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Grace Marcello
Professor Rhonda Jackson-Joseph
English 1301
27 September 2016
An Out of This World Review
The recently released hit movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has become the talk of
the town, and not just for Star Wars fans either. Before the making of this new movie there were
6 episodes in Star Wars series. Millions of people across the globe have been inspired by the
amazing Star Wars stories. Recently, Disney bought Lucusfilms, the original creator of the Star
Wars movies. Since then, Disney will be adding two more movies to the already popular series,
as well as the most recent release Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Because Star Wars has been
popular for almost forty years, it is important to keep up with additions, for it will now be more
popular than ever. From my experience Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a must see because of
its great plot, well organized structure, and new exciting characters. This movie will draw you
deeper into the incredible Star Wars universe that people already know and love.
Movies should always start with a good base, and plot that is logical and exciting to the
viewer. Without a good plot there is no bones to what could have been a great movie. Star Wars:
The Force Awakens definitely has the basis for a great movie. The plot is logical and creative.
Each element of the storyline creates an intriguing movie that makes you want more. This movie
creates a great balance between the action of the movie and narrative (Chacksfield). Since there
is a good balance, we are able to better understand the characters and see their development.
Balance also keeps the audience interested, where too much action might disinterest some

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people. Including moments of comedy within the plot, such as BB-8s sass or Han Solos
sarcastic remarks, the audience is able to enjoy the movie (Star Wars: The Force Awakens). Your
emotions are evoked with the plot twist of Han Solo, an original character of the Star Wars
movies, being killed by his son Kylo Ren. Although the movie brings a great plot to the table,
there is one issue. Throughout the movies there is continuation of quality that makes the Star
Wars series unique. This quality can go from the soundtrack, the transitions or the props, but one
thing that disrupts this flow is the representation of the dark side (Chacksfield). In each Star Wars
movie, the plot rests on a kind of dualism,where the light side of the force faces the dark side
of the force (Jason). Lacking a good representation of the dark side disrupts the continuity of the
Star Wars episodes. However, the only fault is in the introduction to the character Supreme
Leader Snoke. He seems out of place as a CGI (computer-generated imagery) character, while
the rest of the movie is made in a different quality (Chacksfield). Other than this one issue, the
movie flows seamlessly. Overall, the plot is great. It is filled with a well-rounded and detailed
storyline that keeps the audience interested and on the edge of their seats.
One of the best parts of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the exciting new characters
they added to the story. In addition to the returning cast, the new characters have created a great
start to the new episodes. Rey, the main character, has grown up on her own and she is basically
looking for a new start after realizing that her family might not come back for her. Her character
is similar to Luke Skywalker (the main character in the original three movies), but Reys
characterization adds a developed and unique female to a genre that has not featured many
female characters like her (Ballard). Leia and Padama were also strong woman figures but they
did not have as big of a role as Rey. She shows a strong, independent woman who continues to
surprise others. For example, when Finn and Rey first meet she is being harassed by thugs. She

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surprises him by defending herself on her own and showing him that she can take care of herself
(Star Wars: The Force Awakens). She also showed physical and mental strength through her fight
with Kylo Ren, as they used the force and lightsabers to fight to the death (Ballard). With the
addition of Reys character, Disney is able to not only satisfy the original fans but bring in a new
crowd. Rey is a great character that is relatable and interesting, and as the story continues we
hope to find out more interesting things about her character.
Structure is another key element in making a movie good. Without a well-organized
structure the storys purpose can be easily confused or taken away from. Star Wars: The Force
Awakens has a well thought out and organized structure. The story begins with the introduction
of the new characters and their story, such as Reys, and how she is from the planet Jakku and
trying to survive on her own. Finn, a storm trooper who has turned away from the dark side, is
also introduced in the story, as well as Kylo Ren and his part in this new movie. Then the
audience is shown the issue that Luke Skywalker, star of the original Star Wars episodes, is
missing and they need to find him in order to bring back order into the universe. Throughout the
movie the characters are trying to find Luke Skywalker in order to save other from the dark side
known as the First Order. The director does a great job adding in information as the story
continues and creating a structure that make the plot more interesting. With the well-organized
structure, the audience becomes committed to what will happen next.
Star Wars has continued to be a series that reaches to people all across the world. With the
addition of the newest movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars will keep inspiring
people all ages and offering entertainment and education (Sansom, Bretherton and Niemiec).
Star Wars: The Force Awakens includes an interesting plot, well organized structure and exciting

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new characters making this movie a great watch. As the Star Wars universe expands its important
to see this movie because of its incredible start into the new story of Rey and Kylo Ren.

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Works Cited
Ballard, Marrissa. "Star Wars, Sci-Fi, and SJW Films." The Gendering of Genre. N.p., 21 Mar.
2016. Web. 20 Sept. 2016.
Chacksfield, Marc. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Review A Second Opinion. TechRadar.
N.p., 30 Dec. 2015. Web. 20 Sept. 2016.
Sansom, Lisa, Roger Bretherton, and Ryan Niemiec. "Doing the Right Thing: Character, Moral
Goodness, and Star Wars." PsycCRITIQUES 61.25 (2016): n. pag. Web.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Dir. Jeffrey J. Abrams. Perf. Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, and
Oscar Isaac. Lucasfilm, 2015. Film.

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