Final Shahid 325-326
Final Shahid 325-326
Final Shahid 325-326
(Lahore), 23(4),325-326,2011
ABSTRACT: Energy crisis is one of the major problems of our country now a day. We should emphasis on
new energy resources to fulfill our demand. In renewable energy resources, biogas is one of them. Biogas is
produced by anaerobic digestion of organic matters. In anaerobic digestion, biodegradable materials are
decomposed into biogas by bacteria in the absence of air. Kitchen waste contain large amount of these
biodegradable materials. The report of economic feasibility for biogas plant using kitchen waste of housing
colony consisting of 200 houses for power generation and cooking purposes is carried out.
Keywords: Anaerobic digestion, Kitchen waste, Biogas.
The term renewable energy resources mean that energy
produces from the sustainable resources. The most
renewable energy resources used are biomass, geothermal,
wind and solar energy. As conventional energy resources are
going to decline, we should think about on renewable energy
resources. For energy, the world depends on the fossil fuels
such as oil, gas and coal. The population of worlds
stabilization will need the increase use of fuel as oil and gas
resultantly these resources will be depleted in near future.
The utilization of renewable energy resources will be
beneficial for this world. This utilization of renewable
energy resources will fulfill our energy requirement and also
have no effect on our environment. These are eco friendly
resources [4].
The shortfall of fuel and electricity in Pakistan is an
indication for us to decrease our dependence on
conventional fuel resources and find the new sustainable
resources such as renewable resources. Pakistan has proved
potential for renewable energy resources such as wind, solar
and biomass. Utilization of these renewable energy resources
save our foreign reserves and also create new employment
opportunities. Through these resources, we will be able not
only to meet energy demand but also minimize
environmental contamination. [2]
Among the renewable energy resources, biogas is one of big
renewable energy resource. World in general; while Europe
is specially working on this kind of renewable energy
resource. Energy can be produced by biogas for various
applications and thus raise the living standard of people.
Biogas can be produced from different feed stocks in which
mainly are municipal solid waste, animals manure, distillery
spent, kitchen waste and dairy manure. In Pakistan, biogas is
mainly produced from animal manure or distillery spent. In
world, kitchen waste is most preferable feedstock for kitchen
waste because it has maximum biodegradable materials. In
past lot of research has been done on biogas generation from
conventional feedstock, but kitchen waste is not used as
feedstock for biogas generation. Normally it is land filled,
which pollutes ground water. The biogas generation from
kitchen waste is not only help to carry out our fuel
requirement but also keep our environment clean. [5]
The purpose of this paper is to check the feasibility
study of biogas plant in a housing colony consist of 200
houses. The biogas plant in housing colony not only provide
solids %
solids %
m3 /ton
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