Econ 100.1 Chapter 24 Sample Quizzes
Econ 100.1 Chapter 24 Sample Quizzes
Econ 100.1 Chapter 24 Sample Quizzes
8. Which of the following is the most unlikely change that the Fed will carry out as part of
any monetary policy decision?
a. change the discount rate.
b. perform an open market operation.
c. change the required reserve ratio.
d. all of the above are equally likely.
9. The route by which changes in the supply of money are translated into changes in
output, employment, prices, and inflation is called:
a. the money-supply multiplier.
b. the required reserve ratio.
c. the monetary transmission mechanism.
d. none of the above.
10. The supply and demand of money will determine:
a. the inflation rate.
b. the required reserve ratio.
c. the monetary transmission mechanism.
d. the interest rate.
11. All other things held equal, an increase in the money supply will:
a. decrease the interest rate.
b. increase GDP.
c. increase the price level.
d. all of the above.
12. The supply of money is determined by:
a. the banking system.
b. the Federal Reserve.
c. both a and b.
d. neither a nor b.
13. The public's desire to hold money is represented by:
a. the demand-for-money curve.
b. the money supply curve.
c. both a and b.
d. neither a nor b.
b. The Federal Reserve System is NOT a department in the Executive Branch of the U.S. government. See
pages 541-543.
c. The Federal Open Market Committee includes the seven Federal Reserve governors and all the
presidents of the regional Federal Reserve banks, but only 5 presidents vote at any one time. See page
d. High long-term interest rates are not an objective of the Federal Reserve System. See page 544.
a. Open-market operations involves the buying or selling of U.S. government securities in the open market
in order to influence the level of bank reserves. See page 544.
b. Discount-rate policy involves setting the interest rate at which commercial banks and other depository
institutions can borrow reserves from one of the Federal Reserve banks. See page 544.
a. The Fed primarily operates by setting a short-term target for the federal funds rate, the rate that banks
pay each other for the overnight use of bank reserves. See page 547.
c. The interest rate charged by the Federal Reserve when a bank borrows from one of the 12 regional
banks is called the discount rate. See page 547.
c. A change in the required reserve ratio is the most unlikely change that the Fed would ever carry out as
part of any monetary policy decision. See page 550.
c. The route by which changes in the supply of money are translated into changes in output, employment,
prices, and inflation is called the monetary transmission mechanism. See page 552.
d. The supply and demand of money will determine the interest rate. See page 554.
d. All other things held equal, an increase in the money supply will decrease the interest rate, increase
GDP, and increase the price level. See page 556.
c. The supply of money is determined by the private banking system and the Federal Reserve. See page
a. The public's desire to hold money is represented by the demand-for-money curve. See page 554.
3. Price stability
4. Open-market operations
5. Discount-rate policy
7. Discount rate