Rock Slope Rule of Thumb

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The design of rock cut slopes is a step-wise process. After the exploration, segments, or the entire slope,
are grouped into design units which are provided recommended cut slope angles according to their
material properties. Guidelines for the interaction between the design units are provided and further
discussed in Section 400 of this manual. Catchment areas and drainage are discussed in later sections
(Sections 500 and 600) of this manual.



A. Lithologic Unit: A body of rock comprised of a similar mineral composition, grain size, and
engineering characteristics.
Competent Unit: A lithologic unit described as a limestone, sandstone, or siltstone and based on
the following guidelines: (1) any limestone or sandstone visually described as moderately strong or
stronger based on SGE 605.5, (2) any limestone or sandstone visually described as very weak, weak, or
slightly strong based on SGE 605.5; have a unit weight of 140 pcf or greater; or a unit weight less than
140 pcf but with a second cycle (Id2) SDI value of 85 percent or greater as based on ASTM D 4644, and
(3) any siltstone with a second cycle (Id2) SDI greater than 85 percent as based on ASTM D 4644.
C. Incompetent Unit: A lithologic unit described as shale or claystone, or a competent lithologic
unit described as slightly strong, weak, or very weak based on SGE 605.5, with a unit weight less than
140 pcf and an Id2 value less than 85 percent as based on ASTM D 4644.
D. Design Unit: A portion of a slope, or the entire slope, that can be cut at a consistent angle. A
design unit may be comprised of single or multiple lithologic unit(s). A design unit can be selected on
the basis of characteristic lithology and the anticipated slope failure(s). The thickness of a design unit
can range from a relatively short thickness (minimum 10 feet) to the height of the entire cut slope.
Three (3) design units are considered in this manual, defined as follows:
1. Competent Design Unit: Consists of greater than 90 percent competent rock units. The failures
anticipated to occur in this design unit are those controlled by unfavorable orientation of
discontinuities (plane, wedge, or toppling failures).
2. Incompetent Design Unit: Consists of greater than 90 percent incompetent units. The failures
anticipated in this design unit include raveling, mudflows and rotational slides.
3. Interlayered Design Unit: Consists of interlayered competent and incompetent units, each
ranging in proportion from more than 10 percent to 90 percent. Undercutting-induced failures
(rockfalls) and mudflows are the anticipated primary failures in this design unit. However,
raveling and rotational slides are possible.


Rock Slope Design Guide

January 2016
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This section considers the appropriate cut slope angles for design units based on the rock units that
comprise each design unit. Commentary is provided as to the most likely modes of failure, locations of
benches, as well as the potential need for localized stabilization that may be employed. Discussion on the
design of benches, catchment area, drainage, and other aspects of the design of rock cuts are found in later
sections of this manual.
303.1 Competent Design Units
Rock Quality or fracture frequency should be used to assess the overall stability of a competent design
unit. Design units with closer spacing of discontinuities are prone to higher frequencies of rockfalls and
potential global stability issues. An example of a slope comprised of a competent design unit is shown in
Figure 303-1. Once it is established that the rock slope will consist of competent design units, the cut
slope inclination may be determined based on Rock Quality Designation (RQD) as follows:
Table 303-1. Cut Slope Angle: Competent Design Units
RQD (%)



Cut slope to 1H:1V or consult with the DGE


Review global stability and design based on engineering judgment or consult

with the DGE


Slope grade of 0.5H:1V, or 0.25:1V for thickly bedded sandstones

Zones of close joint spacing, especially near the cut slope edges should be flattened to transition to natural
ground. These areas may also be stabilized using wire mesh nets or rock bolts with DGE approval.
For slopes comprised only of thickly bedded sandstone or other lithologic units with high RQD and rock
mass strength, cut slope angles of 0.25H:1V may be used if adequate catchment area is provided. To
utilize slope angles steeper than 0.5H:1V, contact the DGE. To steepen cut slope angles in competent
design units, isolated areas may require additional support or stabilization. For guidance on these
stabilization methods refer to Section 704.2. Problems associated with soil-rock contact should be
addressed to avoid soil failure. This can be addressed using an overburden bench as described in section

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Rock Slope Design Guide

Figure 303-1. Slope comprised of competent design units located at TUS-77-3.106.

303.2 Incompetent Design Units
The design of the slope angle for incompetent design units is based on the average second-cycle SDI
(Id2). An example of a slope comprised of an incompetent design unit is shown in Figure 303-2. The
following design guidelines (Table 303-2) should be used:
Table 303-2. Cut Slope Angle: Incompetent Design Units
SDI (Id2) (%)

Slope Angle

< 20

2H: 1V or flatter -Special design; contact the DGE


2H: 1V


1.5H: 1V


1H: 1V


1H: 1V or steeper contact the DGE

For incompetent design units that have SDI less than 20 percent the design should be based on
engineering judgment and consultation with the DGE. For slopes steeper than 1H:1V use engineering
judgment and consult with the DGE.


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Figure 303-2. Slope comprised of incompetent rock located at WAS-821-1.9.

Interlayered Design Units
Interlayered units exhibit significant stratigraphic variations. Cut slope design recommendations for these
units need to take into account these variations. Four stratigraphic configurations, designated as Type A
through Type D, are recognized and defined in Table 303-3 below:
Table 303-3. Definitions of Interlayered design unit types.


Type A

Very thick (>3 ft) competent units underlain by incompetent units

Type B

Medium to thick bedded (10 inches to 3 ft) sandstone and siltstone units interbedded or
interlayered with incompetent units in variable proportions

Type C

Medium to thick bedded (10 inches to 3 ft) limestone units interbedded or interlayered
with incompetent units in variable proportions

Type D

Thin bedded (2 to 10 inches) limestone units interbedded with incompetent units in

variable proportions

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Rock Slope Design Guide

Recommended Cut Slope Design for Type A Stratigraphy
Type A stratigraphy, consisting of competent units underlain by incompetent units. Slope instability
typically results in topples of flat or cubical rockfalls due to undercutting (Figure 303-3A). Type A
stratigraphy may also be interpreted as an incompetent design unit overlain by a competent design unit.
For either scenario, design should focus on reducing toppling failures within the competent unit and
minimizing excessive weathering of the incompetent unit which causes undercutting of the overlying unit.
The cut slope should follow the contour of the contact. Provide adequate catchment area (Section 500)
and drainage. The following slope design options are recommended for Type A stratigraphy:
1. Cut the competent rock at 0.5H:1V to avoid toppling failures. If the incompetent unit is of
significant thickness (10 feet thick or greater), cut the incompetent unit at an angle as specified in
GB3 Table 2. If the incompetent unit is 3 feet to 10 feet thick, cut at 1H:1V. If the incompetent
unit is less than 3 feet thick, cut at the same angle as the competent rock. If the incompetent unit
is 3 feet or greater, provide a geotechnical bench following guidelines in Section D at the contact
between units.
2. When the competent unit consists only of very thickly to massive bedded sandstone, slopes may
be cut at 0.25H:1V. Use of this steeper cut slope angle may result in the need for localized or
patterned stabilization using rock bolts. The decision to use the steeper cut angle should be based
on engineering judgment in consultation with the DGE.

Figure 303-3A. Slope comprised of Interlayered Type A stratigraphy rock located at WAS-77-17.1.


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Recommended Slope Design for Type B Stratigraphy
Type B stratigraphy consists of medium to thickly bedded sandstone and siltstone units interbedded or
interlayered with incompetent units, which typically results in flat or cubical rockfall debris. The design
approach for this type of stratigraphy should be to either cut the slope at a uniform gentle angle to reduce
undercutting or cut at a steep slope (0.25H:1V) angle and provide an effective catchment ditch. Due to the
thickness of the sandstone units, treating each sandstone unit as a separate design unit and using multiple
benches will be impractical in this situation. Two cases are considered below.
303.3.2.1 Case 1: Competent lithology comprises 50 percent or greater of unit

Cut the slope at a uniform angle of 1.5H:1V. Provide adequate catchment area (Section 500) and

Cut the slope at 0.25H:1V and evaluate if stabilization of the sandstone/siltstone units in the top
half of the cut slope is needed. A higher frequency of maintenance should be anticipated.

An example of Type B
Stratigraphy-Case 1 is shown
in Figure 303-3-B1.
If a slope is comprised of
multiple design units or a
different design unit is
present below the Type B
stratigraphic sequence, a
bench should be placed
between the two design
units. The bench should be
designed in accordance with
Section 403.

Figure 303-3-B1. Slope comprised of Interlayered Type B

stratigraphy Case 1 design unit located at TUS-36-0.

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Rock Slope Design Guide

303.3.2.2 Case 2: Incompetent lithology comprises greater than 50 percent of unit

An example of Type B Stratigraphy-Case 2 is shown in Figure 303-3-B2. Cut the slope at 1.5H:1V in
order to contain the flat rockfalls on the slope face. Provide adequate catchment area (Section 500) and
drainage (Section 605).

Figure 303-3-B2. Interlayered Type B stratigraphy Case 2 rock located at TUS-36-3.8.

Recommended Slope Design for Type C Stratigraphy
Type C stratigraphy, consisting of medium to thick bedded limestone units interbedded or interlayered
with incompetent units. These slopes typically produce cubical rockfall debris. Two cases are considered
303.3.3.1 Case 1: Competent lithology comprises 50 percent or greater of unit
An example of Type C Stratigraphy-Case 1 is shown in Figure 303-3-C1. Cut the design unit at
0.25H:1V for heights of design units not exceeding 25 ft. For design units in excess of 25 feet in height
cut at 0.5H:1V.
In this case, the incompetent units are too thin to be independently designed. The appropriate design
approach should be cutting slopes at steep angles and providing adequate catchment areas. Stabilizing
limestone units in the upper portions of the slope, which have a greater potential to release rockfalls, may


Rock Slope Design Guide

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be justified using engineering judgment with consultation of the DGE. Coal seams are common within
this stratigraphy and should be protected from weathering. Placing benches on top of coal seams might
not necessarily prevent undercutting.

Figure 303-3-C1. Interlayered Type C stratigraphy Case 1 rock located BEL-70-23.

Figure 303-3-C2. Interlayered Type C stratigraphy Case 2 rock located at WAS-77-15.3.

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Rock Slope Design Guide

Undercutting of the limestone units may be prevented by shotcreting the undercutting units. If a different
design unit underlies this case a bench should be placed along the contact following procedures outlined
in Section 402. Reinforced shotcrete option may be considered to prevent undercutting by coal seams and
underclay layers. Mine seals should be provided to support cavities of mined out coal layers as described
in Section 602. Provide adequate catchment area (Section 500) and drainage (Section 605).
303.3.3.2 Case 2: Incompetent lithology comprises greater than 50 percent of unit
An example of Type C Stratigraphy-Case 2 is shown in Figure 303-3-C2. In this case, the incompetent
units are usually in red bed claystone units. The design approach should focus on reducing the
degradation of the thick incompetent units and retaining the weathered material on the slope face by
constructing a serrated slope (a series of small, 3-4 wide benches), especially in zones containing
limestone units. The design should be based on the incompetent rock unit and follow procedures in
Section 303.2. If the slope contains significant thicknesses of red beds, refer to Section 304 of this
document. Provide adequate catchment area (Section 500) and drainage.
Recommended Slope Design for Type D Stratigraphy
Type D stratigraphy consists of thinly bedded limestone units inter-layered with incompetent units in
variable proportions. This type of stratigraphy is especially prone to releasing flat-shaped rockfalls that
can have long trajectories in the presence of steep slopes. Thinly bedded limestone units are most
commonly associated with marine limestones that can be identified as fossiliferous (Figure 303.3-D).
Field observations show that where limestone proportion is high (competent/incompetent ratio greater
than 0.5) toppling and other types of undercutting-induced failures can occur.
Cut slope at 1H:1V or flatter based on engineering judgment. Provide adequate catchment (Section 500)
and drainage.



These geologic formations identified in Section 204.2 are potentially prone to:
1. Rapid weathering because of low durability
2. Gradual change in shear strength caused by weathering
3. Landsliding where over steepened
Special care should be taken when these units are encountered. Design for these units should be based on
engineering judgment and consultation with the DGE.


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Figure 303-3-D. Interlayered Type D stratigraphy rock located in Hamilton County.

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Rock Slope Design Guide

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