history, and literature.
A critical approach examines religious phenomena according to both their positive and negative impacts. It draws on methods including but
not restricted to the critical theory of the Frankfurt School, Marxism, post-structuralism, feminism, psychoanalysis, ideological criticism,
post-colonialism, ecocriticism, and queer studies.
The journal seeks to enhance an understanding of how religious institutions and religious thought may simultaneously serve as a source of
domination and progressive social change. It attempts to understand the role of religion within social and political conflicts. These conflicts
are often based on differences of race, class, ethnicity, region, gender, and sexual orientation all of which are shaped by social, political, and
economic inequity.

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