Unit 1 4º Living Things PDF
Unit 1 4º Living Things PDF
Unit 1 4º Living Things PDF
To make the study easier we divide them into
kingdoms. (Para estudiarlos con mayor facilidad
dividimos los seres vivos en reinos).
Living thing:
Non-living thing
Vertebrates + Invertebrates
All living things are made up of cells: (Todos los
seres vivos estamos formados por clulas).
Cells have different functions. (Tienen
diferentes funciones).
You can see them with a microscope. (Los
podemos ver usando el microscopio).
Reproduction: They give birth. They are viviparous. (Se reproducen dando a luz,
tienen bebs, son vivparos).
Food chains
Food chains:
The animals that eat or are eaten by each other. Food chains includes animals, plants
and other organism. (Los animales comen y son comidos por otros a su vez. Las
cadenas alimenticias incluyen a los animales, plantas y otros organismos).
Plants: They are producers, because they produce their own food. (Las plantas son productoras puesto
que puden producir su propia comida).
Herbivores: Are primare consumers, beacuse they eat plants. (Los herbvoros son consumidores
primarios, pues se comen a los productores (plantas)).
Omnivores and carnivores: Are secondary consumers, because they eat primary consumers. Los
omnvoros y los carnvoros son consumidores secundarios pues se alimentan de los consumidores
Decomposers: They transform plant and animal matter into nutrients. (Los descomponedores se
alimentan de los restos de plantas y animales muertos).