MCT Feedback and My Reflections

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College Teacher Assessment Report First observation B.Ed Teaching Practice


Semester 1
Name of the student: Juwaher Rashed
ID#: H00255210
Name of the School: Rufaida
Grade level: 3
Date of the observations: 23 October 2016
MST: Fayza
MCT Name: Alya Alzaabi

A- Commitment to the Profession
- You showed a positive attitude towards teaching students and taking care of applying different
teaching strategies such as promoting for collaborative work by using the Birds and the Tree
- You demonstrate a positive attitude toward teaching and rules of the classroom.

B - Planning for Learning

A good lesson plan with a good learning objective.

Always give your MCT a copy of the lesson you are explaining.
Writing the leaning objective on the board is an excellent way for the students to know
what is expected from them in addition of they can assess their knowledge after they finish
the lesson.

C - Managing Learning

Start the lesson with very good positive rules.

Used an effective behavior control system and explained it to the students.
You give the students enough time to think before they answer the questions.
Avoid saying is it a right answer? it is a stressful satiation when a students go to the
board and solve a question. Teacher should present support and help instated of judgment.
In addition this may embarrass the students and not participate in solving questions on the
Choose a different way to help the student on board. Say can you review your answer
again? Give hints, then ask another students to come and help.
Try to reduce the time of the lesson core. You spent more than 20 minutes explaining the
The students lost their attention in the second activity because your focus was on the
middle group. You need to involve the rest of the students by asking them to participate in
small tasks or in answering questions.
Follow the terms that is used in the book when you plan and explain a lesson. ( regrouping
or borrowing)

D - Implementing Learning

You reviewed the lesson with a simple and direct subtraction question: 10 5 = ..
However the lesson is about subtraction numbers to Hundreds, You need to choose a
question that is closer to the lesson level 25 13 = .
Strat the lesson with an exportation or wounding questions that can help students brain
storm for answers.
The story of the mother, father and the grandfather is great way to explain regrouping.
However, you present it in a long and unconnected way. You can use one PPT slide ( as I
showed you ) and reduce the time you explained the concept.
You showed the students that they have to cross the number form the ones then write
the new number. Ex: 5 ---- 15

E- Assessment

In the begging of the lesson you started with one revising question. You need to ask more
question to make sure that the students are ready for todays lesson.
Avoid group answering. You will not be able to hear all the students and the students will
not hear them selfs. they may say the wrong answer but dont know that because of the
lowed noise.

F- Reflection on Practice

Juwaher explained why she will remove the X sign in the award system and change to
something more positive.
Very good question when you asked the students about grandfather money. Where sis the 200
Dhs go? This shows a good follow up of the last step and your ability to ask a reflective
questions to the students in the lesson.

Students reflection on the feedback (to Be Completed By Student)

Mentor College Teacher Assessment Report Second observation B.Ed Teaching Practice

Semester 1
Name of the student: Juwaher Rashed
ID#: H00255210
Name of the School: Rufaida
Grade level: 3
Date of the observations: 9th Nov 2016
MST: Fayza
MCT Name: Alya Alzaabi

A- Commitment to the Profession
- students show that they love you and respect you.

B - Planning for Learning

In the lesson plan you dont have to explain the leaning objectives. The leaning objective
must be clear and not need to be explained.

- in your lesson plan you mentioned in the misconception part that the students may fall in "errors" what
are this errors?
- try to write the examples that you're going to use in the lesson.

C - Managing Learning
- like always you remind the students with the roles and awards.
- use different types of equations that inspire thinking and reflecting.
- in some questions you give the students the answers such as is it 4 or 5 ? its kind of direct questions.
- the core of the lesson was too long about 30 minutes. you need to divide the core into smaller parts follow
by a small assessment activity to make sure they understand the first part before they more to the next one.

D - Implementing Learning
- you start with the 3 bags of strawberries. i think as a start of al lesson use real material rather than power
- lovely that you teach the students to use hand gesture for showing the multiplication sign.
- use real material to explain multiplication then link it to numbers and operations.
- let the students explore the concept. let your role as a teacher to be a guide not center of information.
- the propose of lesson is to show that multiplication is a repletion of addition.

E- Assessment
- you need to ads small assessment activity in the core to make sure the students follow the lesson steps.
- in your lesson plan you designed 3 different activities for 3 different levels. However, you didn't have time
to do it in the class.

F- Reflection on Practice
- we had a detailed feedback and we agree that you need a third observation to practice a shorter core with
practice a activities.

Students reflection on the feedback (to Be Completed By Student)

Mentor College Teacher Assessment Report Third observation B.Ed Teaching Practice

Semester 1
Name of the student: Juwaher Rashed
ID#: H00255210
Name of the School: Rufaida
Grade level: 3
Date of the observations: 23 Nov 2016
MCT Name: Alya Alzaabi

A- Commitment to the Profession

B - Planning for Learning
- very good lesson plan.
- some details in the lesson plans did not happen in the lesson such as " students will act the story".

C - Managing Learning
- your questions still easy and direct. it does not help the student to think and reflect.
- usually in Math teachers set up a strategy to help the student remember how they can solve the questions.
In this leeson if you show the students how they start putting the cubes then following it by rows.

D - Implementing Learning
- you showed the students where we use array in life. However you can explain why we used it
- in using the cubes in the activity. show them in steps what they have to do then let them follow you step by
- good that you asked them to find other solution to the 12 array. however you need to set more like in
answers should have 3 or 4. or you can gather all the answers then choose what fit the question.
- good that you always ask the students to write the multiplication question for each example.

E- Assessment

F- Reflection on Practice

- you seem to understand how the Math lesson should focus on teaching the concept then practicing it.

Students reflection on the feedback (to Be Completed By Student)

Mentor College Teacher signature :

Final grade

First lesson reflection(MCT)

The first lesson was about subtract by regrouping for grade 3, girls students. I started the session
by remind the students about positive classroom rules. So, I think the management rules could
promote managing, motivation, involving of the students toward learning and to be collaborative.
Then I reviewed the last lesson for them that to make sense of the next lesson and relate them
together. Each student was engaged as I am glad that I gave all my students an opportunity to
answer, share, be an important and interactive one on the class. Then after that I explained the
new concept of regrouping subtraction, I used marvelous example that I think it was effective to
clarify for the students the concept of borrowing. Moreover, once the teacher links the lesson
with real example that occurs on the life that facilitates the process of learning and close to the
students comprehension.
The lesson was sequential and included with requirements to teach math lesson. Furthermore, it
has a clear objective that mentioned on the PowerPoint at the first, however, my MCT asked my
about writing the leaning objective on the board is an excellent way for the students to know
what is expected from them in addition of they can assess their knowledge after they finish the
lesson. I am agreed with her, thus, in next sessions I wont forget to write them on the board.
Moreover, I had a problem with time management as I did not give the students activity after the
concept as that is one of the essential part, thus my MCT asked me to do not spend a long time in
the core or you can summarize the example and explain it in 5 to 7 minutes only. Also one
example is enough for them at the first in lesson core part and then in next session I can give
another example.

At the end, I am confident that I did very well, but in next classes I will concentrate on time
management that to do not run out from my hand. I will try also to avoid some words that may
frustrates my students such as when one students come and answer on the board I havent to ask
other if her answer is right or wrong cause that may disappoint my students and make them less
motivated as it put them in judgment situation that is undesired. In terms of direct the questions
while explaining have to be individually rather than ask all students in general, because that will
make some students careless to answer as they will think my classmates will do answering why I
have to answer, or some students may have answered wrong and there is no one to correct for
them, then the teacher will lose her students in the lesson. However, she could attract them by
several activities to be sure if they grasp the idea or not.

Reflection 2 for MCT (Third observation)

The lesson was about let the students explore the concept of arrays by using cubes, paper clips,
clay. I implemented the strategy that says I have to give one idea then ask students to conduct an
experiment of this idea. That helped both students and the teacher that allowed students grasp the
concept by trying and using manipulatives games, on the other hand, it makes the educator sure
that the students are understood. Moreover, this method took a long time, but I believe that the
exploration way is the best to impress the math notions.
I learned that the teacher has to expect the mistakes from the students and let them do that
because the mistakes teach the students and help them to remember that forever.
I would like to reduce the uses of closed questions that limit the student with limited answers.
So, the solution is an endeavor to research about the opening questions that motivates students
thinking. For instance, through my lesson I used several time very limited questions such as
where are the rows in this array? And I showed them here or there? So I gave them two choices
that facilitate the answer, thus next time, sometimes I will use more hard questions, or I mean the
opening questions.
I feel happy that I had enough time to drill the new motif of arrays by used several examples
surround the students such as their groups arrangement, the light of class that presents the array,
the cartoon of eggs, and donates. Then I displayed how the arrays are very helpful in our life that
alleviates the counting the significant collections of any items, discover the missing part if we
have arrays. I concluded that the teacher must relate her lessons with any example around the
students to inculcate the core of lessons.

I am proud that I achieved the objectives of the lesson, formative assessment, last activities, and
played as a guide for the students. Furthermore, I am also glad almost all the students did
recognize the arrays, and they can create the arrays as I noticed from the activities that I asked
them to do it. Finally, the young students always need practice and an educator that go with them
step by step through the lessons.

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