Topic 2 Waveguide and Components 1
Topic 2 Waveguide and Components 1
Topic 2 Waveguide and Components 1
Handle systematically the related
microwave communication
equipment in performing the
assigned practical work.
electromagnetic wave.
Merupakan ayunan medan elektrik (E) dan
medan magnet (H) yang merambat didalam
ruang bebas serta bersudut tepat antara satu
sama lain.
Merambat dengan kelajuan cahaya
3x10^8 m/s.
The common mode used
to describe EM
propagation is the TEM,
or Transverse
ElectroMagnetic, mode,
where neither the electric
field nor the magnetic
field of the wave is in the
direction of propagation
Poynting Vector
Electromagnetic waves carry energy as they
travel through empty space. There is an
energy density associated with both the
electric and magnetic fields.
Poynting vector represents the directional
energy flux density of an electromagnetic
It is named after its inventor John Henry