Asthma Treatment
Asthma Treatment
Asthma Treatment
Carry on with your daily chores as before. If you are an office goer, or going to school, a
housewife or whatever. Day to day work should not stop, unless the situation demands. Asthma,
with a slight maintenance of a regular routine, will not hinder your other work. But yes, you need
to take certain precautions to help avoid sudden triggers. Always carry your emergency
medicines with you such as inhalers or pills, whatever you are using.
Try out some stress management techniques like meditation or yoga. Asthma is often
worsened by heightened stress, anxiety and mental fatigue. This is due to hormonal changes that
aggravate the nervous system and depress the immune response.
The sleep disturbance that is created by symptoms of asthma increase fatigue, which increases
one's susceptibility to stress, which in turn aggravates the asthma condition a vicious circle. Go
in for stretching and flexibility exercises to get a positive effect on the body's healing response.
Pranayama is an effective way to breathe equally and rhythmically. This helps an asthmatic
patient to have more control over breathing pattern. Be aware that correct breathing in other
situations, such as rest, work etc. should be practised.
Cut down on unhealthy habits such as cigarette smoking, drinking or any other type of
addiction. Healthy mind, diet and exercise will gradually make a asthmatic patient less
dependent on cigarettes and other addictions.
Do not unnecessarily waste positive energy by talking unnecessarily or viewing things not
worthy etc. In order to preserve the energy, it is essential not to indulge in negative thinking as
well as in bad habits since emotional stimulation take up a lot of energy which otherwise can be
spent for constructive purposes.
Small changes in the daily routine of a patients life can influence tremendously. Give
importance to small but healthy routine which can be easily followed, and will be of great benefit
also. The daily schedule can include hot water drinking, application of hot water bags, steam
inhalation, sun bathing, candle blowing and certain exercises to stimulate the mind.
We all enjoy an assortment of foods as part of our daily lifestyle. There are numerous natural
components and compounds in the foods that we consume. After many years of clinical
investigation, the view that foods may cause asthma symptoms has been negated; now it is
widely held that there are very few confirmed food triggers to asthma.
Tree nuts,
wine, beer
lemon juice
Sulphite is used as preservatives in fruit juice or drink, wine, dried fruits such
as apricots.
Tartrazine is used as a dye in many foods and may in a few cases trigger
asthma. .
The key to proper asthma control is to focus on persistently managing the condition, rather than
simply wait for the arrival of symptoms, and then get hassled for the need for relief. So simply
follow some elementary dos and donts to keep asthma in control:
Try to identify and control your asthma attack triggers. Once identified, avoid
exposure to the trigger.
Also learn to recognize the early signs of an attack. Many people benefit from
measuring their lung function daily with a peak flow meter which measures
the greatest amount of air one can exhale. This helps identify when breathing
problems are starting and when to take medicine to prevent a full-fledged
If pregnant, and also prone to asthma, be extra careful to keep asthma wellcontrolled so as to ensure adequate oxygen for the foetus. An asthmatic
woman should be in constant touch with her doctor.
Take care of your diet. Foods such as dairy products, shrimps, shellfish,
certain nuts which trigger asthma should be avoided. Citrus fruits,
particularly the grapefruit, is of great benefit as it aids in clearing the
accumulated mucus in the bronchial tube; and also in bringing new mucus
forming elements to the tubes by the blood-stream.
There is no special diet for disease, but the best is two to three light meals a
day with the simplest combination of fruits, vegetables, whole-grain cereals
and milk. This diet should definitely include citrus fruits, berries and melons,
but white sugar should be strictly avoided and brown sugar to be used
Make it a point that if you have asthma, your lungs get plenty of fresh air.
However, it is important that you avoid chilling. Warmth of the body is
important to prevent an internal congestion that may aggravate an attack.
Clothing should be loose at all points.
Moderate exercises are beneficial. No specific exercises are required, but all
active sports that the patient can indulge in will do - especially general
setting-up exercises that involve deep breathing and use of the arm and
chest muscles should be used. Heat by any continuous means to the upper
spine or the upper chest also give relief. The drinking of an abundance of hot
water is relaxing and often helps to abort or shorten an attack.
Donts in asthma:
Do not deny the fact that you have asthma. Accept it and take medications to
control it. Asthma is a chronic disease, not to be neglected do not forget or
refuse to take the medications that can control it.
Don't abandon life-saving tools like daily preventive medicines and peak flow
meters if they're a part of your treatment plan, even if you're feeling
absolutely fine with no symptoms. Remember, asthma is like a dormant
volcano, which can erupt any time without a warning. So, its best to be
If you have been diagnosed with asthma, it isn't your fault. It can be easily controlled, you just
need to be a bit cautious, alert and regular. With a well managed asthma, a person's quality of life
can be as good as that of a normal person.