W1S3-Pollution and Pollutants1
W1S3-Pollution and Pollutants1
W1S3-Pollution and Pollutants1
This first part is going to be focused on the environmental context, pollution and legislation.
Environmental Context
We are constantly receiving information about climatic changes. The impact of human activity on
these changes is a general concern. But the equation is not easy to solve.
We would like to reduce the impact we have on the planet without dramatically changing our living
standards and of course, it is impossible to forget the economic factor which will be the driving
force of the final solution.
The transport sector is one of the main sectors contributing to certain pollutant emissions. But to
understand why, we need to look at how the pollutants are produced in thermal engines.
When combustion is not complete, in addition to CO2, Nitrogen and water, other products and
gases are produced.
The main ones, those which are produced in highest concentration, are:
- carbon monoxide or CO
- unburned hydrocarbons or HC
- nitrogen oxides or NOx
- and particulates emissions.
These products are classified as pollutants because they produce an undesired effect either on the
environment or on peoples health.
This is why several emissions regulations have been developed in some countries.
The amount of CO2 produced is directly proportional to the amount of fuel consumed by the car.
This means that cars with lower fuel consumption produce less CO2 emissions.
The transport sector is one main contributor to the greenhouse gases. In this graph you can see an
example of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere throughout the years in France. In red you have the
transport sector.
CO2 produced by the transport sector is around 20% of the total emissions.
You can see on the following graph, the emissions of CO, NOx and particulates, emitted throughout
the years in France by different contributors.
In red you have the transport sector. You can see here that the part of those pollutants produced
by the transport sector is very high. You can also see that there is a continuous reduction of the
pollutant emissions over the years. This is a consequence of cleaner engine technologies introduced
by car manufacturers as a response to emission regulations.
Emissions legislation includes not only specific emissions limits, but also specific driving cycles and
test procedures. Laws on emissions are introduced successively in stages and the limits are
continuously decreasing.
However, the problem is not that simple. Producing cleaner vehicles is of course going to help. But
there are many other factors to take into account.
To name two, we can mention the demographic factor and the average age of the fleet.
The demographic explosion is going to increase the demand for mobility. So even if cars are
cleaner, if the number of cars continues to increase, the pollutant emissions are going to increase
too. In Europe and the US the car market is pretty stable, but this is not the case in countries like
Brazil, China or India.
Another important factor is that the emissions legislation only applies to new vehicles. The average
age of the vehicle fleet is variable in each country. In Europe and the US the average age is around
10 years. When weve seen how much the legislation has changed over time you can understand
that the efforts we make to produce new cleaner cars are partly counter-balanced by the old cars
that are still running
This is not an easy problem.