Track 3

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Tita Yanez

Mrs. Greene- 7th Period
16 October, 2016
Track 3
Source K
Citation: World Health Organization Dept. of Gender and Women's Health. WHO Multi-country
Study Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence against Women: Summary
Report: Initial Results on Prevalence, Health Outcomes and Women's Responses.
Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 2005. Web. 12 Oct. 2016.
Source Validation: I believe this is a valid source because it is written by the World Health
Organization which is a worldwide organization used by the UN.
How I Found This Source: I found this source on Google Scholar.
Intended Audience: The intended audience for this source is for people that want to learn more
about domestic violence and how it occurs in different areas of the world.
Arguments/ Topics This Source Discusses: This source discusses a study on domestic violence
conducted by the World Health Organization. It discusses the criteria they used in order to pick
interviewers, their measurement tools, and how they chose to define domestic violence to the
people they interviewed. It discusses how domestic violence is viewed differently in different
areas and used graphs and statistics to show how prevalent certain acts were in specific regions.
Dispersed throughout the article, they place quotes from different women they interviewed on
how domestic violence affected their lives. The article also discusses violence during pregnancy
and briefly discusses non partner violence.
Violence against women is a violation of basic human rights that must be eliminated through
political will, and by legal and civil action in all sectors of society.
A review of studies from 35 countries carried out prior to 1999 indicated that between 10% and
52% of women reported being physically abused by an intimate partner at some point in their
lives, and between 10% and 30% reported they had experienced sexual violence by an intimate
He hit me in the belly and made me miscarry two babies identical or fraternal twins, I dont
Research in many countries has shown that informal networks such as family, friends, and
neighbours usually provide the first point of contact for abused women, rather than more formal

This source helped me further understand how research is conducted for domestic violence as
well as the many things that must be considered when researching and interviewing people on
this topic. It also showed me how different forms of violence all interconnect- it is rare that a
victim only experience one and not the others. It also helped me see that as a universal issue,
women in all parts of the world can be experiencing the same tragic story. This source took me
about 75 minutes to read and analyze.
Source L
Citation: Kitzmann, Katherine M., Noni K. Gaylord, Aimee R. Holt, and Erin D. Kenny. "Child
Witnesses to Domestic Violence: A Meta- Analyctic Review." Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology 71.2 (2003): 339-52. Web. 15 Oct. 2016.
Source Validation: I believe this is a valid source because it is written by professors from the
University of Memphis who have conducted research on similar topics before.
How I Found This Source: I found this source on Google Scholar.
Intended Audience: The intended audience for this source is of a more mature level because the
way the studies and statistics are shown is quite complex.
Arguments/Topics this Source Discusses: This source discusses a study conducted to examine
child witnesses of domestic violence and the effects this has on them. It describes the measures
taken before conducting the investigation and defines a child witness in comparison to a non
witness. It takes child witnesses to abuse and non witnesses and examines the attitudes and
behavior of each. It shows the correlation between child witnesses and aggressive behavior as
well as developmental issues. However, it does state that there are some trends in the data that
cannot be explained as well as gaps in the effects.
The focus on child witnesses is important because, relative to the general population, families
with documented incidents of domestic violence have a significantly higher number of children
in the home, especially children younger than age 5.
Research suggests that physical violence is highest early in the marital relationship, when
children are likely to be young.
Children exposed to domestic violence show individual differences in the expression of
problems, differences that are masked in many group analyses.
This source showed me how the development of child witnesses is often stunted as opposed to
children who do not grow up in violent homes. This source took me about an hour to read and

Source M
Citation: Sokoloff, Natalie J., and Christina Pratt. Domestic Violence at the Margins: Readings
on Race, Class, Gender, and Culture. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 2005. Print.
Source Validation: I believe this is a valid source because it is written by professionals who are
experts on the subject.
How I Found This Source: I found this source on Google Scholar.
Intended Audience: This book is not too difficult to read, therefore, the intended audience is
anyone interested in domestic violence and the factors that play a huge role in the effects of this
Arguments/Topics This Source Discusses: Although this source is focused on domestic
violence, it does touch a lot on general violence against women. This book attempts to show
domestic violence as a universal issue that affects battered women equally, but also wants to
show that race, age, class, gender, and culture all do play a significant role in domestic violence.
This book also examines how a general environment can affect how a victim is affected by
violence. For example, a victim that is in jail may respond differently to sexual assault than a
victim that is living at home.
Studies indicate that structural issues such as socioeconomic ones are significant in contributing
to domestic violence.
For this third set of track hours, I continued with my independent study and looked for
articles and books over my topic. The material on my topic is overall plentiful, so my experience
finding new studies, papers, and reports over my topic wasnt too difficult. However, as I am still
unsure as to what my third timed writing will be about, I looked for general information that will
give me a further understanding of key parts of my topic. What I wanted most out of these batch
of sources was a central idea, something that really focused and connected all aspects of my
topic. Something I enjoyed about this set of sources is that they all described a study that was
conducted and the process it took to investigate and find their data. It was fascinating to learn
about what an interviewer needs to do or appear as in order for victims to feel comfortable
enough to share their experiences with them. For example, often times when it comes to
interviewing and talking to younger victims or just people in general, interviewers more often
than not would never just ask questions straight up. Often times the experiences that interviewers
so desperately need to know are so traumatic for victims that a recall or something of that accord
would be far too difficult. Another thing I noticed about this topic was the difficulty in which

sources and other papers had in defining what exactly domestic violence is. Time and time again
the idea that abuse isnt just physical is brought up, but for good reason. Often times its so
difficult to describe or even identify what abuse is that it often goes unnoticed. This topic overall
inspires me to look toward my own future goals and place myself on a path to not only alleviate
the pains of victims but as educate future generations in order to prevent further incidents from
The second article I read was slightly difficult to comprehend because of the way they
chose to show their data. The data was expressed in a way I have never seen before and I had to
figure out how to decipher it in order to understand everything that was said. However after
taking the time to truly read and try and get a bearing on what the data and information was
trying to say I understood it. The data from the first article was much simpler to understand as it
was less scholarly and less specific to a certain topic. The first article, published by WHO, was
more of a general overview of several topics that was written to correlate with the study they
conducted. The book was also surprisingly not too difficult to understand. The information in the
book tied in slightly with my first article as well as previous ones Ive analyzed.
I am hoping that for my next set of track hours I will be able to conduct actual interviews
with law enforcement and social workers in order to get a perspective from local officials as to
how this matter affects us in our community.

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