LG7 2 10e Buddy Holly PDF

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Guide 7-2_10e.

Peggy Sue as recorded by Buddy Holly (1957)

The instrumentation is electric solid-body guitar, acoustic rhythm guitar, string
bass, and drums.

On the verses that Holly sings, he strums the solid-body guitar with a pick, but the
volume is quite low. The volume is higher on the instrumental fifth chorus, with
Holly playing a solo in a strummed pattern with melodic fills, influenced by Chuck
Berry's solo style. The strumming of the rhythm guitar is covered up by the
amplification of Holly's guitar during his solo.

Throughout the recording the drums keep an energetic four-to-the-beat (sixteenth
note) pattern on tom-toms with little or no backbeat.

Holly's characteristic vocal hiccup is most obvious on the fourth, sixth, and seventh

The tempo is about 148 beats per minute, with four beats in each bar.

The form is a modified twelve-bar blues. Few blue notes are used.

The four-bar instrumental introduction is followed by seven twelve-bar choruses
and a four-bar final extension.

The song is about the singer's unrequited love for a girl named Peggy Sue.

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