Business Ethics
Business Ethics
Business Ethics
List of Cases
2 Dirty Hands
Public office and business: altogether outside ethics?
Different perspectives: public and private morality
Public and private morality, and dirty hands
Good ethics is good businessagain
3 Stakeholders
The problem with the notion of stakeholder
The usefulness of the concept of stakeholder
Occupational health and safety
Random testing of employees
Corporate surveillance
Consumer protection and product safety
8 The Environment
The humanistic argument
The naturalistic argument
Intergenerational issues
The precautionary principle
Waste or fertiliser
Voluntary action
The CERES Principles
Australian standards and principles
9 Whistleblowing
Internal and external
The Australian situation
Competition or trust?
Ethics and cultural difference
Is corruption acceptable in foreign cultures?
Cultural relativism
The global social responsibilities of business
Business and human rights
A double standard?
Supportive institutions
The Global Sullivan Principles
The Principles
The UN Global Compact
The principles of the Caux Round Table
Transparency International
What is ethics?
Top-down and bottom-up approaches
Ethical defeat
Reflective equilibrium
Virtue ethics
Thinking about What should I do?
Moral pluralism
Professional ethics
Case studies and moral theory
Review questions
Business ethics covers the whole spectrum of interactions between firms, individuals, industries, society and the state. In other words, business ethics is as complex as
business itself. It is not an optional accessory to business life or a mere enthusiasm of
philosophers and moralists; business ethics is about how we conduct our business
affairs, from the basest fraud to the highest levels of excellence. It is about individuals and the institutions with which they deal. And it is about the expectations and
requirementsincluding the social and economic requirementsof society.
Such a scope suggests that individuals might have a limited role in ethical
matters. After all, if they have a limited range of business responsibilities, then they
will not be in a position to make much of an ethical impact. An important way
of looking at the responsibilities of individuals is to examine their roles. Company
directors, for instance, have fiduciary responsibilities to act in the best interests of
shareholders. Does that entitle them to ignore ethically suspect practices that benefit
shareholders? Sometimes peoples role in business is itself the problem. Should their
occupational role diminish their moral responsibility for actions done in the name
of their company or employer? If so, where do individual conscience, character and
choice come in?
The same kinds of questions might be asked not only of individuals, but also of
firms and industries that operate under socially determined legal and economic
constraints. What are the ethical responsibilities of non-natural personslegal
entities that have no character or conscience in the usual sense and are persons
only in law? How is ethics to be made part of the fabric of institutions? Should ethical
standards be imposed in a market economy?
What is ethics?
If ethics were only a matter of rules, customs and contracts, then such questions would
be relatively straightforward. We already have abundant procedures, instruments,
conventions and regulations ranging from law to etiquette. But to say that ethics
does not duplicate these is not to measure its importance or scope by them. Ethical
issues are often grey; ethical reasoning is not as concrete (or sometimes as precise)
as legal reasoning; people can differ on the subject of ethics as they may not on the
laws of physics or the facts of geography. Although these are facts about ethics, they
are not reasons for believing that ethics is conceptually soft or trivial. Ethics is not
poor reasoning, vague law, indeterminate custom or an ideological form of social
control, but one of the most important sources of motivation and guidance in human
conduct. It occupies an important field of knowledge in its own right.
Aristotle gave a view of the matter in a famous passage of his Nicomachean
Our account of this science (ethics) will be adequate if it achieves such clarity as
the subject-matter allows; for the same degree of precision is not to be expected
in all discussions Therefore in discussing subjects, and arguing from evidence,
conditioned in this way, we must be satisfied with a broad outline of the truth; that
is, in arguing about what is for the most part so from premises which are for the most
part true we must be content to draw conclusions that are similarly qualified it is
a mark of the trained mind never to expect more precision in the treatment of any
subject than the nature of the subject permits; for demanding logical demonstrations
from a teacher of rhetoric is clearly about as reasonable as accepting mere plausibility
from a mathematician.1
the internal rules of the Family at work and realise that, although they are contrary
to the rules of normal society, they make their own kind of sense. At the end of the
film, the anti-hero, Michael, is attending the baptism of his son in a church while his
henchmen systematically kill his rivals for leadership of the Family. This is how life
is in the Mafia. This is what we understand to be necessary to make sense in terms
of that kind of culture. The Mafia has its own ethos, its own rules and mores. This
is a dark parallel to the ethical values of the wider society, and it is this parallel,
rather than the ruthlessness and violence per se, that causes The Godfather to
be shocking.
The film raises all kinds of ethical questions that apply equally to society and
business. Is just any system of binding rules, norms and duties a system of ethics?
Is it possible to say that one system is better than another? Does not moral luck
determine the circumstances of peoples birth and development and therefore the
attitudes they bring to life? The importance of these questions is readily apparent.
If people born in Australia in the late nineteenth century believed wholeheartedly
in the White Australia Policy, how can they be blamed? If a person grew up as a
white child in South Africa during the Vorster regime, why is it blameworthy to have
white supremacist attitudes? And who is to say that one system of social beliefs and
customs, even if racist, is worse than another? These are real questions, requiring
thought and careful consideration.
If cultural relativism is the case, then business must adapt to the norms and
practices of the cultures in which it operates. What is unethical in Australia might
be good manners in one of our trading partners. What would be poor working conditions here might be superior working conditions overseas. Sharp practice2 might
well be the norm elsewhere. Surely it is mistaken to try to universalise our standards
of right and wrong in our dealings with other countries. Or is it?
Defining ethics
What is ethics? What does it mean to have an ethical point of view or an ethical
opinion or to behave ethically? A definition will not solve the problems raised but
will go some way towards clarifying what is at stake.
The term ethics owes its origins to ancient Greece, where the word ethikos
referred to the authority of custom and tradition. When Cicero sought a similar word
in Latin he chose mos, from which we derive the terms moral, mores and morale.
So it seems that ethical relativists have at least a good historical basis for their
views: ethics and mores originally referred to the customs, habits of life or traditions
of a people. We shall consider ethical relativism in our discussion of ethical reasoning, but a relativist could say that we have as much right to condemn the customs
of the Mafia or apartheid as we do any foreign system of behaviourthat is, none.
Or rather, we can condemn them in terms of our moral system, but we should not
and cannot insist that others who do not share our values listen to our complaints.
Plainly this will not do. A definition of ethics that dignified any and all customs
would not answer to a common-sense understanding of the term. The Mafia and
apartheid are objectionable, and not just because most people think so. Here is
some further definition. The nineteenth-century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm
Friedrich Hegel distinguished between ethics as the customary norms and ways of
behaving in a society, and morality as a reflection on those norms and the deliberate
generation and adoption of principles that may well modify them. On this distinction,
the ethos or ethics of a particular culture might require reverence for older people
or assign special responsibilities to the oldest son. An example of moral thinking
would be the growth in recognition of human rights, and the greater sensitivity to
suffering in animals. Another example can be seen in the deliberate study of professional and business ethics. In this sense then morality is the missing part of ethics
that as modern people, rather than villagers regulated by custom and tradition, we
often take for granted. In fact, so familiar to us is reflective, conceptual thinking
about ethical issues that customs and traditions are often ignored or dismissed as
irrelevant. Both custom and reflection are part of ethics. Together they show why
just any set of norms cannot be an ethics; why among thieves and racists there can
be no honour.
By and large there is no reason to make a distinction in meaning between
ethical and moral. There is certainly no difference in meaning that could be
attributed to their etymological roots. Sometimes some moral philosophers or
ethicists distinguish them from each other, but not all philosophers do; and those
who do distinguish them from each other do not all distinguish them in the same
way. Some have distinguished moral and ethical in the manner of Hegel, but
others have distinguished them in a variety of different ways. It is recommended
here that the words be considered as synonymous except in some peculiar usages.
We will see later, in discussing codes of ethics, that there is an issue about whether
or not the use of ethics in code of ethics is a specialised use, or whether it is
even there synonymous with morality. We will suggest that, in that context, ethics
is a specialised use and should not be confused with morality. That is the only
exception to our use of these words as synonymous.
What is ethics? What kind of thing is a moral reason? What is being considered
when one considers the moral dimension of a problem? What makes this different
from the non-moral aspects of a situation? Is there anything peculiar about moral
reasons? These questions themselves have been debated among moral philosophers.
Without entering into the debate or prejudicing a position, it is possible to say
something about what ethics is. We can offer a minimalist description that offers
only the bare bones of what must be involved in something being a moral concern.
self-interest alone in reaching a decision. Moral opinions, then, are not opinions
based only on the promotion of ones self-interest. Moral opinions are impartial.
An ethical judgment is one that can be universalised. It is one that is perceived
to apply to everyone in similar circumstances, and not only to oneself.
Ethical opinions must be able to be defended with reasons. This requirement
distinguishes ethical opinions from biases and mere preferences, for which one
might have no reason at all: I dont have a reason for liking vanilla ice cream
more than chocolate raisin; I just do. I prefer its taste.
Ethical opinions are not subject to a vote, in the way that political opinions and
decisions are. A moral opinion is not just whatever a majority decides it is. An
opinion or a position on something does not become moral in virtue of popular
support for it. In this respect, moral opinions are non-negotiable.
Moral opinions are centrally action-guiding. They are not only of theoretical
or academic interest. They are centrally concerned with behaviour. They are
concerned with evaluating behaviour and with prescribing ways in which people
should behave. To at least some extent, this requires that one thinks about the
consequences of ones actions.
Here are some examples of what some philosophers have said that ethics
amounts to:
morality is, at the very least, the effort to guide ones conduct by reasonthat is to
do what there are the best reasons for doingwhile giving equal weight to the best
interests of each individual who will be affected by ones conduct.3
morality amounts to guidelines that set the boundaries of acceptable behavior
concerned with harming others, paying the proper regard for others well-being, and
treating persons with respect.4
morality is concerned with rules, principles, or ways of thinking that guide actions
it refers to values, rules, standards, or principles that should guide our decisions
about what we ought to do.5
The notion of living according to ethical standards is tied up with the notion of defending the way one is living, of giving a reason for it, of justifying it Ethics requires
us to go beyond I and you to the universal law, the universalisable judgment, the
standpoint of the impartial spectator or ideal observer, or whatever we choose to call
it In accepting that ethical judgments must be made from a universal point of view,
I am accepting that my own interests cannot, simply because they are my interests,
count more than the interests of anyone else.6
Where do ethical principles come from? Are they matters of religion, societys
inculcated beliefs, universal rational truths? Are they principles that are formed as a
result of a bargain that individuals reach in order to live together, each having their
own welfare as their top priority, but realising that in order to successfully advance
their individual self-interests, they must operate according to mutually acceptable
principles? These very important questions will not be dealt with here. They are by
no means easy, and there is no universal agreement about what their answers are.
However, although we should be aware of them, it is possible to proceed without
answering them.
Outcomes, consequences
attendance to the interest of the client, to the interest of the profession, loyalty to the
firm, and so on). These considerations, as well, can conflict with regard for ethical
rules and ethical outcomes.
In facing and dealing with an ethical issue, we recognise different types of moral
considerations at work. Here are a few:
7h In this case, what does truth-telling (a rule) require?
7h And what about the promise (a rule) I made to them yesterday?
7h What course of action could I take here that would most benefit these people
(an outcome)?
7h Would that be fair (a rule)?
7h In this situation, what is required by my remaining independent in the advice that
dinner. Someone might say, We have a very prescriptive workplace, meaning that
in their particular work environment, they are told exactly what to do, leaving little
room for manoeuvrelittle room for them to think for themselves. We might better
associate this at times with a phrase such as over-prescriptive. When we talk about
prescriptions, or prescriptive ethics, we do not mean this at all.
Prescriptive and descriptive ethics can become confused when people believe
that the way things are done is, for that reason alone, the way they should be done.
If fraud and dishonesty were commonplace, it would be an ethical error to recommend them on that basis. We are all familiar with the confusion of descriptive and
prescriptive ethics found in the old excuse, Everybodys doing it. Now this excuse
might be genuine as a factor in our psychology, but it will not make a wrong act
right. That is, the example of most people might count as an excusing reason for
an individual doing the wrong thing, but it does not make the act right. Take the
example of corporal punishment in schools. This was a widespread practice until
relatively recently, but this fact about it did not make it right. It might, however,
excuse the teachers who applied corporal punishment, perhaps unthinkingly or in
the belief that it was beneficial in the long term to school pupils.
A variation on this confusion of descriptive and prescriptive ethics is the commonly heard view that if something is legal, its ethical. That is, if there is no legal
prohibition on an act, then I can do as I choose. This view will be revisited below.
Ethical reasoning
There are three central points with which we are concerned in this book
7h that there are moral concerns
7h that you should address them
7h what it means to address moral concerns.
Very few people would deny that there are moral concerns in their lives. In this
respect, then, it takes little or no convincing that there are moral concerns. There
might be significant debate over whether a particular concern is, in fact, a moral one,
and there is debate over how to respond to some moral issues; there is also debate
over what is the morally correct thing to do. But, by and large, there is no debate over
whether or not there are moral concerns at all. This being the case, we will not spend
much time arguing that there are moral concerns. Rather, we will be presenting
some moral concerns to you, indicating what there is about them that make them
moral, and then dealing with them in a systematic way. In presenting moral issues we
have a few key matters in mind, not all of which can be dealt with in each instance.
Sometimes we call attention to something that is clearly a moral impropriety, and
then proceed to discuss what exactly is wrong and how it might be rectified or, more
importantly, how it might have been avoided. We are equally concerned, however,
to call attention to some matters that are problematic and which, for that reason,
should generate thought and argument in the context in which those matters occur.
Serious, genuine analysis is called for, and people in business or in the professions
should not avoid devoting some time to it.
As an individual or as an organisation or as an individual occupying a position (a
role) in an organisation, you should address moral issues. Why? There are a number
of answers to this question, and the question itself can be addressed at a number
of levels, ranging from a theoretical interest in moral philosophy to a purely pragmatic and self-interested concern. At the most theoretical level, the question Why
should I be moral? is one to which philosophers have offered an array of answers
since the time of Plato, more than 2000 years ago. Some theories have urged that
rational behaviour and rational thinking themselves require people to be moral.
Other theories have referred to morality as empirically compelling, and others have
made reference to a feeling people have about what they regard as moral. Many
arguments suggest that we should be moral, because that is what we want to be, if
we could find the moral thing to do in any particular situation. Suppose, however,
that at the theoretical level such answers left you cold. What more could be said?
When we discuss codes of ethics specifically, we will urge that, given the amount of
public awareness and accountability required these days, coupled with the possibility (or threat) of governmental regulation over many aspects of business conduct,
the climate in business is such that it is in peoples interest to pay attention to moral,
not simply legal, requirements. There is a good deal of truth to the practical dictum
good ethics is good business. Perhaps purely self-interested motives for adopting
a moral point of view are not nobleor not as noble as compassion or a sense of
fairness or other motives that are not themselves based on ones own welfare and
concern for advancing ones own interests ahead of those of others. Still, there can
be no denying that requirements of public accountability are greater today than
they have ever been before, and that public awareness of, interest in, and demands
concerning the conduct of businesses and the professions are very great, perhaps
enlightened. Clients, customers, shareholders or society at large will not tolerate
professional or business conduct that is perceived to be unethical.
There is an important analogue to the question Why be moral? as it arises in this
context. Political philosophers and philosophers of law often discuss the question
of whether or not people should obey the law. This question, Why should I obey
the (legal) law? is, in those discussions, most significantly directed to looking for
a moral reason to obey the law. However, at another level, an appropriate answer
to the question is a resounding, Yes, I should obey the law, because if I dont, Im
going to get into trouble with the law. This is an answer that cannot be ignored when
considering why we should be moral in business as well.
The first is a top-down approach, according to which the first principles of moral
reasoning are general or universal moral principles that can be applied to specific
situations. This conception of moral reasoning envisages the reasoner approaching a moral situation armed with general principles; for example, tell the truth,
advance peoples welfare, keep your promises, honour fiduciary relationships
and a number of others, all of which rest on some kind of general foundations. Moral
reasoning, then, consists of applying the appropriate principles to the situation and
overlaying those principles onto particular situations as those situations arise. For
example, when faced with a moral choice, a committed utilitarian might engage
in tallying up and comparing the amounts of welfare that would be produced by
the various alternatives. The act likely to produce the most utility would be the one
that the utilitarian principle would direct be performed. The principlein this case
the utilitarian principledrives the reasoning, and its application to the particular
situation determines the correct, ethical result. According to the top-down approach,
the task for moral reasoning is to bring particular moral judgments or intuitions
about particular situations into harmony with overarching general principles.
According to a bottom-up approach, on the other hand, the first principles of
moral reasoning are the moral judgments we make personallyperhaps moral
intuitions or reactions we have to particular situations. It is these ground-level
judgmentsperhaps intuitions or feelingsthemselves, rather than overarching
principles, that are the first principles of moral reasoning. This conception of moral
reasoning sees moral encounters as situations in which the reasoner is struck by
the nature of the situations themselves, and need look no further to appreciate the
moral dimension that is present and arrive at a moral decision. If one were interested
in doing so it might be possible to enunciate general principles that are coherent
with the intuitions that emerge from the particular situations to which we react.
The starting point and the foundation of moral principles in this approach, however,
rests with the evaluation of the particular situations.
Ethical defeat
At times, we question the sincerity of people claiming to be ethical. Perhaps we
should be equally suspicious of people who claim to be amoral or indifferent to
ethics. The predatory businessman, David Tweed, dismisses questions about the
ethics of his targeting the old and vulnerable in what are frankly disgraceful offers
to buy their shares. He has been reported as saying to one of his victims, I didnt do
morals at school.7
People are reluctant to admit complete ethical defeatthat is, to grant that their
acts have no positive ethical justification at all, that their acts are completely immoral,
bereft of any positive moral elements. This is an important feature of human nature.
It shows that, by and large, people do not dismiss ethics as an unimportant concern.
Sometimes they get it wrongsometimes their acts are immoralbut seldom do
the agents themselves dismiss morality altogether. This is important. People do not
simply admit to being caught with the smoking gun, with nothing to say for themselves. We are not oblivious ofor impervious tomoral argument about what
we do. In this respect, we do not need to be convinced to enter the moral arena for
the purpose of evaluating potential courses of action. They are already there, even
though their moral perceptions may not be correct. This point was vividly illustrated
many years ago in a newspaper report about drug trafficking in New York City: a
heroin dealer pointed out to the reporter that he only sold good dope and that he
never sold to kids.8 Even at this level, the dealer is hearkening to the moral defensibility of some aspect of what he is doing. He is not oblivious to the importance of such
a concern, even though, in his case, it was particularly misplaced. Consider another
case. In 2008 in the Austrian town of Amstetten, the appalling story came to light of a
woman, Elizabeth Fritzl, and her three children imprisoned in a cellar by Elizabeths
father, Josef, for 24 years. Fritzl had kidnapped and imprisoned his daughter when
she was 18 and raped her repeatedly over the following two and a half decades.
Of the seven children he had fathered upon her, threeKerstin, 19, Stefan, 18, and
Felix, 5had spent their entire lives in the cellar. Three others had been adopted by
Josef Fritzl, and one had died. What could prompt such vile conduct is a matter of
speculation for psychiatrists,9 but even after admitting his crimes, Josef Fritzl sought
to affirm something of his humanity. When Kerstin became severely ill with a form
of epilepsy related to incest, he admitted her to hospital as his granddaughter whom
he found ill on his doorstep. Eventually, Elizabeth Fritzl was able to persuade her
father to let her visit the hospital and the full story was revealed.10 Fritzl insists that
this proves hes no monster. I could have killed them all, he said. Then there would
have been no trace. No-one would have found me out. If it werent for me, Kerstin
wouldnt be alive today. It was me who made sure she was taken to hospital.11
The moral of these stories is simply that the answer to a question such as Who
cares about ethics anyway? is nearly everyone. And, if this is the case, then it is
unnecessary to spend much time trying to convince people that they should be
interested in the moral aspects of what they do. However, there is, of course, much
work to do in determining exactly what those aspects are and what course of action
one should take, or what courses of action are permissible. But this is an entirely
different problem from the question of why we should be concerned about ethics
in the first place. The point is that, on a practical level, we really need not address
this question at all.
It is not infrequent that invitationsor pleasto business and the professions to
engage in moral reasoning carry with them the suggestion that the reasoners might
choose whatever moral principles they want, recognising that they might well be
attracted to different and disparate principles. Such invitations allow the possibility
of moral pluralism: the presence of a number of different, perhaps incompatible,
moral principles. The point of such invitations is to get business people and professionals to recognise that there is a moral dimension to the problems they face, and to
urge that this dimension not be ignored but dealt with systematically by the various
practitioners. The invitation is for people to engage in reflective moral consideration,
and to confront the notion of principled action, which requires consideration of
principles (to which the whole idea of principled action refers).
In routine matters routine ethics can work quite well. In critical situations that are
other than routine, however, managers have to fall back on character rather than rules.
In this sense, character and the virtues that inform it serve as repositories of moral
knowledge and wisdom. It is thesenot overarching principlesthat lead to individual moral judgments. This might be seen as a feature of the bottom-up approach.
In a similar vein, Jonsen and Toulmin have argued that agreement on ethical
issues is more likely to come from the consideration of concrete cases than from a
dispute about principles.12 People might agree about particular matters for different
reasons; that people of good faith might differ in their principles need not preclude
a workable ethics being shared among them. Argument from cases is more likely to
secure this than a battle fought to secure commitment to a philosophical position or
overarching principle.
Reflective equilibrium
A third approach regards neither particular judgments nor general principles as first
principles. Both are important, and the interplay between them is what drives moral
In 1970 John Rawls introduced the phrase reflective equilibrium.13 As he used it, the
phrase refers to beliefs about justice. However, the notion has been discussed as
having an important role to play in understanding the nature of moral reasoning and
moral theorising in general. As such, it refers to the state of a persons beliefs when
their moral principles and moral judgments are in harmony. Notice that reflective
equilibrium refers to a result, or end state. A reflective equilibrium is something to be
achieved. Top-down and bottom-up approaches both clearly refer to processes,
aimed at arriving at a result. It would make sense to say that they, too, would be
aiming at a result where principles and judgments are in equilibrium. As it is used,
however, the phrase reflective equilibrium is also a view about how to establish this
resulta processnot just the result itself. Roger Ebertz has written,
I find it helpful to speak also of the reflective process to refer to the activities which
lead one to reflective equilibrium. These include carefully considering individual
beliefs, comparing them with one another, considering the beliefs of others, drawing
out consequences of beliefs, and so forth.14
According to this view, neither particular judgments nor general principles are
pre-eminent. Further, it allows us to skirt the question of whether there are any
immutable moral facts or whether there are any objectively true moral propositions. Moral reasoning is a matter of bringing into harmony, or consistency, various
particular judgments with each other and with the principles that we hold. In this
respect, moral reasoning is seen to be centrally neither top-down nor bottom-up.
Rather, it works in both directions, with the goal of reaching an equilibrium between
the principles to which one subscribes and the particular judgments that one makes.
Moral reasoning is also concerned to achieve consistency among ones particular
judgments (relative to each other), and among the various principles to which one
subscribes (relative to each other).
Reaching a reflective equilibrium is essentially a dialectical process, which
involves a give and take of principles and intuitions. Neither the principles nor the
intuitions are immutable; reaching a reflective equilibrium involves massaging
both. It is important to us to have a consistent set of beliefs. Notice, for instance, that
when we argue with others, our strongest arguments are in terms of allegations that
the other party is failing to be consistent.
J 1 , J 2 , J3 , J4 ,
Suppose that, for whatever reason, I am attracted to some moral principle. For
example, I think that I should try to maximise utility. Suppose also that I think that
in a particular situation I should keep my promise to drive a friend to the airport,
even though it appears that I could produce more utility by doing something else.
Here, there is an apparent conflict between a principle to which I am attracted and a
particular judgment that I feel is correct. I might argue that keeping the promise will
maximise utility, or I might argue that my commitment to the utilitarian principle is
modified by some other (theoretical) commitments, the result of which is that I am
not being inconsistent in believing that I should keep my promise on this occasion.
It will be important to me not to be a hypocrite about the situation, however. It will
be important to me that my ground-level judgment not conflict with my purported
theoretical commitment. It will be important to me to resolve the apparent conflict.
In considering my position on both the practical and theoretical levels, I allow
that there can be interplay between them, and that my beliefs, commitments or
intuitions about something at either level are subject to review in the light of my
beliefs, commitments or intuitions about something at the other level, as well as in
the light of my beliefs about something at the same level. That is, it is important to
me to strike a reflective equilibrium between the principles to which I subscribe
and the judgments that I make. And it is important to me that my judgments are
consistent with each other, and that I can consistently maintain a commitment to the
Consequentialism refers to a moral outlook that evaluates actions or behaviour
according to the consequences of that behaviour. According to this outlook, an act
being morally right or wrong is due to it producing some specified type of consequencefor example, happiness, welfare, pleasure or knowledge. Moral appraisal
of a mode of conduct, then, is a matter of judging how well that conduct produces
the relevant consequences. The most well-known form of consequentialism is utilitarianism. The effective founder of utilitarianism was Jeremy Bentham (17481832),
an English thinker and social reformer. His guiding moral principle was that the
ethically right thing to do is that act which produces a greater sum of utilities than
any other act could. In Benthams case, that meant producing in ones acts a greater
amount of pleasure than pain, because he believed that pleasure and pain were the
two driving forces of human action. Of course, a puzzle immediately arises here: if
humans are driven by pleasure and pain, then why do they need a moral theory to
tell them to act to maximise pleasure and minimise pain? After all, other animals
are not in need of such guidance. A simple answer to this question is that, as a
moral requirement, utilitarianism prescribes that people look not merely to their
own pleasure. They should be concerned to maximise pleasure wherever that can
be achieved. As a moral prescription, utilitarianism requires agents to be concerned
not merely with the consequences which impact upon them, but also with a wider
view of pleasure and pain effected more generally.
It is because humans do not act merely from instinct (and that humans can
choose to act one way rather than another) that moral theory has a place at all. Later
utilitarians, notably his protg, John Stuart Mill (180673), refined Benthams theory,
and many twentieth-century followers have since modified it. As to the requirement
that individuals look outside themselves, Mill commented,
the happiness which forms the utilitarian standard of what is right in conduct is not the
agents own happiness but that of all concerned. As between his own happiness and
that of others, utilitarianism requires him to be as strictly impartial as a disinterested
and benevolent spectator.15
Benthams simple notions of pleasure and pain have come to be replaced with
other measures of utility, such as intrinsic goodness, satisfactions, preferences,
desires and second-order desires. Whatever meaning we might ascribe to utility,
the basic idea is to maximise benefits and to minimise costs.
In Benthams vision the greatest happiness of the greatest number was a moral
and a democratic principle. The happiness of one person ought not to count for more
than the happiness of another. This view accords very well with political liberalism
and a free market economy: we choose our lawmakers, our consumables and our
pleasures freely. No one is better than another politically in the market, or morally.
There are no intrinsic moral norms except the maximisation of pleasure and the
minimisation of pain.
There are difficulties with this formula to solve human ethical problems. It
seems to put all kinds of pleasure-seeking and pain-avoidance on the same footing.
Bentham was a radical and did not mind challenging conventional ideas about
morality and politics, but his view would have destroyed notions of altruism and
self-sacrifice, virtues such as courage, and elementary principles of morality such
as telling the truth for its own sake. It would also have put minority and individual
rights at risk, allowed the ends of any act to justify the means in an unqualified
way and, as John Stuart Mill pointed out, it gave no recognition to human dignity
or any spiritual quality in humanity. Mill believed that utilitarianism could accord
these important human characteristics their proper due, while still defining utility
in terms of pleasure. Mill argued that not all pleasures are on the same footing,
that some kinds of pleasuresthose requiring intellectare qualitatively better
than others.
It is already clear that there is a great deal of utilitarian thinking in the ways in
which business justifies itself ethically. Philosophical discussion, as noted earlier, is
present in world affairs. This is not at all surprising. Human goods are always at stake
in any moral practice. A theory that did not take account of them would be grossly
deficient. Our actions have consequences and it is part of being morally responsible
to include some appraisal of them in our assessment of conduct. If we could not
do so we would be at least partially blind to the morality of our acts. Business and
any other practical activity must pay attention to results, to remain viable and to
remain ethical.
Consequentialism identifies the moral worth of conduct in terms of how well
that conduct produces some effect. In this respect, consequentialist reasons are
forward-looking. They look to the future (the expected consequences that would
result from the various actions open to an individual to perform) in order to determine what a person ought to do. In contrast to this, a nonconsequentialist moral
outlook is either backward-looking or present-looking. Nonconsequentialism is
often called deontology, from the Greek etymological root deon, meaning duty.
Nonconsequentialdeontologicalreasons look to the past or to the present.
According to a deontological outlook, an acts being morally right or wrong is due
to something other than its consequences. Perhaps, for example, the rightness of an
action depends on that action being a matter of keeping a promise that one made
(backward-looking). Perhaps the rightness depends on the fact that the other party
is a personal friend of yours (present-looking). Deontological ethics requires people
to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to doregardless of the
consequences. What makes a thing right is something other than its consequences;
for the deontologist, consequences can never be an adequate ethical justification for
an act. The most famous deontologist was the great German philosopher Immanuel
Kant (17241804). Arguments for a deontological outlook (albeit a non-Kantian one)
have been advanced strongly by defenders of individual rights and liberties.16 Kants
view was that morality is a matter of doing ones duty, regardless of consequences,
and that duty itself is determined not by reference to consequences, but by reference
to consistency and the requirements of rationality.17 Consistency is certainly one of
the things expected from moral behaviour. If we do not lie to our friends and family,
are we being inconsistent and hence immoral if we lie to strangers? Is lying the
operative notion here (Kant thought it was), in which case it is clearly a case of
being inconsistent, or should some moral weight be given to the fact that on one
occasion it is a friend who is the target, and on another occasion it is a stranger? If
we do not cheat our neighbours, then are we being inconsistent if we cheat people
from other cities, states or nations? Kant claimed a very tight connection between
morality and rationality and, in particular, logical consistency. He believed there
could be a science of morals just as there is a science of the physical world.
How is this possible? And if it is possible, how is it that people disagree about
morality in ways they do not disagree about physics or geology? Kant believed he
had developed an argument that answered these questions. He believed that a
science of morals is possible because humanity has the use of freedom and reason.
We can and should choose our own moralitythe subjective part of moralitybut
we have available an independent objective standard against which to measure our
subjective choices: the moral law. When we do any act, we act with an intention,
and our intention includes a maxim, a general principle. For example, if I intend
to give to charity there is in my intention an implicit maxim that one ought to give to
charity. That maxim may be tested against a standard of morality which Kant called
the categorical imperative, and which he formulated in a number of ways, the first
of which is Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will
that it should become a universal law.18 This test is a thought experiment that involves
generalising an action: What would it be like if everyone behaved like this? Would it
be possible? Would it be desirable? For example, say it was my intention to lie for a
good cause. Could I universalise the maxim that it was justified to lie in a good cause?
Kant would say no, because my lying involves people believing that I am telling the
truth; generalising my intention to lie would undermine the very institution of telling
the truth. In other words, the inconsistency involved is destructive of the moral
institution on which lying depends. Suppose I am considering not helping someone
who is in need. Could I will that the maxim of not helping become a universal
law? Kant says I could not: I can imagine a world in which no one helped anyone
else. There is no logical inconsistency involved. But I cannot see it as desirable;
I could not will it. For one thing, I cannot but believe that occasionally I will need
help myself. And, of course, I will want help on those occasions. A universal law
of people not helping each other would be inconsistent with this. Kant produced a
second formulation of the categorical imperative, which perhaps is more familiar
and certainly very important: act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own
person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.19 This
is sometimes expressed as respect for persons. This is a meaningful requirement
for business relationships, as well as for individual interpersonal relationships. In
business, it means that management and owners should not see employees simply
as human resources on the analogy of natural resources: they are first and foremost
people deserving of respect. The same would hold for customers, suppliers, creditors
and others involved in some way with the conduct of business. This should not be
seen as pious theory without the experience of real life to bring it back to earth. Kant
does not say that we should not use the abilities of others to make profits. He says
that in our dealings with others we must never treat them merely as means to our
ends. People should not be treated as objects or as mere instruments to be used to
achieve our goals. In all dealings with people, they must be treated as persons, and
accorded respect for their dignity as such.
Kants theory of duty is not about following an imposed list of duties (such as
might be found in the armed services), but about being autonomous and rational
agents who make choices for which they are responsible. Nor is it about achieving
certain satisfactory consequences. Kants theory effectively provides an intellectual
justification for the golden rule (treat others as you would wish to be treated). His
argument demands universality, consistency and reversibility. Treat all other people
justly without discrimination, just as you would have them treat you. The moral law
treats all people equally.
Considering only these two formulations of the categorical imperative,20 it is
clear that Kant has offered an important counter-consideration to consequentialist
theories of morality. Moreover, it fits in well with current views about rights and
unfair discrimination, such as sexism and racism. The notions of respect for persons
and the autonomy of moral agents have played prominent roles in moral reasoning
and moral theorising, and can illuminate an understanding of business conduct
without forcing a particular ethical theory on anyone. A requirement of maintaining
respect for persons can be expressed in a number of moral theories, albeit with
varying degrees of success.
Both consequentialist and deontological ethical theories are relevant to business.
It is necessary for business to make a profit in order to survive, but not at any cost.
And it is necessary for business to take into account interests and consequences other
than profit. There are necessary restrictions on what can be tradedcigarettes, alcohol, drugs and weapons, for exampleand there are necessary occupational health
and safety laws governing working conditions. We still call our markets free despite
these and other restrictions, such as anti-discrimination legislation, the prohibition
of child labour, and taxation. Utilitarian considerations are tempered by respect
for persons and their rights. It should be remembered that Adam Smith believed
that the pursuit of individual gain could occur only in an environment regulated
by ethics and social controls.21 It is arguable that business requires deontological
as well as utilitarian principles if it is to operate as more than a ruthless struggle for
wealth. There is a more positive way of putting this: business must respect rights and
assume its appropriate duties if it is to meet the expectations of society and enjoy
the confidence of its stakeholders. Making a profit is not the only criterion by which
business is judged.
What duties does business have? It is easy to spell out a list of specific duties
such as not deceiving, being frank and fair with shareholders, treating colleagues
and employees justlywhich will save people thinking this question through, but
perhaps that is not the most desirable way in which to raise ethical awareness. Even
a succinct hierarchy of duties, such as that proposed by William Frankena, will be
better than a list of specific duties at revealing why it is important to reason ethically
in business. Frankenas hierarchy of duties is this: do no evil, prevent evil, remove
evil and do good.22 These duties, of course, are general in nature; they apply to
everyone. So how are they to be connected, if at all, with the conduct of business?
Within business, which of these four general duties apply, and when?
In one way it is easy to answer these questions and in another way it is very
difficult. It is easy to see that certain professions, as part of their practice, are obliged
to do things that others are not. If a medical practitioner sees someone knocked
down on the road, then she or he should render the kind of assistance that passers-by
cannot give and therefore cannot be obliged to give. If a social worker is as sure as
possible that a child is at risk in a family, then he or she might report the matter or
take personal action; but if inexperienced or self-righteous people took it into their
heads to act on their own views about what is good for children, they might do a
great deal of harm. There is in this case not only no duty to intervene, but also a duty
not to. In this type of situation it is significantly true that it is none of their business.
In our kind of society, no one demands that an individual should be a certain kind
of professional. But if anyone takes on a particular area of practice expertise, then
extra social obligations may follow. This is the easy answer, at least in the sense
that there are social expectations to be met. Exactly what sort is required of any
particular profession or professional, and whether anything is similarly required of
business per se, will have to remain as questions here.
The difficulty in applying this kind of reasoning to business is that the roles of
business people are not as obviously directed at social goods in the manner of the
professions. And yet this view seems to suggest that the creation of wealth, employment and a taxation base for the provision of social benefits such as education,
health, defence and welfare is not a legitimate social role. This is not the case at all;
the problem is that the boundaries of business are not as clearly defined as those of
the professions. And, according to classical economic theory, it is by paying attention to the success of its own enterprises that a business furthers the common good.
To abandon good business practice in order to satisfy the kinds of obligations that
are attached to medicine or social work would, it seems, be self-defeating.
Virtue ethics
Since the 1970s, there has been a revival of virtue ethics, a conception of ethics
that dates back to Aristotle. Virtue ethics stresses the kind of moral abilities that put
us in a position to act morally, whether after weighty deliberation or quick reaction.
This view of ethics focuses on the character of the person performing the action and
rejects the idea of dealing with moral problems by applying the correct theory, at least
in any mechanical or algorithmic way.23 Rather, it focuses on a persons response to
a moral problem as that of a moral person; that is, one with the requisite character.
Moral behaviour is seen in this way, rather than as a conscious and conscientious
application of moral theory to practical situations. One of the difficulties of the
applied theory view of ethics is time. Say there is no time to consider an ethically
important question. Is all ethical responsibility removed from people who do not
have time to make calculations of a utilitarian kind? Clearly this is not so. This was
recognised by John Stuart Mill, who defended utilitarianism from the charge that
its calculations were too complex to allow ready responses to moral problems by
referring to the many responses, which are, or can become, second nature to us.24
He might have been talking of virtue ethics.
In discussing moral reasoning, reference was made to a top-down approach.
Perhaps this can be seen as an analogue of the applied theory view. The applied
theory view is essentially outside-in. The theory is imposed from withoutfor
example, objective rules, duties, rights and constraints of utilityand applied as
appropriate. A virtue-ethics view sees the process more as inside-out. Moral behaviour should be the result of, and flow from, a persons character. This is not to say that
moral behaviour is only automatic or spontaneous. It can indeed involve difficult and
perplexing thinking and deliberation. But, on a virtue-ethics view, a persons character and the kind of person they are is integral to the way that person will perceive
ethical situations and the way they will think about ethical matters. Cultivation of an
ethical person, then, is very largely a matter of developing the right character.
It is commonlyand importantlysaid that in order for a corporate plan, a
mission statement or a code of ethics to work effectively, it must be owned by all the
members of the organisation; it must emanate from within, rather than be imposed
from without. And it must be part of the organisations soul, or character, rather than
something of an appendage. It is fair to say that the virtue-ethics concept of ethics
sees the relation of ethical behaviour to an individual in general in this way: ethics
is not just a matter of what people do; it is a matter of what people are.
As such, there are a couple of different ways in which we can conceive of virtue
ethics. One is a straightforward way, in which virtue is of value because it is effective
at leading to actions that are morally correct in terms of the consequentialist or
deontological theory that one accepts. The other way places value in the virtues
themselves in terms other than those of being instrumental in doing what is morally
correct on consequentialist or deontological grounds. The first sees virtues as
valuable in terms of their being aids towards doing that which, on other grounds, is
morally desirable. The second sees virtues as valuable at least partly in terms of their
determining what is morally desirable.
It is important to see that, on the first conception of virtue ethics, it is only in a
limited sense that it is an alternative or in opposition to consequentialism and
deontology. Consequentialism and deontology are both views about what makes
right acts right. For the most part, virtue ethics is a view not about what makes right
acts right, but about how to go about achieving whatever it is that gives something
moral worth, whether it be the production of consequences of some kind or a
deontological feature of the situation. A virtue-ethics approach focuses on the qualities of the agent (or the organisation) as the target for development because it is the
qualities, or character, of the agent or the organisation itself that will result in the
morally correct behaviour, whether consequential or deontological. Or, simply put,
virtues are virtues for some reason, and depending on a persons moral outlook that
reason will be consequential or deontological (or a mixture of them).
The second conception of virtue ethics, which is perhaps more interesting but
also more problematic in terms both of theory and of practical application, can be
expressed as virtue is as virtue does, and virtue does as virtue is. According to this
concept of what determines the rightness or wrongness of an action, a particular act
will be the right act precisely because it is the act that a virtuous person will perform.
It is that which makes it the right act. It is not (simply) that a virtuous person will
perform right acts, which are right on independent (consequential or deontological)
grounds; it is rather that what a virtuous person does determines the rightness of that
behaviour. The fact that it is what a virtuous person would do is what makes it right.
Consider the suggestion this way: Mary is a virtuous person; honesty and
benevolence are two of her virtues. Her character is such that she acts honestly
and benevolently. Suppose that, on a particular occasion, if she tells the truth some
harm will result to the public, and if she is to provide for public welfare, she will
have to lie. On this occasion, it is impossible for her to both tell the truth and provide
for the public welfare. The situation is such that not only can she not both provide
for the public benefit and tell the truth, but it is also the case that either truth telling
or provision for the public benefit will have to be sacrificed on this occasion. What
should she do? On this account of virtue ethics, the question is whether, given the
situation, Mary could lie and still be an honest person; or whether she could avoid
providing for the public benefit and still be a benevolent person. It will depend on
the particular situation; and, very importantly, it will depend on the perception of the
situation by Mary herself. Given that her character really is honest and benevolent,
it is she who will determine (not simply discover) what is the morally correct thing
to do. The question will be whether, in this situation, she can lie and still be honest;
or whether she can fail to provide for the public welfare and still be benevolent. This
will be a matter not only of how she perceives the situation, but also how she would
perceive herself. At least partly, it will be a matter of whether she could fail to provide
for the public welfare and still perceive herself as benevolent. It would be incorrect
to describe the situation as one in which either honesty or benevolence must be
sacrificed. It is, rather, a situation in which the issue is what honesty and benevolence
require. After all, for instance, to tell the truth in a situation where catastrophic
effects would result would not exemplify honesty; it would be fanaticism. Such a
case is an exception which proves the rule (that is what this phrase means).25 It is
not honesty that gives way; rather, lying in this situation is consistent with being an
honest personit is an exception. In this situation, the person is no less honest for
failing to tell the truth.
Many problems are resolved using characteristic modes of behaviour, not as
conditioned responses but as a kind of shorthand or use of rules of thumb. We see
this in everyday tasks all the time. It is true also of morality. Often it is the case that
even when we do deliberate over a moral difficulty we still make our decision not
according to a moral algorithm, but according to our character. Further, our character goes a long way towards determining even how we perceive the problem.
Some of these points about virtue ethics may be illustrated through the story of
the Roman general Regulus. Captured by the Carthaginians, he was sent back to
Rome under oath to exchange himself for certain noble prisoners of war held there.
If he did not succeed, he was to return to Carthage and face death. Once in Rome,
Regulus persuaded the Senate that it would not be in the interests of Rome to return
these brave young warriors to their commands in exchange for the life of an ageing
general. So, in the face of his love for family and country, Regulus kept his oath and
returned to Carthage to face death by torture. For him, keeping his word was an
integral part of the character that made him the person he was. If he had broken his
oath because of the commonplace, but for him narrow, conception of self-interest,
he could not have lived with his shame.26 He would have sacrificed an integral part
of his character: he would have lost his integrity.
Virtue ethics stresses the kind of moral abilities that put us in a position to act
morally, whether after weighty deliberation or as a quick reaction. Both kinds of
conduct are regarded as meritoriousor not. Both kinds of conduct are behaviour
for which we are responsible. Consequentialism and nonconsequentialism are both
centrally concerned with the question What should I do? Different views in each
of these camps propose different answers and different principles for deciding
the answer to this question in any particular situation. A utilitarian, for instance,
would propose utilitarianism as the general principle for deciding what to do; and
the questions would be What specific action in this specific circumstance does
utilitarianism require? What action will maximise utility? Virtue ethics (explained
above as the second conception of virtue ethics) is not centrally concerned with
What should I do?, but rather with the question What kind of person should I be?
It is centrally concerned with what virtues there are; and what a virtuous human
being is like (what virtues that person will possess). Suppose, among other things,
I should be courageous. Questions, then, for applied ethics will be around what
is involved in being courageous (as something we might try to emulate and, one
hopes, develop in oneself), what can lead to ones developing the virtue of courage
as part of who they are, and what actions might a courageous person perform. Then
we try to apply this to particular circumstances.
As with our discussion of virtue ethics, where it was important to see that for the
most part virtue ethics is addressing a question different from that addressed by
consequentialism and deontology as moral outlooks, so it is important to appreciate the location of relativism on the moral map. Moral relativism does not stand
opposed to any of those moral outlooks. It, too, is suggested (by those who advocate
it) as an answer to a different question. As well, relativism is concerned with a matter
different from that with which virtue ethics is concerned.
Moral relativism is a view according to which moral values are relative to a
particular environment. Particular moral values are not universal and they are not
absolute; for example, When in Rome, do as the Romans do, because in Rome and
according to Romans, who are the correct moral judges for behaviour in Rome, that
is the morally correct thing to do. Moral truths are relative. Perhaps this means that
moral values differ from culture to culture, from society to society, from one time to
another or, in the extreme, from one person to another. And perhaps it means that
any individual ought to behave in the manner seen to be moral within the environment in which they are operating (when doing business in Rome, then , and when
doing business in Japan, then ). Or, when operating as a private individual, there
are certain requirements, and those requirements are different from those that are
present when a person operates as an official, an employer or an employee.
It is important to see that moral relativism does not stand as an alternative to
utilitarianism and deontology. Moral relativism is, rather, a view about the domain
over which any moral position (for example, utilitarianism) ranges. In this country,
theres a moral duty to tell the truth. This claim does not invoke a position other than
deontology; it identifies the domain relative to which a particular duty is present.
Relativism stands in opposition to absolutism, a view according to which there is
only one universally correct moral position.
Relativism need not stand as a barrier to conversation between various perspectives and environments. A commitment to moral relativism should not prevent a
person from being converted from one (relativistic) perspective to another (relativistic) perspective, and adopting it. We can allow the possibility of moral pluralism
(more than one moral view, all of which are equally correct), while still insisting
that there can be fruitful moral discussion, argument and conversion from one moral
view to another.
There is a considerable philosophical literature on moral relativism that we
cannot go into here.27 Nevertheless, it is important to clear up some of the confusions
that arise because people quite rightly believe in tolerating cultural difference and
imagine that this toleration commits them to a position of indifference on ethical
principles. These confusions are descriptive and normative. The descriptive component is this: there is no reason to assume on the basis of present experience that,
say, a universal ethics could not exist. For example, before the British settled in
Australia, it was assumed in England that all swans were white. Further experience
showed this to be false. The normative fallacy is this: ethics is a prescriptive matter,
and to assume on the practice of many cultures that what is practised should be
practised is a fallacious move from what is the case to what ought to be the case. The
practical effect of this conceptual point may be illustrated by way of womens rights.
The fact that women were not given equal career opportunities with men was used
to deny them those opportunities; what was the case was used to argue that there
should be no change.
However, it does not follow that, because there are a variety of moral rules, there
are no fundamental principles. From two different perspectives, Marcus Singer
and John Finnis have argued that universal principles and goods can generate a
variety of rules.28 Thus a moral pluralism in the cultural sense could be grounded
on commonly shared universal principles. The general argument is that although
specific rules might differ from culture to culture, they are nevertheless grounded
in the same overarching principles. We cannot take up the philosophical argument
here, but it is important to signal that the argument is two-sided, and that simplistic
notions of moral relativism derived from cultural difference should not be used as
an evasion of ethical reasoning, which requires justification and the other features
noted earlier.
Relativism in business is most often discussed in terms of foreign trade or the
conduct of operations in foreign states. Usually the argument comes to this: in
country X you cannot do business by our rules. You have to realise that they have
different expectations, and that the only way to deal satisfactorily with them is to
play by their rules. What this kind of justification often amounts to is not respect
for a host culture, but excuses for inducements, secret commissions and bribes.
If a person respects the religious and cultural conventions of a country that does
not permit the consumption of alcohol, then excuses are not necessary. Genuine
respect is almost self-explanatory.29 But the payment of inducements is anything
but self-explanatory; it requires excuses. What if everyone agrees that bribes are
necessary to do deals? This was very much the case in the early European settlement
of Australia when convicts were unlikely even to unload much-needed food unless
they were persuaded with a measure of rum. In the Soviet Union, vodka was a similar
kind of currency. Yet in neither case were bribes of alcohol recognised as legitimate.
On the contrary, they were signs of a corrupt system generally.
A business is obliged to operate in a manner acceptable to the host country, both
legally and morally. To claim the mantle of cultural difference to justify secret commissions is akin to racism. All kinds of demands are made on Australian businesses
in order to secure unjustified benefits. When AWB offered secret commissions
bribesto Saddam Husseins regime in Iraq in order to sell Australian wheat there,
who could think that this could be made acceptable by reference to cultural or moral
relativism? When questionable pressures are placed on firms operating overseas,
they must deal with them in the same way that they would handle similar pressures
at home. Part, but only part, of what they should ask themselves is whether the
person (or firm) putting on the pressure believes that there is no moral impropriety
in what they are doing. Other central questions they should ask themselves are these:
Would the government and public of the host country countenance this kind of
pressure? Would our shareholders welcome disclosure of our conduct and approve
of us acceding to this pressure? Would we welcome disclosure to the Australian
government and public of secret commissions or other favours?
In other words, if you would not be ashamed to declare your actions to the world,
you have probably not done anything that stands in need of an excuse. Cultural and
moral relativity do not come into it. In fact, the normal hospitality and gift-giving that
is part of business needs no excuses or appeals to relativism. When the gifts become
more substantialsuch as trips to Fiji, or computers, or carsthen it is wise for a
company to draft policies and procedures that are made known to clients and staff
so that there is no room for misunderstanding. Again, this is common sense and
does not necessitate reference to, or a special position for, relativism. Relativism is
not synonymous with ignore your own moral values. If anything, it is a requirement
to recognise the legitimacy of moral views other than the one relative to you. It is not
obviously a directive for you to become a moral chameleon.
Testimony to this is the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977.
This law makes it illegal for any American citizen or resident to bribe or induce
any foreign official or candidate for office to act corruptly to further the business
interests of that person. This Act was passed into law relatively quickly over the
objections of business leaders, who asserted that payments were often extorted by
foreign officials rather than offered as bribes, and that the government should not
intervene to prevent managers obtaining the best returns for their shareholders.30
In the light of such objections, it is not surprising that Congress passed the Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act into law so promptly.
within any organisation. People encounter ethical issues, and they have to decide
what to do. An organisation itself can offer important assistance in peoples making
ethically justifiable decisions, not only by providing instruments (for example,
ethical decision-making models) and rules, but also by establishing a culture that
encourages ethical behaviour. Its culture can very much affect not only what it as an
organisation does, but also what its employees do. That is, the kind of organisation
that it is goes a long way towards determining what kind of actions it and its
employees perform. This is an important connection between looking at ethics as
a matter of What should I do? and looking at ethics as a matter of What kind of
person (or organisation) should I be? We will return to this distinction later.
The concern in talking about business ethics in not only to talk about business,
but also to talk about moral reasoning within business. Particularly, with regard to
moral reasoning and behaviour within business, it is worth spending some time
talking about the point of it all. Systematic, organisational attention can be directed
at improving ethical performance and moral judgment. Within business, there are,
roughly speaking, four targets. Attention can be focused on each of (roughly) four
requisite areas involved in reaching justifiable ethical decisions.
this would still be negligence, but we can appreciate a difference in the two cases.
In this case, you did, in fact, realise the danger, but your way of dealing with it was
not adequate; it was too cavalier.
As a step towards addressing these dangers of moral negligence and moral
recklessness, a number of organisations have used or developed their own ethical
decision-making models.32 An ethical decision-making model is a set of systematically organised trigger questions, Have you thought about this? Have you thought
about that? Have you considered these values? These instruments are for the
purpose of assisting the decision-maker in navigating through something that they
have perceived to be an ethical issue.
Most ethical decision-making models take into account the different perspectives
that anyone in an organisation must be aware of in dealing with ethical issues. Aside
from appreciating the conflicts between concern for ethical rules and concern for
ethical outcomes, they typically also recognise that the ethical requirements of the
particular organisationand the ethical requirements of being in an organisation
per semight not be identical with peoples own individual ethical outlooks. There
are, in fact, nearly certain to be conflicts in this context. In any such case, one should
certainly be aware of the conflicts that are present; and must make up their mind
accordingly. In facing an ethical issue as an individual, sometimes it will be appreciated that the requirements from within the organisation should take precedence
over ones own individual view; and sometimes it will be the other way around.
In any case, among the points called to attention by an ethical decision-making
model should be the possibility of this tension. And, the ethical decision-making
model should make it clear that whatever decision is ultimately reached, it will be
the reasoner as an individual who reaches that decision. It will be the individuals
responsibility. It will be their judgment that is at issue. Perhaps the decision will
be to defer to the ethical perspective of the organisation; perhaps it will be to
buck the organisations perspective in favour of that of the individual. Whatever
ethical conclusion is reached, it is important to appreciate that it is the reasoner
as an individual who must make it, and that it is the reasoner as an individual who
must bear the responsibility for it. This is an important point in recognising the
complexities involved in conflicts between public and private morality.33
and possibly injured by it. Here, you were neither negligent nor recklessyou did
not fail to realise that it was there as a danger, and you did not fail to take care of
it adequately. Rather, you were aware of it; you just didnt see it as of any concern
for you. (Again, as far as the law goes, this is negligence. But, for our discussion,
it is helpful to see it as blindness.) As a remedy for this failure, ethical decisionmaking models do not go very far. They can possibly do something; but they cannot
go very farfor two reasons: (1) A person will only ever think of using an ethical
decision-making model if they perceive there to be an ethical issue to reason about.
If one is blind to the ethical dimension of a problem, then one would not consult
an ethical decision-making model at all, and so would get no benefit from it. (2) A
person might stare at an ethical consideration all day long, and simply not get it.
They are not negligent or reckless, in that they did, in fact, focus on the relevant
consideration (it did not escape their attention), but when they did think about it,
they were absolutely blind in their comprehension or appreciation.34
Business could be called the worlds oldest profession. Since the beginning of
organised society the buying and selling of goods and services have been important
means of encouraging the production and distribution of social necessities. Because
of the importance of individual initiative and competition in these processes, those
who confer mythical powers on the market may overlook the social purpose of
business. As with the mythical heroes of legend, great honour has been bestowed on
entrepreneurs and their deeds, and the vocabulary of battle and chase has dramatised
the mundane affairs of exchange. Of course, if business were like war, no society
would or could tolerate it. Business exists not because it suits certain individuals, but
because it serves society, and meets collective and individual needs.
This is not, of course, how business is usually presented. The traditional view is that
the true market system is essentially free. Adam Smiths view that individual preferences combine to produce order from self-interest is no doubt comforting to rampant
individualists, but implicit in all legitimate business transactions is a social licence.35
Free markets are a matter of choice, and from time to time societiesor, more
usually, governmentshave chosen to dispense with them and work through
command mechanisms. Although command economies might not have been very
successful, they retain a strong attraction for many people. Therefore, business in
market economies needs to be mindful that it enjoys its position because society
believes that the benefits of the system outweigh the costs. This is even more true
of modern societies because of the dominant role in them of corporations and the
privileges, such as tax concessions and limited liability, which they enjoy.
Imagine that you are the distributor of a leading brand of desktop computers. You
are expecting a big fall in price on your new top-line model in the next quarter, but
you have a lot of old stock on hand. As news of the lower price on the more powerful model has not become public, you can continue selling its predecessor without
discounting the price. If word were to get out, people would defer their purchases until
the more powerful and competitively priced model came on the market, so you warn
your staff to be very careful with such sensitive commercial information. One of your
staff comes to see you to question this policy. He argues that it is taking advantage of
people to deny them access to information that will allow them to make a proper purchasing decision. What about your moral duty to the community? he asks. Your sales
manager replies that there is a difference between concealing and not revealing. I am
not at the moment revealing to you the theory of relativity, but I am hardly concealing
it from you, she tells him. There is no ethical issue here. Which of them is right?
Take another case. You are selling a house you have come to dislike. When a
buyer comes to inspect it you say nothing about its defects. The buyer makes no
inquiries and seems perfectly happy to buy it as it is. Your sister cannot believe that
the buyer has not found out about the problems of the house and asks how you can
sell a house you know to be defective. If you did that in your shop you wouldnt have
any customers and the Trade Practices Commission would be after you, she says. If
its wrong to sell faulty merchandise, why isnt it wrong to sell a faulty house? Your
brother has a different view. Caveat emptor, he says. Let the buyer beware. No one
can expect the vendor to do the buyers job as well. While you have not disclosed
the defects of the house, you have not concealed them. It is the buyers responsibility
to make the appropriate investigations before the purchase. Who is more correct
here: your sister or your brother?
One response to these questions is that silence per se is not concealment.
Concealment lies in seeking your profit by keeping from others information in which
they have an interest.36 Unfortunately, such a definition of concealment does not
help us resolve the issues in these cases. At an auction buyers conceal the very thing
that it is in the interest of other parties to know, namely the figure they are prepared
to pay. Similarly, sellers at auction conceal the amount they are prepared to accept.
Concealment is a more complex matter than simply calculating who profits from it.
While we have become used to the notion that certain acts are intrinsically
wrong, the attempt to catalogue these for easy reference is shown in these cases to
be flawed. It is not concealment per se which is wrong, but preventing others from
making an informed contract. Quite simply, it is dealing with others on terms that
are deliberately set up to disadvantage them. The vice of dishonesty is the thing to
discern here, not the relatively simple matter of concealment, which in the case of a
surprise party may be a necessary means to the realisation of a good. These cases
stop one or two steps before fraud, and so are particularly interesting. Falling short
of open fraud makes them morally debatable, thus revealing that something more
than a simple moral algorithm is required to resolve them.
There would seem to be a prima facie case for some social responsibility on
the part of business, and it might be assumed that debate would focus on the
extent of that responsibility. But this is not how some writers see it. And it is in this
disagreement that fundamental problems of business ethics arise. The standard
non-interventionist position was once held by Peter Drucker.37 He put the case with
classic simplicity: society sets the ground rules for business, and business has no
other duty than to follow those rules in pursuing its interests. It is not for business to
usurp the democratic processes of public policy-making by taking decisions on the
spurious grounds of social responsibility. Business ethics is a matter of observing the
law of the land and acting fairly. It is not a matter of individual managers or boards
assuming responsibilities foisted on them by people who believe that business
should pick up the tab for schemes of social improvement.
Milton Friedman argued for an even stronger directive: not only does business
not have a duty to have an eye towards social responsibility; business has a positive
duty not to have an eye in that direction.38 Friedman argued that the notion of social
responsibility in business is objectionable. Managers and directors owe a fiduciary
duty to shareholders, not to society or putative stakeholders. We elect legislators to
make policy in democracies: for non-elected officials to do so violates the democratic mandate, and allows the injection of private decisions, values and priorities
into public life. A legislator has to consider the reactions of many parts of society,
and seldom has the luxury of indulging personal whims, preferences or values. By
contrast, people of conscience (those who would include social responsibility as
part of their job descriptions) have no constituency to answer to: they are defending their personal integrity, which, ironically, is responsible not to society but to
themselves as individuals. This may be individually satisfying but it is not, according
to Friedman, socially justifiable. It is not mandated, and it is not democratic. There
are two things here then: the first is the questionable fairness of placing the burden
of social responsibility on individuals; the second is the wisdom of placing it on
groups or organisations whose continuing benefits are important to society. In any
case, the notion of social responsibility is hardly trouble-free. In a liberal society, the
question immediately arises, Responsible to whom? While many accept that they
belong to a society, this loose sense of belonging is at the very least questionable.
Liberal societies are nowadays more legal communities than moral ones, and this
makes public accountability in matters of ethics rather tricky.
The work of philosopher Jonathan Dancy suggests an interesting way in which the
question of business accountability might be conceived. He distinguishes between
values and moral reasons that apply to everyone generally, and those that apply
specifically to certain persons or to persons in certain situations. He illustrates the
distinction in the following way. Imagine that you install a phone in your home that
will give different rings for different members of the family. In addition to the usual
phone number and ringing tone for the common family number, members each
have their own number that gives a distinctive ring when their numbers are dialled.
All the rings are audible to all the family, but unless the general number is dialled,
only the person whose distinctive tone rings feels called to answer it. Others may
answer it, just as they might answer an absent colleagues phone in the office, but
there is not the same obligation or the same call to do so as when a persons own
number rings. If someone is able to take a call and a message for another member
of the family, well and good, but if that person is busy or resting, they might prefer
to let the caller ring back. People do not feel called in quite the same way as if their
own ring or the general ring were sounded.39
This is how it is in ethics. The fact that there are personal calls directed to us does
not mean that ethics is subjective. On the contrary, for much of the time others can
hear our number ringing and may wonder why we do not answer it. Should we, in
business, answer the call when it is the general number that is ringing? Should we,
in business, pick up a call for someone else when they are not answering? In the
following chapters we identify some of the distinctive moral calls to which business
should respond. We can be sure that, if business ignores these calls directed
specifically to it, then others will decide to answer them to stop the phone ringing.
And they might well be hostile to business for having to do so. It would at the very
least be prudential, then, for business to heed well the call of ethics.
Moral pluralism
Recently, a number of writers on ethics and ethical theory have seriously discussed
and advocated moral pluralism.40 There are different types of moral pluralism, and
different writers have suggested different approaches. The general idea, however, is
that there is no single moral theory or principle that should be accepted as preferable
to others. Rather, there are different, diverse and even mutually inconsistent ethical
positions that should be recognised, and there is not necessarily any single moral
principle or set of principles that everyone should accept, either because they are
true or because they are preferable in some other respect. Earlier, in Figure 1.1 and
explanation of different types of moral considerations and different legitimate moral
perspectives, we were indicating that pluralism of some kind or other is, in fact, the
moral stance that most people adopt. Although similar in a number of respects,
moral pluralism is not the same thing as moral relativism, which, as we have been
discussing, claims that moral correctness is relative to time, place and people. Moral
pluralism is not making a claim about relativities.
We should consider this a bit further.43 The phrase good ethics is good business
has received much discussion. Some have suggested that there is nothing peculiar
about the issue of ethics in business, arguing that good business decisions as business
decisions will, as a matter of course, be ethical, and will certainly not be unethical.44
That is, some have suggested that there is nothing additional to infuse into good
business decisions in order to make them ethicalthat a concern to do the ethically
right thing need not be a constraint upon business decisions. In this respect, they
have suggested, good ethics is good for the bottom line. There is nothing special
about good ethics: ethically sound decisions will be sound business decisions; the
two coincide.45 We can call this the Hobbesian view: the basis and sole concern of
ethics is self-interest.46
At the other extreme, some have suggested that if all we are talking about is
good business management, then we are not talking about ethics at all.47 This group
would suggest that it is not possible for good ethics to be good business. Rather,
ethical behaviour functions as a limit or a constraint on, or a correction to, what
business may do as business. Ethics and business naturally stand in opposition to
each other. Further, decisions made for the sake of sound business management
are not, properly speaking, ethical, even when they happen to coincide with ethical
requirements. Ethical decisions are, properly speaking, ethical only when they are
made in the context of their being in conflict with advantageous business decisions.
It is this awareness that, in fact, makes the decision an ethical one. Perhaps we
can call this the Kantian view: to be an ethical decision, it must be made in the
awareness of its conflict with self-interest.48
It is worth considering further the scope of arguments that good ethics is good
business. Much of the discussion of this topic has seen the question too much in
terms of polarisation: either good ethics is directly and immediately good business or
else good ethics is not good business. Among other things, this view is too simplistic.
Ethical behaviour can be related in a number of ways to furthering self-interest.
Possible relationships between ethical behaviour and the bottom line are actually
more varied than simply the two extremes of being immediately connected or not
being connected at all.
At least for a while, we will ignore the suggestion that ethical decisions can
occur only in matters of personal conflict, and that ethical decisions must reflect a
decision to forgo enhancing the bottom line (Kants position). Consider these five
possible connections between ethical behaviour and the promotion of a businesss
coincidence between ethical behaviour and the enhancement of ones interest; the
two go hand in hand. For example, the stockholders will read about your activity
in the newspaper, and your companys share prices will rise or fall accordingly.
People do not want to do business with perceived immoral operators. Or, as Paul
Simons has suggested, ethical decision-making will coincide with decisions that
are straightforwardly good business decisionsdecisions that are straightforwardly
good in enhancing the bottom line.49 Sometimes the enhancement is not immediate
or short-term, but rather produces long-term benefits that are, all things considered,
the best for the business. Here, one need not have an eye on ethical requirements
for any reason other than their direct relationship to good business sense. It is not
difficult to think of examples here. For instance, think about the business value of
ones reputation for qualities like honesty, integrity and conscientiousness. Here,
then, are cases of a straightforward coincidence, a clear and direct connection
between good ethics and good business.
specific laws, think, for instance, of the position of the Independent Commission
Against Corruption (ICAC),50 requirements that businesses have codes of ethics and
the like, and, in the United States, the existence of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines,
which take into account the ethical environment in which a breach was committed.
Perhaps it is the case that society in general, although not business in particular,
does have its eye on ethical behaviour per se, and it is because of this that good
business sense in this area will produce ethical conduct. Nevertheless, from the
perspective of the business person, situations like this require focus only on selfinterest to appreciate that behaving ethically will be beneficial.
3. A little effort
In some situations, it can be in a businesss self-interest to do the ethical thing, but
only if it does more than simply do the ethical thing. For example, if the business
publicises having done something with moral merit, it can get some bottom-line
mileage out of its action. Chrysler Motors set up a car buyers bill of rights, articulating the guaranteed quality of its products and the guaranteed performance of the
company in certain areas. It also set up a formal consumer protection tribunal to
insure that performance was up to scratch; if it was not, the tribunal was empowered
to impose sanctions on the company.51 (This was ethically commendable performance.) By itself, establishing such a tribunal might or might not (and probably would
not) have enhanced the companys bottom line. However, Chrysler used this ethical
performance as the basis of an advertising campaign explaining why people should
do business with them. And this was good for business. It was not the ethical behaviour by itself that accomplished this. It was, rather, the extra effort made by the
company in publicising that behaviour. Here, too, it is not difficult to come up with
more examples: Saturn motor cars in the USA, with their hassle-free showrooms and
non-negotiable car prices, are committed to this as their marketing strategy (not to
mention the fact that they publicise their environmentally- and employee-friendly
factory). The Body Shop, and its promotion of its practice of not selling products that
have been tested on animals, is a particularly well-known example.52
under way. This, of course, had been anticipated by those competitors. To protect its
virtues of honesty and integrity (to protect its ethical behaviour) in this atmosphere,
the company decided to offer a bond along with its quotes. The company said to its
clients, If we fail to deliver in terms of time and costs, the bond is forfeit. All we ask
is that you ask our competitors to do the same.53 The result was that the company
successfully protected its moral behaviour and, with the augmentation of that ethical
behaviour, turned its virtues into a benefit for the companys bottom line. This differs
from position 3 in that something extra is required here in order to prevent the
ethical behaviour from actually being detrimental to self-interest. Here it is a matter
of engineering protection for the ethical behaviour (creating a situation in which
the ethical behaviour will, in fact, be good for business), not merely publicising its
existence. In position 3, it is the ethical behaviour itself that can be promoted in
such a way that it serves self-interest. In this case, however, it is not only a matter of
promotion; it is also a matter of augmentation or protection.
When put in a position in which some people might lie, she will not even consider
whether she wants to lie (or whether it could be in her interest to lie). Rather, given
the type of person she is, lying is not one of the options available to her. Telling
the truth (or not) is not seen, or appreciated, by Angela as negotiable. In the same
way, becoming a different type of practicewith its attendant outlook and potential
benefitscan produce a different ethical environment, a difference in character
and greater benefits in terms of self-interest. Just as some people are more ethical,
it can be argued that some types of practice are inherently more ethical. This point
is contentious, and we note it merely for your consideration. Much of what we try to
illustrate throughout the book is based on professionalising business conduct.
c. Nestls baby formula. When Nestl sold its baby milk powder to Third World countries,
it had the opportunity to get rid of its surplus and to make some profit. While exploiting
such an opportunity could be good for business, there are other reasons why a company
should not behave in this way. Although these reasons might not coincide with selfinterest, business should nevertheless pay attention to them. This is exactly the point.
The point in all these cases is that sometimes there need not be coincidence
between ethical behaviour and the advancement of self-interest. The further point
is that, even so, the right thing for business to do in each case is to take the ethical
course of action, forgoing self-interest. Why?because ethics requires it. That is the
nature of ethics.
You might be thinking, in each of these cases, that as a matter of fact someone
would find out, and so the business would suffer. (Maybe this could be called the
Aquinas position: even though you should do the ethical thing for ethical reasons,
there will nevertheless be a coincidence with self-interest.)55 But that is a different
thought experiment. The thought experiment here involves supposing that people
do not find outand supposing they do not, then what? It is not ethically permissible
in these cases to cover up or disregard the dangers. The ethically required action is
simply not good for business.
It might seem as though these points border on the obvious. It is clear, however,
that this kind of thinking has escaped many who believe that good ethics will
always naturally coincide with good businessin one way or anotherand that
the task set in discussions of business ethics is to find the coincidence or ways to
make them coincide. Further, this kind of thinking appears either to have escaped
or to have been regarded as unacceptable by those who demand that the only
convincing reason for behaving ethically is that it is good for business. These are
two very separate concerns. As for the firstthat ethics and good business must
coincidewe have nothing more to say. As for the secondthat the only acceptable
or convincing reason for behaving ethically is that ethical behaviour also enhances
self-interestwe will expand on this further.
If we were identifying the criteria for an ethical opinion (not necessarily a correct
ethical opinion), as well as nominating features such as universality, justifiability
and possibly overridingness, we would probably make reference to impartiality
and the necessity of taking a broader perspective than self-interest.56 For reasons
such as this, moral philosophers most commonly think that ethical egoism (not to
be confused with psychological egoism) 57 is an incoherent position; as an ethical
position, it is a non-starter, precisely because it identifies ones self-interest as the
reference point for the moral world and the gauge of what is morally right and
morally wrong. When it comes to thinking about individualsand simply getting
along in the worldit is generally accepted that doing the morally right thing will
sometimes differ from acting in ones own interest. While serious questions are often
asked about why one should adopt a moral perspective, rarely would we question
the proposition that a moral perspective has a broader basis than self-interest alone.
Given this, why should there be so much concern to say that the situation in business
is differentthat good ethics must enhance the bottom line (that is, that ethical
behaviour must advance self-interest)? It would seem that those who have pushed
this line so hard have ignored the situation for individualsperhaps in their hurry to
offer an easy, prudentially acceptable and palatable reason for business to be ethical.
For individuals, sometimes doing the morally right thing works in ones interest,
but not always. The situation for business is no different. Perhaps an insistence on
the coincidence of ethics and self-interest is an attempt or demand to make the
difficult ethical questions easier to comprehend and resolve than, in fact, they are.
The important and difficult question Why should I be moral? is no more easily
answered for business than it is for individuals.
The search for the ethicalprudential coincidence in business could, in fact, lead
to a different conclusion. One might take the view that morality is none of businesss
business. Perhaps we can call this the Friedman view, after Milton Friedmans bold
claims in the late 1960s and 1970s about the inappropriateness of allowing ethical
concerns into the business arena.58 From this perspective, business is seen as appropriately out of the moral realm altogether; it is a non-moral or an amoral operator in
much of what it does and in much of what it should be thinking about and concerning itself with. Notice, however, that this is a significantly different proposition from
the one that suggests that the activities of business are within the moral realm and
that the carrying out of those activities should, or can be made to, coincide with the
businesss self-interest. The Friedman view is an important view to take account of,
but it is completely different fromand largely irrelevant tothe discussion here,
where it is recognised that business can engage in moral or immoral behaviour,
and it is urged that reasons should be moral. The plot has been lost when this point
has been coupled with the expectation or demand that the only important reasons
should be those that point to the coincidence of morality and self-interest.
It is perhaps worth comparing the situation regarding business and ethics to the
relationship between law and ethics. Here, too, we can usefully look at the individuals relationship with the law in order to draw a parallel with business. In matters
of individuals behaviour, we do not think that law covers the entire area of ethical
concernsand we do not think that it is appropriate for it to do so. Some things are
morally wrong, even though they are not illegal (for example, common cases of lying
or promise-breaking or breaches of trust). The fact that these modes of behaviour
are not ones in which the law reinforces moral requirements by no means implies
that, therefore, there is no reason to behave ethically in such situations. Indeed, this
distinction lies at the very heartland of ethical theorising and discussion. Again, for
someone who suggests that business ethics is completely covered by law (or else that
there is no reason for behaving ethically), we should seriously ask why the situation
for business should be regarded as different from that for individuals. The answer, we
think, is that they should not be regarded differently from each other at all.
There is a serious danger present in good ethics is good business talk and in
conceptualising the situation so that this is, in fact, an appropriate way to speak about
business and ethics, and about reasons for business to behave ethically. Consider
what the point is in making the claim that good ethics is good business. The point is
to offer an answer to the question Why be ethical? The answer is Because its good
for business. This sounds straightforward enough, but there is a very worrisome
implication of thinking of things in this way; namely, that if some bit of ethical
behaviour were not good for business, then it would be permissible (in whatever
important sense that the listener is supposed to be taking account of) to engage in
that bit of behaviour. The idea that ethical considerations might counterbalance or
act as a constraint on other considerations is simply dismissed. Ethics is considered
to be on the same side of the scale as anything (else) that is good for business. There
is no counterbalance at all.
The difficulty in seeing the business situation as one in which good ethics is
good business is that this way of speaking invites one to place ethical behaviour on
a scalea scale measuring what is good for the business. The idea, then, is to see
where the heaviest weight lies. And this is precisely the danger. The implication is
that if the heavier weight lay on the scale in opposition to ethical behaviour, then it
is that non-ethical behaviour which should win, and so be permissible (in whatever
relevant sense), despite the fact of its being unethical. This way of conceptualising
the situation places ethical behaviour as just one of the many considerations to be
taken into account, the focus of all of which is directed solely towards how good
they would be for business. Good ethics is good business implies that the reason
for behaving ethically is that such behaviour is good for business, and that if it were
good (or better) for business for one to behave unethically, then unethical behaviour
would be permissible, perhaps even obligatory. The claim that good ethics is good
business implies that ethical behaviour is of instrumental value only. If that were so,
then on any particular occasion when ethical behaviour was not perceived to be
instrumental towards the achievement of whatever is of value, there would be no
rationale for behaving ethically.
A note on self-interest
It is not uncommon for people to refer all conduct, including apparently altruistic acts,
to self-interest. In business, this unexamined assumption has widespread popularity
and has almost attained the status of a dogma. For the characters in films like Wall
Street and Bonfire of the Vanities, drive and ambition are indistinguishable from greed
and selfishness. Self-interest has become a shorthand term for both vicious and
laudable motives in business, but this does nothing but confuse important issues.
Professional ethics
A person in a business can certainly behave professionallythey can be upright,
behave with integrity, exhibit a great deal of competence, and a number of other
things. But that is different from being a professional, in the sense of belonging to
a profession. Among the features used to distinguish a profession from a business,
these seem central:
7h a specialised body of knowledge
7h a credentialing body
7h attention to the public interest (perhaps, the public interest is paramount)
7h a focus on the clients interest
Part B: Suppose you went to your doctor about a health difficulty. After examining you
and diagnosing your situation, the doctor prescribed a certain medication, and you
began taking that. Not long afterward, you happened to learn that there is a better
drug available for treating your condition, but that the doctor did not prescribe that one,
because he has a commission deal with a particular drug company to prescribe their
products. In this case you would be not only disappointed in your situation, but also
angry at the doctor, and you would believe that you have a claim against him.
The professionalbut not the business personalso has a duty to focus, as well,
on regard for the broader public interest. Regard for the clients interest and regard
for the public interest are at the heart of a professionals consideration of values at
play in dealing with ethical issues that may arise. And, the presence of these makes
for a considerable difference between professions and businesses. These, of course,
are not everything, but they are very significant in distinguishing professions from
businesses. It is near universal (maybe completely universal) that the code of ethics
for every professional body includes these three focuses:
7h the clients interest
7h the public interest
7h the professions interest: the duty not to engage in conduct that could bring the
Although there is debate about what constitutes a profession, one mark of a profession is commitment to some distinguishing values, typically expressed in a code and
related documents. Professional practice requires of practitioners:
7h adherence to the rules of their profession formally set down by the professional
body; and compliance with the directions of any regulatory authority established
by the profession or the government
7h the exercise of professional skills and expertise on behalf of clients primarily for
their benefit
7h adherence to the principles of ethical conduct that govern professional practice;
that is, to the minimal principles of professional ethics (table 1.1).
TABLE 1.1 The minimal principles of professional ethics
Doing good
Let us look a little further at the professional values that are built on these
Typically, professional codes and standards have a strongly deontological tone. They
prescribe principles and they proscribe some kinds of conduct. This tone can seem
impartial and exceptionless, and to leave no room for caring. The point about care
is that we care for someone or care about something. We are not detached observers
when we care. We become involved with the concerns of people when we care
about them.
A famous study of the moral reasoning of women by Carol Gilligan found that
they tended not to reason according to the impartial model of ethics and they did
not seem as concerned with rules and principles as previous studies had found in
mens moral reasoning.60 They were more concerned with the impact of their moral
decisions on relationships, rather than on whether they conformed with a set of
rules. They put care above the traditional considerations of moral reasoning. Gilligan
does not suggest that her findings apply uniformly to women or that women never
consider morality in its traditional forms. Clearly they do, but Gilligan identified care
as a missing element in traditional accounts of morality.
Gilligans study calls our attention to an understated aspect of the traditional
ethics we have been discussing. While it would be inappropriate to confuse professional and personal care, it is clear that care belongs to both spheres. A caring
professional is likely to be more understanding of, and attentive to, clients interests,
and to be a better practitioner.
Confidentiality is a traditional value for the professions and one of the most important in professional ethics. One reason for this is that confidentiality assures the trust
of clients. In order for a practitioner to provide a service, the client must disclose
personal information. Confidentiality facilitates this disclosure. No matter what its
significance to the practitioner, it should be regarded as private. In effect, the practitioner makes the client an implicit promise to keep information disclosed in their
relationship confidential. To break this promise is to act in bad faith and can even
be legally actionable as a breach of fiduciary duty.
In our society, privacy is a legally protected but not unqualified right. The right to
privacy provides another reason for confidentiality, but privacy and confidentiality
are not identical. Privacy is a right of non-interference independently of any agreement made with a practitioner. Confidentiality pertains to the contractual terms upon
which information is given and becomes available to others. A separate confidentiality
agreement does not usually have to be made between practitioner and a client,
because the obligation of confidentiality is built into the professional relationship.
Confidentiality is often treated almost as an absolute principle, and is binding,
no matter what the consequences. Journalists often see their sources in this light,
being willing to go to jail rather than breach confidences. While this can be a
rule for individuals, it makes no sense for it to be a requirement of a profession.
Professions serve their clients and the ends of their clients. Confidentiality is the
restriction of information in the interests of serving a client professionally, but it is
not an unqualified commitment not to disclose information acquired in the course
of professional consultations. The principle is elastic enough to allow, for example,
consultation with colleagues about a case, or to meet the requirements of the law.
Nor are all departures from confidentiality breaches. There are many exemptions.
Not all breaches of confidentiality are equally serious: simple disclosure of information might not be as serious as its use for personal gain. For all its importance in
professional ethics, confidentiality is not an absolute and exceptionless principle
and, as with other principles, its proper exercise requires judgment.
Professional judgment
The point of professional principles and standards is to enable good judgment. One
should be able to give an account of such judgment, so the question Could I explain
this to my peers? should be part of ones thinking. That is a sensible approach to
accountability. If you cannot account for your behaviour, it is likely to be unjustified.
On the other hand, professional judgment needs to be responsible, not only in the
sense of making justified decisions, but also in being willing to engage with an
issueto be proactive in dealing with it.
One of the most widespread ways of thinking about moral obligation is through
the notion of role. Is it my role to take responsibility for this decision or this person
or this situation? And what happens when I have a number of roles that conflict?
What should I do, for example, if professional demands require my services at a
time when my child is in a school play? Although we might have several roles, we
remain one person. Our values will ultimately guide our conduct, not a role that
we unquestioningly assume. So, individuals will and should, on occasion, defy a
code of conduct in the name of integrity and professional judgment; and they will
have to answer if they go along with professional and organisational directives
that violate their personal values. The attitude that takes loyalty to a profession or
employer as the final word has been given a felicitous name: malicious compliance.
This term was coined by Roger Boisjoly, famous for warning that the launch of
the fated space shuttle, Challenger, posed an unacceptable risk (Boisjoly 1993). If
professional judgment is to mean anything it has to be truly independent, but it also
has to be properly accountable.
readers connect with practical moral matters. We have tried to indicate this in the
previous discussion about what is at work in moral reasoning, which we suggested
is not simply a matter of top-down reasoning. On the other hand, case studies, by
themselves, do not reveal the proper importance of theory. In dealing with particular
cases, ones consideration should be informed by theory. There is another difficulty
with elaborate case studies. A detailed case study often presents itself as a complete
picture: no loose ends, no missing pieces and no particular nuances that need
further investigation or further interpretation. Very often, however, the moral world
does not present itself in this way. There is more left to do, more left to speculate
about; many things are unknown. And sometimes the environment in which the
decision must be made is one in which such loose ends remain and cannot be
tied up before it is incumbent on us to reach a decision. Generally, the moral world
we encounter in real life is a good deal less clear and less complete than that of a
self-contained case study.
What we present here are shortsome are very shortcase studies, which we
invite you to consider, being mindful that discussions should be informed by theory.
We do not expect that the introduction to moral theory that we have provided in this
chapter is where your thinking about moral theory will begin and end. We certainly
do not think that the purpose of encountering moral theory is merely to enable you
to label things properly. Similarly, the case studies are not the be all and end all of
the factual situations that you should consider.
1 Is it clear what the attraction is to the idea that good ethics is good business?
Is it also clear what the danger is with this idea?
2 Can you give an example from the field of business or the professions that reveals
moral pluralism in approaching an ethical issue?
3 a Is it clear that the ethical requirements of a profession cannot be rule-bound?
b Is it also clear that within this context it can be shown that an ethical requirement was breached?
c Can you give an example?
7h Public office and business: altogether
outside ethics?
7h Different perspectives: public and private
[T]here is such a gap between how one lives and how one ought to live that anyone
who abandons what is done for what ought to be done learns his ruin rather than his
preservation: for a man who wishes to make a vocation of being good at all times will
come to ruin among so many who are not good. Hence it is necessary for a prince
who wishes to maintain his position to learn how not to be good, and to use this
knowledge or not to use it according to necessity. (Machiavelli, The Prince, ch. 15)
This quotation illustrates a difficulty in business that may be called the problem of
dirty hands. The term is borrowed from political theory and relates to the ethics
of role and the doing of what is necessary, even morally necessary, to fulfil that role.
The classic expression of dirty hands can be found in the short, powerful and even
infamous work, by Machiavelli, The Prince:
the experience of our times shows those princes to have done great things who have
little regard for good faith, and have been able by astuteness to confuse mens brains,
and who have ultimately overcome those who have made loyalty their foundation
Therefore a prudent ruler ought not to keep faith when doing so is against his
Moralists have thought this line of reasoning repugnant since it was written nearly five
hundred years ago. But Machiavelli was articulating an ethics of public not personal
life. Everyone wants to be ethical or at least appear to be ethical but, as Machiavelli
shows, such an aspiration can be self-indulgent in a bad world. People can be ethical
at home in the bosom of their family, with those they can trust. But to be ethical in
this private sense while at work is to fail to notice the changed environment. Such
private fancies can ruin a state for a ruler, or a corporation for a manager, and cost
employees their jobs, stockholders their investments and customers their supplies.
In business, as in politics, ethics seems to be an option that is not always available.
This argument found classic expression in an article by Albert Z. Carr,1 which,
despite echoing the views of Milton Friedman,2 caused an unprecedented reaction
from readers when it appeared in the Harvard Business Review. It remains one of the
most cited articles from that journal. For Carr, business is a game-like activity. People
do not exactly cheat, but they do not express personal virtues either. They perform
as circumstances require and expect that others will do likewise. Hence there is no
deception, but rather a shared expectation that all parties will exaggerate or bluff.
This is not acceptable behaviour at home, but business is not family life and different
rules apply. For example, when a fund-raiser comes knocking on your businesss
door asking for contributions to a political party you would never vote for, you give
because that is the price of doing business. People can lie in business and politics
and break promises too because, to quote Carr, within the accepted rules of the
business game, no moral culpability attaches to it. This is not a criticism of business
activity. Rather, it is an expression of a difference in the moral hierarchy in business.
It is an expression of a difference between public morality and private morality.
are both tough at work and sensitive and caring at home. For Carr and others like
him, business is a zero-sum game, and there can only be one winner. How different
that is from the models of American corporate excellence Peters and Waterman
identify as collaborative, attentive and values-driven.3
What Carr misses is that real people conduct business; it is not just a matter
of deals but of human relations, involving belief in, and pursuit of, human values.
People not only cannot leave their private values at home; they should not, or at
least they should not leave ethics to their private life only. There is now a large
management literature that would give the lie to Carrs position, but we shall cite
from just one well-known source: The productivity proposition is not so esoterically
Japanese as it is simply human loyalty, commitment through effective training,
personal identification with the companys success and, most simply, the human
relationship between the employee and his supervisor.4 In other words, Carr is very
successful at building a model, but that model is not one of successful business. It
reflects a narrow view of rationality and the belief that hard numbers trump values.
But is this being unjust to Carr? Have we misrepresented his case? Is he amoral?
Have his views been unfairly criticised? Carr has faced a similar response to that
accorded Machiavellis Prince, a work of political theory that has upset many modern
interpreters. Machiavelli tried to show that a ruler must be prepared to take actions
that we would never accept in non-political life. A ruler must be prepared to have
dirty handsdirty in the sense of common morality. Whereas common morality
would object to lies, torture, deceit, murder, bribery and so on, these strategies are
necessary to the defence and survival of a state and the rulers position within it.
These are not personal matters in any sense; a prince who acts from personal motive
will jeopardise the state. These are acts of political necessity.
Cant the same case be made for business? After all, there are actions necessary in
business quite apart from the personal preferences of managers. Is it not sometimes
necessary for a manager to write a report on a friend that is damaging to that friends
career prospects? Is not a manager sometimes forced to sack people?
These examples are perhaps not morally as significant as others suggested by John
Ladd.5 Ladd distinguishes personal actions from social actions. The former serve
personal goals, the latter organisational goals. When managers, judges or politicians
pursue their personal goals in their official capacity, they are doing the wrong thing.
They must take responsibility for the consequences of such actions individually.
Only actions related to the goals of the organisation are social, and only these are
owned by the organisation. Putting personal goals ahead of organisational goals is
wrong, even if the personal goal is usually called moral. Private morality is a personal
goal, not an organisational or official one, and therefore is not one to be condoned.
In this respect business is like a game, and Ladd is in agreement with Carr.
Games occur in contexts. We do not allow people to punch others in the street.
This is assault. But we do permit the sport of boxing, hedged by rules that state what
counts as a fair punch, and that require other conditions such as medical certificates
as well. So too with business, according to Ladd, Actions that are wrong by ordinary
moral standards are not so for organisations; indeed they may often be required.6
Ladd gives examples of what he means as secrecy, espionage and deception, and
argues that while a naval officer who grounds his vessel should be court-martialled
for defeating the goals of his organisation, an officer who bombs a village and kills
innocent people should be praised for achieving the goals of the military. So much
for war crimes. As Peter Heckman points out,7 on Ladds account organisations can
never do the wrong thing. Their goals, by definition, fall outside the realm of private
moral appraisal. This would mean that conventional, private morality should be
abandoned as a guide to action in the public sphere, where it is appropriate to judge
by criteria of public moralityhence the necessity for dirty hands in political and
organisational life. Business cannot avoid such moral soiling if it is to succeed.
What Carr said could hardly have been new to his critics, so why all the fuss?
One reason might be that business people did not like acknowledging the truth
about themselves and their occupations. Perhaps they preferred to believe that they
behaved in business as they would in private life. Instead of speculating, let us look
at some of their replies to Carr.
Alan Potter, a senior manager with Ciba, holds that it is not at all the case that
businessmen do not expect the truth to be spoken The economic system would
collapse without mutual trust on a practically universal scale among business
executives.8 J. Douglas McConnell of Stanford Research Institute believes that it is
impossible to insulate business from broader social judgments. And Harry R. Wrage,
manager of MEDINET at General Electric, puts the stakeholder position,
Business is not a closed society, free to operate by special rules as long as all the
players understand them. Nor does business want this status. The responsible businessman recognises a great responsibility to non players in Mr. Carrs gameto
employees and suppliers, to customers, and to the general public If we do not all
meet all of these responsibilities all of the time, that is understandable, but this is not
evidence of the existence of, or a need for, special and looser ethical standards for
the business community.9
And from Mrs Philip D. Ryan of New Jersey: Plainly, the true meaning of a mans
work escapes Mr Carr. A mans work is not a card game; it is the sum of his selfexpression, his lifes effort, his mark upon the world .10
Carr has done a valuable service in bringing to the surface a widespread
scepticism about business ethics, but he is in error in supposing that some kind
of business necessity excuses dirty hands. Many situations in life are tragic, and
because of the risks of business and the frequency of failure there are bound to be a
fair number of business tragedies. But that does not mean that people have to invent
a separate ethic to explain the tragic decisions that must be made. It is arguable that,
depending on the context, different moral requirements have greater or lesser weight.
Thomas Nagel, for instance, has argued that the context of holding political office is
such that the officeholder acquires moral obligations that are not present in private
life.11 It is thus a moral requirement that these obligations be taken into account in
determining the morally correct course of action to be taken in a persons role as
a political officeholder. Further, Nagel suggests, having regard for consequences is
morally more important in public, political life than in private life, where other moral
concerns and other moral virtues carry greater weight. It is not only that there are
different considerations and different moral requirements. It is also the case that
there is an important difference in the ordering of those requirements.
Using the metaphor of a game in relation to business makes it acceptable to
abandon ethics and normal standards of conduct. To claim that business has its own
ethics and then fail to show that anything counts as ethics at all in business except
results is precisely to exempt business from ethics, not to show that business is
special. Look at the professions. What distinguishes them from each other and from
other occupations is their values. But these values do not exempt professionals from
normal standards of conduct; on the contrary, professions take on extra personal
and social obligationsfor example, pro bono work in law, or rendering assistance
at accidents for medical practitioners.
In his reply to his critics, Carr seems to retreat a little from his original position.12
But plainly he is still muddled. Here is one disturbing defence: My point is that,
given the prevailing ethical standards of business, an executive who accepts those
standards and operates accordingly is guilty of nothing worse than conformity; he is
merely playing the game according to the rules and the customs of society.13
The confusion here is that Carr accepts the prevailing standards of business as
normativeas representing a standard not only of how businesses do behave, but
of how they should behave. If we are playing tennis or Monopoly, of course we are
bound by the current rules, but in the activities of life, this is not so. The game
analogy misleads Carr into supposing that business people need to look no further
than to established business practice and custom in order to discover what is morally
required of them.
We do not want to discount altogether a view of morality that gives some weight
to the opinions or feelings of a group as a determinant of moral conduct. As indicated
in discussing moral reasoning, we do not want to insist that morality must be a
matter of discovering a theory and then overlaying that theory onto practical matters
of behaviour. Moral reasoning and moral commitment can very much be a matter of
relating theory and practical intuition. In this way, having regard for a communitys
moral commitment to something is not irrelevant in suggesting a correct moral
position. The English jurist Lord Patrick Devlin has gone so far as to claim,
If the reasonable man believes that a practice is immoral and believes also that no
right-minded member of his society could think otherwise, then for the purpose of
the law it is immoral. This makes immorality a question of fact with no higher
authority than any other doctrine of public policy.14
This very important questionabout what morality is, and what the law should
consider it as beinghas received much attention. Lord Devlin advocates that
(at least as far as the law is concerned) morality is a matter of anthropology or
sociology: to be moral is to be felt as moral by the relevant group. This view has
attracted a fair bit of criticism. First H. L. A. Hart15 and then Gerald Dworkin16 (and
many others) offered objections to Lord Devlins characterisation of morality, and in
particular what it is to recognise a group as having a morality or a moral view. While
not endorsing Lord Devlins view wholeheartedly, neither do we want to dismiss it
altogether as inappropriate or inapplicable in the context of morality in business.
However, recognition of the legitimacy of a view like Lord Devlins, certainly does
not require acceptance of the type of laissez-faire view advocated by Carr.
And why would we assume that ethical conduct was not itself a legitimate goal
of business? Of course, if we are doing business in morally dubious ways it becomes
difficult after a while to see the fault. And then, as some of Carrs critics suggest, business becomes degraded. We can see this with accounting, law, psychiatry and many
other professions that sustain standards and prevent such degradation by striking
wayward practitioners off their books. Is business to be the last refuge of scoundrels,
where bad or unethical practice can survive as a norm? Given the central place of
business in the creation of wealth in our society, one would hope for a more positive
view of its aspirations.17
That compromise is the rule rather than the exception, and that dirty hands are
sometimes unavoidable, is no reason to abandon standards of conduct or to pitch
them at the lowest level tolerable.
Consider a case offered by Sir Adrian Cadbury, Chairman of Cadbury Schweppes.
Sir Adrians grandfather was a strong opponent of the Boer War. He was so strongly
opposed that he bought the only British newspaper that shared his views so that
he could reach a wider audience. But Sir Adrians grandfather was also opposed to
gambling, and removed all references to horse racing from his paper. The circulation
of the paper fell accordingly and defeated the point of buying it in the first place. An
ethical choice had to be made: report on horse racing and acquire a large audience
for moral arguments against the war, or stick to principle, allow no help to gambling
and lose an anti-war voice. Sir Adrians grandfather decided that opposition to the
war was more important than offering some small encouragement to gambling, and
the reporting of horse racing was resumed.18
The important point to note here is that, even though Cadbury made a decision
he considered ethical, it was not ethically cost-free. He had to sacrifice a principle,
something that is as difficult for a principled person to do, as the sacrifice of material
goods is for one devoted to wealth. There was an inescapable ethical price to pay,
whichever way Cadbury chose. Significantly, he chose to compromise on a strongly
held personal belief in favour of promoting an ethical principle of greater urgency
and with more far-reaching consequences.
Take another case, this time fictional. Suppose that you are chief executive officer
(CEO) of the Healthy Life breakfast cereals company. You rose quickly to this position because of your management skills that have positioned Healthy Life products
at the top in a health-conscious market. In fact, you have made Healthy Life just the
kind of company that might serve the diversification interests of a corporation trying
to protect its future in an increasingly difficult environment. And so it is that Healthy
Life is taken over by the R. J. Smudge tobacco empire. In the restructuring you are
offered control of a languishing tobacco products division with the specific mission
of increasing market share, as you had done with cereals.
You now face an ethical dilemma. You do not like smoking and believe it to be
harmful to the health of tobacco users and passive smokers. You did not resign when
Smudge took over Healthy Life because you remained in the cereals division. If you
are now moved sideways into tobacco marketing, you face the choice of resigning
or marketing unsafe products. For some people there would be no problem: they
would not market a product in which they did not believe or which they found
morally objectionable. They would simply resign.
But is this not walking away from a problem, rather than resolving it? After all,
somebody will take the job, probably someone who does not have your scruples.
If you do not do the morally wrong thing, someone else will. Does this not give
you moral permission to do it? Moreover, the product is legal and it is up to people
to make the choice of whether to smoke or not. Your primary task would be to
increase the wealth of R. J. Smudge and its shareholders, employees and contractors
by maximising its share of a market comprised of people who have made a choice
that is legitimately theirs: to smoke tobacco products. What if an alcoholic beverage
company had taken over Healthy Life? Would you have faced the same kind of
problem? How paternalistic is an individual required to bethat is, how far should
a manager let his or her private values impinge on a matter of public policy? Is it not
a form of self-indulgence to take a principled stand that ignores the consequences
of choices made for others?
These questions require reconsideration of the nature of the problem. For it is one
thing to see it as a matter of public policy that it would be unreasonable to expect
While Nagel argues that moral requirements and the moral hierarchy are different in the private and public arenas, Williams argues that it is not that the hierarchy
changes, but rather that in the public arena it is sometimes appropriate that something
override the requirements of morality. Either way, this is often called the problem of
dirty hands. Dirty hands are inescapable in life. Barristers avoid questioning their
clients too closely about their guilt or they will not be able to defend them. Justice
is served by remaining ignorant of the guilt of the accused. Priests hear the confessions of child-abusers and know that such people are likely to re-offend. Priests,
unlike doctors, nurses or social workers, will not notify the appropriate authorities.
Journalists will expose malpractices in corporations, but will not reveal their sources,
although this would allow people to prosecute for recovery of their money. Generals
will send soldiers to capture a position knowing that casualties will be high. In the
best of cases, dirty hands are simply soiled; in the worst, they are bloodied.
In the fictional case of R. J. Smudge, the manager is in a similar position to a ruler,
barrister, priest, journalist or general. Like them, the manager must make decisions
that he or she might not make in private life. It may be that the manager does not use
the companys own productssuch as tobaccoat home. But at work a different
standard applies because the manager has fiduciary duties to the corporation, to
shareholders and, arguably, to the employees. The sphere of decision-making is
circumscribed by the role of the manager in the corporation, by the corporations
articles of association and by the law. The manager has an obligation to further
the interests of the corporation. The problem for the ethical manager, then, is the
reconciliation of private values with the duties of role and position. How can this
difficulty be resolved?
At about the time that Machiavelli was writing The Prince, the English lawyer,
diplomat and intellectual Thomas More was writing an equally famous book called
Utopia. In the first part of the book the problem of dirty hands is discussed. The
main character, Raphael Hythloday, the wise traveller to the isle of Utopia, the best
of all known societies, is asked why he does not serve some European rulers and
thereby make more widely available the wisdom of the Utopians. His reply is that
the rulers of Europe care only for new territories, not for the proper government of
those they already have. If a wise counsellor were to advise them against war and to
make better laws for their own peoples, he would be useless because rulers brought
up on warfare and injustice are hardly likely to listen to a counsellor who advised
them against following their inclinations. So the two courses for a virtuous and wise
counsellor are either to agree with the evil schemes of kings or else to resign.
To this defeatist line, another important character, Morus, who understands the
politics of dirty hands, replies,
If you cannot pluck up bad ideas by the root, or cure long-standing evils to your
hearts content, you must not therefore abandon the commonwealth. Dont give up
the ship in a storm because you cannot direct the winds. And dont force strange and
untested ideas on people who you know are firmly persuaded the other way. You must
strive to influence policy indirectly, urge your case vigorously but tactfully, and thus
make as little bad as possible. For it is impossible to make everything good unless all
men are good, and that I dont expect to see for a few years yet. 21
This is a beguiling solution to the problem, but does it hold good for the manager?
Earlier, in the context of acceptable limits of non-disclosure, we briefly discussed an
issue about concealing the relevant truth and about informed consent. Is Moruss
concern similar or analogous to that discussion, or is it simply different? The role
of the manager is not quite the same as that of the politician who might have to
make a decision to go to war, to raise interest rates or to cut public spending, or
a general who knows that he will lose troops in battle. The reason is simple. The
ruler is charged with protecting the interests of the whole community, whereas
the manager is committed only to the welfare of the corporation.
There is enough in common between the political leader and the business
manager, however, to warrant an analysis of the problems of business ethics through
the issue of dirty hands. For both business and politics lay a stress on consequences,
on getting a result. (As we have seen, both Thomas Nagel and Bernard Williams
have regarded this point as particularly important in the context of political decisionmaking.) Business and politics are both driven by the imperative of success, and if
that is the measure of conduct, it is easy to see why they share the problem of dirty
hands. The rationales for action are similar: in the case of the politician, the welfare at
stake is that of the state; in the case of business, it is the corporation or enterprise. In
both cases, the appeal to a higher cause to justify action does not refer immediately
to principle but to a good to be achieved. The good of the state or corporation is
assumed to be an adequate justification, whereas self-interest usually is not.
Sometimes, however, altruism is cited as a justification for dirty hands. The classic
comedy Arsenic and Old Lace is a good illustration of the point. Two old ladies kill
elderly gentlemen to relieve them of their difficulties with ageing and, measured by
the standard they have assumed to represent good, their actions are not murder but
kindness. The telling thing about this comedy is its prescience: it captures many of
the moral issues facing modern society, such as euthanasia and the international
arms trade. Moreover, it exposes the problem of defining right action solely in terms
of some particular desired good. This is shown clearly in the case of the kindly old
killers. Does the problem arise here because they did not produce good? In their
terms they did. They got their hands dirty, and they were a little crazy in killing
their gentlemen friends, but their intentions were good and they were concerned
about the welfare of others. Raimond Gaita has called this the RSPCA view of human
good.22 It adopts a perspective according to which evil may be done that good may
come, because its benevolent attitude assumes that the alleviation of misery is the
prime object of human existence. If this is so then what is done to others cannot be
anything but good if it does them no physical or psychological harm. Harm is almost
a synonym for pain here. The very notion that one is doing evil to produce good is
ruled out definitionally. The ends are held to justify the means as long as the latter
are in proportion to the former. Good ends make for good means.
In the film A Few Good Men, two marines at Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba are
charged with the murder of one of their fellow marines. The death of the marine had
occurred during the enforcement of an informal standard called Code Red. Code
Red is the internal correction of infractions of rules or good disciplinethat is, the
punishment of offenders by their peers rather than by superior authority. The dead
marine was a victim of a Code Red action that went wrong. The man had a condition
that was worsened by the attack on him.
Under cross-examination, the commandant of Guantanamo admitted that he
had ordered the Code Red, and the men were acquitted of murder but convicted
of conduct unbecoming a member of the armed services and were dishonourably
discharged. One marine expressed amazement at this verdict and the punishment:
We did the right thing, he says to his companion. After all, they followed orders.
The other marine knows the true gravity of his offence. The role of the marines
was to protect the weak, and they had killed a weak man even under orders. They
had corrupted the organisational aims of the marines. Even within the organisation,
obedience to commands is only one requirement. And this was a case where that
requirement came into conflict with another, with the verdict that the other requirement was such as to overrule this one. As for the commandant, he is arrested. He
nonetheless can see nothing wrong in ordering a Code Red, in lying, or in deception
and fraud because he sees himself defending lives. His hands must be dirty by the
standards of common morality, but he has no time for such niceties. As he puts it, he
has breakfast every morning less than 100 metres from the communist enemy. He
believes that those who preach common morality do so from the safe cover provided
by his protection and that the price of that protection is acknowledgment of a different kind of correct practice, one that involves Code Red disciplines, and loyalty
to the unit and the Marine Corps even before God and country. In other words, he
exhibits goal perversion.
Yet to regard the moral victory as going to the prosecutors is too simple, whatever
the demands of the plot. For the commandant is expressing the values of agent
relativity, and this is also what is demanded of marines in general. For people in any
occupation, the issue of agent relativity comes with the job. Agent neutrality is the
position of the prosecutors and the audience, and that is the position that is affirmed.
This is too simple, too black and white, too ready to cleanse dirty handsor rather,
too ready to declare that the hands are nothing but dirty. For, from the agent-relative
position of the marines, they do have reasons to place the corps and country ahead
of God, shocking though this seems from an agent-neutral position.
The problem of dirty hands is essentially one of whether evil may ever be
done, not just in exceptional circumstanceswhich most people are apt to find
excusablebut as an inevitable part of human life. Is the problem of dirty hands
simply part of the human condition, an existential difficulty that cannot be resolved
by any theory of morality because it is not a matter of simply making the right moves,
but inescapably the horror of having to decide between two repugnant choices? In
recent times it has been used to justify carpet-bombing of cities, nuclear weapons,
abortion, genetic engineering and some very odd business decisions. Of course, in
the case of unusual circumstances it is quite common for the act in question to be
defended in terms of choice of the lesser evil. The dropping of the atomic bombs on
Japan is just such a case. In less dramatic circumstances, the dilemma is presented
as almost unresolvable and inevitably tragic whatever decision is made. A poignant
and much publicised case was that of a 14-year-old pregnant rape victim in Ireland
who, in 1992, wished to travel to England for an abortion. Arguably, whatever choice
she made, morally speaking it was not cost free.
of which, itself, does not evaporate simply because of the rightness of your act. Many
moral philosophers have either denied that this is actually possible or that it is a
good way to characterise the situation. On the other hand, many have considered
the notion of dirty hands to be an important notion, and the characterisation to be
an important insight into a particularly difficult and gut-wrenching area of moral
decision-making. Consider these examples.
Imagine that you are walking through the jungle somewhere in surroundings that
look just right for a Mission Impossible adventure. You come upon a firing squad.
The sergeant in charge looks at you, cigar in his mouth, which has assumed an evil
grin, and he says to you, Okay, either Im going to shoot these twenty people or else
you take the gun and kill one of them. You choose. 24 What are you going to choose?
What is it that you are thinking about when you are trying to decide what to do? And
suppose you choose to shoot one. Will there be nothing of substance to the moral
complaints of the parents of that person when they say to you that you murdered
their child? Suppose that you decide to refuse to accept the option that would involve
you in killing anyone at all. And suppose also that you deny that the blood of the
twenty is on your hands. Even in thinking that you have done the morally correct
thing, do you think there is anything of substance to a claim that might be advanced
against you that you are nevertheless responsible for the occurrence of something
morally untoward?
Here is another example: some children are in danger. You can save either your
child or some other child. Or, you can save your child or two other children, five
other children or, indeed, you can save your child or all of the people in Sydney?
What are you thinking about when you are considering what you should do in these
cases? And do you think that, even when you have made the correct moral decision,
you are nevertheless open to legitimate moral criticism?
Is the following perhaps an example both of the distinction between public
and private morality and of dirty hands? Legal ethics requires legal professional
privilege. This is a privilege on the part of a client, and an obligation on the part of
the lawyer. The lawyer has an obligation not to disclose information learned about
clients or from clients for the purpose of giving legal advice or in litigation involving
the clients, without the approval of the clients themselves. 25 Suppose a client tells the
lawyer that he or she did, in fact, commit a murder. The lawyer cannot disclose this.
Suppose a client tells the lawyer that he or she plans to go and rob a bank. It is clear
that there is a legal duty not to disclose.26 It is also clear that there is a professional or
ethical duty (which in this context amounts basically to the legal duty) inasmuch as
it forms part of the code of ethics for lawyers. It is arguable that there is moral duty
as well.27 We might argue that the legal system we use is morally valuable and that it
requires that clients can speak absolutely confidentially with their lawyers. Allowing
that it is morally permissible for lawyers not to maintain confidentiality with their
clients, or even that there are exceptions to this duty, could damage the legal system.
Although some moral harm might occasionally result from the maintenance of confidentiality, more moral harm would result from not strictly maintaining it. Therefore it
is not up to lawyers to consider each individual case on its merits in order to decide
whether, morally speaking, they should maintain confidentiality. Rather, it is that,
morally speaking, confidentiality should be maintained without exception.
Suppose that we accept this argument. Let us notice the points that bear on the
discussion of public and private morality and dirty hands. The profession presents
an obligation that is not present in private life. This obligation is present precisely
because of a persons professional, or public, persona; and it is something different
from that present in the area of private morality, where the maintenance of confidentiality has some moral significance, but is not the strict duty that applies within or for
the profession. Perhaps this is a difference between public and private morality. Even
if a lawyer has done the morally required thing in maintaining confidentiality, might
there not be some moral (immoral) repercussions in allowing the client to perform
some undesirable action because confidentiality was maintained? If the answer is
yes, then this is to say that the lawyer has dirty hands, even though the lawyer did
what should have been done professionally.
If there is a problem of dirty hands, what, theoretically, makes it possible for such
a problem to exist? If the rightness of an action were simply judged by the overall
happiness or welfare that resulted from that action (that is, if simple utilitarianism
were the only moral consideration), there could be no problem of dirty hands. In
this approach, if the overall result is a balance of happiness over unhappiness,
then the act was right; if the overall result is a balance of unhappiness, then it was
wrong. If, in the course of producing a balance of happiness over unhappiness,
some unhappiness also results, that is just a feature of the production of the overall
balance of happiness: in order to make an omelette, you have to break eggs. This
is one story. Suppose, however, that moral deliberation is not simply a matter of
tallying up the consequences and reaching a sum total. Suppose that the moral
features of a situation involve other elements as wellfor example, respect for
rights, performance of obligations, and doing your duty. It is possible that there are
conflicting obligations. It is also possible that rights can come into conflict with
duties. In such situations, even if one of them outweighs the other (and it is clear
what is required by morality), it might also be the case that the heavier one does not
altogether eradicate the lighter oneit simply outweighs it. Perhaps it is thus possible
that there remains an element of, say, moral unpleasantness because of the failure
to satisfy the one obligation. There could remain a moral complaint against you,
a moral uneasiness felt by you, even though what you did was morally correct. As
mentioned earlier, Bernard Williams has argued not only that it is possible that there
is a morally disagreeable remainder, a resulting justifiable moral complaint, but
Sometimes it seems that behaving immorally is inescapable. If a business is to survive, some difficult decisions have to be made. People who do not have to face such
basic challenges might view these decisions as unethical. If, say, a firm is operating
in an environment where secret commissions are standard, how can it be expected
to survive, let alone prosper, without doing the same thing? If a company is faced
with cost pressures, how can it avoid sacking staff or reducing wages? If a factory has
overseas competitors who freely pollute the environment, how can it hope to keep
its workforce employed, contribute to national income and live to fight more cleanly
another day if government regulations, levies and other penalties apply? Perhaps
these questions appear easy for the detached and disinterested moralist to answer,
but for managers and owners they are not black and white problems.
But more than these considerations is the issue of what end is to be served by
ethical conduct. Ethics is not about self-serving; it is about doing the right thing
despite the personal costs. So, if good ethics is good business, it cannot be simply
in the sense of making sustained profits free of government interference and a
tangle of regulations. Ethical considerations and ethical reasons can conflict with
consideration of self-interest alone. These can be considerably different kinds of
considerationsperhaps not always, but clearly sometimes.
We do not have to take a cynical view of ethics being good for business: ethics is
good for everyone, and for too long business has been considered beyond the pale
in some sense. This is no doubt due to a common attitude that blames business for
many of the ills which beset societyfor example, the banks for high interest rates.
There is also the idea that markets have nothing to do with morals; that they are free
in the sense of requiring no constraints apart from those that participants voluntarily
impose on themselves through entering into contracts with others. This seems to set
business off from those occupations that have acquired the status of professions.
The professions have core bodies of knowledge, clearly defined practices, and
identities that distinguish them. Business is a more generic domain and is more
varied in nature. Yet there have always been practices, knowledge and norms in
business that have exercised a shaping if diffuse influence. It is these norms and
practices that are the object of ethical interest.
The fact that business is not a profession should not suggest that it has no need
for ethics. Recall our earlier observation that unless business cleans up its own problems the regulators will move in. The concern if regulation is increased or tightened
is not only the cost and inconvenience this will cause entrepreneurs and managers,
but also the potential for damage to the enterprise. Regulators commonly take a
purely legal view of affairs, and tend to be indifferent to matters such as morale,
trust and camaraderie. Regulators must live in a world of rules, formal requirements
and bureaucracy. Hence, business needs to be aware of the ethical dimension of
its practices and to understand that mavericks can do immense harm by being
morally negligent, reckless or blind. The Sarbanes-Oxley reforms were a response
to the collapse of Enron. When the United States government bailed out American
International Group (AIG) and other firms in danger of collapse in the 200809 global
financial crisis, it expected old practices to be discarded. It was after all, a crisis, a
turning point, a departure from previous practices. Instead, AIG continued business
as usual. It was not alone, but its decision to pay bonuses to its staff triggered outrage
in the media and Congress. Those who received bonuses were pressured by New
York Attorney-General, Andrew Cuomo, to return them voluntarily (but on pain of
being named if they did not). Congressmen were not so flexible: the New York Times
reported that lawmakers began rushing to impose heavy taxes on bonuses paid to
executives of companies receiving federal support. The House on Thursday voted
overwhelmingly in favor of a near total tax on such bonuses. 29 This anger was not
the most rational expression of ethical concern, but it would be a stupid businessperson who ignored it.
1 Compare these two considerably different views about the position of business.
Albert Carr:
People can lie in business and break promises because within the accepted
rules of the business game, no moral culpability attaches to it.30
Harry Wrage:
Business is not a closed society, free to operate by special rules as long as all
the players understand them.31
Is it clear how this is a different view from the one that would offer a characterisation,
rather, in terms of in order to make an omelette, you have to break eggs, if you have,
in fact, done the right thing, and there was some unpleasant fallout that resulted
from it or was attendant with it, then thats a shame, but it is nothing for which you
should apologise? That is, there is no morally disagreeable remainder; there is only
an unfortunate feature that accompanies doing the right thing in this case.
3 With reference to the material in both chapters 1 and 2:
a Is it the case that business requires the kind of ethics that recognises the
realities of the marketplace?
b What could it mean (or could it make any sense at all) to say that there is a
different kind of ethics that is appropriate to the marketplace?
4 In what ways are the principles of ethics set out in chapters 1 and 2 relevant
to business? Is there anything special or different about the way they apply to
business? Give two or three examples.
7h The problem with the notion of stakeholder
7h The usefulness of the concept of stakeholder
7h Occupational health and safety
C H A P T E R 3 S TA K E H O L D E R S
the power of life and death over an organisation.2 By contrast, Edward Freemans
definition places more emphasis on interdependence,
Simply put, a stakeholder is any group or individual who can affect, or is affected
by, the achievement of a corporations purpose. Stakeholders include employees,
customers, suppliers, stockholders, banks, environmentalists, government and other
groups who can help or hurt the corporation. The stakeholder concept provides a
new way of thinking about strategic managementthat is, how a corporation can and
should set and implement direction.3
Stakeholders are the broad constituency served by business. As such they have a
deemed interest in what a firm does in order to earn profits. While stockholders have
a prima facie right to consideration in decision-making, it is not sufficient to negate
the rights of society to a say in business dealings. As a former American executive
put it, Every citizen is a stakeholder in business whether he or she holds a share
of stock or not, is employed in business or not, or buys the products and services of
business or not. Just to live in American society today makes everyone a stakeholder
in business. 4 In a word, the move towards a stakeholder approach is most frequently
a bid for social responsibility in business.
In engaging in some practice, the interests of the stakeholders should be taken
into account. However, it is a topic of some debate whether or not all types of stakeholders should be taken account of. For example, religious zealots may well have a
vested interest in some activity that a business is considering undertaking; and it is
problematic whether that business should, morally speaking, take account of those
interests in reaching a decision. In one view, although anyone with a serious interest
is (by definition) a stakeholder, not all their interests must be taken into account,
and not all their moral standing warrants consideration by someone proposing to
engage in an undertaking. In some contexts it would be important to distinguish
genuine stakeholders from people whose interest is officious; and to distinguish
genuine stakeholders from those who might have a genuine interest, but who are
not affected sufficiently to give them the status of stakeholders. In some cases, for
example, merely being offended by the presence of some practice, or merely having
a genuine concern for the well-being of others, does not, by itself, render one a
stakeholder in relation to the practice. An analogue here would be that of standing,
or standing to sue, in court, where only those who have standing can bring a claim
against another party. In the present context this will not be particularly important.
The more important point here has to do simply with taking genuine stakeholders
interests into account, regardless of how the notion of stakeholder itself is characterised or restricted.
What is it, then, to take account of the interests of stakeholders? The simple
answer is that it is to calculate the impact of an action or a practice on the
stakeholders, and to figure into the overall calculation the effect of the practice or
action on them. Usually this is seen as a matter of calculating the utility or disutility
of a proposed practice for the stakeholders, recognising that various stakeholders
(groups of stakeholders) have different stakes in the possible outcomes of some
activity. Kenneth Goodpaster has made the important point that merely identifying
a group as stakeholders in some activity does not, by itself, point towards a correct
or appropriate ethical analysis of the activity.5 It may be a significant prerequisite to
moral reasoning, but it is not more than this. A stakeholder analysis by itself is not
strategic. The phrase stakeholder analysis has had some currency in the literature.
While it is an important notion, there is also a danger that, as a phrase, stakeholder
analysis might simply become synonymous with social responsibility, while
presenting a misleading impression that there is some methodological substance
to it as a particular type of analysis, or that identification of the stakeholders itself
implies something about taking others interests into account and how to do this.
This is a danger. Nevertheless, stakeholder is an important notion, and the injection
of a consent consideration into a stakeholder analysis amounts to recognition of a
very important element in moral reasoning.
Reaching a decision about whether a possible practice would be advantageous
or disadvantageous to a particular group need not involve actual consultation with
that group. Sometimes the options available and the choices to be made are such
that it is not presumptuous for someone other than the stakeholders to decide what
is in the stakeholders interest. If a certain activity would endanger the health of a
group of stakeholders, and offer no prospects of advantage to them or to anyone
else, it would not be presumptuous to calculate accordingly, without consulting with
the stakeholders themselves. In such a case we probably would not consider that
the decision not to endanger their health was being paternalistic. It would simply be
deciding not to engage in an activity because of its possible harmful effects on some
groupeffects that are not offset by anything else.
In some cases, however, decisions about whether to engage in an activity might
be based on trying to take account of the groups welfare in the context of competing
claims about that welfare, or at least in the context of advantages and disadvantages
associated with the activity (for example, fluoridation of a communitys water supply
or stringing power lines over the homes of some of its members). Here, to decide to
act one way or another because of the benefit to the group could well be to engage
in a paternalistic decision: Well do this, because itll be for their good, or Well
allow this risk, because the likely benefits are such as to make it a risk worth taking,
or Well do this because the disadvantages or losses are outweighed by the benefits
that will accrue. In such cases, someone decides the matter for those who will be
affected by the activity. This differs from the earlier case (where there was nothing
but disadvantage) in that there was, in effect, nothing to decidegiven that the
proposed activity had no benefits to offset its likely disadvantages. And it also differs
from a case in which it is decided that the possible disadvantage to one group is
outweighed by the possible advantage to another, and where the original calculation
was to sacrifice the disadvantaged groups welfare for something else.6
As an alternative to paternalistic decision-making by whoever has the power
or the authority (governmental body, professional organisation, business entity or
individual), it is important to keep in mind the possibility of taking account of the
wishes or decision of the potentially affected group itself. It is important to recognise
that stakeholders are not only to be taken account of but, when appropriate, given
a voice. Sometimes this is so (or should be so) because the stakeholders can give a
worthwhile opinion about the costbenefit of the proposed activity. Sometimes there
might be a real question of what that group would consent to. Given that there are
some disadvantages or some risks associated with a possible gain for the group concerned, there might be a real question of whether incurring those disadvantages or
risks is worth the possibility of that gainwhether it is worth this to them. And here
it should be recognised that it is not always the case (perhaps it is hardly ever the
case) that only one decision is the rational (or even the reasonable) one. That being
so, there is something to be decided, some choice to be made, on grounds other
than simply, say, the dictates of rationality. Here, very importantly, is an occasion
for taking account of the interests of stakeholders. And its an occasion where being
informed of the actual view or opinion of the stakeholders themselves is important
to properly take account of their interests.
ones with a rightful claim on the companys concern and its profits. We will not go
further, with arguments specifically for and against Friedmans view. We simply want
to call attention to the view as a counterbalance to the extreme view that because
someone or some organisation could benefit from the attention of a business, therefore the business should direct its concerns towards producing that benefit.
The term stakeholder is useful; but you should be careful that you do not find
yourself overcommitted simply by having used that word. On the whole, the literature
takes the notion of stakeholder as a given. Yet its character is very much that of an
asserted rather than a demonstrated proposition. Indeed, in much of the literature
the use of the term is question begging: the social responsibilities of business are
the thing to be proved, and talk of stakeholders as analogous with stockholders does
not offer such proof. On the contrary, given that business starts from the premise that
unfettered trade is a social good, the imposition of obligations beyond those of trade
might be thought to stand in need of considerable justification.
Even this simple criticism exposes much that is wrong about using stakeholder
to formulate a more inclusive definition of the responsibilities of business. As the
quotations from Freeman and Leibig show, a concept that is over-inclusive is virtually
useless. Why not just refer to all citizens, rather than referring to stakeholders at
all? Nor does the notion of stakeholder of itself present a clear ethical claim for
consideration among many. Take the building of a paper pulp mill at a time of recession and unemployment. To some people advocating a stakeholder position, the
interests of stakeholders mean the interests of environmentalists. To others they
are those of the unemployed, of the community in which the mill will be located,
and of the nation through exports. All are right, and this means that the notion
of stakeholders does not do more than shift the argument to the question of who
are the real stakeholders, or the utilitarian question of which of the stakeholders
is greatest, can generate most good, and so on. In other words, a broad notion of
stakeholder adds nothing to the discussion of business ethics.
Stakeholder is used to connote an interest in business, usually in a particular
business. The problem with this is that while societys interest in business as a
whole is intelligible and can even be the source of ethical principles, it is difficult
to extrapolate from this general social interest to specific interests in particular
businesses. Identifying the moral claims of stakeholders in IBM or BHP is potentially
a confusing, unproductive and inefficient means of judging the merits of claims.
So while the term stakeholder is a striking contrast to stockholder, it is most
peculiar conceptually. For if the term means something different from simply anyone
with an interest, then how does one acquire a stake? It is clearly quite like a property
holding without explicitly being one: it trades on its similarity to and difference from
stockholder. In the sense that stakeholding implies a moral footing with serious
claims against property-holders, how is such a holding to be justified?
Robert Nozick is quite clear about this. People acquire a holding not through
being affected by an activity but by a proper consensual procedurethat is, not by
accident.7 Even in those cases where business is transacted between parties, this
must of necessity be limited to the agreed matters if business is to be done at all.
For if every dealing were potentially open-ended there could be no clarity about
responsibility, liability and other matters pertaining to fairness and justice. Even in
consensual matters there is a limit on the deemed involvement of parties to the
matters covenanted.
In a very general sort of way, creditors, employees, suppliers, customers, banks
and local, state and central governments have an interest in businesses. They stand
to gain from their success. They might even stand to lose from their failure. But
such losses are properly described as proximate rather than direct. For stockholders
invest in a corporation as a risk, while those trading or dealing with it do so as
part of more general activity; no one deal is all or nothing, although unpaid bills
are an unfair burden on any business activity. In other words, stockholders make a
commitmenteven risking the whole of their investmentbut those who benefit
indirectly, like small retailers in a mall whose major tenant is a crowd-pulling retailer,
have not put anything directly into the business. Nor have governments, creditors
or banks. Stakeholder claims seem, then, to be asymmetrical: they apply only when
self-interest is at stake, not when some sacrifice is required. Clearly whatever is due
to the associates of a business must be covered by agreements as well as ethical
responsibilities; it is not adequately covered by a notional obligation to them as
Can the same point hold true for employees? This is connected with the very
old question of the rights of employees. A view that held that employees were no
different from other dealers with a corporation would see the sale of labour as
no different from the sale of raw materials or services or credit facilities, and would
give the employees of a firm in difficulty no priority over the employees of creditors
who might also be adversely affected by a corporate collapse. That is, the addition
of the term stakeholder to the term employee confers no special rights. Employees
are entitled to risk their capital in their place of employment by buying its shares,
but a corporations liabilities extend no further than the legal requirements of the
land and the contracts it has freely entered into. Nor should employees be especially
privileged, for this must be at the expense of other interested parties, principally
The case of employees, however, provides a good illustration of what is wrong
with a stakeholder view of business: if one party is to benefit, it will often be at the
expense of the others. The stakeholder theory does not by itself rank or give different
interests their due. It is a misconception of stakeholder theory that it completes the
moral analysis of a situation. This disturbs the long-established view that rewards
casesthe Bond lessees, for exampleare classic instances of evasion, but recent
cases show that some tactics of corporate leaders remain almost timeless.
Among the many colourful stories in Paul Barrys book The Rise and Fall of Alan
Bond there is the sad saga of the dispossessed publicans. In 1985 lessees of
pubs tied to the Tooheys brewing firm began receiving notices to quit. Tooheys had
recently been taken over by Alan Bond. Over the years the lessees had developed a
tacit understanding with Tooheys about the value of the goodwill in their pubs. Bond
declined to recognise this understanding, so when he did not renew the leases, he
felt no obligation to pay for the goodwill that the publicans had themselves paid for
in the purchase of their leases. About 130 publicans were affected. Bond claimed
that he was not party to any arrangement about goodwill, and was not legally bound
to make compensation. It was a matter for the leaseholders that they had decided
to pay so much for the leases of their pubs. It had nothing to do with Tooheys and
nothing to do with him. He regarded neither the original value of the goodwill nor
the investment in maintaining it as placing any obligations on him.9
Tooheys had never evicted publicans, and the lessees had (reasonably) assumed
that they were making a sound investment in their pubs, although they were aware
that the sale of goodwill was a matter of custom recognised by Tooheys. Bond
formed a company called Austotel to buy the hotels, and this insulated Bond Brewing
and Bond personally from the hostility that followed the eviction orders. According
to Barry, during attempts to negotiate compensation, two representatives of the
publicans were told by Bond executive John Booth, You want to know what Alan
Bonds message is to you blokes? Well, Ill tell you: Alan says burn the bastards.10
Bonds view was that the lessees had made a commercial decision to buy into the
pubs, that they should have been aware of the basis of their entry into them, and that
consequently nothing was owed to them. They were not entitled to compensation
because there was no contract to that effect and the law did not require it. If such
conduct was not illegal in business, it was not immoral.
This point might be rephrased to reveal more of its meaning: it really seems to
mean that whatever is not explicitly forbidden is permitted; whatever is not legally
forbidden is ethically permitted.
There are always ethical issues when capital is raised, and cases like this show
them to be far from straightforward.
When news of the deal broke it was opposed by the secretary of the Victorian
Trades Hall Council, John Halfpenny, who asserted that the SPC workers had no right to
trade off award conditions, thereby threatening the conditions of other unionists. The
Trades Hall threatened that they were prepared to oppose the agreement by stopping
all distribution from the company. Talks between the company and the Trades Hall
representatives broke down, and SPC filed to have the agreement ratified before the
Industrial Relations Commission. However, further talks between company and the
unions over the New Year break agreed on a compromise that left award conditions
intact, but delivered alternative cost savings to the company by reducing non-award
entitlements. The key to the new deal was the cutback of over-award arrangements
and work practices at SPC, which meant that the substantial cost saving of $2.4 million could be achieved without touching the industry standard award conditions that
the unions had been concerned to protect. The workers subsequently ratified the
agreement, and SPCs chairman said, As far as the company are concerned, we have
everything we could wish for. It is a very practical solution which demonstrates that
the system has the flexibility to help companies like ourselves.
1 Although, as it turned out, this seems like a good-news story, is there a way
to balance the interests of employees as stakeholders with the interests of
other stakeholders, particularly stockholders? There can certainly be competing
interests between these two. Is there any systematic way that they can be
legitimately and fairly balanced when they come into conflict?
The following case raises the question in general of the right to take industrial
action. How far should it extend? How far should contracts of employees to employers
and vice versa bind?
CASE 3.3: Wanting your cake and eating it too? Union v. Dollar Sweets12
Dollar Sweets manufactures hundreds-and-thousands, cake toppings and other
confectionery. Their employees were members of the Federated Confectioners
Association of Australia (FCA). FCAs award allowed for automatic six-monthly
salary adjustments in accordance with the Consumer Price Index. This award also
required a 40-hour week from the employees. By agreement with its employees,
Dollar Sweets allowed that workers working a 38-hour week would be covered
by the award. However, a national wage decision, the accord, determined that
a condition of salary increases was that employees not seek a reduction from a
38-hour week. In 1985 FCA began a series of rolling strikes in support of a 36-hour
week. Dollar Sweets circulated to each employee a questionnaire asking whether
or not they were prepared to abide by the terms of the award, saying that, if not,
they would be fired. Twelve of the twenty-seven employees said they did not want
to pursue the 36-hour week. Before the deadline for returning the questionnaire,
fifteen employees, together with officials from FCA, set up a picket line that, among
other things, blocked the laneway to Dollar Sweets premises. It was a particularly
effective picket. It seriously disrupted Dollar Sweets business, not just because
it was a picket, but because of the behaviour of the picketers: intimidation of
drivers of delivery vehicles, threats of violence, some actual physical violence, and
more. On application from Dollar Sweets, the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration
Commission recommended that FCA lift the picket. FCA refused. Dollar Sweets
commenced proceedings, alleging that FCA committed interference with Dollar
Sweets contractual relations, intimidation, nuisance and conspiracy to injure Dollar
Sweets. Dollar Sweets also sought an interlocutory injunction to restrain the picket
pending the hearing. This action was successful,
[T]he picket has obstructed all persons who have wished to do business with
other shops in the said lane, shops unconnected with the plaintiff
The apparent success of the picket line in disrupting deliveries to and sales
from the plaintiffs premises would appear to be due to the fear which drivers
and suppliers have of the consequences should they defy the picket the acts
of all the defendants which have now been repeatedly performed over many
months cannot be considered to be a lawful form of picketing, but amount to a
nuisance involving obstruction, harassment and besetting.13
Part of the Weyco policy is to employ a fitness coach and to offer incentives
packages called the Lifestyle Challenge. The coach teaches employees about
issues such as stress management, and leads exercise groups at lunchtime and
after work. Those who take the Lifestyle Challenge can earn bonuses of $110
per month. There is a $45 bonus for exercising at a health club; a $20 bonus for
keeping a log of water and food consumed, and exercise undertaken; and $45 for
meeting fitness standards based on age and sex. People are assessed for the
bonus every six months.22
Weyco denied planning to fire other employees who make lifestyle choices
that it deems unhealthy. Weyers might have nurtured a desire to do so, but legal
protections cover most other conditions, such as obesity.23
This restriction has not quelled objections from civil liberties bodies. The civil
liberties response has been to represent Weycos policy as the thin end of the
wedge. Civil libertarians ask whether Weyco could now require all employees to go
on a low-fat diet to cut health care costs. Lewis Maltby, President of the National
Workrights Institute, an affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union, declared,
The problem is lots of things increase your healthcare costs. Smoking. Drinking.
Eating junk food. Not getting enough sleep. Dangerous hobbies. Skiing, scuba
diving. If you allow employers to regulate private behavior because its going to
affect the companys healthcare costs, we can all kiss our private lives goodbye.24
[Its] crazy that an employer has the right to dictate to a worker what he
or she does in their own home. Its none of your bosss business what you do
in your own homeor at least it should not be. You can drive a motorcycle, you
can read Playboy, you can do what you want as long as it does not affect your job
performance. If it affects your job performance, then fine, fire them for their poor
job performance, but dont fire them for smoking.25
case questions
1 Was respect shown to stakeholder staff at Weyco: were they regarded as stakeholders or merely as servants of the company, and its boss?
2 Is the Weyco no-smoking-anywhere requirement justifiable?
3 Is the Weyco requirement that spouses not smoke justifiable?
4 Is there a difference, ethically speaking, between requiring something in the
name of anti-smoking or anti-drug-taking, and requiring something in the name
of anti-obesity?
5 Can you articulate a principle for demarcating areas where an employer can
justifiably formally interfere with employees personal habits/lifestyles?
The Australian work environment is rather different from that of the United
States, but there are some parallels with it with respect to workplace testing for
consumption of drugs and alcohol. In February 1994 an arbitrator decided that
coalminers at Newland Mines in Queensland could be breath-tested at random to
ensure the safety of all workers at the mines.31 The testing of employees for drug or
alcohol intoxication at their place of work has long been discussed as an option for
employers, especially those in industries and services where safety is paramount. In
some industries, such as the airline industry, there are already stringent restrictions
on the consumption of intoxicating substances. Ferry masters and train drivers, it
has been argued, should be subject to the same random testing for intoxication as
truck and taxi drivers. Opponents of such measures see this as an invasion of privacy
that cannot be justified as a preventive measure. If a person is clearly intoxicated at
work, then action should be taken; employers should not go looking for drug and
alcohol abuse.
The problem for employers is that they are required to ensure that minimum safety
measures are met. A failure in this respect could leave them and their companies
vulnerable to a successful suit. Random testing could also be seen as being in the
interests of employees, for it could protect them from the unsafe work of intoxicated
colleagues. This was a view put by the head of the Australian Chamber of Commerce
and Industry.32
The other side of the issue is that random drug testing could detect drug use
by employees during non-working hours. This is an invasion of privacy that could
be used as an excuse for retrenching employees, compiling damaging records on
them that have nothing to do with their work efficiency, or setting a precedent for
discriminatory employment policies, such as the hiring of non-smokers only. In
short, once this type of intrusion begins, it is difficult to know where it should stop
or to what use it will be put. When does private behaviour become of concern to
employers? Victimisation and discrimination could infect a workplace under the
guise of occupational health and safety. Where do you stop? If some employees are
tested, should not this apply to all employees from the board of directors down? And
should testing just be a company-by-company matter, or should there be a rule for all
in order to avoid indirect discrimination?
In any case, it is not clear that testing for substance abuse works. Lewis Maltby,
speaking this time as vice-president of American manufacturer Drexelbrook rather
than as president of the National Workrights Institute, said that one-third of American
companies using drug testing believe it is unhelpful. According to Maltby, testing
is bad management because it is aimed at drug use rather than poor workplace
practice; it is looking at the wrong thing. Moreover, it establishes a climate of distrust
between employees and employers.33
Corporate surveillance
Privacy has become an increasingly important issue as technology allows it to be
invaded in novel ways. Employer surveillance of employees through hidden cameras,
computer and phone monitoring, and other means has been seen as particularly
objectionable. In an Australian wrongful dismissal case, evidence came to light
that the deputy chief executive of aged accommodation developer, Primelife, had
secretly recorded 65,400 private telephone conversations made by executives, legal
counsel and her personal assistant between 2001 and 2003. She had also videotaped
board meetings in contravention of a directive by the chairman of Primelife that she
ensure cameras were switched off. She told the Victorian Supreme Court that she
had tapped the calls in order to prevent confidential information being leaked.34 The
wrongful dismissal case was thrown out. The judge commented that her conduct
was fundamentally destructive and subversive of the trust which must exist between
a company, through its board of directors, and its chief executive officers.35
This is more a case of a rogue employee than a corporate policy of surveillance.
Clearly a responsible corporation should develop clear IT policies to protect its
valuable resources and to guard against liability for employee misuse. Such a policy
should also protect employees from passing temptations, such as the urge to fire off
an irate message to a politician, another business or a lover using corporate equipment. Banks already employ video surveillance of tellers to protect their money and
the tellers themselves: such surveillance allows mistakes to be distinguished from
theft and supports honesty in a potentially tempting environment. If a corporation
provides access to email, mobile phones and the Web, it can be implicated in
criminal and civil matters, from harassment and bullying to fraud. According to an
article in Forbes, monitoring occurs because Press leaks, theft of trade secrets and
time wasting are big concerns. But the main reason is fear of lawsuits Almost
25% of companies have had employee emails subpoenaed because of a workplace
lawsuit, usually involving harassment or discrimination. 36
Here is how one company, SpectorSoft, promotes an employee-monitoring
Spector 360Company-wide Employee Monitoring
Dont have time to look at every web page each employee views, every email they
send, every instant message or every keystroke they type? Let Spector 360 do the
work for you by analyzing the data and showing you the worst offenders, so you know
which employees to zero in on with Spector 360s detailed investigative features. 37
If a corporation avails itself of such a product to implement its policy, how is that
different from applying policies about other matters, such as rules about leave or
health and safety? How is such a policy in particular a breach of privacy?
Dunns attempt at a defence has the ring of Bart Simpson about it: I didnt do
it; you didnt see me do it; you cant prove a thing. She set the investigation in
motion, did not get formal board approval, approved Hunsakers plans and then
denied responsibility when her conduct was publicised. Would she have made a
similar disclaimer if the whole incident had remained inside HP?
Apart from being a topical case, this story offers some lessons in ethics. The
first might be transparency: Dunn should have been open with the board. Keyworth
is reported as admitting to a board meeting that he had talked to CNET. According
to Newsweek he said to the board, I would have told you all about this. Why didnt
you just ask?56 Dunn claims that she and the CEO tried to get Keyworth to admit
that he was the leaker two months earlier but Keyworth declined.57 The adoption of
a more transparent investigation would have averted some of the fallout. Dunn and
the board could have called in the police. The chances of keeping the investigation
in proportion with the offence would have been greater with full board involvement.
Reliance on legal advice, some of it second-hand, to take care of ethical matters
was mistaken. This was the kind of case that lent itself to discussion through an
ethical decision-making model, but when ethical objections were raised they were
buried. Only one set of stakeholders is identified by Dunnshareholdersand
others affected by the activities she initiated seem to be unfortunate collateral
damage. Finally, those in charge of the investigation tried to deflect responsibility
for its damaging consequences.
trust, individual ethics withers and, with it, creativity, initiative and the willingness
to take risks that increase wealth. Judgment is risky: it is required in any healthy
organisation. Occasionally it can fail but a healthy organisation should be prepared
for that failure. Risk management that will not accept this will seek to eliminate the
discretion necessary for the exercise of judgment.
market must answer is this: why would manufacturers with a great deal to lose risk
their market by supplying dangerous goods? Undoubtedly they must in some very
important respect think it is worth the risk. Still, a product that puts the lives or health
of consumers at risk places a great ethical responsibility on all concerned with its
manufacture, approval and supply.
Amid the many cases of failure there are examples of good corporate conduct,
which mitigate the doctrine of caveat emptor (buyer beware). In March 2009, Ford
recalled more than 83,534 of its Territory four-wheel-drive vehicles in Australia
because it became aware that the front brake hose could wear and break. Although
Ford believed that the problem affected fewer than 2 per cent of vehicles, it issued
the recall as a precautionary measure.62
The Mistral fan case provides a good example of problems associated with the
responsibilities of all the parties concerned, and good material for stakeholder
What of the regulatory authorities and insurance companies? The inquiry found
that Mistral was evasive and sometimes outright deceptive. Management gave
misleading figures about the number of fans that caught fire, although it was aware
of the truth. Mistrals insurers were not told the truth for many years about the fire
risk of the Gyro Aire fans, but the coroner found that by 1986 they had enough
information to take action in the public interest, as well as their own.
The State Electricity Commission of Victoria Approvals Board was criticised for
failing to collate information on fan fires, and for keeping inadequate records on
its dealings with Mistral. One aspect of the Commissions oversight of the Mistral
affair was the presence on its Approval Board of L. Milton, the inventor of the
fan. Although no longer with Mistral, Miltons presence led the coroner to make
these comments: The position of Milton on the Approvals Board is a matter of
considerable concern and it is difficult to escape the conclusion that the decision
not to take the matter further may have been affected by his involvement.
The technical context in which the Mistral incidents took place should have
triggered a timely and complete recall. In 1977 Underwriters Laboratories in the
United States evaluated the Gyro Aire and found that the plastic housing did
not meet American flammability standards. Ironically, only a few years earlier a
committee of Standards Australia was established to examine flammability testing
for electrical products. A Mistral representative was a member of the committee. An
Australian standard was not available until 1978, four years after the review began
and six years after the appearance of a standard developed by the International
Electrotechnical Commission. Before July 1979 the approval of electrical fans was
voluntary. Electric shock was seen as the main danger, not fire risk. The coroner
observed that There was a considerable delay in the introduction of an obvious
safety standard.
1 Who were the stakeholders that Mistral noticed? Who were those they
2 Which other parties were indifferent to stakeholder interests in this case?
3 In what ways would stakeholder awareness have changed the ethics of the
major parties?
The notion of stakeholder is not conceptually trouble-free, and this has practical
limitations. But it does immediately offer a way of calling attention to the interests of
others affected by a business decision. And it does enrich the business vocabulary
ethically without having the appearance of unwelcome moralising. It provides a
way to take into account two very simple but universal assumptions in our society:
people should be informed about things done to them and risks presented to them
and, where possible, people should be asked for their consent before things are
done to them, whether they are directly concerned in a business decision or are
third parties.
1 Why would it seem important to widen businesss appropriate concerns from stockholders to stakeholders?
2 Do you think that business has a duty to take account of stakeholders interests
interests beyond those of its stockholders? Why?
3 Do you think there is a way to determine whose interests a business should take
into account beyond that which is legally required or required by some appropriate
regulatory bodythat is, who should be regarded as stakeholders in any particular
businesss activities?
4 Is it clear what it means to say that a stakeholder analysis is not strategic?
5 Sometimes looking after stakeholder interests is a matter of paternalism, and
sometimes it is a matter of other thingsfor example, stakeholders wishes. These
are different types of considerations. Can you itemise the different kinds of considerations that can enter into trying to take account of stakeholders interests?
6 We mentioned that in the United States there are many famous cases of component
and product failure which raise legal and ethical questions about appropriate regard
for stakeholders: Ford Pinto, Challenger Space Shuttle, Bay Area Rapid Transit
System and Ford Explorer/Firestone Tire. If you are not familiar with some or all of
these, you might want to learn about them. They are easily discoverable through a
search on the internet.
7h Corporate gifts and benevolence
7h Fair dealing and care
It is not surprising that some writers, such as Carr and Friedman, should have
applied the notion of rules and laws to business and exempted it from the moral
considerations that apply to natural persons. Most of contemporary business is built
upon law. Businesses are commonly what might be called enterprise associations,
collectivities of people working for the purposes of the business who might not share
much beyond those purposes. These enterprise associations can be distinguished
from social or community ones, where conviviality or even a loose set of objectives
provides the rationale for the association.1
The relationships in enterprise organisations serve the purposes of the organisation rather than personal or social ones. We can see, then, why corporate obligations
have been cast in legal terms. Corporations are legal creatures, artificial persons.
They do not give up their seats in buses to the infirm; they do not argue with parking
police; they do not console a colleague who has lost a parent; they do not lose their
temper when the supermarket trolley veers to one side. The obligations of corporations
appear to be only the things that they have contracted to do or for which they are
liable under law. Increasingly, however, this view of obligation has failed to meet either
public expectations or legal judgments. The argument that business operates under
laws, rules and assumptions peculiar to itself, while ethics regulates the relations of
real persons of flesh and blood, does not carry the conviction it once did.
If ethics is about human excellence, it is also about setting minimum standards
for any agent, whether natural or artificial. Natural persons are people, human
beings. Artificial persons are corporations or collectivities that can exercise powers
of agency. When corporations like HIH or Enron or OneTel fail, the ethics of the
managers and directors occupy the public spotlight. Figures of the moment, such as
Alan Bond, Jeffrey Skilling, Jodee Rich, Brad Keeling and Bernard Madoff, have their
lifestyles covered on the evening news. Ethics in such cases means personal morality.
Business ethics also refers to minimum standards of organisational conduct. The
nature of corporate personality has been debated, with some philosophers claiming
that a corporation can have a decision-making capacity that gives it attributes of
natural persons, such as a conscience. We shall not enter into that debate here.
Indeed, some writers believe that the law has overtaken the philosophers and that the
courts now view corporations in similar terms to natural persons.2 This is particularly
the case in the United States, where Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations
have been in force since 1991.3 The Guidelines basically penalise companies that
come before the courts without having made any effort to take ethics seriously.
What the Guidelines seem to require, as a minimum, is the introduction of ethics
programs into the workplace. It is hardly surprising that organisational ethics should
be supported legally, given the powers that corporations possess and the powers that
flow to those who run them. As Lord Denning put it over fifty years ago,
A company may in many ways be likened to a human body. It has a brain and nerve
centre which controls what it does. It also has hands which hold the tools and act
in accordance with directions from the centre. Some of the people in the company
are mere servants and agents who are nothing more than hands to do the work and
cannot be said to represent the mind or will. Others are directors and managers who
represent the directing mind and will of the company, and control what it does. The
state of mind of these managers is the state of mind of the company and is treated by
the law as such.4
C H A P T E R 4 E T H I C S I N T H E M A R K E T P L AC E
members are counselled not to accept even tokens as gifts. The reason for rejecting
even minor gifts is to retain a sense of independence and both the appearance and
reality of probity. Moreover, there will be no danger of an incremental creep: a small
gift one day, a bigger one the next, and so on until the receiver is compromised. Of
course, the size of some kinds of gifts may be a disincentive to accepting them. A ride
in a jet trainer, for example, can cost over $1600 for a short flight, and this can place
an obligation on the receiver to reciprocate with a favourable business decision.7
Gifts that can influence a decision are corrupting and harmful. They are akin
to bribes and do the same kind of damage to trust in the market system. If they
influence business decisions, then products will not be bought and sold on merit
but on grounds that could not be justified in the cold light of day. However, this view
is not accepted universally. Nick Reid, former president of the Australian Incentive
Association, is not concerned with the size of gifts if they come without strings.
If the recipient is not involved in a decision about the giver, then a large gift may be
accepted. Another exception he would allow is a gift given after a deal had been
closed.8 It is difficult to reconcile these views with ethical appearances. There are no
free lunches, let alone laptop computers, extreme adventures or tropical cruises.
Although corporate gift giving for business purposes has attracted public criticism,
benevolence to charities and community projectsthe kinds of giving Friedmanites
would questionhas not. On the contrary, it seems to be expected. This, no doubt,
is because corporate persons are often held to the standards that apply to natural
persons. In the 1999 Millennium Poll on Corporate Social Responsibility, sponsored
by PricewaterhouseCoopers, more than 25,000 consumers were interviewed about
the role of business in society. The poll found that Two in three citizens want companies to go beyond their historical role of making a profit, paying taxes, employing
people and obeying laws; they want companies to contribute to broader societal
goals as well. 9
As an example, take the celebrated neurosurgeon, Jeffrey Rosenfeld, who has
been frustrated about inadequate funds for research and development in Australia.
Rosenfeld asks, Why cant we encourage our major companies to put major dollars
into healthcare? The Government can only do so much. Im not critical of the
Government. Im critical of the corporations. Among the corporations that attract
his criticism are drug companies that will not devote their resources to diseases
that plague the Third World. Profits are difficult to generate in such environments,
so remedies for these diseases are not researched. They have a responsibility to
spend some of their profits on Third World disease, says Professor Rosenfeld.10 It
would be good for exotic diseases to be fought with medical science, but science
is expensive and investors take a risk with their money in funding it. But that is
not the main point. Like so many others, Rosenfeld treats private and corporate
wealth as though they were equivalent. And corporate responsibility is taken to
C H A P T E R 4 E T H I C S I N T H E M A R K E T P L AC E
Another who has praised Williamss generosity is Harold Sharp, chief executive
officer of the North Shore Heart Research Foundation. If I had to stand up in court
and give a character reference under oath, I would have to say he is one of the
finest people I have ever met, said Sharp. The problem, according to those who
worked with Williams, is that there was often confusion about whether Williams
or HIH was the donor. HIH Royal Commissioner, Justice Owen, found that Williams
did not keep his shareholders and directors adequately informed about company
donations. While Williamss personal generosity was unquestioned, his largesse
with company fundsestimated to have been worth $20 millionearned him
criticism. Moreover, Williams sat on the boards of several charities that benefited
from HIH donations. This conflict of interest was a point of criticism during the
Royal Commission by senior counsel, Wayne Martin, but it is a problem that does
not seem to have occurred to Williams.13
Williams is not alone in his views and, considering the value of reputation, perhaps
corporate benevolence is more justifiable than Friedman and his followers have
recognised. This is an area not sufficiently recognised as grey. Indeed, some who
subscribe to Friedmans view wish to go further than the master. Elaine Sternberg
accuses him of being too polite in describing the use of a corporations funds for
benevolent purposes as socialism and covert taxation. She calls it theft:
Business managers who use business funds for non-business purposes are guilty not
just of the legal crime of theft, but of the logical offence of teleopathy: in diverting
funds from strictly business objectives to other purposes, they are pursuing the wrong
ends. And teleopathy is a serious offence, the generic form of prostitution. Just as
prostitution occurs when sex is proffered for money rather than love, so it exists when
business pursues loveor social responsibilityrather than money.14
C H A P T E R 4 E T H I C S I N T H E M A R K E T P L AC E
the buying and selling of certain goods such as tobacco and alcohol because we
believe that the harm done from an unrestricted market in such goods outweighs the
social benefit. In cases of hardship resulting from individual choice, the government
either intervenes as the agent of society, or abstains and allows the development of
social conditions that make life in that society unpalatable. It is true that government
interventions reduce the incentive of people to exercise their own control (as indeed
insurance coverage can make people less cautious).17 Yet it is implausible to suggest
that the market could be a perfect instrument for meeting human needs and desires
if only it were allowed to operate freely. Markets are social constructions; they do
not arise if individuals are left to their own devices, but rely on a social context and,
concomitantly, on government to provide order, security and continuity.
Between government regulation and utter licence lies ethical responsibility. That
is, it is possible to have a relatively unregulated society when its members preserve
core ethical values: hence the importance of ethics to a market economy and the
society that benefits from it. Individuals are worthy of respect. We can take a positive
ethical view of market economies and see them as being, if not perfect, at least a
good way of accommodating and respecting the autonomy of buyers and sellers.
What are these core ethical values? Here are some important ones: honesty,
trustworthiness, compassion, fairness and justice. Honesty is a kind of accountability; it means being accountable for the truth to certain individuals. If a friend asks if
you like his new tie, an honest answer will help him decide or perhaps save him from
embarrassment. If your host at a dinner party asks you to admire her new painting, it
would be insulting, not honest, to tell her she has poor taste. Peoples relationship to
each other dictates the nature of what honesty requires. This is not a value carried
around like a pocket calculator to assess situations or find universal answers; it is
a way of addressing a variety of situations with very different demands and responsibilities attached to them. While it is care for the truth, not all information belongs
to everybody who asks for it. An honest person will find it repellent to deceive, and
especially so to deceive those who have placed trust in themfamily and friends,
or shareholders, employees and customers. Trustworthiness is the other side of
honesty; it is being able to receive a truth or a responsibility and sustain the confidence of others that you will not use it lightly or in an inappropriate way. A person
who keeps their word is such an individual. Compassion means that one respects the
full humanity of others. It is a spirit of generosity that can soften the rigours of justice.
It would give a sucker an even break. Fairness does not mean being unstrategic or
stupid in doing business. It means avoiding dirty tricks and underhanded tactics to
get your way. Fairness is part of justice, the part that relates to equity: treat everyone
with respect, treat equals (or like cases) equally and unequal persons (or dissimilar
cases) unequally. Give each and every person their due. Do not let self-interest overwhelm decision-making. Follow procedure. Beyond these prescriptions, fairness is
often a matter of law and is determined in the courts. The same is true of justice, but
legal justice is not identical to moral justice (what positive law calls justice can only
be part of what any society means by the term). Justice takes into account things
that many definitions of fairness leave out: need, contributions, merits, social value
and risks are seldom present in the same theory.18 Compassion and caring could
also be added to the list, and then justice becomes the inclusive virtue of ethics, the
principle that orders all others and is their best expression.
There is another ethical aspect of markets that should incline us to a positive
view of them. They should provide the most efficient allocation of scarce resources
to meet demand. Without market competition there is no incentive to minimise
waste and maximise productivity, and prices will be higher than they should be. The
strength of a market economy should be to provide the most efficient allocation of
scarce resources to meet demand. Competition is essential to the market, for without
it there is no incentive to minimise waste and maximise productivity. Without competition, resources will be allocated inefficiently and prices will be higher than they
should be. From this line of thinking, it follows that businesses and customers must
be relatively unconstrained. Each seeks to gain from a transaction: the customer
wants the lowest price, and the seller wants the maximum profit. They meet at an
equilibrium point on price. In a kind of premonition of chaos theory, Adam Smith
showed how these free and competitive transactions worked by an invisible hand
to bring about the maximum economic benefit to society.
Smiths insight has been used to argue against government intervention in the
market and to justify liberties that Smith would never have countenanced. The selfinterest that he believed motivated people to be productive was not an unfettered
right to pursue profit. Gain should only be sought within the confines of justice and
social morality. It is these moral restrictions that are usually forgotten when Smiths
theory is mentioned.19 Business is not, as Carr imagines, run according to its own
rules, but must work within the rules and conventions of the social system.
Business, then, should function in a market economy in accordance with, or
constrained by, the principles of justice and morality that prevail in society. There is a
constant temptation, however, to minimise competition and the access of customers
to alternative sources of goods and services. Marx believed that a movement to
oligopoly and monopoly was characteristic of late capitalism,20 but this is a latent
tendency of business and can be as strongly supported by labour (in order to
preserve jobs) as by management and owners. Although the law attempts to deal
stringently with this area of business, the pressures of competition, especially during
a recession or when a business is in decline,21 can be difficult to resist. Hence, there
is a common problem in business-to-business relations of dealing fairly not only with
ones stakeholders, but also with ones competitors.
C H A P T E R 4 E T H I C S I N T H E M A R K E T P L AC E
The following cases illustrate some of these issues. They give the lie to the belief
that market systems are self-rectifying and need no externally imposed ethical and
legal constraints. They are cases not only of personal moral failure, but also of the
failure of business ethics.
Nowhere is this difficulty more apparent than on the issue of fairness. The three
cases below illustrate some ways in which justice as fairness can be harmed.
ASIC and parliament have tried to restrict Tweeds activities. In May 2003, ASIC
imposed a condition on the licence of National Exchange that required Tweed to
disclose the market price of any shares he was offering to buy. The condition also
applies to unlisted shares, and requires any offer to set out a fair estimate of the
value of the securities and the method by which the estimation was reached.29
Attempts to stop Tweed do not end there. In a highly unusual move, parliament was
moved by Tweeds activities to tighten the Financial Services Reform Act in 2003
(the Financial Services Reform Amendment Bill 2003).30 Henceforth, unsolicited
offers to purchase shares had to disclose the current market price. Of course,
C H A P T E R 4 E T H I C S I N T H E M A R K E T P L AC E
Tweed had a reply: he offered to purchase shares at better than market price
but to pay for them over a 15-year period. It seems that whatever legislative and
regulatory barricades are put in his way, Tweed circumvents themand uses the
law to do so. Ironically, changes to the law might have helped Tweed make his offers
safer legally. In any case, the Federal Court found that, though not models of their
kind, they were not deceptive, misleading or legalistic.31
In Australian Securities and Investments Commission v. National Exchange Pty
Ltd, the Federal Court found,
7h that Tweed did not conduct his business in good faith
7h that National Exchange systematically took advantage of a group of inexperi-
enced persons who would act irrationally from a purely commercial viewpoint
and would accept the offer
7h that these people were perceived to be vulnerable targets and ripe for exploitation, as they would be likely to act inadvertently and sell their shares without
obtaining proper advice, and they were a predictable class of members from
whom Tweed could procure a substantial financial advantage
7h that there was a strong element of moral obloquy in this case
7h that the conduct of National Exchange in this case clearly offends against
basic notions of good conscience and fair play.32
In October 2006, ASIC permanently banned Tweed from providing financial
services. This ban was set aside by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal in June
2008.33 Denying Tweed access to corporate share registers has often been suggested and it would certainly be an obstacle to his schemes. At present, however,
corporations cannot legally do this. Even passing on the full cost of obtaining a
copy of the share register for Tweed is not legally safe, as AXA found in 2008: the
Federal Court reduced the fee to Tweed from over $17,000 (the cost to AXA) to
$250.34 Companies have to tread warily in trying to protect the interests of their
shareholders. In 2002, Tweed offered former members of OFM Investment Group
between 50 and 62 cents for their newly issued shares ahead of the companys
float. The shares were subsequently listed for $1.60. When the board of OFM tried
to prevent Tweed from registering shares acquired through his offer, he retaliated
with successful legal action. Yet the board had simply tried to act with a duty of
care to former members (now shareholders). The chairman of OFM explained the
boards decision in these terms: I felt aggrieved when he wrote to our shareholders
because I felt the board still had some trustee or protective role. OFM was started
about 20 years ago to encourage older Australians to save. Many of our members,
therefore, were unsophisticated in terms of investment skills.35
Perhaps in the past more people in business would have excused Tweeds conduct on the principle that if an activity is legal, then it is not unethical. Nowadays,
that kind of rationale is no longer convincing. Talk of free markets, the free exchange
of property and the like do not excuse conduct like Tweeds: it is naked opportunism
that violates the core values nominated as essential for the conduct of business
honesty, trustworthiness, compassion, justice and fairness.
The case of Tweed illustrates many things for the ethics of business:
7h the moral irrelevance of market justifications for ethically repugnant conduct
7h that law alone is insufficient to support good business, as Adam Smith recognised
7h that not much can be expected ethically of persons unable to empathise with
Tweed might just be the exception to our rule that nobody accepts ethical defeat:
apparently he told one elderly victim, I didnt do morals at school.43
A classic case of obviously unfair competition was revealed in the legal action
taken by Virgin Atlantic against British Airways.44
C H A P T E R 4 E T H I C S I N T H E M A R K E T P L AC E
The Tradestock case does not involve such obviously dirty tricks. In this case,
established transport interests sought to reduce opportunities for competitive pricing
through exclusion from the market of Tradestock Pty Ltd. The notion of a market
economy is to deliver the lowest possible prices for consumers and the most efficient
distribution of resources within the economy. The way the market actually operates
in cases like Tradestock, however, could make one sceptical about these claims: free
enterprise is greatif you can get a piece of the action. This case became a classic
for competition policy and enforcement in Australia.
C H A P T E R 4 E T H I C S I N T H E M A R K E T P L AC E
shut them out of the market.46 Financial difficulties prevented them from continuing
proceedings, but in 1978 the Trade Practices Commission took over the case under
the Trade Practices Act 1974. (The Trade Practices Commission was replaced by the
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in 1995.) Relying on the minutes
of NFFA, the Trade Practices Commission alleged that the defendants were parties to
one or more of three arrangements or understandings, each in breach of the Act.
The court found that, although certain arrangements or understandings were
proved, these arrangements or understandings were not in restraint of trade
because they did not have the requisite significant effect on competition between
major freight forwarders. The court found that the field for the transport of goods
in Australia was highly competitive at all relevant times and the freight forwarders
competed actively with each other. The prosecution, nonetheless, made the Commission more determined to fight cartels and in particular the freight industry
cartel. For their part, freight forwardersor perhaps their lawyersbecame more
aware of the requirements of the Act. This does not seem to have been enough to
deter cartel behaviour, however, and in 199495, the Commission was successful
against freight giant TNT. Parker et al. suggest that in the Tradestock case, It is
highly likely that although TNT, Ansett and Mayne Nickless staff knew what they
were doing was probably illegal, they did not perceive it as being seriously wrong.47
When business is seen as a kind of game removed from morality, it is not surprising
that such perceptions prevail.
1 The court did not find any breach of the law, but does the exclusion of Tradestock
from the market nevertheless constitute an ethical wrong? What ethical issues
does the case raise?
2 Is there anything morally wrong or ethically troubling about cartel behaviour?
not live up to production estimates, and by the time it closed in 1991 Consex had
lost millions. It then sought damages of $175 million plus interest and costs from
Minnett for misleading advice. The basis of this figure is the estimate of N. H. Cole
and Associates, who argued as an independent expert that $201 million had not
been a fair price for the mine and that the true figure was closer to $30 million.
Others had been optimistic about Consex. The stockbrokers Jacksons Ltd had
described the stock as good value: The companys two major assets, the Lady
Bountiful and Davyhurst mines, will have a combined production of approximately
75,000 ounces a year. But according to Consexs lawyers, Mallesons Stephen
Jaques, Minnett should have known better. Mallesons held that Minnett appeared
to have adopted a comparative valuation technique, based on gold mining share
price relativity. They held that the open market value of the mine was the standard
of valuation that should have been used. Mallesons claimed that Minnett should
have taken specified steps to protect their client.
In reply to this claim, Ord Minnetts lawyers, Ebsworth and Ebsworth, argued that
Consexs directors should, among other things, have done their own valuation and
produced a report on ore reserves. In other words, the directors should have checked
more carefully before the purchase as part of their normal responsibilities.
The case is complicated because the information for Minnetts independent
valuation was derived from financial statements and geological reports from
Consex itself. Both Western Mining and former Consex directors were joined as
third-party defendants. Consex claimed that both had provided information for
Minnetts valuation.
The valuers who signed the valuation were quoted as saying, We have relied
upon directors of Consex to provide us with details of the various transactions being
proposed. The valuers did not actually inspect the mine in preparing their report.
In June 1987 Consex shareholders had the Minnett valuation before them and
agreed to the purchase from Western Mining. This was made with $100 million in
cash and $101 million in Consex shares. Western Mining did not emerge happily
from its dealings with Consex.48
1 Does the hire of expert advice relieve an obligation on the buyer to beware?
2 Should Consexs directors have been more cautious?
3 Is any special ethical issue involved in this case?
C H A P T E R 4 E T H I C S I N T H E M A R K E T P L AC E
C H A P T E R 4 E T H I C S I N T H E M A R K E T P L AC E
1 What should WMC have done when the mistake was discovered?
2 What should they not have done?
3 In considering these questions, what weight should be given to fair dealing
with Savage?
In chapter 10 codes are discussed at some length, but suffice it to say here that
WMC responded appropriately to a series of chastening experiences by reviewing
its values and stating its commitment to ethical business. This contrasts with other
enterprises whose only clear values are competitive advantage and the profits this
brings. Though often obscured by the demands of competition, fairness and justice
remain integral to the practice of business. Sometimes business is reminded of this
only by the emergence of a crisis.
1 We do restrict the buying and selling of certain goods because we believe that
the harm done from an unrestricted market in such goods outweighs the social
benefit. What are the competing interests alluded to here?
2 Explain the statement, Between government regulation and utter licence lies
ethical responsibility.
In discussing advertising ethics, two questions come to mind at the outset: first, what
scope is there for ethical concern, apart from a legal concern about the practice of
advertising and the particular content of individual advertisements? (For example,
fraud is illegal; what additional room is there for ethical concerns? If it is legal to
sell a product, then should it not be legal to advertise that product?) Second, is
there anything morally peculiar to the situation of advertising, and are there any
special considerations that should be taken into account here that might be absent
from the moral arena in other situations? The short answer to both these questions
is that there is plenty of room for moral concern, and that because of the nature of
advertising and its audience, legal concern itself is not (and should not be) limited to
fraud and the like (that is, there is an expanded set of legal interests when it comes
to advertisingbeyond the range of those present in other public arenas).
Moral concerns about advertising are present on three levels. At the macro level
we could discuss the moral justification of the practice of advertising per se and its
place or overall justification within society. At the micro level we could consider
particular advertisements and evaluate them morally. Some writers have suggested
that in order to consider the micro level, reference must be made to the macro
level, because it is only by considering the social justification for advertising as a
practice that criteria for the evaluation of particular advertisements can emerge.1
Between these two perspectives there is another not related to the entire practice of
advertising or to individual advertisements, but rather to concerns about advertising
different types of products. The Trade Practices Commission and the (now defunct)
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Advertising Standards Council, for instance, both recognised that special considerations should apply to advertisements pertaining to alcoholic beverages, cigarettes,
slimming products and therapeutic products.
Advertisements can be objectionable in different ways and according to different
criteria. It is possible that an advertisement offends you or that you find it objectionable, but that, nevertheless, you do not believe that it is morally objectionable or that
it should be subject to legal sanctions. You may believe that it is ugly; you may find
the product itself or the depiction of it unappealing; you may also find the advertisement to be in bad taste. Maybe the old Rita-forr Eta margarine advertisements fall into
one or more of these categories, or maybe the advertisement for Stayfree Maxipads
(the blood of the murder victim is mopped up with the pad), or Ajax multipurpose
cleanser (worshipped by the housewife in the bathroom), or WILD-FM (featuring
amputees who cannot dance to the great music played by the radio station).
In thinking about the ways in which advertisements, and advertising in general,
can go wrong, it can be helpful to try to distinguish types of objections into three
groups: moral, legal and other. In using legal here, we are not referring to present
laws, but suggesting that legal sanctions should be present: there ought to be law.
Surely it is possible that some advertisement is objectionable in some sense, but
nevertheless should be morally and legally toleratedthat is, there should be no
legal or moral sanctions against it or legal or moral criticism of it. There is a significant question as to whether (and to what extent) it is possible to believe that an
advertisement is morally objectionable and yet, at the same time, there should be
no legal sanctions against it.
One commentator on batteries for laptops put the matter with admirable clarity:
Lately weve had many people complaining about the length of time their laptops
last when running on batteries. While there are many reasons for this, as a public
service, I have decided to reveal the main reason: manufacturers and salespeople
lie. I know, it is hard to believe they would deliberately mislead, but they do. 2
Advertisements can deceive by means other than simply lying. They can deceive
by means of half-truths, and by implying something that is not the truth, without
actually lying. Esso once advertised its petrol with the claim that cars run better on
an additive present in Esso. The advertisement did not mention that all brands of
petrolnot merely Essohad the additive. Duracell advertised that its batteries outperform Eveready batteries. The television ads showed the Duracell bunny powering
ahead of Eveready in a race. In 2001, Energizer took legal action over these ads,
pointing out that the ads actually compared Duracells alkaline (top-end) battery with
Energizers second-tier, Eveready carbon zinc battery, rather than with Energizers
alkaline battery, and that this was misleading to consumers. Initially, Energizer won
their claim, basically on the grounds that Duracell had neglected to mention that
Energizer also stocked a comparable alkaline battery, and so it appeared that the
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
the construction of the advertisement itself (as in the case of subliminal advertising
or blatant lying), but also on the audience for the advertisement. For example,
advertisements aimed at children, slotted into childrens television timeslots, or that
have other particularly vulnerable target audiences are well positioned to manipulate
either intentionally or unintentionally.
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
or in the level of standard applied to this case. At any rate, Coca-Cola showed poor
judgment in the myth-busting promotion and the Advertising Standards Bureau was
not up to telling them so. It scored an own goal against industry self-regulation.
There is another side to concern for autonomy. On the one hand, a concern for
respecting peoples autonomy is a reason to consider the imposition of formal, legal
limits on advertising. On the other hand, however, a concern for peoples autonomy
can offer reasons for refraining from imposing limits. The imposition of legal limits
amounts to taking a paternalistic role with regard to the people who are exposed to
advertising. It amounts to formally, legally, assuming the role of looking after their
welfare, and making decisions about what they should and what they should not be
exposed to, and what they should and what they should not be allowed to expose
themselves to. The other side of the concern to protect people from entering into
unfair, manipulative transactions is the possibility of not allowing people to enter
into transactions into which they would otherwise choose to enter. This question
about how paternalistic it is desirable to be in this area has been briefly considered
by Richard De George, who suggests that this is a political question rather than a
particularly moral one. That is, in this area, the proper paternal role of government
should be decided by the people through their representatives, and with a majority
rule, limited by the rights of individuals and minority groups.8 According to this
view there is nothing morally compelling about paternalistic concern in the area of
advertising, but neither is there anything morally repugnant about it. Like a number of
other important matters within society, this one is properly left to societys preference
about what it would like to dowhether it wishes to be more or less paternal in its
conduct in this area, whether it wishes to have more or less paternalistically oriented
legislation about advertising. This is a very important point. Not every significant
decision that we make about what to do or what kind of society or person to be must
be a moral decision. Many very important decisions are rightly matters of preference
or political decisions; that is, decisions about which it is appropriate to take a vote.
In appraising whether or not an advertisement or an advertising practice should
have moral and, in particular, legal sanctions imposed on it, we must consider not
merely whether the advertisement or practice is morally offensive or is in some other
respect morally objectionable. Having decided that it is objectionable should not
settle the question of whether the advertisement should have sanctions imposed on
it or whether those who judge it to be objectionable should tolerate it. Toleration is
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
interested in cost either $1 or are free, and the postage and handling to anywhere in
the USA is, roughly, US$5. This still seems like a tremendous deal for good-quality
sunglasses. If we look carefully, we might notice that above the list of brands of
sunglasses, the heading is Inspired Styles. Then, we might also happen to scroll
clear to the bottom of the screen and happen to notice this, in very small print:
Disclaimer: *We have no association or relationship with the above named
sunglass companies, stores, products, or trademarks whatsoever. The reference
is to simply compare our prices and products to the above. Our products are
unique and different than the above-mentioned products. We do not represent
our sunglasses to be the originals nor are they copies of the above.
So, an inspired style might be Christian Dior, Nike or Boll, but those are
inspired styles only. And while it is true that the disclaimer does appear on the
website, it would be very difficult to argue that the website is not designed to appear
to provide sunglasses that are the real McCoy; particularly when one goes to it by
means of the direction that is included in the personalised email. If we re-read the
second paragraph of the email, after having noticed the disclaimer on the website,
then maybe we can get an inkling that the sunglasses are not really name brands
at all. But even here, it is still maybe; and it is a certainty that the enticement for the
sunglasses is a claim that the sunglasses on offer are the real thing.
that is specified as unacceptable by the Australian Broadcasting Tribunal, as established by the Broadcasting Act 1942 (Cwlth), and they can also receive complaints.
For example, both FACTS and FARB prohibit, among other categories, advertising
that is misleading, subliminal or inciting of hatred on grounds of race. The ASC did
not preview, or function as a clearance body, for advertisements. Its role was to
respond to complaints from the public concerning advertising that they had seen or
heard. In order to impose any sanction on an advertisement (such as requiring that
the advertisement be altered or that it be removed altogether), the ASC would have to
find that the advertisement breached one or more clauses in the general advertising
code of ethics or in one of the specific product codes. By far the most significant and
widely invoked clause in the general code was clause 6: Advertisements shall not
contain anything which in the light of generally prevailing community standards is
likely to cause serious offence to the community or a significant section of the community.12 Surprisingly, a particularly contentious and troublesome clause was clause
7: Advertisements shall be truthful and shall not be misleading or deceptive.
The ASCs treatment of these two clauses probably played a major part in its
downfall. On a number of occasions, the ASC was accused of paying too much
attention to the letter of clause 7 and not enough attention to the spirit of that clause.
For example, according to the ASCs case report for November and December 1998,
it received five complaints regarding a lamb roast advertisement in which a young
girl asks her mother if she can have dinner at a friends house. Her mother agrees,
but when the girl realises that her mother is cooking a lamb roast, she tells her
friend that her mother has refused permission. She told a lie. The ASC wrote to the
advertiser, cautioning them about using such fib devices in future advertisements.
In this respect, the ASC was seen by a number of advertisers as being draconian and
out of touch with the community.
Clause 6 was very important, and by its nature required that the sanctioning
body be in tune with community feelings. The ASC itself trumpeted the fact that the
code was to be a living codethat is, changing as the communitys mores change.
However, the ASC was often criticised for being out of touch with how the community
at large would react to particular depictions in advertisements. The presence of a
directive such as clause 6 also raised serious questions about the limits of what
should be tolerated, even if it is objectionable. We noted this consideration earlier.
There were probably two or three major factors that contributed to the demise of
the ASC. As just discussed, one factor was that a significant portion of the advertising
industry thought that it had become out of touch with the community, as well as too
authoritarian, rule-bound and perhaps capricious in its judgments. A separate, but
not unrelated, factor was strong dissatisfaction within some parts of the industry
with the operation of the Media Council and a certain amount of unhappiness with
the presence of such a body at all. As mentioned above, the Media Council was
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
the umbrella organisation governing the ASC, as well as being its funding body.
The industry decided to do away with the Media Council as its self-regulatory and
accreditation body. Among other things, this involved the disestablishment of the
ASC. In this respect, the demise of the ASC was an effect of the disestablishment of
the Media Council, which was the central target. Inasmuch as the Media Council
was the industrys accreditation body, disestablishment of this body amounted
to deregulating the advertising industry in other ways as well. It also seems that a
significant group of advertisers wanted a new regime because they wanted more
freedom in advertising; they did not want to be responsible to an organisation that
had real clout in its decision-making and sanctioning functions. All these factors
seem to have been at work. The noteworthy outcome was the end of a relatively
long-standing regime, a hiatus, and then the institution of a new regime.13
The basic function of advertising is to inform buyers about what is available in the
market. It allows sellers to attract customers by praising the virtues of their goods
and services. Advertising, then, may reasonably be seen as a fundamental part of
the operation of markets. It informs, allows comparisons of products and prices,
and is essential to competition. As these basic functions also support newspapers
and other media outlets, advertising thus performs a public service beyond its role
in marketing.
These basic functions, however, have become more complicated in the world
of modern technology. Advertising is more than just the transmission of essential
information. True, most advertising is still placed in the classified columns, but most
of the national advertising budget is spent on mass campaigns through direct mail,
glossy magazines, posters, radio, television and film. Most of the services and products advertised are consumer goods that depend on volume sales for their success.
So advertising must persuade as well as inform. This is where modern technology
comes in and where most ethical objections arise.
Persuasion has always been a part of selling. Socrates had a good deal of sport
at the expense of the universal persuaders of ancient Athens, the Sophists. In turn,
the Roman satirist Lucian made fun of the extravagant claims of philosophers to
give instruction in what today we would call lifestyles. But modern techniques of
persuasion, and the ability of modern media with their information on demographics, allows for more pervasive, intrusive and subtle forms of persuasion than were
previously available. The excessive boosting of products, the use of subliminal and
other psychoactive techniques, product placements and endorsements, and the use
of sexual or violent images all give rise to ethical concerns about advertising. The
question is whether such concerns are justified.
Perhaps the central ethical issue in advertising is deception in a variety of hues.
It is questionable, however, how far this issue extends. Medieval philosophers distinguished between officious, jocose and mischievous lies. The last kind, outright
lying, say for the sake of fraud, is not ethically contentious: it is just plain wrong. Real
questions arise, however, about the first two cases in which the truth is distorted or
exaggerated. St Thomas Aquinas was prepared to countenance the first two types
lies that have a good purposeas not seriously wrong. The law, as well, tolerates a
fair amount of puffery: untruths or exaggerations that are assumed to be recognised
as such by people who are exposed to them.
Take the ultimate case of deceptive advertising: the promotion of a product that
does not exist. As part of research on the effectiveness of billboard advertising,
Chris Tyquin of General Outdoor Advertising put up a large poster for Haka bitter,
a non-existent beer. The poster carried the slogan, Naturally booed in Australia
(the first choice, Haka bitterfor those sheepless nights, was abandoned after
being rated unacceptable by the Outdoor Advertising Association). Demand for the
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
beer eventually saw the hoaxers make a licensing arrangement with a small brewer
to produce the beer in limited quantities, with the agencys profits being donated
to the Prevent Blindness campaign.16 This is the kind of story more associated with
improbable fiction than fact. It is amusing, at least to Australians; our cousins across
the Tasman have not been favourably impressed. The point about the case is that
it illustrates the enormous power of advertising in the creation of a market, and the
opportunities to deceive consumers with that power.
It is generally accepted that advertising does exaggerate, but it is not always clear
that this is wrong, for if everyone is in on the act it hardly becomes a matter of
deception.17 For quite some time, the law has recognised puffery as acceptable, for
exactly this reason.
In the film Crazy People, Dudley Moore plays an advertising man who is tired of
lying. He suggests to his employer that it would be novel to tell the truth about the
products he is promoting: Volvo is boxy but good; Metamucil keeps you regular and
lessens the risk of death from colonic cancer; Sonybecause Caucasians are too
tall (to work accurately on integrated circuits). The humour only works because
these are precisely the concealed messages of conventional hyperbolic advertising.
The low-voltage irony of this film is that the only people capable of telling the truth
are psychiatric patients; when the Madison Avenue executives realise that truth
works, they try to write truthful campaigns themselvesand fail. They have become
so used to lying that they can no longer talk straight, no matter how hard they try.
This irony is underlined by a role reversal in which the patients become more like
the men on Madison Avenue the more advertisement writing they do.
The point is that most of the time exaggerated advertising is obvious. Is this a
moral problem? To insist that it is allies one with a venerable but mistaken line of
moral theorising. Tertullian, a father of the Christian Church, wrote against stage
plays because the players took the parts of various characters. Tertullian held that
such pretence was a species of lying and therefore forbidden to Christians. What he
seems to have ignored is that such impersonations were not designed to deceive the
audience into believing that dramatic roles were anything but roles. Therefore no
deception was intended and indeed could only arise for a few exceptional people
not familiar with the conventions of the theatre.
The same is true of advertising. Anyone unfamiliar with its idioms is likely to
make poor judgments about the moral problems involved. This is not to deny that
product boosting often crosses the line between praising real or imputed virtues
and making claims that are insupportable. Just as dubious is what is left unsaid, or
merely suggested. Lying and deception take their character from the contexts in
which they are practised and are difficult to define in simple generalisations.
It might be thought that saying something false is lying, but people can often mislead others by saying something that they believe to be true but that is nonetheless
false. A resident of Alaska, for example, might reply to his daughters question about
the capital of Australia that it is Sydney. Or we might honestly but falsely believe that
Auckland is in the south island of New Zealand. On the other hand, we might tell
an ailing relative that they will get better soon, believing death is inevitable when in
fact a diagnosis has been made and indeed the relative will recover. The fact that
we believed that death would come makes well-intended words a lie even though
they turned out to be true. So we can lie even if we are not telling a falsehood.
Even a relatively straightforward definition of lying, then, turns out to be difficult
to construct. If it were simply about intention to mislead, then fairy stories told to
children would be lies, and so would many a compliment around a barbecue and
dinner table. If it were simply about deception for personal gain, then do untruths
designed to protect other people cease to be lies?
Not only is the definition of lying difficult, then, but also more importantly its
significance is also context dependentthat is, it depends on what the liar is trying
to do in a particular context. A person who intentionally and deliberately misleads
you so that your surprise party will not be spoiled should be judged after the party,
not at the point of telling the lie.
Advertising that makes false statements that the public is expected to take at
face value is patently wrong and that is the end of the story. The real issues reside
in advertising that does not make false claims, but which may nonetheless be
misleading. The important point has to do with misleading, not with lying. People
can mislead by telling the truth. Remember the example of Esso noted earlier. The
line between what is permissible boosting of a products merits and misleading
exaggeration is a matter of pitch, context and the assumptions of the reader.
1 Should advertisers and marketers avoid exaggerated, offensive or tasteless
campaigns altogether?
2 Should there be legal prohibitions on them?
3 Are there any principles that can be employed to determine whether or not a
particular advertisement is unethical?
4 Are there any principles that can be employed to determine whether or not a
particular advertisement should be legally prohibited?
It is clear that many vocal groups in society would answer yes to questions 1 and
2. Not long ago, Hahn beer advertised itself in a poster featuring a smiling African
man with an elongated neck adorned with rings and the caption Didnt even touch
the sides. A number of people found this advertisement racist. Similar complaints of
tastelessness and sexism have been made in graffiti on posters advertising womens
underwear. In 1993 Magistrate Pat OShane dismissed charges against two women
who defaced a billboard for Berlei underwear because they found its depiction of a
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woman being sawn in half sexist. Sometimes it is the slogans that seriously offend.
An advertisement for Thermos hot and cold containers proclaimed It takes more
than big chests and nice jugs to attract customers. Many years ago, an advertisement
for Speedo womens swimwear featured an attractive woman in a brief (for then)
swimsuit, with the caption, Gentlemen, start your engines.
One of the most controversial advertising campaigns of recent times was run by
Benetton with eye-catching posters of a burning car, poverty, an AIDS sufferer and
a naked Signor Benetton himself. These advertisements attracted much comment
and some outrage from people who thought they exploited human suffering for
commercial advantage. Perhaps the most controversial advertisement of 1993 was a
one-day newspaper poster by Saatchi and Saatchi for the Toyota wide-body Camry,
a description of which follows.
A few months after the Toyota advertisement appeared, a very large billboard
appeared in Melbourne displaying the naked body of a 17-year-old youth, Vadim
Dale, advertising boxer shorts. It read, Every day every man should drop his pants,
look down and smile. No complaints were received by the Advertising Standards
Council according to then executive director Colin Harcourt, who said, Although the
number are increasing, the percentage of complaints we receive about the depiction
[of men] is still minuscule. The advertisement was the work of Style Counsel, whose
spokesperson, Laura Kininmonth, reported a favourable response to the poster, saying, It is a flagrant flaunting of young flesh. More and more you are seeing it happen,
men dropping their pants in television commercials and movies. It is something to
be flaunted and it is an indication of how much men have evolved.19
The questions that arise in the Toyota case are many.
1 Why is it objectionable to use a naked pregnant woman in an advertisement to
sell cars, but less controversial to use one to sell magazines, or for that matter,
Demi Moore herself?
2 What precisely is objectionable in the Toyota advertisement: the use of a torso
without a head, the use of pregnancy to sell cars, the caption across the photograph, the calculated and dramatic use of an ordinary but very precious human
condition to capture public attention, or the sexist nature of the advertisement
(using naked women yet again as objects to sell other objects)?
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
be in breach of clauses 5 and 6 of the Advertising Code of Ethics, with the result
that the advertisements were withdrawn from publication. Notwithstanding this
sanction, and perhaps owing in some measure precisely to the storm of protest that
they generated, the advertisements were surely effective as one-shot exposures.
The line between sexy and sexist may not be clear. The term sexist implies
that women are being demeaned or dominated for the purposes of men. The use of
women in sexual advertising is held by some feminists to be objectifying. Suppose
this is true: why is it unethical? Other feminists, however, believe that there is a
puritanical strain in feminism that wants to deny that the sexual element in women
is as strong as it is in men. If this were so, it would explain the tendency to blur the
distinction between sexual and sexist.22 The innuendo in Sleep wonderfully warm
with Linda has been played up to the point of inanity. So has a suggestive series of
posters on buses and elsewhere of rugged males sprawled between sheets adorned
with slogans like Supreme in bed.
A market-oriented view would take the position that if these advertisements are
sexist, offensive or inane they will not work and will be killed off by others in a
kind of Darwinian struggle to survive. This libertarian view could be applied to all
the ethical questions about advertising. It would hold that if a product or service
is legally available, then its advertising should not be restricted.23 The market will
decide what kinds of advertisements will work. Obviously that which offends most
people will be ineffective, as will misleading or exaggerated or deceptive advertising.
But is this so?
This is an ethical question. So, too, is the issue of stereotyping women, people
with disabilities or ethnic groups. It is simply incorrect to say that the market will
exclude bad advertising, unless bad is used in the sense of unsuccessful, in which
case it is trivially true that bad advertising will be excluded. Advertisements that sell
may still be offensive, as Singleton acknowledges.
The Toyota advertisement ran for one day, but provoked a record ninety-five
complaints to the Advertising Standards Council. The ASC had been subject to strong
lobbying from womens groups to act on sexism in advertising. Before the Toyota
advertisement, John Singleton had run a highly controversial campaign for Eagle
Bitter in South Australia around a scene in which a dog pulls a womans jeans off.
This caused a storm of protest to the ASC, though, curiously, not as much as Saatchi
and Saatchis use of a pregnant woman to sell a car.
Although a member of the National Womens Consultative Council had a seat
on the Advertising Standards Council, the latter had been holding meetings with
womens groups in order to keep its views in line with those of the public. Eventually,
the ASC ruled that the Toyota advertisement contravened two articles of its code and
censured Saatchi and Saatchi.
Kate Henley, former executive director of the Australian Association of National
Advertisers, expressed the view that the industry has lost touch with some shifts in
social attitudes and beliefs:
We can no longer ignore marginalised attitudes The traditional response to attacks
has been that this is a fringe and ratbag element. But I think we have to accept that
these womens groups have pinpointed the trend. Advertisers need to accept that
a change has taken placethat views held by women are less radical but also
widespread. They have not come up to speed on that shift.25
If Henley is right, then free speech will ensure that advertisers are self-regulating;
they will not run advertisements that alienate customers. But to opt for political
correctness, to deny free expression even of offensive views is contrary to the kind
of democracy that the West has long stood for. It may seem a small cost initially to
ban advertising that offends anyone, but the long-term costspolitical and social
rather than economicwill be much greater. Balancing the important democratic
principle of toleration with, say, provisions 1 and 6 of the Advertising Code of Ethics
was very difficult indeed.
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
such as cars, will be commonplace fixtures of film and video entertainments, but
product placement can enhance the prominence of, say, a soft drink or evade
restrictions on tobacco advertising. Some years ago, Paramount Pictures produced
a television series called Viper after the name of its central character, a Dodge
Viper sports car. A New York Times report, reprinted in the Sydney Morning Herald,
commented on the marketingentertainment symbiosis:
Not only would Viper double as a program-length commercial for the Chrysler model
but plans call for merchandising the series with tie-in products such as toy cars and
apparel. That, of course, offers the potential to deliver still more advertising messages,
over and above those that the viewers of Viper would watch in the form of commercials appearing in each episode.26
Similar concerns would apply to some game shows in Australia. Some companies are
virtually acting as sponsors for game shows by donating prizes in return for publicity.
But one game show, Supermarket Sweep, was nothing else but a competition built
around supermarket lines. Is this not product placement? And what if it is? What is
wrong with product placement?
Product placement is an ethical problem because consumers are exposed to
a form of subliminal advertising. The placing of subliminal messages in films was
banned in the 1950s, but product placement is a camouflaged variation on the practice. The camouflage used is in a sense obvious: the Coke signs are obvious when
Sally Field walks into James Garners drugstore in Murphys Romance. And that is the
whole point. Depending on the context, the reference to a product might or might
not be an endorsement. In the film Rain Man two large corporations are mentioned
favourably and unfavourably. In the most famous piece of (apparently) free advertising it has ever received, Qantas is endorsed by Raymond, the autistic prodigy,
who refuses to travel by any other airline because they have had crashes. However, K-Mart does not fare so well. Originally an exclusive K-Mart shopper, Raymond
changes during the course of the film and says at its conclusion, K-Mart sucks!. Of
course, if this is product placement, not endorsement, then John Singletons point
holds: mere mention of a retailer is more important than endorsement, and K-Marts
unfavourable mention counts for as much as the implicit endorsement of Qantas.
Clearly the fortunes of K-Mart or Qantas will not stand or fall by these few
remarks, but it is also clear that it would be unethical to pay for such lines to be
inserted into a script. Why? Is it important that we know that an advertisement is
an advertisement? Is this an element in the objectionability of product placement?
Brand names are part of our lives and our culture (some, like Biro, Hoover and
Kleenex, become generic names) and it would be artificial, and silly, for cinema and
video to refrain from mentioning them. (Was Andy Warhols painting of Campbells
soup tins an endorsement, a subtle product placement?) But this is precisely why it
It is not always necessary or desirable that endorsements be paid for. Some publicinterest organisations make recommendations for the public good. The National
Heart Foundation counsels about diet in terms that are not helpful to the dairy
industry. The Australian Conservation Foundations first ever endorsement was to
give approval to a low-energy, long-life tube to replace the conventional incandescent
light globe. It sees this product as furthering its interests in energy conservation,
pollution savings and so on. The danger with paid and unpaid endorsements is that
the credibility of the public figures and public interest organisations can be brought
into question. From the advertisers viewpoint, high-profile figures can become
exclusively associated with a product, something that can have ramifications beyond
the conduct of their personal lives. If they were, say, to advertise a competitors
product, there would be implicit comparative advertising.
In a case before Justice Davies of the Federal Court, Raid insecticide was restrained
for a time from using the radio announcer John Laws to promote their product because
of Lawss long association with rival brand Mortein. Although Laws had not uttered
the Mortein slogan (When youre on a good thing stick to it) for eleven years, Justice
Davies reasoned that Raid had recruited him precisely because of that association.
The judge ruled that Laws could mistakenly be taken to be endorsing another Mortein
product, but an even more likely inference to be taken here is that Raid is engaging in
masked comparative advertising. After a sufficient elapse of time, Laws advertised a
rival product using a parody of the Mortein campaign: in his newer ad, Laws said (for
Raid), When you find a better product, switch to it.
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
a higher mark-up) is available, or you have it but have planned to try to convince
the prospective buyer that it is not the thing to buy, whereas something else that
you stock is. The idea is that you use something that sounds very attractive as bait,
planning all the while to switch the prospective buyers interest to something else.
Here is an interesting example of bait (perhaps bait-and-switch).27
1 Apart from the legality of the matter, the sign was clearly misleading. Still, it is
worth asking, given that a prospective buyer does not have to buy, what is so
terrible about bait advertising?
2 What about bait-and-switch advertising?
improved for the post-Christmas sales. Moreover, the store has also improved the
atmosphere among the bargain-hunters who gather outside its doors in the early
morning. Both the publicity for the sale and Grace Brotherss image has improved.
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
in comparison with the Optus standard rate, when the $1 per month Flexi-Plan
access fee and the Optus advantage discount are taken into account.31
If the Trade Practices Commission had not directed Telecom to publish these
corrections, it seems that consumers might have been none the wiser. Pressure
for government regulation of advertising is increased by cases like this. Of course,
Optus might also have complained to the Advertising Standards Council, under
provision 7 of the Advertising Code of Ethics. If they had been successful, then selfregulation (that is, industry self-regulation) would have been effective against the
Telecom advertisement. Without the intervention of a regulatory body, misleading or
incomplete information might be provided to customers. As Lemke and Schminke
have argued, the incentives to mislead are greater when business is under stress,
as Telecom clearly was by the entry of a competitor into the long-distance telephone
market. Marketing under conditions of stress may produce inflated claims and
ethically suspect strategies. The presence in the marketplace of an adjudicator can
make a difference to the confidence of all stakeholders and other interested parties
when such claims and strategies are challenged.
It will not always be possible to monitor the ethics of marketing, but this does not
relieve marketers of their responsibilities to have regard for core ethical principles.
Sometimes they do not even seem to perceive the presence of an ethical question.
The following case illustrates this situation.
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
contradictions, and Johnson & Johnson would do well either to acknowledge that their
product differentiator is in fact a toy and take appropriate safety measures, or
to repackage their products and find some other marketing strategy for selling
childrens bath soaps.
A second question arises in relation to these products, however, from a report
made public by the ABC television program The Investigators.33 The program found
that Johnson & Johnson had imported bottles of bubble bath from the United
States in the shape of the Pooh character Tigger the tiger. The American label with a
warning about safety had been covered by an Australian one with no warning at all.
Australian labelling laws are less strict than their American counterparts, and do
not require the safety warning that the soap could sting a childs eyes. Johnson &
Johnsons new (Australian) label covered this warning on Tigger, the only one of the
five characters whose contents are not no more tears. This action was legal. But
was it ethical? This behaviour might seem all the more peculiar, given the particular
position of Johnson & Johnson, which apparently has taken to heart and seriously
tried to put into practice its Credo, which includes the following:
We believe our first responsibility is to the doctors, nurses, and patients, to
mothers and all others who use our products and services. In meeting their
needs everything we do must be of high quality
We are responsible to our employees
We are responsible to the communities in which we live and work and to the
world community as well. We must be good citizens
In a series of Credo Challenge Meetings, the companys CEO held frank and
open discussions with employees around the world about how to implement the
philosophy and provisions of the Credo, allowing that the document could be
changed. Commitment to the Credo was truly put to the test in the late 1980s. Over
a short period there were instances of intentional contamination of some containers
of Tylenol, one of the companys products. A very expensive decision was made
(not even by the top management, so well was the Credo instilled throughout the
company) to remove all Tylenol from the retail shelves in the interest of customer
safety. In the companys view this was the right decision. The publics welfare was
seen to be paramount, and this ethos was evident throughout the company. Of
course, the possible damage that could be caused by the Tigger bubble bath cannot
be compared with the damage that could have been caused by a terrorists spiking
of Tylenol. There is, nevertheless, a generic question about looking out for the
welfare of the consumers of the product.
Consider the marketing of the Saturn motor car in the United States, compared
with the marketing of other new lines of motor car.
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
its factory in Spring Hill, Tennessee, the air leaving the plant is cleaner than the air
going in, and when we built the plant, two hundred trees were moved to a nursery
and later replanted on site, rather than being killed.
The companys approach is very much as stated in its Shared Values: it is out
to do the right thing by its customers. It is this, rather than any particular qualities
of the cars themselves, that Saturn is trading on. And it is apparently doing so with
considerable success. Saturn reports that it leads the automotive industry in customer and sales satisfaction. Saturn captured the No. 1 position in the J. D. Power
and Associates Customer Service Index and Sales Satisfaction Indexthe first
non-luxury brand to capture the top position for both in the same year.34
Coless branding
It is not hard to identify the ethical questions here: the potential to mislead consumers about the contents of products and to suggest that lower priced items are
as nutritious as more expensive ones; the use of a logo that resembles the leading
endorsement for healthier products; and potential free-riding on that endorsement,
which is subject to testing, auditing and payment of a fee. Moreover, it does not
enhance Coless image to be accused of taking advantage of a not-for-profit organisation whose aim is health promotion. It is all very well to say that customers should
read labels (after all, there has been agitation from consumer groups for producers
to label their products fully and accurately, presumably so that consumers will read
this information), but if there is an indication that this is unnecessary, then why
C H A P T E R 5 M A R K E T I N G A N D A DV E R T I S I N G E T H I C S
would people do it? If the Coles logo could be mistaken for the Heart Foundation
logo, then the buyer, far from having a reason to be careful, could well be lulled into
a false sense of security. None of us is vigilant all of the time. That does not mean
that we are fair game on those occasions when we are not.
1 Do you think there is anything ethically objectionable about the advertisement for
sunglasses that was described in the chapter?
2 We quoted John Singleton as stating that the only kind of objectionable advertising
is that which doesnt work. What do you think about this point of view?
3 Not everything that is objectionableeven morally objectionableshould be
sanctioned (that is, have laws or formal regulations against it). Toleration is the
appropriate regard for some such things. Could you give an account of what makes
any particular objectionable advertisement sanctionable rather than tolerable?
What role, if any, does awareness of community standards play in your thinking?
4 Do you think there are special moral considerations about advertising of some
types of products, such as alcohol, tobacco, firearms, prescription drugs, breakfast
cereals, toys, health food or anything else? If you do, why?
5 Do you think that, legitimately, there is anything left to let the buyer beware, when
it comes to listening to an advertisement?
7h Employment discrimination
7h Sexual harassment
7h Disability
7h Review questions
Perhaps one of the earliest lessons in life is that outcomes are not equal. This is clear
from games, school and business. The very existence of difference seems to breed
inequality. Yet one of the most familiar democratic ideals is equality. As a society we
identify injustices and set policy agendas in its name. The notions of one vote one
value, of the equality of franchise and of equality before the law are the normal
expectations of citizens in a democracy.
For all that, there is constant confusion between the political and moral senses
of equality on the one hand, and peoples physical and psychological qualities and
abilities on the other. Most people do not believe that we are all equally endowed
with talents or that the talents of each person are merely different in kind rather than
in degree. Some people are very gifted and some are relatively deprived. This confusion becomes more clearly an issue when the moral ideal of equality is transposed
into corporate life. How can business be expected to compensate for the missed life
chances of individuals, and why is it the responsibility of business to do so?
Identifying the responsibilities of business in these respects is first a matter of
looking at the law. Equal opportunity, anti-discrimination legislation and affirmative
action programs all regulate business to some degree. Beyond these requirements,
the old questions about equality arise.
A voiced concern is that disadvantaged groups lack the power to rectify the
legacy of discrimination, and that injustices will be remedied much too slowly if
radical measures are not employed. If a lack of power has prevented some members
of society from enjoying equality of opportunity, then power should be used to
redress this. While this view may have had some sway with governments and the
requirements they impose on business, what moral obligations are there on business
itself to pay regard to equality?
If people differ in ability, what is it that business should pay attention to? When
we talk of people being equal, it is obvious that we do not mean that they are the
same height or weight. Nor do we mean that they have the same talents or the same
potentials. What we mean is that their differences should not be used as a reason
for treating them less fairly than others. For example, in the past, women were paid
less for doing the same work as men. Such distinctions are unfair and inappropriate,
inasmuch as they have nothing to do with criteria of reward, such as merit and
But what if a person has a disability or even becomes pregnant? Why should
they not be less well favoured than a person able to fit more easily into a companys
system? A caution is necessary here: we should not assume that a disability or pregnancy is a barrier to high performance. It is easy to give examples like Stephen
Hawking, who is a first-rate mathematical physicist despite suffering motorr neurone
disease for virtually all of his adult life. One of Australias leading judges gained
the medal of one of its top law schools while pregnant. Too much can be made of
disability or pregnancy and not enough of a persons abilities.
Still, there is a legitimate question here. A company might not be set up to employ
people who use wheelchairs. Most do not have child-care facilities. Over the past
two decades there have been changes to the law to require more of business, and
doubtless more changes in the name of equality will follow. But what is the moral
basis of this?
The idea of equality behind anti-discrimination, equal opportunity and affirmative action is that of fairness. If people are worthy of equal respect then there is an
obligation to place them in a position to give their best, just as the state provides
public education to allow all people to develop their abilities and potential. Hence,
those who have suffered some disadvantage must be treated unequally in some
circumstances in order to satisfy the demands of fairness. Those in need or denied
opportunity might receive more resources than people without disadvantages in
order to allow them to attain some social norm, such as a certain level of education or employment. Likewise, appropriate arrangements must be made for those
with disabilities. Not long ago, ignoring the needs of the disabled, even for everyday
amenities such as access to shopping centres or public transport, would not have
caused a second thought. Today, it is regarded as a form of negligence. The courts will
decide the legalities, but the central ethical idea behind such decisions is fairness.
Employment discrimination
Employment is considered almost to be a right in advanced industrial societies.
People depend on employment, unemployment is regarded as a personal and social
problem, and governments institute programs to enable people to find work. The
denial of work on irrelevant grounds to those who are capable of performing it is
unfair. It can cause personal harm in the denial of a host of life opportunities
independence, personal development, family, education and a full social lifeas
well as various social and economic losseslost wealth generation, welfare
dependency, health expenditures and taxes forgone. So employment is an area
that is subject to criteria of individual and social justice. The same is true of the
work environment. Issues such as wages and conditions have long been subject to
regulation, but stronger measures to protect the health and safety of workers and
others in the workplace have increased the regulated responsibilities of employers.
So have anti-discrimination measures. To adapt a theme that runs through this
book, if the responsibilities of employers are restricted to observing the letter of the
law, they will not achieve fair hiring and promotion policies, a safe workplace or a
confident and fully productive workforce.
to associate only with people of his own race, and would never invite someone
of another race to his house or even engage in any social interaction with other
races. Perhaps he does this merely (merely!) because of his personal preference and
comfort level; and perhaps he does this because of some morally obnoxious beliefs
about either his race or other races. Bobs behaviour is not only discriminatory, but
invidiously discriminatory. Still, most of us believe that there should not be any law
against Bobs behaviour in this regard. Rather, we believe that our society should,
in fact, formally tolerate Bobs behaviour. We believe that Bob should be allowed
to act on his preferences or beliefs, even though those preferences or beliefs might
be obnoxious. We certainly do not condone the behaviour or the beliefs; and we
probably regard them as morally condemnable. Rather, it is simply that we do not
believe that the behaviour or beliefs should be made illegal. We do not think there
should be a lawor other formal regulationagainst it. This is a separate matter:
whether or not we (society) should tolerate it.
In the world of thinking about discrimination, these are important distinctions.
In the context of business and the professions, it is reasonable to ask whether (and
where) the distinctions between the second and third types of discrimination
(invidious discrimination, and formally intolerable discrimination) have applicability:
Is it an important distinction when thinking about someone in their private business?
A corporation? A profession? The public service? Employees personal behaviour in
all aspects when at work? We will not go further with these distinctions here, but we
do regard them as important, and believe that discussion about discrimination in
general should bear them in mind. Simply, not all discrimination is bad, and not all
bad discrimination should have formal prohibitions and/or sanctions attached to it.
Here are three cases, all of which involve discrimination. Do you think that they
are different from each other? Do you think that it would be appropriate to have
formal rules or regulations in the workplace that prohibit any or all of them? Do
you think that informally (without rules or regulations) any or all of them should be
frowned upon or discouraged?
1 A group of employees eats lunch together. They would rather not have Ahmad,
a Muslim, eat with them, and so they dont allow him at their table.
2 A Christian reading group gets together at lunchtime twice a week to discuss
issues of Christianity. They publicise their meetings as inviting Christians to
attend. They do not want people of other faiths to come along, and they have
made this known.
3 A womens issues discussion group gets together at lunchtime twice a week. They
do not want men to attend, as they regard such attendance as inhibitory to frank
and open discussion of the issues that are important to them; and they have
made it known that men are not welcome to attend.
work within a month. Women constituted only a small part of BHPs workforce. After
complaints to the Anti-Discrimination Board in the late 1970s, women were hired
at Port Kembla, but within three years most of these women had been retrenched
in line with the companys last-on, first-off policy. Thirty-five of the women alleging
discriminatory employment practices took their case to the New South Wales Equal
Opportunity Tribunal, which awarded them more than $1 million. This determination
was overturned by the New South Wales Court of Appeal, and the women then
took their case to the High Court. In 1989 the Court made a finding that followed
Canadian and American precedents that eight of the women had been indirectly
discriminated against, and confirmed a $1.4 million compensatory damages
payment.1 Then 709 women, mainly of non-English-speaking backgrounds, took
legal action on the same grounds, and this matter was settled out of court in
February 1994. The compensation agreed to by BHP is confidential, but is believed
to have been about $9 million.
This case had positive results in other areas. Quite apart from changing attitudes
towards women workers, it brought reforms to old safety procedures and regulations
and caused improved codes of practice to be adopted.
Workplace discrimination
What is workplace discrimination? Employers are responsible for providing a
safe but also non-threatening working environment. That means that harassment
or bullying in the workplace is an employer responsibility, not merely a matter of
personal relations. What happens in the workplace is a matter of for employers,
managers and colleagues. An illustration of this point is the case of Heather Horne
and Gail McIntosh. In 1994 they were awarded compensation of $92,000 for sexual
harassment by the Western Australian Equal Opportunity Tribunal. In a groundbreaking decision, the tribunal ruled that the compensation was to be paid by the
employer and the womens union.
CASE 6.2: Horne and McIntosh v. Press-Clough Joint Venture and MAWU
Between 1990 and 1992 two women, Heather Horne and Gail McIntosh, who
worked as cleaners, were subjected to verbal abuse, graffiti and the display of
soft- and hard-core pornography in their place of work, the Goodwyn A gas platform
being constructed near Fremantle. Complaints to their union organiser and male
workers about offensive displays in the workplace were met with hostility; the men,
who dominated the workforce by six hundred to two, insisted that the environment
was male and the women would just have to cop it. Horne and McIntosh accepted
this to the extent of tolerating semi-naked pin-ups, but drew the line at grossly
offensive and degrading hard-core porn. Male workers, however, threatened to
strike if the pornography was removed. The union took their side against the women
and convinced the employer that the problem had been resolved. After more than a
year of such conduct, Horne and McIntosh found the work environment so stressful
that they resigned. No one concerned with the matter disputed that the material
displayed was pornographic, but after Horne and McIntosh complained to the
Equal Opportunity Commission, the offending material was removed and an equal
opportunity training program was instituted.
In deciding for the women, the tribunal criticised their employer, the PressClough Joint Venture, and their union, the Metals and Engineering Workers Union,
for treating complaints of harassment with contempt:
We do not say it was easy; but we are positive in our view that the issue had to
be confronted. Anything less is capitulation, and that is what happened here.
The short answer to the question posed is quite simply that we must do what
we know to be right, to stop what we know to be wrong.2
Jennie George, then assistant secretary of the Australian Council of Trade Unions
(ACTU) agreed: The boys have got to understand there are legal penalties and moral
responsibilities, she said.3 While most people would agree with the decision of the
tribunal, some would find it politically correct, paternalistic and even undemocratic.
They would ask,
1 Why should two women be able to dictate to six hundred men what they put on
their walls? Why should the union take a special interest in the moral and gender
position of two members against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of its
2 Why should the employer support two women who have a choice to work under
prevailing conditions or resign?
3 Why should minorities be able to arrange things as they please and have their
private choices backed up by public authorities?
These questions are not uncommon, and in answering them we can provide a
model for case analysis in business ethics.
First, what is the nature of the offence? This case offers a clear example of
the violation of the ethical principle of respect for persons. The two women were
respected neither by their fellow workers and union nor by their employer. This
is ethical failure at the personal, group and institutional levels. Where a dispute
affecting individuals and their access to work cannot be resolved by employers,
unions and employees, it becomes a matter for independent arbitration. As the
charges of harassment affect legally protected rights, the Equal Opportunity Tribunal
had a proper role in this case. The legal protection of rights is hardly undemocratic
because it safeguards a minority from the majority.
To suggest that two women wished to dictate to six hundred men misrepresents
the situation; the display of offensive pornography was anything but innocent. The
two workers were bullied because they were different. This difference happened to
be one of sex. It might as easily have been one of religion: how would a Muslim have
greeted such a display? The fact that the harassed employees were women is in one
sense not significant, for bullying tactics against anyone is morally reprehensible. In
another sense, the harassment is a particularly nasty display of sexism; the women
were attacked as women. There was a clear assumption that women did not qualify
for equal esteem with men (let alone equal employment opportunity and conditions),
that they were powerless and that they could be degraded through ridicule of their
sex. None of this is acceptable in society at large, and has been proscribed in the
workplace. Yet the union turned a blind eye to the plight of the women, whom it
seemed to regard as insignificant and expendable in the face of a hostile majority
and their threat to strike. This reveals moral cowardice in an organisation that, one
would expect, has a role to defend the powerless against the arbitrary exercise of
power. To suggest that the victims of harassment should accept such treatment or
resign is to abandon the notion of justice in the workplace.
It is the employers responsibility to ensure that the workplace is a safe and suitable
environment for employees. This means that an employer should know if overt harassment is being practised and should treat complaints from employees seriously. The
failure of the employer in this case illustrates the dangers of ignoring this. Quite apart
from considerations of justice, the penalties attached to discrimination and negligence
in protecting employee rights can be heavy. Many Australian laws give protection to
moral rights, not only to the benefit of the individuals directly concerned, but also
to the community of stakeholders with an indirect interest in such exemplary cases.
A modification of the facts in this case could give rise to some other serious
questions. For example,
1 Is it significant that the display of pornography was directed at the two women
employees and that they were subjected to harassment, or should the mere
presence of hard-core pornography be prohibited? The transmission of pornographic images in the workplace via email has met with increasingly tougher
penalties from employers.4
2 What if there were no objections raised by the women or all the workers were
male? Some types of objectionable behaviour should be tolerated. As a matter
of fact, commitment to a principle of toleration is itself an important moral
3 At what point, in the matter of morally objectionable conduct, does toleration
become less important than some other moral value?
Pregnancy discrimination
When Lesley Mutsch was dismissed from her position as a record keeper at
Beaurepaires Tyres in Wodonga, her employer claimed that the dismissal was part
of a retrenchment scheme following the introduction of a computerised accounting
system. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission found, however,
that Mutschs pregnancy was a factor in her dismissal, and awarded her $12,000
Mutschs case is an old one, but even today it not unusual to find pregnancy
discrimination. The existence of such discrimination despite legislation and huge
shifts in attitude over the past couple of decades is strange. In 2009, the New York
Times reported that subtle forms of pregnancy discrimination persist despite laws
against it dating from 1964. Discriminatory dismissals, for example, can be disguised
by restructuring and downsizing, making legal appeals difficult.6 In Australia, too,
old attitudes persist. For the period 200506, 20 per cent of complaints made under
the Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984 were about pregnancy discrimination.7 Some employers still refuse to employ women of childbearing age and
include questions on plans for children and contraceptives in application forms
and interviews, the report said. Other forms of discrimination identified include
dismissal, demotion and denial of promotion, loss of employment benefits and
training, and workplace harassment.
Pregnant women were being denied access to sick-leave related to their pregnancies, and confusion about entitlements to annual and long-service leave during
so that women and minorities were included rather than excluded from career
development on demonstrated merit.11
One female manager of human resources at a manufacturing company believed
she had hit a glass wall rather than a ceiling. Although her firm was paying her way
through a management school, she felt she had few future prospects because she
headed a service, not an operational division. Im seen as the soft option, she said.
I am often excluded from general manager meetings because they dont think I have
anything to offer. A lot of stuff gets done on the golf course and I dont play golf.
This view encapsulates the subtlety of glass barriers. They allow a clear view to
the top, and suggest that corporations have transparent promotion and performance
evaluations. Thus bias is not apparent, and because the culture of organisations
can be invisible, men are quite likely to be unaware of it. They would deny overt
prejudice, but if business culture is organised around male interests, gatherings and
social occasions such as golf, then some adjustments beyond the more obvious
structures are required for women to be accepted at the top. The glass ceiling can
be a nasty shock for women. It can also confirm the secret belief of some men that
women cannot really succeed at the highest levels of business.
Not all women, however, accept that the glass ceiling is a barrier of this kind.
Some say that the very concept is disempowering for those it is supposed to help.
There may be truth in this view (Leonie Still points out that some barriers attributed
to the glass ceiling have been erected by women themselves12 ) but it cannot go
far in explaining the kind of pattern that betrays the existence of the glass ceiling.
While statistics do not tell the whole story, they can reveal patterns that cannot be
explained simply by the particular circumstances of individuals. Women who should
have every prospect of advancing to the highest levels of organisations stop well
short of the goal in sight, resign and typically go off to work in smaller ventures, often
ones they start themselves. Still suggests a reason why: The culture of the current
business organisation is not comfortable for women.13
The trend over the past two decades in both Australia and the United States
has been for women to respond to corporate frustrations by setting up their own
small businesses. In Australia, despite a decade of anti-discrimination laws and
affirmative action programs, the Business Council of Australias Equal Opportunity
Council reported a disturbing trend among highly skilled women to leave the ranks
of middle management to set up their own businesses.14
It could be that women are choosing not to pursue executive positions in the
same numbers as men. In a small survey (138 responses) of Yale women for a New
York Times article, Louise Story found many contemplating full-time parenthood
after a period in the workforce.15 They did not mind short careers interrupted to
have children and resumed on a part-time basis. Story commented that, For many
feminists, it may come as a shock to hear how unbothered many young women at
the nations top schools are by the strictures of traditional roles.16 More significant
than such anecdotal findings is the change of mood in reporting them. The representation of women as victims of structural injustice seems to have softened and this
is reflected also in other studies. Without discounting sex discrimination altogether,
Susan Pinker has argued that if women are as talented as men, and have had decades
of affirmative action and equal opportunity, but still do not populate the board rooms
of the corporate world, then it must have something to do with their choices. Pinker
gives a large weighting in these choices to womens differences from men, and part
of this difference is their choice to find significance in their lives outside that epitome
of male achievementthe corporation. Pinker does not believe that the glass ceiling
explains the relatively small number of women climbing the corporate ladder. She
argues that women, on average, are more motivated by intrinsic rewards at work.
An interest and an ability to contribute to a field, and a capacity to have an impact
in the real world are more powerful drivers for women than higher salaries, job
security and benefits.17 The glass ceiling explanation assumes that women would
desire the same things as men; that if employment conditions were fairer, women
would succeed on the same model as men. Pinker questions this.18 She believes that
women have choices that are discounted, and that women who have exercised their
choices against standard (male) models of success are unfairly branded as victims
of discrimination.
These theories notwithstanding, the number of women in leadership roles in
Australian business is low by international standards. The 2008 Australian Census
of Women in Leadership found that only four women chair boards of ASX200
companies and hold only 125 out of 1505 seats on those boards.19 Clearly there is
something to be explained here. While the theories of difference between women
and men make an interesting story and could be relevant to workplace issues, the
story about discrimination does not change. The low participation of women at
senior levels of management is a question of equity for corporations. Whatever
womens choices and the influences upon them, there is an ethical obligation
upon corporations and employers to ensure that merit is recognised, prejudice is
eliminated and opportunities are open to all. This is a matter of justice to employees
and shareholders alike.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment has been mainly, but not exclusively, an issue of discrimination
against women. It is surprising that it should still be considered acceptable in
some quarters. Sexual harassment is like any other form of bullying or abuse of
power. Its distinctive element is the making of sexual comments, suggestions, jokes,
remarks or gestures that are objectionable to the person to whom they are directed.
1 What are the ethical issues in this case? Would those issues be clearer if the
apprentice had been a woman?
2 What if, instead of making sexual innuendos in front of staff, a boss had
celebrated an employees birthday by hiring a stripper to deliver greetings?
3 What, ethically speaking, should employers and employees be aware of in cases
of sexual harassment?
It is common now to talk of people with disabilities rather than talk of handicapped or disabled people. This is not just pedantic language. The idea is to stop
the identification of the whole person with the particular disability she or he has.
Some disabilities, of course, make it difficult for a person to participate fully in the
workforce, but too much is made of this. With appropriate assistance many people
with disabilities make a valuable contribution in the workplace.
Two obstacles to fuller participation in the workforce for those with disabilities
have been the lack of access to services such as transport and attendant care, and
What are the rights and responsibilities of business with respect to people with
disabilities? Employers have a right to expect that a person appointed to a position
will be able to assume its duties fully and productively. In turn, employers should
know something about disability so that they may give fair consideration to a persons capacity to do a job, rather than prejudging that their disability automatically
precludes them from it.
These social responsibilities are supported by legislation. In 1992, the Disability
Reform Package was important in giving impetus for reforms to employment of
people with disabilities. The Disability Discrimination Act gives force to the principles
of the package. It requires employers to modify the workplace in order to allow a
person with a disability to perform a job properly if they are the best person for
that job; for example, by building ramps or providing a large computer screen or
by giving mentoring support. Employers can gain advice on these matters either
from the employee or from a qualified agency or expert. The Act does contain
an unjustifiable hardship provision that exempts an employer from making these
modifications if they will cause unreasonable costs. This does not let employers
off the hook. A claim of hardship has to be backed up with evidence. Over the
past decade, Commonwealth welfare services departments have introduced a range
of measures to protect the employment rights of people with disabilities, and to
encourage their participation in the labour market.21 In 2004, a National Disability
Recruitment Coordinator began providing comprehensive employment services to
industry and people with disabilities through a new organisation called Disability
WORKS Australia.22 None of this government-sponsored support can address the
demands of fairness by itself: it is necessary but not sufficient. It is important that
employers should not see the hiring of staff as a private matter for which they might
not be held accountable by an external body. On the contrary, it would be in the best
interests of all stakeholders for employers to be proactive in the cause of fairness, if
not for ethical reasons then for prudential ones.
1 Much of the concern about anti-discrimination is over the provision of equal treatment. Yet much of the concern seems to require special allowances. Do you think
these two notions can be reconciled?
2 We noted some apparently rather objectionable interviews that were held with some
female applicants to engineering positions within Telecom in the early 1980s. At
the end of that discussion, we posed some questions. Perhaps you didnt pause to
think about them. What if the questions asked were designed by the interviewers
to see whether the women would be able to work effectively in a setting where
such questions might arise? What if the interview was used as a stronger test of
the women because, equal opportunity notwithstanding, women still have to deal
with sexism in the workplace? If your answer to these questions is on the order of
That shouldnt make any difference; the interviewers were still out of line in the way
they interviewed the women, then why is that so? What do you think is inadequate
about the possible responses that we have presented?
7h Overview of the accounting profession
7h Professional codes of practice
7h Conflicts of interest
Professional ethics is sometimes thought to involve no more than observing the norms
and regulations of the professions. Nothing could be further from the truth. Good
professional practice calls for judgment because the principles of a profession need
to be interpreted and applied in ways that are just and compassionate. This is true
whether the practitioner is self-employed or works in an organisation. While being
a salaried professionala lawyer, architect, engineer or accountant, for instance
does not exempt one from judgments and ethical responsibilities, it can put a twist
on common problems. This is well illustrated in the decisions facing accountants
and auditors. Many of these problems relate to the issue of autonomy. The ethics of
being a loyal servant of the organisation while at the same time exercising professional judgment gives rise to a host of potential ethical conflicts. On the one hand,
organisations have a right to expect that directions will be followed. On the other,
professional status is often defined in terms of independence. Professionals take on
ethical responsibilities additional to those that apply to people generally. Richard
De George makes this point: Any profession is appropriately given respect and
autonomy only if it lives up to a higher moral code than is applicable to all.1
C H A P T E R 7 T H E E T H I C S O F AC C O U N T I N G
high impact of the profession on members ethical perceptions. Yet only 49 per cent
of members believed that their colleagues had any degree of familiarity with the professional code.9 Perhaps, in the light of subsequent failures, these accountants were
prescient; perhaps their ethical perceptions were better tuned than they realised.
The ethical issues they identified as most important were,
The respondents also ranked favours and gifts, and the solicitation of work as
significant ethical issues.10
Some of these items apply to accountants in public practice, some to salaried
accountants, and some to both. The strongest theme running through these results is
professional independence and the proper exercise of professional judgment. Of the
most important ethical issues identified by respondents, the first, second, third, sixth
and ninth all relate to independence and pressure applied by clients or employers
to achieve a certain result.
A strong sense of independence is characteristic of most professions. Some
observers make it a necessary condition of professional status: so long as the individual is looked upon as an employee rather than a free artisan, to that extent there
is no professional status.11 According to this view, only accountants in public practice
would be true professionals. The concern informing this view is that employees will
be unable to make serious commitments to ethics and the public good on the basis
of their own independent assessment because an employer can issue contrary directives that must be obeyed, even if an individual disagrees with them. Even if such
directives are not made, the professional judgment of the employee is circumscribed
in a way that does not apply to a self-employed practitioner. This view, extreme
though it is, stems from a very commonly held belief that professional status derives
at least partly from the fact that those practising within a profession must regard the
public interest as their first priority.
A contrasting view holds that it is precisely in serving their clients and employers
that professionals attain their status. According to this view, it is essential that
professionals should serve those employing their services rather than filtering their
everyday work through a sieve of ethical sensitivity. Personal judgments are alien to
C H A P T E R 7 T H E E T H I C S O F AC C O U N T I N G
this concept of professionalism: the professional is not an expert on the public good
and should not be called upon to make judgments about it. Regulation and law, not
personal morality, are the appropriate constraints upon that which a professional
may do for a client.12
The view that internal accountants are restricted in their professional judgment
by the power and authority of the employer will be correct in certain cases (though
it must be remembered that their role is not that of a watchdog in the manner of an
external auditor). But even external accountants in the best accounting firms can
have difficulties. Consider the following case based on an actual incident.
Whatever you decide in the case of Bruce, there is one aspect to note: it is not
the fact that he is a salaried professional per se that limits Bruces professional judgment. It is that his firm is not behaving ethically, that he is a new and junior member
of the audit team, and that he should have been under close supervision until he
had developed the expertiseincluding independent judgmentthat comes with
experience. None of these conditions need exist for a salaried accountant.
According to the second view of professionalism, Bruce is in the clear until he
breaks a law. This view, however, is far too restrictive of the role that professionals
play in organisations as diverse as schools and hospitals. The notion that true professionals should serve their employers as far as the law extends confuses servility
with service. The old maxim that it is stupid to buy a dog and bark yourself applies
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What could have led a firm founded on integrity to abandon its basic values?
Barbara Toffler describes Andersens as rotting from within, a victim of its own
demand for conformity from employees.16 According to Toffler, it lost its independence when it placed its lucrative consulting services before its auditing role and
became less inclined to risk the anger of clients. That might account for its failure
to caution Enron and other clients like WorldCom about their revenue statements.
Clarke and Dean identify typical signs of stressed corporations in Australia and,
perhaps not surprisingly, they are similar to those at Enron and WorldCom in the
USA and Polly Peck and Canary Wharf in the United Kingdom. Complex corporate
structures with many related party transactions, overvalued assets, understated
liabilities and bad debts, reckless borrowing, and the use of accounting fictions,
such as Future Income Tax Benefits can camouflage the precarious position of
corporations at risk.20
Andersens problems compounded when it was disclosed that Houston partner,
David Duncan, had ordered the deletion of emails and the shredding of Enron documents relating to Enron after the SEC had commenced its investigation. Andersens
informed the authorities of Duncans actions, but the firm was indicted and found
guilty of obstruction of justice.
A clutch of Enron executives has been indicted. In January 2004, Andrew Fastow,
CFO at Enron, pleaded guilty to charges of fraud in a bargain that saved him years in
C H A P T E R 7 T H E E T H I C S O F AC C O U N T I N G
jail in exchange for assisting in the investigation of other Enron executives. In 2006,
Fastow was sentenced to six years in prison. The indictment of Enron accounting
and financial services executive, Richard Causey, quickly followed that of Fastow.
The Securities and Exchange Commission alleged that Causey, Fastow and others
manipulated expenses, revenue, debt levels, cash flow and asset values through
means including fraudulent valuations, misuse of off-the-books partnerships
and intentional mistreatment of accounting reserves. 21 Causey also pleaded guilty
and was sentenced to five and a half years in jail and fined.22 It has emerged that
Enron exploited Californias deregulated energy market to hike prices and extort
US$30 billion from that state.23
Enrons operations were riddled with deception and sharp practice. There are
questions of law about this and questions of ethics. While the law takes its course,
the ethical questions hang in the air.
1 What should have been the role of the auditor with clients like this? Andersens
seemed content to take the view that the data they were given could be interpreted according to prevailing accounting standards.
2 Should Andersens have noted that the thicket of Enron accounts was a classic
indicator of corporate risk? (The chair of Enrons audit committee was a professor of accounting at Stanford, and he claimed he didnt understand the
corporations audits.) Enron could not have got into a mess without its auditors
having some idea of what was going on.
3 Did Andersens duty of confidentiality to the client override their obligation to the
SEC and various stakeholders from investors to taxpayers?
4 Did not Andersens have a duty to investors to prepare reports that more accurately reflected Enrons level of risk?
5 Should Andersens have warned that it would not continue to act as Enrons
auditor unless the conglomerate changed its conduct?
6 Did Andersens compromise professional independence by becoming too
dependent on contracts with Enron?
7 Should they have been internal auditor, external auditor and provider of management consulting services to Enron simultaneously?
8 How could shredding Enron documents be called a normal part of document
retention policy when Andersens knew that their client was under investigation
by the SEC?
One answer to this has already been delivered by American legislators. Another
quite different answer is given by Australian academics Clarke and Dean.
The huge losses of Enron, WorldCom and other corporations proved too much for
Congress and the American public. The response was the typical one of tightening
regulations, although the SECs powers were already considerable. Nonetheless,
Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Corporate Reform Act of 2002. That Act and
the SEC regulations under it seek to strengthen the independence of external
auditors. Auditors may no longer be appointed by senior management but only by
the audit committee of the board, and auditors must report to that committee, not to
management. All members of the audit committee must be independent directors.
The reforms prescribe the structure of boards and specify the duties of directors
and some employees. The same firm cannot offer auditing and consulting services.
Transparency is enhanced and off-balance-sheet transactions must be disclosed.
Audit records must be retained. Companies must disclose whether they have a code
of ethics for their CEOs, CFOs and senior accountants. 24 This is the kind of reaction
to large-scale ethical failure that enshrines ethical basics in law and, as we noted
in chapter 4, that will not be sufficient to do the job. The profession itself has been
sensitive to issues of independence and professional integrity. The International
Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has proposed amendments to its code because
of the risk that auditors might be captured by their clients. The amendments for
auditors require the leading partner on the contract to be rotated at least every seven
years, and prohibit that partner from participating in assurance for a further period,
normally two years.25
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act has been much criticised in the United States, but there
are similar criticisms to ever more regulations and their effect on professional
judgment. The argument of Clarke and Dean has been that shackling auditors
independence to Accounting Standards will do no more good in the future than
it has in the past.26 In other words, it might not matter where the shackles are
anchoredwhether to corporations and their fees or to regulations and standards
if the independence of auditors to draw upon their experience and practice wisdom
is curbed. Moreover, they argue that standardisation of input has obscured the
importance of the usefulness of output in financial statements. If the notion of true
and fair is equivalent to meeting the defined standards then, despite the best of
intentions, the published financial statements of a firm might not meet the criterion
of serviceability. They conclude that, Unquestionably, compulsory compliance
by accountants and auditors with prescribed Accounting and Auditing Standards
provides them with a safe harbour.27
Accounting practices referred to as aggressive at Enron challenged the spirit of
the law and of professional probity. Individuals intended to evade ethical obligations
by concocting schemes that boosted the price of Enron stock, and hid debt and poor
performance. Years before the courts decided the culpability of those who devised
C H A P T E R 7 T H E E T H I C S O F AC C O U N T I N G
Enrons schemes, the legal verdict on Andersens in Houston in 2002 was enough to
bring down the whole enterprise. This was a case, if ever there was one, where the
higher standard of ethics was also the prudential one.
In the June 2006 release of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, the
Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board (APESB) identified five, rather
than eight, Fundamental Principles, but these still include all the values that had been
included under the former eight principles. As mentioned above, a revised Code
took effect from February 2008, and its structure is similar to the 2006 release.
In the introduction to the new Fundamental Principles, it is noted that, a distinguishing mark of the accountancy profession is its acceptance of the responsibility
to act in the public interest. (100.1) This general statement replaces the specific identification of the public interest as a principle on its own. In addition to this general
statement, APES 110 identifies these five Fundamental Principles:
7h integrity
7h objectivity
7h confidentiality
7h competence and due care
7h professional behaviour.
C H A P T E R 7 T H E E T H I C S O F AC C O U N T I N G
must display objectivity; that is, they must act fairly and free from conflicts of interest.
Fourth, independence is fundamental to accountants and should be apparent as well
as real. It also means that accountants should not do anything that could suggest
that their independence might be compromised. Fifth, accountants should exercise
diligence and due care in the performance of their duties. They should exhibit
competence and ensure that they are competent to perform the work assigned by
clients, and they should maintain their competence through appropriate measures.
They should adhere to accounting and auditing standards, and to standards issued
by their professional association. Finally, accountants must maintain confidentiality,
which means not only that they may not disclose information provided by clients to
unauthorised third parties, but also that they should not use information gained in
the course of their duties for personal or third-party gain.
As we have noted, there is much in these principles that applies generally to
the professions. In this respect, accountancy represents an example as much as
it represents a special instance, but the responsibilities of accountants in the business world, and hence in society at large, mean that ethical failure can have huge
Recognising conflicts of interest is very important. It is also important that the
professional not even appear to be in a position in which there could be a conflict
of interest. This is important in all professions, but it is especially important in
accountancy, which frequently identifies independence as the cornerstone of the
profession. Consider, for instance, what the purpose of an audit is, and what it is that
an auditor attests to. The requirement of independence is closely related to what
the profession has come to recognise as a central ethical issue in accountancy:
whistleblowing (see chapter 9).
Professions almost always recognise both a duty to the public interest and a duty
to the maintenance of the profession itself. These duties are often expressed in terms
of, on the one hand, making the public interest a first priority and, on the other, doing
nothing that brings the profession into disrepute. These are very important duties,
but they can sit uneasily next to each other. For example, it might be in the public
interest to criticise some aspect of the profession. Such situationsand they are not
uncommoncan easily bring these two duties into conflict with each other.
As with other professions, issues accompanying the position of the professional
as salaried employee are prevalent and often difficult to resolve. Professionals carry
the ethical responsibilities of the profession with them into their positions as paid
employeespositions that have their own ethical requirements. Put simply, you owe
something to your employer (call it loyalty to a greater or lesser degree) and you
also owe something to your profession as a professional. You carry this obligation
with you into your employment.
Conflicts of interest
Much of the domain of independence concerns avoidance or management of
conflicts of interest. Conflicts of interest are among the most pervasive concerns in
organisational ethics. They are the cause of controversy in corporate governance,
merit protection in recruitment, tendering, business-to-business relations and a host
of other operational areas. Most businesses and professions have mechanisms for
dealing with conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of interest. The mechanisms
are usually good. But there are often misfires. These occur most frequently at the
individual level, not the organisational level. Manyprobably mostdifficulties
encountered with respect to conflicts of interest arise through reasonably simple
misunderstanding about what a conflict of interest is.
Conflict of interest & being adversely affected by a conflict.
A persons having a conflict of interest is not the same thing as a persons being
affected by a conflict of interest.
C H A P T E R 7 T H E E T H I C S O F AC C O U N T I N G
opinion or engaging in any action in the context of these competing interests, then
you are acting in the context of a conflict of interest. It is your interests (professional,
personal and/or business) that are in conflict. And you have this conflict of interest
whether or not you are affected by the conflicting interests involved. We will explain
this further below.
Sometimes, conflict of interest is characterised in terms of interests that pose a
threat to impartiality. Although it can be helpful to think of conflict of interest in this
way, it is not entirely accurate, for two reasons:
1 It puts emphasis on the effect or possible effect of the conflict, rather than on the
conflict itself. While this is clearly a central part of the rationale for paying attention to conflicts of interest, potential conflicts of interest and apparent conflicts
of interest, it need not be the defining feature of the conflicts themselves.
2 There are many occasions in which ones role is not that of being impartial: you
might be asked precisely for an opinion supporting a particular course of action.
You are asked to muster the best arguments you can in support of that particular
view. The (unobjectionable) goal here is quite expressly partial, but it does not
involve a conflict of interest simply by virtue of that fact.
Personal and business matters are not the only interests that can come into conflict, though it must be said that this is by far the most common form. Even when the
precepts of a code of ethics are clear, the exercise of good judgment is indispensable
in managing such conflicts. The key word here is managing. Not all cases of
interest-holding or even conflict of interest need be fatal to the involvement of the
interested party in a decision. Everything resides in the way that the interest and the
involvement of the interested party are managed. Transparency is important in this
regard. Transparency is the enemy of improper conduct and nowhere more so than
in conflicts of interest.
Above all, it must be realised that the real damage done to an organisation by
the confusion of interests lies in the bad example given to others. Staff must not
treat professional entitlements as personal ones or corporate assets as their own.
Managers who do this effectively license those below them to take similar liberties.
This is an area where hypocrisy goes well beyond being a personal fault and is an
organisational danger.
A person with a conflict of interest must be in a position to affect a decision
within an organisation either directly as the decision-maker or indirectly through
the exercise of influence or power on others.
When in doubt about whether you have an interest in a matter affecting a
client, DECLARE it. The declaration of an interest does not mean that you believe
your judgment is compromised or that you could not be fair or impartial. And, it
need not always involve removing yourself from that matter. What is does mean
is that all dealings with clients and groups will be transparent, and if you remain
involved in the matter, the presence of the conflicting interests will be known by the
appropriate parties.
Very often the focus of conflict of interest analysis is on the individual rather
than on the interest. Yet the question is not primarily one of objective judgment
or an individuals capacity to distance themself from personal interests in making
professional decisions. These are important questions, but the first question is about
whether the interests involved in a decision are in conflict. Does your role, say, as an
accountant conflict with your role as a private citizen or with your personal goals?
Does your role as an accountant conflict with your role as a business person or as
an employee?
Conflicts of interest should be managed by being as transparent as confidentiality
and prudence allow; reporting interests to superiors and seeking their advice; and
documenting decisions fully. Because conflicts of interest are the source of so much
trouble, concern and misunderstanding in business and the professions, we want to
expand on the discussion, and explore in some detail why we have characterised
conflict of interest in the way we have.
In discussing the problems of living without a government in a state of nature, the
seventeenth-century philosopher John Locke famously declared,
In the state of nature there wants a known and indifferent judge, with authority to
determine all differences according to the established law: men being partial to
themselves, passion and revenge is very apt to carry them too far in their own
cases (and) to make them too remiss in other mens. (Second Treatise, 125)
The legal remedy for people being judges in their own cases is impartial judicial
officers, but the law is only one domain in which judgment is called for. Business
and the professions constantly demand the exercise of judgment and dedication
to fiduciary duties. Self-interest or partiality to the interests of othersloved ones,
comrades in sport or business, members of ones communitycan prejudice
fiduciary duty and bias ones judgment. That is why impartiality of judgment is so
central to the management of conflicts of interest. This concern is expressed in what
we call the standard account of conflict of interest. The following paragraph is a
good statement of the standard account.
A conflict of interest is a situation in which some person P (whether an individual
or corporate body) stands in a certain relation to one or more decisions. On the
standard view, P has a conflict of interest if, and only if, (1) P is in a relationship
with another requiring P to exercise judgment in the others behalf; and (2) P has
a special interest tending to interfere with the proper exercise of judgment in that
relationship. The crucial terms in the standard view are relationship, judgment,
interest and proper exercise.30
C H A P T E R 7 T H E E T H I C S O F AC C O U N T I N G
Any number of definitions will agree in one way or another with the standard
account. At its heart is a major issue: if a large part of ethics is about the exercise of
sound judgment, then anything that endangers that judgment, such as self-interest
or competing interests, must be identified. Good judgment bespeaks independence and fairness, an absence of bias and emotion, and skill and competence in
decision-making. It is obvious how good judgment can be compromised by conflicts
of interest.
Still, bias is not the only issue, and perhaps it is not even the main issue in coming
to terms with such conflicts. One can imagine a dispassionate person protesting
that her judgment would never be compromised by private interests, family connections or other affiliations. We can imagine indignant responses from prominent
people when conflicts of interest are alleged: Are you impugning my integrity? Such
responses have a point. If impartial judgment is all that is at stake, its not so difficult
just to ask, How would an impartial judge see this situation? If a reasonable answer
to this question lines up with the judgment of the person with a conflict of interest,
then it is clear that she has remained impartial.
Unfortunately, conflicts of interest are not as simple as this. In the first place,
judgments do and perhaps should vary. That is, people can arrive at different justifiable conclusions about the same issue and all of them be right. The fact that there
are wrong decisions does not mean that there is only one right decision. Different
judgments can be defensible. The existence of a Gods-eye view of every issue is a
myth. Some issues are clear and often do not require judgment or discretion. Other
issues are not resolvable without judgment and that means that there is unlikely
to be just one right view to be taken. In other words, testing for impartiality
testing for whether or not ones judgment is impairedis not at all simple even where
it is possible.
Second, and more importantly, meeting charges of conflict of interest with this
responseMy judgment hasnt been compromised: how dare you impugn my
integrity!misses the point about conflict of interest. Yes, judgment is an issue, but
it is not the issue. Even if it were possible, demonstrating impartiality of judgment
would not make the issue of conflict of interest disappear. Impartial judgment is
not necessarily evidence for the absence of a conflict of interest because having a
conflict of interest is not the same as being affected by a conflict of interest. We call this
emphasis on the interests in conflict rather than the person in conflict the revised
account to contrast it with the standard version of conflict of interest.
So, claims that one is unaffected by a conflict of interest do not change an
objective state of affairs in which interests are at odds. Managing the conflict might
require the restoration of objective judgment or removal of the conflict or the removal
of oneself from the position of being the one to make the judgment or some other
course of action. What will not suffice is a simple declaration that ones judgment
is unaffectedthat because the integrity of the person holding the interests has
remained (or will remain) intact, therefore there is no conflict of interest.
Of course, a conflict only arises because an individual has two sets of interests
to serve, but that doesnt make the problem (only) a psychological one. If that were
the case, then, as we argued above, all one would have to do to avoid a conflict of
interest is show sound and unbiased judgment and a lack of cognitive dissonance.
And one would be perfectly entitled to demand from those accusing one of having
a conflict that they show biased or unsound judgment. Showing a biased judgment
in business decisions can be as difficult as showing that judgment is sound.
As it happens, regulators and courts do not depend on the standard account of
conflict of interest. They look at the interests in question, and if an individual has not
declared private interests that conflict with professional or public duties, then there
can be a case to answer.
A second reason to prefer the revised over the standard account is that it simplifies
the relation of conflict of interest to potential conflicts of interest and perceived
conflicts of interest. According to the revised account, either interests conflict or
they do not. That interests might appear to conflict presents us with a problem akin
to clarifying any perception. If I say that there appears to be a camel on the road,
we can take a closer look and discover that it is in fact a rock. It is not an apparent
camel. So, too, with interests: an apparent conflict is either a conflict or it is not, and
if it is a conflict, then identifying it as such is the beginning of managing it, not some
kind of final judgment about an improper state of affairs. If there is potential for a
conflict, then this is something for the person in the situation to consider: some types
of conflict just have to be avoided, and in many instances avoidance is preferable to
managing the conflict.
Conflicts of interest turn out to be like bacteria: they are everywhere. Some are
benign or relatively harmless or can be controlled. Others are toxic and need to be
treated before they fester. There is a perception, however, that all conflicts of interest
(like all germs in some home cleanser advertisements) are signs of ethical failure
and that they need to be eliminated from business, the professions and political life.
This misconception is dangerous: if people with a conflict of interest believe that, just
because of that fact, they have somehow been enmeshed in wrongdoing, they might
very well be tempted to conceal their interests instead of declaring them. Media
dramatisation of conflicts of interest as ethical failures can discourage disclosures
of small matters whose importance is then magnified by cover-up.
Conflicts of interest do not necessarily arise from failures of ethics or good
judgment. That they require management and good judgment is indisputable, but
the big problem with conflicts of interest is denial. That is what gets individuals and
corporations into hot water and leads to neglect of the problem. When conflicts
of interest are acknowledged as an issue, they can be managed appropriately.
C H A P T E R 7 T H E E T H I C S O F AC C O U N T I N G
A member of an American Boy Scout council who happens to work in the timber
industry could use his scouting connections to advantage his corporation. 31 Or an
executive in a food conglomerate who serves on her childrens P&C committee
could be in a position to favour her corporation when decisions are taken about
what products will be available in the school canteen. It seems unlikely in either of
these examples that the business interests of the executives would constitute a large
conflict of interest with their private commitments: these would be minor conflicts.
Small though these conflicts are likely to be, the important thing is to declare them,
not because the Scout councillor or the food executive is likely to have their judgment
impaired, but because transparency is the first step to managing conflictslarge
and smalland preventing damage to either interest. Transparency is to conflicts of
interest what antibodies are to bacteria.
manufacturer, AstraZeneca, had paid her $238,000. Drs Joseph Biederman and
Timothy Wilens of Harvard Medical School reported earning hundreds of thousands
of dollars each from drug companies in the period 200007. The true figure was
around $1.6 million. The issue here is not mainly about money, but about what it
buys from scientists and clinicians who are supposed to offer objective, trustworthy,
unbiased opinions about pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Universities and
medical grants bodies are supposed to ensure that conflicts of interest are declared
and that transparent procedures govern the work of those they employ. What Grassley
found was that self-regulation was not working: universities and the procedures they
employed were failing to adequately manage (and, in many cases, even identify)
conflicts of interest.32 Clinical research is now so extensively entangled with the
pharmaceutical industry that self-regulation seems out of the question. One study
indicated that about two-thirds of academic medical centers had financial stakes in
companies that sponsored research within their facilities. In another study, two-thirds
of medical school department chairs were found to receive departmental income,
and three-fifths received personal income, from drug companies. 33
Perhaps the most publicised of the many cases uncovered by the Grassley inquiry
was that of Dr Charles Nemeroff, a research psychiatrist at Emory University. Because
his research was federally funded, Dr Nemeroff was subject to external as well as
university rules and appears to have violated both in failing to report earnings from
drug companies of at least $1.2 million.
As it turns out, Dr Nemeroff had a history of not declaring interests. Over a period
of four years while he was principal investigator on a National Institute of Mental
Health grant, he assured Emory that he did not receive income from GlaxoSmithKline
of more than $10,000: my consulting fees from GSK will be less than $10,000 per
year throughout the period of this N.I.H. grant, he declared, having already earned
$98,000 that year. Fees at this level breached rules about conflict of interest, because
GlaxoSmithKline, as provider of drugs for the project, was an interested party.34 Yet,
in each of the years that Nemeroff worked on this grant, his fees from the drug
company exceeded the allowable amount. In 2004 alone he received $170,000. From
2000 to 2006, a period that covers the work done on the NIH grant, Nemeroff earned
more than $960,000 from GlaxoSmithKline, but declared only $35,000. Even when
Emory investigated Nemeroff and found other anomaliesfor example, failure to
declare conflicts of interest in drug trials involving Merck, Eli Lilly and Johnson &
Johnsonit seemed unable to bring him into line.35 One who tried was Associate
Dean Claudia Adkinson. She demanded assurances from Nemeroff about consulting
fees and took issue with him about a favourable review, published in a journal he
edited, of a device made by a firm with whom he had undisclosed financial ties.
Adkinson reproached Nemeroff for not disclosing a range of interests, including
payments to Nemeroff and his co-authors by the device manufacturer and a grant
C H A P T E R 7 T H E E T H I C S O F AC C O U N T I N G
to Nemeroffs department. Said Adkinson, I cant believe that anyone in the public
or in academia would believe anything except that this paper was a piece of paid
marketing. 36 Nemeroffs failing is not simply a matter of a persons judgment being
impaired by the presence of a conflict of interest. This seems to be, in addition,
a matter of outright dishonesty. It appears not to be a matter of a persons trying
to do the right thing, but having their judgment compromised, or inappropriately
influenced by an outside interest. It appears, rather, to be a matter of a person simply
trying to get away with something.
But why would so many medical researchers feel unconstrained by conflict
of interest and considerations of honesty? If Nemeroff is any guide, professional
arrogance and a view that the end justifies the means might account for indifference
to professional and regulatory disclosure rules. Nemeroff felt his service to the
advisory boards of drug companies was of benefit to his institution and not merely
to his advantage. He wrote to the Dean of Medicine at Emory,
Surely you remember that Smith-Kline Beecham Pharmaceuticals donated an
endowed chair to the department and that there is a reasonable likelihood that Janssen
Pharmaceuticals will do so as well. In addition, Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals has
funded a Research Career Development Award program in the department and I have
asked (other firms) to do the same. Part of the rationale for their funding our faculty in
such a manner would be my service on these boards.37
If ones activities tend to public benefit, then how is it a conflict of interest if there
are private benefits also?
Merrill Lynch
In January 2009, financial services giant Merrill Lynch (acquired by Bank of America
in 2009) agreed to pay a $1 million fine to settle Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) charges.38 The Commission alleged that Merrill Lynch investment advisers
failed to disclose conflicts of interest when advising clients to invest through its
brokerage services. According to the SEC, Merrill Lynch and its investment adviser
representatives could and often did receive significantly higher revenue if clients
chose to use Merrill Lynch directed brokerage services.39 The advice being offered
to clients was not, then, impartial. Merrill Lynch did not admit to or deny the SECs
allegations, but agreed to be censured and undertook not to breach securities laws
in future.
A Merrill Lynch spokesman said that the activities of one team of investment
advisers based in Florida had caught the attention of the SEC, but that these advisers
had now left the firm. Merrill Lynch had initiated changes, improved oversight of
consulting services and compensated clients whose interests had been affected.
The spokesman noted that, The assets of our consulting services clients in Florida
grew substantially during the years we provided services to them.40
Now compare this case with another. In May 2002, Merrill Lynch paid $100 million
to short-circuit an investigation initiated by New York Attorney-General, Eliot Spitzer
(later famous as the short-term Governor of New York who resigned over a prostitution scandal in 2008). Spitzer was investigating claims that Merrills stock analysts
had promoted the stocks of certain companies in order to secure investment banking
business for the firm. Allegedly, this was encouraged by links between the analysts
and investment bankers at Merrill Lynch, including the evaluation of analysts performance and the determination of their salaries by investment bankers.
Spitzers evidence was emails from former Merrill high-flier, Henry Blodget, which
disclosed that he and other Merrill analysts privately derided stocks that they were,
in fact, promoting to clients. According to Spitzer, this showed that the analysts made
their recommendations not in the interests of clients, but in order to boost Merrills
relationships with companies whose stocks were recommended.41
The media gave the story wide coverage. Merrills chairman and CEO, David H.
Komansky, admitted to being embarrassed and the firm apologised: We sincerely
regret that there were instances in which certain of our internet sector analysts
expressed views that at certain points may have appeared inconsistent with Merrill
Lynchs published recommendations. 42 That apology was repeated to shareholders
and in the settlement with Spitzer, but these apologies stopped short of admitting that
Merrill had done anything wrong. Nor was such an admission forthcoming when,
as part of the settlement, the firm agreed to change the way it operated. Merrill
restructured its research department to separate its analysis from the banking side of
the business; agreed to stop analysts from suggesting that the firms corporate clients
would enjoy good stock ratings or that the ratings of non-clients might fare less
well; and removed investment bankers from determining the salaries of analysts.43
Moreover, Merrill undertook to strengthen objectivity in changes to stock ratings by
instituting a Research Recommendation Committee, and to monitor communications between analysts and banking staff. In future, analysts would be compensated
for only those activities and services intended to benefit Merrill Lynchs investor
clients rather than businesses related to the broker.44
So, why would a firm that shied away from admitting any wrongdoing submit
to such a large penalty and restructure its operations to avoid conflicts of interest?
Merrill Lynch claimed that the investigation was harming its reputationthe value
of Merrills stock had dropped sharply after the accusationsbut Spitzer saw the
payment differently: Clearly, the world is shifting. You dont pay a $100 million fine
if you didnt do anything wrong.45 He hoped that Merrills structural changes would
serve as a model for other Wall Street brokers, a claim reiterated by Komansky as
he set about rebuilding investor trust in his firm. Shortly after the settlement was
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announced, Goldman Sachs followed suit by reviewing its research policies, analyst
compensation and the independence of its research.46
Some Wall Street observers were sceptical about such reforms, believing that in
serving two masterstheir clients seeking objective investment advice, and their
firms whose profitability relies substantially on investment banking feesanalysts
have a fundamental conflict.
Conflicts of interest cannot always be avoided. Where they are present, it is
important to declare the interest and to refrain from voting on matters pertaining to
it. Other measures to build a barrier between interests can be employed. A partner
in a large accounting firm might feel better able to serve their clients and their firm
by placing their assets in a blind trust, a strategy employed by politicians who need
to be free to vote on bills without inadvertently favouring their personal interests.
The issue of gifts figures in a number of discussions in this text (see particularly
chapter 4) but in the context of commercial relations. Consider this case, which is
slightly different.
Michael Bennett is the shire manager of Westborough. For his fiftieth birthday, his
family and friends throw him a surprise party at the shire football club. All in all,
it is a typical country gathering. The guests include several of Mikes staff, shire
councillors, the doctor, school principal and local business people and contractors.
After the speeches, Mike opens his gifts. Among them is a video camera. It is from
one of the leading contractors for municipal works in Westborough. Mikes spouse
and children are thrilled.
or stronger policing are often made as though more laws and tougher enforcement
will produce better ethics. While such demands are not always misdirected, in most
cases they do not answer to what is needed if business and the professions are to
conduct themselves ethically. For one thing, if law and ethics are identified, then
people are apt to think that if an act is legal then it is ethical. The slogan, If its legal
its ethical is often heard in business and it is mistaken.
The importance of ethics in just observing the ordinary requirements of the law
is obvious if one takes the example of an archer trying to hit a distant target. The
archer has to aim high. If he aims straight at the target he will miss. So, too, with
organisations and society more generally: just aiming to observe the law sets the
sights too low. Like the archer, we have to aim highertowards ethicsjust to be
minimally law abiding.
Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the United States Federal Reserve Board,
has put the matter well: ethical companies do not need rules to persuade them to
act in the long-term interests of shareholders, but because some firms are unethical,
these rules are necessary. The question then becomes one of balancing potentially
restrictive and expensive regulation against other drivers:
[T]here can be only one set of rules for corporate governance, and it must apply to all.
Crafting the rules to provide the proper mix of regulatory and market-based incentives
and penalties has never been easy. And I suspect that even after we get beyond the
Enron debacle, crafting and updating such rules will continue to be a challenge.47
Just four months after uttering these words, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was passed by
the US Congress.
Accounting is one of the most regulated of professions. It seems that when any
major infraction hits the headlines, a new rule is introduced to prevent its recurrence,
or there are calls for new rules and tighter standards. The rules of accounting are
not primarily regulative, however, but constitutive.48 That is, most of the rules in
accounting are about the practice itself, not the regulation of practitioners. These
rules determine what the practice amounts tothat is, what constitutes it. They exist
to promote the practice of accounting, not to restrict practitioners or catch out frauds.
The whole purpose of accounting is to give an accurate and reliableor, according
to the classic phrase, a true and fair 49 account of a companys business affairs, but
that does not stop some practitioners from committing crimes and many more from
deviating from the spirit of accounting standards. Introducing tighter regulations
or new standards might not be the way to counter such deviations. Rather, ethical
controls related to the personal principles of the practitioner might be a better way
of assuring fairness and honesty in the duties accountants perform than imposed
external regulationsrules whose aim is not constitutive but regulative. F. L. Clarke,
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G. W. Dean and K. G. Oliver argue that the ethos of the accounting professionits
commonly understood and shared principles and normshas been replaced by
regulations and standards: Contrary to the popular view, it is our proposition that
compliance with the so-called spirit of many conventional practices and endorsed
Standards produces grossly misleading data, without necessarily any intention
to deceive on anybodys part.50 The situation is very much compounded when a
wobbly professional ethos is required to stand up to deceptive and legally risky
conduct, as the case of Arthur Andersen shows.
Accounting is not the only profession or activity to suffer from the misconception
that the way to rectify ethical difficulties is by the introduction of more and more
regulation. It is, in fact, quite a common call to arms in the face of ethical (or other)
difficulties: We need more regulation. However, not only is increased regulation not
always an effective remedy; it sometimes exacerbates the difficulty. It can exacerbate
the problem by shifting attention from the real difficulty, which is usually a matter
of the exercise of bad judgment and a systemic problem with the organisational
culture onto the regulation and its technicalities.51 There is an attractiveness about
regulation as a solution to problems, in that it is simple and neat, whereas doing what
is necessary to improve individuals and corporations judgment, ethical decisionmaking skills and organisation culture is a much more difficult task.
This is only a slight exaggeration, and it is easy to give lots of examples, including
many from accounting failures: something has gone wrong; there has been basically
an ethical failure. The profession and the community at large want to remedy the
failurethey do not want it to happen again. So, from whatever external controlling
body or bodies comes the pronouncement, Clean up your act, or else! The or else,
as a threat, usually amounts to the possibility of dramatic legislation or regulation
from an external body. Under this threat, the profession knows what is being targeted,
and knows what needs to be improvedand it is almost always ethical failure of
one kind or another. Its focus is on that. It wants to fix it. Now, suppose the situation
progresses, and regulation is introduced. The stimulus for the new regulation was the
failure, by virtue of which there was the threat. Now that there is regulation, however,
the focus of the practitionersand maybe even of the profession itselfis directed
onto that specifically, rather than onto the stimulus and the real problem. So, the
practitioners concern now becomes doing exactly what the regulation requires,
or, better, doing whatever can be done to get around the new requirements.52 Any
concern for the real problemand the concern to clean up their actbecomes
lost in technicalities, procedures and repairs. Its simpler that way!
In accounting education, ethics is sometimes discussed separately from skills
and knowledge. We suggest that this view is mistaken. Rather, ethical performance
is integral to the practice of accounting per se. The internal ethical requirements
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The second case involves issues related to an independent report that turned
out to be not so independent.
All professions must now consider the possibility of litigation, and accountants
and auditors are no different. The pursuit of remedies in suits against auditors will
not solve the basic problem of greed. Moreover, litigation could have unintended
and undesirable side effects. According to one commentator, Men and women of
means and competence may well decide that being an auditor or company director
If ethical decisions are inescapable in professional life, they are almost an occupational hazard in accounting and auditing. Clarke, Dean and Oliver lament that
there are no good explanations within the framework of accounting and auditing
rules with which accountants have to comply, so that exposure to litigation and
loss of professional status are persistent occupational risks.58 If this is true of formal
standards and rules, then most of the general points about ethics will be less helpful
than practitioners might expect because rules in accounting are not transparently
grounded in ethical principles. An ethical accountant might well claim to know
what honesty requires, but that is of little help when confronted with a case in which
adhering to the letter of a set of accounting standards involves departing from their
spirit. Everyday practice decisions do have ethical implications. In a sample of 108
financial reports in the first half of the 199293 financial year, sixty-five prompted
inquiries about apparent departures from accounting standards or the Corporations
Law 1990.59 That is, 60 per cent of the sample raised questions about accounting
practices and compliance with standards and the law. If this is so, then such practices
also raise ethical questions, but this would not seem to be acknowledged, perhaps
because the survey was not concerned with imputing improper conduct. If this is so,
then an excessively narrow view of ethics is at work, for, as stressed above, ethics
deals also with matters of competence, discretion, responsibility and excellence.
It should be noted that, of the sixty-five inquiries about departures from standards
and regulations, thirty-six were regarded as matters for the professional discretion of
C H A P T E R 7 T H E E T H I C S O F AC C O U N T I N G
auditors and most of the rest received satisfactory explanations. Practitioners need
to be able to justify their decisions, and most can. This, too, is a matter of ethics. So
when most of the auditors surveyed accepted the need for improved presentation
and disclosure and undertook to persuade their clients to make improvements in
the following years financial report,60 they were facing up to professional responsibilities that were both technical and ethical. Whether they recognised the ethical
element of their position is another matter.
In recent years the accounting profession in Australia has adopted a number
of strategies to raise the ethical awareness of its members and to reinforce the
importance of ethics in accounting education.61 Most of these initiatives are aimed
at individuals, rather than at the systemic problems of the profession identified by
Clarke, Dean and Oliver. Given the immensity of that task, it is more a matter for
public policy than a matter for the action of professional associations.
Consider the following fictional case, which raises some of the kinds of problems
that confront accountants working in organisations.
Gloria Vineman, the newly appointed finance director with Zanicum, is preparing
the companys annual financial statements. She knows from the previous years
audited accounts that cumulative provision of $1.5 million had been made for
furnace maintenance, and that costings had been prepared in the current year
for the work to proceed. She asks Richard Ng for details of the costings, but he
merely gives her his recommendation and refers her to Sally Richfield. Sally is
evasive and eventually does not present the costings. She informs Gloria that the
costing exercise put a figure of $1.5 million on the overhaul of furnaces, but Gloria
is unhappy about this verbal advice. She has heard engineers in the firm mention a
figure twice as large. Sally firmly states that if Gloria has any concerns based on such
hearsay, she should keep them to herself and not upset the auditorsespecially
during the negotiation of a large loan from the bank.
John Ryan is the senior partner in Ryan McGrath, auditors for MTSC, Fusion and
other metalworking companies including Zanicum. Almost all of Ryan McGraths
business comes from the metals industry. John reviews the financial statements of
Zanicum prepared by Gloria and notes a significant audit risk against the refurbishment of furnaces. Despite direct requests to Gloria, John has been unable to obtain
the costings documents from Zanicum. Sally will not discuss the matter beyond
saying that the growth of the company and sustained demand for its products are
the best evidence of the financial health of Zanicum. She also makes an indirect
but clear suggestion that if Ryan McGrath cannot provide a trouble-free audit before
she meets with the bank to finalise the loan, then there are other auditors who are
more familiar with the operations and needs of the metals industry.
John and Sally eventually reach an agreement that Zanicum should make provision of $1.75 million for furnace maintenance, and Ryan McGrath signs Zanicums
statements as presenting a true and fair view. The bank loan goes through, and the
furnaces are serviced by Fusion at a cost of $2.7 million.
This case raises a number of ethical problems, but the central one concerns
professional independence.
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not put himself under avoidable pressure by auditing companies with business
connections and sometimes overlapping directorships?
5 Is Ryan properly cognisant of his statutory and ethical responsibilities? Sally
Richfield made it clear that Ryan McGrath would be jeopardising its own business if an unfavourable audit went forward. Is this a credible threat? What, for
an auditor, constitutes a proper distance from a client?
There are also other issues here that draw upon the problem of dirty hands (see
chapter 2). If one is implicated in covering up sharp practice, then later one can be
caught in all kinds of difficulties, which seem to result in disaster no matter what one
does. This might well apply to John Ryan, but consider also the position of Richard
Ng. Say he changes his costings at the behest of Sally Richfield. He considers this a
small thing. Then when he is approached by Gloria Vineman for details of these costings, he must evade the difficulty and refer her to Sally. If he told what he knows to
John Ryan, the loan with the bank might be jeopardised, and the future of the company and the benefits to its employees and other stakeholders might be adversely
affected. If he conceals what he knows, he is acting against his professional integrity.
This is a situation he has got himself into by initially acceding to Sallys requestthat
is, by an initial compromise of independent professional judgment. Of course, not all
cases of professional failure give rise to dire consequences or produce dirty hands
later. But ethical consistency can at least reduce the chances of being confronted
with such problems down the track. In this case, consistency would involve saying
no to Sally initially and sticking with that decision. This view says nothing about
personal costs, but these are often entailed in principled action in any case, and
there is always the possibility that one unethical act will create the conditions for
much more costly ethical failures later.
The significance of professional independence is clear in the light of these reflections. Note that similar ethical issues regarding independence, responsibility and
accountability arise in connection with the roles of other kinds of salaried professionals working in organisations. One has only to think of the engineers who advised
against the launch of the space shuttle Challenger. These issues are about the nature
of the professional role, and of what can reasonably be demanded of people whose
profession entails a good measure of autonomy.
1 We note the results of a survey about where accountants identify the source of
their values: family, conduct of peers, accounting practices, prevailing societal
norms, processional code of ethics and religious formation. Such surveys are not
uncommon. If such places are where people believe their values come from, is
there any place for critical reflection or critical evaluationmaking up ones own
mindor independent thought about values?
2 We discuss two senses of independence as the notion applies to accountants. Are
you clear about what these are? Do you agree that these are different senses?
3 What do you think of the suggestion that increased regulation can exacerbate a
problem, rather than solve it?
Waste or fertiliser
Voluntary action
The CERES Principles
Australian standards and principles
Review questions
to act, would remediation have been necessary now? What does hindsight tell us:
that ICI was morally blind or morally negligent? Perhaps ignorance and indifference
were to blame for belated recognition of a problem. For much of the last century
an attitude prevailed that the solution to pollution was dilution, as the discharge
of Sydneys effluent into the adjacent ocean illustrates. Behind the Botany legacy of
contamination is a story of ethical failures, many no doubt small, that any number
of actors, from governments and senior managers to shareholders and community
leaders could have addressed, but did not recognise or think it their business to
do anything about.2 Even small-scale failures accumulate and now there is a large
problem for a corporation and its stakeholders. One ethical lesson from this case was
put succinctly by the CEO of Orica, Graham Leibelt: You know the main lesson for us
as an organisation is dont create the problem in the first place.3 Another lesson is
that the problem will not arise in the first place if environmental consequences are
given sufficient attention and all employees are informed that their responsibilities
in this area are serious.
There is no question about whether business has some responsibility for the
environment. Laws require employers to provide safe work places and businesses
to offer goods and services that are safe to consumers and the public. Industries
must comply with waste and pollution regulations. There are issues that arise for
business in connection with the environment. The first is whether businesses that
ignore environmental factors in their operations are sustainable. This is a prudential
issue rather than a moral one, but ethical questions are not far behind. Too often,
however, these are couched in the familiar terms of fiduciary duties to shareholders.
Once prudential and fiduciary obligations are accounted for, are there any ethical
matters left? Does business have ethical responsibilities to the environment in addition to prudential, fiduciary and legal ones? And if so, what are the nature and extent
of the responsibilities?
Recall Milton Friedmans objections to business engaging in socially responsible activity. First, such activity diverts profits from shareholders. It is up to them
to spend their money on worthy causes, not for the directors of their corporations
to do this for them. Second, businesses should not trespass on the role of governments. Governments have the role of setting social policy agendas and they have the
mandate of voters to do so. Business has neither. It is for governments to set the legal
frameworks in which business operates and for business to generate wealth within
the laws and regulations established by government. Social responsibility is not a
part of the obligations of business.
We repeat these arguments because they have figured and continue to figure in
the positions of corporations that wish to reject a role in environmental protection.
They are, as it happens, out of date. The rise of the No Logo4 attitude, a scepticism
about corporate citizenship and genuine concern for social responsibility, along
with shareholder activism and the greater spread of share ownership, especially
in Australia, mean that directors have a more complex duty to the owners of listed
companies than forty years ago. Many activities once thought extraneous to business
purposes are now an ordinary part of commercial enterprises.
Even Friedman would have allowed as exceptions socially responsible actions
that support the reputation of a corporation and hence its capacity to earn profits.
If environmentally responsible conduct can enhance a companys reputation, then
it has added value to the shareholders investments. Levis, Saturn cars, Dick Smith
electronics, Proctor and Gamble, Johnson & Johnson and The Body Shop have
all benefited from good reputations. Then there are cases of damaged reputations
because brand names came to be associated with socially irresponsible practices:
Nestl, Shell, Nike, Union Carbide, Exxon and Alcoa are a few examples. In 1990,
McDonalds had to protect its reputation by replacing its polystyrene hamburger
boxes with paper packaging. There was no clear scientific evidence that paper was
more environmentally friendly than plastic, but consumer sentiment was against
polystyrene, and McDonalds took a precautionary strategy and changed its packaging. Because reputation is valuable, it is both a strength and a weakness. It can
be a mark of trust in the market place, but it also exposes a company to activism
as well as customers attitudes and beliefs. In 2003, for example, an activist group
called People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) organised a boycott of
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) outlets. By placing pressure on the point of sale,
the group hoped to improve the conditions in which chickens were held by KFC
suppliers. The KFC brand, like other fast food chains, was under pressure from law
suits brought by litigants claiming that fast food had contributed to their obesity. In
other words, PETA took advantage of the public mood about fast food to leverage
better conditions for chickens, and the KFC brand name was the lever.5
So, far from being a diversion of shareholders money into causes unrelated to
the purposes of the business, socially responsible action may enhance the bottom
line. And neglect of such action might well weaken the performance of the business,
especially if competitors have taken a proactive position.
As for Friedmans objection about business intruding into the domain of governments, it is clear that there is no clear boundary to be crossed here.6 Social
concernsincluding environmental issuesare now very much within the responsibilities of business. The example of the potential effects on reputation is an indication
of this.
The Australian public feels strongly about environmental issues, whether from
dissatisfaction with the nations environmental record or from a concern for the
future. However, the strength of that feeling does not make the environment an ethical issue or an issue for business. Henry Bosch, a former chairman of the National
Companies and Securities Commission, was fond of putting this position. Not all
matters of public policy, or even national social justice are matters of ethics.
For Bosch, people concerned with
such questions as the preservation of forests [think] they must be ethical issues
Of course such a position leads to absurdity Ethics must be based on a value
system and, while the business community would be wise to pay attention to what is
going on in society at large and remain open to persuasion, it must set its own ethical
standards based on its own values.7
cause respiratory problems in young children and elderly people. When business
pollutes, there is a cost to be paid, whether it be financial, in health or in amenity.
This payment is a subsidy from the person who pays it to the business, and such an
imposition is unfair. Such instances of environmental free-riding have been relatively
common, and illustrate the anthropocentric argument about environmental ethics.
William Blackstone argues that everyone has a right to a liveable environment
and that therefore others have an obligation to allow the free enjoyment of this
right.12 A person cannot flourish or develop potentials without an environment that
provides clean air and water, natural beauty, and so on. The right to these overrides considerations of property and economic development. This argument is an
extension of Immanuel Kants requirement to treat people with respect. If respect for
persons entails respect for those things that are necessary for their well-being, then
we must respect nature.
The difficulty with Blackstones position is that it does not tell us how we are
to live and still respect nature. If we do not use the resources of the earth, then
we might also be showing a lack of respect to persons who, as a result, will live a
diminished life. There has to be a compromise.
The problem lies in brokering a compromise between the green movement
and business and industry. Ultimately, economics bites, but if compromise means
waiting until either the environment is degraded or industry shuts down, then the
outcome is more in the nature of an accident than a decision. A clear instance of
this is the gradation of difficulties attending the introduction of a carbon emissions
trading scheme (ETS) in Australia. The government wanted to cut carbon emissions
by between 5 and 15 per cent in the period 201020. Many in business thought it
would be a bad idea unless other countriesparticularly Chinaalso signed up
to ETS provisions because Australias emissions are such a small percentage of the
total that we would impoverish ourselves for no appreciable result. Some CSIRO
scientists, on the other hand, thought the governments proposals did not go far
enough in reducing emissions. Then, with the global financial crisis, the pressure
to defer the introduction of an emissions trading scheme became too great and the
government delayed its introduction until mid 2011.13 The Greens offered support to
the governmentby reducing their demand for carbon emissions from 40 to 25 per
cent. Such is the difficulty of getting anything like agreement on this policy.14
The case for respecting animals and their habitats is easier to make than that for
inanimate nature. Humanity is enriched by animals.18 Domestic pets and animals
in the wild are loved and valued, even by meat eaters, graziers and poultry farmers, just as forests and gardens are loved by wheat farmers and rice growers. The
world is a lesser place when it loses a species of plant or animal. But do we weep
for such losses? And what of inanimate nature? What intrinsic rights does nature
have? Most of the universe is cold, dark and lifeless. Should these desolate places
count ethically?
Imagine that we could conduct an experiment that would reveal some fundamental facts about the universe. This experiment would be very dramatic but completely
safe to humans. It would involve crashing one of the moons of Jupiter into the surface
of the planet. What reasons could there be against such an experiment? Would it
matter that Jupiter had one less moon? Would we even need to justify this experiment
in terms of the value of the knowledge to be gained? In what possible ways could this
experiment be unjustifiable? Imagine another scenario much closer to home. Say we
have devised a way to produce electricity that is a cheap and safe replacement for
fossil fuel generators. It will save hugely on carbon dioxide emissions, but alas will
produce a large quantity of nuclear waste if it is widely adopted. Thankfully, we can
solve the waste problem through using the latest generation of space vehicles to ferry
the waste to the moon. This should not be a problem because the waste dumps will
be on the dark side of the moon, and not visible to Earth. What possible objection
could there be to such a plan? We could dispose of our waste on an uninhabitable
space object and forget all about it. As it is, tonnes of debris fall every year on the
moon, so adding a bit more from Earth will not matter.
An appeal to intrinsic value might cause us to pause before destroying Jupiters
moon or dumping on ours. But how can we justify such a valuation? Is it just an
appeal to the strength of our preferences that makes us claim intrinsic value? Is it
not rather that what is valuable is what we value? If we were dealing with animals,
we might appeal to Singers argument and the extension of regard for animal life
to the protection of the habitat on which animals depend. In short, appealing to
the intrinsic worth of inanimate nature only seems to work with people who share
ones appreciation of nature. Or does it? If a person defaced a work by Rembrandt
or Picasso, would we not be shocked and saddened? When the Taliban destroyed
Buddhist statues with dynamite in Afghanistan, were not all decent people horrified?
One does not have to be an art lover or a Buddhist to be appalled by vandalism and
wanton destruction, just as one does not have to be an animal rights campaigner to
react to cruelty to animals. We can understand barbarity and appreciate that a good
is being destroyed even if we do not participate in the full meaning of that good.
That is how it is with the moons of Jupiter and with our moon. We do not destroy
the environment wantonly and should not cause major disturbances without the
strongest reasons for doing so. There is a good even in the things we do not see, and
the life of humans is diminished when species, habitats and even cold and lifeless
rocks in space are the victims of rapacity. We should not deface our heritage, but
enhance it for transmission to future generations.
An ethically responsible policy towards the environment must deal with the problem
of growth. There are strong arguments that the earth cannot sustain present growth
patterns, let alone extend them to cover more of the worlds growing population.
Affluence is the problem.19 Yet, in times of recession, growth is the watchword of
those seeking employment and profits. Whether we must have economic growth
or can develop a sustainable steady-state economy are questions that cannot be
answered by an ethicist. One can simply take note of the increasing demand on
fossil fuels and the polluting effects these will continue to have unless curbed; and
of the increasing demands of expanding economies in China and South-East Asia
and the pressure these will place on known energy reserves and arable land. It
hardly makes sense to talk of globalisation in business and restrict this to profits
and growth. Collateral effects such as rising expectations, limited resources and
pollution must also be considered. Moreover, we should not take the solutions of
conventional economists at face value. Growth statistics do not tell us much except
the size of the economy. Although Australia increased its gross national product
by about 30 per cent in the 1980s, poverty doubled, unemployment trebled and
real wages fell. Public infrastructure declined as railway services were cut back,
hospital waiting lists increased and the gap between rich and poor widened. Growth
benefited relatively few. The same is true of the United States, which on one index of
economic well-being that takes account of social and environmental factors had, by
2008, become worse off after years of economic growth. 20
Intergenerational issues
No generation has an unfettered right to use the worlds resources for its own advantage without regard for the fate of future generations. Because this possibility exists, it
is something that must concern business, not only in a strategic sense but ethically.
But why should we assume responsibilities that no other generation has had to
assume? Why is there a moral obligation here? John Rawls argues that we should
adopt a just savings principle or an understanding between generations to carry
their fair share of the burden of realizing and preserving a just society.21 Each
generation should preserve the social and economic gains it has received, and put
aside for the next generations what it would consider fair to have received from its
predecessor.22 We should leave the world in no worse a state than we found it. After
all, that is what we should be grateful for from our parents. This has implications
for the use of non-renewable resources and energy, the production of waste and
pollution, and the release of potentially harmful substances into the environment.23
The following case illustrates some of these issues.
cities and roads, is 5%. I can tell you that the Sahara desert is shrinking, and
the total ice of Antarctica is increasing. I can tell you that a blue-ribbon panel in
Science magazine concluded that there is no known technology that will enable
us to halt the rise of carbon dioxide in the 21st century.25
It is clear that some environmental groups want nothing less than fundamental
social and economic change, and that is a difficult proposition for business to support. This concern is not misplaced. Even reputable green groups make mistakes,
and sometimes those mistakes arise from zealotry. The following case shows what
can happen.
time to produce and interpret such evidence. In cases like the Brent Spar, a less
emotional atmosphere in discussing the issues might have produced a more
satisfactory environmental outcome. The evidence should have prevailed. Not all
environmental issues, however, are like this. In somethe impact of mining on an
environment, the planting of genetically modified crops or the effect of farming
on atmospheric conditionsthe evidence takes a long time to accumulate and be
analysed, and by then irreversible damage might have been done. Herein lies the
lasting value of Carsons warnings.
The precautionary principle asks business to scan the horizon, and even to look
over it for the unintended harms that might come from its activities. The absence
of clearly established scientific proof has often prevented environmental concerns
from being taken seriously, and the precautionary principle reverses the burden so
that it falls on those who wish to engage in potentially harmful activities.
In essence, the precautionary principle provides a rationale for taking action against
a practice or substance in the absence of scientific certainty rather than continuing
the suspect practice while it is under study, or without study. 30
This is a higher standard than the law in environmental matters. The precautionary
principle should be a check on rashness, but reversing the onus of responsibility is
not a universal remedy in environmental controversies. Think of the example of DDT:
it might have seemed precautionary to ban it, but it was simply wrong to continue
that ban when the evidence did not show that it caused cancer and suggested that
it might be used without wholesale environmental damage.
The precautionary principle operates in areas where such evidence is absent, but
there are real concerns about harm. It is meant to serve as a restraint where there is
concern, but no causation exists. An activity might not be known to damage health,
but one might reconsider it or restrict it until concerns are allayed. This kind of thinking
is really common sense, but it has been elevated to the status of a principle because
those who oppose it ask for scientific proof. Such proof cannot always be produced,
so the precautionary principle is now invoked to change the onus of responsibility,
and sometimes provocatively: prove that the activity is not dangerous! The principle
could, however, be usefully extended. It could prompt corporations to ask the following questions. What could go wrong? What systems do we need to ensure that
the risk of things going wrong is minimised? What would we do if something did
go wrong? What back-up facilities and safe exits should we build into this project?
Space engineers have learnt about safe exits from incidents like the Challenger and
Columbia shuttle disasters, but business needs to think of exit strategies for the public
and the environmentnot for managers and directorsshould a system fail.
The precautionary principle is not cost free and can bring about its own unintended consequences. One critical supporter argues that its widespread introduction
would have costs beginning with the introduction and implementation of regulations,
then impact on productivity, wages and prices, and end up diverting money available
for other public health priorities.31 In other words, application of the precautionary
principle might end up harming health more than protecting it. That is what might
have happened had the precautionary principle been applied to the banning of
DDT. As it was, that pesticide was banned on the basis of scientific evidence, but the
case illustrates that one cost of applying the precautionary principle could be the
loss of a health-protecting chemical. Just as some toxins reveal themselves only in
cumulative effects, so the removal of a useful substance as a precautionary measure
can have long-term deleterious effects.
The precautionary principle changes the default position. Instead of requiring a
business to determine an acceptable level of risk, it asks whether risky action can
be avoided. It encourages the asking of questions from a broader social perspective.
While a development such as genetic modification of foods might present a business
opportunity, application of the precautionary principle would pose the question
of whether there might not be other ways of making a profit in the food industry.
The precautionary principle is an amber light to technology. It warns of a stoppage,
whereas a risk assessment weighs the odds of getting through an intersection
before the red. Risk assessment can sometimes resemble a green light rather than
an amberproceed with caution. If a new technology has the potential to harm,
it is better to re-examine its use rather than to wait and see if the harm eventuates.
Genetically modified crops and animals are obvious candidates for the application
of the precautionary principle.
Waste or fertiliser
What happens to the waste material of steel mills, power stations, aluminium smelters
and concrete kilns? Some of it is sold to farmers as fertiliser. It finds a ready market
because it sells for much less than traditional fertilisers. The problem is that these
products of industrial waste are not tested by agricultural authorities. Their benefits
might be short term, and they might even be potentially harmful. The slag from
steel mills, for example, contains heavy metals such as chromium, lead and arsenic.
There are few laws in Australia against labelling such wastes as fertiliser and they
can even be legally labelled as organic. Even where regulation prevents the sale of
waste as fertiliser it can still be sold as soil conditioner.32 This discovery was shocking
to Australians, but the disposal of industrial waste as fertiliser has been occurring
in the even less-regulated markets of the USA for years. According to the president
of one waste recycler, When it goes into our silo, its a hazardous waste. When it
comes out of the silo, its no longer regulated. The exact same material. Dont ask me
why. Thats the wisdom of the EPA.33
Clearly the precautionary principle indicates that this is an area that should be
more extensively regulated, but if the precautionary principle were applied by the
suppliers, they would do their own testing. The question is complicated in this case
because producers, like BHP, are not the suppliers. BHP has professed ignorance
of the fate of their slag, which is marketed by Australian Steel Mill Services. The
latter disposes of the material to farmers and there is no deception about its source.
Does this absolve BHP of any responsibility to ensure the safe disposal of its waste?
Considering the potential costs to BHP Billitons reputation (Australian Steel Mill
Services does not enjoy the same profile) if toxins were to enter the food chain,
the precautionary principle could work to the advantage both of producer and the
public here.
The following cases illustrate these issues.
to import petrol with this additive? After all, MTBE was going to be discontinued
in any case. Woolworths had to argue after the event that an additive banned by
governments was a risk worth taking. And, because neither Woolworths nor Coles,
Australias two leading supermarket chains, has initiated environmental policies to
match those of United Kingdom and French retailers, there was no record of public
concern to which Woolworths might have appealed.
Alcoa has since bought properties around its plant and had to face inquiries and
audits. A precautionary approach would have obviated much of this. Alcoa always
knew that there would be some negative reaction to the liquor burner, but it was too
sanguine about its own measures. A useful device in this situation would have been
to have an environmental devils advocate to put the case against the liquor burner
and to challenge the responses of the firm to potential complaints. Alcoa did bring
in its chief medical officer from the USA, Professor Mark Cullen of Yale University.
Cullen found minimal risk of illness due to the plant. If I had any other view I would
recommend the immediate closure of the facilityin line with Alcoa values, he is
reported as saying.37 Fine, but it is not unknown for corporations to bring in their
own experts to counter public concerns by creating uncertainty. In this case the
uncertainty was rapidly dispelled and precaution was overtaken by prevention.
In the wake of complaints, the state minister for the environment required Alcoa
to install modifications to its plant, including special gas-fired burners, and higher
stacks to disperse pollutants. She also required an independent audit of Alcoas
environmental management systems, and the upper house of the Western Australian
Parliament instituted its own inquiry in 2001.38
Voluntary action
Ethics is quite often the realm of the voluntary. Ethics sets higher standards than the
law. The perennial problem for responsible businesses that meet ethical requirements is that less responsible competitors will take the opportunity to enlarge their
market share. Christine Parker has argued that deterrence alone cannot explain
corporate adoption of environmentally responsible policies. Usually such policies
emerge from the context of crisis and the threat or actuality of harm to the corporation. But beyond enforcement and deterrence, Parker shows that management
engages with environmental policy for a variety of reasons. An example of such
engagement is the Green Challenge.40
Facing moves to recommend a carbon tax at the 1995 Berlin conference on climate
change, corporations and industry associations devised the Green Challenge.41 The
Australian Government agreed to the Challenge as an alternative to the tax and began
a partnership program to lower greenhouse gas emissions in 1996. Membership of the
Challenge is entirely voluntary, but the performance of members is audited. Action
that could potentially harm the interests of any one business becomes viable if it is
collaborative. Collaboration can forestall government action and exert pressure on
other businesses to self-regulate.
Another example of Australian business voluntarily taking on environmental
responsibilities is found in subscription to the International Organization for Standardizations 14,001 environmental management systems standards. By January 2002,
1173 Australian companies had signed up.42 Japan ranked first, with 8169 signatories,
then Germany, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Spain. The USA is just ahead of
Australia, which occupies seventh position. This indicates that, at least by international
standards, Australian business is well disposed to adopt environmental standards.
A further indication of this is the rate of voluntary compliance with what has
become the global standard in environmental reporting. In the late 1990s, John
Elkington coined the term triple bottom line reporting to indicate that the social
and environmental aspects of a corporations operations were as important as the
economic ones.43 The idea joins corporate social responsibility with profits. One of
the ways in which this reporting has been promoted is through the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI) begun in 1997 by the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible
Economies (CERES), but now a separate organisation. The object of the GRI is to
promote the Sustainability Reporting Guidelines on the economic, environmental
and social dimensions of business activities, which it does in collaboration with the
United Nations. By 2009, more than 1500 companies had adopted the Guidelines,
which are now in their third iteration (G3). The GRI claims that the G3 Guidelines
have become the de facto global standard for reporting.44 None of this should
suggest that regulation is now superfluous, but, as Parker suggests, compliance is
more complicated than threatening corporations with penalties.
The Brundtland Report defines ecologically sustainable development as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs. Ecologically sustainable development
attempts to integrate economic, social and ecological criteria, and to balance present
economic and social goals and the just-savings principle. In other words, ecologically sustainable development tries to get some perspective on the just requirements
of future generations while paying regard to the demands of equity in the present.
Of course, the issue facing our heirs might not be the degree of comfort available
to them on a planet with depleted resources, but survival itself. In resolving the
inevitable clashes that will occur in distributing equitably for the present and saving
adequately for the future, the issue of survival should indeed be kept in mind.
Despite the Business Council of Australias endorsement of ecologically sustainable development, implementation faces obstacles. People are unwilling to begin
paying for the environmental subsidies they are accustomed to receiving.50 As already
noted, someone, even if not the ostensible user, is paying these costs. An example
might be the use of lead in petrol. When the government put a surcharge on leaded
petrol there was an outcry from the welfare lobby in particular. They argued that less
well-off people had older cars and so would be paying more than those people who
were better off. This violated equity, they said. But someone was already subsidising
those using leaded petrol, and that someone was not just the environment polluted
with lead; it was children with high lead concentrations in their bodies.
Resistance to measures for intergenerational equity, such as an economic rent
on petroleum, could also be anticipated. Proceeds from rents for non-renewable
resources could be invested to provide a continuous stream of income and this
is equivalent to holding the stock of that capital constant.51 Obtaining public and
business support for such a measure is another matter.
Policies of recycling at all cost can ultimately lead to the exporting of rubbish, and
in the face of low demand this means paying for rubbish to go offshorean increasing
practice condemned by green activists. In Australia, Williams writes, the requirement
to recycle rather than incinerate can only result in the pressure on landfill being
maintained. A week after this warning, Recyclers Australia sacked twenty workers and refused further waste paper after continuing international price collapses.
American and European waste had flooded the market and driven the price down.
At Australian Paper Mills, recycling manager John Davis said that successful recycling
campaigns had resulted in an oversupply of old newspapers. Although the collection,
baling and shipment overseas of old newsprint cost $75 a tonne, Australian Paper
Mills can only get $20 a tonne for it. We cant continue to recycle unless we have a
market for the product or someone is willing to pay for it, said Davis.52
The problem of recycling waste seems again to be one of perplexity with a
moral aspect. If the problem was not generated, then remedies would not be
necessary. Recycling massive amounts of waste material shifts the problem rather
than addressing it. Treating the symptoms rather than the causes will eventually
be unsustainable. The prudential and ethical obligation is not primarily to dispose
of waste responsiblya difficult task when waste continues to be produced on
a massive scalebut to avoid producing it in the first place. Whatever theory of
environmental protection you might subscribe to, the fundamental responsibility is
to use resources responsibly and avoid using industrial waste disposalincluding
recyclingwhere possible. The case of Ok Tedi takes us back to the kind of issues
we saw first with Orica. This case, like the earlier ones, also illustrates the immense
financial and reputational costs to corporations of persisting in a course of action
often with governmental approvalthat is inevitably calamitous. Like the other
cases, Ok Tedi is a classic illustration of poor decision-making that had large-scale
repercussions for core stakeholders, and for the commercial well-being of one of the
worlds major mining corporations.
In May 1994, they launched a $4 billion action against BHP in the Victorian
Supreme Court. Two billion dollars were sought for exemplary damages and the
building of a tailings dam, and another $2 billion in compensation. An injunction
against further mining until a dam was constructed was also sought. The reaction
of the PNG government was immediately hostile. In repeated statements, Prime
Minister Wingti warned of the damage that such actions could do to overseas
investment confidence in his country. He stressed the importance of dealing with
such legal issues inside PNG, not through foreign courts. The Ok Tedi matter
is a matter taking place in PNG and we are going to make it so we handle this
within our own country under our own laws, he said shortly after the action was
launched.54 This determination to deal with such actions within his own country led
Wingti to consult with BHP over the preparation of legislation to secure a favourable
outcome. By the time the legislation was introduced into parliament in December
1995, it had caused a public relations nightmare for BHP and produced its own
legal difficulties.
the region.55
What is the proper relationship between multinational firms and the governments
of poor countries desperate for development and foreign exchange? More precisely, how closely should firms be involved in drafting the regulatory frameworks
in which they are to operate?
If local villagers are to suffer losses for wider national gains, should they be
consulted by incoming firms? This raises fundamental issues of autonomy and
justice: how much notice should firms take of villagers desires to preserve
traditional lifestyles if national governments are eager for development? On what
basis should compensation be paid for environmental and other losses? 57
In June 1996, BHP agreed to a $400 million out-of-court settlement for the landholders, which included $110 million in compensation, $40 million to relocate ten
villages and $7.6 million in legal expenses. BHP also agreed to sell 10 per cent of
OTML to the PNG government for the benefit of local communities. BHP did not
undertake to build a tailings dam, but did promise to look at all feasible options for
tailings containment. The mine pumps 80,000 tonnes of tailings into the biologically
dead Ok Tedi and Fly rivers every day.
1 If BHP had offered such a package before they commenced mining, would the
ethical issues identified by Barker have been avoided?
BHP and the PNG government were not at arms length. They were partners,
and one of the partners (the government) was, among other things, responsible for
regulation of the other.
3 Is there an issue here of conflict of interest? Are there other ethical concerns
that arise in virtue of the partnership?
of mining on the Ok Tedi ecosystem? Both issues are important, of course, but the
question of standards would not arise unless mining had had a major impact there.
1 How is it possible to legislate regarding practices from one setting to another?
2 Would not any acceptable code require interpretation that might permit another
Ok Tedi?
1 We asked, Is it not just an appeal to the strength of our preferences that makes
us claim intrinsic value for the environment? What else could it be?
2 Could there be a systematic statement of, and then enforcement of, the precautionary principle?
3 Could there be such a statement that would do justice to all stakeholders in a
4 What are the practical limits of the precautionary principle?
7h Internal and external
7h The Australian situation
7h Review questions
If ye cannot bring good news, then dont bring any. (Bob Dylan, The Wicked
Messenger, John Wesley Harding, Columbia, 1967)
These grounds for acting are relevant to the evaluation and justification of
Consider the following cases from this point of view.
C H A P T E R 9 W H I S T L E B LO W I N G
has decided to pursue or to conceal. To accept that employees can be persecuted for
honesty, loyalty, or upholding the public trust undermines some of the legal and moral
principles on which a society is necessarily based.4
C H A P T E R 9 W H I S T L E B LO W I N G
In each of these cases, the term whistleblower is appropriate in the context of the
gravity of the issue and the courage needed to bring it to the attention of appropriate
authorities. Nevertheless, it is better to reserve the term for last-resort measures to
rectify grave injustices. Internal reporting should be part of the normal feedback
channels of an organisation, and if they work there is no need to go outside. Even if
these normal feedback channels do not work, internal whistleblowingfor example,
going straight to the CEOdoes not violate the authority of the organisation per se,
nor does testifying before a parliamentary or congressional hearing.
Whistleblowers are not ranged against pettifogging superiors or incompetent
colleagues, but against corporate closurethe mutual protection that can seize
members of an organisation and cause it to intimidate, scapegoat or expel dissidents
who disturb its unspoken rules of survival. Whistleblowers have in a sense already
moved outside an organisation when they take it on, so only external whistleblowing
will be treated as the definition of the term in our discussion.
C H A P T E R 9 W H I S T L E B LO W I N G
sexual kind. Third, less damaging ways of rectifying the problem, such as internal
procedures, must not be available to the whistleblower. Fourth, if other avenues for
rectifying the problem were available they should have been tried. Fifth, blowing the
whistle is likely to remedy the problem.
There are two considerations running through these criteria. The first is that the
public interest is threatened by some policy or procedure of the organisation, and
the second is that employees of the organisation have tried to rectify matters through
normal lines of responsibility and management. Where the first is present and the
second fails, whistleblowing is a legitimate option.
Richard De George goes further and says that if these conditions are met and the
whistleblower has documented evidence that would convince an impartial person
of an organisations potential to harm the public interest, and if the probability is
good that going public will bring about change for the better, then the employee not
only has a right to blow the whistle, but an obligation to do so.11 Others have argued
that, at most, an employee can have a right to blow the whistle, but because of the
real possibility of resultant hardship to oneself, one never (or only in exceptional
circumstances) has a duty to blow the whistle.12 Whether one looks to the right or the
duty, it is important to stress that the means used should be proportional to the end
to be achieved or, more simply, do not use a sledge-hammer to crack a walnut.
Whistleblowing is, on the whole, a grey area. It is important to be aware of the
conditions of its justification, but it is equally important not to be beguiled into
believing that the term names a clear, identifiable type of conduct that can be used
as a template for resolving moral conflicts in the workplace. Whistleblowing is simply
a shorthand way of referring to classes of information disclosure.
Ross Webber echoes some cautions about whistleblowing first made by Alan
1 Verify your evidence. Is it sufficient?
2 Are you objecting to illegal or immoral conduct? If the conduct is morally objectionable but legal, you might not have a future in your industry. Illegal conduct
is not as likely to damage your career.
3 Discuss your proposed action with close stakeholders; namely, your family.
They will be affected by what you do.
4 Exhaust organisational procedures for dealing with complaints and objections.
5 Consider whether it is better to act publicly or anonymously.
6 Document every action you take.
7 Dont spread your heat: keep the objection confined to those who need to deal
with it, and be civil to those handling it.
8 If you are fired you may resort to publicity, but recognise that your right of free
public discussion might be limited.
9 Consider a lawsuit.
10 Appreciate that your hands will get dirty whatever you do about unethical
This last point is worth emphasising. Whistleblowing exemplifies the problem
of dirty hands. It does seem to involve betrayal of friends, stress on ones family,
and hurt to the good as well as to the bad. Apart from the personal risks involved,
it amounts to placing an individual judgment above that of the organisation, and
forsaking the duty (sometimes a fiduciary duty) that an employee owes to the organisation. Consider the following objections to whistleblowing. First, it is informing,
perhaps on peers or mates. Informing was characteristic of the worst excesses of
Nazi Germany and the Soviet system. It is sneaky, underhanded and destroys trust
in the workplace. Second, it involves disclosure of information that is owned by
the organisation, not by individuals. It is theft to disclose that information without
authorisation. This might lead competitors to gain an advantage and destroy an
organisation as effectively as leaking damaging information. Hence, the third objection: taking on the responsibility of looking after the public interest is arrogant and
might destroy the organisation and the jobs of colleagues. How can this kind of
conduct be distinguished from leaking? Fourth, a person does not necessarily have
the full picture in going public with potentially damaging information and hence
might not be in a good position to judge if the public interest will be served by
disclosure. In this respect (like the arrogance to which the third objection calls attention), whistleblowers place their own judgment above that of the organisation. Fifth,
the act breaks an employees contract with the employer. Sixth, an employee has a
duty only to report concerns to superiors, not to rectify the problem personally.
These objections will vary in strength depending on the particular circumstances
a potential whistleblower is facing. A whistleblower might be a hero, someone who
is not a sneak but puts his or her neck on the line for honesty, probity and the public
interest. If other avenues existed for bringing harms to public notice or correcting
the harms in some in-house way, who but an idiot or a misdirected hero would risk
discovery, loss of job and career opportunity, and perhaps professional censure?
It is also conceivable that a whistleblower might be a sneak, or someone with
an illegitimate interest, a grudge or a cockeyed perspective on an organisations
activities. We disagree with Bowie and Duska14 that whistleblowers necessarily act
from an appropriate moral motive. A whistleblower might act in the public interest
because he or she seeks revenge after being sacked. It is still whistleblowing. Awareness of a whistleblowers ignoble motives might affect his or her credibility (as a
practical matter), but it does not mean that they have not blown the whistle.
As for loyalty, moral obligations to colleagues or to an organisation cannot bind
someone to immoral conductat least not to seriously immoral conduct. Given
C H A P T E R 9 W H I S T L E B LO W I N G
the damage usually done to them, the question is not whether whistleblowers are
morally justified, but whether the silence of others can be excused. This may seem
unrealistic or heartless, but perhaps it is better to talk of loyalty in emotional rather
than moral terms in relation to major issues. When the DC-10 went ahead, there
were people in a position to know but who did nothing. The same is true of other
disasters, such as the Challenger: people who knew of the unacceptably high risks
did nothing.
What could excuse such inaction? Usually it is a dislike of reporting colleagues
or a fear of retribution. The reporting excuse really does not hold water any more.
In a random survey of 2000 public sector employees in New South Wales, 94 per
cent believed that dismissal of a staff member who blows the whistle on fraud is
corrupt.15 This may, however, be too simple. Research suggests that organisations
with cultures that encourage consultation and participation in decision-making view
loyalty in terms of people voicing their views. Conversely, silence is likely to be taken
as disloyalty. On the other hand, organisations with strong hierarchical cultures are
likely to perceive loyalty in terms of silent compliance, and disloyalty in terms of
overt criticism.16 Such organisations are more likely to encourage internal critics to
leave than to voice their criticisms. They are also more likely to create the conditions
that give rise to whistleblowing.
In all of this there is an important distinction to be made between petty informing and bringing matters of public interest to the publics attention. A criterion of
proportionality should help in deciding on borderline cases, but we hold that there
is no duty to inform on others where the matter is not serious or the damage caused
by informing is not justified by the benefits to be secured. This qualification should
not be seen as minimising the issue of rights; we are not arguing that one persons
rights may be sacrificed for the good of an organisation and its stakeholders, but that
the good to be achieved by whistleblowing should be in proportion to the gravity
of the act.
Retribution is a large issue and is likely to remain so, even where whistleblower
protection is present. Until recently there were no such protections for whistleblowers
in the public or private sectors anywhere in Australia, and whistleblowers have had
to take heroic measures to bring matters of urgency to public attention. Ideally there
should be procedures and mechanisms for dealing with genuine concerns inside
an organisation, so as to minimise the need for heroism with its attendant risks and
disincentives. Criticism should be taken seriously, and the reporting of transgressions
could be made mandatory, thus removing the discretion from the individual and
avoiding the opprobrium that can sour relations between a whistleblower and even
colleagues of goodwill.17 Such measures would need to be internally enforceable,
but could be complemented with external safeguards in law.18 Yet even with better
organisational procedures and protective legislation in place, there will still be some
C H A P T E R 9 W H I S T L E B LO W I N G
This is a fair point, although it must be stressed that there is no evidence that
Fraser informed Kemp that Johnson had written to him. If high standards of public
responsibility are to be demanded of people in private positions there should be
public protections for them. But in this case there is the added complication that
C H A P T E R 9 W H I S T L E B LO W I N G
Fraser, as well, had a clear public responsibility. Whatever he said to Kemp on the day
after he received Johnsons fax, Fraser had a clear fiduciary and moral responsibility
to ensure that the Trust Bank was not in danger. It might have been difficult to do
that without indirectly disclosing that Johnson was the source of the Reserve Banks
alert. Moreover, Johnsons request for confidentiality and a delay in response until a
personal interview could be arranged could not bind Fraser in any way. As governor
of the Reserve Bank, he is akin to a banking police officer, and while attempting to
ascertain the facts, he cannot allow the public interest to be jeopardised.25
Johnsons case illustrates that protections for whistleblowers are inherently difficult to devise, so that changes in public policy will never remove the need for
personal courage, sometimes of a high order, in bringing to light institutional failures
that prejudice the public interest. The report of the Martin Committee into banking did not believe that whistleblower legislation was necessary at this stage, but
did recommend that banks establish internal processes that allow staff to report
instances of suspected fraud to senior management without fear of retribution.26
After the abrupt end of Johnsons career, Field was unsupportive, Kemp claimed
that he had been over promoted within the Tasmania Bank and Fraser denied
involvement in his dismissal. Kemps claim is at variance with Johnsons previous
record, but it fits the classic pattern for whistleblowers both in Australia and the
United States. Kemp claimed that Johnson had been administered a series of personality tests by consultants Chandler and Macleod, which found him unsuited to
a position in the new bank. In the light of Kemps letter to Johnson, doubt is certainly
cast on any claim that this personality test played much of a part in Johnsons dismissal or the appraisal of his performance (it would be odd to check a managers
performance against a battery of tests), but subjection to psychological testing is a
standard way of dealing with troublemakers, as whistleblowers are traditionally
called in Australia.27
Johnsons case fits the typical profile of whistleblowers in most respects. In
general, publicity can offer some protection because it increases the whistleblowers
visibility. It also lends credibility to the whistleblowers claims and puts a face to
them. In Johnsons case, his mistake was to reveal his action in the belief that it
would make him more acceptable to the bank he saved. But this also made him
unsafe in any future incidents of whistleblowing, such as his in-confidence fax to
the Reserve Bank.
1 What should Johnson have done? Should he have disclosed his identity at the
time of writing to the premier?
2 Would you base your view about his conduct on a consideration of Johnsons
responsibilities as an executive of the bank or on the fate that befell him?
C H A P T E R 9 W H I S T L E B LO W I N G
After fruitless protests to his minister and the public employment commissioner,
and the lodgement of grievance appeals, a frustrated King went to the media. His
exposs achieved the desired change in policy.
Unfortunately Kings job became redundant in a reorganisation of his department. He was reinstated in the Department of State Development after persistent
appeals. His difficulties, however, were not behind him. After resisting approval of a
modern piggery, King was pressured to see a management consultant who turned
out to be a psychologist. The consultant wanted to administer the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory to King, but he refused. The psychologist wrote a report
anyway. It said that It is likely that he [King] has a severe personality problem
His personality traits are such as to produce grandiose and obsessive behaviour,
paranoid reactions and regular grievance procedures [sic] for insufficient cause.
King lost his job in mid-1989, but he did not accept the psychologists report
and sought psychiatric evaluation by a doctor of his choice. Dr Keith Le Page found
King was not a victim of personality problems but simply a dedicated scientist
trying to do his job honestly. After reading the psychologists report he said, I have
not found any evidence that he is grandiose, obsessive, paranoid.
Without doubt the stress caused to whistleblowers can damage their health.
Furthermore, the sheer struggle to have the truth recognised and accepted in the
face of official denials can make them obsessive or appear to be so. Nevertheless,
it is disturbing that the first reaction of those accused or who stand to lose is often
to call in psychiatrists and psychologists in an attempt to discredit the accuser. The
matter raises ethical questions for these professions, as well as for those who turn to
them in cases like these.
Although we have argued that external protections will never make whistleblowing safe, we believe that they should go some way towards changing a culture
of reporting. Whistleblowers may always be necessary, but they should not be seen
as deviant. The fact that whistleblowing is now taken seriously by authorities marks a
considerable change in attitude and should soften the instinct for retaliation, even in
the absence of legislative protection. The environment for public interest disclosures
has changed. Transparency is demanded of government, the public sector and business. The dire consequences that inevitably flowed from whistleblowing are likely
to be less severe today than a decade or so ago. Belatedly, even Philip Arantz got a
medal. While Alwyn Johnson was branded a troublemaker, that tag does not automatically affix itself to people who try to do the right thing. That still does not nullify
the costs of whistleblowing. Those costs can be imposed from unexpected quarters.
Consider the recent case of Stewart Cummins.
C H A P T E R 9 W H I S T L E B LO W I N G
Maurice Blackburn sought access to the evidence collected by ASIC, but the
Commission contested this on the grounds that Mr Cummins would be identified.40
Now it seems that whistleblowers face new dangers. Those in the private sector
trying to do the right thing seem increasingly exposed in litigation between shareholders and regulators. ASIC has contested the right of AWB class-action litigants
to use materials gathered in its investigation of kickbacks to Saddam Hussein
cronies. The effect of such contests will probably be to make whistleblowers more
wary of actions that could lead to the disclosure of their identities. Recognising
this, the Federal Court hearing applications from Multiplex shareholders for access
to ASIC documents commented upon the dangers, not just to whistleblowers but
also to the operations of regulators and enforcement agencies. Persons contemplating whistleblowing would realise that the disclosure of their identity may cause
them harm in ways they never find outemployment or promotions not offered,
friendships undermined, the judges said. The point is that such fears may well be
held by potential future informers who may, if disclosure is permitted in the present
case (Multiplex), decide that informing ASIC is just not worth it.41
There is at least a happier ending to Mr Cumminss story than to others presented
here. He went on to become the chief financial officer of a large transport and
logistics firm. That is a better result than most whistleblowers have come to expect,
and perhaps even signifies a changed regard towards principled disclosers.
C H A P T E R 9 W H I S T L E B LO W I N G
capitalist economies: the union movement, welfare, and state sponsorship of sport
and the arts all contribute to keeping the revolution at bay. Popular discontent is
abated by such measures, so any view that governments under capitalism can act in
the interests of justice is nave: governments act to protect their capitalist masters. On
the other hand, if governments do not redistribute wealth or support social activities,
then this is proof that capitalism controls the state in the interests of the ruling class.
In brief, the Marxist can never be satisfied: governments in market economies are
damned if they support social institutions and damned if they do not. The negative
analysis of whistleblower support described above comes off the same template as
the Marxist analysis of the state. An organisation that acts to minimise the necessity
for the practice is enhancing social control in the workplace; an organisation that
does not address the problem colludes in exposing the whistleblower to all the
penalties of acting according to conscience.
People have to be cautious about informing on illegal, harmful or unethical conduct, not only because they will have to bear the consequences, but also because
others will have to live with them, too; and there is in any case no easy way of dealing
with dissent in the public interest. The best of protective procedures and policies will
be limited and can probably be used for corrupt purposes. This is not an argument
for doing nothing, but a caution against believing that laws and procedures can
accomplish everything we should desire for whistleblower protection.
1 Do you think that there is good reason for limiting the term whistleblowing to
cases of external whistleblowing?
2 Do you think it is ever the case that a person ought to blow the whistlethat
if they fail to blow the whistle, then they will have done something wrong? Or, do
you believe that any case of justifiable whistleblowing will be a case of heroic
actionthat is, action above and beyond what is morally required?
3 Employees in the private sector have a contract with their employer. What moral justification can supersede a commitment already made to be loyal to this employer?
Is it not morally discreditable to inform on a corporation to a regulator? What about
leaking information to shareholders via the media?
Enrons Code was 65 pages long and had high-sounding phrases about values,
human rights and compliance. However, when it conflicted with the goals of corporate executives, it was put in the bin. That is the handy thing about codes. Even the
long ones can be dumped quickly in time of need.
Yet codes in one form or another have been used to regulate behaviour since
antiquity. The Code of Hammurabi is one such and the Ten Commandments
another. We are most familiar, of course, with legal codes and expect that codified
principles will be clear-cut and not open to dispute and personal interpretation.
Codes have various forms: there may be codes of ethics, conduct or practice, each
species being framed to meet the specific needs of the organisation that produced
it.1 Their common purpose is self-regulation through peer enforcement. This is often
overlooked: codes are not about external regulation but self-regulation. Too much
can be made of them and, on the whole, too much is expected of them. There is too
ready an acceptance of rules as fixes for our social problems and not enough faith
in judgment. Consider this illustration of the point.
In 2007, the German town of Bohmte decided to remove its traffic lights and signs
from its roads. This decision seemed precarious given that Bohmte lies on a main
truck route to the city of Osnabrck13,000 trucks and cars pass through the town
daily. Still, Bohmte removed its signs in 2008 and traffic accidents not only declined
but, in the first months after implementation, had ceased altogether. The architect
of this radical experiment, traffic management expert Heiner Monheim, declared,
Whats revolutionary about Bohmte is that it took off its signs on a state highway with
a lot of traffic. 2 Instead of masses of rules and signs to keep vehicles from hitting
cyclists and pedestrians, all users of the roads have to pay attention to each other,
and exercise appropriate care. Monheims principle of shared space is based on a
number of factors, including self-interest, responsibility and a greater consideration
for others than is required in a rule-bound environment. Well, there is one rule:
give way to traffic on the right. One resident said of the new system that, Instead
of thinking, Its going to be red, I need to give gas, people have to slow down, to
look to the right and the left, to be considerate. This counterr intuitive scheme does
away with the segregation of people and traffic. It replaces rules with negotiation
based on eye contact and other signals. Shared space apparently has social as well
as aesthetic and safety benefits. According to the resident, The whole village has
become more human. We look at each other, we greet each other. 3
The radical aspect of this story is the removal of rules and their replacement
with judgment. This substitution carries a heavy responsibility: fail in your judgment
and you might end up in an accident. As judgment is pretty much required in
order to walk, let alone drive, in Bohmte, it might be expected that the townsfolk
might be edgy. Not at all, according to news reports. They are more sociable. It is
tempting to think that regulation, formalised directives, rules and regulations are
obsolete, and that we might expand the Bohmte experiment into other areas of life.
Notice, however, that this example shows that judgment has to be responsible: it is
emphatically not a matter of do-as-you-like. The Bohmte experiment seemed to work
because it called forth deep values from its citizens and visitors. They recovered
sociability and respect. It should not be an unintended consequence of codes that
they mask such basic human values or render them redundant. Codes should elicit
good judgment and the appropriate values to inform it. Codes should be an aid to
judgment, an affirmation of deep values, not a cheap substitute for them.
Codes have long been used to establish standards in the professions. Medicine
came first in the early nineteenth century when physicians wished to establish their
respectable credentials by distinguishing themselves from quacks. Pharmacists
soon followed, and gradually, over the next hundred years, other professions set
boundaries around their tasks and professional identities and established regulatory
closest analogue in a corporate organisation to the virtues embodied in the characters of persons is an ethos. This is where rules come in, and clear ethical rules are no
less important than other formal regulations and informal habits of conduct. Ethical
rules are ways of ensuring minimum standards, of offering guidance for conduct,
and of stating in a shorthand way the main values of the culture of the organisation.
They are no more dispensable for organisations than virtues are for individuals.
The motivation for a company or a business to institute a code of ethics need
not come from a commitment to morality or from, say, an altruistic concern for the
public at large. No doubt a number of business and professional organisations do
have such a concern, but it is clear that the history of business is not about these
things. Having an altruistic concern or being interested in moral behaviour for its
own sake is not the only adequate motivation for a business or a profession finding
a code of ethics desirable. Self-interest can (quite properly) furnish the stimulus for
a code. Put simply, good business requires the presence of a code of ethics. Perhaps
the strongest motivation for creating a code of ethics is that the present climate of
accountability, fair-dealing, public awareness and governmental regulation is such
that it is a situation of do it, or else. In many cases it is precisely a situation of you
set particular standards for yourself, or well do it for you, where the we is some
external, perhaps governmental body. Given those alternatives, any organisation
would prefer to play a major or perhaps exclusive role in setting its own ethical standards and enforcing them. An organisation will be more sensitive to its own structure,
aims, limits, and operating costs and benefits than will an external standard-setter.
Avoiding the imposition of external regulation is only one prudential reason for
business to take the initiative. If an organisation does not have a code of ethics, it
can suffer from a number of undesirable effects in the market place. Public trust and
confidence are clearly commodities that can have a dollar value attached to them.
They are good for business. It is interesting to note that the presence of a code of
ethics itself has been used by some businesses as a form of competitive advertising,
a way of promoting that business above others. For example, the NRMA and Nissan
have both dedicated entire advertisements to their codes of ethics, and a common
sight on the windows of real estate agents is a transfer sticker that states, Deal only
with a Member of Real Estate Institute of NSW / Bound by a Code of Ethics.
Consumers can simply turn their backs on products and services with a poor
ethical reputation. The market can be as effective on ethical matters as a regulatory
body, as the damage to Nestl over Third World infant milk formula sales in the 1970s
showed. Its competitor, Abbott Laboratories, developed a code of marketing practice
in response to public reaction to selling infant milk formula into societies where its
use might be inappropriate, but Nestl persisted with its marketing practices and lost
public support.4 As protection against increased external regulation, it is desirable for
the organisation itself to institute its own code of ethics. Shareholders, as well as the
public at large, now react adversely to perceived unethical conduct, and information
about such conduct is readily available and highly visible in newspapers and popular
magazines. In the USA, Chrysler has made a different kind of move in this direction.
It has established a car buyers bill of rights and a mechanism to enforce it. Chrysler
now claims that it judges the success of dealerships by levels of customer service
and satisfaction rather than volume of sales. It is, of course, possible (and likely)
that this is itself an indirect gauge of volume. Nevertheless, it is the service and not
the volume that is targeted. Chrysler is not unique in valuing honour as a badge
to place on a business. International executive-search firm pioneer Egon Zehnder
believes that demonstrated integrity is as basic to the appointment of an executive as
demonstrated management skills. According to Zehnder, in selecting someone for
a key job, select above all, the [person] with high integrity. Such an integrity-based
selection will permeate through management making a strong management team.5
This is not to say that prudential, self-interested reasons for having a code should
be allowed to prejudice its content or its implementation; many things in life are
done for prudential reasons and are still done well. The same is true of compulsion:
although attendance at school is compulsory and it is prudent to conform to this legal
requirement, children nonetheless benefit, even if they would rather be elsewhere.
The same is true with compulsory voting in Australian democracy. Business, like a
reluctant pupil or voter, can read a bottom line: if trust and confidence and the profits
attached to them are at stake, it pays to take ethics as seriously as other matters of
competitive service. Nevertheless, attempts to extract greater public accountability
from some Australian industries, such as banking, have not met with an altogether
positive response.
Not all businesses and professions are unconcerned about morality except
insofar as moral behaviour is good for business. If we can indicate that even for
the extreme case the business itself should see the presence of a code of ethics
as desirable, then there can be no question of its general desirability. Devising a
code can be part of a review process. The drafting and adoption of a code is an
opportunity for a firm to think through and articulate its values and objectives. The
process can be as important as the result. It can reveal accepted practices that
the organisation would not affirm publicly and that, on reflection, it would wish to
change. Once a firm has done an audit on its ethical practices it will be in a better
position to develop its organisational culture in more productive and responsible
ways. So devising a code of ethics could be seen not as an end in itself but more
as the beginning of a monitoring and reform process. The resultant code is a good
platform for measuring the success of change and developing the strengths of an
organisation to meet emerging ethical challenges. The process that produces it can
be refined and modified to update the code. The production process is thus both the
first stage in the renewal of an organisation and the object of continuing review.
Every organisation has rules about behaviour, even if these rules are not made
explicit in written or oral form. Some organisations have a written code of practice and some do not. Sometimes the written code of practice of an organisation
is at variance with its unwritten operational code. When the two are in conflict the
unwritten code is usually the more effective. This can be very sobering. An executive
of a large corporation once spoke about being the student of a famous professor
of accounting. He was a wonderful teacher, said the executive, he had wonderful ideals, we learned a great deal from him, and he enjoyed great professional
respect. But when I joined my firm I was told, The first thing you have to do is forget
everything professor X taught you. We do things differently here. The executive was
referring not just to skills, but also to values. Organisations may profess one thing
and practise the opposite. All have de facto codes of practice, though not all have de
jure (or formal) codes of ethics.
If an organisational culture fosters sharp practice and rewards unethical behaviour, the superimposition of a formal code of ethics will merely be window dressing.
A code of ethics prominently displayed can be misleading; far worse than no code
at all. Yet contemporary social pressures on business almost compel the adoption
of formal codes. Good intentions notwithstanding, this might at best be useless and
at worst a trap for the unwary. It is also paradoxical; at the heart of written codes is
self-regulation, yet implicit in the social demand is the threat that if a written code
is not adopted, then government will do the regulating. This demand seems almost
to see regulation, or rather codification, as an end in itself. The essential questions
should be these: what are codes of ethics for, and what benefits should be expected
from their adoption?
The first answer must be that a formal code of ethics states where people in an
organisation stand in relation to each other and to the organisation itself. It will also
state where the organisation itself or members of the organisation stand in relation to
entities outside the organisation (most typically, members of the public, stakeholders
or other organisations). The effect of this should be to bring the de facto and de
jure value systems of the organisation into alignment. Then the ethical culture, or
ethos, of the organisation will be transparent: every stakeholder group will know
where it stands.
The model for this view is the principle of the rule of law in the legal system.
Rule of law is an important notion in legal theory and in the philosophy of law. It
encompasses a number of aspects, one of which in particular is very important in
the context of codes of ethics. An environment of rule of law, and a code of ethics,
allows the subjects, or clients, as well as the practitioners to know where they stand
in relation to the practice. It allows people to know (and so allows them to expect
and to plan accordingly) how they will be treated in certain situations. If the prices
of products are announced, then people can choose either to buy them or not, and
can expect to pay that amount if they decide to buy. People can plan accordingly.
Similarly, if people know that certain behaviour is prescribed in certain situations for
practitioners, then they know what to expect and can plan accordingly. This element
of consistently knowing what to expect and of being able to plan is itself valuable.
To some degree it may not matter what is prescribed (although there are important
limits and whole areas where this is not true); predictability and consistency are
valuable in their own right.
The model of the rule of law is useful in another way. Just as the law should
apply to all people equally, so a business code should apply to all people in an
organisation, from the CEO down. A set of rules for employees that excludes management, even implicitly, is sending a false message to the organisation and to the
public at large. When staff know where they stand in relation to each other and the
organisation, and have a clear statement of moral equality, a barrier has been placed
between them and unethical conduct. If a manager were to request a junior staff
member to do something unethical, the junior employee could point to provisions in
the code forbidding this. In other words, unethical conduct cannot be disguised as
legitimate direction. This barrier should discourage managers from making unethical demands, protect individuals from being placed in difficult or compromising
situations, and safeguard the integrity of the organisation. It should lessen resort
to whistleblowing and allow ethical employees to act with the assurance that they
enjoy the support of the organisation as a whole in adhering to the spirit and letter
of the code.
The point of a code of ethics is to declare professional or organisational standards for all to see. It is an invitation for those outside the profession to judge it
and its practitioners by the standards it declares. It announces to members of a
profession that certain standards and values should be respected in practice. It sets
a level playing field for all practitioners. It is an instrument for accountability and
responsibility. And it is an affirmation of the identity of an organisation, industry
or profession. Codes are not surrogate forms of law, but declarations that certain
principles will be observed in the operations of the institutions that adopt them.
These principles can be broad and general or quite specific. It is often asserted that
the development of a code is as important as the finished document because the
process brings people together around a common purpose and agreed values, and
encourages ownership of the code. There is truth in this when codes are produced
with the participation of all levels of an organisation or profession, but the production
of a code cannot of itself bring purposes and values into being. If the entity has no
clear conception of its own identity, then a code will not give it one or substitute for
one. In this respect, a code is better seen as the result of a process, rather than as
itself the instrument of initiation of a process.
Another general feature to be kept in mind about codes of ethics is that they must
be enforceable. There are two parts to this point:
1 A code of ethics statements of values must be more than motherhood statements. They must actually have content that is breachable. For any provision in
a code of ethics, it is important to be able to conceive of what would examples
be of failure to comply with that provision. If you cannot imagine what a breach
of a provision would amount to, then that provision is absolutely pointless.
2 An organisation must provide a mechanism for evaluating purported breaches,
and imposing sanctions where breaches are found to have occurred.
organisation principles
code of ethics
What does it want to be?
= organisational culture
individuals within
indicators re:
What should they do?
code of conduct
organisation has and/or aspires to have. In values terms, a code of ethics states
the standards to which it holds itself and its employees to account. These are its
professed virtues.
The purpose of a code is not only to state the values of the organisation, but also
to provide serious guidance to people within the organisation about how they should
act. In the extreme, organisations are not particularly concerned about what kind
of people work for them; they are concerned about the kinds of behaviours their
employees exhibit. For example, suppose a business holds equal treatment for all
as a value: it professes a non-discriminatory environment. In terms of any particular
employee, it could well be that the business really does not care at all if that person
is the most ardent racist on the face of the earth. The business does not care if an
employee has very seriously objectionable racist beliefs. What the organisation is
saying to such a person is something like this: Believe anything you like; but do not
ever display anything here but an indication of a commitment to equal treatment
for all. Statements about the organisations values or principles, its culture, speak to
employees about their behaviour, not about their beliefs and attitudes. Organisations
are concerned with employees behaviours.
In this respect, then, although a code of ethics is a statement about values, or
culturewho we areits directive to employees is aimed at the question, What
should we do? If, say, a value identified in a code of ethics is honesty, the directive
to employees is to behave in ways that exhibit honesty. The concern is not so much
that employees possess this virtue, but that they behave in ways that indicate or
exhibit it.
TABLE 10.1
Code of ethics
Code of conduct
General statements of values to which people are held accountable require the
exercise of judgment on the part of any employee. This is the way it is with any
statement of value whatsoever.
Notice in table 10.1 that the word prescription is ambiguous:
1 Any statement with an ought or a should in it, or any statement that tells somebody to do anything at all, is a prescription. You should be a good person is
prescriptive; but in this case, it is not at all specific about what particular bits
of behaviour are required in order to comply. And, in this case, there is most
certainly no definite list of requirements that could be specified. Notice, however,
that even so, in most cases it could be established that the person either is or is not
complying with the prescription. Sometimes we do not need more specification
in order to give clear direction and to establish either that the prescription is
being complied with or that it is not.
2 Sometimes we talk about things such as regulations, laws or directives as being
prescriptivesometimes overly prescriptive. This is a different sense. In this
sense, prescriptive means, basically, prescribing specifically what to do. You
should never tell a lie is prescriptive in this sense. You should answer the questions with a number 2 lead pencil. Behaving in accordance with the prescription
allows no room for manoeuvre, and no room for judgment.
Codes of ethics are prescriptive in the first sense. They not only allow for
judgment; they require it. Thats the way it is with the statement of any value or
principle. Honesty, integrity and safeguarding the public interest: these are values,
they are prescriptions, they can be breached or complied with, and they all require
the exercise of judgment on the part of whoever is expected to comply with them.
And, by and large, they cannot be replaced with or comprehensively expressed in
terms of something more prescriptive, which does not leave room for judgment. Take
these as clear examples to illustrate this point (admittedly, one is a bit extreme):
1. A nasty fellow, who simply hates Joness looks, wants to hurt him. Jones comes to
you for some help and advice (just because he happens to know that youre an okay
person). You ask him to calm down, have a seat and a cup of coffee; and you suggest
that youll help him try to figure out what to do. In the midst of this, you get buzzed to
the front office, where theres a nasty fellow, smacking his fist into his hand: Wheres
Jones? I thought I saw him come in here, and I want to teach the poofter a lesson.
Honesty does not require that you say, Righto; youll find him back in my office. And
not only that, we would rightly think that anyone who thought of honesty this wayas
simply, Tell the truth; theres nothing more to think aboutdid not really appreciate
what the virtue of honesty is: telling the truth, when that is the right thing to do.
2. When your lovely, somewhat dotty aunt Margaret asks you how you like her hat, just
as she is getting into the taxi, it would clearly be a misguided view of honesty to think
that honesty requires telling her at that moment that you think its ugly.
Judgment is required; and for this reason, we say that codes of ethics are
empowering. Statements of values or principles empower those to whom they are
directed to use their judgment, or their discretion; and they hold people responsible
for this.
A code of ethics speaks in general terms. It articulates ethical values and principles
that are important to the organisation. As a simple example, lets say honesty is one
of the organisations values. Stating it and saying something about what it amounts
toin general termsfor the organisation is appropriate to the organisations code
of ethics. For those people operating under this code of ethics, honesty is a requirement, then. Now, exactly what honesty amounts to in any particular situation will
require judgment. This is the situation for any value or principle listed in a code of
ethics. Honesty is different from, say, a fanatical devotion to telling the truth. Although
extreme, the situations in (1) and (2) above make it clear that (even) honesty requires
judgment in particular situations. Usually the correct judgment will be to tell the truth,
but judgment is necessary in order to appreciate a situation for what it is and for what
honesty requires. So much for honesty. We could make the same pointsand it would
be much easierwith any other value or principle that finds a place in a code of ethics.
To recognise that judgment is required is to recognise that different responses might
be justified. This in itself can be empowering for people operating under the code.
They are empowered to behave ethically. They have to make decisions, and they
have to be prepared to offer justifications for those decisions. They are responsible
for behaviour exhibiting the values and principles articulated in the code. And their
actions with respect to each of those values or principles are to be judged by the
justifications that they as individuals can offer. Thats what the code requires.
Aspirational is a word that is often used in talking about codes of ethics. To
appreciate the sense of aspirational in this context, it is helpful to indicate what it
does not mean here. Again using the example of honesty as the value, saying that
the code of ethics is aspirational does not mean something like this: Right now
were not an honest organisationactually were quite the dishonest organisation.
However, we aspire to behave honestlyone day. Rather, to say that a code of ethics
is aspirational is to say that although we dont always exhibit the values in the best
way, and sometimes we might fall short, we aspire to get it exactly right every time.
We realise that these things involve judgment calls, and we aspire to always exhibit
excellent judgment. To say that the code of ethics is aspirational is to admit that there
is room for improvement in our judgment and behaviour with respect to the values
that the code articulates.
The difference between codes of ethics and codes of conduct is not that codes
of conduct are enforceable and codes of ethics are not, or that codes of conduct,
but not codes of ethics, are prescriptive (in the sense of (1) above). It is, rather,
that the enforceable provisions of codes of conduct are prescriptive in the sense
of (2) above.
A code of conduct should not introduce new values or principles beyond those
present in the corresponding code of ethics. Rather, a code of conduct removes
discretionary, or judgmental, elements that would otherwise apply to a code of
7h It removes any judgment-call on the part of the bank officer as to what information
they should be disclosing about fees. It has produced a specific prescription in this
area, leaving no room for discretion.
7h It has not introduced a new value. It has simply specified what the bank takes as
complying with the values already present in its code of ethics in this identifiable,
repeatable situation (in this case, honesty and transparency).
7h It has addressed a specific problem, which was solvable with the introduction of a
clear and specific prescription. That is, there was a problem; and appropriate use
of a code of conduct has solved it.
Provisions in codes of conduct can also send a message, both inside an organisation and outside it, not necessarily that there are problems that need to be solved,
but that the organisation stands quite clearly for these behaviours. Whether it is a
matter of reputation (as is often the case in the private sector and sometimes with
professions) or a matter of the public trust (as is often the case in the public sector
and sometimes with professions), prescriptions in a code of conduct can give a clear
message: Let there be no mistake about what we stand for here. These are the kinds
of things that a code of conduct can do.
It is important to recognise, however, that a code of conduct cannot comprehensively spell out all that is involved in the values present in a code of ethics. And, in
fact, the more provisions there are in a code of conduct, the more it can give the
impressionto employees and to anyone else who cares to look at itthat it is
completely comprehensive in terms of articulating the values present in the code of
ethics and all the behaviours that are required. This, by itself, is dangerous. It is an
impression that an organisation should very seriously try to avoid. Judgment simply
cannot be replaced by a set of rules, no matter how comprehensive they appear to
be. Not only can there be situations that happened not to be specified. There can
also be situationseven somewhat predictable oneswhere there can be a range
of ethically acceptable ways to proceed, and so the degree of prescriptivity present
in a code of conduct would be inappropriate.
Sometimes codes of ethics are described as living documents. Probably it would
be better to consider codes of conduct this way. An organisations central values
really do not change very much. There can be some changes over time, but this
is probably neither frequent nor dramatic. What does need frequent revisiting is
a code of conduct, questioning not only whether additional prescriptions are, or
have become, desirable; but also whether any current prescriptions need revision
or should simply be jettisoned.
Recognise that judgment is valuable and that it is not eliminable. If an organisation
believes that it is important to empower, or authorise, people to behave ethically,
and so to encourage sound ethical judgments and ethical decision-making, then the
organisation must recognise that each specific prescription in a code of conduct
amounts to a diminution of ethical empowerment. As we have indicated, there can,
of course, be good reasons for specifying particular behaviours, but the organisation should realise that these requirements come with the attendant cost to ethical
empowerment. Given that this is so, careful thought should go into any curtailment
of judgment in a code of conduct. For any provision contained in a code of conduct,
we should be able to answer the question, Why is this there? That is, placing limits
on judgment should be something that any organisation is reluctant to do; and any
limits should be justified.
Before going further with this account of codes, let us say a bit more about the
idea of ethical empowerment in general.
Ethical empowerment is a top-down notion. It involves delegation of authority for
ethical decision-making. It authorises, or empowers, members of the organisation to
exercise judgment in decision-making. Increasingly, organisations have recognised
that they simply cannot afford to be risk averse. They cannot afford for their people
in managerial or supervisory roles to avoid making decisions in ethically charged
situations. The organisation recognises that the alternatives to ethical empowerment,
which gives the employee the authority to engage in ethical decision-making, are
simply not good because,
7h to pass all ethically charged decisions up the line is a recipe for inefficiency
7h to simply avoid making decisions in ethically charged situations is a recipe for
Indispensability of judgment
Ethical judgment
responsibility & responsible behaviour
positions were simply trusted to get the job done. This was managerialism at its
height. There were serious problems. We will return to this briefly below.
Accountability systemsand, in general, a focus on accountabilitysignal a
diminution of an environment of trust. Again, this is for better or worse. Accountability
systems focus on various elements of job requirements. They identify these and keep
track of performance in the various areas. Partly, such systems are historical, in that
they keep track of who did what when. People have to sign off. This can make for
clearer lines about where the buck stops, and who will be liable for what.
TABLE 10.2 Accountability versus responsibility
Historical track
Reveals liability
Ethical empowerment, ethical authorisation
Accountability requirements not only keep account of who does what. They also
define what activities, decisions and so on are to be kept track of. They have to do
this. We are not accountable for everything. Accountability systems not only keep
account; they also declare what is to be accounted for, and what counts. They define
those activities and decisions for which people are to be held accountable; and they
themselves set standards: You are expected to do this, this, this and this; and you
are to sign off after having done them. In this respect, accountability systems declare
baselines. They define the problem (if there is one) and, more importantly, they set
the parameters for identifying the remedy or improvement, and for measuring these
things: In the name of X (say, satisfaction of your job requirements, or excellence
in performing your function in the organisation), it is these things that count. We
are going to count them, and hold you accountable accordingly.
To hold peopleor institutionsaccountable for things, the things must be
declared, the methods of counting must be specified, and a timetable must be
introduced. Inputs, outcomes, milestones, key performance indicators, metrics,
productivity, quality check, schedule and timetable: these are some of the notions
that apply. Timeframes become important. For example, the people in the materials
procurement section are accountable for ordering in, paying for, and sending out
to the appropriate departments the materials that those departments need. These
people can keep records, and can show the incomings and outgoings over a specified
period, say three months. We can see not merely that there was no fraud, but also that
there is efficiency in the operation, in terms of what and how much they are ordering,
and what and how much is being distributed to the organisations departments. We
might also have in place an accounting requirement for how the people are spending
their time. The idea is the same: we need to see evidence of inputs and outcomes,
and perhaps procedures followed, over a specified period of time.
Accountability systems do not sit very well with the creation and nurturing
of good judgment. They keep track of and report what people are doingthose
declared items that have been specified and are now countable, the identified items
that are produced, or the identified procedures that are followed. They establish and
then keep track of the norm. By and large, they fail to look at, let alone pay recognition to, anything else. And it is precisely in the anything else basket that excellence
will belong. If we have become preoccupied with prescribing, recording and counting the ordinary, and defining procedures for doing these things, then there is little
opportunity for even tolerating, let along promoting, the extraordinary.
Here, an argument might extend further: in defining the norm, defining what is to
be regarded and what is not, the declaration certainly prescribes those activities and,
in effect, proscribes others (or, at the least, offers no encouragement or incentive to
engage in them): Your brief is to make widgets. You are to produce however many of
them you can; and this will be recognised. This recognition will play a part in whatever promotions, benefits and remuneration you are to receive in the organisation.
Under this regime, when you are giving an account of your achievements, as well
as your job description, within the organisation, this must all be referable to your
widget production. The prescription to make widgets offers incentive to make them.
It also offers disincentive to make anything else. If the business is simply the manufacture of widgets, and the accountability regime is aimed only at those whose jobs
are hands-on on the assembly line, then this is probably not a bad effect. However,
let us suppose that the business is not so clearly defined, or that you are considering
those whose job descriptions are not as easily specifiable, or have a more obviously
qualitative aspect to them.
It is a well-known phraseand the title of numerous articles in management
literaturethat what gets measured gets managed. If something cannot be, or
for whatever reason is not, measured, then that thing cannot be, or simply is not,
managed. The easier and the clearer the measure, the easier and the clearer the
management and the management strategy. By and large, other things are simply
left by the wayside. They do not count. If the basis on which an evaluation is made is
a set of quantifiable criteria that apply to a large range of activities, then this is very
attractive. The evaluation itself can become mechanical, and there is no need, and
no room, for the exercise of judgment in evaluating anything.
A serious difficulty with such evaluations is that in attempting to evaluate something, strong emphasis is placed on particular specifiable facets of that activity to the
exclusion of all others. It also, like other accountability systems, focuses attention
solely on those facets.
more likely you think it is that someone will be looking at the notes you have
written, the more careful you will be that those notes reflect what you want those
people to see (not at all necessarily the same thing as the thoughts and decision
procedures that you actually engaged in).
7h Such requirements encourage whitewashing. For example, if the minutes of the
meeting are going to be open to public scrutiny, it is more likely that the minutes
themselves will be written in a bland and uninformative way: Discussions were
engaged in, and decisions were taken.
7h Transparency and openness themselves do not guarantee that people will be
informed of what they are supposed to be informed of. For example, the fact
Back to codes
There can be reasons for not empowering, and the reasons why the specificity and
particular prescriptions of a code of conduct can be desirable are that specific prescriptions can produce uniformity. Two other possible benefits of codes of conduct
are these:
7h A specific requirement can sometimes take the heat off an employee. Suppose the
code of ethics mentions integrity and also some appropriate reference to handling
conflicts of interest. Perhaps the code of conduct goes furtherremoving judgment in this particular situationand prohibits employees from accepting any gift
with a value greater than $20. Now, imagine this scenario, where a contractor is
offering a Christmas gift of Johnny Walker Black Label scotch. The employee wants
to decline the gift. The contractor might say, What do you think, mate, Im trying to
bribe you? Its a Christmas gift. Thats all. Here the employee might simply point out
that the code of conduct prohibits taking the gift. Thats all there is to it. Its not that
I think youre trying to bribe me. Its just that Im not permitted to accept gifts.
7h A specific requirement can help the organisation with respect to public trust:
it can make a clear, public statement about the types of organisational values
that are important to the organisation. It can be a statement about what the
organisation allows or tolerates, or, more likely, what it does not tolerate; that is,
what behaviour simply cannot be done. Such a statement can be very important.
It can be important throughout the organisation, in an organisations interface
with its stakeholders, and with the public at large. It can be a clear statement
that This is what we stand for or, No, no, no; we will not tolerate that. This is
more than a public relations matter; but it can also be that as well. We mentioned
that in a set-up for ethical empowerment, or authorisation, trust must run in two
a general statement of the values of the organisation and its guiding principles
definitions of what constitutes both ethical and corrupt conduct
competence requirements and professional standards
directives on personal and professional behaviour
affirmations of fairness, equity, equal opportunity and affirmative action
stipulations on gifts and conflicts of interest
restrictions on use of the companys facilities for private purposes
guidelines on confidentiality, public comment, whistleblowing and postseparation use of company information
identification of different stakeholders and other interested parties, and their
a commitment to occupational health and safety
a commitment to the environment and social responsibility (a broader concern
than stakeholders alone)
a mechanism for enforcing the code, including sanctions for violations
advice on interpreting and implementing the code.
not politics or background. We want our people to feel respected, [be] treated fairly,
listened to, and involved. Above all, we want satisfaction from accomplishments
and friendships, balanced personal and professional lives, and to have fun in our
This style of values statement is unusual in a code, but it is clearly consonant with
the reputation for ethical business that Levis has built up over almost 150 years.12
Values statements, vision statements or codes express the common values of an
organisation, so that everybody not only knows where they stand, but knows what
everybody else stands for. According to management consultant, Lee Edelstein,
a good values statement constitutes the ultimate control system: When everyone
agrees on values, you dont need a lot of managers.13 This sentiment is echoed by
John Oertel, president of ME International of Minneapolis:
When youve got people sharing the same values, youve got what amounts to a built-in
quality inspector. It used to be our workers picked up MEs values at the company
picnic or on the bowling team. Not now. Were growing. Half our people are new.
Society itself is becoming scattered.14
We have suggested that for rule of law reasons (among others) a code of ethics
is desirable. Those reasons are closely related to another feature of a code of ethics;
namely, that it fosters trust and confidence. The presence of a code of ethics need not
foster this atmosphere merely by implying the goodwill or altruism of the profession
or business it governs. A strong code of ethics, operating in the environment in
which it can flourish, should have more substance than that accorded to it merely
by the goodwill of the business or profession. A code of ethics can become integral
to the businesss infrastructure itself.
Institutionalising ethics
Codes of ethics are not a stand-alone treatment for the problems of organisational
ethics. Together with training programs, mentoring, exemplary leadership and structural incentives for ethical behaviour and disincentives for unethical behaviour,
codes form part of the mutually supporting structures of an ethical organisation.
As we have suggested, they can also be an excellent starting point in the process of
reviewing the values of a business and devising other structures necessary for the
development of an ethical climate.
There will always be temptations for people to do the wrong thing. Sometimes
these temptations can be removed or made less attractive by a system of incentives
and disincentives. Such organisational strategies are ways of institutionalising ethics.
This involves focusing on the ethics of the organisation and what its members
perceive its values to be, rather than on individual moral probity. As James Waters
put it, Rather than ask What was going on with those people to make them act that
way? we ask, What was going on in that organization that made people act that
way? 21 This is the question that needs to be answered in order to see why people
who are morally decent in their private lives behave in unacceptable ways at work.22
It is a question that organisations need to answer in order to create an ethical climate
in which staff can develop professional excellences and shun improper conduct.
This is not to suggest that there are just two types of organisational culture: an
ethical one, which produces good employees, and an unethical one, which produces
bad ones. There is no blueprint for an ethical organisation, and Waterss point is that
the normal operations and structures of an organisation can unintentionally give
rise to unethical behaviour. For example, while role modelling and mentoring are
important means for initiating new employees into an organisation, they can also
be used to induct people into unethical practices. Similarly, a strict hierarchy that
allows an employee to report only to an immediate superior can prevent adequate
feedback about the growth of unethical practices. A corporation that has successfully implemented many of these mechanisms for developing and sustaining an
ethical culture is Honeywell.
Honeywell exemplifies support of an ethical culture that goes beyond the minimum.
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines 24 have been treated by some corporations as a
checklist to be gone though by their lawyers: draw up a code, have employees sign
it, have the CEO give an annual address on ethics, and the matter is taken care of. In
other words, although such external pressures can offer some incentive to develop
ethics programs, they can also lead to mere conformism,25 or to a minimalism that
has nothing to do with ethics and everything to do with insuring against a heavy
sentence in the event of failure to comply.
Some of the mechanisms advocated for developing and sustaining an ethical
culture are publicly stated commitments to ethical practices emanating from top
management; establishing an ethics officer or committee; ethics training programs
for all staff at induction and updating this training periodically; channels for internal
reporting of unethical conduct; and rewards (never penalties) for ethical behaviour
and penalties (never rewards) for unethical behaviour, even if it improves the bottom
line.26 The main point here is to send unambiguous messages to all employees that
what is expected of them is ethical behaviour first and last. There should be no
hidden agenda about results at any cost. The expectations of employees should
match those of the organisation. This means that staff are not placed in situations
where competitive pressures can motivate unethical conduct. It also means making
moral decisions collegially whenever possible, rather than placing ethical burdens
on the shoulders of individuals.27 This ensemble of measures to support an ethical
culture in an organisation has the virtue of sustaining an open and sharing ethos
that is self-correcting.28
Competition or trust?
Ethics and cultural difference
The global social responsibilities of business
Business and human rights
A double standard?
Supportive institutions
Review questions
International business dealings raise in a special way many of the ethical issues
outlined at the beginning of this book. One kind of challenge is presented by the
responsibilities of multinational corporations (MNCs) that operate in environments
that are less regulated, that are not democratically governed, and in which corruption flourishes. Another challenge is respecting the cultural differences that
MNCs encounter in the countries in which they operate. Another is the difficulty of
regulating commerce in globalising markets. We shall consider just some of these
issues in this chapter.
Competition or trust?
Competition in international business is such that ethics can appear to be a handicap,
if not downright irrelevant. Too often, businesspeople argue in polarised terms, as
though business had only two choices: to behave unethically or fail. It is easy to think
of the standard slogans: Its kill or be killed; Its a jungle out there; Its dog eat dog.
Leaving aside the view that ethics is irrelevant, it can be argued that the survival of
a firm should not be jeopardised in order to fulfil an ethical obligation when ones
competitors are not ethical. A case could be made that paying a bribe to an official
to secure a contract in a host country could mean the viability of the firm, help local
employment and even promote economic efficiency. Of course, making such a case
is saying that paying the bribe is not really unethical (see chapter 2 on dirty hands).
But how many cases are there in which the survival of a firm depends on a bribe?
Just how inimical is ethics to international competitiveness? It is unconvincing, both
in domestic and international business, to dramatise the difficulties of matching competitors ethically by claiming that the competitors tactics are designed to destroy
all rivals. The survival of most businesses does not depend on one decision, and if
the matter is very serious, then being unethical in order to save the company simply
changes the nature of the risk.
For a company to embark deliberately on unethical conduct under the guise of
necessity is morally indefensible. This might seem a harsh view, especially when
the livelihood of a community is related to the survival of a business enterprise.
In a time of economic restructuring, we are only too familiar with the human cost
of business collapse. But the way to mitigate human tragedy is to appeal to public
policy, not to go feral. Corporations are not natural persons who may legitimately
steal when survival is on the line. A business conducted as though each sale is make
or break has serious problems, which breaches of ethics will only make worse, not
resolve. But it is not only failing businesses that argue from necessity: as mentioned
in chapter 2, necessity is often the excuse for a hard-nosed business culture that
seeks to normalise indifference to moral principles in businessat least in relation
to its own actions.
The link made between competition and survival is a parody of the work of Charles
Darwin: social Darwinism. It imagines a world where only the fit should survive.
Interestingly, another great English thinker, Thomas Hobbes, suggests a different
requirement for corporate survival in the arena of international competition. Hobbes
believed that a world where people did whatever was required to maintain their own
security was in a state of war. Such an unpredictable and unstable state is likely to
result in an unpleasant life and an early death.1 The remedy for this vulnerability
is enforceable authority, which will bring people under the common regime of the
state. By analogy, if international markets are to work, then a Hobbesian solution
is needed. An international legal and normative infrastructure is necessary among
states. The point that is often lost in analogies with war, however, is that a great deal
of this infrastructure already exists in private and public international law. It enables
the most complex kinds of global transactions to be conducted with a degree of trust
and predictability that is often overlooked. Moreover, business itself has initiated a
number of bodies to set standards of conduct internationally, which we will discuss
in a later section.
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
Whatever the differences between other cultures and Australia, the problem for
business is arguably not primarily one of a conflict in basic values but of cultural,
economic and political differences. Corruption can exist in any context. It is the
reaction of business to that corruption that matters. There are more safe exits
for businesses faced with corrupt pressures in Australia than exist in some other
countries, such as Thailand or Vietnam. But the lack of strong formal regulatory
environments does not indicate an absence of values that we should respect and
upon which the regulatory infrastructure of business can be built.
When we observe foreign cultures, we tend to be struck more by differences than
by similarities. That is, after all, why we travel and take an interest in other peoples: to
experience the breadth of human diversity. Ethical practices are among such differences in the customs and ways of life of our hosts. As we noted in chapter 1, the words
ethics and morals originally referred to the standards of a culture: the social mores,
understandings, conventions and norms by which conduct was judged. But there
is a limit to the relevance of social and cultural difference. While we speak of the
respective mores and norms of the French, Germans and Japanese, we do not usually
speak of French ethics, German ethics and Japanese ethics. A particular emphasis
on certain values in these countries need not suggest a different ethical universe.
If multiple sets of ethics are appliedwhen in Rome then not only can one
culture not criticise another, but there can be no real basis for one culture to learn
from anothers values. Each culture would have to reject the positive as well as the
negative aspects of foreign societies. Not only does common experience contradict
such cultural isolationism, but empirical worksuch as that of the highly regarded
mythographer Joseph Campbellshows that the notion of a common humanity is
not some Western ideal born of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment.2
It is not unreasonable, then, to suggest that ethics is universal as well as rooted
in particular contexts. We expect some moral principles to transcend particular
cultures. What values might these be? High on the list would be respectfulness,
honesty, trust, integrity, sincerity, loyalty and diligence. Of course, these values are
expressed in different and distinctive ways. Let us distinguish between primary and
secondary values.3 The list above identifies primary values. Secondary values would
relate to the expression of these primary values in certain ways, such as marriage
customs, social stratification, kinship obligations and so on. In the case of Japan,
it would be important to understand the significance of harmony, consensus and
loyalty within a group or companywawhich could lead a subordinate, for
example, to cover for a superior accused of accepting bribes. According to one
research group, loyalty to ones group is a respected personal trait, which may be
compared in importance to the personal integrity of Westerners.4 In China, trust
xiyongis the fundamental value of business, much of which is conducted by verbal
agreements in underregulated environments.5 In Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand,
the reluctance to say no directly to a request may seem evasive, when in fact it is a
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
worked hard. Dissipating the contents of the gift also dissipated the concern about
the creation of a direct obligation to reciprocate by offering some business favour
to the giver. Eventually the gifts stopped coming, perhaps indicating that their true
purpose had not been achieved.
From such reports, one might conclude that corruption is acceptable to the citizens of Asian countries or that their authorities are indifferent to it. This inference
would be unjustified. First, as Johann Lambsdorff points out, alleging corruption in
foreign business environments shifts responsibility from those who offer bribes to
those who accept them: both sides of the equation need to be examined.7 Second,
although high levels of corruption remain, the financial and political instability of 1997
put new fight into anti-corruption programs already instituted by the Chinese, Thai,
Malaysian and Vietnamese governments. In 1999, Indonesia passed laws on Clean
Government requiring public officials to disclose their wealth, and on the Eradication
of Criminal Acts of Corruption to identify and punish corrupt practices. In China,
serious penaltiesincluding deathapply to corruption, and new institutions, such
as the Chinese National Bureau of Corruption Prevention opened in 2007, have been
introduced. Such corruption-fighting measures may be embryonic from a Western
point of view, but they are clear signs that corruption cannot be dismissed as cultural
difference. Together with improved legal infrastructures and the economic resources
to support them, such measures will lead to changes in the business cultures of these
countries. If corruption were acceptable in Asia, it would follow that Westerners
could engage in corruption in Asia without drawing comment. The hostile reaction
of Indonesian commentators to a Canadian companys mining scam gives the lie
to this.8 Anti-corruption measures now reach into the elite ranks of Asian states. In
Vietnam, the government has launched a campaign against corruption that involves
the death penalty for some crimes. Some estimates put losses from corruption at over
A$180 million in 1996. Because corruption involves top party officials, there has been
some scepticism about whether the new laws will be enforced diligently, but already
two executives have been convicted and sentenced to death in absentia after fleeing
to Cambodia with millions of dollars. Similar stories are increasingly common. The
director of an importexport company owned by the Vietnamese Communist Party,
Tamexco, has been charged with fraud costing A$33.2 million in a scheme involving nineteen others and a total of $62 million. One of these is the former deputy of
Vietnams biggest state-owned bank, who was convicted on charges of making illegal
loans and sentenced to death by firing squad.9
Oddly enough, Japan, one of the worlds most spectacular economies, is driven
by an ethos that is not based on profit-maximisation but on values such as honour.10
Corruption is consequently a great source of shame, even in the face of necessity.
In March 1997, Hideo Sakamaki, president of Nomura Securities, the largest stockbroking firm in the world, resigned because his vice president and two managing
directors had complied with the demands of corporate extortionists.11
Would it be possible to splash the details of secret dealings over the front pages of
local Asian newspapers and find approval among readers? Clearly not. Perhaps the
most famous scandal involving an overseas company in corruption was Lockheeds
channelling of money to the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party and the eventual
charging of two former Japanese prime ministers. When one considers the magnitude of buying influence at the political summit of one of the worlds leading
economies, one wonders how such a thing could have happened.12 The audacity of
the company cannot be excused on the grounds of commercial necessity and the
absence of regulation in the United States at the time. It was blatantly unethical, and
Lockheed could not evade responsibility by shifting the blame onto the Japanese.
This scandal should serve as a lesson for all those who wish to justify the payment
of bribes by invoking its commercial necessity in an environment where bribery is
alleged to be normal. In 1977, the United States Congress passed the Foreign Corrupt
Practices Act, which prohibits American corporations making payments to foreign
governments to advance their business interests.
Scandals like the Lockheed bribe are not rare in Japan. Although they have
brought leading businessmen and high-ranking politicians before the courts, the
shame has not been sufficient to avert other corporate disgraces involving such
major corporations as Nomura and Daiwa. Some might assume from cases such as
these that Japanese business relies on fraud and corruption. If everybody is doing it,
then it must be normal. Hence, it is legitimate for foreign firms operating in Japan
to give bribes or indulge in other forms of corruption. If home country laws forbid
such corrupt practices, then a firm might form an alliance or partnership with an
indigenous company, which will handle culturally and legally sensitive issues such
as facilitation fees and undisclosed commissions. Yet it is no more acceptable in
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
Japan to offer or accept bribes than it is in the United States. In both countries, it
is necessary to hide this conduct because it is shameful and unethical. When the
Asahi newspaper reported that Osaka oil dealer Junichiro Izui, charged with tax
evasion, had been a conduit for senior Mitsubishi Oil officials to channel several
million dollars to Japanese politicians, there was a public outcry.13 Again, the light of
day test makes the point: once bribery is publicly exposed, people are incensed.
Cultural relativism
The mere fact of cultural difference does not imply its acceptability. Although respect
for persons is basic to civilised interaction, we are not obliged to respect every kind
of belief that people might hold simply because we wish to show them due regard.
On the contrary, while courtesy should prevail, we might on occasion feel obliged
to criticise certain beliefs from what we believe is a stronger position in our own
belief system. Were this not so, different peoples could never learn from each other.
Examples of resistance to beneficial cross-cultural criticisms are common. Slavery
flourished in the United States long after its abolition in Great Britain. Womens
suffrage was achieved only graduallyNew Zealand in 1893, Australia in 1902,
the United States in 1920, though many European countries had achieved suffrage
before thiswith Switzerland granting women the vote as late as 1969. Respect for
individuals does not mean sacrificing ones own values for those of others. Such
respect is, however, likely to reveal that there is more common ground between
cultures than is at first apparent.
In the early 1990s, a survey of 150 randomly chosen companies among Australias
500 largest exporters identified the ten most commonly perceived ethical problems
in international dealings. In order of frequency they were14
1 gifts and favours: large sums of money, call girls, travel, lavish gifts
2 cultural differences: misunderstandings about cultural matters such as the significance of gifts and tokens of esteem
3 traditional small-scale bribery: for example, small sums of money to speed up a
routine bureaucratic procedure
4 pricing practices: differential pricing, requests for invoices that do not reflect
actual sums paidfor example, for dumping or price fixing
5 questionable commissions: large sums paid to middlemen, consultants and
so on
6 tax evasion: transfer pricing
7 political involvement: political influence of multinationals, illegal technology
8 large-scale bribery: political donations, sums paid to evade laws or influence
large-scale bribery
cultural differences
involvement in political affairs
pricing practices
illegal or immoral activities in a host country
questionable commissions
gifts or favours
tax evasion
inappropriate use of products
traditional small-scale bribery.
The dominant problem for businesses operating in Asia concerned bribes, gifts
and commissions. But serious breaches need to be distinguished from minor ones.
There is a difference between a payment to expedite business that is already in
train and a payment to influence the awarding of a contract. While both involve
departures from ethics, one is akin to queue jumping and the other is plain crooked.
While small failings can lead to larger onesfor even small collusions have their
coststhere are degrees of seriousness.
Australian perceptions of ethical problems in Asia are mirrored by the perceptions
of Asian managers. Indonesia, for example, was perceived by nearly 17 per cent of
Australian companies surveyed as the trading partner with which they experienced
the greatest ethical difficulties, while China had a 10 per cent rating. In a survey
of 280 Asian executives by Political and Economic Risk Consultancy Ltd (PERC)
of Hong Kong, corruption was perceived as declining only in the Philippines and
Singapore.15 (See also the discussion of the Transparency International Corruption
Perception Index on pp. 2945.) Like the Australian survey, the PERC report found
China to be near the top of the corruption list. South Korea (plagued by scandals
such as the Hanbo collapse16) and Vietnam also ranked highly in the corruption
stakes. According to PERC, control of corruption requires an institutional framework
that is lacking in many countries and can take years to develop. Vietnams corruption problems have hampered the operations of business. A downturn in the
property market and the consequent non-performance of many loans has badly
affected the banking system. Poor management and corruption are to blame.17
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
A survey by the Far Eastern Economic Review in 1993 identified differences in the
seriousness accorded to ethically dubious business practices in Asia and Australia.
For example, according to this review, while Malaysians and Indonesians place little
weight on pollution offences, Japanese and Australians regard pollution seriously.
Indonesians and Thais will offer a bribe in order to retain a client far more readily
than will Hong Kong Chinese and Australians. Koreans and Japanese will impose
excessive working hours on staff in ways that Singaporeans and Australians would
not. Koreans, Filipinos and Taiwanese are more likely to pay for escort services for
business associates than Australians, Japanese and Hong Kong Chinese. Malaysians
are most highly protectionist, and Hong Kong Chinese are least so. Koreans and
Singaporeans are likely to pay a family man more than a single woman performing
the same duties, something that Thais, Hong Kong Chinese and Australians will
rarely do. Filipinos, Taiwanese and Koreans are more likely to favour family members
for jobs than are Singaporeans and Hong Kong Chinese.18
Judgments about corruption are influenced by cultural factors, but what the surveys above reveal is a great deal of overlap among many cultures in what is regarded
as unacceptable conduct. Crime and corruption in Australian and other Western
business circles are often invisible,19 while highly visible instances in other parts
of the world can confirm certain stereotypes. A different reality might be hidden
beneath such perceptions. One cross-cultural study of marketing ethics suggests
that collectivist societies, such as those found in Asia, are more likely to conform to
organisational ethical standards and requirements than are individualist societies
such as Australia or the United States.20 It is useful to issue such cautions in order to
balance stereotypical judgments, and to point out that the problems Australian firms
face in dealing with corruption and unethical conduct in Asia are often the very
ones encountered by Asian firms as well.
It is not uncommon for a company to bring new skills and processes to a foreign
country. If trained staff are not available, they are trained. If infrastructure is absent,
it is built. With ethics, it is the same: insistence on certain standards of conduct,
clear statements of guiding principles, and the introduction of values and priorities
unfamiliar in the foreign environment are all part of building ethical infrastructure.
If it is absent, it is built. The point is to do it reflectively and sensitivelythat is,
without imposing home country values as though they are some improvement on
the host countrys ethics. Foreign firms should consider the impact of their activities
on local communities and build commercial and ethical infrastructure that respects
the traditions and values of the host country.
These principles are easy to preach and hard to implement. In Indonesia, for
example, the nobility (priyayi) of the Javanese majority divide the world into two:
refined or elevated elements and occupations, called alus, and the crude or tainted
elements and activities, called kasar. Tradition places business under kasar, which
implies that it is inherently immoral. The attitude that business is distastefulfamiliar in the West until relatively recentlycan make unethical conduct self-fulfilling:
some businessmen show immoral conduct because they think that their activity
is by definition immoral. Those who dont want to be dirty never ever enter business
enterprises.21 An understanding of these values would help an MNC strategically but
could also assist Indonesia in building culturally appropriate economic infrastructure. It would not excuse unethical conduct by the MNC in Indonesia.
Corruption is, by definition, not an ethical value for any country, and so, as long as
the ways of minimising corruption are not offensive or culturally inappropriate, there
is no reason to be anxious about shaping or enhancing the ethical environment of
an overseas operation. This is well illustrated by the problem that confronted Julius
Tahija, who was managing director of Caltex Pacific Indonesia from 1967 to 1977.
When he was first approached with a kickback (which he rejected), Caltex had no
formal training programs in ethics. Tahija believes that such programs can be an
effective antidote to spurious claims of culturally relative standards,
Many people mistakenly believe, or convince themselves, that honesty and dishonesty
translate differently in different parts of the world. This is self-deception. To be honest
is to be honest . If culture pressures people toward a certain type of business
duplicity, then the transnational must counteract these pressures. Ethics classes
should be integrated into training programs to strengthen each employees personal
sense of ethics and to clarify what the company expects.22
Here the crucial goal is to meet the MNCs expectations, not to attempt wholesale
reform of a foreign business environment. It is not unusual for MNCs to require consistency across corporate culture, no matter where it is located. If they are American
corporations, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act will support such requirements. For
example, Honeywells Code of Ethics and Business Conduct has, like those of all
large American multinationals, specific provisions against overseas misconduct. In
clear and direct terms, the code prohibits international price-fixing, bid-rigging, collusion, bribery, kickbacks or any kind of inducement to influence a transaction.23 To
the extent that such standards become global, the MNC is influencing the business
environment of its hosts.
There is, however, some merit in the complaints of MNCs about competing
ethically in an unfair market place. If all businesses are to be on a level footing,
then public policy should enforce at least a rough equality among competitors.
If this does not happen, how can people entering the market be expected to
behave fairly? Why does any particular company have an obligation to put itself
at a disadvantage in relation to its competitors? Any company doing so would go
under in a market where the less scrupulous prevail. Such reasoning is a moral
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evasion, but one derived from a sound notion. We do not blame a bank teller for
handing over cash when confronted by an armed robber. Whenever duress is
applied, we reduce responsibility accordingly. In some environments, business
can be confronted with operating conditions that are analogous to coercion, so no
ethical blame should attach to them for conforming. The reason that it is an evasion
nonetheless is that it makes an exception to the rule. In making necessity a virtue, it
abandons reasonable responsibility. Companies can be caught in difficult situations,
which may be exculpating, but to make the operating environment the justification
for corrupt behaviour is unacceptable. General or stereotypical excuses will not
convince. Corporations no less than individuals are required to make sacrifices at
times: profits do not outrank morality, a point tacitly conceded by the necessity of
reaching for excuses. The answer is not to deny the wrongfulness of the conduct,
but to stop it. In the words of Richard De George, Some firms that operate in corrupt
environments claim implicitly or explicitly that it is ethically justifiable for them to do
whatever they must to stay in business. But their claim is too broad to be defensible.
Ethics does not permit a company to capitulate to corruption. 24
Richard De George has specified moral guidelines for multinational corporations.
The problem of doing business internationally is not only the relative underdevelopment of legal and commercial institutions in some countries, but also the absence
of international background institutions, such as laws, shared norms and social
requirements. Rather than providing an excuse for substandard ethical practices,
such differences place greater responsibilities on international business than those
that apply at home. De George suggests that the most important criteria for responsible business operations abroad are for companies to
7h do no intentionally direct harm in the host country
7h benefit the host country and contribute to its development
7h respect the human rights of workers in the host country
7h respect the values, culture and laws of the host country, as long as these do not
This is a course that many writers on business ethics would find unacceptable
because of the limited moral personality of the corporation. As an artificial person,
it cannot lay down its life for others as natural persons (people) can. We discuss this
issue below.
While Herbert concludes that corporations will always chase profits, no matter
how tragic the circumstances in which they are generated, he hopes that consumers
will be more ethically sensitive than corporate executives to scandals such as the
Kader fire. He believes that when consumers realise that the lives and health of child
labourers are at risk in the production of toys they buy for their own children, they
will not buy them.
There are grounds for this belief, as successful campaigns against Nestl and Shell
have shown. Nike offers another example of a high-profile corporation successfully
targeted in campaigns by human rights organisations.
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
to export the plant than responsibility. In the cases cited above, there was not even an
attempt to assume a proper responsibility for work practices abroad until they were
exposed. The light of day test (as set out in the discussion of various decision-making
models in Appendix 1) dictated a response from Nike: if the publicity did not subside,
it could be forced to change its contracting terms to relieve public pressure. President
Clinton introduced a code of practice for corporations operating overseas; while this
did not eliminate sweatshopsand might even have given a facade of respectability
to some companies that use themit was a necessary first step in mobilising public
opinion against oppressive labour conditions.31
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
about government docility, this does seem to have been a genuine failure on the
part of the Australian government in an area where setting a good example is part
of setting the agenda for reform in other countries in our region.38
Later that year, the Deputy Prime Minister, Tim Fischer, ruled out sanctions against
Burma on the grounds that they would be ineffective and therefore do nothing for
human rights. Despite calls from the Burmese democracy leader, Aung San Suu
Kyi, for economic sanctions against the military dictatorship, Fischer rejected such
a course: They are not practical with regard to the Burma situation. It is, therefore,
the view of Australia that they are not practical. The United States and the European
Union had threatened to impose trade and investment sanctions if political repression worsened. Fischers response provided a telling contrast: Ive been to Burma
many times, including Mandalay and elsewhere. Its, err, Im watching developments
very closely.39 Business leaders have been too ready to treat questions of human
rights in host countries as internal matters that have nothing to do with them, even
when their operations and investments are enmeshed with rights issues. Political
leaders have shown a similar reluctance to confront rights abuses squarely when
trade might be jeopardised by such action. The only reasonable conclusion that may
be drawn is that human rights are taken to be less important than profits.
In a series of influential works, Thomas Donaldson has argued that multinational
corporations ought not to deprive workers in host countries of their rights and should
even assist in protecting some rightsminimal education and subsistencebut that
they have no duty to provide direct aid to those whose rights have been abridged.40
The reason is that such direct aid would be unfair [to the] profit-making corporation
[which] is designed to achieve an economic mission and as a moral actor possesses
an exceedingly narrow personality.41 The economic mission of the business corporation makes it a poor substitute for a government in dispensing welfare. It is neither
a real (moral) person nor a democratic institution and has no mandate to render
more than minimal assistance except in unusual circumstances (Donaldson gives
the example of an earthquake). It is not within the moral capacity of a corporation
to rectify deficiencies in human rights, such as minimal education and subsistence,
even if it is notionally within its resource capacity. Quite simply, argues Donaldson,
the languages of personal morality, of virtue and vice, of personal perfection and
the maximisation of human welfare are inappropriate to considerations of corporate
responsibility. The business corporation is a very restricted, artificial person, and
only restricted moral responses may be expected of it. These are not responses that
presuppose a human psychology, but those that relate to legal and contractual duties
and rights, responsibilities and benefits.42
The application of such reasoning to concrete cases can be complicated, as the
following case study shows.
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
A supporter of Donaldsons view might argue that Shell is responsible for the evils
it causes, but should not be expected to become involved in supplying remedies for
rights violations for which it is not responsible. To impose such obligations would
not only mistake the purpose of corporations and their restricted moral personality,
but also commit the additional error of believing that they were fitted for such a role.
On Donaldsons analysis of corporate duties, it would seem that Shell should assist
the Ogoni people in overcoming the hardship inflicted upon them from oil drilling,
but should avoid the political questions arising from protests against drilling on their
land. But such a position, while plausible on paper, would be absurd in practice. Shell
is producing oil with government approval but without the consent of the Ogoni. The
political question is inseparable from the business issue, just as the economic and
political issues in slavery were entwined. Moreover, the hardships of these people
are not exceptional: they are an everyday occurrence; they are normal. And Shell,
by taking the posture of innocent bystander, helped to normalise them.
To argue otherwise would be to partition one kind of public institution in one
sector of social lifethe business corporation in the economyfrom the kinds of
burdens and costs that have to be carried by others. Whatever the limitations on
the corporate personality, it cannot be suggested that it is incapable of conferring
and enjoying political benefits, of being criminal or of behaving justly. Ultimately it
is reductionist to hold that, because the business corporation has limited purposes,
its moral accountability can be described only in terms of these purposes; that it is
such a restricted vehicle for economic advantage that it cannot be responsible for
matters that are not its legal or causal responsibility; and that deviations from such
conceptions of the business corporation are warranted only in exceptional circumstances, such as natural disasters. Corporations do not behave according to such a
limited conception of their (moral) capabilities, and the public clearly expects more
than a minimal standard of conduct from business in circumstances less unusual
than an earthquake. As Kevin Jackson has remarked, given the widespread nature
of poverty and disease in less developed countries where multinationals operate
profitably, The Donaldsonian exception ought to be the rule.45 Specifying the
extent of the moral obligation is not easy, but that does not amount to an objection
in principle. Shells conduct subsequent to the Ogoni disasters, which included the
execution of prominent dissidents by the government, shows that corporations are
not immune from moral responsibility. As noted in chapter 8, Shell took seriously
the impact of its actions on the peoples and environments in which it operated and
adopted corporate social responsibility, winning a British Social Reporting Award
for its 1999 Report in 2001.
The test of business probity is not only observance of procedure in the matter of
basic rights (such as the law), but also respect for human goods more generally. In
the words of George Brenkert, morally significant human rights [cannot be obtained]
by appealing to utterly minimal duties.46 Some conception of the goods necessary
to human flourishing is also required, and no society, government or business is
entitled to trade them for more general benefits, as some forms of utilitarianism
would allow. It took decades of argument and hard campaigning to get rid of slavery,
to secure fair wages and conditions for workers, and to abolish child labour. These
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
are matters that, at one time or another, were opposed on the grounds that they were
unaffordablethat is, on grounds that claimed exemption from moral appraisal. An
unwillingness among those who benefit from the exploitation of others to recognise
their moral responsibilities is not a sufficient ground on which to pronounce an issue
non-moral. Such an unwillingness betrays a move from the view that the corporation
has severely limited moral capacities to the view that those who benefit from the
corporation have similarly limited moral responsibilities. The thin moral personality
of the corporation can be a very thick barrier between its beneficiaries and the
moral problems encountered in producing earnings.
It will be difficult for those businesses that differ with the hostile policies of
host governments to stand up for human rights, and the decisions will be made
on a case-by-case basis. Each case has to be argued, not merely proclaimed. This
is a large demand to place on human rights activists: moral argument is difficult
enough in a community that seems to accept cultural relativism and moral pluralism
unreflectively. But moral argument of various kinds does go on. The case of BHPs
mining activities in Ok Tedi was argued by that company and its critics, and was
resolved when BHP acknowledged its responsibilities in a fashion too rarely seen
among transnational corporations. The questions it faced were not simple. The case
was not only about investment and tailings in a river. It was also one of the different
aspirations of the peoples who work in that region; of just compensation for losses;
of the costs and benefits, the losers and beneficiaries from mining. The BHP decision
to compensate says something about the moral community in which the companys
owners live, and may signal the effect of ethical investment and moral suasion on
such global businesses.
Ethical questions such as those surrounding the involvement of BHP in Ok Tedi
are difficult: they require argument about the issues mentioned above. Whether
companies should cooperate with evil is one of the most significant and common
questions faced by businesses based in countries that claim to uphold human rights.
If business is to further human rights, mere withdrawal from the site of conflict might
not always be the ethical thing to do. It might be better to leave, as Levis did in
China (see Case 11.4 on p. 285); on the other hand, it may be better to stay and
prevent things from becoming worse for the host population. Such decisions, like
Oskar Schindlers reversal of support for the German cause when he witnessed
atrocities in Nazi-occupied Cracow, are not made because of slogans, but by uniting
an appreciation of context with principle.
Realistically, business will not lead the way on human rights. Indeed, it would be
enough if business were to follow in the wake of human rights activism and support
its advances. At the very least, business may be forced to protect its interests (that
is, its reputation) in the face of pressure from ethical investment organisations 47 and
public interest groups. This is the argument from self-interest.48 It is not to be despised,
According to Donaldson, one of the three conditions for a human right is that the
obligations or burdens imposed by the right must satisfy a fairnessaffordability
test.49 This is simply the familiar moral requirement that agents must be capable of
realising or preventing an action for which they are to be held responsible. If they
were not in a position to act, then they could not be held accountable. So, too, with
rights: corporations that are not able to prevent breaches of human rights are not to
be blamed. And, because of their limited moral personalities, business corporations
are less able to give effect to rights claims than real persons, governments or aid
organisations. Donaldson does not adequately distinguish between the possession
of a right and the blame attributable to those who do not, or cannot, recognise it.
That is what the affordability condition is really about: blameworthiness in cases
where rights are not observed, not the possession of a right.50 Even if corporations
cannot afford to act positively in defence of rights in a particular context, and so
cannot reasonably be blamed for this, it does not follow that the people making the
rights claims do not have a legitimate case.
The failure to make this distinction clearly could have unfortunate consequences
for the defence of human rights. It also underlines the importance of giving an
unambiguous sense to fairness and affordability in this context. The danger is
that ethics might be seen as tradeable, something that Donaldson does not endorse.
Nevertheless, moral rights will appear to be expensive and perhaps unaffordable
in situations where rights are regarded as having equal standing with economic
development, profits, property and the exploitation of a resource. Objections to
mining, bridge-building, forest-felling, tourism development, child labour, less regulated labour markets, self-regulation of occupational health and safety, and so on
could well be met with the response that choices that protect human rights are too
costly, that they destroy competitive advantage, and that they will cause the loss of
jobs or the flight of capital.
Questions of economic benefits should take into account who is being asked
to bear the costs. For whom is the business activity affordable? Are social costs
being fairly compensated? In concrete terms, this means questions such as these:
what if the Ogoni told Shell that they could not afford to have petroleum drilling
in their midst? What if the people of Ok Tedi told BHP that they could not afford
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
mining because it increased effluent in their river? What if outworkers were to ask
Tim Todhunter why he thought we could afford the current system and why we
could not afford fair wages for all workers in the garment industry? What if the same
questions were put to Don Mercer?
The notion of affordability suggests that we can decide when and where human
rights will have currency, rather than determining the answer to the different question
of whether particular rights claims can be met. The notion that, in argument, morals
are trumps implies that other factors should carry less weight in governing action. If
that is so, then decisions about what can be afforded by a businessas distinct from a
societyhave already shifted ground to the detriment of human rights. If affordability
is an issue for a corporation, it might have to forgo operations in a particular country.
It is not entitled to evade human rights to prevent this outcome. There is a maxim
in ethics that ought implies canthat is, that we should only ask someone to do
something if they are able to do it. In the case of business, as with individuals, this
meansamong other thingsthat some ethical actions are subject to an affordability
criterion. But affordability is a slippery notion, which can easily slide over into suggesting that human rights are conditional on profitabilitythat we can decide when
and where human rights will operate or, worse still, that we can decide when and
where human rights exist at all. Peter Drucker has expressed the matter soundly:
An organization has full responsibility for its impact on community and society It
is irresponsible of an organisation to accept, let alone to pursue, responsibilities that
would seriously impede its capacity to perform its main task and mission. And where it
has no competence it has no responsibility Butand it is a big butorganizations
have a responsibility to try to find an approach to basic social problems which fits
their competence and which, indeed, makes the social problem into an opportunity
for the organisation.51
Despite the potential costs, Levi Strauss CEO, Bob Hass, said that never has
an action by the company been met with such immediate, spontaneous, large and
mainly supportive reaction from people all over the world.53
Another MNC that has moved beyond an ethics of minimal duty to take a more
proactive role in securing the goods necessary to human developmentoften
called corporate citizenshipis Grand Metropolitan, a leader in the international
consumer goods market.
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
corporate citizenship in India could, in Marsdens terms, be described as earning its licence to operate. It is a strategic move by a business that benefits
its operating environment, but also, and intentionally, benefits other stakeholders
in that environment.58 It goes beyond ethics, in the minimalist sense of avoiding
wrongdoing, and attempts to do good. But this is not the disinterested good of the
philanthropist. In the words of Julius Tahija, Promoting goodwill in a host country is
critical to a transnationals survival. But for corporate development programs to be
more than stopgap measures, transnational managers must make a serious commitment to the more ambitious long-term goal of transferring business, technical,
and social competencies to people in the developing world.59
The decisions to provide benefits to local stakeholder groups must have been
taken not only in the light of ethics, but also with some visionperhaps the belief
that such actions would enhance Caltexs long-term fortunes in Indonesia, that these
decisions were affordable in terms of investment.
A double standard?
Richard De George has argued persuasively that the same standards are not always
applicable to small entrepreneurs and MNCs in international business.61 His argument is based on a fundamental principle of moral philosophy: we are morally
responsible only if we are able to act (once again, the moral ought implies the
practical can). If, for example, you say that I ought to pay my debt to you now,
I must have the money to do so. It makes no sense to impose a duty on a person
who is unable to undertake it for reasons beyond their control. De George argues
that this consideration applies to relative assessments of multinational and domestic
business operations.
De George argues that context changes the application of ethical principles. In
the case of apartheid, the Sullivan Code (see pp. 28990) was an effective brake on
United States companies using a structurally unjust political system to their commercial advantage. International outrage at the appalling racism of South Africa at
least restricted the exploitation of Blacks by MNCs. But what of the case of a White
South African businessperson employing Blacks: is that person guilty of exploitation in a similar manner to the multinational that takes advantage of cheap labour?
De George regards placing the local enterprise and the MNC on the same level as
both logically necessary and too strong.62 Any Whites who wished to remain ethical would be precluded from engaging in business. Paradoxically this would mean
that Blacks could only work for Whites who were unethical. Even living in such an
unjust environment would make one a party to the unjust systema participant in
Black exploitation. Hence the position of the White in South Africa seems to have
been necessarily unethical: But any doctrine that says that people are necessarily
unethical is too strong because one can only be held responsible for doing what it
is possible for them to do.63
Bribery poses another challenge to De Georges position. There seems to be a clear
distinction between the obligations of international businesses and those of local
business operations. In many countriessuch as Indonesia, Russia and Thailand
bribes, favours, gifts or secret commissions are commonplace. There is no question
that each individual payment of this kind reinforces the corruption of the system and
introduces injustice at personal, market, administrative and political levels. But the
system is not primarily the individuals responsibility. Systemic corruption is a collective responsibility, and the individual can only be asked to do so much to remove
it.64 While multinationals have the option of resisting demands for bribes and even of
moving their operations elsewhere, local entrepreneurs might have no real choice. If
a local business refuses to comply with corrupt practices, it might go out of business.
Then the field will be left to those who do not mind paying bribes, and the chances of
reform will be lessened. If a local business pays bribes, it is complicitous in corruption,
but De George argues that this is the lesser of two evils. At least the ethically disposed
local business can try to change the system; something not to be expected of businesses that do not even recognise that bribery is a problem.65
In the cases of both apartheid and bribery, the contexts of operation for local and
multinational operators differ, even in the same country. Both practices are wrong, but
responsibility differs for the local and the multinational company. The local operator
has limited resources and nowhere else to go; the multinational has extensive
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
Supportive institutions
Too often, campaigns against business decisions are driven by external interests.
This typecasts business as reactive rather than responsive. Initiatives such as the
Sullivan Code, the Caux Round Table and Transparency International (see below)
are important because they model a more engaged and responsive form of business
conduct. Sometimes businesses can surprise themselves by taking the initiative on
issues such as the environment.67
Institutional support for the ethical conduct of international business is important
in both the domestic and international arenas. Most of that support is not in a legal
form, although important legislation such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977
obliges United States multinationals to avoid corruption. Support for ethics is more visible in the institution of international business, fragmented as it is, and in civil society
organisations born of a growing need for international standards of ethical business.
The Sullivan Code, The Caux Round Table and Transparency International all illustrate the work of international business to support ethical international transactions.
operating in South Africa to defy apartheid by rejecting its operation in the workplace
and, to some extent, beyond it. According to the code, Black workers should receive
equal pay, opportunity, facilities and respect. Unions should be recognised and living
conditions improved. The stability of the South African government, the cheapness
of Black labour, the natural resources of the country and the expanding market
for American products in a nation of 28 million people were powerful incentives
for over 300 United States companies to operate there. Perhaps surprisingly, many
United States firmsincluding General Motors, IBM, Mobil, 3M and International
Harvestervoluntarily adopted the Sullivan Code, thereby lessening their profits
but keeping their investors happy and their image at home clean. Critics argued that
the code allowed apartheid to continue with sanitised American support. Eventually,
Sullivan agreed with the critics and set a deadline of 1987 for the removal of apartheid,
just a few years before Nelson Mandelas release from prison. When that deadline
passed, he vigorously opposed investment in South Africa, and many American
firms either pulled out or sold off their interests to South African concerns. Products
no longer available from American sources were replaced from other countries,
but, even so, there were important moral victories as a result of the code. Some
firms, like Kodak, not only pulled out of South Africa but also refused to sell any
of their products there. Hindsight has shown the Sullivan Code to have been more
constructive as a challenge to injustice than its critics believed. Although limited, it
added to the accumulation of world opinion and translated that opinion into action.
Considering the way sanctions against Rhodesia were evaded, the Sullivan Code was
a strategy that immediately did away with bottom-line justifications for breaches. The
code required companies to take a cut in profits in South Africa. That was up-front.
Sullivans success became the springboard for the development of his original
principles into a set of aspirational principles with a global reach. These principles
support justice, advocate recognition of human rights and encourage corporate social
responsibility through business collaborating with host communities.68 The Global
Sullivan Principles was launched by the Rev. Sullivan and thenUN Secretary-General,
Kofi Annan, in 1999. By signing on to the principles, corporations commit themselves to implementation in their global operations, but the principles are avowedly
collaborative, flexible and sensitive to the difficulties of particular environments. The
aspiration of the Principles is to have companies and organizations of all sizes, in
widely disparate industries and cultures, working towards the common goals of human
rights, social justice, protection of the environment and economic opportunity.69 The
website of the Global Sullivan Principles lists actions taken by corporations such as
General Motors and Procter and Gamble to give effect to the principles.70 Corporations
that sign up to the Principles commit to more than the following propositions, but they
indicate the scope and depth of the demands on signatories.
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
The Principles71
As a company that endorses the Global Sullivan Principles we will respect the law, and
as a responsible member of society we will apply these Principles with integrity consistent with the legitimate role of business. We will develop and implement company
policies, procedures, training and internal reporting structures to ensure commitment
to these Principles throughout our organization. We believe the application of these
Principles will achieve greater tolerance and better understanding among peoples,
and advance the culture of peace.
Accordingly, we will
7h Express our support for universal human rights and, particularly, those of our
employees, the communities within which we operate and parties with whom
we do business.
Promote equal opportunity for our employees at all levels of the company with
respect to issues such as color, race, gender, age, ethnicity or religious beliefs,
and operate without unacceptable worker treatment such as the exploitation
of children, physical punishment, female abuse, involuntary servitude or other
forms of abuse.
Respect our employees voluntary freedom of association.
Compensate our employees to enable them to meet at least their basic needs and
provide the opportunity to improve their skill and capability in order to raise their
social and economic opportunities.
Provide a safe and healthy workplace; protect human health and the environment; and promote sustainable development.
Promote fair competition including respect for intellectual and other property
rights, and not offer, pay or accept bribes.
Work with governments and communities in which we do business to improve the
quality of life in those communitiestheir educational, cultural, economic and
social well-beingand seek to provide training and opportunities for workers
from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Promote the application of these Principles by those with whom we do business.
properties of the UN, such as moral authority and convening power, with the private
sectors solution-finding strengths, and the expertise and capacities of a range of key
stakeholders.72 It does this through the usual methods: production of literature, hosting conferences and developing tool kits for corporate decision-makers. Although
the Global Compact has attracted support and membership from over 4000 corporations, its impact is yet to be felt, and its aim of shaping business practices according
to its ten principles seems to duplicate other initiativesnotably the Global Sullivan
Principlesand thereby to lessen their force. Indeed, the ten principles, whose
values are derived from United Nations declarations and conventions, have the
obviousness of motherhood statements about them. Principles 1 and 2 state that
businesses should support human rights and ensure that they do not collude in
human rights abuses. Principle 3 recognises the right to bargain collectively, 4 and
5 oppose forced labour and child labour, and Principle 6 calls for the elimination
of discrimination in employment. Principles 7, 8 and 9 recommend adoption of the
precautionary principle, and encourage greater environmental responsibility and
the development of environmentally friendly technology. Principle 10 helpfully suggests Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion
and bribery.73
Signing up to the principles could probably enhance reputation, but some members of the Global Compact have not been ethically pristine. The danger in such
well-meaning programs is that they can disguise problems rather than doing something about them, allowing businesseven if dubiousto continue as usual.
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
the experience of being honest over real conflicting situations has allowed trust
to develop to such an extent that there now is a common philosophy.75 From
this beginning, an informal institution emerged. The informality arose from the
friendships among the members of the group, who were senior executives from
such major MNCs as Philips, Canon, Matsushita, Chase Manhattan Bank, Prudential
Insurance, Mitsubishi, Toshiba, Proctor and Gamble, Nissan, Schock, Ambrosetti,
Medtronic and Royal Dutch Petroleum. These are not, however, just social gatherings.
The members meet twice yearly, once in Caux and once elsewhere, and sometimes
invite guests. These meetings seek to advance the aims of the CRT.
A basic aim of the CRT is to encourage business to contribute to global economic
and social development. The late Ryuzaburo Kaku, Chairman of Canon in the 1990s
and a founder of the CRT, focused the Round Tables attention on the global responsibilities of business to foster world peace and economic stability. Hence, the CRT
emphasises the development of continuing friendship, understanding and cooperation, based on a common respect for the highest moral values and on responsible
action by individuals in their own spheres of influence. Underlying this aspiration
are two basic ethical principles: kyosei, a Japanese term coined by Kaku meaning working together for the common good, and respect for human dignity in the
Kantian sense.
In 1994 the CRT published its Principles for Responsible Business as a world
standard against which business behaviour can be measured. This was, in effect,
the first international code of business ethics. The principles are not new, but the
attitude of the CRT is distinctive. While publishing principles that they believe have
global application, the members place their first emphasis on putting ones own
house in order, and on seeking to establish what is right rather than who is right. In
other words, they have emphasised leadership by good example and responsibility,
and have tried to avoid moralising. Corporations that want to grow ethically will put
their own houses in order according to kyosei, rather than waiting to be regulated.
(The Principles for Responsible Business, as slightly revised in 2009, are set out in
Appendix 3.)
The CRT identifies six sets of stakeholderscustomers, employees, owners or
investors, suppliers, competitors and communitiesbut seeks to move business
beyond even these towards a new international perspective. This is in keeping with
Kakus vision of kyosei and the fullest conception of stakeholder responsibility in a
global community. To respect these stakeholders and secure the place of business in
the global economy, the CRT enjoins business to observe the principles of business
ethics and to go well beyond the requirements of the law.76 The Caux principles set
out the basic requirements of fairness, integrity, social responsibility, obligations to
stakeholders, and observance of the law and human rights, which one would expect
of a company operating under the rule of law in any country, and then applies them
internationally. There is no blueprint for the future in the CRT principles. Their
strength derives from the authority of those who devised and endorse them, and
from their appeal to the moral sense of ethical business leaders.
Transparency International
Transparency International (TI) was founded in 1993 and commenced its work
against international corruption in 1994. It has chapters all around the world, including an active Australian chapter, which convened TIs first Asian regional meeting in
1995. It is best known for its annual Corruption Perception Index (CPI), which scores
countries across a range of criteria. Based on a number of surveys, the CPI ranks
countries according to the propensity of public officials to accept bribes. Although
it has a strong focus on developing nations, TIs strongest criticisms are reserved
for multinational companies that indulge in corrupt practices, such as bribery, that
would be condemned at home. In the words of TIs founder, Peter Eigen, the index
is a measure of lost development opportunities as an empirical link has now been
established between the level of corruption and foreign direct investment. Every day
the poor scores in the CPI are not being dealt with means more impoverishment, less
education, less health care.77
TI-Australia began in March 1995 to assist in the exposure of, and fight against,
international business corruption in Australia. Among its corporate members are
BHP Billiton, Westpac, Shell and Telstra. TI-Australia also enjoys the support of the
accounting and legal professions, law enforcement agencies, academics, political
leaders, non-government organisations and concerned citizens. TI has convenors in
six states and territories. TI-Australia implements the mission statement of its parent
organisation to forge alliances against corruption and has participated in corruption
prevention ventures in Asia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.
Since 1999, TI has also compiled a Bribe Payers Index (BPI). This is an index of
the propensity of businesses in developed countries to offer bribes in order to gain
or keep business in developing countries:
The [2008] BPI is a ranking of 22 of the worlds wealthiest and most economically
influential countries according to the likelihood of their firms to bribe abroad. It is
based on two questions asked of 2742 senior business executives from companies
in 26 countries. To assess the international supply side of bribery, senior business
executives were asked about the likelihood of foreign firms, from countries they have
business dealings with, to engage in bribery when doing business in their country. In
short, senior business executives provide their perception of the sources of foreign
bribery, and these views form the basis of the 2008 BPI.78
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
TABLE 11.1
Score out of 10
Finland, Switzerland
Iceland, Netherlands
Australia, Canada
Germany, Norway
Japan, USA
Saudi Arabia
Iran, Philippines
Bangladesh, Russia
TABLE 11.2
Score out of 10
Belgium, Canada
Netherlands, Switzerland
Hong Kong
Brazil, Italy
Unlike the CPI, the BPI has not been published annually. It has been published
only four times. Australias position in the most recent BPI is noticeably lower than it
had been in the previous surveys: number 8 out of 22 in 2008, number 3 out of 30 in
2006, number 1 out of 22 in 2002, and number 2 out of 19 in 1999.
The mission of Transparency International is to forge coalitions internationally; to
combat corruption through law reform and anti-corruption policies; to build public
support for anti-corruption measures; to promote transparency and accountability
in public administration and international business; and to encourage all involved in
international business to adhere to high standards of ethics, such as those proclaimed
in TIs Standards of Conduct. The main instrument used to pursue this mission is the
global building of coalitions of like-minded individuals and organisations. TI was
heavily involved in the International Anti-corruption Conference in Lima, Peru, in
1997 (then-Chairman of TI, Peter Eigen, was secretary; New South Wales MP Peter
Nagle was chairman) and the Lima Declaration, which issued from it.79 TI sponsors
conferences and studies, and publishes information about the costs of corruption in
international business.
International norms of business conduct are very much like those that prevail
at the domestic level: many who know of them observe them in the breach, many
are cynical about the notion for self-interested reasons, and some have yet to make
C H A P T E R 1 1 I N T E R N AT I O N A L B U S I N E S S E T H I C S
their acquaintance. Efforts to build a global business culture have begun and have
the strong support of some of the largest MNCs, as well as a host of governments. But
all of these efforts must be based on sound reasoning about the issues. That is what
this chapter has tried to elicit.
1 Is ethics a handicap to successful international business? Does the nature of
international business mean that it must be? Is this the right way to look at it?
2 Does the distinction between primary and secondary values itself have any practical
value in dealing with apparently different and conflicting ethical practices?
3 If we can speak of being tolerant and even accepting of some cultural and ethical
differences, can we also speak of a limit to such toleration and acceptance? Can
we identify criteria for determining whether and where such lines should be drawn?
4 In Transparency Internationals Corruption Perception Index of 180 countries,
roughly the bottom 50 per cent of the countries listed are poor countries. So, the
poor countries are those in which public officials are most likely to take bribes.
From this fact, should we conclude, Ethics is okay, but, really, it is a luxury that only
the wealthy can afford?
Business as usual?
One of the most significant aspects of the global financial crisis of 200809 was
the attribution of moral failure as a cause. Greed was identified by presidents and
prime ministers as the root of the problem, and amid the wreckage of venerable
financial houses, such as Lehman Brothers and the Royal Bank of Scotland, this
seemed indisputable. Executives continued to either receive large salaries or to walk
away from failed companies with lavish payouts. Excess still seemed in fashion and
restraint a foreign concept to many business leaders. In the United States, Merrill
Lynch reported a fourth-quarter loss in 2008 of more than $15 billion. Somehow,
this loss did not seem to affect $3.6 billion in bonuses that Merrill Lynch paid to its
executives just before being rescued by Bank of Americawith direct government
assistance of $20 billion and a further guarantee of $100 billion to secure risky assets.
John Thain, the CEO who paid the bonuses, spent $1.2 million on renovating his
office, including $87,784 for a rug, $35,115 for a toilet and $1405 for a rubbish bin.
Thain promised to repay the money to Bank of America, which later dispensed with
his services.1 The New York Attorney-General was repelled enough to investigate
the bonuses.2 Citigroup lost $28.5 billion, but received $345 billion in government
funds and guarantees, so it decided to go ahead with the purchase of a new 12-seat
corporate jet for $50 million.3 At the same time as Royal Bank of Scotland losses
of $34.5 billion were announced, the pension package of its former boss, Sir Fred
Goodwin, was revealed as being 693,000 for life.4 In October 2008, the former
chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers, Richard Fuld, took full responsibility for
the collapse of the merchant bank, while declaring that his decisions were both
prudent and appropriate. In January 2009, Fuld took another prudent decision: he
sold his half of the Florida family mansion (purchased in 2004 for US$13.75 million)
for US$10to his wife. Mr Fuld, it seems, wished to continue at least some business
as though times were not unusual.5
Who could fail to be shocked by the lack of shame exhibited by corporate chiefs
when hundreds of thousands of people were losing their jobs and their lifes savings?
Well, maybe the greed and excess of executives has something to do with the kind of
work they do; with the fact that investors dont like to see returns on their investments
reported in red ink. Consider the view of Michael Lewis, published four years before
the crash. Lewis suggests that a CEO might
genuinely want to make the world a better place. He may genuinely dislike his moral
climate. But the atmosphere created by investors for investors requires him continually
to mollify these awful, greedy little people who have done nothing but put up some
money and who care about nothing except next quarters earnings.6
Lewiss conclusion is not that corporate excesses are justified, but that responsibility is wider than the top levels of management. In the face of demands from
investors for robust returns, is it surprising that executives exhibit less-than-ideal
ethical standards? The pressure applied to people who run public corporations
almost requires them to forget how to be good.7 In the context of the global financial crisis four years later, this argument had resonance. Yes, corporations were
imprudent in their remuneration and spending, but perhaps that became the price
of giving investors what they wanted. At least Lewis moves us beyond the simplification that the greed of a bunch of jet-setting executives brought the world financial
system to its knees.
These responses to the financial meltdown tell us a number of things. First,
ethics matters to business. As we argue later in this chapter, business is not morally
neutralamoraland business people are no more ready to accept ethical
defeat than anyone else. Second, there is something to know about ethicsits
not intuitiveand that means there is something to teach and something to learn.
Learning something about ethics can assist you in the articulation of judgments and
give you a systematic approach to dealing with ethical issues in business. Finally,
ethics matters to everyoneto investors and governments as well as those who
run businesses. It happens that the moral judgments passed on many executives in
the 200809 financial crisis were justified, but sometimes media moralising clouds
the issues and subverts sound ethical appraisals. As Lewis reminds us, addressing
such moralising is more complex than learning the formalities of ethics, but such an
education is a very good place to start.
undertaking business courses will not be in a position to shape the policies and
directions of corporations until they have gained substantial industry experience,
what use is it to them to learn about the ethics of Enron or James Hardie? There was
also some justified scepticism about using morality to make business look good
after the failures and excesses of the 1980s. Beyond these reservations, however,
there persists what might be called social discomfort about the public discussion
of ethical issues. After all, is not ethics a matter of personal belief, preference and
values? How could one talk of business ethics when there is so much disagreement
about ethics in general, let alone in one particular area? Are there reliable surveys
to tell us what most people want from business ethics? Why is it important to bring
up children properly if the morality they learn from their family, neighbours, school
and peers is not good enough to serve them in life? What will we have next: shopping
ethics, sports ethics, disco ethics?
These questions illustrate some of the most common kinds of objections faced
by business ethics, but none of them has slowed the development of the subject and
its incorporation into the curriculum of business courses. It is worth taking such
questions seriously not only because they remain current, but also because the
justification for business ethics provides a useful way of introducing the subject.
It is odd for teachers to argue that ethics education makes no difference to behaviour: one might as well argue that teaching organisational behaviour or marketing
will make no difference, or that any form of education is flawed if it does not turn out
pre-formed products. No one would seriously argue that books, films or television
programs that portray certain modes of behaviour never affect people or that they
do not give them cause to consider their own behaviour. As any student or educator
knows, education is more than reading and writing. To avoid explicit discussion of
ethical issues in a field of study is to send a message that ethics is dispensable. That
message is not one that responsible educators or business would want to risk sending today. People cannot be made good by telling them to do X or to avoid doing Y;
but standards of conduct and acceptable values can be entrenched in people and
in organisations, and people can be put in a position where they make informed
choices in the professions and occupations in which they work. This is the minimum
ethical education that a student of any practical course has a right to expect.
In this respect, business has for too long been short-changing itself in Australia.
While degrees for the professions have had requirements for ethics to be included in
their courses, business degrees have lagged. What has been regarded as standard in
medicine, law, social work, nursing, veterinary science, engineering and architecture
has, until recently, been seen as optional in commerce. If some in business think
that this is acceptable, they will quickly find that the public will not tolerate ethical
indifference. More than ever before, business is expected to be accountable, not
only to shareholders but also to society.
The view that ethics is superfluous assumes that people will act as they must
and will leave the idealism to the classroom. Perhaps, but that implies that ethics
has nothing but idealism to offer. Sometimes, however, it is the case that people
of goodwill do not know what is the ethical thing to do in a complicated situation.
Particular ethical studies, whether in accounting or medicine, engineering or marketing, should at least offer some clarification and perhaps even some answers. An
important point here is that ethics should help a person in making a decision and,
further, ethics should help people live with themselves and their society even after a
tragic decision. Ethics is not a salve for the bruises of life, but it places in perspective
the moral problems, which, after all, affect only those who are already concerned
with this aspect of their conduct. Ethics will not make people good by some magic;
but what good reason could there be for keeping people in ignorance of the ethical
demands society makes of business, or, more adventurously, for keeping business
professionals from exploring the possibilities and problems that will confront them
at a time of great technological and social change? In short, why would business
practitioners not wish to advance the professional status of their occupation?
This reference to business as a profession is not casual; the term is not meant
as a synonym for occupation. The point about professions is that they serve and
are responsive not only to clients but also to other interested sections of society,
nowadays called stakeholders, which is the topic of chapter 3. Professions rely on
conceptual thinking and embody their distinctive ways of doing things in what are
called practices. It is common to hear talk of architectural practice, psychological practice, legal practice, engineering practice and so on. It is important to note
that this is not just a fancy way of describing what these professions do. Take, for
example, surgery. We do not say that surgery was practised on prisoners of war
who were subject to experiments, even though the operations were performed by
surgeons, sometimes with great skill. There is such a strong distinction between
treatment and experimentation that it can be difficult even for critically ill patients
to be treated with drugs that are still experimental. This distinction between experimentation and treatment is based upon the idea that the respect to which people are
entitled forbids their use as a means to some other good. People are goods in and
of themselves; they have value as people per se. Treatment is directed to securing
that good. To ensure that the paths to this good remain clear and unconfused by
ulterior and ignoble objectives, the medical profession has assumed and codified
a body of ethics. This code is a shorthand way of indicating a commitment to a
morality of practice. If a practice like surgery were simply the knowledge and skills
necessary to operate, then there would be little to distinguish the experimenter from
the surgeon. In fact, we do not recognise experiments on involuntary subjects, such
as prisoners of war, as medical practice because basic human values are attacked
and, in this particular case, because there is a failure to respect the value of humans
as such. There is a failure to regard the value of individual humans as other than
instrumental in the achievement of other values or goals. It is the ethical direction
of the accomplishments of a profession (particularly its regard for the individuals
who are subject to its activities) that entitles it to a certain status and power, such as
self-regulation, and other marks of social recognition. And that is why unprofessional
conduct usually refers not merely to competence, but to conduct and decorum in a
wider sensedoing the right thing with ones knowledge and skills and using them
to serve rather than to take advantage of people.
Practice, then, is a very useful notion, for at its heart is a conception of human
good that directs the application and use of the competencies that it embodies.
Central to a practice is an ethical commitment, not just a skilled way of doing a job,
and the practice of business is no different from the practice of other professions in
this respect.
Like the professions, business is conceptual, intellectual work. It is not simply a
matter of routine, repetitive tasks. It cannot be reduced to mere administration. The
signs of a successful business are keeping employees, customers and the tax man
happy and taking a profit at the end of the day; and making these very different
things happen is the real vocation in business. It takes skill, knowledge and practical
wisdom to secure the future of a business and make it grow. Successful business
does not happen by chance; it is the product of skill and intelligence.
One major implication of this view is that business needs a stock of concepts.
This stock embraces concepts from law, accounting, marketing, industrial relations
and many other areas, as well as concepts relating to the kind of industry with which
the business deals, such as medical supplies or software sales. All of these concern
human values. Business is about supplying the needs and desires of human society
and is therefore about human goods and the best means to provide them. And this
is where ethics comes in. Ethics is concerned with the identification of human goods
(ends) and their pursuit (means), including direction and constraints that might be
involved in their pursuit.
Whether or not ethics is explicitly considered in its various functions, it is
inescapably part of business. In dealing with ends and the means to those ends,
business is making ethical decisions, even if such decisions are not perceived by
managers and boards in this light. This book provides an ethical perspective on
the appraisal of means and ends in business life, and thereby enriches the stock
of concepts recognised as necessary to it. If there is no conception that a decision
entails ethical considerations, and if there is no adequate conceptual vocabulary to
make sense of ethical requirements, then reasonable ethical standards in business
become a matter of luck. In this respect, we claim to be contributing to the stock of
conceptual tools that are useful in doing business successfully.
Bluntly, ethics is not an option. If a company or industry cares nothing for ethical
requirements, it may expect from government a policy and legislative response that
imposes standards and practices. This is already happening, and some of these
pressures are discussed in chapter 10.
Already this suggests a kind of negativity about ethics that can be distorting.
Just as fine cooking is not a response to fast food, so business ethics is not only a
response to ethical failure. There happens to be great scope for ethical repair work,
but if we take seriously the notion that business is conceptual work, there is greater
scope for using ethics to promote excellence in business. At its simplest, ethics is
a normal part of everyday conduct, a normal part of business. At its best, ethics
is about human excellence. An Australian Manufacturing Council study of best
practice compared high performing firms with less successful manufacturers. The
former had strong growth with fewer industrial disputes, greater investment in staff
training, better industrial safety records and more modern plants. The managers of
the successful firms tended to give greater priority to quality, while managers of the
poor performers tended to focus on cost.9 There is a clear relationship here between
excellent management inputs into companies and excellent outcomes. A concern for
ethics is part of this drive to excel. It should lead to a proactive stance by business on
ethical issues, and a greater preparedness for the crises that will inevitably emerge
in the business community, just as they did in the 1980s. Being well brought up is a
fortunate basis on which to build good ethical practice, but it is not the only way and
not a sufficient way of achieving this.
of choice in moral theory, we deal with this matter only in a summary fashion. We
do, however, set out a theory of reflective equilibrium, which we believe provides
conceptual tools for considering and resolving ethical problems. Further, it will be
clear from the Introduction that we believe that people espousing different moral
theories and religious views can exhibit the same virtues, can meaningfully and
fruitfully discuss ethical problems with each other and, indeed, can often agree on
practical solutions to moral problems. In this respect, we suggest in chapter 1 that
a commitment to moral pluralism or to relativism does not stand as a barrier to
fruitful ethical discussion.
Near the end of chapter 1 we say a word about the benefits of approaching
a study of business ethics through case studies. We note there that sometimes
our purpose is to call attention to something that has gone wrong (or right) and
sometimes it is to call attention to some ethically problematic aspect of behaviour
or organisational structure. Given that we are dealing with case studies, often having
the nature of vignettes only, we recognise a limitation, a constraint and a danger that
it is also important to signal. In telling the stories as illustrative of various themes
or problems, we are concerned to present salient features that are relevant to the
points we want to make. And, while we certainly do not wish to distort facts, and do
believe that we provide reasonable accounts, we do not provide full accounts of all
the cases. Further, we would allow the possibility of another side of the story. In this
respect we invite the reader to approach the cases as problematic in more ways than
one. Perhaps you know of or could imagine additional facts that would be relevant
to a moral appraisal of the situation, as well as to possible suggested solutions to
the ethical difficulties presented. That the context be seen as Australian and the
problems recognised as real and serious is important. Beyond that, whether or not
an illustrative example is itself factual is relatively unimportant. It is worth repeating,
however, that we do attempt to give factually correct accounts of the cases.
be ticked off and from which we can move on. Ethical problems sometimes need to
be revisited and reconsidered. Ethical decision-making often lacks the certainty we
might desire. This does not make it wishy-washy, soft, unimportant or unsystematic.
Our aim is to make this clear in the chapters that follow.
An important consideration in a book such as this is to present an appropriate
balance between, on the one hand, theory, principles and conceptual tools, and,
on the other, practical examples and case studies. We do, in fact, make a comment about that near the end of chapter 1. One response to the first two editions
of the book was that a greatly expanded section on moral principles and moral
reasoning would be desirable. That was done in the third edition, and it has been
further expanded in this edition. We have also found in the Graduate Programs in
Professional Ethics, which we direct at the University of New South Wales, that the
most popular electives later in the programs are those that allow students to get a
better grounding in and to have the opportunity to think more precisely about the
area of theory, principles and conceptual tools. We have taken these as indications
not that a chapter in this book should include more about moral theory and moral
reasoning, but rather that a different bookconcerned only with those things
would be helpful. One of us, Stephen Cohen, has written such a book (also published
by Oxford University Press).10 People who are interested in further exploring ideas
about moral theories and, in particular, the structure and process of moral reasoning
might be interested in having a look at that book.
List of Cases
An independent report?
Zanicum Metals
Carson and DDT
Shell and Greenpeace
Woolworths Super petrol
Alcoa emissions
BHP and Ok Tedi
Dan Applegate and Convair
Murder unseen?
Is this whistleblowing?
Alwyn Johnson and the banks
Jack Kings environmental protection reports
Caught in the middle
Orlando Helicopter Airways
Honeywellan ethical culture
Kader Industrial Toy Company factory fire
Nike sweatshop allegations
Shell and Nigeria
Levi Strauss leaves China
Grand Met and corporate citizenship
Caltex Pacific Indonesia
1 Andrew Clark, Thain says sorry for $1.2m furniture bill, Guardian, 27 January 2009,
accessed 27 January 2009 at
2 Bank of America CEO subpoenaed over Merrill Lynch bonuses,,
20 February 2009, accessed 20 February 2009 at
3 Maureen Dowd, Wall Streets socialist jet-setters, New York Times, 27 January 2009,
p. A31.
4 Stand-off over Sir Freds pension, BBC News, 27 February 2009, accessed 29 February
2009 at
5 Lehman boss sells mansion for just $15, Australian Financial Review, 28 January 2009,
p. 10.
6 Michael Lewis The irresponsible investor, New York Times, 6 June 2004, accessed
20 February 2009 at
7 ibid.
8 Richard De George, Business Ethics, 6th edn (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education,
2006), pp. 58.
9 Ross Gittens, The best practice is to accentuate the positive, Sydney Morning Herald,
25 April 1994, p. 21.
10 Stephen Cohen, Moral Reasoning: The Framework and Activities of Ethical Deliberation,
Argument and Decision-making (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2004).
1 Aristotle, The Ethics of Aristotle, trans. J. A. K. Thomson et al. (Harmondsworth: Penguin
Books, 1976), pp. 645.
2 Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines sharp practice as the act of dealing in which
advantage is taken or sought unscrupulously.
3 James Rachels, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, 2nd edn (New York: McGraw-Hill,
1993), p. 13.
4 Lawrence M. Hinman, Ethics: A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory, 4th edn (Belmont,
California: Thomson Wadsworth, 2008), p. 4.
5 Peter Singer (ed.), Ethics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), pp. 4, 10.
6 Peter Singer, Practical Ethics, 2nd edn (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993),
pp. 10, 12.
7 David Elias, Tweed finds profit preying on old folk, Sydney Morning Herald, 30 December
2004/12/29/1103996611426.html, accessed 1 October 2008.
8 New York Times, 23 September 1969, p. 34.
9 Tony Paterson, Josef Fritzl: The making of a monster, Independent, 3 May 2008: http://www.,
accessed 27 September 2008.
10 Kate Connolly, Im no monster, says dungeon father in attack on biased media,
Guardian, 8 May 2008, accessed 27 September 2008 at
11 Im no monster, says dungeon dad, Sydney Morning Herald, 8 May 2008, accessed
27 September 2008 at
12 Albert Jonsen & Stephen Toulmin, The Abuse of Casuistry (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 1988).
13 John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971).
14 Roger P. Ebertz, Is reflective equilibrium a coherentist model?, Canadian Journal of
Philosophy, 23, 1993, p. 194.
15 J. S. Mill, Utilitarianism (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1957), p. 22.
16 Deontological theories of ethics have been invigorated in two very different theories by
philosophers John Rawls and Robert Nozick. Although they argue for radically differing
views concerning the role of government in a just society, both take a strong position
on respect for persons as a matter that is independent of concern for consequences.
See Rawlss A Theory of Justice and Nozicks Anarchy, State and Utopia (New York: Basic
Books, 1974).
17 Immanuel Kant, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, trans. L. W. Beck (New York:
Macmillan, 1990).
18 ibid., p. 38.
19 ibid., p. 46.
20 Depending on how they are counted, Kant offers five or six formulations of the categorical
21 Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Indianapolis: Liberty Press, 1982). See also
E. W. Coker, Adam Smiths concept of the social system, Journal of Business Ethics, 9,
1990, pp. 13942.
22 William Frankena, Ethics, 2nd edn (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973), p. 47.
23 See Edmund L. Pincoffs, Quandaries and Virtues (Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas
Press, 1986).
24 Mill, p. 30.
25 This is discussed more in Stephen Cohen, The Nature of Moral Reasoning, pp. 847.
26 Cicero, De officiis, trans. Walter Miller (Cambridge, Mass. & London: Loeb edn, 1913),
vol. 3, pp. 99101.
27 For an accessible presentation of a variety of positions concerning relativism, see Social
Philosophy and Policy, 11, no. 1, 1994.
28 Marcus G. Singer, Generalization in Ethics (New York: Russell & Russell, 1971), pp. 32734;
John Finnis, Natural Law and Natural Rights (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980), pp. 815.
29 Although at this point a very important question can sometimes be asked concerning
whether and why such-and-such convention is itself worthy of respect. It is not worthy of
respect just because it is a groups convention.
30 Walt W. Manley II & William A. Shrode, Critical Issues in Business Conduct (New York:
Quorum Books, 1990), ch. 14.
31 Famously, Immanuel Kant argued for this view in his nonconsequentialist position in
Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785). Recently, in Moral Animals (2004, ch. 3),
Catherine Wilson argued that this is the hallmark of an ethical consideration, whether
consequentialist or nonconsequentialist.
32 Ethical decision-making models are discussed at somewhat more length, and some
examples are offered in Appendix 1.
33 This point is discussed more fully in Stephen Cohen (2004), pp. 11318.
34 Here is an example of something quite like moral blindness. In a recent Clemenger BBDO
television advertisement for Hahn Premium Light beer, titled Sex Bomb, a woman sets
the relaxed, romantic mood, and begins to luxuriate in a serene bubble bath. A short
while after she has begun, her male partner enters and does a bomb into the bath, thus
destroying the mood. She is clearly annoyed by what has happened. As he then pops
the top on his Hahn Premium Light, he notices her expression, and, with a nonplussed
look on his face, says, whaaaat? He simply has no idea as to how what he has just done
could have been other than enjoyed. He just did not see it. We could even imagine that he
considered the mood, his partners enjoyment, and decided that this would be a good
thing to do. He was simply blind to the situation. It is not difficult to imagine that someone
behaves this way in the face ofand with some sort of recognition ofa serious moral
dimension to a situation. So, did you think about this?, this?, this? The answer is
yes, yes and yes; but they did not really see those things in any serious way.
35 Adam Smith, An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (New York:
Modern Library, 1937). See, for example, p. 423.
36 Cicero, vol. 3, p. xiii.
37 Peter Drucker, What is business ethics?, Public Interest, 63, 1981, pp. 1836.
38 Milton Friedman, The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits, New York
Times Magazine, 13 September 1970, reprinted in T. Donaldson & P. Werhane (eds), Ethical
Issues in Business: A Philosophical Approach, 2nd edn (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 1983), pp. 23942.
39 Jonathan Dancy, Moral Reasons (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993), p. 211.
40 See, for instance, Lawrence Hinman, Ethics: A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory, 4th
edn (Belmont, California: Thomson Wadsworth, 2008). Hinman also maintains a website
that includes references to and discussions about moral pluralism: http://ethics.acusd.
edu/, and, in particular,
41 Geoffrey Barker, Ethics: the glove that tempers the iron fist, Australian Financial Review
Magazine, 7 July 1995, pp. 1420.
42 Much of the following discussion of good ethics is good business is revised from Stephen
Cohen, Good Ethics is Good BusinessRevisited, Business and Professional Ethics
Journal (18)2, (1999), pp. 5768.
43 Barker, particularly p. 20.
44 Paul Simons, former Chairman of Woolworths Ltd, was in this camp. See, for instance,
Paul Simons, Be interested in the people you serve and your life will be happy, Fourth
Annual Lecture, St James Ethics Centre, Sydney, November 1994.
45 We realise that, strictly speaking, an enhanced bottom line is not identical to, and is
sometimes not a good indicator of, enhanced self-interest. For convenience here, however,
we will use the expressions as though they are equivalent.
46 Thomas Hobbes (15881679) argued in Leviathan (1651) that ethics is founded on selfinterest, which provides the sole motivation for behaving ethically.
47 Padraic P. McGuinness, former social commentator for (among other places) the
Australian Financial Review, held this view. See his Elusive ethics, Sydney Morning Herald,
17 November 1994, p. 20.
48 Kant argued in Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785) that the nature of ethics
is such that it necessarily involves a conflict with self-interest.
49 Simons, Be interested in the people you serve and your life will be happy.
50 In New South Wales, Australia, this statutory body extends over the public sector. The
authority of the ICAC in Hong Kong extends over the private sector, as well as the public
51 We will return to this example again, and in greater detail, in chapter 9.
52 The Body Shop is also a good example of how it is that when you trumpet your virtues,
you can get very severely criticised for not living up to them.
53 Australian Financial Review Magazine, 7 July 1995, p. 16.
54 This has also been discussed on pp. xvxvi and will be discussed again at pp. 679 under
the heading Good ethics is good businessagain.
55 St Thomas Aquinas (122474). Questions 9097 of his Summa Theologiae are referred to
as the Treatise on Law. In the Treatise on Law, Aquinas argues that, although one should
focus on advancing the common good for its own sake (an ethical requirement), it is
nevertheless the case that if one were trying to further ones own interest, the best way
to do it would be to focus on trying to advance the common good, rather than by trying
directly to advance ones own interest.
56 We have referred to these features more systematically earlier in this chapter, particularly
in the section entitled Defining ethics. There is nothing unusual or peculiar about nominating these features as formal characteristics of an ethical opinion. See, for example,
James Rachels, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, 2nd edn (New York: McGraw-Hill,
1993), p. 13; Lawrence M. Hinman, Ethics: A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory, 4th edn
(Belmont, California: Thomson Wadsworth, 2008), p. 4; Peter Singer (ed.), Ethics (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1994), pp. 4, 10; Peter Singer, Practical Ethics, 2nd edn
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993), pp. 10, 12.
57 Ethical egoism is a view according to which the proper gauge for judging an action to
be morally right is that it advances ones own interest: actions are right if they benefit
numero uno. Psychological egoism is a view about how people do, in fact, behave, and
what they take into account. According to psychological egoism people care most about
themselves. Ethical egoism, but not psychological egoism, is a normative view, a view
about how people should behave.
58 Milton Friedman offered this view in a number of publications, such as The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits, New York Times Magazine, 13 September 1970,
reprinted in T. Donaldson & P. Werhane (eds), Ethical Issues in Business: A Philosophical
Approach, 2nd edn (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1983), pp. 23942; Capitalism
and Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962).
59 For a brief and clear discussion of egoism and self-interest, see Rachels, chapters 5 and 6.
60 Carol Gilligan, In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Womens Development
(Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1982).
1 Albert Z. Carr, Is business bluffing ethical?, Harvard Business Review, JanuaryFebruary
2 Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962).
3 T. J. Peters & R. H. Waterman, In Search of Excellence (Sydney: Harper & Row, 1984).
4 ibid., p. 39.
5 John Ladd, Morality and the ideal of rationality in formal organisations, Monist, 54, 1970,
pp. 488516.
6 ibid., p. 50.
7 Peter Heckman, Business and games, Journal of Business Ethics, 11, 1992, pp. 9338.
8 As quoted in Timothy Blodgett, Showdown on business bluffing, Harvard Business
Review, MayJune 1968, pp. 16270.
9 ibid.
10 ibid.
11 Thomas Nagel, Ruthlessness in public life, in Stuart Hampshire (ed.), Public and Private
Morality (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978), pp. 7592.
12 See Blodgett, pp. 16870.
13 ibid., p. 169.
14 Lord Patrick Devlin, Morals and the Criminal Law, originally published in 1959. The essay
has been reprinted in a number of places. We have cited it from Richard A. Wasserstrom,
Morality and the Criminal Law (Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1971), pp. 2448, at p. 46.
15 H. L. A. Hart, Immorality and treason, first presented as a British radio broadcast on
the BBC in 1959, then published in the Listener, 62, 30 July 1959, pp. 1623. Reprinted in
Wasserstrom, pp. 4954. Professor Hart explores this issue more fully in his book Law,
Liberty, and Morality (London: Oxford University Press, 1963).
16 Gerald Dworkin, Lord Devlin and the enforcement of morals, Yale Law Journal, 75, 1966,
pp. 9861005.
17 In this connection see the sensible and timely argument of Max Charlesworth, Ethical
reflection and business practice, in C. A. J. Coady & C. J. G. Sampford (eds), Business,
Ethics and the Law, (Sydney: Federation Press, 1993), pp. 187205.
18 Sir Adrian Cadbury, Ethical managers make their own rules, Harvard Business Review,
SeptemberOctober 1987, reprinted in E. K. Kellar (ed.), Ethical Insight, Ethical Action
(Washington: ICMA, 1988), pp. 518. Sir Adrians whole essay can be read as a discussion
of the problem of dirty hands.
19 Bernard Williams, Politics and moral character, in Stuart Hampshire (ed.), Public and
Private Morality (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978), pp. 5574.
20 ibid., p. 63.
21 Thomas More, Utopia, ed. G. Logan & R. M. Adams (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1989), p. 36.
22 Raimond Gaita, Good and Evil: An Absolute Conception (London: Macmillan, 1991),
pp. 723.
23 See, for example, Williamss Politics and Moral Character in S. Hampshire (ed.) Public
and Private Morality (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1978) and also in the same
volume, Thomas Nagel, Ruthlessness in Public Life, pp. 7592. See also Alan Donagan,
The Theory of Morality (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1979), pp. 1808.
24 This example is quite like one offered by Bernard Williams in presenting a critique
of utilitarianism: A critique of utilitarianism, in J. J. C. Smart & Bernard Williams,
Utilitarianism: For and Against (London: Cambridge University Press, 1973), pp. 989, but
that is not the point here.
25 See, for example, Julian Disney et al., Lawyers, 2nd edn (Sydney: Law Book Company,
1986), pp. 6605.
26 There have been recent changes to the specific requirements of this client privilege. For
the point here, however, it does not matter.
27 This is a case in which we are using ethical and moral to mean different things. Ethical
here has a narrow meaning, referring only to that which is required by the code of ethics
of the profession.
28 See, for example, Williams, Politics and moral character.
29 Mary Williams Walsh and Carl Hulse, AIG Bonuses of $50 Million Will Be Repaid, New
York Times, 23 March 2009, accessed 8 April 2009 at
30 Albert Carr, Is Business Bluffing Ethical?, Harvard Business Review, 46, JanuaryFebruary,
1968, p. 145.
31 Harry R. Wrage, Manager of the Medinet Application Operation of the General Electric
Company, quoted by Timothy B. Blodgett, in Showdown on Business Bluffing, Harvard
Business Review, 46, MayJune, 1968, p. 164.
1 Norman Bowie & Ronald Duska, Business Ethics, 2nd edn (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 1990), p. 40. For a history of the concept and its background, see R. Edward Freeman,
Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach (Boston: Pitman, 1984), ch. 2.
2 Dennis Pratt, Aspiring to Greatness (Sydney: Business & Professional Publishing, 1994),
p. 58, and more generally, ch. 1.
3 Freeman, p. vi.
4 James E. Liebig, Business Ethics: Profiles in Civic Virtue (Golden, Colo.: Fulcrum, 1990),
p. 217.
5 Kenneth Goodpaster, Business ethics and stakeholder analysis, Business Ethics Quarterly,
1, 1991, pp. 5371.
6 Perhaps this is not a good thing to do. Perhaps it could never be justified. Nevertheless,
if it were the case, there would be no point in taking further account of the group whose
interests were to be sacrificed. Nothing more could be learned about that group.
7 Robert Nozick, Anarchy, State and Utopia (Oxford: Blackwell, 1974), ch. 7.
8 Richard Titmuss, Social Policy: An Introduction, Brian Abel-Smith & Kay Titmuss (eds)
(London: Allen & Unwin, 1974), pp. 137ff.
9 Information about this case is taken from Paul Barry, The Rise and Fall of Alan Bond
(Sydney: Bantam, 1990), ch. 15.
10 ibid., p. 171.
11 Brad Norrington, Unions against job-saving deal, Sydney Morning Herald, 12 December
1990, p. 3; SPC to go ahead with wage cutting plan at cannery, Australian Financial
Review, 14 December 1990, p. 5; Mark Davis, SPC row: workers paying for companys
strategy, Australian Financial Review, 17 December 1990, p. 5; Mark Davis, SPC meeting
on wages, Australian Financial Review, 19 December 1990, p. 4; Mark Davis, Furphies ripe
for canning in SPC deal, Australian Financial Review, 29 December 1990, p. 11; Sue Neales,
High stakes as SPC treads in union preserve, Australian Financial Review, 2 January 1991,
p. 6; Mark Skulley, SPC agrees to compromise pay cut deal, Sydney Morning Herald,
3 January 1991, p. 4; Mark Davis, SPC deal cuts costs, leaves award intact, Australian
Financial Review, 3 January 1991, p. 1; Mark Davis, SPC workforce agrees, Australian
Financial Review, 4 January 1991, p. 5; Mark Davis, Enterprise bargaining masters at the
cannery, Australian Financial Review, 4 January 1991, p. 4.
Dollar Sweets Pty Ltd v. Federated Confectioners Association of Australia and Others
(1986), VR, 383.
ibid., Murphy J., at 3867 and 388.
Malcolm Brown, Study lists dangerous injuries, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 March 1993,
p. 4.
Andrew Buncombe, US firms war on workers: where theres smoking, theyre fired, The
Independent, 29 January 2005, accessed 10 February 2009 at http://www.independent.
CNN transcript of Anderson Cooper, 360 Degrees, aired 7 December 2005, accessed
13 February 2009 at
Kris Maher, Companies are closing doors on job applicants who smoke, Wall Street
Journal, 21 December 2004, p. B6. See also Daniel Costello, Costs make employers see
smokers as a drag, Los Angeles Times, 28 January 2005, p. A-1, accessed 13 February 2009
Morley Safer, Whose Life is it Anyway?, CBS News, 16 July 2006, accessed 13 February
2009 at
Buncombe, US firms war on workers: where theres smoking, theyre fired.
FreshStart offers Weyco employees free access to online smoking cessation therapy,
accessed 27 February 2009 at
Anderson Cooper, 360 Degrees.
Safer, Whose life is it anyway?.
Buncombe, US firms war on workers: where theres smoking, theyre fired.
Safer, Whose life is it anyway?.
Buncombe, US firms war on workers: where theres smoking, theyre fired.
For a list see 100% Smoke-Free Employers, accessed 13 February 2009 at http://
Safer, Whose life is it anyway?.
Weekend Australian, 1213 March 1994, p. 58.
Cited in Bowie & Duska, p. 90.
Rebecca Urban, Primelife battles through its Portergate scandal, The Age, 19 May
2006, accessed 20 February 2009 at
35 Rebecca Urban, Primelife pair lose case, Sydney Morning Herald, 29 November 2006,
accessed 20 February 2009 at
36 Hannah Clark, Five WaysHow to (Legally) Spy on Employees,, 25 October
2006, accessed 27 February 2009 at
37 SpectorSoft, accessed 27 February 2009 at
38 A useful summary of the case is David A. Kaplan, A Playbook for the HP Hearings,
Newsweek, 27 September 2006, accessed 20 February 2009 at http://www.newsweek.
39 Lorraine Woellert, HPs Hunsaker Papers, BusinessWeek, 4 October 2006, accessed
27 February 2009 at
40 ibid.
41 Mark Trumbull, HP board flap raises wider privacy issues, Christian Science Monitor, 14
September 2006, accessed 27 February 2009 at
42 ibid.
43 Links to HP memos can be found in Woellert.
44 Woellert, HPs Hunsaker Papers.
45 Woellert, HPs Hunsaker Papers.
46 Mark Trumbull, The changing rules of corporate spy games, Christian Science Monitor,
25 September 2006, accessed 27 February 2009 at
47 Woellert, HPs Hunsaker Papers.
48 ibid.
49 ibid.
50 Rob Kelley, Charges against HPs Dunn dropped,, 14 March 2007, accessed
28 February 2009 at
51 Patricia Dunn: I am Innocent, Ousted Hewlett-Packard Chairwoman Talks to Lesley
Stahl, 60 Minutes, 8 October 2006, accessed 27 February 2009 at http://www.cbsnews.
52 SOX first, accessed 27 February 2009 at
everybody_does_it.php; David H. Holtzman, Hubris at HPand Beyond BusinessWeek,
11 October 2006, accessed 20 February 2009 at
technology/content/oct2006/tc20061011_581843.htm. The 60 Minutes website no longer
carries this passage.
53 Andrea James, Boeing Bosses Spy on Workers,, 16 November 2007, accessed
20 February 2009 at
54 Andrew Charlesworth, HP private eyes fined US$600,000, ITNews, 31 May 2008, accessed
27 February 2009 at
page= 0&showall=true.
55 David Lazarus, Lesson learned by lenient sentences for HP defendants, San Francisco
Chronicle, 16 March 2007, accessed 27 February 2009 at
56 David A. Kaplan, Suspicions and Spies in Silicon Valley, Newsweek, 18 September 2006,
accessed 19 February 2009 at
57 Gabriel Madway, Dunn: H-Ps Hurd tried to get Keyworth to admit leak, Marketwatch,
27 September 2006, accessed 28 February 2009 at
58 Civil liberties expert slams email spying plans, ABC News, 14 April 2008, accessed
27 February 2009 at
59 David Brown Maker of Vioxx Is Accused of Deception, Washington Post, 16 April 2008,
accessed 3 April 2009 at
60 Milanda Rout, Drug company drew up doctor hit list, Australian, 1 April 2009, pp. 12.
61 David Barboza, Death Sentences in Milk Cases, New York Times, 23 January 2009, p. A5.
62 Neil McDonald, 83,000 Ford Territorys recalled for faulty brakes across Australia,
Advertiser, 27 March 2009, accessed 2 April 2009 at
63 The information for this case is drawn from Mistrals ill wind, Choice, April 1992, pp. 711.
1 This distinction mirrors that made by Tnnies in 1887 between Gesellschaft and
Gemeinschaft; he said, The corporation or joint stock company which is liable only
for itself, represents, in its exclusive concentration on profit making, the perfect type
of all legal forms for an association based on rational will. This is because it is from
its very origin a relationship of Gesellschaft (i.e. an enterprise association), without any
admixture of elements of Gemeinschaft (community), and thus does not allow, as in other
cases, any misconception as to its real character. Ferdinand Tnnies, Community and
Association, trans. C. P. Loomis (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1955), p. 227.
2 William S. Laufer, Integrity, diligence, and the limits of good corporate citizenship,
American Business Law Journal, 34, 2, Winter, 1996, pp. 15781.
3 See the United States Sentencing Commission website at
4 Denning LJ in H. L. Bolton (Engineering) Co. Ltd. v. T. J. Graham & Sons Ltd [1951] 1 Q.B.
159 at 172, quoted in Paul Redmond, Companies and Securities Law, 2nd edn (North Ryde:
The Law Book Company, 1992), p. 214.
5 Milton Friedman, The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits, New York
Times Magazine, 13 September 1970.
6 Christine Parkers work, The Open Corporation (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2002), shows why the assumption is simplistic and inaccurate.
7 Mark Lawson, Just dont invite the chief executive out to play golf, Australian Financial
Review, 5 December 2002.
8 Mark Lawson, The ethical dilemma of corporate generosity, Australian Financial Review,
5 December 2002.
9 Mel Wilson, Corporate Reputation and the Triple Bottom Line: The Social Responsibilities
of Business, Risky Business, Issue 2, 2001,
DocID/ C00115084F24343E852569E600656A08.
10 Kate Legge, Humble hero of the operating theatre, Weekend Australian, 2324 June 2001,
p. 10.
11 Colleen Ryan, The hard yard, Australian Financial Review Magazine, July 2003,
pp. 1825.
12 ibid. p. 22.
13 ibid. p. 22.
14 Elaine Sternberg, Just Business (London: Warner Books, 1995), p. 42.
15 Elizabeth Vallance, Business Ethics at Work (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1995), pp. 910.
16 Milton Friedman & Rose Friedman, Free to Choose (London: Secker & Warburg, 1980),
esp. ch. 4; and for a succinct rejoinder, Colin Grant, Friedman fallacies, Journal of
Business Ethics, 10, 1991, pp. 90714.
17 For a highly readable discussion of these issues see Thomas C. Schelling, Choice and
Consequence: Perspectives of an Errant Economist (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
18 Cf. John Finnis, Natural Law and Natural Rights (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980),
pp. 1747.
19 See Edward Coker, Adam Smiths concept of the social system, Journal of Business Ethics,
9, 1990, pp. 13942.
20 Karl Marx, Capital, vol. 1 (New York: International Pubs, 1967, Foreign Languages
Publishing House, 1959), ch. 32.
21 Dwight Lemke & Marshall Schminke, Ethics in declining organizations, Business Ethics
Quarterly, 1, 1991, pp. 23548.
22 Peter Weekes, Not the full quid, Age, 13 September 2005, accessed 24 August 2008 at http://
23 David Elias, Accidental hero defeats David Tweed, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 October
24 Peter Weekes, Not the full quid.
25 Business Review Weekly, 23, no. 4, 1993, p. 39.
26 In 1995, the Australian Securities Commission warned about approaches from Country
Estate to shareholders in Bridgestone Australia to buy their shares: The ASC is concerned
that the information set out by Country Estate & Agency could cause Bridgestone
shareholders to suffer substantial losses; Warning over Country Estate, Age, 17 June
1995, p. 17.
27 Federal Court of Australia, Australian Securities & Investments Commission v. National
Exchange Pty Ltd [2005] FCAFC 226 (25 November 2005) 33, 37, 43, accessed 10 February
2009 at
28 ASIC v. National Exchange, 43.
29 ASIC Media and information release 03165, National Exchange must declare market
price, 26 May 2003, accessed at
30 Details of the legislation can be found on the Parliamentary Library website at http://
31 ASIC v. National Exchange 24, 37, 38.
32 ibid. 42, 43, 44.
46 Before 1 July 1977, the relevant sections of the Trade Practices Act read as follows:
Section 45(2). A corporation shall not
(a) make a contract or arrangement, or enter into an understanding, in restraint of
trade or commerce
1 See, for example, Robert Arrington, Advertising and behavior control, Journal of Business
Ethics, 1, no. 1, February 1982, pp. 312; and Alan Goldman, Ethical issues in advertising,
in Tom Regan (ed.), Just Business: New Introductory Essays in Business Ethics (New York:
Random House, 1984), pp. 23569.
2 Dave Thompson The big fat lie about battery life, Sydney Morning Herald, 6 February
2009, accessed 7 February 2009 at
3 Richard De George has also suggested that advertising can be considered as a transaction:
the transaction is fair if both parties have adequate, appropriate information about the
product, and if they enter into the transaction willingly and without coercion; Richard
De George, Business Ethics, 6th edn (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2006),
p. 336.
4 Julian Lee, Furore over Coke myth-busting ad, Sydney Morning Herald, 15 October 2008,
accessed 15 October 2008 at
5 Julian Lee, Kerry Armstrong coke ad gets all-clear, Sydney Morning Herald, 27 November
2008, accessed 27 November 2008 at
6 Julian Lee, Furore over Coke myth-busting ad.
7 Kelly Burke, Coca Cola busted for big fat rotten lies, Sydney Morning Herald, 2 April 2009,
accessed 2 April 2009 at
8 Richard De George, Business Ethics, 6th edn, p. 345.
achievements simultaneously was Lexus in 1994. Reported on the Saturn website, April
2004:]. Further, the no-haggle,
no-hassle sales approach and respectful treatment of customers earned Saturn retailers
the top spot in J. D. Power and Associates sales satisfaction index for six of the past
seven years. Reported on the Saturn website, April 2004:
aboutus2/news/a01press4.jsp]. Note: although those websites are no longer current, there
are a number of sites (blogs and more) that discuss this history; for example: http:// (a blog by Craig
Daitch) and
35 Kelly Burke, Home brand deception, Sydney Morning Herald, 1718 January 2009, pp. 12.
36 Heart Foundation, accessed on 28 January 2009 at
Healthy_Living/Eating_and_Drinking/The_Tick/Pages/default.aspx and http://www.
37 Kelly Burke, Home brand deception, p. 2.
1 Bronwyn Young, Sex bias decision upheld, Australian Financial Review, 6 December
1989, p. 3.
2 Duncan Graham, $92,000 damages for porn in workplace harassment, Sydney Morning
Herald, 22 April 1994, p. 3.
3 ibid.; see also Mark Irving, Women in workplace porn case get $92,000, Australian,
22 April 1994, p. 3.
4 See, for example, Ian Palmer, Email Abuse & Misuse, Insight, accessed at http://www. insight/03/08/col-5-pt-1-WorkForce.asp; and the NSW Department of
Commerce, Office of Industrial Relations at
5 Cathy Bolt, Pregnancy sacking damages $12,000, Australian Financial Review, August
1993, p. 6.
6 Lesley Alderman, When the Stork Carries a Pink Slip, New York Times, 27 March 2009,
accessed 15 April 2009 at
7 Paula McDonald, Kerriann Dear and Sandra Backstrom, Expecting the worst:
circumstances surrounding pregnancy discrimination at work and progress to formal
redress, Industrial Relations Journal, 39:3, 2008, p. 233.
8 ibid., p. 7.
9 Sydney Morning Herald, 9 September 1993, p. 34.
10 Patrick Kelly, Conducting a glass ceiling self-audit now, HR Magazine, October 1993,
p. 76.
11 ibid., pp. 778.
12 Leonie Still, Breaking the glass ceiling: another perspective, Women in Management
Series, Paper no. 15, Faculty of Commerce, University of Western Sydney, Nepean, July
13 Sydney Morning Herald, 14 September 1993, p. 9.
14 Australian Financial Review, 27 August 1993, p. 1.
15 Louise Story, Reporting on the Aspirations of Young Women, New York Times, 23
September 2005, accessed 20 February 2009 at
16 Louise Story, Many Women at Elite Colleges Set Career Path to Motherhood, New
York Times, 20 September 2005, accessed 20 February 2009 at http://www.nytimes.
17 Susan Pinker, The Sexual Paradox (London: Atlantic Books, 2008), p. 70.
18 ibid., pp. 1612, 1768.
19 Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency, accessed 27.2.09 at http://www.
20 Ewin Hannan, Apprentice wins sexual harassment case against male boss, Australian,
18 November 2008, accessed 15 April 2009 at
21 See, for example, the website of the Disability Service Reforms Branch at http://www.;
case-based funding for people with disabilities at
facsinternet.nsf/aboutfacs/programs/disability-cbf_job_in_jeopardy.htm; and the provisions for disability employment in the 200304 budget at
22 See the FaHCSIA website at
23 The Victorian law provides that people with HIV must not be treated less favourably than
others. It does not oblige employers to treat people with HIV more favourably than other
1 As quoted in Elizabeth Wolgast, Ethics of an Artificial Person (Stanford, California: Stanford
University Press, 1992), p. 23.
2 Media research centre of Alaska, accessed 20 February 2009 at http://mediaresearchak.
org/gallup_poll.htm; Jack Flanagan, Values, codes of ethics and the law (Sydney: Institute
of Chartered Accountants in Australia, 2006), p. 24.
3 The CPA Letter, Gallup survey shows accountings image still rising, November 2005,
accessed 19 February 2009 at;
Flanagan, Values, codes of ethics and the law, p. 24.
4 Lydia Saad, Nurses shine, bankers slump in ethics ratings, Gallup, 24 November 2008,
accessed 20 February 2009 at
5 Gwendolen B. White & Michael J. White, Perceptions of accountants: What are they after
Enron and WorldCom?, Journal of College Teaching & Learning, November 2006.
6 Cited by Flanagan, Values, codes of ethics and the law, p. 24.
7 ibid. p. 25.
8 Philomena Leung & Barry Cooper, Professional Ethics: A Survey of Australian Accountants
(Melbourne: ASCPA, 1995), p. 10. The authors sent their survey to 7000 members and
obtained useable responses from 1500.
9 ibid., pp. 12, 18.
32 Gardiner Harris, Top psychiatrist didnt report drug makers pay, New York Times, 4
October 2008, accessed 13 October 2008 at
33 Judith Warner, Diagnosis: greed, New York Times, 9 October 2008, accessed 13 October
2008 at
34 Harris, Top psychiatrist didnt report drug makers pay.
35 ibid.
36 ibid.
37 ibid.
38 Merrill paying $1M fine in settlement with SEC, Washington Post, 30 January 2009, accessed
9 February 2009 at
39 Merrill Lynch to pay $1M settlement, The Business Journal, 2 February 2009, accessed
9 February 2009 at
40 The comments of Merrill Lynch spokesman, Mark Herr, reported in Merrill paying $1M
fine in settlement with SEC.
41 Kim Khan, Merrill settles charges, CNN Money, 21 May 2002, accessed 7 February 2009
42 McGeehan, $100 Million Fine For Merrill Lynch.
43 ibid.
44 Khan, Merrill settles charges.
45 Patrick McGeehan, $100 Million Fine For Merrill Lynch, New York Times, 22 May 2002,
accessed 7 February 2009 at
46 Khan, Merrill settles charges.
47 Remarks by Chairman Alan Greenspan, Corporate governance, at the Stern School
of Business, New York University, New York, 26 March 2002, accessed at http://www.
48 To make the distinction clear, think of the rules of football. They are there to constitute
the game of football, not to regulate the conduct of people kicking a ball around a
paddock. Anyone can do the latter, but only those who know the rules of football can play
the game. Sprinting, handball and hockey are not football; each game is distinguished by
the rules that constitute it. It makes no sense to say that the rules of football or hockey are
oppressive or that the recipe for souffl is over-regulated. These rules are the conditions
that allow the activitybe it a game, cooking or professional activityto happen.
49 See the discussion of the spirit of a true and fair account in F. L. Clarke, G. W. Dean & K.
G. Oliver, Corporate Collapse (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), pp. 2467.
50 ibid., p. 23.
51 See these discussions of this point: Frank Clarke and Graeme Dean, Legislators and
regulators have failed to get the principles right, Australian Financial Review, 7 November
2002, p. 71; Stephen Cohen, Ethics is judgement, not rules, Australian Financial Review,
26 November 2002, p. 71; Stephen Cohen, Regulations are not the answer, Australian
Financial Review, 15 January 2003.
52 In the Legislators and regulators have failed to get the principles right, Frank Clarke and
Graeme Dean make a point very similar to this one.
53 Michael West, BT sues auditors for $60m, Sydney Morning Herald, 31 January 1996,
p. 25.
54 Mark Westfield, Longest running trial puts blowtorch on auditors, Australian, 9 September
1997, p. 25.
55 George Sutton, Accountability brings with it all sorts of limits, Australian, 9 December
1994, p. 22.
56 Peter Jubb, Confidentiality in a professional context with especial reference to the
accounting profession in Australia, in M. Hoffman, J. Brown Kamm, R. E. Frederick &
E. S. Petry (eds), The Ethics of Accounting and Finance (London: Quorum Books, 1996),
p. 77.
57 ibid.
58 Clarke, Dean & Oliver, p. 254.
59 Financial reports review program, Charter, February 1994, pp. 556.
60 ibid., p. 55.
61 For example, the journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Charter, now includes
a regular ethical problem and articles on ethics. The same body has also launched
videos of ethical hypotheticals and founded the Academics Ethics Network, with its own
newsletter, Focus on Ethics.
1 A brief history of the contamination is available from the National Toxics Network Inc.
website, accessed 15 April 2009 at
=view&id=73. See also John Huxleys articles, Historic birth, modern death, Sydney
Morning Herald, 31 March 2005, accessed 15 April 2009 at
news/National/Historic-birth-modern-death/2005/03/30/1111862458768.html; and Toxic
plumes spread to citys edge, Sydney Morning Herald, 31 March 2005, accessed 15
April 2009 at This and the other chronic problem at the Orica
Botany site, the safe disposal of HCB, are covered in a special issue of the Journal of
Environmental Management, vol. 90, 4, April 2009.
2 See Damian Grace, Errant corporations, diffuse responsibilities, and the environment:
Ethical issues in the Orica case study, Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 90, 4,
April 2009: doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.05.017.
3 Duty of Care, Ross Greenwood interviews Graham Leibelt, Business Sunday, Channel 9,
The corporate tightrope, duty of care, 5 March 2006, transcript accessed 15 April 2009 at
4 Naomi Klein, No Logo (Hammersmith, London: Flamingo, 2001).
5 Elizabeth Becker, Animal Fans Secret Recipe is to Boycott Restaurant, New York Times,
6 January 2003.
6 A fuller argument is developed in S. Cohen & D. Grace, Ethics and Sustainability: Looking
beyond basic legal requirements, Australian Master OHS and Environment Guide 2003
(Sydney: CCH, 2002).
7 Henry Bosch, Bosch on Business (Melbourne: Business Library, 1992), p. 14.
8 De George, Business Ethics, 6th edn (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, Prentice-Hall,
2006), p. 345.
9 The tragedy of the commons, Science, 162, December 1968, pp. 12348.
10 Manuel Velasquez, Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 6th edn (Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson, Prentice-Hall, 2006), p. 226.
33 Quoted by Duff Wilson, Fear in the FieldsHow Hazardous Wastes Become Fertilizer
Spreading Heavy Metals on Farmland is Perfectly Legal, But Little Research has been
Done to Find Out Whether its Safe, Seattle Times, 3 July 1997, accessed 4 May 2009 at
The series of articles by Duff Wilson may be accessed at http://seattletimes.nwsource.
34 M. Wade, Petrol importing fuels bitter debate over retail ethics, Sydney Morning Herald,
10 July 2002, p. 6.
35 Jan Mayman, The stink of uncle Al, Weekend Australian, 1112 May 2002, pp. 1922.
36 ibid. p. 19.
37 ibid.
38 For evidence presented at the inquiry see
commit.nsf/ (InqByName)/AEED11314738B6B148256B610023EA99?opendocument.
39 ibid.
40 Christine Parker, The Open Corporation (Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 2000),
pp. 6883.
41 Parker, p. 77.
42 ISO statistics accessed at
43 See the SustainAbility website for more on Elkington at
44 See
45 Information on the Valdez Principles is drawn from Rajib Sanyal & Joao Neves, The
Valdez Principles: implications for corporate social responsibility, Journal of Business
Ethics, 10, December 1991, pp. 88390.
46 A decade earlier, American business had responded to another challengeracial
discrimination in South Africawith the Sullivan Code. The Sullivan Code was initially
a voluntary code designed to prevent American firms from exploiting non-white South
Africans, and its success made it a model for the Valdez Principles.
47 R. Hawke, Our Country, Our Future (Canberra: AGPS, 1989).
48 World Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future (London:
Oxford University Press, 1987).
49 Ecologically Sustainable Development Working Group Chairs, Intersectoral Issues Report
(Canberra: AGPS, 1992), p. 2.
50 Ecologically Sustainable Development Working Group Chairs, p. 3.
51 ibid., p. 13.
52 John Davis, Paper price falls dents recyclers, Sydney Morning Herald, 25 June 1993, p. 3.
53 Rowan Callick, Green codes drawn up for doing business overseas, Australian Financial
Review, 2 November 1995.
54 Cameron Forbes & Matthew Stevens, BHP considers PNG mining solutions, Australian,
24 May 1994.
55 BHP and Ok Tedi, p. 8.
56 Cited in Geoffrey Barker, Dead fish, ethics and Ok Tedi, Australian Financial Review,
9 October 1995, p. 15. Barker also quotes BHPs then head of minerals, Jerry Ellis,
who rejects the proposition that his company has bullied rather than courted the PNG
government: When you are in competition, you do everything you possibly can to win
peoples hearts and minds, not to bully them. As soon as you become a bully, they look
57 ibid.
58 See BHP Billiton Health Safety Environment & Community Report, 2003 at http://www.
1 Norman Bowie & Ronald Duska, Business Ethics, 2nd edn (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
Hall, 1990), p. 37.
2 Mike Martin & Roland Schinzinger, Ethics in Engineering, 2nd edn (New York: McGrawHill, 1989), pp. 434.
3 Martin Gansbergs article in the New York Times of 27 March 1964, Thirty-eight who saw
murder didnt call the police, is reprinted at
4 John McMillan, Legal protection of whistleblowers, in S. Prosser, R. Wear & J. Nethercote
(eds), Corruption and Reform (St Lucia, Qld: University of Queensland Press, 1990), p. 210.
5 See Roger Boisjolys first-hand account of the decision to launch Challenger in the face of
indications of high risk, in The Challenger disaster; moral responsibility and the working
engineer, in Deborah G. Johnson, Ethical Issues in Engineering (Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 1991), pp. 614.
6 Persons of the Year, Time, 30 December6 January 2003, pp. 3457.
7 ibid. p. 57.
8 Quentin Dempster, Whistleblowers (Sydney: ABC Books, 1997), p. 3.
9 See Howard Whitton, Ethics and principled dissent in the Queensland public sector:
A response to the Queensland whistleblower study, Australian Journal of Public
Administration, 54, 1995, pp. 45561.
10 Sissela Bok, Blowing the whistle, in J. Fleishman et al. (eds), Public Duties: The Moral
Obligations of Government Officials (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982),
pp. 2089.
11 De George, Business Ethics, 6th edn, pp. 30012.
12 See, for example, Bowie, pp. 13849; and Bowie & Duska, pp. 727.
13 Ross Webber, Whistleblowing, Executive Excellence, July 1990; see Westins Conclusion,
in Allen Westin (ed.), Whistleblowing: Loyalty and Dissent in the Corporation (New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1981), pp. 1603.
14 Bowie & Duska, p. 74.
15 A. Gorta & S. Forell, Corruption: consensus, cognisance or confusion?, paper presented
to the 9th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology,
Sydney, SeptemberOctober 1993.
16 Michael Keeley & Jill Graham, Exit, voice and ethics, Journal of Business Ethics, 10, 1991,
pp. 3501.
17 Bok, pp. 21517.
18 Westin, pp. 15160, makes some suggestions about such protections that partly apply in
Australia through industrial legislationfor example, laws against unfair dismissals.
19 Sharon Beder, Engineers, ethics and etiquette, New Scientist, 25 September 1993,
pp. 3641.
20 NSW Ombudsman, The Adequacy of the Protected Disclosures Act to Achieve its Objectives,
Sydney, April 2004, p. 14.
21 Ibid. p. 48.
22 Colleen Ryan, Whistleblower is out in the cold, Sydney Morning Herald, 20 March 1993,
p. 33.
23 ibid.
24 ibid.
25 The Martin Committee had much to say about the supervisory role of the Reserve Bank,
not just in relation to private banks but also state banks. See section III, recommendations
2230 of House of Representatives Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration, A Pocket Full of Change: Banking and Deregulation (Canberra: AGPS, 1991).
26 ibid., recommendation 62, p. 351.
27 Information for this case is taken from Ryan, Whistleblower is out in the cold, and Bill
Mellor, Integrity and ruined lives, Time Australia, 21 October 1991, pp. 4651.
28 Useful information on Arantz can be found on the website of Brian Martin at http://www.;
Evan Whitton, Allan, Norman Thomas William (19091977), Australian Dictionary of
Biography, accessed 6 April 2009 at
29 The information in this case comes from Julian Cribb, Committed to truth, Australian,
8 September 1993, p. 8.
30 ibid.
31 Road to Wembley, reported by Ticky Fullerton, Four Corners, ABC Television, broadcast
5 September 2005. Edited transcripts of Four Corners interviews can be found at http:// Background documents for the
Four Corners program can be found at
32 Leonie Wood, Whistleblowers face a conundrum, Age, 6 April 2009, accessed 6 April 2009
33 Kate Askew, Multiplexs Wembley own goal, Age, 5 September 2005, accessed 6 April
2009 at
34 ibid.
35 ASIC, 06-443 ASIC accepts an enforceable undertaking from the Multiplex Group,
accessed 6 April 2009 at
36 Leonie Wood, Trials, tribulations of a whistleblower, Sydney Morning Herald, 6 April
2009, accessed 6 April 2009 at -1.
37 Wood, Whistleblowers face a conundrum.
38 Wood, Trials, tribulations of a whistleblower.
39 Maurice Blackburn, Multiplex Class Action, accessed 6 April 2009 at http://www.
40 Wood, Trials, tribulations of a whistleblower.
41 Federal Court judgment of July 2008, quoted in Leonie Wood, Trials, tribulations of a
whistleblower, Sydney Morning Herald, 6 April 2009, accessed 6 April 2009 at http://
42 Fred P. Clark, Unfounded whistle blower suit can kill a small defense company, Aviation
Week and Space Technology, 2 March 1992, pp. 656.
43 See, for example, William De Maria, Quarantining dissent: The Queensland public
sector ethics movement, Australian Journal of Public Administration, 54, 1995, pp. 44354.
Although De Marias critique is directed to the public sector, it could equally be directed to
the private sector. De Marias article is rebutted by Howard Whitton, Ethics and principled
dissent in the Queensland public sector: A response to the Queensland whistleblower
study; compare Noel Preston, Public sector ethics in Australia: A review, Australian
Journal of Public Administration, 54, 1995, pp. 46270.
1 For an illuminating discussion of the supposed differences among types of codes, see
Conal Condren, Code types: Functions and failings and organizational diversity, Business
and Professional Ethics Journal, 14, no. 4, 1995, pp. 6990.
2 Isabelle de Pommereau, Are towns really safer without traffic lights? The Christian Science
Monitor, 12 September 2008, accessed 26 September 2008 at http://www.csmonitor.
3 ibid.
4 Bowie & Duska, p. 85.
5 Adrian Lynch, Get integrity back into management, Rydges, December 1985, p. 49.
6 For a fuller discussion of this general topic and of the role of a responsibility regime in
promoting a culture of ethical excellence, see S. Cohen, Promoting Ethical Judgment
in an Organisation Context, forthcoming in the Australian Journal of Professional and
Applied Ethics.
7 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book V, ch. 10.
8 Analogously, it is sometimes argued that this has been exactly the case with IQ testing.
This was initially developed (in 1905, and revised in 1908, 1911 and 1916) in order to
identify those who are intellectually challenged, indicated by falling below a certain
number on the IQ scale. However, it is, after all, a scale with high numbers as well as low
numbers. So, the test began to be used as a way of discriminating at the higher levels as
well. It was not designed to do this; and, so the argument goes, it does not do this at all
well. It is not, in fact, a tool for this job. This is exactly the issue of concept validity.
9 Onora ONeill, A Question of Trust (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002),
particularly chs 3 and 4.
10 See Amanda Sinclair, Codes in the workplace: Organisational versus professional codes,
in Margaret Coady & Sidney Bloch (eds), Codes of Ethics and the Professions (Melbourne:
Melbourne University Press, 1996), for a comparison of professional and organisational
codes that take up some of the issues mentioned here.
11 Some qualification is required here. For example, chartered accountants advertise in
terms of their profession as being better able to do a number of things (for example,
income tax returns), perhaps, impliedly, not merely because of their expertise but also
because of their commitment to a code of conduct. There are other examples as well;
but as a general point, it does seem correct to say that the profession operates as a
monopoly, and so would usually have no reason to offer the presence of a code of ethics
as competitive advertising.
12 Robert Howard, Values make the company, Harvard Business Review, September
October 1990, pp. 13344.
13 Alan Farnham, State your values, hold the hot air, Fortune, 19 April 1993, p. 54.
14 ibid., p. 54.
15 On enforcement of codes, see Ian Freckelton, Enforcement of ethics in Coady & Bloch,
pp. 13065.
16 Norman Bowie, Business codes of ethics: window dressing or legitimate alternative to
government regulation?, in Tom L. Beauchamp & Norman E. Bowie (eds), Ethical Theory
and Business (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1979), pp. 2349.
17 Interesting research in this area has been, and is currently being, undertaken by Lorraine
Carey: Profits and principles: the operationalisation of corporate ethics in Australian
enterprises (unpublished PhD thesis, University of Canberra, 2007).
18 This is available at the ASX website:
19 Office of Regulation Review, Recent developments in regulation and its review,
Information Paper, Canberra, November 1993, p. 35.
20 Walter W. Manley II, Handbook of Good Business Practice (London: Routledge, 1992),
pp. 413. According to Manleys research, the British managers found that codes help
establish the ethical tone of the organisation, state its values and facilitate the imparting
of these values to employees; give a commonly accepted basis to a companys policies
and employee understandings of them; underpin a companys strategic direction; prepare
staff for external scrutiny and help avoid intrusive attention from interest groups and the
media; set clear standards for dealings with other businesses and third parties; clarify
the rights and responsibilities of the company, its management and its employees;
respond to government pressure for greater external regulation; improve a companys
image and public confidence in it; reduce exposure to law suits; improve performance
and profits; enhance corporate pride; build excellence across the companys operations;
set benchmarks for performance; reassure shareholders as to the companys integrity;
sustain public confidence in the market system; foster a business culture of openness and
free communication; facilitate the integration of the cultures of merged companies; and
deter unethical behaviour throughout a company.
21 James A. Waters, Catch 20.5: corporate morality as an organizational phenomenon, in
A. P. Iannone (ed.), Contemporary Moral Controversies (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1989), p. 152.
22 For an interesting and readable discussion of this point, see C. A. J. Coady, Ethos and
ethics in business, in Coady & Sampford, pp. 14971.
23 Honeywell, Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (Minneapolis: Honeywell, 1995), p. 4.
24 The Guidelines require that (i) a code of ethics and organisational standards be developed;
(ii) responsibility for ethics programs should be vested in a senior executive; (iii) persons
with a record of sharp practice or misconduct be excluded from positions of authority;
(iv) employees are properly informed about the code of ethics and organisational
standards; (v) monitoring, auditing and safe reporting mechanisms be instituted; (vi) fair
and firm disciplinary measures be taken against misconduct; and (vii) measures be taken
to prevent recurrences of misconduct.
25 The issue of conformism to external pressures is a serious objection to organisational
ethics programs. For a discussion of the problem, see C. A. J. Coady, On regulating ethics,
in Coady & Bloch, pp. 26987.
26 Ronald R. Sims, The institutionalization of organizational ethics, Journal of Business
Ethics, 10, 1991, p. 504.
27 ibid., passim; and Waters, pp. 15961.
28 Amanda Sinclair has argued that ethical cultures can be established through treating an
organisation as a single culture or as a number of co-existing sub-cultures, but we believe
that ethical failure is more likely to result from fragmentation. See Sinclairs Improving
ethics through organisational culture: a comparison of two approaches, in Coady &
Sampford, pp. 12848.
1 In a famous passage, Hobbes characterised such a life as solitary, poor, nasty, brutish,
and short; Leviathan (1651), part I, ch. 13.
2 Campbell writes, Now in every human being there is a built-in human instinct system,
without which we should not even come to birth. But each of us has also been educated
to a specific local culture system; Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell
Companion, selected and edited by Diane K. Osbon (New York: Harper Perennial, 1991),
p. 126.
3 Here we follow John Kekes, The Morality of Pluralism (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
Press, 1993), pp. 3844.
4 Robert Armstrong et al., Business Ethics, in Anthony Milner & Mary Quilty (eds), Australia
in Asia: Comparing Cultures (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1996), p. 24.
5 ibid., p. 26. In a brief but pointed way, Armstrong et al. set out some of the core values of
Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Indonesian and Korean cultures.
6 Reported in Excerpts from the International Press, TI Newsletter, accessed at http://www. newsletter/ March 1997.
7 Johann Lambsdorff, The question of responsibility, 26 September 1997, accessed at %7Ejlambsd/bribery/ node4.htm.
8 Louise Williams, Bre-X scam sparks attacks on foreigners, Sydney Morning Herald, 6 May
1997, p. 28.
9 Nicholas Cumming-Bruce, Chief of State-owned firm in $62m graft case, Sydney Morning
Herald, 25 January 1997, p. 22.
10 Amartya Sen, Does business ethics make economic sense?, Business Ethics Quarterly, 3,
1993, p. 50.
11 Robert Garran, Nomura president falls on his sword, Weekend Australian, 1516 March
1997, p. 53; Nomura bosses resign en masse, Australian, 23 April 1997, p. 23. When the rest
of the senior management of Nomura resigned in April 1997, they retained their rights as
advisers, with the power to continue to do business in the companys name. In this way,
public honour is saved, but Nomura did not face a sudden loss of corporate knowledge
and the individuals did not have to pay the full price of resignation.
12 For details of the Lockheed scandal, see Velasquez, pp. 2078; Martin & Schinzinger,
pp. 2612.
13 Sydney Morning Herald, 18 November 1996, p. 38.
14 Robert W. Armstrong, An empirical investigation of international marketing ethics: problems encountered by Australian firms, Journal of Business Ethics, 11, 1992, pp. 16171.
15 The Asian Intelligence Report, cited in Indonesia most corrupt, business survey, Sydney
Morning Herald, 31 March 1997, p. 7.
16 Hanbo, one of Koreas largest steel makers and US$6 billion in debt, allegedly obtained
loans it would not otherwise have gotten from government-controlled banks at the
behest of the ruling New Korea Party. Hanbo chairman, Chung Tae-soo, has a history of
bribing government officials. He was convicted of paying former President Roh Tae-woo
US$23 million in bribes during his 198892 term.
Dud loans dog Vietnams banks, Sydney Morning Herald, 24 March 1997, p. 38.
Managing in Asia: ethics and other issues, Far Eastern Economic Review, 16 September
1993, pp. 3353.
On 7 March 1997, the Australian Financial Review reported on its front page that the east
coast criminal milieu had assumed all the trappings of legitimate business in order to
pursue criminal activitiessuch as money launderingmore efficiently. In the United
States, the Mob has infiltrated the securities industry; Mob muscles into brokers offices,
Sydney Morning Herald, 24 March 1997, p. 38.
S. J. Vitell, S. L. Nwachukwu & J. H. Barnes, The effects of culture on ethical decisionmaking: an application of Hofstedes typology, Journal of Business Ethics, 12, 1993,
pp. 75360. They distinguish two types of culture: individualist and collectivist. In
individualist cultures, it is acceptable to give primacy to the interests of individuals, their
families and connections. In collectivist cultures, the individuals identity is determined
by a group of some kind, and the interests of the group are accorded primacy. Collectivist
societies emphasise loyalty more than individualist ones. The authors suggest that in
collectivist societies (they cite Japan), individuals are more likely to be guided by the
norms and values of their industrial, business or professional group. In contrast with
this alignment, the individual in an individualist society (they cite the United States) will
be less influenced by organisational norms, even when formally stated, as in codes of
ethics. Moreover, they suggest that business practitioners in individualistic societies are
more likely than those in collectivist societies to consider themselves as more important
stakeholders than other employees or the owners (pp. 7546).
Alois A. Nugroho, The myth of immoral business: a specific challenge of business ethics
in Indonesia, International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics Papers, Tokyo 1996,
accessed at, 15 September 1997.
Julius Tahija, Swapping business skills for oil, Harvard Business Review, September
October 1993, p. 113.
All employees are expected to comply with antitrust/competition laws throughout the
world, i.e., no price fixing, bid rigging, criminal collusion. Marketing and selling efforts
must conform to highest ethical standards It is Honeywells policy to comply with
FCPA laws which prohibit the bribery of foreign government or political officials and
establish mandatory internal record keeping standards No employee will provide
or accept kickbacks No employee will give, offer or promise to give, or ask for or
accept anything of value to or from an employee or other representative of any current
or potential customer, supplier, or regulatory authority, in exchange for assistance or
influence in a transaction; Honeywell, Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (Honeywell:
Minnesota, 1995), pp. 12.
Richard De George, Competing with Integrity in International Business (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1993), p. 114.
ibid, pp. 4656. De George also offers ten strategies or counsels of perfection for dealing
with corruption in international business. The first and probably hardest is to remain
ethical, even if competitors do not. The others include using an imaginative response to
ethical difficulty; avoidance of over-reaction and maintenance of a sense of proportion;
development of background legal institutions at home and abroad; exposure of unethical
practices in the media where possible; combining with other parties to reform social,
legal and political institutions; and requiring strict accountability of MNCs and those who
work within them. See also pp. 11420.
ibid., p. 112.
Adapted from Herberts report, reprinted in K. Woldring (ed.), Business Ethics in Australia
and New Zealand (Melbourne: Nelson, 1996), pp. 1912.
Verena Dobnik, Nike accused of allowing boot camp factories, Sydney Morning Herald,
29 March 1997, p. 17.
Brad Norington, Nike protests urged over appalling work conditions, Sydney Morning
Herald, 1 April 1997, p. 6.
Peter Hancock, Women workers in Nike factories in West Java (Fitzroy: Community Aid
Abroad, 1997)
Brad Norington, The shoe fits here as well, Sydney Morning Herald, 18 April 1997, p. 15.
Chris Patten, Synergy of robust rights and robust development, Sydney Morning Herald,
24 November 1993, p. 15.
This and other aspects of economic development and liberty are elaborated in Chris
Patten, East and West: The Last Governor of Hong Kong on Power Freedom and the Future
(London: Pan Macmillan, 1998).
Although the costs can be overstated: see the argument that ethical knowledge is an
asset in Norman E. Bowie & Paul Vaaler, Some arguments for universal moral standards,
International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics Papers, Tokyo, 1996, accessed at
http:// p_bowie.htm, 28 August 1997.
Diane Stott & Helen Greenwood, Shoppers must wear outworker reforms, Sydney
Morning Herald, 15 April 1996, p. 6. It is worth noting that, in the same article, Senator Sid
Spindler reported a visit to a Brookvale manufacturer who paid up to 40 per cent above
award rates and was still profitable.
Ben Schneiders, Ari Sharp and Katharine Murphy, Work heads offshore as Pacific Brands
axes jobs, Age, 26 February 2009, accessed 30 April 2009 at
James Kirby, ANZ rules out merger changes, Australian, 4 April 1996, p. 27.
ABC TV news report for 5 April 1996. The glibness takes the form of simple blame attribution. For example, although Country Road has asked its suppliers not to use outworkers,
this request is difficult to enforce. In April 1996, the Senates inquiry into outworkers in the
garment industry was told that some outworkers could receive as little as $1 for work on
a garment retailing for $500.
Mark Baker, Fischer rules out sanctions on Burma, Sydney Morning Herald, 4 November
1996, p. 11.
Thomas Donaldson, Multinational decision-making: reconciling international norms, in
Anthony Ellis (ed.), Ethics and International Relations (Manchester: Manchester University
Press, 1986), pp. 12740; The Ethics of International Business (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1989), ch. 5; and The language of international corporate ethics, Business Ethics
Quarterly, 2, 1992, pp. 27181.
Donaldson, The Ethics of International Business, p. 84. Compare Donaldsons The perils
of multinationals largess, Business Ethics Quarterly, 4, 1994, pp. 36771.
As Donaldson puts it, the corporation, if indeed it is a moral agent at all, has limited moral
capacities and a decidedly non-human psychology. It is often taller and richer than most
of us: but it is morally peculiar. It strives for nothing except economic objectives, or, if it
[does strive for other objectives] its striving has none of the psychological characteristics
of human moral striving. It does not weep at funerals, struggle with its appetite, or enjoy
wedding parties; The language of international corporate ethics, Business Ethics
Quarterly, 2, 1992, pp. 2756. Compare, for example, Robert Ewin, The moral status of
the corporation, Journal of Business Ethics, 10, 1991, p. 755: Because they are artificial
people and not natural people, corporations lack the emotional makeup necessary to
the possession of virtues and vices. Their moral personality is exhausted by their legal
Geraldine Brooks, They hang writers dont they?, Weekend Australian, 3031 December
1995, features, p. 5.
Found at
Kevin Jackson, Global distributive justice and the corporate duty to aid, Journal of
Business Ethics, 12, 1993, p. 550. See Donaldsons reply in The perils of multinationals
George C. Brenkert, Can we afford international human rights?, Journal of Business
Ethics, 11, 1992, pp. 517.
These have been growing in number internationally. For Australian ethical investment
services, see Ross Knowles (ed.), Ethical Investment (Sydney: Choice Books, 1997); and
the websites of ethical investment advisers Terry Pinnell: http:// www.peg.;
Australian Ethical Investment Ltd:; and Ecobusiness
Consultants Pty Ltd: http://www.ecobusiness.
For an elaboration of the argument from self-interest, see Bowie & Vaaler.
The Ethics of International Business, p. 75. Donaldson nominates ten fundamental human
rights: the right to freedom of physical movement; the right to ownership of property; the
right to freedom from torture; the right to a fair trial; the right to non-discriminatory treatment; the right to physical security; the right to freedom of speech and association; the right
to minimal education; the right to political participation; and the right to subsistence.
This criticism is discussed at length in Brenkert, pp. 51521.
Peter Drucker, Post-Capitalist Society (New York: Harper Business, 1993), p. 102.
As quoted in Sam North, Human rights concerns pull Levis out of China, Sydney Morning
Herald, 8 May 1993, p. 15.
Robert Waterman, Frontiers of Excellence (Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1994), pp. 1667. For
a discussion of the Levis Aspiration Statement, its emphasis on ethics and its attempt
to globalise its values, see ch. 7 of Waterman, as well as Rhymer Rigby, Jeans genius,
Management Today, November 1996, pp. 5660. Rigbys article shows just how tough, in
a business sense, Levis is, but also just how seriously it takes ethics. In Bangladesh and
Turkey, Levis pays contractors to keep their children in school until they are 14 years old.
This ensures that those who are potentially the main income-earners for families, children
in sweatshops, are instead given an education and, of course, that Levis is not open to
charges of using child labour. According to Rigby, this is an expensive option for Levis,
but the company takes a long-term view and believes in adhering to its published ethical
stance. Elaine Sternberg argues that Levis can do these things legitimately because it is
not in the position of a listed company, which must increase shareholder value and would
not be at liberty to disperse profits in this manner. This point is a fair one, but overlooks
the fact that Levis shareholders choose to set an example through their corporation to
shareholders in public companies.
Grand Metropolitan, Report on Corporate Citizenship 1997 (London: Grand Metropolitan,
1997), p. 15.
in part from Michael Henderson, The Forgiveness Factor: Stories of Hope in a World of
Conflict (Salem, Oreg.: Grosvenor Books, 1996), pp. 18193.
Charles M. Denny, one of the authors of the Caux Principles, as quoted in Henderson.
J. Lambsdorff, TI Newsletter, accessed at
index.html, September 1997.
See Transparency International website:
Lima Convention, accessed at, 2 November
1 William W. May (ed.), Ethics in the Accounting Curriculum: Cases and Readings (Sarasota,
Florida: American Accounting Association, 1990). This model was adapted by the
AAA from an eight-step model suggested by H. Q. Langenderfer and J. W. Rockness,
Integrating ethics into the accounting curriculum: Issues, problems and solutions, Issues
in Accounting Education, 4, 1989, pp. 5869.
2 Laura Nash, Ethics without the sermon, Harvard Business Review, 59, November
December 1981, pp. 7990.
3 Michael Rion, The Responsible Manager: Practical Strategies for Ethical Decision Making
(San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1990), pp. 1314, and then applied throughout the book.
4 Mary Guy, Ethical Decision Making in Everyday Work Situations (New York: Quorum
Books, 1990), pp. 1419, 2830.
5 Kent Hodgson, A Rock and a Hard Place: How to Make Ethical Business Decisions When
the Choices are Tough (New York: American Management Association, 1992), pp. 934,
979, 1034, 12930.
6 Philip G. Cottell Jr. & Terry M. Perlin, Accounting Ethics: A Practical Guide for Professionals
(New York: Quorum Books, 1990), pp. 10, 1213.
7 David Mathison, Business ethics cases and decision models: A call for relevancy in the
classroom, Journal of Business Ethics, 7, 1988, p. 780.
8 Anthony M. Pagano, Criteria for ethical decision making in managerial situations,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Management, New Orleans, 1987, pp. 112.
9 This material is available from Australian Association of National Advertisers, Suite 2,
Level 5, 99 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000. It is also available on the internet at http://
10 The CRT Principles may be found at
&menuid=8. They are largely based on principles developed by the Minnesota Center for
Corporate Responsibility.
Appendix 1: Ethical
Decision-making Models
An ethical decision-making model is a suggested device for use in working through
ethical problems and reaching a decision about a course of action in a structured and
systematic way. In recent years, a great number of ethical decision-making models
have been proposed, and various models have been officially adopted or endorsed
by several professional and business organisations. A number of decision-making
models are reproduced here for your consideration. These models are not provided
as the only ways to go about dealing with ethical issues. Indeed, some people have
expressed concern about the wisdom of using decision-making models at all. The
concern has largely been that decision-making models can give the impression that
ethical decision-making is an algorithmic and mechanical process when, in fact, it is
usually much more complex and subtle than that. In addition, the fact of there being
so many different decision-making models can give the impression that just any
old decision procedure, involving any considerations, will do, as long as it can be
represented as steps that can be followed in reaching a decision. Ethical decisionmaking models do, however, have the important characteristic of representing
ethical deliberation as a systematic process, rather than simply as a touchy-feely
experience or as a matter of ones gut reaction to a situation. Ethical decision-making
models emphasise that there is, in fact, deliberation associated with making ethical
decisionsthere is something to deliberate about, and the various contributing
factors can be articulated and dealt with.
In considering the following proposed ethical decision-making models, you
should give some thought to the appearance of common elements in some or most
of them (for instance, they almost all include a light of day test, a suggestion that
you imagine how you would feel if the proposed action came to be widely known).
You should also give some thought to whether any of the steps or elements in these
models seem to be particularly insightful, potentially fruitful or helpful in dealing
with ethical matters systematically. You will notice that all the models allow for what
was earlier referred to as ethical pluralism; none of them is couched in terms of a
purported correct moral theory.
having compassion, treating people courteously and with dignity, helping those
in need, and avoiding harm to others.
Honesty being truthful and not deceiving or distorting. One by one, deceptions
undermine the capacity for open exchange and erode credibility.
Accountabilityaccepting the consequences of ones actions and accepting the
responsibility for ones decisions and their consequences. This means setting an
example for others and avoiding even the appearance of impropriety. Asking
such questions as How would this be interpreted if it appeared in the newspaper? or What sort of person would do such a thing? brings accountability
dilemmas into focus.
Promise keeping keeping ones commitments. The obligation to keep promises
is among the most important of generally accepted obligations. To be worthy of
trust, one must keep ones promises and fulfil ones commitments.
Pursuit of excellence striving to be as good as one can be. It means being diligent,
industrious, and committed; and becoming well informed and well prepared.
Results are important, but so is the manner and the method of achievement.
Loyalty being faithful and loyal to those with whom one has dealings. This
involves safeguarding the ability to make independent professional judgments by
scrupulously avoiding undue influence and conflicts of interest.
Fairness being open-minded, willing to admit error, and not overreaching or
taking undue advantage of anothers adversities. Avoiding arbitrary or capricious
favouritism; treating people equally and making decisions based on notions
of justice.
Integrityusing independent judgment and avoiding conflicts of interest, restraining
from self-aggrandisement, and resisting economic pressure; being faithful to ones
deepest beliefs, acting on ones conviction, and not adopting an end-justifies-themeans philosophy that ignores principle.
7h Respect for others recognising each persons right to privacy and self-
determination and having respect for human dignity. This involves being
courteous, prompt, and decent, and providing others with information that they
need to make informed decisions.
7h Responsible citizenship having ones actions in accord with societal values.
Appropriate standards for the exercise of discretion must be practiced.
Guy also suggests five rules, which integrate these values, and which might be of
assistance in codifying ones ethical decision-making:
7h Rule 1Consider the well-being of others, including nonparticipants. This rule
This requires selecting the alternative that maximises the most important values
and holds the most promise of achieving the goal, while solving the problem as
effectively as possible.
6 Make a commitment to the choice and implement it.
This requires converting the decision into action.
Guy further suggests that a slightly larger, ten-step, model is more appropriate for
complex problems:
for each option. Why is this stakeholder in favour of this option for action? The
answers show you what the stakeholders value and the working principles
that flow from those values.
7h Project the possible outcomes (consequences) of each stakeholder option.
Do any violate your principles, or those of your organisation? What will each
stakeholder option cause to happen? You are trying to discover what the
stakeholder wants to have happen in this situation. Then ask, Do any of the
outcomes resulting from these options violate my principles, or those of my
7h Determine the actions (means) necessary to produce each outcome. Do any
violate your principles, or those of your organisation? What will stakeholders
have to do to get the result they want? What steps will they take to make their
desired options happen? Then ask, Do any of the actions they will take to
make their options happen (means to the end) violate my principles, or those
of my organisation?
7h State the dilemma. Through the activities completed, you know the stakeholders, the options they represent, the validity of the working principles
behind their options, and the validity of the means to implement their options.
You are now in a position to decide if what you are facing is a true dilemma
(balanced opposite interests). You are now able to state, even write down,
the dilemma exactly.
3 Evaluate the options.
7h Identify the General Principle(s) behind each stakeholder option. Is the option
driven primarily by dignity of human life, autonomy, honesty, loyalty, fairness,
humaneness, or the common good (the magnificent seven)? The answer
is not automatic or expedient; rather, it is a matter of honest judgment on
your part.
7h Compare the General Principle(s) behind each option. Which is the most
responsible General Principle(s) in this situation? In your mind, in this
situation, which of the magnificent seven holds top priority as an ethical
reason for this or that option? The object is to choose an option for action
that represents the most responsible General Principle (or Principles) for you,
now, in this situation.
7h The option with the most responsible General Principle(s) is your choice for
action. Your decision is not a guess, a choice from ignorance, or a choice from
expediency. It is choice for action derived from principles. And it is a decision
that is defensible on the grounds of principle and an attitude of cooperative
2 Decide where the main emphasis or focus should lie among the five or so issues
generated in Step 1. Which is the major thrust of the case? Is it a certain obligation,
ideal, or effect? For example, it may be a choice of remaining silent about a wing
design defect with the effect of people dying in a plane accident versus going to
the media with the effect of damaging a plane manufacturers credibility on a
personal hunch.
3 With the well-focused issue worked out in Step 1, now you apply the Basic
Decision Rules:
a When two or more obligations conflict, choose the more important one.
b When two or more ideals conflict, or when ideals conflict with obligations,
choose the action which honours the higher ideal.
c When the effects are mixed, choose the action which produces the greatest
good or lesser harm. For example, in the case of the questioning engineer,
clearly saving human lives is the greater good over saving a manufacturers
Appendix 2: Australian
Association of National
Advertiser Code of Ethics
This Code has been adopted by AANA to be applied as a means of advertising selfregulation in Australia and is intended to be applied to advertisements as defined
in this code.
The object of this Code is to ensure that advertisements are legal, decent, honest
and truthful and that they have been prepared with a sense of obligation to the
consumer and society and fair sense of responsibility to competitors.
In this Code, the term advertisement shall mean matter which is published or
broadcast, other than via internet, direct mail, point of sale or direct distribution to
individuals, in all of Australia or in a substantial section of Australia for payment
or other valuable consideration and which draws the attention of the public, or
a segment of it, to a product, service, person, organisation or line of conduct in a
manner calculated to promote or oppose directly or indirectly that project, service,
person, organisation or line of conduct.
1. Section 1
1.1 Advertisements shall comply with Commonwealth law and the law of the
relevant State or Territory.
1.2 Advertisements shall not be misleading or deceptive or be likely to mislead or
1.3 Advertisements shall not contain a misrepresentation that is likely to cause
damage to the business or goodwill of a competitor.
1.4 Advertisements shall not exploit community concerns in relation to protecting
the environment by presenting or portraying distinctions in products or services
advertised in a misleading way or in a way that implies a benefit to the environment that the product or services do not have.
1.5 Advertisements shall not make claims about the Australian origin or content of
products advertised in a manner that is misleading.
2. Section 2
2.1 Advertisements shall not portray people in a way that discriminates against
or vilifies a person or section of the community on account of race, ethnicity,
nationality, sex, age, sexual preference, religion, disability or political belief.
2.2 Advertisements shall not present or portray violence unless it is justifiable in the
context of the product or service advertised.
2.3 Advertisements shall treat sex, sexuality and nudity with sensitivity to the
relevant audience and, where appropriate, the relevant program time zone.
2.4 Advertisements which, having regard to the theme, visuals and language used,
are directed primarily to children aged 14 years or younger and are for goods,
services and facilities which are targeted toward and have principal appeal
to children, shall comply with the AANAs Code of Advertising to Children and
section 2.6 of this Code shall not apply to advertisements to which AANAs Code
of Advertising to Children applies.
2.5 Advertisements shall only use language that is appropriate in the circumstances
and strong or obscene language shall be avoided.
2.6 Advertisements shall not depict material contrary to prevailing community
standards on health and safety.
2.7 Advertisements for motor vehicles shall comply with the Federal Chamber
of Automotive Industries Code of Practice relating to Advertising for Motor
Vehicles and section 2.6 of this Code shall not apply to advertisements to which
the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries Code of Practice applies.
7h therefore adheres to the spirit and intent behind the law, as well as the letter of the
law, which requires conduct that goes beyond minimum legal obligations.
7h always operates with candor, truthfulness, and transparency, and keeps its
We wish to express our gratitude to a number of people who assisted in the completion of this work. We thank Kaz Kazim, John Cheong Seong Lee, Shirley Cohen
and Greg Goodman for their assistance and advice. Karen Hildebrandt of OUP
provided good counsel for this edition; as did the editorial wisdom and meticulous
care of Tim Fullerton, who greatly assisted us in improving the text.
We wish to thank the following colleagues, who made comments on the earlier
editions and suggestions for improvement: Andrew Brian, Pam Byde, Ted Cohen,
Conal Condren, Glyn Hardingham, Kathleen MacDonald, Bryan Maher, Ian Marsh,
Michaelis Michael, Noel Preston and members of our classes in the Graduate
Programs in Professional Ethics at the University of New South Wales.
Thanks are also due to Saatchi and Saatchi, Toyota Australia, Fairfax Media,
Style Counsel, Chrysler Corporation, Bozell Worldwide Inc. and Behrens Brown for
supplying material and allowing its reproduction.
A number of the analyses, arguments, explanations and modes of presentation
here have benefited from presentation at academic and industry forums. In particular,
the Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales (RTA) has encouraged us and
provided invaluable feedback through its various ethics workshops and seminars.
We especially thank Peter Houston and Rob McCarthy from the RTA.
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Index Terms
Abbott Laboratories
Aboriginal culture
accounting, ethics of
accounting education
accounting profession
codes of practice
conflicts of interest
Merrill Lynch
accounting standards
Advertiser Code of Ethics
moral problem
Index Terms
American Accounting Association
amoral business
Apline, Graham
Applegate, Dan
Aquinas, Thomas
Arantz, Philip
Astbury, John
Index Terms
Bankers Trust
Barker, Geoffrey
Barry, Paul
Basham, Brian
Beaurepairs Tyres
Beneficial Finance
Bentham, Jeremy
Berardino, Joe
Berlie underwear
Bernstein, Carl
Index Terms
BHP Billiton
Blackstone, William
Body Shop
Boer War
Boisjoly, Roger
Bok, Sissela
Bond, Alan
Booth, John
Bosch, Henry
bottom-up reasoning
Bowie, Norman
brand names
Branson, Richard
Brenkhert, George
British Airways
Brooks, Geraldine
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
Brutland Report
Burgess, Ian
and relativism
competition or trust
cultural difference
cultural relativism
double standards
UN Global Compact
Butler, Linda
Index Terms
Cadbury, Adrian
Campbell, Joseph
Campbells Soup
Canary Wharf
Carr, Albert Z.
Carson, Rachel
case studies
Alcoa emissions
Alwyn Johnson and the banks
Bankers Trust
Bruces dilemma
Coless branding
fall of Andersens
Ford Pinto
free sunglasses
Grace Brothers
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
Hewlett Packard
HIV-positive employee
an independent report?
Lady Bountiful
murder unseen?
Saturn cars
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
is this whistleblowing?
Zanicum Metals
Causey, Richard
child labour
Chrysler Motors
Clark, Fred P.
Clarke, Frank
Clinton, Bill
clothing industry
Index Terms
Code of Hammurabi
codes of conduct
codes of ethics
and competence
content of
and environment
and industry
personal behaviour
professional behaviour
professional standards
social responsibility
code of practice
banking industry
community standards
Index Terms
and trust
conceptual thinking
conflicts of interest (accounting profession)
academic medicine
Merrill Lynch
Cooper, Cynthia
Corboy, John
corporate citizenship
corporate gifts
corporate relationships
Index Terms
corporate responsibility
corporate surveillance
Crazy People
Crichton, Michael
cruelty to animals
Cullen, Mark
cultural relativism
Cummins, Kevin
Cummins, Stewart
Dale, Vadim
Dancy, Jonathan
Davies, Justice
Davis, John
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
De George, Richard
Dean, Graeme
Deep Throat
Dempster, Quentin
deontological theory
descriptive ethics
Devlin, Patrick
Dherse, Jean-Loup
dialectical process
general comments
Index Terms
discrimination (Cont.)
Drucker, Peter
Duncan, David
Dollar Sweets
Donaldson, Thomas
Duska, Ronald
Dworking, Gerald
Eagle Bitter
Ebertz, Roger
Edelstein, Lee
ecologically sustainable
Eigen, Peter
Elkington, John
occupational health and safety
Index Terms
employees (Cont.)
and SPC
employment discrimination
Energizer batteries
energy conservation
CERES principles
and growth
humanistic argument
intergenerational issues
naturalistic argument
precautionary principle
voluntary action
waste or fertiliser
environmental restoration
equal opportunity
Index Terms
Ernest Henry
ethical behaviour
ethical commitment
ethical considerations
ethical decision-making
ethical defeat
ethical dilemmas
ethical empowerment
ethical failure
ethical infrastructure
ethical opinions
ethical realism
ethical reasoning
and business
ethical relativism
Index Terms
cultural difference
David Tweed
and philosophers
Exxon Valdez
fair dealing
Index Terms
fairness (Cont.)
Fastow, Andrew
Field, Michael
Finnis, John
Fischer, Tim
Fly River
Ford Explorer
Frankena, William
Fraser, Bernie
free markets
freedom of information
freedom of speech
Freeman, Edward
Friedman, Milton
Index Terms
Fritzl, Elizabeth
Gaita, Raymond
Gilligan, Carol
Goodpaster, Kenneth
government regulation
Goward, Russell
Grace Brothers
Grant Samuel
Green Challenge
Guy, Mary
Index Terms
Hahn beer
Halfpenny, John
Hall, Jeff
Hancock, Peter
Harcourt, Colin
Hardin, Garrett
Harper, Andrew
Hart, H.L.A.
Hasker, John
Hass, Bob
Hawking, Stephen
heavy metals
Heckman, Peter
Hegel, Friedrich
Henley, Kate
Herbert, Bob
HIH Insurance
Hobbes, Thomas
Hodgson, Kent
Hoffman, Michael
Hogan, Michael
Index Terms
Horne and McIntosh v. Press-Clough Joint
Venture and MAWU
Horne, Heather
industry codes
information disclosure
indirect discrimination
Index Terms
institutionalising ethics
intergenerational issues
invisible hand
Izui, Junichiro
Jackson, Kevin
Jacobs, Samuel
Index Terms
Johnson, Alwyn
Johnson & Johnson
Jonsen, Albert
Kader Industrial Toy Company
Kaku, Ryuzaburo
Kant, Immanuel
Keeling, Brad
Kemp, Paul
Keys, Tony
King, Jack
King, Lord
Ladd, John
Lady Bountiful
Lambsdorff, Johann
Index Terms
lateral thinking
Laws, John
Lay, Kenneth
legal ethics
legal reasoning
Lemke, Dwight
Lloyd, W.F.
Lohsoonthorn, Pairoj
Longstaff, Simon
McCarthy Watson and Spencer
McConnell, Douglas
Index Terms
McIntosh, Gail
McMillan, John
Maltby, Lewis
management commitment
Manley, Walter
marketing ethics
Marsden, Chris
Marshall, Colin
maternity leave
Mathison, David
ME International
medical ethics
Mercer, Don
Merrill Lynch
Mitsubishi Oil
Moffit, Richard
Moore, Dudley
Moore, Demi
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
Moore, John
moral blindness
moral competence
moral concerns
moral facts
moral negligence
moral obligations
moral recklessness
moral relativism
moral opinions
moral pie
moral pluralism
moral reasoning
moral theory
moral thinking
moral values
and advertising
and ethics
and marketing
and markets
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
morals (Cont.)
as science
More, Thomas
Morgan, Hugh
MTBE in petrol
Mueller, Robert
multinational corporations
Murphys Romance
Mutsch, Lesley
Myers, David
N.H. Cole and Associates
Nader, Ralph
Nagel, Thomas
Nash, Laura
National Exchange
natural resources
Nazi Germany
Nelson Wheeler
Newland Mines
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
Newton, Helmut
Nguyen, Thuyen
Nicomachean Ethics
Nixon, Richard
No Logo (Klein)
Nomura Securities
normative fallacy
Nozick, Robert
OShane, Pat
Oertel, John
Outworker Project
Ok Tedi
Oliver, K.G.
Ord Minnett
organisational ethics
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
Owen, Justice
Pagano, Anthony M.
Papua New Guinea
Paramount Pictures
Parker, Christine
Patten, Chris
Peacock, Patsy
Peck, Polly
Perlin, Terry M.
personal behaviour
personal ethics
personal integrity
personal morality
Peters, T.J.
Philips, Frederick
Pilmer, Angus
Index Terms
Potter, Alan
Potter, Stephen
precautionary principle
pregnancy discrimination
Pirce Waterhouse
prescriptive ethics
private morality
product placement
product safety
professional codes
of practice
professional ethos
professional independence
professional liability
professional privilege
professional standards
professional values
public infrastructure
Index Terms
public interest
public morality
public policy
pregnancy discrimination
product safety
professional behaviour
professional codes of ethics
professional codes of practice
professional ethics
professional judgement
professional standards
Index Terms
Raid insecticide
Rain Man
Rawls, John
reflective equilibrium
Reid, Nick
Reynolds, Margaret
Index Terms
Rich, Jodee
Rion, Michael
Rosenfeld, Jeffrey
Rowley, Coleen
constitutive and regulative
regulatory disclosure
Saatchi and Saatchi
safe products
Sakamaki, Hideo
Index Terms
Savage Resources
Schindler, Oskar
Schminke, Marshall
sex and advertising
sexual harrassment
Sharp, Harold
Silent Spring
Simons, Paul
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
Singer, Marcus
Singer, Peter
Singleton, John
Skilling, Jeffrey
Smith, Adam
Smith, Dave
social Darwinism
South Korea
social responsibility
South Afria
South Australian Government
space shuttle Challenger
Still, Leonie
Sullivan, Scott
Sullivan Code
Index Terms
Sutton, George
Tahija, Julius
Ten Commandments
classical economic
Titmuss, Richard
tobacco marketing
Todhunter, Tim
Toffler, Barbara
Tooheys brewing
top-down reasoning
Toulmin, Stephen
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
Tweed, David
Tyquin, Chris
UN Global Compact
Union Carbide
utilitarian principle
Valdez Principles
Index Terms
values (Cont.)
general statement of
Vietnamese Labor Watch
Virgin Atlantic
virtue ethics
Wagerup, WA
Wall Street (film)
Warhol, Andy
or fertiliser
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
waste (Cont.)
production of
Waterman, R.H.
Waters, James
Watkins, Sherron
Webber, Ross
Westin, Alan
Western United
Westmex Ltd
Weyco Inc.
When in Rome
Wilhelm, Georg
Williams, Bernard
Williams, Ray
Wingspread Statement
Wingti, Pais
womens rights
This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation.
Index Terms
Woodward, Bob
working hours
workplace discrimination
work-related injuries
Wrage, Harry R.
workplace discrimination
Zanicum Metals (fictional case)
Zehnder, Egon