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Junhao Wang Resume

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Junh ao Wan g

604 S State St. | Ann Arbor, MI 48104

junhao@umich.edu | (734) 330.6863
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
Dual Degree B.S.E. in Data Science and B.S.E. in Industrial and Operations Engineering.
Jun. 2017
Scores: Data Science GPA: 3. 7 General GPA: 3.4
Coursework: Data Structure, Algorithms, Statistical models, Linear Programming, Constraint Programming, Experiment Design.
Semester at Sea
University of Virginia
Jun. 2014 August. 2014
Highlight: Studied with students from over 30 countries, travelling across the Baltic Sea, Norse Sea and Atlantic Ocean; my studies
focused on commerce, religion and international law; and practicing cross-cultural leadership with a diverse group of students.
Ann Arbor, MI
Mobile App Development Intern
Jan. 2016 - Present
Designed novel hybrid recommendation algorithm to solve cold start problem, by combining user personality and interaction data,
and using collaborative filtering, matrix factorization, factorization machine and boosting.
Mined massive heterogeneous dataset using parallel program and conducted feature engineering and novel natural language
processing (word2vec, CNN, TFIDF) on raw text data for product personalization.
Applied machine learning algorithms on large feature dataset (gradient boosted tree, support vector machines) for travel behavior
Implemented backend APIs using novel serialization technique (Protocol Buffer) and improved loading time by more than 100%.
Creating mobile app with a multidisciplinary team, empowering people of different personalities and financial situations to travel.
Graph Exploration & Mining at Scale Laboratory
Ann Arbor, MI
Network Analysis Researcher
Sep. 2016 - Present
Designed novel graph exploration algorithm that combines graph partitioning and frequent subgraph mining to efficiently identify distinct
features in temporal graphs and how these features emerge and disappear over time.
Visualized the changes of distinct features programmatically in a large temporal graph in order to identify patterns that are not easily
identifiable using traditional graph-based algorithms.
Built data processing pipeline that convert brain fMRI data into sequential time series of densely connected brain graphs.
AIESEC, United States
Ann Arbor, MI
Vice President of Business Development
Jan. 2015 Jan. 2016
Identified target market segmentation and created effective sales strategies, resulting in a 100% increase in sales results
Managed multiple projects including information system implementation, sales process automation, and accountability structure
and eliminated 4 unnecessary sales processes.
Beta Theta Pi, Lambda
Ann Arbor, MI
Social Service Chair
Nov. 2013 Jan. 2015
Organized monthly social service events based on member needs, exceeding member engagement goal by 50%.
Coordinated two chapter-wide service events with 90% attendance, increasing fraternity good will on campus.
Established long-term partnerships with over 5 local organizations, streamlining event planning process.
Semester at Sea
Student Event Planner
Jul. 2014
Planned a 2-day hiking trip to Trolltunga, Norway for a group of 80 students from over 15 countries.
Led a 5-member research team on comparative religions in 9 European countries, presenting results to over 80 students.
Languages: English (Fluent). Mandarin (Native)
Skills: Python. C++. R Programming. Machine Learning. Experiment Design. Data Mining. RESTful API. Excel VBA. Minitab.
SQL. Cross-Culture Leadership.
Community: Chengdu Youth Federation (led an 8-member research team on disadvantaged children with cerebral palsy in
Chengdu and published our finding in a government magazine, raising public awareness)
Interests: Programming. Data Mining. Shark cage diving. Wilderness exploring. Skydiving. Kite surfing.

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