Art - Snowflakes Lesson
Art - Snowflakes Lesson
Art - Snowflakes Lesson
Lesson Duration: 1
Hook/Attention Grabber:
Do: Show the students the exemplar snowflake.
Say: Today you guys are going to make some really cool snowflakes like this
Assessment of Prior Knowledge:
Ask: Have any of you ever made one like this before?
Expectations for Learning and Behaviour:
Say: While we are making these snowflakes it is very important that you listen
carefully and follow the directions as closely as you can. If you are not sure
dont be afraid to pause and ask an adult or your elbow busy before to make a
cut or fold.
Advance Organizer/Agenda:
Say: These snowflakes are made out of six sections. First, I am going to
demonstrate how to make a section, then we will make one together, and then
you guys will try some on your own.
Transition to Body:
Say: Lets get started!
Body (50 min.):
Learning Activity #1: Snowflake Demonstration & Instruction
Say: I need everyone to listen and watch carefully while I show you the steps.
Do: Explicitly walk the students through the steps of building a section of the
snowflake and demonstrate them. Make sure to point out parts that will be
especially tricky.
Say: Now I need you to clear off your desks and take out a pair of scissors.
Say: All we need in front of us is 1 piece of paper, some scissors and tape.
Do: Hand out one piece of paper to each student.
Do: Walk the students through the steps again. Make sure that each student
has finished each step before moving on. (steps on power point)
Make sure students are listening and following along, ensure that students are
keeping up to what is expected and not falling behind.
Learning Activity #2: Building Snowflakes
Ask: Can anyone tell me how many sides there are to every snowflake? (6)
Say: So we know it takes 6 sections to make up snowflake, so we need to work
together as a class to make as many as we can.
Say: Its important that we take our time and do our best not to waste paper.
Do: Once 6 sections are made, attach the larger side X to the smaller sides X
and staple them together. Get a string of 6 in a row and gather the tops in a
point and staple that together to make the final snowflake shape.
Encourage students to keep trying if they find the steps difficult. Walk around
the room offering assistance to students in need. Try to get as many
snowflakes made as possible.
Closure (5 min.):
Consolidation/Assessment of Learning:
Observes students participation and engagement levels while building the