Ashwagandha Leaves Medicinal Uses

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Ashwagandha Leaves Medicinal

14. August 2014 Anupama (

The leaves of Ashwagandha (

/10/12/medicinal-use-of-ashwagandha-or-winter-cherry-or-withaniasomnifera.aspx) has Antihelmintic, Anti-tumour, Anti-bacterial,
Anti-inflammatory and Hepatoprotective activities. The leaves contain 12
withanolides, including withaferin which is antitumour, antiarthritic and
antibacterial. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a very important plant of

Table of content
Vernacular names of Ashwagandha

Medicinal Uses of Ashwagandha leaves

Its root is considered Indian Ginseng and used as tonic for reproductive system.
Ashwagandha root powder (
/ashwagandhadi-churna.aspx) is used in treatment of variety of diseases. The
leaves of this plant are also of medicinal importance. These are used in variety
of diseases. Anti-inflammatory activity of leaves is due to biologically active
steroids, of which withaferin A is a major component.

Vernacular names of Ashwagandha

Ayurvedic name: Ashwagandhaa, Ashwakanda, Gandharvagandhaa, Turaga,
Turagagandhaa, Vaajigandhaa
Unani: Asgandh, Siddha: Amukkuramkizhangu, English: Winter Cherry,
Taxonomical classication
Kingdom: Plantae, Subkingdom: Tracheobionta, Vascular plants, Super
division: Spermatophyta, Seed plants
Division: Angiosperma, Class: Dicotyledons , Order: Tubiflorae , Family:
Solanaceae, Genus: Withania, Species: somnifera Dunal

Medicinal Uses of Ashwagandha leaves

Tumours, tuberculous gland
1. Externally apply leaves paste on affected areas.

Swelling, Inflammation, Boils

1. Take fresh Ashwagandha leaves. Wash to remove dirt and crush it. Make
a paste and apply on affected body part.
2. Carbuncle (is a condition of severe abscess or multiple boil/blisters in the
skin, typically infected with staphylococcus bacteria) and similar skin
3. Take few fresh leaves of Ashwagandha. Apply castor oil
( on these and warm them on flame. Apply on affected areas.

Conjunctivitis (
Carefully wash fresh Ashwagandha leaves. Crush in mortar and pestle to
extract juice. Put few drops in eyes. Make sure leaves are clean and juice
extracted in not contaminated.

Sore eyes and swollen hands and feet

Apply fomentation of the leaves.

Soak few leaves in water and use as drinking water.

Blood purication
Make infusion of Ashwagandha leaves and drink it.

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