Capstoneproposal-Guidedrocket 6
Capstoneproposal-Guidedrocket 6
Capstoneproposal-Guidedrocket 6
Project Choice Reasoning and Career Applications3
Technical Paper Research4
Target Audience...4
Measuring Success...5
Methods of Feedback...5
Milestone Timeline..6
Mentor Information..6
Applications of Engineering Design Process...7
Our purpose is to design and construct a working prototype of a rocket that can fly
without conventional stabilization fins. The rocket will be stabilized without active onboard or
remote controllers. This will enable us to fire relatively cheap, disposable rockets from via a
launch tube without the need of expensive onboard computers. Our method of stabilization takes
advantage of torque induced gyroscopic precession. Using motors, multiple gyroscopes will be
powered which will exert a perpendicular force along its axis, keeping the rocket oriented
Measuring Success
The success of our project will rely on the general success of each successive prototype,
the effectiveness of the system under various atmospheric conditions (this will be measured by
pressure, humidity, temperature, wind speed, and general visual weather conditions), and the
ability for the rocket to stabilize itself at different angles of launch, ranging from 0 degrees to 90
Methods of Feedback
Our rocket will be equipped with telemetry systems that will include an altimeter,
accelerometer, and a gyroscope for determining orientation of rocket at a given time. These will
be contained in a retrievable capsule contained inside the rocket. Using these systems, we can
determine points of failure, the general instability of our rocket design, effectiveness at the
gyroscopic stabilization system at varying degrees of power, and the rockets potential resistance
force produced by the gyroscope
(this can be measured by the effect
wind has on the orientation of the
Milestone Timeline
Mentor Information
Tim Toriz is an airline captain for a charter airline and has extensive experience building
remote operated aircraft. He has built several of his own RC planes from scratch and has been
fling for years. It is for these reasons we have chosen him for our mentor. His experience with
both gyroscopically stabilized vessels as well as their control systems, and how they apply to
scaled-down models will prove beneficial to our project. His insight will be invaluable to our
Applications of the Engineering Design Process
Our rocket will utilize the engineering design process through the use of prototypes. We
will develop several prototypes, making tweaks as necessary, in order to improve the function
and performance of the rocket. Using this method, we are utilizing the engineering design
process through the cycle of prototyping, analyzing, and redesigning. All parts of the rocket will
be sketched before initial construction with dimensions, as well as material choices. Then, the
designed parts will be constructed and assembled. The initial prototype will be tested then
improved according to our testing information. We will undergo this process several times,
before developing a final prototype. The final prototype will be constructed carefully with as few
errors as possible. This prototype will then be launched and final testing information will be
taken, which will be used in a final presentation of the project.
NASA. Guidance System. Ed. Tom Benson. 19 October 2015. Electronic. 27 October
2016. <>.
Steinmann, Paul. How Gyrostabilizers Work. 2016. Electronic. 27 October 2016.
NASA. Chapter 11. Typical Onboard Systems
October 2016.