Fourier Spectral Methods in Matlab (And Python) : Program 5

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Fourier spectral methods in Matlab (and Python)

These examples are based on material in Nick Trefethen's book Spectral Methods in Matlab. The m-files for this book are
available at
In [127]: import pymatbridge
ip = get_ipython()

If you want to run this notebook you will have to set this path properly...
In [128]: %%matlab

Program 5
This example is directly from p5.m found at

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In [129]: %%matlab
% p5.m - repetition of p4.m via FFT
For complex v, delete "real" commands.
% Differentiation of a hat function:
N = 24; h = 2*pi/N; x = h*(1:N)';
v = max(0,1-abs(x-pi)/2); v_hat = fft(v);
w_hat = 1i*[0:N/2-1 0 -N/2+1:-1]' .* v_hat;
w = real(ifft(w_hat)); clf
subplot(3,2,1), plot(x,v,'.-','markersize',13)
axis([0 2*pi -.5 1.5]), grid on, title('function')
subplot(3,2,2), plot(x,w,'.-','markersize',13)
axis([0 2*pi -1 1]), grid on, title('spectral derivative')
% Differentiation of exp(sin(x)):
v = exp(sin(x)); vprime = cos(x).*v;
v_hat = fft(v);
w_hat = 1i*[0:N/2-1 0 -N/2+1:-1]' .* v_hat;
w = real(ifft(w_hat));
subplot(3,2,3), plot(x,v,'.-','markersize',13)
axis([0 2*pi 0 3]), grid on
subplot(3,2,4), plot(x,w,'.-','markersize',13)
axis([0 2*pi -2 2]), grid on
error = norm(w-vprime,inf);
text(2.2,1.4,['max error = ' num2str(error)])

Illustration of spectral differentiation

To make this a bit clearer, first illustrate how to compute the second derivative of periodic function. Start with

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u = exp(cos(x)),

and check that the numerical approximation agrees well with

u (x) = (sin2 (x) cos(x)) exp(cos(x)).

The only tricky thing here is the order of the indices in the wave number vector.
In [130]: %%matlab
N = 16;
x = linspace(2*pi/N,2*pi,N);
ik = 1i*[0:N/2 -N/2+1:-1];
% i * wave number vector (matlab ordering)
ik2 = ik.*ik;
% multiplication factor for second derivative
u = exp(cos(x));
u_hat = fft(u);
v_hat = ik2 .* u_hat;
v = real(ifft(v_hat));

% imaginary part should be at machine precision level

error = v - (sin(x).^2 - cos(x)) .* exp(cos(x));

ans =

Illustration of solving a periodic boundary value problem

Now let's solve the boundary value problem

u (x) = f (x)
on 0 x 2 with periodic boundary conditions and the constraint 0 u(x)dx = 0 .
Use f (x) = (sin2 (x) cos(x)) exp(cos(x)) so the solution should be u(x)
chosen so the integral constraint is satisfied.

= exp(cos(x)) + C, where the constant is

We now have to divide by ik2, with the complication that 1/0 should be replaced by 0. This results in the u
gives the integral constraint.

= 0, which

In [131]: %%matlab
N = 16;
x = linspace(2*pi/N,2*pi,N);
f = (sin(x).^2 - cos(x)) .* exp(cos(x));
f_hat = fft(f);
ik = 1i*[0:N/2 -N/2+1:-1];
% i * wave number vector (matlab ordering)
ik2 = ik.*ik;
% multiplication factor for second derivative
ii = find(ik ~= 0);
% indices where ik is nonzero
ik2inverse = ik2;
% initialize zeros in same locations as in ik2
ik2inverse(ii) = 1./ik2(ii);
% multiplier factor to solve u'' = f
u_hat = ik2inverse .* f_hat;
u = real(ifft(u_hat));
% imaginary parts should be roundoff level

Plotting the solution shows that it is a shifted version of exp(cos(x)):

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In [132]: %%matlab
hold on
v = exp(cos(x));

If we shift so that one value of u agrees with v , then we hope everything will line up:
In [133]: %%matlab
u2 = u + v(1)-u(1);
norm(u2 - v, inf)
ans =

Python versions:
We repeat these examples in Python. The codes are essentially identical, with some changes from Matlab to Python
First illustrate how to compute the second derivative of periodic function. Start with

u = exp(cos(x)),

and check that the numerical approximation agrees well with

u (x) = (sin2 (x) cos(x)) exp(cos(x))

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In [134]: from scipy import fft,ifft

N = 16;
x = linspace(2*pi/N,2*pi,N)

ik = 1j*hstack((range(0,N/2+1), range(-N/2+1,0)));
# i * wave number vector (matlab ordering)
ik2 = ik*ik;
# multiplication factor for second derivative
u = exp(cos(x))
u_hat = fft(u)
v_hat = ik2 * u_hat
v = real(ifft(v_hat))

# imaginary part should be at machine precision level

error = v - (sin(x)**2 - cos(x)) * exp(cos(x))




Now let's solve the boundary value problem

u (x) = f (x)
on 0 x 2 with periodic boundary conditions and the constraint 0 u(x)dx = 0 .
Use f (x) = (sin2 (x) cos(x)) exp(cos(x)) so the solution should be u(x)
chosen so the integral constraint is satisfied.

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= exp(cos(x)) + C, where the constant is

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In [135]:

N = 16;
x = linspace(2*pi/N,2*pi,N)
f = (sin(x)**2 - cos(x)) * exp(cos(x))
f_hat = fft(f)
ik = 1j*hstack((range(0,N/2+1), range(-N/2+1,0)));
# i * wave number vector (matlab ordering)
ik2 = ik*ik;
# multiplication factor for second derivative
ik2inverse = where(ik2 != 0, 1./ik2, 0.)
u_hat = ik2inverse * f_hat;
u = real(ifft(u_hat))
v = exp(cos(x));


[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x10dcccd50>]

Again we get good agreement if we shift by the difference at the left-most point:
In [136]: u2 = u + v[0]-u[0]
norm(u2 - v, inf)


In [136]:

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