Skeik Et Al 2015 - Circulatory
Skeik Et Al 2015 - Circulatory
Skeik Et Al 2015 - Circulatory
open access to scientific and medical research
C a s e R e p o rt
Nedaa Skeik 1
Taylor M Thomas 2
Bjorn I Engstrom 3
Jason Q Alexander 4
Vascular Medicine, Minneapolis Heart
Institute, 2Research, Minneapolis
Heart Institute Foundation,
Interventional Radiology, Minneapolis
Heart Institute, 4Vascular Surgery,
Minneapolis Heart Institute, MN, USA
Case report
2015 Skeik etal. This work is published by Dove Medical Press Limited, and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (unported,v3.0)
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Skeik etal
the etiology (Figure 4). It also revealed significant infrapopliteal artery disease suggestive of thromboembolic event
versus Buergers disease (Figure 5).
Management was started with enoxaparin (80 mg)
subcutaneous injection twice daily, aspirin (81 mg) once
daily and Lipitor (40 mg) at night. Due to the severity
of his symptoms, the patient underwent catheter-based
lytic therapy using tissue plasminogen activator at 1 mg/h
delivered through a multi-sidehole infusion catheter with
heparin at 500 units/h through the sidearm of the sheath
over 48 hours (Figure 6), followed by left lower extremity
superficial femoral artery-to-below-knee popliteal artery
bypass using ipsilateral reverse saphenous vein graft
tunneled beneath the sartorius and below-knee popliteal
artery endarterectomy, with good results. Following surgery, the patient was continued on warfarin to complete
at least 3 months of anticoagulation. A repeat duplex arterial ultrasound was performed 2 weeks post-surgery and
showed a widely patent distal superficial femoral artery to
below-knee popliteal vein bypass graft without evidence
of stenosis.
Figure 5 Lateral view from digital subtraction left lower extremity arteriogram
demonstrates reconstitution of the posterior tibial artery (thick arrow) into the foot
from a collateral vessel (thin arrow) and a diseased anterior tibial artery (block arrow).
Figure 4 AP image from digital subtraction left lower extremity arteriogram demonstrates thrombosis of the majority of the proximal runoff vessels.
Abbreviation: AP, anterior-posterior.
Skeik etal
We present a challenging case of PAES with complicated
decision making regarding an appropriate revascularization
option with lowest risk.
We would recommend considering PAES in young
patients with calf claudication. If untreated, the compression caused by this abnormal anatomy frequently results
in damage to the popliteal artery which may give rise to
an occlusion,8 making timely diagnosis and management
The authors have no conflicts of interest related to this work.
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Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome. J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino). 2014;
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