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Holiday Destination


feels like paradise

Welcome to the Resort, the ideal place to relax an enjoy.

The Emperor and Kings have enjoyed the pleasures of Berlin-Brandenburg. Shady avenues, hundreds of lakes and rivers, extensive
forests in direct neighbourhood to the enchanting castles of the mark, surrounded by charming parks and tranquil waterways, are very
inviting to spend leisure time relaxing and experiencing this breathtaking beauty. Embraced by the Schwielowsee, imbedded into the
mark Brandenburg and only a stone's throw away from the attractive cultural city of Potsdam and the glamorous metropolis Berlin, the
Resort Schwielowsee blends in beautifully into the amazing Havel landscape. As if it had been specially created for spending that wonderful dream-holiday far away from day-to-day stress and hectic.

The Resort Schwielowsee offers ...

... 156 exclusive elegant hotel rooms and suites at the Hotel Seaside Garden, as well as the Restaurant Seapoint, an Event Centre, the
generous TAO-Life Wellness Centre with an outdoor pool and is equipped with every luxury amenity of a 4-star+ hotel. The idyllic holiday
complex is situated by the lakeside and is complemented by the Key West Village, with its comfortable American-style wooden houses
and romantic stilt houses. The harbour Restaurant Ernest, which is situated at the hotel's own marina, breathes Hemingway's unmistakeable style, thus inviting to indulge in mouth-watering Caribbean delicacies on its welcoming spacious terrace. The Havanna Bar at the
hotel radiates the delightful warmth of Cuban lifestyle, an original true to detail copy of the legendary bar "La Floridita" in Havanna.

With the kind support of the Brandenburg State

Ministry of Economics
TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH

Am Schwielowsee 116/117, 14542 Werder (Havel)

Tel./Fax: +49 (0)3327 56 96-0 / -999

City and countryside in perfect harmony

Potsdam UNESCO World Heritage Site

A UNESCO work of art in Brandenburgs Arcadia

Culture and Scenery


Palaces and gardens from the perfect concert setting


Summer concerts, festivals, folklore and winter magic


A unique area that will amaze and amuse


A labyrinth of forests and waters in the Spreewald.


Active in nature


A blue-green paradise for cyclists and water sport enthusiasts


A distinctive panorama to admire and enjoy


Brick Gothic architecture, surrounded by water


From boat lifts to the Eiffel tower on its side


A visit to the dream factory


Floating saunas, beer baths and a tropical paradise


Living history serves as a reminder


Living history of East Germany


A culinary journey


Unusual drops and tasty morsels cherry beer,

sea-buckthorn secco and erotic chocolate


Exquisite local cuisine from Havel zander to Teltow turnips




Stay in a green idyll with country charm


A floral paradise spanning four centuries


All roads lead to Brandenburg


How to get there from the UK


TMB Information and Booking Service


Map of Brandenburg


Corporate Information
TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH
Am Neuen Markt 1 Kabinetthaus
D14467 Potsdam

Resort Schwielowsee - Hotel Seaside Garden

Berlin-Brandenburg city region

Editing, Realisation, Design

Runze & Casper Werbeagentur GmbH, Berlin
Ulrike Wiebrecht

Runze & Casper Verlagsservice OHG, Berlin
Telefon 0 30/2 80 181 49

Hoffmann, Hannemann, Korall, Schwartz;

TV Spreewald; Wasser- und Schifffahrtsamt

Cover: TMB/Boettcher
ARGE Schlssernacht/Bach/Babovic; Braun;
Dokumentationszentrum Alltagskultur der DDR in
Eisenhttenstadt/Fricke; Filmpark Babelsberg;
Fragasso; Gragert; Helbig; Krongut Bornstedt;
Prof. Leistner; SaarowTherme/Trappe; Sport & SPA
Resort A-ROSA; Spreewald Therme; SPSG; SPSG/
Boldt; Stadt Bernau bei Berlin, Fremdenverkehrs
amt; Stadt Forst (Spreewald)/Schild; Suckow/
Uckermark (tmu GmbH); TMB-Fotoarchiv:
Boettcher, Boldt, Broneske/Groe (M), Floto,

kontur GbR, Berlin
Brandenburgische Universittsdruckerei
und Verlagsgesellschaft Potsdam mbH

Potsdam, January 2008

Welcome to Brandenburg

city region

View of Rheinsberg Palace

at Grienericksee

Wonderful view of Potsdam and

surrounding area Belvedere on Pfingstberg

Potsdamer Platz, the new centre of Berlin

City and countryside in perfect harmony

If Brandenburg didnt already exist, Berliners

forests and idyllic lakes that please the eye and

would have had to invent it. What could be

soothe the soul. And to Brick Gothic cathe-

more attractive than the contrast between the

drals, small village churches, romantic stately

vibrant city and the peaceful lakes and forests

homes and delightful old towns. Just beyond

between the Elbe and Oder rivers? Once

the city boundary, youll find a blue-green nat-

youve seen all that Berlins theatres and mu-

ural paradise, where palaces and parks tempt

seums have to offer and visited the trendy

you into the world of the Prussian kings, where

clubs, bright shopping centres and the gour-

Cistercian monasteries tell of life in the Middle

met palaces of top chefs, it wont be long be-

Ages and where cosy country inns and beer

fore you feel the pull of the countryside. Draw-

gardens with their fresh regional cuisine bring

ing you to endless avenues of trees, pine

you back to the here and now.

Babelsberg Palace
and Park in Potsdam

Potsdam UNESCO
World Heritage Site
A UNESCO work of art
in Brandenburgs Arcadia

Milestones of modern architecture:

Hans Otto Theatre

When the dreams of kings encounter a

court concerts or winter operas? On Noctur-

master builder able to turn those dreams

nal Castle Impressions weekends, you can

into a reality, the result is Potsdam, a

admire everything from the water, as Weisse

UNESCO World Heritage Site with seven-

Flotte organises cruises that take in the illu-

teen different palaces. Rulers conducted

minated castles before an incredible firework

their affairs of state elsewhere here they

display lights up the night sky. Back in the

immersed themselves in fine arts, music and

town centre, youll be amazed by the other

philosophy and, of course, lavish celebra-

sights that the regional capital has to offer.

tions. As you can see at the palace of Sans-

Behind the Baroque city palace lies the

souci or the Chinese House, or at Charlot-

wonderful Dutch quarter with its delightful

tenhof Palace, which was designed by Karl

shops and cafes, and from the Belvedere on

Friedrich Schinkel. But what good are build-

Pfingstberg hill you can see the Russian Colo-

ings without gardens and water features?!

ny Alexandrowka. But the heartbeat of young,

Two landscape gardeners, Peter Joseph Len-

creative Potsdam is to be found in Schiffbau-

n and Prince Hermann von Pckler-Muskau,

ergasse (Shipwrights Alley). Where once

have each put something of themselves into

steamships were built, dancing and theatre

the work of art that is Potsdam. Could there

now abound in former warehouses and in the

be a more beautiful backdrop for summer

avant-garde Hans Otto Theatre.

music festivals, Potsdams Palaces By Night,

Cecilienhof Palace: site of the
Potsdam Conference of 1945

Pubs and cafes

in the Dutch quarter

Grand design for Frederick the Great:

the New Palace

Fireworks over the New Palace during

Potsdams Palaces By Night



Summer concerts, festivals, folklore

and winter magic

Culture and Scenery

Rheinsberg Palace and Park, venue for the

Chamber Opera and Music Academy
Inspiring music and backdrop

Palaces and gardens form the perfect concert setting

Lausitz Summer of Opera against

the backdrop of Branitz Palace

Its not just Potsdam that is full of palaces

around here at any time of the year and be-

and parks. The whole region of Brandenburg

tween June and August you can listen to the

has many historic residences, such as the pal-

concerts and operas of the Branitzer Park

aces of Oranienburg and Knigs Wuster-

summer festival.

hausen, each with its own story to tell. So

Rheinsberg palace also has a special mu-

too the palace and park at Branitz, where

sical programme. This Rococo residence

Prince Hermann von Pckler-Muskau created

stands imposingly among the lakes of the

a landscape garden in the English style. His

Ruppin region, and is where Frederick II of

idea was that the eye should glide softly

Prussia spent an untroubled youth. His broth-

and smoothly over the landscape as if over

er Heinrich turned it into a centre for the

the figure of a shapely woman. The results

arts. Artists from all over Europe gathered

are there for all to see: peaceful waterways

here in the splendid mirrored hall, in the Chi-

lined with centuries-old trees, soft greenery

nese Room or in the garden at Grienericksee.

reflected in idyllic lakes, and in between,

This tradition lives on today in the music and

views to cavaliers houses, a Baroque palace

dance performances of the Rheinsberg Music

and the grave pyramid, which is the last rest-

Academy and the Rheinsberg Palace Cham-

ing place of the Prince himself. You can stroll

ber Opera.

Cloistered grounds also form the backdrop

atrical performances, there are many folk festi-

for concerts and performances. As well as the

vals that are well worth seeing. The tree blossom

Chorin Summer of Music, Kloster Zinna Sum-

festival in Werder ushers in an avalanche of folk-

mer Music and Brandenburg Summer Con-

lore throughout the Spreewald and, after the

certs, countless festivals make small village

fish and harbour festivals of the summer, many

churches and grand brick cloisters ring out with

places hold pumpkin festivals in the autumn.

the sound of music all the year round. In Wus-

And what could be more atmospheric than

trau, the Ruppin lake becomes the stage for a

Christmas markets in mediaeval castle court-

theatrical sea battle and in Beeskow, the old

yards, open-air museums or the Dutch quarter

castle forms the backdrop to a mediaeval spec-

of Potsdam, where Sintaklaas rides through

tacular. As well as the music, dancing and the-

the streets between the craft stalls?

The Middle Ages come alive

at the Hussite Festival in Bernau

Open-air backdrop on the

Ruppin lake: Seefestival Wustrau

Extensive Christmas market at

Krongut Bornstedt in Potsdam


Summer of Music
at the Chorin cloister



A unique area that will amaze and amuse

A labyrinth of forests
and waters in the Spreewald.

Traditional crafts a thatched

roof being re-covered.

People in the Spreewald cant believe their

al landscape with meadows and pastures,

eyes: a postman who delivers letters by boat?

woods, farms and gherkins, which thrive

Women in colourful traditional costume with

here better than anywhere else. If you feel the

large square bonnets on their heads? And

urge, you can follow its trail along the 120



mile long gherkin cycle route. Or you can take

Borkowy and Blota? The Spreewald is

it all in from the comfort of a traditional boat

quite a special piece of Germany. And not just

rowed by a Spreewald gondolier




Active in nature

because the Sorbs, a small Slavic minority,

have made it their home. This region, with its
600 miles of rivers, is a unique maze of water,
which is today protected as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Legend has it that the Devil
was ploughing with oxen when the animals
bolted and ran amok, creating the many rivers and streams. In reality, the River Spree divided into a finely distributed network of rivers after the last ice age. Over time, the dense
primeval forest has become a park-like culturA trip back in time: Spreewald traditional
costume and horse-drawn carriages

Fresh gherkins: the ingredient

in Spreewalds famous specialities
All kinds of water sports a blue paradise for water babies

Traditional boat trip in the Spreewald

A blue-green paradise for

cyclists and water sport enthusiasts

Experiencing unspoilt nature by bicycle

Its no wonder that Brandenburg is home to

complemented by numerous bed & bike

over a thousand storks! With its invaluable

services and cycle hire centres the best way

wealth of nature, this region is the ideal place

to discover Brandenburg from the seat of a

for them to make their nests. With eleven na-

bicycle. You can ride along the rivers, like the

ture parks, three UNESCO Biosphere Reserves

Oder, Spree and Neisse, or from Berlin to

and the Lower Oder Valley National Park, al-

Usedom or Copenhagen. One of the most

most a third of its area is protected land.

exciting challenges is the Prince Pckler cycle

Over 3,000 lakes and more than 20,000

miles of rivers also make Brandenburg the re-

region of Niederlausitz.

gion with the highest number of inland wa-

Skaters can look forward to the 125-mile

terways in Germany an aquatic paradise

Flaeming Skate, made from the very best as-

thats ideal for canoeing, paddling, sailing,

phalt and the only circuit of its kind in Eu-

surfing and house-boating.

rope. Of course, you can also walk the 66-

Experience nature and culture at your

own pace that applies to cyclists too, who

Brandenburg: a golfers paradise

route, which runs through the former mining

Seen-Wanderweg (66-lake hiking route) or

choose to see Brandenburg by horse.

will find that Brandenburg has mostly flat and

The region has also become a Mecca for

only slightly hilly terrain as well as an exten-

golfers. There are 15 courses around Berlin;

sive network of cycle paths and regional cycle

four alone in Bad Saarow am Scharmt-

routes covering nearly 3,000 miles. This is



A distinctive panorama to admire and enjoy

Brick Gothic architecture, surrounded by water

Want to tour the town by boat? Then you

dral island, where Brandenburg was born in

can. Not in Venice, but in the 850-year old

1165 with the founding of the Ss. Peter and

Water is also a major feature of Frankfurt/

town of Brandenburg an der Havel, which, al-

Paul cathedral, and the new town with St.

Oder. The Marienkirche (St. Marys Church)

though small, is home to a large concentration

Katharines church and St. Pauls monastery.

with its ornate stained-glass windows, the Ren-

of historic Brick Gothic buildings. The arms of

As you glide past on a boat, youll see beautiful

aissance-style town hall and the European Uni-

the River Havel twist around both the cathe-

gardens, idyllic riverside cafes and anglers pa-

versity Viadrina are just a stones throw from

tiently waiting for the fish to bite.

Floating saunas, beer

baths and a tropical

Brandenburg is relaxing. Friedrich Wilhelm,

the Great Elector, made this discovery himself
in the 17th century when he travelled to Bad
Freienwalde to cure his gout in the good local
air. There are now eight health spas, as many

Mind and body in perfect

harmony water worlds and wellness

thermal springs with modern bathing facilities and first-class wellness hotels.

the River Oder. And if you cross the river, youll

find yourself in the Polish town of Slubice. But

But its not just about Ayurveda or Thalasso

before you get to the other side, you should

therapy. Treatments also use local products,

stop off at Zigenwerder Island, with its Euro-

such as algae and linseed oil from the Spree-

pean garden.

wald. If you like, you can even soak your tired

The university city of Cottbus is quite a

limbs in beer at the Neuzelle Klosterbrauerei.

contrast. The heartbeat of the city is in the Old

And how about a bath in a Spreewald pickle

Market, with its Baroque gabled houses and

barrel? Or a visit to the floating spa on Ruppin

400-year-old Lwenapotheke building. Around

lake? Or if youd prefer a south sea lagoon with

Schillerplatz you will find Wilhelminian-style

palm trees, a tropical rainforest and a large

villas as well as the Art Nouveau National Thea-

sauna area, Tropical Islands, located in the

tre. No less impressive is the new library, de-

worlds largest self-supporting hall at the edge

signed by the architects Herzog & de Meuron.

of the Spreewald, is the place for you.

The exterior looks like a futuristic castle, while

Red bricks and water hand-in-hand in Brandenburg an der Havel

inside a round pink staircase spirals upwards.

From boat lifts to the Eiffel tower on its side

Filming at the Filmpark Babelsberg

Its not easy to imagine the Eiffel tower lying

on its side. Not unless you take a look at the
conveyor bridge at the F60 Lichterfeld mine
visitor centre, that is. This steel colossus is
500 metres long and 200 metres wide. It lies
in the sands of Niederlausitz and is impressive
evidence of former brown coal opencast mining activity. This industry left behind deep
craters in the countryside, but these have
since been flooded and the entire region has
been turned into a giant lake district, where
floating holiday homes, sailing schools and
sandy beaches await their many visitors.
There are many other memorials to
Brandenburgs industrial past, including the




Rdersdorf Museum and the Niederfinow

A giant leap for boats:

boat lift in Niederfinow

A visit to
the dream factory

with a cast of 36,000. Finally, Josef von Sternberg made Marlene Dietrich an international
star in The Blue Angel before DEFA took
over film production after the Second World
War. Today film-makers from around the

Boat Lift. Here a gigantic steel construction

The Babelsberg film studio in Potsdam is

was built in 1934 to lift boats weighing up to

Brandenburgs own little Hollywood. What

Theres also a film school and the Filmpark Ba-

1,000 tonnes to the upper level of the Finow

was once the leading film studio in Europe

belsberg offers visitors a peek behind the

canal, a height of 36 metres. If you like, you

was founded here in 1911. Asta Nielsen starred

scenes. One thing not to be missed is an amaz-

can even experience the lifting process from

in The Dance of Death in 1912 and Fritz

ing stunt show in the Vulkan Arena, between

on board a boat.

Lang filmed the legendary Metropolis here

Westernstrasse and the Metropolis cinema.

world come to film at the 46-hectare studios.



Living history serves as a reminder

A culinary journey
Unusual drops and tasty
morsels cherry beer,
sea-buckthorn secco
and er otic chocolate

Good food must of course be complemented by good drink. This could be from
Werderaner Wachtelberg, south of Potsdam,
where Mller Thurgau grapes are predominantly grown for fine whites, ross and reds.
Passionate beer drinkers, though, should
give the cherry beer or anti-aging beer from
the Neuzelle Klosterbrauerei a try. Or how
about a sea-buckthorn secco? Why not try it
with chicken in sea-buckthorn sauce? You
can also buy erotic chocolate figures at the
Confiserie Felicitas in southern Brandenburg,
where two Belgian confectioners specialise
in making the finest pralines and other sweet
Feasting against a marvellous backdrop

Exquisite local cuisine

from Havel zander to Teltow turnips
Where agents were once exchanged Glienicker Bridge, Potsdam

Tuna fish with linseed oil pomace, sea-buckthorn chutney, Beelitz asparagus, Teltow tur-

Living history of East Germany

nip Carpaccio the culinary delights that

Brandenburgs master chefs conjure from

The facades and walls of the former Stasi

fan out from representative streets. In the

fresh, local ingredients wont be served up

prison in Potsdam are not a film set, but

middle of all this, the Documentation

quite so quickly anywhere else. Here gastron-

authentic remnants of East Germanys past.

Centre of GDR Culture shows what life

omy is less about luxurious gourmet food, al-

Today the site serves as a reminder and is a

was like behind the curtains. The former

though some restaurants are the proud hold-

memorial to the victims of dictatorship and

steelworks at Brandenburg an der Havel is

ers of Michelin stars and Gault Millau points,

oppression. Almost two decades after the

imposing evidence of the industrial past.

and much more about fine country cooking,

fall of the Wall, there are still many traces

Today it is an industrial museum. For some-

which brings to the table what the local riv-

of the GDR in Brandenburg. The Glienicker

thing to make you smile, visit the Ostal-

ers, woods and fields have to offer: game and

Bridge, which once separated East and

gie museum in the centre of the city,

mushrooms, Havel zander and trout, Peitzer

West and where agents were exchanged,

which houses a collection of curiosities,

carp or gherkins from the Spreewald. A par-

still remains, as do the bunkers and bar-

from old toys to army uniforms. In con-

ticular speciality is the Teltow turnip and

racks of the Soviet Army in Waldstadt

trast, the Harnekop GDR command bunker

Goethe himself appreciated its mild acidity.

Wnsdorf. Bunker tours give an insight into

at Bad Freienwalde is quite an eerie experi-

Following its threatened extinction, a group

what life was like in GDR times.

ence. Well-hidden in the forest, it was de-

has even been formed to protect this tasty


Eisenhttenstadt is a typical example of

signed to protect the top generals during

what a model socialist city looked like.

wartime they would even have been safe

Compact blocks of flats are grouped and

from a nuclear bomb.

East German nostalgia: products and street scenes

Fresh local market produce




A floral paradise
spanning four centuries

East German Rose

Garden, Forst (Lusatia)

Wherever there are palaces, there are land-

land around his residence beautified with

scaped parks and gardens. This is true not

gentle hills and small valleys.

only of Sanssouci in Potsdam, but also of the

Landscape gardening wasnt something

many other residences in the Brandenburg

that only kings and nobles could commis-

region. Many notable landscape gardeners

sion. Others too were adept at shaping na-

have left their mark here: Prince Hermann

ture. In Potsdam, at the suggestion of the fa-

von Pckler-Muskau created Branitz park near


Cottbus, a masterpiece of English-style land-

Germanys first show garden was created be-

scaped gardening; in Neuhardenberg in east-

tween 1938 and 1940 on the Freundschaftsin-

ern Brandenburg, garden architect Peter

sel (Friendship island) for around 1200 per-

Joseph Lenn added a pleasant park with

ennials, ferns and grasses. In Foersters own

ponds and memorials to the classical palace,

Garden of the Seven Seasons in Potsdam-

and in Alt Madlitz, the oldest pure English-

Bornim, in contrast, symmetrically arranged

style landscaped park in Brandenburg, Count

terraced rockeries are interspersed with lush

Finck von Finckenstein had the 20 hectares of

flowerbeds filled with delphiniums and phlox.

trial past. The municipal park in the garden

Or you can immerse yourself in a particularly

city of Luckau, which is linked with the castle

delightful piece of nature in the small Japa-

garden and its vines, is different again. Here

nese bonsai garden in Ferch, near Potsdam,

there is not only the temptation to stroll

where more than 1000 plants flourish among

among 100 rhododendrons or lose yourself

the ponds, small bridges and pavilions.

in a maze, but also to paddle in the many



Splendid rooms, projecting wooden stair-

and offering hearty, country food. There are,

cases, tower rooms, grand fireplaces and on

of course, modern hotels with the full range

the walls perhaps the portrait of an old count

of star ratings, as well as holiday cottages,

or lord of the manor: thats what the hotels

apartments and private rooms. People with

you will find in many of the palaces and state-

disabilities are particularly well-catered for at

ly homes of Brandenburg are like. Where

Germanys only barrier free hotel complex in

Prussian nobles once lived, modern comfort

Rheinsberg, northern Brandenburg, which is

has now been added. At the same time, the

right by the Grienerickersee.

rooms provide a stylish setting for a musical

Nature-lovers can also find the nicest spots

soire or a romantic candlelit dinner. Coun-

by the water at over 170 campsites and chil-

try inns, on the other hand, provide a warm

dren and young people can stay at one of the

and cosy atmosphere. They are often found

many youth hostels, youth hotels or riding

in historic buildings, like a smithy or forest-


ers lodge, giving them a new lease of life

Fine wine, good food and the best of company


At Forst (Lausitz), which once had a tex-

streams. You can learn about natures many

tile industry to rival Manchester, a 16-hectare

useful aspects at the Biological Teaching Gar-

rose garden with 40,000 rose bushes, water

den, with its medicinal and wild herb gar-

features and historic garden architecture pro-

dens, and right next door in the Botanical

vides a charming contrast to the citys indus-

Garden marvel at the 230 conifers.

Bonsai Gardens, Ferch

Stay in a green idyll with country charm


Branitz Park, Prince Pckler-Muskaus burial pyramid



All roads lead

to Brandenburg

Szczecin (Stettin)

Whether youre arriving by car, rail or air, few regions are as easy to reach as
Brandenburg, and at its heart, Berlin. From Berlin you can easily reach all areas of Brandenburg via an extensive regional rail network or, for car drivers, on a well-developed system of
roads. Some places, such as Potsdam, can also be reached quickly using the S-Bahn from
Berlins main railway station.


How to get there from the UK


TMB Information and Booking Service



London LTN/LGW-Berlin-Schnefeld (Easyjet)

London-Berlin with Eurolines

London STN-Berlin-Schnefeld (Ryanair)

London STN-Berlin-Tegel (Air Berlin)


London LHR-Berlin-Tegel (British Airways)

For those who prefer to travel in their own car,


there are a number of efficient ferry services link-

Schnefeld (Easyjet)

ing the UK to France, Belgium and the Nether-

Nottingham EMA-Berlin-Schnefeld (Ryanair)

lands. You will find a map of all ferry routes as


well as links to the ferry companies under Practi-

For passengers travelling to Brandenburg by rail,

cal Tips at


connections to Germany using the Eurostar from


Main routes

England are now even better. Passengers can

See Practical Tips at

choose from two trains per day to take them to



International Airports

With its countless rivers and lakes, its unspoilt countryside and its
wealth of culture, as well as the enchanting regional capital of
Potsdam and the city of Berlin at its heart, Brandenburg is well
worth a visit at any time of year. Whether youre looking for a hotel, a guesthouse, a holiday flat or a holiday home, we have more
than 2,000 options available to book directly with us, either by
phone or online.

Brochures in German and English

You can pick up brochures in German and English on accommodation, cultural excursions and castles, parks and gardens at the ReiseLand Brandenburg Informations-und Buchungsservice (Brandenburg Information and Booking Service) and at Berlin Infostores.

Our comprehensive range of services includes


Berlin with only one change in Brussels.,

Your travel partner for Brandenburg


Hotel reservations (all categories)

Castle hotels and stately homes
Health & wellness, springs & baths
Cultural excursions
Castles, parks and gardens
Fun activities such as cycling, hiking, and canoeing
Experiencing nature
Culinary travel tips
Special offers for festivals, weekend trips
Brandenburg in winter and special prices

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Hosts in the Brandenburg

Holiday Destination

Cultural journeys
Brandenburg classic

08.02.2008 20:05:30 Uhr

Palaces, Parks & Gardens

in Berlin and Brandenburg

Your contact for all your needs

TMB Informations- und Buchungsservice
ReiseLand Brandenburg
Am Neuen Markt 1 Kabinetthaus
D-14467 Potsdam
Hotline +49 (0)3 31 200 47 47
Fax +49(0)331 298 73 28

Get more out of your flight. With a culture stop in Berlin.

Group travel department

Tel. +49 (0)3 31 298 73-18, -21
Fax +49(0)331 298 73 59

Explore Europe via the city of culture. At, youll find attractive flight
connections via Berlin with an optional stopover in the fascinating German capital. Book
now and discover the best that Berlin has to offer: from culture and shopping to nightlife.

SXF_Kultur_engl_184x124_TMB_39L 1

Monday to Friday 9am to 7pm,

Saturday 9am to 1pm

22.11.2007 11:41:49 Uhr

Tips, information and bookings for

Brandenburg also available at BERLIN
Infostores located at the main railway
station, the Brandenburg Gate, the
Berlin Pavilion at the Reichstag, at
Kranzler Eck (Kurfrstendamm) and in
the ALEXA Shopping Center (Alexanderplatz)



In eastern Brandenburg, just 70 kilometres southeast of Berlin

where the Spree and Oder rivers flow, there lies a land of
endless panoramas sweeping over expansive fields, dotted with
cosy little villages like Neuzelle, Beeskow and Frstenwalde,
perfect spots to spend a few restful hours. All in all, the ideal
place for an utterly relaxing getaway.
Enjoy a leisurely bike ride, for example. Sit back and relax in
the saddle, letting the wind stream by as you take a leisurely
tour of the area. Or tackle one of twelve themed routes,
each clearly marked and following a system of well-constructed
roads and pathways. The region by the Oder and Spree is
Brandenburgs top cycling destination, a veritable CYCL(E)one
of two-wheeled fun.
Should you feel the urge or just need a refreshing break, be
our guest: a cooling dip in Lake Scharmtzel or one of its
aqueous associates is always a splashing success, as is a picnic
anywhere in the regions abundant verdant pastures. If you are
feeling adventurous, you can even freewheel over the Oder and
visit our Polish neighbours. No matter what you choose you
decide where to go, how far to travel and how fast to get there.
Let your spirit free, unwind, find peace and indulge body and
soul a common motto around here, especially in the community of Bad Saarow. Health, relaxation and enjoyment reside
side by side here at Lake Scharmtzel.
The Saarow Thermal Spa, with its thermal salt and peat
baths, is the first health resort in Brandenburg to fulfil the
German Spa Associations strict quality standards for an exclusive range of preventative health treatments. The association
certified the spa as a Preventative Health Resort. Even
world-class athletes such as speed skater Claudia Pechstein and
ex-boxer Axel Schulz, who both have close ties to the resort,
hold its treatments in high esteem.
The Saarow Thermal Spa, which will soon complete its tenth
year, is tailored to both spa treatments + medical spas.
Some of the neighbouring hotels (particularly A-ROSA Scharmtzelsee, Esplanade and Villa Contessa) are also well known
for the first-class experince they offer, along with excellent cuisine. Active rejuvenation, fun and new friends; experience lifes finer points and pep up your health while you are
at it holidays on the Oder and Spree, guaranteed to fill
you with glee!

Foto Mbis

Foto Mrsberger

and Indulgence
on the Oder and Spree Rivers

Foto Trappe

Map of Brandenburg

Bad Saarow Kur GmbH

Am Kurpark 1
15526 Bad Saarow
Tel. +49 (0) 33631-868-0
Fax +49 (0) 33631-868-120

Oder-Spree-Seengebiet e.V.
Tourist Association
Berliner Strae 30
15848 Beeskow
Tel. +49 (0) 3366-253300
Fax +49 (0) 3366-253322

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