One Time Mandate Form

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Debit Mandate Form NACH (One Time Mandate - OTM)


[Applicable for Lumpsum Additional Purchases as well as SIP Registrations]

Choose (P)

Utility Code

Office use only

I/We hereby authorize

Office use only

Sponsor Bank Code


to debit (P)

Tata Mutual Fund

Office use only



Bank A/c No.:

With Bank:

Bank Name & Branch


an amount of Rupees


Amount in Words


5 Monthly


Half Yearly

Reference / Folio No.

Debit Type 5
Fixed Amount Maximum Amount

As when presented (default)

Email Id

Scheme / Plan reference No.


All Schemes of Tata Mutual Fund

I agree for the debit of mandate processing charges by the bank whom I am authorising to debit my account as per latest schedule of charges of the bank.



Signature of First Account Holder


Signature of Second Account Holder

Signature of Third Account Holder


Name as in Bank Records Name as in Bank Records Name as in Bank Records

Until Cancelled

This is to confirm that the declaration has been carefully read, understood & made by me/us. I am authorising the user Entity / Corporate to debit my account, based on the instructions as agreed and signed by me.
I have understood that I am authorised to cancel / amend this mandate by appropriately communicating the cancellation / amendment request to the user entity / corporate or the bank where I have authorised the debit.

sip Registration / Renewal Form (For OTM Registered Investors only)

Please tick () as applicable:

OTM Debit Mandate is already registered in the folio. SIP Auto debit can start in TEN Days i.e. for debit date 15th, form can be submitted till 4th of the month.
OTM Debit Mandate is attached and to be registered in the folio. SIP Auto debit will start after mandate registration which takes 10 to 30 days depending on NACH or ECS modalities.

Advisor details (Only empanelled Distributors / Brokers will be permitted to distribute Units of Tata Mutual Fund) - Refer instruction overleaf
Broker / Agent Code
Sub-Broker ARN Code
Sub-Broker/Bank Branch Code

I/We hereby confirm that the EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this is an execution-only transaction without any interaction or advice by the employee/
relationship manager/sales person of the above distributor or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of
the distributor & the distributor has not charged any advisory fees on this transaction.

Sole / 1st Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression

2nd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression

3rd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression

Transaction Charges: If the total commitment of investment through SIP (i.e. amount per SIP installment X no. of installments) amounts to Rs.10,000 or more and
your Distributor has opted to receive transaction Charges, the same are deductible as applicable from the installment amount and payable to the Distributor. In such
cases Transaction Charge will be recoverable in 3-4 installments. Units will be issued against the balance of the installment amounts invested. Upfront commission
shall be paid directly by the investor to the ARN Holder based on the investors assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the ARN Holder.

Investor(s) Details
Folio No.

Application No.

pan No. / pekrn.

Name of Sole / 1st holder

Name of 2nd holder
Name of 3rd holder

First SIP Cheque Details

Cheque No.:

Cheque Amount in Rs.

Cheque Date:

Bank Name:



d / m

m / y

Scheme and SIP Details

Sub Option




sip Instalment
Amount (`)

sip Date
(Default 10th)


Start Month / Year

End Month / Year

(Default : December 2099)

Monthly *

SIP Top-up

Top-up Amount (Rs.)

(In multiples of Rs. 500/- only)

SIP Top Up Frequency

Half Yearly

Upper SIP Amount (Rs.)

Yearly (default)

Auto Switch Option : Applicable for Tata Retirement Savings Fund (TRSF) only, for default values refer SID.
Plan Name
Please tick the appropriate Autoswitch option (any one as per the plan)
Progressive Plan
Auto Switch Option 1 (Progressive to Moderate @ age 45; Moderate to Conservative @age 60),
Auto Switch Option 2 (Progressive to Conservative @ age 60)
No Auto Switch
Moderate Plan
Auto Switch Option 3 (Moderate to Conservative @ age 60)
No Auto Switch
Systematic Withdrawal Plan : (Please P any one) Applicable after the age of 60 of the 1st unit holder, for TRSF only.
No Auto SWP

Fixed SWP (Select Frequency)

Monthly or
Quarterly (Default)

Fixed Amount (Frequency Monthly only) Rs.

Declaration and Signatures : To - The Trustee, Tata Mutual Fund, Mumbai. Having read & understood the contents of SAI/SID/KIM of Tata Mutual Fund Scheme/s and terms and conditions overleaf, I/We hereby apply for
the respective Units of Tata Mutual Fund Scheme/s at NAV based resale price & agree to abide by terms, conditions, rules & regulations of scheme/s. I/We hereby declare that the particulars given are correct & complete
& express my willingness to make payments towards SIP installments referred above through participation in ECS/Direct Debit/Standing Instruction. The ARN Holder, where applicable, has disclosed to me/us all the
commissions (trail commission or any other mode), payable to him for the different cometing Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amoungs which the Scheme is being recommended to me /us.


Sole / 1st Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression

2nd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression

3rd Unitholder Signature / Thumb Impression

Received for Folio No. / Application No. _________________________________________________________________________________________

OTM Debit Mandate Form

SIP Form

Call: 1800 209 0101 SMS: TMF To 57575 Email:
A. Instructions to fill one time mandate (OTM)
1. Investors who have already submitted a One Time Mandate (OTM) form or already
registered for OTM facility should not submit OTM form again as OTM registration
is a one-time process only for each bank account. However, if such investors wish
to add a new bank account towards OTM facility may fill the form.
2. Investors, who have not registered for OTM facility, may fill the OTM form and
submit duly signed with their name mentioned.
3. Mobile Number and Email Id: Unit holder(s) should mandatorily provide their
mobile number and email id on the mandate form. Where the mobile number and
email id mentioned on the mandate form differs from the ones as already existing
in the folio, the details provided on the mandate will be updated in the folio.
All future communication whatsoever would be, thereafter, sent to the updated
mobile number and email id. TMF / TAML reserves the right to use Electronic Mail
(email) as a default mode to send various communication which include account
statements for transactions done by the investor(s).
4. Investors are required to provide an original cancelled cheque (or a copy) with
name and account number pre-printed of the bank account to be registered or
bank account verification letter for registration of the mandate failing which
registration may not be accepted. The Investors cheque/ bank account details are
subject to third party verification.The investors cheque/ bank account details are
subject to third party verification. In case the investor is not able to submit the
Original cancelled cheque or do not have the name of the investor on the face of
the cheque. Then submit any one of the following:

Copy of the bank passbook attested by bank / Original bank statement with
name, address and bank account number of the investor.

b. A letter from the bank on its letter head certifying that the investor
maintains an account with the bank, along with the information like the
bank account number, bank branch, account type, the MICR code of the
branch and the IFSC code.
5. Investors are deemed to have read and understood the terms and conditions
of OTM Facility, SIP registration through OTM facility, the Scheme Information
Document, Statement of Additional Information, Key Information Memorandum,
Instructions and Addenda issued from time to time of the respective Scheme(s) of
Tata Mutual Fund.
6. Date and the validity of the mandate should be mentioned in DD/MM/YYYY
7. Utility Code of the Service Provider will be mentioned by Tata Mutual Fund.
8. Tick () on the respective option to select your choice of action and instruction.
9. The numeric data like Bank account number, Investors account number should be
left padded with zeroes.
10. Please mention the Name of Bank and Branch, IFSC / MICR Code also provide An
Original Cancelled copy of the cheque of the same bank account registered in One
Time Mandate.
11. Amount payable for service or maximum amount per transaction that could
be processed in words. The amount in figures should be same as the amount
mentioned in words, in case of ambiguity the mandate will be rejected.
12. For the convenience of the investors the frequency of the mandate will be As and
When Presented
13. The mandate will be valid till 31/12/2099
14. Please affix the Names of customer/s and signature/s as well as seal of Company
(where required) and sign the undertaking.
15. Investors agree and acknowledge that they will not hold the AMC responsible for
any delay and/or failure in debiting his bank account for reasons not attributable
to the negligence and/or misconduct on the part of the AMC.
16. Investors agree to abide by the terms and conditions that may be intimated to
them by the AMC/Bank with respect to the NACH/ECS/Direct Debit/SI from time
to time.
17. The investors hereby authorize the representatives of Tata Asset Management
Limited, Investment Manager to Tata Mutual Fund carrying this mandate form to
get it verified and executed.
18. The investors authorize the Bank to debit their bank account for any charges
towards mandate verification, registration, transactions, returns, etc, as applicable
for participation in NACH/ECS/Direct Debit/SI.
19. Note: Accordingly, with effect from November 15, 2010 TMF will not accept
applications for subscriptions accompanied with third party payment instruments
except in exceptional situations. Third Party Payment is defined as:

a. Payment made through an instrument issued from an account other than
that of the beneficiary investor.

b. In case of payments from a joint bank account, the 1st holder of the mutual
fund folio has to be one of the joint holders of the Bank Account from which
payment is made.

Investments from the investors account with a different bank i.e., the payin & payout banks are different, if the pay-in bank mandate could not be
established to be that of the investor, it will also be treated as third party

The exceptional situations where the same will not be applicable are as follows:

a. Payment by Parents/Grandparents/related persons on behalf of a minor
in consideration of natural love and affection or as gift for a value not
exceeding Rs. 50,000/- (each regular purchase or per SIP installment);

b. Payment by employer on behalf of employee under Systematic Investment
Plan (SIP) facility through payroll deductions;
20. In case SIP/ Micro SIP investments are made through Third Party Payments i.e.
payment made through an instrument issued from a bank account other than that
of the first named applicant/ investor mentioned in the application form, Investors
are required to additionally fill up and submit the Third Party Declaration Form
(available at our ISCs and website along with the SIP
enrollment form.
21. The investor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of NACH facility of NPCI,
Direct Debit facility of Banks, and ECS facility of RBI. Tata Mutual Fund (TMF) /
TAML, its registrars and other service providers shall not be held responsible or
will not be liable for any damages and will not compensate for any loss, damage
etc. incurred to the investor. The investor assumes the entire risk of using
this facility and takes full responsibility. Investor will not hold TMF / TAML, its
registrars and other service providers responsible if the transaction is delayed
or not effected or the investor bank account is debited in advance or after the

specific SIP date due to various clearing cycles of Auto Debit /ECS / local holidays.
TMF shall endeavors to register the one time mandate and SIPs through NACH
however if for any reason what so ever the registrations of OTM is unsuccessful;
TMF shall endeavor to register the SIP through other debit modes like Direct Debit,
Standing Instructions, ECS, RECS etc.
B. Instructions for SIP Registration form (OTM already registered)
1. SIP Registration form should be completed in English and in Block Letters only.
Please tick () in the appropriate box ( ) where boxes have been provided.
Registration form complete in all respects, should be submitted at any of the
Official Point of Acceptance of Tata Mutual Fund.
2. New Investors who wish to enroll are required to fill (i) OTM Mandate Form (ii) SIP
Registration Form and (iii) the respective Scheme Application form (included in the
Key Information Memorandum). New Investors can apply for SIP into respective
Scheme / Plans / Option without any existing investment /folio.
3. This SIP registration form has to be filled where a onetime mandate is already
registered in a folio for a bank account, and there is no need of a separate cheque
to be given along with the SIP Registration Form.
4. Where the mandate form and the SIP registration form are submitted together,
debits for the SIP may happen only on successful registration of the mandate
by the Unit holder(s) bank. The Fund / AMC would present the SIP transactions
or lumpsum purchase transactions without waiting for the confirmation of the
successful registration from the Unit holder(s) bank.
5. In case the onetime mandate is successfully registered, new SIP registration will
take upto five days. The first debit may happen any time thereafter, based on the
dates opted by the Unit holder(s).
6. W.e.f 1st January 2011, KYC is mandatory for all investors including SIP
investments. This is a one-time KYC compliance process, a copy of the KYC
compliance letter is mandatory to be submitted while investing the amount for
the first time. Existing investors need to comply and submit KYC during Renewal
of SIP if not submitted earlier. Applications for subscriptions without a valid KYC
compliance may be rejected. In the event of non-compliance of KYC requirements,
the Trustees/AMC reserves the right to freeze the folio of the investor(s) and
effect mandatory redemption of unit holdings of the investors at the applicable
NAV, subject to payment of exit load (as applicable) and recovery of unamortized
NFO expenses. KYC is required for Micro SIP as well. Please refer to SAI for more
7. Investments through distributors: As per directions of Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI), Investors can route their application forms directly and /
or through the distributors /employees of the distributor who hold a valid
certification from the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) and ARN
provided by Association of Mutual Funds in India (AMFI). Further, no agents /
distributors are entitled to sell units of mutual funds unless the intermediary is
registered with AMFI.
Employee Unique Identification Number (EUIN): Further, SEBI has made it
compulsory for every employee/ relationship manager/ sales person of the
distributor of mutual fund products to quote the EUIN obtained by him/her from
AMFI in the Application Form. EUIN would assist in addressing any instance of
mis-selling even if the employee/relationship manager/sales person later leaves
the employment of the distributor. Hence, if your investments are routed through
a distributor please ensure that the EUIN is correctly filled up in the Application
Form. However, if the transaction is executed without any interaction or advice
of the employee/ relationship manager / sales person of the distributor the EUIN
box may be left blank. In this case you are required to provide a duly signed
declaration to this effect in the form.

Overseas Distributors: Overseas Distributors are exempt from obtaining NISM
certification and AMFI registration as per AMFI circular No. CIR/ ARN-14/12-13
dated July 13, 2012 and the EUIN requirement as per AMFI Circular No.135/
BP/33/2012-13 dated December 31, 2012. However, such Overseas Distributors
are required to comply with the guidelines/ requirements as may be issued by
AMFI /SEBI from time to time and also comply with the laws, rules and regulations
of jurisdictions where they carry out their operations in the capacity of distributors

New cadre distributors: Postal agents, retired government and semi-government
officials (class III and above or equivalent), retired teachers and retired bank
officers (all such retired persons with at least 10 years of service) and other similar
persons (such as Bank correspondents) as may be notified by AMFI/ the AMC from
time to time as new cadre distributors are permitted to sell eligible schemes of
the Fund. However these schemes are not eligible to be sold by such distributors.
In case your application for subscription is receive through such distributor, it is
liable to be rejected.
Transaction Charge: In accordance with SEBI circular No. Cir/ IMD/ DF/13/ 2011
dated August 22, 2011, TAML/TMF will deduct Transaction Charges from the
purchase/ subscription amount received from the investors investing through a
valid ARN Holder i.e. AMFI registered Distributor (provided the Distributor has
opted to receive the Transaction Charges).

Transaction Charge of Rs. 150 (for a first time investor across mutual funds) or
Rs. 100 (for investor other than first time mutual fund investor) per purchase
/ subscription of Rs. 10,000 and above are deductible from the purchase /
subscription amount and payable to the Distributor. The balance amount shall be

Transaction charges in case of investments through SIP: Transaction Charges in
case of investments through SIP are deductible only if the total commitment of
investment (i.e. amount per SIP installment x No. of instalments) amounts to Rs.
10,000 or more. In such cases, Transaction Charges shall be deducted in 3-4
instalments. Transaction Charges shall not be deducted:

a. where the Distributor of the investor has not opted to receive any
Transaction Charges

b. for purchases / subscriptions / total commitment amount in case of SIP of
an amount less than Rs. 10,000/-;
9. In case there are more than one OTM mandates registered for the folio, investor
has to specify the Bank Name and the account number which needs to be debited
for the SIP. In case the bank name and the account numbers are not mentioned, or
there is any ambiguity, the SIP request is liable for rejection.
10. Investors should indicate the Plan (viz. Direct Plan/ Regular Plan) for which the
subscription is made by indicating the complete scheme name with the Plan,
option and dub option in the appropriate box provided for the purpose in the
application form. For the default options and sub-options refer the respective SID.

In case of valid applications received without indicating any choice of Plan, the
application with be processed for the Plan as under:
Default under Direct / Regular Plan:

Broker Code
Plan mentioned by Default Plan to be
mentioned by the
the investor
Not mentioned
Not mentioned
Direct Plan
Not mentioned
Direct Plan
Direct Plan
Not mentioned
Regular Plan
Direct Plan
Direct Plan
Direct Plan
Direct Plan
Not Mentioned
Direct Plan
Direct Plan
Regular Plan
Direct Plan
Regular Plan
Regular Plan
Not Mentioned
Regular Plan
11. In cases of wrong/ invalid/ incomplete ARN codes mentioned on the application
form, the application shall be processed under Regular Plan. TAML shall contact
and obtain the correct ARN code within 30 calendar days of the receipt of the
application form from the investor/ distributor. In case, the correct code is not
received within 30 calendar days, the TAML shall reprocess the transaction under
Direct Plan from the date of application without any exit load.
12. The provisions mentioned in the respective SID regarding Applicable NAV, Risk
Factors, Load etc. shall be applicable. The provision for Minimum Application
Amount as specified in the respective SID will not be applicable for SIP
Investments. e.g. the minimum application amount for new investor in Tata
Balanced Fund Growth Option is Rs.5000/-. However, in case of SIP investments,
an investor can enter the Scheme with minimum amount of Rs.500/-.
13. Minimum application amount for Monthly SIP Option 12 instalments of Rs. 500/each or 6 instalments of Rs. 1,000/- each and in multiples of Re. 1 thereafter. For
Quarterly SIP option 4 instalments of Rs. 1,500/- each and in multiples of Re. 1
thereafter. (Tata Tax Saving Fund SIP should be in multiples of Rs. 500/-). For
MICRO SIP maximum SIP amount can be Rs.4000/- Per Month or Rs. 12000/- Per
Quarter across all his folios.
14. If start date for SIP period is not specified, SIP will be registered to start anytime
from a period after five days from the date of receipt of application, subject to
mandate being registered. If end date is not specified, SIP will be registered till
December 2099 or end date of mandate, whichever is earlier.
15. If any time during the SIP period, the onetime mandate is to be modified to reduce
the validity period which is more than SIP end period registered through OTM,
investor should first cancel the SIP and thereafter modify the OTM end period.
16. While the Tata Mutual Fund (Fund) and Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA, CAMS)
reserve the right to enhance the SIP period to ensure minimum installments as per
respective scheme offer documents, even if the investor has submitted the form
late or requested for a period less than minimum installments, they may reject the
applications for less than minimum installments.
17. In case of Micro SIP application without PAN, the investor/s hereby declare that
they do not have any existing Micro SIPs with Tata Mutual Fund which together
with the current application will result in aggregate investments exceeding Rs.
50,000 in a year.
18. An investor can opt for Monthly or Quarterly frequency. The default frequency is
monthly. An investor shall have the option of choosing for 1 or more than 1 SIP in
the same scheme and in the same month.
19. The default option in a case end date for enrolment period will be 31st December
2099. In case an investor, subsequently intends to discontinue the same, a written
communication thereof will be required to be furnished. In case the SIP end date is
not mentioned while submitting the application, the SIP mandate will be construed
to be 31st December 2099, till instruction to the contrary is received from the
20. Instructions for Any day SIP:

In case of ambiguity of SIP date, the default date will be considered as 10th
of every month/quarter.

Investors should take note that despite the date of debit of the bank account
as mentioned the NAV applicability will be on the basis of the provision of
NAV applicability as mentioned in the SID of the respective scheme.

If the date of debit to our account happens to be a non-business day as per
the Mutual Fund, execution of the SIP will happen on the day of holiday &
allotment of units will happen as per the Terms & Conditions listed in the
KIM/SID/SAI of the Mutual Fund.
21. Allotment of units would be subject to realisation of credit.
22. In case there are three consecutive SIP transaction reversals, the subsequent SIP
instalments will be automatically ceased.
23. Top-up SIP is a facility whereby an investor has an option to increase the amount
of the SIP Installment by a fixed amount at pre-defined intervals. This will enhance
the flexibility of the investor to invest higher amounts during the tenure of the SIP.
Terms and conditions of top-up SIP are as follows:

The Top-up option must be specified by the investors while enrolling for the
SIP facility.

ii. The minimum SIP Top-up amount is `500 and in multiples of `500.

iii. The Top-up details cannot be modified once enrolled. In order to make any
changes, the investor must cancel the existing SIP and enroll for a fresh SIP
with Top-up option.

iv. In case of Monthly SIP, Half-yearly as well as Yearly frequency are available
under SIP Top-up. If the investor does not specify the frequency, the default
frequency for Top-up will be considered as Yearly.

In case of Quarterly SIP, only the Yearly frequency is available under SIP Topup.

vi. Top-up SIP will be allowed in all schemes in which SIP facility is being

vii. Investors can opt for an upper limit for the SIP with top up facility. Maximum
amount of debit (SIP+Top-Up) per instalment should not exceed the upper
limit of the OTM mandate registered. The investment SIP Top up will be
discontinued once the SIP upper limit is reached. However the SIP will
continue till the entire enrollment period as opted by the investor.

a. SIP application without first cheque:

SIP enrollment period: 1 July 2014 to 1 Dec 2020;

Monthly SIP amount :Rs. 2000



Top Up Amount: Rs. 500;

Top Up frequency: Half yearly.
Upper SIP Amount: Rs. 3000
From date

To date

From date

To date

Monthly SIP
Installment (`)

Amount of
SIP (`)
1- Jan-15
1- Jun-15
When SIP is accompanied with the first purchase the Top Up will apply from
the first SIP triggered transaction.
SIP enrollment period: 1 July 2014 to 1 Dec 2020;
Monthly SIP amount:Rs. 2000
Top Up Amount: Rs. 500;
Top Up frequency: Half yearly.
Upper SIP Amount: Rs. 3000
Monthly SIP
Installment (`)

SIP Top Up
Amount (`)

SIP Top Up
Amount (`)

Amount of
1- Jul-15
24. Procedure for Cancellation of Existing SIP: Investor needs to submit a letter from
the investor OR the prescribed SIP Discontinuity form, duly completed and signed
by all the unit holders. This request should be received to us at least 15 business
days prior to the next due date of SIP.
25. TAML reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason
thereof. TAML in consultation with Trustees reserves the right to withdraw these
offerings, modify the procedure, frequency, dates, load structure in accordance
with the SEBI Regulations and any such change will be applicable only to units
transacted pursuant to such change on a prospective basis.
C. Terms and Conditions for One Time Mandate
C. I. General
1. One Time Mandate (OTM) is a facility (herein after referred as facility) whereby
the Unit holder(s) can register a onetime mandate to debit their bank account
up to a certain limit per transaction, as per their choice, with Tata Mutual Fund
(Fund) and authorizing the Fund or Tata Asset Management Limited (TAML) and
the bank to debit their bank account for payment towards various purchases or SIP
instalments submitted through various modes offered or as may be offered from
time to time by TAML.
2. This facility is an authorization to the bank, as indicated by the Unit holder(s) in
the OTM form, to debit their bank account up to a certain limit in a particular folio
per registration per transaction, based on their instruction to the Fund, whenever
they choose to invest or start a SIP.
3. Unless otherwise specified, the term mandate in these terms and conditions
refers to the specific bank and bank account number of the investor/s or unit
holder/s as mentioned by them in the OTM form (mandate form) to be used for
debits for payment towards lump sum purchases or SIP instalments.
4. This facility is available to all categories of investors who are eligible to invest in
the schemes of the Fund from time to time. TAML reserves the right to restrict or
withdraw or discontinue the OTM facility to certain categories of investors or to
any specific investor anytime at its discretion without assigning any prior reason
5. To avail of this Facility, the investors/Unit holder(s) of the Fund shall be required
to submit the onetime mandate, complete with all the details in the designated
mandate form. TAML may in its absolute discretion and in the Unit holder(s)
interest, request the Unit holder(s) for a verbal, fax or written confirmation of
any registration request or subsequent transaction request and/or any additional
information with respect to the mandate or Unit holder(s) authorization.
6. When a mandate is successfully registered with unit holders bank and upon
confirmation from the Fund, the Unit holder(s) shall have the flexibility to make
lump sum purchases or register new SIPs in any of the schemes through various
modes not limited to physical mode without a cheque, or any other mode
introduced in future or to any other mode to which this facility is extended in
future; up to the maximum amount of the mandate so registered. There is no
requirement of filling a mandate form every time for a new SIP, as long as the
amount of the instalments for the SIPs registered are within the mandate amount.
7. In a folio, the Unit holder(s) can register only a single onetime mandate with
a particular bank account number. In other words, for the same bank account
number, the unit holder(s) cannot submit more than one mandate in a folio.
However, the Unit holder(s) can register multiple mandates of different bank
account numbers maintained with the same bank or different banks.
8. Mobile Number and Email Id: Unit holder(s) should mandatorily provide their
mobile number and email id on the mandate form. Where the mobile number and
email id mentioned on the mandate form differs from the ones as already existing
in the folio, the details provided on the mandate will be updated in the folio.
All future communication whatsoever would be, thereafter, sent to the updated
mobile number and email id.
9. Default Mandate: Where unit holder/s register more than one mandate in a folio
various periods of time. The last updated successfully registered mandate would
be treated as the Default Mandate. In the absence of any specific bank account
number mentioned for lump sum purchases or new SIP registrations, default
mandate and its bank account will be considering for debiting towards payment
of additional purchases and SIPs.
10. Modification of the Mandate: Unit Holder(s) have the option to modify the mandate
to a higher amount by submitting the OTM - NACH Update/ Cancellation form by
ticking on the provision in the form AMEND and providing all details on the
mandate, duly signed by all the Unit holder(s) and the bank account holder(s) and
submit it to TAML/RTA. Request on any other forms or paper will not be accepted/
processed and will be rejected. The new higher amount will be applicable only
after confirmation of successful registration from the Unit holder(s) bank. In case
where the unit holder chooses to reduce the existing mandate amount, he should
discontinue the existing SIPs (covered under the higher mandate amount) to avoid
failed transaction or reversals.

11. Cancellation of the Mandate: Unit holder(s) will have to submit the OTM - NACH
Update/ Cancellation form by ticking on the provision in the form CANCEL and
providing all details on the mandate, duly signed by all the Unit holder(s) and the
bank account holder(s) and submit it to TAML/RTA. Request on any other forms
or paper will be not be accepted or processed and will be rejected. In case of
cancellation, future instalments of all SIPs registered under the said mandate will
also stand to be ceased. Unit holders are requested to send mandate cancellation
request at least 15 days in advance duly signed. Any debit towards purchase
or SIP instalments during the intervening period may be processed and Unit
holder(s) account would be debited. The unit holders agree that the cancellation/
termination/ withdrawal request is an authority to TAML/Registrar to instruct
the debit bank on discontinuation of onetime mandate and Customer will not
hold Bank responsible for any Standing Instruction cancellation based on TAML
12. Expiry of the Mandate: The mandate will expire on 31st December 2099. As a
result of the expiry of the mandate, future instalments after expiry date of all SIPs
registered under the said mandate may also automatically cease.
13. TAML reserve the right to reject any application without assigning any reason
14. The investor thereby declares that the particulars in one time mandate and any
subsequent transactions provided will be correct and complete.
15. Please refer the SID, SAI and Key information Memorandum, all Instructions,
Addenda issued from time to time and available on Funds website towards
Applicable NAV, Risk Factors, Loads and all other information related to various
requirements of the respective Scheme/ Plan before investing. It is deemed
that the investor has agreed to all the terms and conditions of the scheme, as
prevailing on the date of the application and investment.
16. Unit holder(s) hereby confirms, acknowledges and undertakes to make payments
for subscription of units from their respective bank account(s) only in compliance
with applicable provisions relating restriction on third party payments as detailed
in the SID/SAI and that the payment will be through legitimate sources only.
17. The Mutual Fund, its Registrars, Banks and other service providers shall not be
liable for, nor be in default by reason of, any failure or delay in completion of
its obligation under this facility, where such failure or delay is caused, in whole
or in part, by any acts of God, civil war, civil commotion, riots, strike, mutiny,
resolution, fire, flood, fog, war, lightening, earthquake, change of Government
policies, unavailability of banks computer system, force majeure events, or any
other cause of peril which is beyond their reasonable control and which has the
effect of preventing the performance of contract by them.
C.II. Mandate Registration Related
1. Banks and the branches which are available for the facility of onetime mandate
registration may change from time to time. Please note that the list of banks and
branches may be modified/updated/changed/removed at any time in future at the
sole discretion of TAML without assigning any reason or prior notice. Some banks
and branches may levy charges (in whatsoever manner) for mandate registration
and /or transactions to their bank account holders, which will be borne by the
account holder only and will not be borne by TAML or the Fund.
2. The onetime mandate form signed by the Unit holder(s) and the account holder(s)
will be lodged by TAML /RTA at its discretion, depending on the availability of
the facility with different banks either under NACH (Debits)/ECS (Debit)/ NECS/
RECS or where TAML may have a specific Direct Debit tie-up with the bank. Unit
holder(s) agree to have authorized TAML or its representatives to register the
mandate under any of the available facility of NACH (Debits) / ECS (Debit)/ NECS
/ RECS/ Direct Debits/ Standing instructions. The mandates would be lodged by
TAML /RTA within a period of ten to thirty days based on NACH or ECS processing
timelines, without any responsibility on the part of TAML.
3. The responsibility of providing correct bank account information the onetime
mandate or any other application form for this facility solely rests with the Unit
holder(s) and TAML / Fund/ RTA/ Banks/ Service Providers will not be responsible
or liable for any loss, claims, liability that may arise on account of any incorrect
and / or erroneous data/ information supplies by the Unit holder(s).
4. Unit holder(s) need to provide along with the mandate form an original cancelled
cheque (or a copy) with name and account number pre-printed of the bank account
to be registered or bank account verification letter for registration of the mandate
failing which registration may not be accepted. The Unit holder(s) cheque/bank
account details are subject to third party verification.
5. In case of folios where the mode of holding is Joint, the mandate has to be
signed by all the joint account holders and it would be expressly understood that
the signatories to the mandate have granted an express instruction to TAML /RTA
to treat the mode of holding to Anyone or Survivor for availing this facility only
specifically through SMS or any other mode as may be offered by TAML, so that
these facilities can be availed by any of the joint Holders.

In case of unit holder(s) other than the individuals, it is expressly understood
that the signatories to the mandates are authorized and empowered to do so and
transact using the said facility.

The Fund/TAML/RTA would purely act based on the valid mandate as well as
transactions submitted, and all the Unit holder(s) would be bound by all the terms
and conditions and would not hold the Fund/ TAML /RTA for any loss or potential
loss, in whatsoever manner.
6. It will be the sole responsibility of the unit holder(s) bank and its branch to
ensure proper registration of the Mandate and confirm registration. It is expressly
clarified that TAML /RTA/Service providers only act as a unit holders messenger
to unit holders bank to register the mandate and will not be responsible for
any action or inaction on part of the unit holders bank. By signing the onetime
mandate form, Unit holder(s) and the bank account holders hereby agree to the
authorized TAML/RTA to register the mandate and process any transactions
received thereafter.
7. If no confirmation of registration or rejection is received from unit holders bank,
TAML /RTA/its agents will deem the mandate to be as registered. The Fund
will endeavor to inform the Unit holder(s) through email/SMS for cases where
confirmation on successful registration/ rejection of the mandate is received from
the Unit holder(s) bank.
8. The Unit holder(s) agree that the Fund/ TAML /RTA and their agents shall not
be held liable for any unsuccessful registration and or transaction due to any
action or inaction of the Unit holder(s) bank including but not limited to reasons
mentioned below and agree to indemnify the Fund/ TAML /RTA for all liabilities,
losses, damages and expenses which they may consequent sustain or incur either
directly or indirectly:

a. Loss of the mandate forms in transit from point of acceptance of the form
to RTA head office and further to the Unit holder(s) bank branch;


Non-acceptance or rejection of the mandate for whatsoever reason by the

Unit holder(s) bank branch, with or without any reason assigned by the Unit
holder(s) bank;

c. Non-registration of the Debit Mandate by the Unit holder(s) bank and

d. Deemed registration due to non-confirmation of registration or rejection by
the bank and any subsequent rejection of debit of bank account for funds;

e. Non availability of funds in the bank account of the Unit holder(s) at the
time of debit;

f. Rejection of registration or transaction debit for any reason or without
assigning any reason whatsoever.

g. Signatories to the mandates or transaction debit for any reason or without
assigning any reason whatsoever.

h. Any late registration of the onetime mandate with the bank for whatsoever
reason or rejection of lump sum purchases or SIP registration or instalments
with or without any reason, and will not be liable for any transactions not
processed or reversed or rejected or any late debits to the bank account, till
the mandate registration is successful.
9. The Investor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of NACH facility of
National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI), ECS facility of Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) as applicable at the time of investment and as may be modified or amended
from time to time.
C.III. Transaction Related
1. Unit holder(s) of the Fund can start investing using this Facility only after
successful registration of the onetime mandate with their bankers and receipt of
confirmation letter/SMS/email from TAML.
2. Unitholder/s or Investors can make additional purchases; start new SIPs in any of
the schemes of Tata Mutual Fund using this facility and through physical forms or
any facility added in future.
3. Where multiple mandates with different bank account numbers are registered
in a folio, the Unit holders(s) will have to specify the bank account from which
the debit towards lump sum purchases, SIP registration should happen. In the
absence of any such instruction, default mandate would be used for debiting
towards lump sum purchases, new SIP registration subject to the mandate amount
being sufficient to process such transactions.
4. The Unit holder(s) hereby agrees and confirms that the Fund is authorized to
rely on any instruction received or purported to have been received from the
Unit holder(s) through physical mode or through any other facility, as offered/
introduced by Fund/ TAML from time to time and such instructions shall be
conclusive and binding on the Unit holder(s).
5. Applicable NAV for the transactions will be dependent upon the time of receipt
of the transaction through physical mode into TAML or RTA offices or server,
electronically time-stamped and other factors like scheme, type of transaction,
amount of transaction, date and time of realization of clear fund through banking
channels, as per detailed provisions mentioned in Scheme Information documents
and will be treated on par transactions received through other modes. For the
purpose of this Facility, such TAML/RTA offices/servers would be considered as
an Official Point of Acceptance of the transaction.
6. It may happen that some transaction may be rejected by the Unit holder(s) bank.
The Bank may charge the Unit holder(s) for any failed transactions and it will have
to be borne by the Unit holder(s) and not by the Fund or TAML. The Fund may
endeavor to give preference to the SIP instalments and the lump sum purchases
may be debited on the following days.
The bank account of the customer may be debited towards purchases either on the
same day of due date or within one to seven business days depending on NACH/
ECS settlement cycles. TAML/ RTA shall attempt to settle the transaction and debit
the bank account by requesting the registered bank for release of funds generally
within a period of one to seven banking working days. The investor undertakes
to keep sufficient funds in their bank accounts till the date of debit. However, in
case of non-receipt of the funds, for whatsoever reasons, the transaction shall
stand cancelled/null and void and the units allotted, if any would be reversed. If
the date of debit to the investors account happens to be a non Business Day as
per the Mutual Fund, execution of the ECS Debit/ Direct Debit / SI may happen
on non business day however the allotment of Units will happen as per the terms
and conditions listed in the SID, SAI, KIM and all relevant Addenda of the scheme
8. The Unit holder(s) shall check their bank account records carefully and promptly.
The Unit holder(s) will promptly inform the Fund in case of any erroneous or
unauthorized transaction/s being processed, any erroneous debits. The Unit
holder(s) should inform the Fund for such discrepancy within a period of ten days.
Failing which it will be deemed that there is no any discrepancy in the transactions
which were processed.
9. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reason of incomplete or
incorrect information or due to any reason by the investors banker, the investor
would not hold the Mutual Fund or the Bank responsible.
10. For the purpose of lump sum purchases, SIP instalments, the investor and/or bank
account holders authorizes TAML, its registrars, bankers, correspondent bankers
and service providers, to raise a debit on the mentioned account with the bank
branch. The investor and/or bank account holders hereby authorizes the bank to
honor all such requests received through TAML, its registrars, bankers and service
providers to debit their Account with the amount requested, for due remittance
of the proceeds to TAML as per the mandate. The investor/s or the bank account
holders shall not dispute or challenge any valid debit, raised under this facility, on
any ground whatsoever. Investors will not have any claim against TAML, service
providers, bankers, correspondent bankers and other service providers jointly and
or severally indemnified, from time to time, against all claims, actions suits, for
any loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses incurred by them, by reason of
their acting upon the instructions issued by the named authorized signatories/

Investors agree that TAML may discontinue OTM facility as well as any SIP
registrations for any investor/ folio entirely at its discretion and advice banks for
cancellation of Standing Instruction in case one or more debits are rejected and
funds not received for any reason.

The unit holder shall always abide by the aforesaid terms and conditions while
availing the facility and hereby undertake not to misuse the same and in the event
of any damage shall indemnify TAML/RTA for any loss arising there from.

TAML may amend the above terms and conditions, at any time without prior notice
to the unit holders and such amended terms and conditions will there upon apply
to and will be binding on the unit holders.

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