Graph Theory in Computer Science An Overview

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International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection

Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015

ISSN 2309-0405


PHD Candidate Besjana Tosuni
Faculty of Economics
University Europian of Tirana

The field of mathematics plays vital role in various fields. One of the important areas in
mathematics is graph theory which is used in structural models. We give a survey of graph
theory used in computer sciences. The survey consists of a description of particular topics
from the theory of graph of the areas of Computer science in which they are used. However,
for each described theory we indicate the fields in which it is used (e.g. in modelling and
searching Internet, in computer vision, pattern recognition, data mining, multiprocessor
systems, statistical databases, and in several other areas). This paper gives an overview of the
applications of graph theory in heterogeneous fields to some extent but mainly focuses on the
computer science applications that uses graph theoretical concepts. Various papers based on
graph theory have been studied related to scheduling concepts, computer science applications
and an overview has been presented here.
Keywords: Graphs, network, application of graphs, graph algorithms, bipartite graph etc.
Graph theory is an old subject, but one that has many fascinating modern applications. Graph
theoretical ideas are highly utilized by computer science applications. Especially in research
areas of computer science such data mining, image segmentation, clustering, image
capturing, networking. These applications in turn have offered important stimulus to the
development of the field, leading to generalizations of important graph theoretical concepts
and challenging questions about them. The powerful combinatorial methods found in graph
theory have also been used to prove significant and well-known results in a variety of areas in
mathematics itself. Modeling of network topologies can be done using graph concepts. In the
same way the most important concept of graph coloring is utilized in resource allocation,
scheduling. This paper has been divided into two sections. First section gives the historical
background of graph theory and some applications in scheduling. Second section emphasizes
how graph theory is utilized in various computer applications.
History of Graph theory
The origin of graph theory started with the problem of Koinsber Bridge, in 1735. This
problem lead to the concept of Eulerian Graph. Euler studied the problem of Koinsberg
bridge and constructed a structure to solve the problem called Eulerian graph. In 1840, A.F
Mobius gave the idea of complete graph and bipartite graph and Kuratowski proved that they
are planar by means of recreational problems. The concept of tree, (a connected graph
without cycles was implemented by Gustav Kirchhoff in 1845, and he employed graph
theoretical ideas in the calculation of currents in electrical networks or circuits. In 1852,
Thomas Gutherie found the famous four color problem. Then in 1856, Thomas. P. Kirkman
and William R. Hamilton studied cycles on polyhydra and invented the concept called
Hamiltonian graph by studying trips that visited certain sites exactly once. In 1913, H.
Dudeney mentioned a puzzle problem. Even though the four color problem was invented it
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International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection

Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015

ISSN 2309-0405

was solved only after a century by Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken. This time is
considered as the birth of Graph Theory. Caley studied particular analytical forms from
differential calculus to study the trees. This had many implications in theoretical chemistry.
This lead to the invention of enumerative graph theory. Any how the term Graph was
introduced by Sylvester in 1878 where he drew an analogy between Quantic invariants and
covariants of algebra and molecular diagrams. In 1941, Ramsey worked on colorations which
lead to the identification of another branch of graph theory called extreme graph theory. In
1969, the four color problem was solved using computers by Heinrich. The study of
asymptotic graph connectivity gave rise to random graph theory.
Algorithms and graph theory
The major role of graph theory in computer applications is the development of graph
algorithms. Numerous algorithms are used to solve problems that are modeled in the form of
graphs. These algorithms are used to solve the graph theoretical concepts which intern used
to solve the corresponding computer science application problems. Some algorithms are as
1. Shortest path algorithm in a network 2. Finding a minimum spanning tree 3. Finding graph
planarity 4. Algorithms to find adjacency matrices. 5. Algorithms to find the connectedness
6. Algorithms to find the cycles in a graph 7. Algorithms for searching an element in a data
structure (DFS, BFS) and so on. Various computer languages are used to support the graph
theory concepts. The main goal of such languages is to enable the user to formulate
operations on graphs in a compact and natural manner. Some graph theoretic languages are:
1. SPANTREE To find a spanning tree in the given graph.
2. GTPL Graph Theoretic Language
3. GASP Graph Algorithm Software Package
4. HINT Extension of LISP
5. GRASPE Extension of LISP
6. IGTS Extension of FORTRAN
7. GEA Graphic Extended ALGOL (Extension of ALGOL)
8. AMBIT To manipulate digraphs
9. GIRL Graph Information Retrieval Language
Vertex Coloring
Vertex coloring is one of the most important concepts in graph theory and is used in many
real time applications in computer science. Various coloring methods are available and can be
used on requirement basis. The proper coloring of a graph is the coloring of the vertices and
edges with minimal number of colors such that no two vertices should have the same color.
The minimum number of colors is called as the chromatic number and the graph is called
properly colored graph.

Figure 1.
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International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection

Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015

ISSN 2309-0405

List coloring
In list coloring problem, each vertex v has a list of available colors and we have to find a
coloring where the color of each vertex is taken from the list of available colors. This list
coloring can be used to model situations where a job can be processed only in certain time
slots or can be processed only by certain machines.
Minimum sum coloring
In minimum sum coloring, the sum of the colors assigned to the vertices is minimal in the
graph. The minimum sum coloring technique can be applied to the scheduling theory of
minimizing the sum of completion times of the jobs. The multicolor version of the problem
can be used to model jobs with arbitrary lengths. Here, the finish time of a vertex is the
largest color assigned to it and the sum of coloring is the sum of the finish time of the
vertices. That is the sum of the finish times in a multicoloring is equal to the sum of
completion times in the corresponding schedule.
Time table scheduling
Allocation of classes and subjects to the Teachers is one of the major issues if the constraints
are complex. Graph theory plays an important role in this problem. For t Teachers with n
subjects the available number of p periods timetable has to be prepared. This is done as
follows. A bipartite graph (or bigraph is a graph whose vertices can be divided into two
disjoint sets U and V such that every edge connects a vertex in U to one in V; that is, U and V
are independent sets) G where the vertices are the number of Faculty say t1, t2, t3, t4, . tk
and n number of subjects say n1, n2, n3, n4, . nm such that the vertices are connected by
pi edges. It is presumed that at any one period each Teacher can teach at most one subject
and that each subject can be taught by maximum one Teacher. Consider the first period. The
timetable for this single period corresponds to a matching in the graph and conversely, each
matching corresponds to a possible assignment of Teacher to subjects taught during that
period. So, the solution for the timetabling problem will be obtained by partitioning the edges
of graph G into minimum number of matching. Also the edges have to be colored with
minimum number of colors. This problem can also be solved by vertex coloring algorithm.
The line graph L(G) of G has equal number of vertices and edges of G and two vertices in
L(G) are connected by an edge iff the corresponding edges of G have a vertex in common.
The line graph L(G) is a simple graph and a proper vertex coloring of L(G) gives a proper
edge coloring of G by the same number of colors. So, the problem can be solved by finding
minimum proper vertex coloring of L(G). For example, Consider there are 4 Teachers
namely t1, t2, t3, t4,. and 5 subjects say n1, n2, n3, n4, n5 to be taught. The teaching requirement
matrix p = [pij] is given as.









Figure 2: The teaching requirement matrix for four Teachers and five subjects
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International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection

Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015

ISSN 2309-0405

The bipartite graph is constructed as follows.

Figure 3. The bipartite multigraph G

Finally, the authors found that proper coloring of the above mentioned graph can be done by
4 colors using the vertex coloring algorithm which leads to the edge coloring of the bipartite
multigraph G. Four colors are interpreted to four periods.






Figure 4: The schedule for the four subjects

Computer Network Security
A team of computer scientists led by Eric Filiol at the Virology and Cryptology Lab, ESAT,
and the French Navy, ESCANSIC, have recently used the vertex cover algorithm to simulate
the propagation of stealth worms on large computer networks and design optimal strategies
for protecting the network against such virus attacks in real-time.

Figure 5. The set {2, 4, 5} is a minimum vertex cover in this computer network
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International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection

Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015

ISSN 2309-0405

The simulation was carried out on a large internet-like virtual network and showed that that
the combinatorial topology of routing may have a huge impact on the worm propagation and
thus some servers play a more essential and significant role than others. The real-time
capability to identify them is essential to greatly hinder worm propagation. The idea is to find
a minimum vertex cover in the graph whose vertices are the routing servers and whose edges
are the (possibly dynamic) connections between routing servers. This is an optimal solution
for worm propagation and an optimal solution for designing the network defense strategy.
Figure 5 above shows a simple computer network and a corresponding minimum vertex
cover {2, 4, 5}.
Automatic channel allocation for small wireless local area networks using graph
coloring algorithm approach
In this section we focuses channel allocation issue in wireless LAN by means of modeling the
network in the form of a graph and solving it using graph coloring methodology. The graph
model is constructed and called as interference graph since the access points are interfering
with some other access points in the same region. The graph is called as interference graph,
which is constructed by the access points as nodes. An undirected edge is connecting these
nodes if the nodes interfere with each other when using the same channel. Now, the channel
allocation problem is converted into graph coloring problem. i.e vertex coloring problem. A
vertex coloring function f :v(G)C where C is the set of colors corresponds to the channels
on the access points. These channels are preferably non overlapping edges. A coloring
algorithm is developed by the authors called DSATUR (Degree of Saturation) for coloring
purpose. The algorithm is a heuristic search. i.e It finds vertices with largest number of
differently colored neighbours. If this subset contains only one vertex it is chosen for
coloring. If the subset contains more than one vertex then the coloring is done based on the
order of decreasing number of uncolored neighbours. If more than one candidate vertex is
available then the final selection is replaced by a deterministic selection function to select the
vertex. The protocol operation is done by identifying the neighbours by means of listening
the messages generated by the access points. The protocol operation finishes when a message
is rebroadcasted by the access points. After finishing this, the interference graph is
constructed and the coloring algorithm is applied. The correspondence between the channels
and the graph is that as the channels listen the messages in regular intervals as the same way
the coloring algorithm should be kept running at regular intervals. A floorplan and the
corresponding interference graph is given below.

Figure 6. Interference graph

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International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection

Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015

ISSN 2309-0405

Finally we conclude that based on the refinement strategy the interference graph can be
reconstructed by adding an edge in case of additional edges.
Graph theory relevant to ad-hoc networks
Here, the authors have discussed the role of graph theory related to the issues in Mobile
Adhoc Networks (MANETS). In Adhoc networks, issues such as connectivity, scalability,
routing, modeling the network and simulation are to be considered. Since a network can be
modeled as a graph, the model can be used to analyze these issues. Graphs can be
algebraically represented as matrices. Also, networks can be automated by means of
algorithms. The issues such as node density, mobility among the nodes, link formation
between the nodes and packet routing have to be simulated. To simulate these concepts
random graph theory is sued. The connectivity issues are analyzed by using graph spanners,
(A geometric spanner or a k-spanner graph or a k-spanner was initially introduced as a
weighted graph over a set of points as its vertices and every pair of vertices has a path
between them of weight at most k times the spatial distance between these points, for a fixed
k.) proximity graphs,(A proximity graph is simply a graph in which two vertices are
connected by an edge if and only if the vertices satisfy particular geometric requirements),
sparsification and spectral graph theory. Various algorithms are also available to analyze the
congestion in MANETs where these networks are modeled based on graph theoretical ideas.
A graph model for fault tolerant computing systems
This paper is based on graph theory where it is used to model the fault tolerant system. Here,
the computer is represented as S and the algorithm to be executed by S is known as A. Both S
and A are represented by means of graphs whose nodes represent computing facilities. It is
shown that the algorithm A is executable by S if A is isomorphic to a sub graph of S. The
authors have presented a graph model and algorithms for computing systems for fault tolerant
systems. These graphs show the computing facility of a particular computation and the
interconnection among them. This model is applied directly to the minimum configuration or
structure required to achieve fault tolerance to a specified degree. The model is represented in
the form of a facility graph. A facility graph is a graph G whose nodes represent system
facilities and whose edges represent access links between facilities. A facility here is said to
be a hardware or software components of any system that can fail independently. Hardware
facilities include control units, arithmetic processors, storage units and input/output
equipments. Software facilities include compilers, application programs, library routines,
operating systems etc. Since each facility can access some other facilities, the real time
systems are represented as a facility graph. The following is a labeled directed facility graph.
Facility types are indicated by numbers in parentheses. The graph indicates the types of
facilities accessed by other facilities. The node x1 access the nodes x2 and x4. Similarly, the
node x5 with facility type t1 access the facility types t3, t1 and t2 of nodes x6, x2 and x4
GSM Mobile Phone Networks
The Groupe Spcial Mobile (GSM) was created in 1982 to provide a standard for a mobile
telephone system. The first GSM network was launched in 1991 by Radiolinja in Finland
with joint technical infrastructure maintenance from Ericsson. Today, GSM is the most
popular standard for mobile phones in the world, used by over 2 billion people across more
than 212 countries. GSM is a cellular network with its entire geographical range divided into
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International Journal of Academic Research and Reflection

Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015

ISSN 2309-0405

hexagonal cells. Each cell has a communication tower which connects with mobile phones
within the cell. All mobile phones connect to the GSM network by searching for cells in the
immediate vicinity. GSM networks operate in only four different frequency ranges. The
reason why only four different frequencies suffice is clear: the map of the cellular regions can
be properly colored by using only four different colors! So, the vertex coloring algorithm
may be used for assigning at most four different frequencies for any GSM mobile phone
network, see figure 7 below.

Figure 7 The cells of a GSM mobile phone network

Closing Comment
Graph theory has found widespread application in numerous fields. In turn, these fields have
stimulated the development of many new graph-theoretical concepts and led to many
challenging graph theory problems. We can anticipate that the continued interplay between
graph theory and many areas of application will lead to important new developments.
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Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015

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