Computers & Geosciences: M. Kulawiak, A. Prospathopoulos, L. Perivoliotis, M. Łuba, S. Kioroglou, A. Stepnowski
Computers & Geosciences: M. Kulawiak, A. Prospathopoulos, L. Perivoliotis, M. Łuba, S. Kioroglou, A. Stepnowski
Computers & Geosciences: M. Kulawiak, A. Prospathopoulos, L. Perivoliotis, M. Łuba, S. Kioroglou, A. Stepnowski
Gdansk University of Technology, Department of Geoinformatics, Gabriela Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdansk, Poland
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Institute of Oceanography, 46.7 km Athens-Sounio Ave., P.O. Box 712, 19013 Anavyssos, Greece
a r t i c l e in fo
Article history:
Received 27 October 2009
Received in revised form
11 February 2010
Accepted 15 February 2010
This work implements a Web-based Geographic Information System (Web GIS) for an existing oil spill
monitoring and forecasting service, developed in the framework of the MARCOAST project. This is
achieved by remotely presenting the results of the oil spill forecasting module via a dedicated Web GIS,
which allows authenticated end users to view the simulation results in a geographical context. A
number of Web GIS technologies for presentation of dissimilar types of semi-dynamic geographic data
are applied and their respective capabilities for publishing and remote presentation of interactive
geospatial information, such as oil spill spread animation overlaid on background data (terrain
elevation data, satellite imagery, etc.), are described. More specically, technologies like ESRIs ArcIMSs
(Arc Internet Map Server) and Open Source GeoServer with OpenLayers client library are implemented.
The capabilities of the system for visualization and mapping are illustrated by specic applications
concerning the spreading scenarios of oil spills in two selected areas of the Aegean Sea, Greece. The
presented Web GIS offers added value in the form of providing the end user with comprehensive and
synthetic, both spatial and temporal, environmental information through a remotely customizable
user-friendly graphical interface. In this context, its integration to a marine pollution monitoring and
forecasting system could result in an enhanced pollution awareness and emergency management tool.
& 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Oil spill prediction
Operational system
Open Source
Environmental management
1. Introduction
The increasing demand for overseas oil transportation puts the
marine environment under considerable pressure. Ecosystem
contamination caused by crude oil leaks, either accidental or
intentional, can be particularly dangerous when the geographical
context renders the marine environment very sensitive to
increase in pollution, e.g. in semi-enclosed basins like the Aegean
and Baltic Seas. A representative work (Pavlakis et al., 2001),
based on spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote
sensing, reveals the dramatic dimension of shipping pollution in
the Mediterranean Sea caused by routine unauthorized operational discharges. Therefore, strategic planning and preparation of
appropriate response scenarios to possible accidents is required
by most maritime district authorities. In this connection, the
development of operational systems and services for monitoring
and forecasting of pollution in the marine environment, which
provide near real-time information in a user-friendly way to the
appropriate authorities, is almost a compulsory need. This, in
turn, calls for cooperation of reliable oil spill simulation models
0098-3004/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
(POSEIDON Operation Tool for oil spill prediction)
Forcing module
Output (M)
3D oil spill
weathering &
drift module
Meteorological model
Wind-Wave model
Output (F)
3D Hydrodynamic
Fig. 1. Structure and components of MARCOAST oil spill monitoring and forecasting service.
Fig. 2. Areas of pilot implementation of Web GIS in Aegean Sea (indicated with boxes) and initial locations of detected oil spills (indicated with pins).
Fig. 5. A sample view of resulting web page using ArcIMSs-based version of the system: a snapshot of oil spill, detected on 13 April 2007 in Aegean Sea, is shown
southwest of Cape Sounio (see Fig. 1) after 50 h of spreading; information of bathymetric position of oil spill elements is also provided through a 4-layer visualization
scheme (differentiating elements (I) with depth greater than 10 m, (II) with depth between surface and 10 m, (III) which reached land and (IV) lying at bottom of sea).
data concerning the location and characteristics of the oil spill are
provided from the monitoring module to the forecasting part as
necessary input for the prediction models. The latter produce a
forecast of the oil spill spread for up to 72 h. Following the
developments of the present work, this information is then
conveyed to the Web GIS server for visualization. When registered
users of the service are notied of this fact via email, they may
proceed to log into the Web GIS in order to view the simulation
results. This section illustrates such a scenario using the latest
version of the Web GIS.
Authenticated users are presented with a map of Aegean Sea,
Greece, comprising of several layers. These include raster height
and depth maps as well as vector features showing political
division. Several overlays, depicting (indicatively) protected areas,
national parks, wild life reservoirs and important natural sites, are
also available for selection. A sample view of the main map
containing most of the aforementioned layers in addition to two
oil spills, detected in the Aegean Sea (north of Lesvos Isl. and
southwest of Cape Sounio, see Fig. 1) on 13th of April 2007,
9:27 a.m., is shown in Fig. 7.
The user may utilize the available GIS tools to analyse the oil
spill layers, each of them corresponding to an hourly forecast of
the oil spill spread. In Fig. 8, the user chose to concentrate on the
oil spill located southwest of Cape Sounio (it poses a potential
threat to nearby protected natural sites and densely populated
areas) and may proceed to analyse the evolution of the oil spill by
launching an animation of its spread throughout the simulated
period, as shown in Fig. 9.
Fig. 10 depicts the drift of the oil spill throughout the rst 12 h
of the simulation period, as shown by the layer animation tool.
The user can follow the drift of the oil spill, which moves to the
The complete simulated path of the oil spill may be observed
by either turning on all available layers or narrowing the
selection to layers of the same colour, which are placed at
Fig. 7. Sample view of main map (Aegean Sea, Greece) that authenticated users of the system are presented, showing two oil spills detected north of Lesvos Isl. and
southwest of Cape Sounio on 13th of April 2007, 9:27 a.m. Map also contains several overlays depicting protected areas, national parks, wild life reservoirs and important
natural sites, which may be potentially endangered by spread of oil spills.
Fig. 8. Utilization of ZoomBox control to concentrate on oil spill located southwest of Cape Sounio: one of the available GIS tools for analysis of available oil spill layers,
which represent consecutive hours of spread forecast.
Fig. 9. Spill simulation control on left side of screen may be used for easy analysis of forecast of oil spill spread. Clicking on control launches an animation of oil spill spread
throughout the 50 h period of simulated spread.
Fig. 10. Forecast of oil spill drift throughout rst 12 h of simulation, as shown by layer animation tool.
Fig. 11. Two ways of observing complete simulated path of oil spill spread: method 1 involves turning on all available layers (left image); method 2 allows to narrow
selection to layers of the same color, which are placed on layer list at regular time intervals (right image).
detected on 13th of April 2007 north of Lesvos Isl. at its 43rd hour of
simulated evolution.
As it may be seen in gure, by 3:27 a.m. (local time) on
15.04.2007, it is estimated that approximately 23% of the oil spill
will have shifted over 10 m below the surface of the sea, while by
that time no elements of the spill will have reached either land or
the bottom of the sea.
Fig. 12. A detailed view of oil spill detected on 13th of April 2007, north of Lesvos Isl. at its 43rd hour of simulation, available in an independent map window. Oil spill layer
is presented in depth-dependent coloring and accompanied by volume statistics. The latter show that, by 3:27 a.m. (local time) on 15.04.2007, approximately 23% of the oil
spill would have shifted over 10 m below the surface of sea, but no oil particles would reach either land or bottom of the sea.
designed functionalities for the Web GIS, some of which could not
be achieved with the ArcIMSs. Since the end of the discussed
project, all of the described technologies have progressed. The
ESRIs ArcIMSs has been superseded with the ArcGISs Server 9.3,
which, in addition to support for tiled map caches, offers better
speed and improved stability over its predecessors. At the same
time, GeoServer 2.0 and OpenLayers 2.8 have been vastly
enhanced in terms of functionality and ease of use. Although
the general conclusions regarding comparison of commercial and
free technologies still stand, it has now become much easier to
build an advanced Web Service based on Open Source solutions.
Concerning the presented environmental application, the
interactive visualization of marine pollution monitoring and
forecasting data has been achieved by the remote presentation
via a dedicated Web GIS, which allows authenticated end users to
view the simulation results in the form of thematic layers set in a
geographical context and overlaid on background data. The initial
ArcIMSs version of the system presented considerable improvements over the MARCOAST Web-based dissemination service by
presenting oil spill forecasts through a fully functional GIS.
The nal GeoServer version of the Web GIS offered further
improvements in the form of better responsiveness, enhanced
layer styling, display of layer animations and an enhanced user
interface. The added value of presenting comprehensive and
synthetic, both temporal and spatial, environmental information
through an interactive, easy to navigate graphical interface
renders the developed Web GIS easily accessible even to
inexperienced users. Elements of the new system were adapted
for presentation of oil spill spread forecasts in the Baltic Sea and
have been well received by representatives of the Polish Maritime
Institute in Gdansk (Kulawiak et al., 2010). In this context it could
be said that, although the presented Web GIS application requires
some nalization steps, there are no major obstacles in the way of
its further development to an enhanced pollution awareness and
emergency management tool.
The oil spill dispersion data used in the study were produced in
the framework of the MARCOAST project, funded by ESA and
coordinated by Thales Alenia Space, contract number: 136391.
The new concept for visualization of the oil spill simulation
results was developed in the framework of Joint Polish-Greek R&T
Programme 20052007 Development of a monitoring and
mapping system for marine pollution via a Web-based Geographical Information System. HCMR was nancially supported by
the Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology.
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