Taking Faith Home Dec
Taking Faith Home Dec
Taking Faith Home Dec
Matthew 11:2-11
Malachi 3:1-4
Isaiah 61:1-7
Matthew 9:27-31
Matthew 9:2-8
Luke 1:5-25
Psalm 146:5-10
Matthew 1:18-25
In the third week of Advent light the first, second, and third Advent candles and say these
Say: This is the third week of Advent. We light our third candle, the candle of joy. Jesus birth
and earthly ministry gives us reason to be joyful. He came to save us from our sins and bring
us back to God. [The candles are lit.]
Read: Isaiah 35: 1-10.
Pray: God, as we draw nearer to the celebration of Jesus birth, fill us with joy and gladness.
Help us to share the good news of Jesus birth with others. Amen.
As you plan to give gifts to others, prepare a Christmas gift of non-perishable food items to
donate to a local charity for an individual or household in your community.
Mealtime Prayer:
We praise you, O God, for you are good and faithful. You meet our needs of body and soul and fill
our lives with joy. Amen.
A Blessing to Give:
May the God who gives sight to the blind and who raises the dead, give you joy now and always.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.