Qplum Fractional Rebalancing
Qplum Fractional Rebalancing
Qplum Fractional Rebalancing
(201) 604-5422
Rebalancing is a simple yet powerful portfolio management trick. In this paper, we show that it is better
than static portfolios in some cases, and examine the situations under which it can hurt performance.
We expand on the reasoning behind it and highlight better ways of doing it. We also look at the pitfalls
of using the traditional method of rebalancing, as observed in both back-testing as well as in actual
performance. We then propose fractional rebalancing as an alternative to periodic or threshold based
rebalancing, and demonstrate why it is much better at eliminating biases.
It is beyond doubt that thoughtful decision making leads to sound plans, and sticking to the plans leads to better results.
Planning in advance shifts the burden of decision making from the future to now. This helps because in future, one might be
prone to error in judgment in the face of crisis, whereas now one can make rational decisions and choose to stick to it no
matter what happens.
Rebalancing your portfolio means bringing the allocation back to the percentages you decided to have in your plan. For this
you would need to sell the assets that have grown in value, again and again no matter how luring the prospect of holding on to
the winners. This ensures that you stick to the risk mandate you settled on at the start and the the portfolio doesn?t tilt too
much towards one type of asset.
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
(201) 377-2302
(201) 604-54222
To illustrate the points above, let us look at a traditional 60/40 portfolio (60% in stocks and 40% in bonds). Anyone invested
in this portfolio would expect a 10% drop in stocks to hurt them by only 6%, given the allocation to stocks is 60%. But let us
say we never rebalance this portfolio. For someone who invested in such a strategy in October 2003, the share of equities in
her portfolio would have steadily increased till 2007, owing to the spectacular growth of US stocks in that period ( as can be
seen in exhibit-1).
Exhibit-1 shows the growth of stocks in the years leading to the crisis and it?s phenomenal. At such times an investor
would have felt their gut instinct tell them that stocks go up and go up a lot. There is no logical reason to take money out of
stocks and put it somewhere else!
Prices of both stocks and bonds move a lot. Often they are moving in opposite directions. In tech-speak - ?they are not
positively correlated to each other?. One of them may grow faster than other, but later face some market correction before
rising again. So if we start with 60/40 allocation and hold it without rebalancing, it is possible to find ourselves at 40/60 or
80/20 after a while, and back to 60/40 again. On the other hand, constant rebalancing will keep the allocation steady at
60/40. Both of these approaches might even result in similar net growth over a complete boom-bust cycle. But since the
former is prone to wild swings in the portfolio value, the latter makes a better choice to a prudent investor.
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
This cyclic nature of asset-class returns makes rebalancing a great tool for risk management. This is especially true over
longer investment horizons. In general, rebalancing works for a strategic portfolio when the assets involved satisfy these 2
important conditions.
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
Int roduct
Target risk without timing the market
This presents a big challenge for a data-scientist in finance. If we believe that what we see as the average line here is the true
unbiased estimate of the strategy performance, the extremes give us us an idea of the extent to which statistics can be
biased. Imagine how wrong would we have been had we not conducted this experiment and just expected the strategy to
perform as good as our back-tests starting from March 16th, 1995 or Jan 1st , 1995 did.
The reason that fifteen days make so much difference lies not in what happened in those fifteen days, but rather in how the
portfolio looked on certain dates in the following 20 years. And this is where rebalancing played a major role. The choice of
the start date and the rebalancing frequency dictates in what time periods will the portfolio be most divergent from the
mandates. And chances are that market sees some major events in these periods. What this means is that a significant
variation in performance is introduced by sheer chance.
As we noted above, an average of performance seen from a range of such start dates can give us an estimate which is closest
to being unbiased. An alternative way to do that would be to assume daily rebalancing. This way the portfolio will look the
same every day and it wouldn?t make a difference when we started the simulation.
But in real life, daily rebalancing is not practical for most portfolios. While it offers the benefit of better returns through
smaller divergence from the mandate, it can also drive transaction costs through the roof. In some strategies it might even be
desirable to hold on to trades for a longer time because the trading signal arrives late.
To solve this problem, we propose an alternative approach of
portfolio rebalancing that nullifies extraneous factors like start
date. The central idea in this approach is that a portfolio can be
thought of as a combination of many smaller portfolios, each of
them a fraction of the original portfolio. We call this fractional
rebalancing and we will talk about this at length in the next
we make sure that two investors who invest in the same strategy on different days of the week converge to the same
portfolio everyday
we de-couple the strategy's performance from the spurious parameter of the start date and eliminate the possibility
of over-fitting on it
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
Int roduct
Target risk without timing the market
Exhibit-4 further illustrates this through a portfolio represented as a pie chart. On Monday, the green shaded slice which is
one-fifth of the portfolio is rebalanced. This portion is expected to remain untouched on the next 4 days. Similarly, each slice
is rebalanced only on its designated days. Overall, all 5 portions are rebalanced over a week. This is an example of a
fractionally rebalancing portfolio, which is practically an average portfolio of 5 simple periodically rebalanced portfolios. Each
of these 5 portfolios can be said to have begun on one of five successive days, and then rebalanced every fifth day.
Exh ibit 4: Sch em at ic r epr esen t at ion of f r act ion al r ebalan cin g
It is obvious from this schematic that the portfolio looks equally close to the mandate on every day of the week. If this were a
simple quarterly balanced portfolio it would have been closest to the mandate on the day of rebalancing, and furthest from
the mandate on the day just before it.
The same concept can be expanded to create a fractional portfolio for each day. Combination of all these fractional portfolios
is the total portfolio. Every day, a small part of the total portfolio will be rebalanced and each of the fractional portfolios will
be rebalanced once a cycle on its designated day. This way the entire portfolio is rebalanced over a cycle
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our website for full disclaimer and terms of use.
Int roduct
Target risk without timing the market
Rebalancing works wonders when it is used in the right way. A portfolio of ETFs or safe stocks, or one that employs risk
management aimed at cutting huge losses, is much better off with rebalancing than without it.
Fractional rebalancing is a good alternative to traditional time based rebalancing methods. It effectively mitigates problem of
extraneous biases like date of rebalancing that creep in when we use periodic rebalancing. As robust back-testing is essential
for strategy development, it is definitely helpful when comparing statistics. Further, it allows us to place smaller orders
spread out over the rebalancing cycle. This helps us in avoiding the costs associated with price movements caused by huge
It is worth noting that implementation of fractional rebalancing is only possible with some advanced, execution sensitive,
algorithms and that is biggest reason why many asset managers are unable to take advantage of this powerful method.
The scope of this paper was intentionally limited to passive investment strategies. In our future work we will talk about the
best way to rebalance alpha strategies.
1. Colleen M. Jaconetti, Francis M. Kinniry Jr., Yan Zilbering, 2010, Best practices for portfolio rebalancing, Vanguard
2. Pliska, Stanley R., and Kiyoshi Suzuki, 2004, Optimal Tracking for Asset Allocation With Fixed and Proportional
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3. Grinold, R., and Kahn, R., 1995, Active Portfolio Management: Quantitative Theory and Applications
4. Nick Granger, Douglas Greenig, Campbell Harvey, Sandy Rattray, David Zou, 2014, The unexpected costs of
rebalancing and how to address them
5. Sheng Wang, Yin Luo, Miguel-A Alvarez, Javed Jussa, Allen Wang, Gaurav Rohal, 2014, Seven Sins of Quantitative
All investments carry risk. This material is for informational purposes and should not be considered specific investment advice or recommendation to any
person or organization. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please visit our website for full disclaimer and terms of use.