Unit 1 4º Living Things PDF

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Natural Sciences 4

Module 1: Living Things

To make the study easier we divide them into
kingdoms. (Para estudiarlos con mayor facilidad
dividimos los seres vivos en reinos).

The Animal, Plant and Fungi Kingdoms

Living thing:

they born (nacen)

they eat (comen)
they grow (crecen)
they reproduce (reproducen)
they die (mueren)

Non-living thing

The Animal, Plant and Fungi Kingdoms

The Plant kingdom:

The Animal Kingdom:

The Fungi Kingdom:

They cant move around. (No se desplazan).

They make their own food. (Producen su propia
They can move around. (Se desplazan).
They eat other living things. (Come otros seres
They cant move around. (No se desplazan)
They dont make their own food. (No producen su
propia comida)

The Animal, Plant and Fungi Kingdoms

The Plant kingdom:

They cant move around. (No se desplazan)

They make their own food. (Producen su propia

Grasses + bushes + trees

The Animal, Plant and Fungi Kingdoms

The Animal Kingdom: They can move around. (Se desplazan).

They eat other living things. (Se alimenta de otros
seres vivos)

Vertebrates + Invertebrates

The Animal, Plant and Fungi Kingdoms

The Fungi Kingdom:

They cant move around. (No se

They dont make their own food.
(No producen su propio comida)

All living things are made up of cells: (Todos los
seres vivos estamos formados por clulas).
Cells have different functions. (Tienen
diferentes funciones).
You can see them with a microscope. (Los
podemos ver usando el microscopio).

The Animal Kingdom: invertebrates

97% of all animals are invertebrates. (El 97% de
los animales existentes son invertebrados).

Have soft body. (Tienen el

cuerpo blando)
Often have a hard shell. ( A
veces tienen una concha dura)

The Animal Kingdom: invertebrates

97% of all animals are invertebrates. (El 97% de
los animales son invertebrados)

Have soft body. (Tienen el

cuerpo blando)
Often have long tentacles. (A
veces tienen largos tentculos)

The Animal Kingdom: invertebrates

97% of all animals are invertebrates.

Have soft body covered with little holes. (tienen el

cuerpo blando).
Stay on seabed. (viven en el fondo marino).

The Animal Kingdom: invertebrates

97% of all animals are invertebrates.

Have hard skin or spikes. (Tienen la piel dura o

Starfish is a echinoderm. (La estrella de mar es un

The Animal Kingdom: invertebrates

97% of all animals are invertebrates.

Have soft body divided in segments. (Tienen el

cuerpo blando y dividido en segmentos)
Earthworm is an annelid. (La lombriz de tierra es
un anlido)

The Animal Kingdom: invertebrates

97% of all animals are invertebrates.

The biggest group is insects. (El grupo ms grande

de animales)
They live in water or on land. (Pueden vivir en el
agua o en la tierra).
Have a protective exoskeleton. (Les protege un

The Animal Kingdom: vertebrates

All vertebrate animal have backbone and carry out three life processes: (Todos los
vertebrados tienen columna vertebral y realizan estos tres procesos de vida).

Respiration:They breath using their lungs. (Respiran utilizando los pulmones).

Reproduction: They give birth. They are viviparous. (Se reproducen dando a luz,
tienen bebs, son vivparos).

Nutrition: They can be carnivores, herbivores and ommnivores. (Pueden ser

carnvoros, herbvoros y omnvoros).

The Animal Kingdom: vertebrates

All vertebrate animal have backbone and carry out three life processes:
Respiration:They breath using their gills. (Respiran utilizando sus agallas).
Reproduction: They lay eggs. They are oviparous. (Se reproducen
poniendo huevos, son ovparos).
Nutrition: They can be carnivores and ommnivores. (Pueden ser
carnvoros u omnvoros).

The Animal Kingdom: vertebrates

All vertebrate animal have backbone and carry out three life processes:
Respiration:They breath using their gills when are bebies but when they
are adults use their lungs. (Cuando son bebs respiran usando sus agallas,
pero cuando crecen pasan a utilizar sus pulmones).
Reproduction: They lay eggs. They are oviparous. (Se reproducen
poniendo huevos, son ovparos).
Nutrition: They can be carnivores and ommnivores. (Pueden ser
carnvoros u omnvoros).

The Animal Kingdom: vertebrates

All vertebrate animal have backbone and carry out three life processes:
Respiration:They breath using their lungs. (Respiran utilizando los
Reproduction: They lay eggs. They are oviparous. (Se reproducen
poniendo huevos, son ovparos).

Nutrition: They can be carnivores. (Son carnvoros).

The Animal Kingdom: vertebrates

All vertebrate animal have backbone and carry out three life processes:
Respiration:They breath using their lungs. (Respiran utilizando los
Reproduction: They lay eggs. They are oviparous.(Se reproducen
poniendo huevos, son ovparos).

Nutrition: They can be carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. (Pueden ser

carnvoros, herbvoros y omnvoros).

Food chains
Food chains:
The animals that eat or are eaten by each other. Food chains includes animals, plants
and other organism. (Los animales comen y son comidos por otros a su vez. Las
cadenas alimenticias incluyen a los animales, plantas y otros organismos).

Plants: They are producers, because they produce their own food. (Las plantas son productoras puesto
que puden producir su propia comida).

Herbivores: Are primare consumers, beacuse they eat plants. (Los herbvoros son consumidores
primarios, pues se comen a los productores (plantas)).

Omnivores and carnivores: Are secondary consumers, because they eat primary consumers. Los
omnvoros y los carnvoros son consumidores secundarios pues se alimentan de los consumidores

Decomposers: They transform plant and animal matter into nutrients. (Los descomponedores se
alimentan de los restos de plantas y animales muertos).

The Plant Kingdom:

How do plants reproduce?
Sexual reproduction:
In sexual reproduction pollen goes from stamen of one flower to the pistil of
a different one. ( En la reproduccin sexual, el polen va del estmen de una
planta al pistilo de otra diferente).
The pollen joins an ovule to make a seed. This is called fertilisation. (El polen
se introduce en un vulo, dando lugar a una semilla).

The Plant Kingdom:

How do plants reproduce? Cmo se reproducen las plantas?
Sexual reproduction:

Insect and animal pollination. (Polinizacin a travs de

insectos u otros animales)
Wind pollination. (Polinizacin a travs del viento).
Self pollination. (Auto polinizacin).

The Plant Kingdom:

How do plants reproduce?
Asexual reproduction:
Runners: stem grows along the ground. (El
tallo crece a lo largo del suelo).

The Plant Kingdom:

How do plants reproduce?
Asexual reproduction:
Tubers: stem grows under the ground. (El tallo
crece bajo el suelo).

Plants and animals living together

Population (Poblacin): Are the living things
of the same species which live in the same
place. (Son el grupo de seres vivos que tienen
las mismas caractersticas y viven en el mismo

Plants and animals living together

Community (Comunidad): Are the different
populations that live in the same place.
(Formada por las diferentes poblaciones que
viven en un mismo sitio).

Plants and animals living together

Habitat: Is the amount of light and water, the
temperature and type of soil. (Formado por la
cantidad de luz, agua, temperatura y tipo de

Plants and animals living together

Ecosystem (Ecosistema): Is the combination
of the habitat and its community. (Es la
combinacin de un habitat y de una

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