Malaysian Foreign Policy Formulation
Malaysian Foreign Policy Formulation
Malaysian Foreign Policy Formulation
Malaysias foreign relations with other state commenced due to the fact the
Malacca Sultanate. At the time, the Malacca Sultanate had trade relations with states
like India, Siam, China, Persia, Arabia, Japan and the states round the Malay
Archipelago. This culture continued till Malaya performed her independence. In this
present day age, specifically in the era of globalization, a state cannot exist in isolation.
The present day demands calls for state to rely on one every other for mutual benefits,
especially politically, economically and socially. Hence, each and every state in todays
world wants to have relations with different states to obtain this objective. However,
each state is free to decide its very own foreign policies primarily based on cultural
factors and credibility.
After Malaysian gain her independence in year 1957 there are lot of alterations
been smeared by the Prime Minister as head of government. Malaysias Foreign Policy
which designed since independence, has gone from side to side in six stages amongst
different Prime Minister. First Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman served from 1957 to
1970, formulate Malaysias Foreign Policy as Pro-Western and anticommunist because
of thinking about the country had only just accomplished independence and confronted
the risk of communism ideology from Malayan Communist Party (MCP). Tun Abdul
Razak Hussein served from 1970 to 1976 was the second Prime Minister, stresses
Malaysias Foreign Policy towards development and social mixing by having diplomatic
bonds with all countries deprived of bias on political beliefs. Meanwhile the third Prime
Minister was the Tun Hussein Onn from 1976 to 1981, look into defence collaboration
and stress on national security matter. Tun Mahathir Mohamad was the fourth Prime
Minister serving from 1981 to 2003, making the Malaysias Foreign Policy by stressing
the importance on economic bonds and preserving earlier policies. Topics of amity and
worldwide social righteousness were also important itineraries. The fifth Prime Minister
was Tun Ahmad Badawi where in his government, he had its personal specific features
amongst one of which was Islam Hadhari which stresses on universal values, personal
religiousness, and mastery of scientific and technological knowledge. Islam Hadhari
used to be to be his own hallmark. The current leadership of Prime Minister with
philosophy through 1Malaysia, People First, Performance Now, Dato Sri Najib Tun
Razak seek to continues promoting a forward-looking and realistic foreign policy that
accelerates trade, draws foreign investment as well as developments Malaysia as a
steady and peaceable nation. Malaysia will withstand to stimulate moderation through
the Global Movement of the Moderates (GMM) ingenuity and try to contribute positively
concerning the peaceable perseverance of clashes around the globe.
To formulate Malaysias Foreign Policy, there are two main approaches and there
are involving bilateral relationship or one to one relations with other country only such
Malaysia-Singapore, Malaysia-China, Malaysia-United States and so on. However, in
multilateral relationships, Malaysia established relations with several countries as one
set such as the Association of the South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Organization
of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the Association of Former British-Colonised Countries
(Commonwealth), United Nations (UN) and many more. To deal with other countries in
molding foreign relations there are three key mechanisms which giving great extent
affected, to be specific its vital area in Southeast Asia, its characteristics as an
exchanging country and additionally its novel demography. However due of changing in
internal and external factors the Malaysias Foreign Policy may have varied throughout
the years but the essential standards of the approach have proceeded since freedom.
Policy making has been steered by the principles of validity composed with uniformity
and coherency, which have aided the nation's best advantages.
Foreign Policy play very importance roles for a state such Malaysia. From those,
a state continuing pursue an independent, principled and rational foreign policy, set up
on the ideals of peace, civilization, justice and equality. The predominant drive of its
foreign policy has been to protect Malaysias sovereignty and national interests as
nicely as to give meaningfully in the direction of a just and rightful community of nations
via the habits of tremendous diplomacy. That is why a state such Malaysia very concern
to formulate own foreign policy by looking to the various perspectives such the
In this era, the growth of a country is decided by using its economic success.
Due to this factor, Malaysia keeps ties with other nations to enhance her
economy. Foreign Policy also permits technology to be transferred to
Malaysia. As trading partnerships can solely be fashioned through diplomatic
ties, as a consequence the want for foreign policy.
In this era of globalisation, a country has to forge ties with overseas countries
for political, financial and social interests. We ourselves are conscious that
the conflicts that take place in other international locations have a direct
impact on Malaysia. In this case, a proactive and visionary foreign policy is
essential in retaining the countrys interests and sovereignty. Malaysia
additionally desires to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other countries to
make sure her views are constantly taken into consideration.
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