African Violet Octave Personal Use
African Violet Octave Personal Use
African Violet Octave Personal Use
This manual and attunement of African Violet Octave is for your personal use only.
Channeled and manual written by Mariah Windsong Napieralski Couture, December 30th, 2015
African Violet Octave energy system is the spiritual energy of the African Violet
plant and its flowers. They assist to expand your consciousness and for your spirit
to travel inter-dimensionally. I use the word octave to call upon the full range of
African Violet spiritual energies. It is also an appropriate term because of African
Violets spiritual function. They uplift you into higher dimensional realms while at
the same time increasing your own vibrational frequency so that you are able to
maintain a faster/higher energy vibration while here in this reality.
African Violet Octave is useful for helping your brain relax after a long day of
work or after encountering dense energies. It is common for people to go within
and close off their connection with Source when they come into contact with
negative, depressing or energies that are difficult to be around. We naturally close
off from the uncomfortable energy of other people or our surroundings for
protection, unknowingly also separating ourselves from Eternal Sacred Source.
African Violet Octave helps you to uplift and expand, bridging once again to
Eternal Sacred Source for replenishing and sustenance. So too our usual intuitive
state of mind may have felt closed after being around discordant or intrusive
energies. Now African Violet Octave bathes you in just the right range of energy
frequencies to help you relax and open up safely to the energy that made you and
supports you.
For those of you who can feel subtle spiritual energies, activating this energy
system will probably be very enjoyable. I experience it as euphoric expansion in
my upper temporal region of my brain and parietal lobe.
For those of you who dont get a feeling sense from spiritual energies, please be
aware that the activation of this energy system could still cause part of you to be
expanded and more present in other realms than here. You might be visiting with
your soul in a very real way. You might be in communion with Divinity and Arch
Angels in the heavenly realms. You might be helping in the macro realms of the
elements and plants of Earth. It doesnt matter whether you are consciously aware
of where the concentration of your life force and being is focused.
This means that you may have less of yourself here in this reality for several hours.
Please dont drive a car or operate machinery for at least two hours after activating
this African Violet Octave.
African Violet Octave has a way of propelling some of your essence, your spirit
into the place or places necessary for you to receive what you need for spiritual
upliftment. This of this plants energy as a boost into the realms of enlightenment.
This means that you will have less of yourself here in this reality for several hours.
Please dont drive a car or operate machinery for at least two hours after activating
this African Violet Octave.
The African Violet Octave can be activated to assist you when you want to go on a
Shamanic style spiritual journey. Anytime you are consciously setting your
awareness to ask question or achieve a task in another realm, African Violet
Octave assists to shift your energy frequency so that you can interact in that realm.
African Violet plants like 14 hours of light per day. They elements that they need
in large quantities are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They need good air flow
around their leaves. Many people like to grow these plants in their homes and for
African Violet (Saintpaulias) plants are not fond of fast changes in temperature and
are most comfortable in the same temperatures you are. These plants live in
abundance in Tansanzia the Nguru mountains and originated in Eastern tropical
region of Africa.
I read an account by Andrew Evans, a National Geographic traveler of his
experience of hiking in Africa. At the elevation of 1500 feet in the Udzungwa
Mountains with the air cooler than its sufficatingly hot tropical temperatures of the
lower elevations, his guide showed him an African Violet plant.
It was growing high up between granite rocks, nicely shaded from direct sunlight
receiving gentle mist from a waterfall! I speak of this to say that African Violets
know how to get their needs met. They find their niche and thrive.
Attunements can be sent long distance by means of an energy sphere, often called a
chi-ball and it is kept safe by your Angels and guides of Eternal Light. It is
released to you when you call it in, like a prayer to receive it.
Now spend a few minutes to invite your African Violet Octave attunement. It is
best to recline where you wont be disturbed.
Simply say, out loud or in your mind:
I ask to fully receive my African Violet Octave attunement as sent out by my
teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source now!
Mentally thank Eternal Sacred Source (Divinity/God/Goddess) for delivering these
energies to you perfectly and for protection for your spirits consciousness
anywhere you are.
Now you have the privilege of consciously activating this energy system.
Saying the name of and instruction to the energy system 3 times makes the energy
flow to you faster and stronger. The number 3 is a sacred number and it is a
number that has power. Whenever you say something 3 times you are increasing
the intention for what you are saying to happen, NOW!
African Violet Octave is an original energy system channeled by Rev. Mariah
Windsong Napieralski Couture
December 30th, 2015 ~All Rights Reserved
Please contact the author at for permission to translate
this manual. If you translate, you agree to send the author a copy and the manual
must accurately portray the original.
For Legal Reasons, Mariah Windsong Napieralski Couture states that this African Violet Octave
attunement and all of its energy functions are for entertainment purposes only. It is not affiliated with any form
of natural energy healing, and is not to be confused with any other system of attunement, empowerment or
initiation now, in the past, or to come in the future.
This empowerment/attunement is not meant to replace any professional medical or legal advice. Mariah
Windsong Couture is not engaged in rendering medical service or diagnosis of any kind.
Mariah Windsong Couture has made every effort to provide accurate information and takes no responsibility for
recommendations made and no guarantees are issued toward the validity of information. Mariah Windsong
Couture is not responsible for claims made by others in advertising this empowerment. This manual may contain
inaccuracies and typographical errors. Mariah Windsong Couture does not warrant the accuracy or completeness
of the materials or the reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed or linked in
this manual. By purchasing this manual or receiving this empowerment or attunement, you acknowledge that
any reliance on such opinions, statements, energy or energy streams or information shall be at your sole risk.
December 30th, 2015
Please dont post this manual on any public sites. Send directly to your students.
All pictures Mariah has purchased the rights to use commercially, royalty free.
Nadi Care
Nerve Care
Nickel Body Protector with Ethereal Taenite
Opulent Living Empowerment
Orchid Empowerment
Pain and Suffering Flush (mainly for pets and for creatures both in captivity and the wild)
Pancreas Care
Parental Pattern Flush
Pearlized Silver Seichim levels 1-3
Personal Imprint Remover
Pelvic Basket Shakti Set
Personal Imprint Removal
Petroglyph Key Awakening
Phase Shift Body
Pregnancy Care
Prolific Sales Activation
Proper Perspective Empowerment
Prostaglandin Care
Prostate Care
Punishment Flush
Purchase Attraction Rays
Pure Perpetual Potency (raising your energy by numbers)
Purity Wave
Quartz Crystal Archive Key Awakening
Radium Chakra Protector
Rainwater Tea Essence
Random Increasing Numerical Generator Shield Overlay (RINGO)
Redemption Incarnate
Relationship Care
Relaxation Chamber
Replenishing Shakti
Resentment Flush
River Sleep
Root Chakra Re-Alignment
Sandals Empowerment
Self Knowledge Rays with Self Acceptance Rays
Sephiroth Care
Sexual Imprint Flush
Shaman Care Session
Sheen Obsidian Shakti
Silicate Crystal Care
Sinus Care with Beryl Spectrum Ray
Skin Care
Slate Shakti (for your lower self)
Snow Spirits Empowerment
Social Outcast Reversal
Soul Care Levels 1-5
Soul Detachment with Glorious Reorganization and Soul Elixir
Soul Lineage Genetic Integration
Sovereignty Empowerment
Sphagnum Moss Gifts
Spinal Care
Spiritual Course Composition Initiation
Spirulina Spectrum Ray
Strategic Skills Empowerment 1-2
Strength Movers of the Light Card Deck System
Subconscious Healing Shakti
Subtle Body Care
Synapse Care
Synergy Within Empowerment (for gender balance)
Telepathy Gene Awakening
Thought Progression Adjustment Shakti
Three Fold Circle Security
Thymus Heart Activation
TMJ Care
Toning Vibration
Tooth Care
Tornado Tension Tamer
Tourmaline Spectrum Ray
Trager Team
Trauma Care
Triple Warmer Meridian Care (for using your energy to manifest what you want)
Twin Care
Vaginal Care with Skene Gland Activation (for increasing vaginal moisture)
Virility Care
Virtual Massage Empowerment (Ethereal Hands Awakening pre-requisite)
Virus Inhibitor Field
Vocal Cord Care
Wing Care
Womb Care with Cramp Pain Release
Worry Flush
Wound Healer Reiki Levels 1-3
Written Intention Reversal
Yellow Dock Plant Empowerment
YodHehVodHeh - 15 Permutations of the YHVH Mantra for manifesting
Yungang Grottoes Empowerment (incredible for inner peace and finding your life purpose)
ZeOr Continuum Empowerment